#「 counting seconds passing by; i don't know when i'll be fine / christopher 」
wishingforfriends · 2 years
@greenhills-bluedevil​ has liked here for a starter.
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“Hello, Sonic! Whatcha doing?” Christopher beamed brightly with curiosity in his tone, tilting his head a bit off to the side.
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stcveskent · 3 years
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their little miracle; chris evans
pairings: chris evans x reader
warnings: fluff and a bit of swearing
request on wattpad
its been 8 months,since you heard that you would be giving a little miracle of yours and chris, soon. You still remember the day when both of you saw the baby for yhe first time, as it moved around your belly.
you remember how Chris held your hand when he saw your baby, and said, "it's ours" while crying, you remember the day when he found out it was a baby girl, and he was so happy, and when he told his family about it, they were crying too, because their son's dream came true. Since then he never left your side. Well, he haven't announced it on the internet too . He used to talk to your baby, late at nights, when she won't let you sleep, by endless kickings.
"Hey honey, don't do that to Mama." He says, slowly, and calmly as you laid down next to him, and his hands on your belly rubbing it gently.
"I won't leave your side, y/n." He whispered softly and kissed you. During those times, when Chris got intimate with you, for eg, he would kiss you more often, and lay next to you all the time, hold your hands all the time, you used to blush alot, as if it was a school crush, you could say it was the hormones.
"i love you so much." He says and you smile.
"I love you too and more." You reply and he wraps his arm around you, and kiss your head, and then you gasped as soon as your baby kicks you, because you were giving all the attention to her daddy and not her and even daddy didn't give her attention.
"alright baby, i love you too." He says as he keeps a hand on your belly and you laughed at how your daughter already had control over her Dad, even before her birth.
your smile grew wider, as all those thoughts came to your mind, and Chris noticed how you were smiling, and thinking about some things. He smiled looking at how adorable you looked.
"what're you smiling at, sweetheart." He asks as he comes closer, and kisses you gently.
"thinking of how our girl, already has control over her dad." He smiles as he heard you, it was a very different feeling for both of you.
"Well, trust me, the queen has more control than the princess." He says referring to you and you roll your eyes.
"oh stop!" You said as both of you chuckled, just then, to ruin the moment his phone rang. He groaned, and you laughed at him.
"Always messing up my moments, with my queen." He said, and you blushed at how he made you feel so good.
"Chris, i'm sorry to call you now." His manager spoke, as chris answered.
"No its fine, Joshua? what did you need?" He replied.
"Well, the agency has been calling up alot, for your photo shoot, and i tried to decline it, because you wanted to stay with your wife, but they aren't listening , and said you're their hope."
"alright fine! I'll do it."
"ah thank god!! I'll arrange the dates and timing and inform you."
"Alright!" Chris says as he ends the conversation and looks at you, smiling.
"What's wrong?" You asked
"I have to stay away from you for a couple of hours."
"and what would be the reason?" You asked as he sits next to you and pull you closer to him, and you put your head on his shoulder.
"There's this photo shoot they need me to do it and I honestly don't wanna stay away from you, even if its for a couple of hours, you're now close to your date, I can't just leave you here all alone, when you'd need me." He spoke.
"Chris, i'll be fine, you're worrying too much, babe. I can manage on my own, honey!"
"I know you can, i just don't want to be away from you and our daughter." You smiled as he said that, how your daughter's and his bond was so strong.
"babe!!" You squeeled and hugged him and he kissed you multiple times. Just then the phone rings and he groans again.
"Its the agency, i'll have to take it, i'm so sorry!!"
"Its fine, honey." You said and he answered the call, going into the living room to talk while you watched some TV
"Thank you so much, Chris for joining us!" He said and chris smiled.
"The pleasure is all mine!"
"Is there any arrangements we can do for you?" Just as those words left his mouth, he smiles thinking of an idea.
"Yes! Could i get my wife with me? I want her to be next to me."
"Ofcourse sir! It's our pleasure to have her with us, and we can have some couple photoshoot too!"
"Thank you! See you, soon!" He says and walks to you.
Chris comes back to you and tells you that he's made arrangements for you to come with me, you denied at first but he made you to agree to it, typical christopher  and then the day comes when you had to go with him. You were nervous about something which he had completely forgot about. Announcing about your little miracle.
