#【 ⚙ ˊˎ | LET THE SPARKS FLY BABY | shou. 】
ferromagnetiic · 2 months
🔎 - Their last 3 search terms
          【 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐊!! 】      « My muse’s data has been compromised! Send a symbol to discover: 🔎 - Their last 3 search terms »                     @snowdrcp
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how to spell gorjuss
how to spell gorgyis
how to call your bird pretty
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He doesn't want to acknowledge it. He's not going to address it. Don't talk to him. Go away. It's a fucking stupid word.
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ferromagnetiic · 2 months
❝ i came back to remind you to behave, dumbass. ❞ maybe SHE should get shot. 💞
                    【 𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒𝐊. 】                     @snowdrcp
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          ❝ Naw, SOMEONE'S gettin' shot. ❞
          It only takes two strides for him to be standing little more than an inch in front of her; if she makes the slightest movement forward, her head will be resting directly against his bare chest. He can already feel the subtle inhale and exhale of her every breath warming his skin.
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     ❝ Ya think ya can just say whatever ya want and get away with it? Don't test me, I'll kill ya too. ❞      There's a certain tone that's reserved only for her; a low, rumbling speech, more drawled than his usual fervid outcries.
     ❝ Could shoot ya right in the head. ❞ Then he's leaning down, closing the distance between his face and hers.      ❝ Right — ❞ Painted maroon lips press themselves against her forehead, staining her bangs in a perfect impression of fresh red.      ❝ — here. ❞
After he's drawn himself back up to full height, he rolls his shoulders in a wordless taunt, like he wants to know what she's going to do about it.
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ferromagnetiic · 2 months
❝ do NOT shoot usopp. ❞ can she. leave him alone for five whole minutes, perhaps. (:
                    【 𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒𝐊. 】                     @snowdrcp
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          Shit. She wasn't meant to hear any of that.                When did she get back?                     How long has she been standing there?                           Fuck.
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     ❝ Who said ya could tell me what to do, huh? ❞                Well, it's not like he can kill her nakama in front of her…      ❝ Think ya can just show up again and start givin' me orders? ❞ Even if that's not exactly what she's doing, she's at least now succeeded in diverting his attention.
His shoulders are squared, looking down at her like he could step on her and squish her like a bug for trying to act like she has some authority over his actions. He looks ready to start something, ready to take her on, and then —
     ❝ …Where the hell have ya been, anyway?      Ya show up again just to give me a hard time? ❞
There's an awful lot of warmth in that last sentence, even if it's thinly veiled as being confrontational.      He'll act all tough in front of her friends, but he clearly missed her.
               No, she can't leave him alone for five minutes. So maybe she should stop buggering off and stick around for longer this time.
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ferromagnetiic · 7 months
hc + IsHeHavingFunLivingWithLuffyYet
          【 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐂 + 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃. 】      « Modern verse. »                     @snowdrcp @gumpistol    
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     ❝ Nope. ❞
          Of course he bloody isn't. She better take him away before Kid flushes him down the toilet like a dead goldfish.
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ferromagnetiic · 7 months
❝Want to be my platonic valentine?❞
                    【 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. 】                     @snowdrcp
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         ❝ Nah. ❞
          Instead of that, he's draping his arms around her waist and forcing her to move closer to him so he can kiss the space between her mouth and her cheek, painting her with a red impression in the perfect shape of his lips.
He has rejected her rejecting him; it's a double negative and he has cancelled out her attempts of being platonic.
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ferromagnetiic · 7 months
“Go tell your partner you love them. Now. Go on.”
                    【 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏. 】                     @chatcambrioleur    @snowdrcp
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         ❝ Listen. If I'm gonna be act all mushy with my girl, it's gonna be on my terms.      Don't know where ya got the idea I was gonna let ya gawk at us like a bunch of weirdos.      Bugger off, the lot of ya.      Enough of ya tryin'a catch me actin' like a soppy bastard. ❞
          He's all embarrassed now because the Straw Hats are teasing him.
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ferromagnetiic · 11 months
❝ ... y'know. ❞ she starts, orbs of gold flittering to the side in a casual eye-roll. ❝ ain't much point in havin' a doctor if you're not gonna listen to her. she's gonna start losin' face if you don't entertain her every once in awhile, at least. ❞
@snowdrcp @medicus-felini
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❝ She's fine; she's got plenty to do already. ❞
As if his resistance to getting his check up done was a considerate act performed out of the goodness of his heart.
Right hand reaches out to cup her jawline, his thumb placed on her chin, forcing aureate gems to reflect imagery of copper. An attempt of distracting her, though perhaps not executed particularly deftly or innocuously.
