#《 Herbal Tea | 🪄 》
stim-cat-cafe · 2 years
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❝ No good hero is a one trick pony. ❞
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
🪄 Subtle Hekate Worship🕯️
Donate clothes, food, hygiene products, and the like to homeless shelters
Support food banks and homeless or animal shelters
Visit cemeteries; if allowed (please ask permission first), leave flowers on graves
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have a stuffed animal polecat, dog, or toad
Have imagery of torches, crossroads, or magic around
Honor your ancestors; honor any spirits in your life
Volunteer at an animal or homeless shelter
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Take care of yourself physically
Take a self-care bath/shower, especially those with herbs or candles
Visit a crossroads; walk/hike on paths that have a crossroads and pick the direction that calls to you
Take a walk during the new, half, or full moon (only if it is safe to do so in your area)
Take time to notice the phases of the moon; meditate under each one, and learn their meanings
Start a garden; tend to plants, especially herbs
Study herbalism; study the history of witchcraft
Ground yourself regularly
Include her within spell work, if you do any; practice discreet methods of spell-casting
Learn non-obvious divination methods; cartomancy, pyromancy, carromancy, etc.
Burn incense, if able; frankincense is great
Drink herbal teas; cook with herbs
Practice mindfulness and emotional regulation
Honor your home/space; keep it clean, and make it feel like your own
At the end of each month, cook a good meal and make drinks with added honey
Baking raisin and currant cakes
Practice patience and understanding
Work on your decision-making skills; what do YOU want? What do YOU need? What are YOUR goals/passions?
Making a bonfire; gathering around it, alone or with loved ones
Learning to have more confidence in your decisions and actions; you know what's best for you more than anyone else
I hope this helps someone! I may add to it later on. For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Hekate. Take care, y'all, and have a good day/night. 💜
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marcomarconii · 8 days
4 Nutrition Secrets No One Tells You (But They’re Game-Changers) 🪄
📌 Do you feel like you’re doing everything right with your nutrition but still not seeing results? You’re not alone. Here are four nutrition secrets no one talks about, but they could be the game-changers you’ve been looking for!
1️⃣ You’re Confused and Frustrated About Nutrition
➡️ You’ve cut out junk food, tried different diets, and followed the usual advice—yet your energy is low, and the scale isn’t budging. I’ve been there too, stuck in a cycle of frustration, thinking, “What am I missing?”
2️⃣ The Same Nutrition Advice Isn’t Working for Everyone
➡️ Here’s the truth: Not all nutrition advice is universal. You’ve probably heard the same old tips—“eat less, move more” or “just eat clean”—but it’s not always that simple. It’s time to explore some hidden nutrition secrets that might be the missing piece for you.
3️⃣ 4 Rare and Unconventional Nutrition Secrets To Transform Your Health
➡️ Forget the usual “drink more water” or “eat more greens” tips. These four secrets could make all the difference:
Secret 1️⃣: The “Protein First” Rule For Meal Satisfaction
➡️ Start every meal with your protein source first—whether it's eggs, chicken, tofu, or beans. This primes your digestion, boosts satiety hormones, and prevents overeating. I tried this, and my cravings dropped drastically. It’s a game-changer for portion control and satisfaction.
Secret 2️⃣: The “10-Minute Chew” Rule
➡️ Spend at least 10 minutes chewing and savoring each meal. Digestion starts in the mouth, and eating slowly gives your body time to release fullness hormones. I was amazed at how much less I ate when I really took the time to chew. Plus, I enjoyed my food more!
Secret 3️⃣: Carb Cycling Based On Your Activity Level
➡️ Instead of a flat “low-carb” or “high-carb” diet, try carb cycling. Adjust your carb intake based on your daily activity. Higher carbs on workout days, lower on rest days. This flexible approach improved my energy levels and helped me break through fat-loss plateaus!
Secret 4️⃣: “The 3-Hour Gut Reset” Once a Week
➡️ Give your digestive system a break by fasting for 3 hours between meals at least once a week. During this time, drink only water or herbal teas. It’s a gentle reset that helps with digestion, improves gut health, and keeps hunger cues sharp. I’ve felt lighter and more energized ever since incorporating this.
4️⃣ Bonus Tip: "Flavor-Boosting Without Calories" To Make Healthy Eating Enjoyable
➡️ Use spices, herbs, and low-calorie flavor enhancers (like lemon juice, vinegar, and mustard) to make your meals exciting. It’s a game-changer for sticking to a healthy diet without feeling deprived. I’ve made bland chicken taste like a gourmet dish with just the right spices!
➡️ Nutrition isn’t about following the same old rules but finding what fits your body and lifestyle. These rare secrets might just be what you need to reignite your nutrition journey and see real results.
📌 P.S. If these secrets opened your eyes to new possibilities, share this with someone who needs a fresh perspective! And if you’re hungry for more unique, actionable nutrition tips and exclusive insights, join my free weekly newsletter here: https://marcomarconii.ck.page/eac0f41c6a 📬
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kittyeekcube · 2 years
Earl grey, matcha, blooming tea, peppermint, honey, bubble tea, and chai! ☕️🍵
I hope you have a wonderful day full of yummy treats 🥰🖤
earl grey: how do you take your tea?
i take my black tea with a splash of milk, matcha and chai as tea lattes, and i enjoy green tea and herbal tea and any other kind of tea as they are! sometimes i’ll add honey to my tea which adds a a lovely sweetness! ☕️🍵🍯 ahhh i love tea 🫖
matcha: favorite book?