As soon as both of you entered, the photographers welcomed you both so warmly, and as expected they were shocked by the news, and they were happy for both of you.
As soon as chris finished his part of the work, you two had to pose together, it was all cute with him, and then the photographer requested that you should have a photo or two of your own with your bump and Chris happily agreed to it.
Just after you completed your work, you told Chris, that now seems to be the right time to tell everyone about it. No , only family and some of his close friends knew about this, so he was just concerned about how his fans and co workers would annouce, but you knew things would fall back into a perfect position.
"I posted it." He said and breathed.
"i did too!" You said and smiled.
Just a second later, yours and his phone were filled with notifications, hundreds to thousands, and all were really happy about it, because all of them understood that this was Chris's dream and you could only turn into his reality.
a week or two has passed, Chris had to go through a lot of press , and interviews where the main interest was your pregnancy. As you waited for him to get over with the last interview for the month, and after that he promised he'd take a break, he comes to you.
"How was it?" You asked as he kissed you and sat next to you.
"It was good, i was happy to tell them, how you made me happy, and they obviously wanted you, but i said you were resting."
"Thank you —*gasps* oh shit!" You said and his eyes came out if his eye sockets.
"Baby what happened?!"
"She's coming omg!! My water broke!!!" You said and he panicked, he was roaming around the house finding the baby bag, and you felt contractions, which were going on for a day which you tried to ignore.
"Chris where the fuck are you?!" You yelled, as the contractions hit you again.
"I found it!! Let's go." He said as he helped you get up and rush you to the hospital, through out the ride he didn't leave your hand, and just made you breathe, but it was true, when you're about to give birth, your temper loses, and poor Chris had to listen.
Now you were in the waiting room, with him and yours and his family started to visit you both.
"Hey!" Your mom said and rushed to hug you as you breathed.
"Hey Mom! I'm good? Are you?" You asked and she laughed at you.
"I know, the temper, i gave birth to three kids!" She said and hugged Chris, and he chuckled and stopped as soon as you gave him a death glare.
"come on! my little girl needs a break, how are you feeling honey?" Your dad says and you roll your eyes.
"P A I N!" You said and then your siblings laugh at you.
"Y/n , for real, you need to calm down, also guess what i already have done half of the preparations for my niece!!" your brother says while your sister argues with him that it was she who did it, and that made you laugh, and Chris smile looking at you.
His mother stayed longer with you but then you told her to go, because she looked tired, and she agreed, time passed and you were ready to deliver the baby, Chris started to breathe heavily, he was nervous, more than you.
"Its gonna be fine, babe!" You said and he nods
"I'll be next to you the whole time." He says and you nod.
Slowly the doctors start to give you instructions to how to push till they count till 10 and you agree to it, clearly understanding their instructions.
"Push!" They said and you pushed while your groaned and your grip on chris's hand tightened.
"You're doing amazing honey!" He encouraged and honestly, that made you stay strong till the end.
Just few more pushes later, the cries of your baby girl were heard and you sighed as both of you burts into tears. They laid your little miracle on top of you as Chris adored both of you, he starts to wipe his tears, and the doctor takes your little girl away.
"No where are you taking her!" Chris says and you chuckled at him.
"they're cleaning her, she'll be back soon, with us." You said and he looked at you with  a smile.
"You did so good today!" he says and you smiled at him.
"It wasn't possible without you." You said and he shook his head.
"You're the most strongest women i've ever seen, and  how beautiful you look today! Your glowing baby!" He says and you laugh as he pressed his lips onto yours in a sweet and filled with love kiss.
"I love you so much." He says
"I love you more!" You reply and they bring the baby back to you, and Chris holds her, tears falling from his eyes, as he met his daughter.
"She's so beautiful just like her Mama!" He says and you feel your tears falling.
"Daddy loves you and your Mama so much! He'll do everything to protect both of you!" He says as he holds her in his arms and kisses her multiple times on her head.
"Okay now, Mama also needs attention!" You said and he laughed and kissed you again, and just then you met your family, already waiting and excited to greet their grand child, neice and goddaughter.