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❝ Worryin' about me again, Hen? ❞
Every word purred in amorous suggestion.
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ferromagnetiic · 1 year
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ferromagnetiic · 9 months
flirting: " hey, you wanna be mutually infatuated with each other? "
          【 UNPROMPTED ASK. 】                     @snowdrcp
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     ❝ Quit tryin'a avoid it and say ya love me like a normal person. ❞
          Stupid. Say it first and he'll say it back.
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ferromagnetiic · 8 months
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// I asked Elle ( @snowdrcp ) to do this so we could compare the two and the fact that Kid's girlfriend scored higher on Luffy's bingo meme for Kid than Kid's own bingo meme is making me lose my mind
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ferromagnetiic · 9 months
【 KID'S BIRTHDAY 2024. 】 @snowdrcp
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it is your birthday, and you have assigned yourself to your utter inebriation. it is annual; this overpowering dizzying feeling as you traverse this same crowded room. your shoulders collide with others around you as they move in languid stumbles — but they apologize, passively, and laugh with you over the mistake. it is an offense that, in the height of your impetuous fury, has been known to make you quick to anger — but these are your people, and this is the domain you have resurrected from the dirt, constructed through your own calloused hands. you laugh too, and say something lighthearted, teasing. you have forgotten what it was soon you look away from them.
someone passes you another drink, and you are drawing it to your lips before questions can be asked and answers may be provided. it tastes sweet, but your mouth feels sharp. it is dry, and leaves a sting in its wake as it slips down your throat. it makes your eyes sting and your mouth burn. you finish the glass and hand it back. they say something more to you, but you won't be aware of it.
the music becomes the second heart that keeps you powered. the rhythmic thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, is now what reliably pumps blood throughout your veins. your chest aches, but you have lost your connection to the sensation. engulfed in the constant hum of layered sound, you are surrounded like it is tempered water, floating, secure, and this is as close to safe as you will ever be. it floods your circuit boards and the water damage costs you your ability to fully recognize pain.
the lighting is inconsistent in here, and the quality of your vision lifts and sinks like a measured soundwave. there is someone you are looking for, but you rely on neon strobe lights spinning over the heads of the group around you. there are times when the space briefly slips into an enveloping darkness, and you momentarily think you are not sure if you are swimming or falling, but then you catch the scattered light over the surface and it enables you to continue with your search. everything is displayed in single frames — they stack and bleed into each other individually, rather than forming a continuous stream of movement.
you do find her. it has been minutes, but your measurement of time has been damaged in the flood. you feel relief when you are reunited, so you will believe it has been much longer.
she looks directly at you, and it sends an electrical pulse to your primary circuit board. she restores the copper wiring for your eyesight, but she powers you with a voltage that's too strong, and suddenly your vision has been overcharged. when you look at her, you are running on a frequency that you have never experienced before in your life.
you survey the individual flecks of gold in her eyes; how they overlap and mingle with each other in her irises, and you take in the singular shades and hues, colors that you had never seen before you knew her. you can see her pupils dilate as you stare at her, and perhaps it is an effect of the environment — but you think, maybe it is because of you, and you are ignited with another rush of adrenaline from the thought.
     she is beautiful.      she is beautiful.      she is beautiful.      she is beautiful.      she is beautiful.      she is beautiful.
you are magnetized to her and will be drawn closer to her like you are connected by a force of nature. there are sparks when you touch her. you hold her face to look at her, and you think you will overpower and are at risk of burning out, yet you can't draw yourself away. you would rather burn out than let go.
you have known discomfort your entire life. you are made of pieces that are performing functions outside of their intended original use. your gears did not fit as they should, so your brutal hand cut them down and ungracefully forced them into place until they did as you pleased. you are not lucky, nor are you uniform; you are strong willed, and you are as stubborn as they come. this is how you were forged, and this is how you have survived. you are made of the ugliest scraps of a human being, but it is all you have. yet, she makes you feel loved like you are put together from the parts she treasures the most. there is rust on her fingers from where she has gathered discarded steel that reminds her of you. she carries the cog from your artificial limb on a string looped around her neck. you look for it when you first see her sometimes, just to be reassured that it is still there. she makes you feel calm.
she is beautiful, and the sight of her devours you. her hands are the softest thing to ever touch you, and for the first time in your life, you know what it means to be soothed.
she is sharing your favorite lipstick, adorned with the glint of pearl white teeth as she smiles at you, and there is nothing that can prevent words spilling out of your mouth as you tell her that she is beautiful. her laughter is like honey soothing the residual burning in your throat. she calls you a drunken fool, but the claim is soaked in affection so genuine that even you cannot mistake it for anything other than love.