my personal favorite books are an old collection of folk tales my nana gave me which are very dear to my heart and my last favorite book i read was Watership Down! 🐇📚
blooming tea: favorite flower?
ahh so many beautiful flowers in the world to choose from.. i’ll have to say California Poppy! California Poppy was the first flower seed i ever planted and loved and took care of as a child! we both grew up together and every time i see them they always make me smile whenever i see their bright orange color! 🧡 also this is technically a flowering plant and not a flower but i love love love Corpse Flowers!!
peppermint: what’s your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas! to me, Christmas is a time of warmth and magic amidst the cold winter and i love keeping warm with my loved ones and sharing nostalgic memories while creating new ones and and taking a moment to slow down and cherish all the little things! 🎄 Halloween is a close second! i appreciate the spooky season and autumnal feelings and all the treats it brings and laughing away all the fears with friends! 🎃
honey: type out the last text you sent
“I’m okay. Just very tired.” what a mood haha
bubble tea: what ride would you pick at an amusement park?
ohh i love amusement parks so much!! i love a ride that feels like i’m flying like swings or a thrill like a rollercoaster! (even though i’m a bit afraid of heights ahaha) my favorite ride is a tilt a whirl and i love leaning side to side to make it spin very fast! also my favorite feeling on a ride is sharing the experience with a friend and the moment where all you can do is smile and laugh together and feel breathless and full of joy and adrenaline or scream and hold hands if the ride is a big thrill and ahh it’s the best time! i love it 🎢
chai: what do you order at starbucks?
i don’t drink coffee so i always gravitate towards a tea or tea lemonade, a refresher, or another hot drink at starbucks depending on my mood! hmm right now i would probably ponder between getting a hot or iced tea latte and if i chose an iced tea latte i like to add the vanilla sweet cream cold foam! (that’s a mouthful of a topping to order haha almost like casting a magic spell 🪄) i simply adore any kind of tea and i enjoy tea every day and night but i also really love hot chocolate so i would change my mind once i got to the front of the line! my final answer is i would love to order a hot chocolate with whipped cream at starbucks if i was there!! hehe ☕️🤍
ahhh thank you for sending me all these asks!! i always love answering the asks you send me especially tea themed ones!! 🥰💛 aww thank you 🥺 i shall have to enjoy a treat today hehe i hope you can enjoy a tea and treat as well!! ✨
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stim-cat-cafe · 2 years
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❝ Vibe it up, baby! ❞
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stim-cat-cafe · 1 year
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The love, the hate, the emotional side
Requested by @julystruck
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stim-cat-cafe · 2 years
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❝ All part of the act! ❞
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stim-cat-cafe · 1 year
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Bread and Baking
Requested by @julystruck
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stim-cat-cafe · 1 year
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❝ I never hesitate. ❞
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stim-cat-cafe · 2 years
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❝ We are the League of Villains. ❞
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
🔮 Subtle Circe Worship 🪄
Grow your own herbs, especially those you plan to use in magical workings (kitchen related magic may be the most discreet for this)
Take a walk on a sunny day; bask in sunlight
Wear/collect rings or hoop jewelry
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Go for a swim in the ocean; wash your hands in salt water
Visit the beach or the bank of a body of water
Have a pig, dragon, stag, or snake stuffed animal
Have imagery of rings, magic, the beach/islands, winged serpents, various beasts (I'd say whatever animals come to mind with "beats"), or the sun around
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Support environmental preservation, animal sanctuary, or humanitarian organizations
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Learn to trust your own judgement; trust your instincts
Drink an herbal tea, using the herbs with intention; cook using herbs with intention
Read the Greek Magical Papyri or The Odyssey (you can usually find a PDF; check the Internet Archive)
Bake cakes and pastries, especially with honey; give them to loved ones
Take time to meditate in the sunlight; do this in nature if able
Go outside of your comfort zone; try new things, and take risks
Dedicate time to learning about a new subject or topic
Go out of your way to meet new people or engage with a community
Listen to music that empowers you or that you feel represents you; dance to it!
Play a TTRPG; play D&D (yes, really)
Start a garden; tend to plants
Connect with local nymphs or nature spirits
Stand up for others; stand up for yourself
Learn about the history of witchcraft, especially that of ancient Greece (this ties into the GMP)
Take a self-care bath or shower, especially with herbs
Go camping; take time to appreciate nature
Ground yourself often; practice healthy coping skills; practice emotional regulation skills
Clean your space; keep your environment feeling comfortable, and make it your own
Think outside the box for solutions to problems
Be creative; engage in activities that help you express your creativity
Press flowers; keep dried flowers (preferably for use in later magical workings)
Sit by a fireplace; light a bonfire; allow yourself to focus on the heat and comfort of the flames
Learn non-obvious forms of divination; pyromancy, cartomancy, shufflomancy, carromancy, etc.
Make a list of your personal strengths and pride; focus on how strong and resilient you are; know that you have power, you have strength
Create a sigil or symbol that represents/invokes you and your personal power
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Circe. I may add more later on! For now, I hope this was helpful. Thank you, and take care! 🩷
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stim-cat-cafe · 4 years
《 【 Menu 】 》
《 Coffee Breath 》 - Talking Tag
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[ Special Items ]
《 Green Tea | ☁ 》 - Cloud Subsys posting
《 Herbal Tea | 🪄 》 - Mr. Compress posting
《 Iced Tea | 🔥 》 - Arson posting
《 Bitterleaf Tea | 🎙 》 - Alastor posting
《 Black Coffee | 🎯 》 - Snipe posting
《 Hot Chocolate | 🙏 》 - Adam posting
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