Yours and Chris's mother couldn't hold back tears and were crying with joy, while Scott hugged you and cried and you were crying because he was crying , which made everyone laugh and later Scott Shanna, Carly and your siblings already started giving suggestions for the baby names for your little miracle.
It was the best day of your life, you for the first time witnessed how one life can bring so much happiness to so many people, and you were only concerned about your husband, who was on cloud 9 because of his happiness and you couldn't stop smiling because of him. You won't be able to forget this day ever!
done with your request!!hope you liked it❤️
also, but Daddy!Chris is making me cry😭😭
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rafesgfs · 4 years
a lifetime of illusions
Warnings: angst, implied smut, mild violence, major character death
Word count: 3.3k
Summary: A whirlwind summer romance sweeps you off your feet. But you never once regretted it.
Or: In which you fall in love hard and fast, yet when it all stops, you spend the rest of your life thinking "What if?"
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You never considered yourself as someone who would be swept off their feet just because of a guy with a pretty face. But he had been so much more than that. He made you happy, made you smile, made you feel truly alive. Not once had you regretted your decision; you were happy, as happy as someone could be.
Stepping outside, you blocked your eyes from the hot summer sun. The busy, yet small city noise filled your ears, the smell of saccharine desserts invaded your nose. Smiling, you felt at home in this foreign island. The people around you smiled, not one of those tight, uptight grimaces, but a genuine, huge smile. People around here were so different. It was nice.
You called for a cab, surprised there had been a cab at the small island, even more, surprised when they hadn't made fun of your struggle to communicate. Instead, they smiled and helped you figure out where you were supposed to go. He introduced himself as Barry.
"So, ma'am, how long are you staying in Savos for?" Barry asked, taking a turn left. Besides you, the beach stretched out for miles, the sun setting above the horizon. It left a streak of crimson in the orange sky.
Grinning, you shrugged, eyes twinkling with excitement. The long plane ride did nothing to drain the energy and excitement out of you. "Don't know. But from the looks of it, I want to stay forever. This is possibly the most beautiful place in the world."
"It sure is, ma'am. Especially during the summer, you came at the right time. We don't get a lot of tourists due to the long and exhausting traveling." Barry said, pulling up to the large hotel. "Here we are. Have a good night."
"Thanks, Barry. You, too." you thanked, opening the door. You were ever so grateful to pack light, the only thing in your hands was your phone, and bag hanging on your shoulder. The hot wind made you shiver, contrasted by the cold cab, the sudden temperatures changed made you crave the summertime more.
The cab drove away, the sweet sound of the tires against the cement hitting your ears. Walking to the hotel lobby, you checked in, admiring at the antique furniture and the warm white lights. It had an olden vibe, one that you didn't mind. The girl handed you your keys without a word, pointing to the elevator. You had to admit, the hotel was kind of stuffy, a little dusty but a little dust never killed anyone. Who were you to judge for the lack of dusting?
You reached your designated floor, the elevator doors opening with a loud ding. As if you were in a hurry, your sprinter down the hall to your room; in truth, you were just eager to change and see the island for yourself. Unlocking your door, you were greeted by the sight of a clean room, a white bed, white walls, and a white carpet. For an antique-looking hotel, you'd thought the room would have more character.
No matter. You tossed your bag on the bed, slipping into some clean clothes. If you weren't so hungry, you would've taken a shower, gotten rid of all the sticky things that touched you during your flight. Instead, you practically tore your dirty clothes off just to get a fresh feeling from your clean ones. Pulling your hair up, you texted your parents and friends, texting them you had made it.
They had all been a bit hesitant about having you travel to a foreign island by yourself. It had been a little ridiculous but you finally got all of them to agree. After all, you needed to celebrate graduating from college. It only happened once. What better way to celebrate than traveling around the world for the whole summer before returning back to your stuffy life?
There was a fun-looking restaurant across the street from the hotel. A lot of people crowded the place, dancing to the loud music leaking out of the restaurant. You snaked your way through the crowd until you reached the host stand, letting out a huge breath you've been holding in order to squeeze past. It might've been crowded inside but the restaurant wasn't. The tables were all filled but there had been no line.
You made your way to the table, smiling when you reached it. The host gave you a small smile. "Hello, do you happen to have a table for one?"
"Um, lemme check." She glanced down at the booklet in front of her, then scanned the place, as if an empty table was suddenly going to appear. "I'm sorry, ma'am but there isn't a table available. If you'd like you can wait, it won't be long—"
"She can sit with me. If she doesn't mind being tortured by my company." A voice interrupted. Both you and the hostess turned towards the source of the sound, eyes widening when you saw the breathtakingly gorgeous man. He smiled at you, holding out his hand. "Hey, I'm Chris."
You shook his hand, slightly confused by his blunt offer. You told him your name and the corner of his lips lifted even more. "You look really familiar, Chris."
His eyes glimmered with amusement. "Yeah, I get that a lot. You have a beautiful name. Would you like to dine with me tonight? It's totally okay if you say no but it'd be nice to have some company tonight. I'm new in town."
"Me, too," you replied. Biting your lip, you mulled over his question. You wanted to say yes—who wouldn't? He was absolutely beautiful but it wasn't like you to have dinner with a complete stranger. On the other hand, you did promise yourself to be more spontaneous, take more chances.
Sensing your hesitance, he scratched the back of his neck, glancing at the floor. "I promise I won't bite. And if you don't have a fun time, I'll give you some money and we can call it even. What'd ya say?"
Of course, you said yes. If you hadn't, your whole life could've gone so much differently.
It started with dinner, then lunch the next day. It wasn't long before the two of you spent your days together, sometimes going to the beach, sometimes staying in either of your hotel rooms, staying in each other arms, stealing a few kisses. You didn't realize how much of a big deal he was. And he didn't tell you, fearing you'd ditch him.
After your third official date, you slept with him, loving the way he touched you. You smiled when you woke up in his arms the next morning, he had mirrored your expression, kissing you until you were both breathless. Only a week had passed but you were so smitten by the Bostonian. It was during the second week that you realized how smitten he was with you.
"Christopher Columbus, you know how impatient I am. Come on! Lemme see." you pleaded, a little annoyed by his hands covering your eyes. He chuckled behind you, pulling you even closer to his chest. "Chris."
His chest vibrated from his laugh. "Sweetheart, I promise we're almost there. It's not a surprise if I show you. Just wait a little longer. I promise you'll love it."
You groaned, suffering blindness under his grasp. As much as you hated secrets, you liked the way his hands were on you, the way he looked in his Captain America swim trunks. It was adorable. "Okay, fine."
As soon as your feet touched the water, you started to get even more suspicious, aware you were ankle-deep in the ocean. Maybe he was gonna drown you. You let out a little laugh at that. The man had too much love in his heart to even think of such a dark thought.
"Do I get to hear the joke?" he asked, his lips grazing your ear. You giggled at the motion, his neatly trimmed beard tickling you. "Are you ticklish?"
There was a dangerous playfulness in his voice so you quickly shook your head no. "Of course not, your wild beard just gave me neck rash."
"Darling, that's just the hickey I gave you." he teased, laughing when he felt you roll your eyes under his hand. Chris swore, quickly leading you back towards the beach before making you walk across the hot sand with it sticking to your soaked sandals. "Sorry, my mind wandered and I accidentally led you somewhere else."
"Oh my, God." you snorted, finding amusement to your boyfriend's confusion. Was he your boyfriend? You didn't have the talk, let alone labeled what you were. Three dates, days spent together, and mind-blowing sex didn't mean you were dating, right?
Your sandals thud against the wooden ground. You raised an eyebrow at the feeling, curiosity making you impatient from the long-awaited surprise. It was ridiculous how long he made you wait, almost as ridiculous as Barney Stinson's legendary catchphrase Chris once jokingly admitted he loathed.
Once you were in the angled the way he wanted, he grinned, the smile touching his eyes. "Okay, are you ready?"
You nearly yelled at him. "Yes!"
With one swift movement, his hands disappear from your eyes, leaving you to open them slowly as you took in the scene in front of you. Floating in the water, a few feet away from you was a sailing yacht, the boat rocking slightly. A tiny squeal escaped your lips, glancing between the boat and Chris. You wrap your arms around the man, head snuggled against his chest.
"It was hard finding someone that would let me rent their boat without a boating license. But don't worry, I know enough to keep us afloat. Do you like it?" he asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
It was crazy how this man could make your heartbeat out of your chest. Grinning up at him, you gave a nod. "I adore it. It really was worth the wait, huh?"
He wasn't looking at the boat when he answered. He was too busy admiring how beautiful you were to even take his eyes off of you. "Yeah, it really was."
You pulled him aboard the boat, letting him teach you all the right procedures. He had let you steer the boat with his assistance, murmuring praises in your ear, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he stood behind you. The wind would blow your hair back, making him spit it out when it got in his mouth. Both of you laughed whenever a piece of your hair got wet from his spit; it was also very gross.
The day was spent on the boat, blankets tossed over both your bodies as you watched the sunset. Chris had decided to become the next Shakespeare as he described the colors of the sky, laughing when you jokingly mocked his Boston accent that slipped out every once in a while. Night had come, and Chris drove the boat back to the docks, thanking the owner.
That was the night he realized he was deeply and irrevocably in love with you.
He didn't get a chance to tell you.
He was ripped out of your arms before you could tell him you loved him. Didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.
July came and went. Chris had taken you back to his hometown with the plan to introduce you to his family. Neither of you thought it was moving too fast. You wanted him and he wanted you. It was as easy as that. Yet, he was nervous. Not because he wasn't sure if his family would accept you, he knew they would immediately adore you as he did.
No, he was a wreck ever since he placed his grandmother's ring in his pocket, waiting for the perfect opportunity to come up. It never did.
You met his cute dog, one he named after Oliver & Company. It was hard to decide who water cuter—you soon chose Dodger after Chris scared the shit out of you. The summer was coming together in the best way possible and you never wanted it to end, didn't want to go back to your normal life where everything was vanilla at best.
So, you didn't. You met his parents, spent the remainder of the summer with him in Boston. It was easy being with him, so easy you thought about blurting the three words that eased in your head whenever he smiled, laughed, or moved. You had it bad. Too bad you never found out how much he did.
It happened on a normal Saturday night; you were making dinner while Chris drove back from a day hanging out with Scott. Tonight was the night, the night you told him how in love you were with him, how he wiggled his way into your heart. Your hands were trembling with anxiety as you waited for him, trying to calm yourself, wishing he would get home faster. Dodger calmed you a little but it wasn't enough.
As it got later, your anxiety faded, anger replacing the strong feeling. You had been texting Chris, only getting a few responses in return until he just stopped. Anger seeped out of you as you put the food in the fridge, cursing at the thoughtfulness of your boyfriend. You never got to say sorry for thinking about yourself when his last thought was about you.
For him, tonight would've been the night. The night he confessed his love, the night he popped the question, the happiest night of his life until you get married. He was hopeful you would feel the same way, even asked his friends if they thought you did. They all had answered without hesitation, assuring him you did. So, he picked up his balls, and got his head together. He had a plan: tell you about his actor status, professed his heart out, and get on his knees.
Fate had other plans.
Chris could tell you were anxious, even through text he could read you. He tried his best to assure you he would be home soon. He smiled at the word; home was you. He shouldn't have been texting and driving. If people realized how important those ads were, maybe they would take them seriously. Unfortunately, Chris never thought he would end up as one of those.
It wasn't his fault, far from it. He had stayed in his lane, never veering off his own space. He might've been speeding, but it wasn't his fault. The headlights blinded him, so much that he couldn't move out of the way fast enough. The oncoming car came at him, and he died instantly.
Scott had called you, asking if he could come over, unable to tell you the bad news over the phone.
Opening the door, you greeted the other Evans brother. "Hey, Scott. Have you heard from Chris? He hasn't been answering my texts and I'm really worried. A little miffed but mostly worried—hey, are you okay?"
Tears ran down his cheek as he engulfed you in a hug. His body shook and your stomach dropped. "Chris...he got into a car accident. T-they tried to rush him to the hospital but, [Y/N], he was dead on impact. Sweetie..."
You fell to your knees, the rest of the sentence trailing off as the words sunk in your head.
He was dead.
You cried for days, with the amount of tears you cried, you could've filled the huge bathtub in Chris' house. It was worse during the funeral, seeing his dead, lifeless, cold body in a wooden casket. You didn't think could have gotten worse, but it did.
His will was read, he made changes to it during the summer. If anything happened, you had the house, Dodger was now yours, a handful of millions were in your hands. Other than Dodger, you didn't care about the possessions you held. Not until Lisa, Chris' mom, came by with a blue, velvet box in her hand.
You didn't open it until you couldn't stand it. Opening it, you found the pear-shaped diamond engagement ring resting in the middle. That was when you saw him. It took you by surprise, scared you shitless when you saw him standing in front of you, alive and as remembered. Dodger hadn't reacted to his dad's return. It made you wonder if you dreamt of his death. He didn't say a word as he took the box, got on his knees, and smiled up at you.
"Will you marry me?"
You didn't have kids, instead you spent the rest of your lives enjoying each other's company. You got married, lived the American dream. It confused you whenever you saw mourning posts about Chris when he was clearly alive. So you stayed off the internet, living the second chance you were given. You were happy.
Chris showered you with presents, cuddled you every night, and woke you up with kisses every morning. You barely fought, and when you did, you never stayed mad at each other long. You couldn't find it in yourself to take him for granted again, not when he was taken away from you.
Scott would visit, his face becoming more and more concerned as the visits became monthly, like he was sure you were going insane. But you weren't. Not to you, at least. He never spoke to Chris when he visited, not that Chris was in the room when he did. Scott would stare at the engagement ring around your ring finger, a sad smile appearing on his face before he would go.
You dismissed everyone's weird behavior whenever you brought up Chris. They would always look down, avoiding the subject like he wasn't there. Still, you thought nothing wrong. You were too euphoric to realize how fucked up your situation was.
Life went on, you spent most of it with him, clinging to his presence as if you didn't hold on tight enough he was going to ripped out of your arms again. You got older, so did he, just not in the way you thought he would.
Sighing, you settled beside the love of your life, the back pain, and old age making it hard to get into bed. 70 was a bitch and you weren't taking it too well. Rolling over, you were greeted by the sight of the same Chris you met those many summers ago.
He smiled gently at you, tears brimming his eyes. He cupped your sagging cheek with his hand, the same hand you held so many times. "Sweetheart, I love you so much. You were my destined one but I never got to say goodbye. But you do. You have to let me go and live out the rest of your life."
"How...I—" you gasped softly, unable to feel him.
"You have to let me go."
And you did. Closing your eyes, you saw the past 50 years as they have been. You talking to the empty space in front of you, leaning against the couch, cuddling the pillow you thought was your lover. You truly saw the emptiness in Chris' family. They were lost without their brother, without their son while you lived a lifetime of illusions, delirious from the sadness over his death. You clung to him, even when it wasn't really him.
So, you did as he wished. You let him go and went to sleep.
But you never woke up. Because the only thing keeping you alive was his presence. And he was gone. It only took you five decades to realize how empty you were without him. Because he made you feel alive.
You had spent a lifetime imagining him.
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
@gxrdenofrxses​ || x
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Christopher seemed to lit up when Amy liked the flower crown, grinning brightly. “Thank you! I worked really hard on making it and I’m glad you like the flower crown!” He exclaimed brightly, his eyes twinkling with happiness. Just so they can match? He’d love that!
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
@monmuses​​ || x
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Christopher was actually serious when he said it, a soft smile plastering across his face. "Of course, Sonic!" He exclaimed brightly, grinning brightly. "You're my family!"
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
@justice-armadillo has liked here for a Stuck in Another World starter.
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“Sorry, it’s just-…I’m a bit more cautious around here. It seems like not a lot of people are welcome to outsiders. I’m trying to find my way back home without causing trouble.”
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
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“...Father’s Day, more like an useless holiday.” Sounds like somebody dislikes Father’s Day.
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
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“Ooh, let me bet on the one who got thrown into the pool!” Christopher. Your grandfather better not find out that you’re betting on such a silly feud.
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
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"Chris!! Heya! You won't believe the day I had! I was able to go shopping and bought this super cute dress!~ Do you think Sonic will notice me if I wear it?"
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“Hey, Amy!” Christopher greeted the other brightly, listening to Amy. He seemed to think for a bit, then answering softly. “I think he will, Amy.” Doesn’t Sonic already notice Amy though?
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
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“...what’s going on?” A genuinely confused tone.
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
@the-kingly-hedgehog has liked here for a Stuck in Another World starter.
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Christopher made contact with the other hedgehog, staying from where he was. He didn’t know if he should run but he didn’t want any trouble with anybody in this world, the world that he is not familiar with.
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
@astral-multiverse​ has liked here for a Stuck in Another World starter (for Tangle).
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Christopher made eye contact with the other, feeling himself freeze at the sight of the lemur. He slowly raised his hands up a bit as he apologized quietly, “Sorry...I’m just looking for a place to take shelter in for the night.”
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
BOLD ➝  always   /  usually  applies ITALIC ➝  only  applies  situationally   /   sometimes  
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Muse: Christopher Thorndyke
arms  crossed  on  chest  /   crossing  legs  /  fist-like  gestures   / pointing  index  finger  /   karate  chops   /   stiffening  of shoulders /   tense  posture  /  curling  of  lip    /  baring  of teeth .
hand  to  face  gestures   /  head  tilted   / stroking chin   /  peering  over   glasses   /   taking  glasses  off —  cleaning   /   putting earpiece  of  glasses  in  mouth   /   pipesmoker  gestures / putting  hand  to  the  bridge  of  nose   /  pursed  lips / knitted brows
arms  crossed   /  sideways  glance  /   touching  or  rubbing  nose   /  rubbing eyes   /   hands  resting  on  weapon   / brows ��rising /   lips pressing  into  a  thin  line  /   strict  unwavering  eye  contact /   wrinkling  of  nose .
open  hands   /   upper  body  in  sprinters  position  /   sitting  on  the  edge  of  a  chair  /   hand-to-face gestures   /   unbuttoned  coat   /   tilted  head   /   slacked  shoulders  /   droopy  posture   /   feet  pointed  outward    /   palms  flat  and  facing  outward .
hands  behind  back   /   hands  on  lapels  of  coat   /   steepled  hands   /   barring  teeth  in  a  grin /   rolling  shoulders   /   tipping  head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact    /   chest  puffed  up   /   shoulders  back /   arms  folded  just  above  navel  .
chewing  pen  or  pencil  /   rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb   /   biting  fingernails   /   hands  in  pockets  /   elbow  bent /   closed  gestures  /   clearing  throat   /   pacing    /   “ whew ” sound /  picking  or  pinching  flesh   /   fidgeting  in  chair  /   hand  covering  mouth  whilst  speaking   /   poor  eye  contact /   tugging  at  pants  whilst  seated   /   jingling  money  in  pockets   /   tugging  at  ear  /   perspiring  hands /   playing  with  hair   / swaying /   playing  with  pointer   /   smacking  lips   /   sighing  /   rocking  on  balls  of  feet   /   flexing  fingers  sporadically .
short breaths   /   “ tsk ”  sounds /   tightly  clenched  hands  / fist-like  gestures /   pointing  index  finger  /   running  hand through  hair  /   rubbing  back  of  neck   /   snarling   /   revealing  teeth   /   grimacing   /   sharp-eyed glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows   /  shoulders  back  , head  up  /   defensive  posturing   /   clenching  of  jaw  /   grinding  of  teeth /   nostrils  flaring  /   heavy  exhales  .
Tagged by: @monmuses​ (stole it) ;3​
Tagging: You! Steal it from me!
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
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Oh shoot! Christopher was already running from Boom who he shot paintballs at. “I’m sorry about today! I was just having fun!” He nearly shouted.
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
"Hey Chris! This is for the day I met you!" Sonic quickly chucked a large water balloon at Chris, aiming for his body and hoping it'd hit him. "Revolutionary war!!"
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"Wait, wha--?" Christopher turned his head around so quickly to make eye contact with Sonic in which Sonic had thrown a large water balloon at him, his eyes widening. Before he could dodge, it was too late, he was soaking wet. "Hey! Oh, I'm going to get you back for that!" He then aimed his paintball gun right at Sonic, grinning brightly. "Say hello to my paintball gun!" He started shooting.
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wishingforfriends · 2 years
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Oh wow, the Tails are already strucking first. A mischievous grin plastered across the boy’s face as he puts on his football helmet, pulling out his paintball gun and getting ready to shoot with his paintball gun.
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