you are struck with a sudden urge to remove individual pieces of your left arm and give them to her to keep. you want her to have them. you want her to keep parts of you and hold on to them like they are valuable. you love her. you want her to run her fingertips over these steel pieces and think of you. you want her to press her skin into their edges until it leaves a mark, then draw it to her lips and touch her tongue to the indentation.
hours from now, you will start to run out of fuel, and you will begin to wind down before you crash. she will stay awake for you so she knows you are alright. you know she is tired, but she will remain loyally at your side, and you will secretly be happy that she did. there is light seeping in from outside, and it is no longer your birthday. neither of you have slept.
you are running on fumes, and try to recharge on the floor. she won't let you even when you tell her that you can sleep like a dog, and you usually do. she won't allow it. she takes you by the hand and drags you towards your bedroom. nobody else is still awake. you are the last two people in the world.
you're drifting somewhere else even before you hit the mattress, but you are still vaguely aware of her lying down next to you. she sleeps on your left-side, tucked against your arm, her ear pressed to your chest. she rests between the hum of your circuits and the beat of your heart.
          you love her, and you know you are always going to love her.
you are perpetual turmoil and unrelenting rage, you are thunder when it is most prone to strike. you cannot remain in one place, you cannot swallow water that is stagnant, and you are addicted to surging adrenaline like the only place you will ever be able to exist is teetering on the brink of life and death, looming over the edge. you are walking destruction incarnated. you are the embodiment of violence, you are busted lips, shattered bones, broken blood vessels, and handfuls of teeth spat into a cupped palm. you are the taste of iron in a mouth filled with blood. you are wrath personified, and you are cursed to drown in your reckless outrage.
     but you feel her body pressed against you, and she is shifting to submerge herself in as much of your body heat as she possibly can.
          and you hold her closer, tighter, so she doesn't get cold.
               and you hope, selfishly, that you will have her for the rest of your life.
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ferromagnetiic · 11 months
she's not gonna play pocky day with him because she doesn't him biting her bloody face off.
【 November 11 — Pocky Day. 】 @snowdrcp
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It's no secret that he's exceptionally terrible at sharing food. In fact, he was overly protective of anything edible to the point of it easily being considered food aggression. It was understandable that she would be reluctant to partake in any event that related to not only sharing food with him, but also included her getting quite close to his teeth, and featured an element of competitive play. She was being sensible for being wary of the danger she may be in if she were to proceed.
And yet, even so, he is standing in front of her, with a dozen different packs of the chocolate coated biscuit sticks held in his arms, looking at her expectantly, hopefully. He did not spent all those months endeavoring to get her to agree to date him only for her to refuse all the couple-orientated events and occasions that subsequently followed.
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❝ I ain't gonna bite yer face off, Hen. ❞
A bold promise. She doesn't need to audibly state her concerns for him to know what she's thinking.
❝ And I ain't gonna eat yer share this time, either. I got extra, so it's good, yeah? ❞
Though sharing really doesn't come naturally to him, he is doing his absolute best. He loves her enough to try to not be a totally violent prick towards her.
With that being said, he was never trained to have a soft mouth, so she should still feed him with some caution.
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ferromagnetiic · 7 months
10. Go tell your partner you love them! Now! Go on!!
                    【 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒���𝐈𝐏. 】                    @gumpistol    @snowdrcp
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         ❝ What, so ya can watch me bein' all soft with yer nakama? I ain't doin' that shit in front of ya, don't be a fuckin' freak. ❞
          There's no way in hell he would willingly let Luffy hear something like that, he would never live it down. He would immediately perish. He would die of humiliation on the spot.
     He's just going to literally kidnap her and take her to his own ship instead so Luffy doesn't have to see.
     Don't tell him what to do, he'll tell his missus he loves her because he wants to, not because Straw Hat told him to.
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ferromagnetiic · 1 year
❝ are you flirting with another reptile? ❞  👀
【 ⚙ 】  |  【 continued. 】 @snowdrcp @xcalibxr
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❝ Naw, I ain't. Why? Ya gettin' a wee bit jealous there, Hen? ❞
Now he's getting all worked up over the idea of making her pine over him. It's going straight to his head and inflating his already oversized ego.
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ferromagnetiic · 1 year
【 ⚙ 】  |  【 continued. 】 @snowdrcp
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This might be the first time in his entire life anyone has sincerely dubbed him as 'pretty' to his face without an additional layer of blatant sarcasm, or with the intent of using the word ironically to deliberately degrade him.
He can't be entirely happy about it, though. Not when she's also teasing him for his stance on her captain in the same breath. Could have done without her drawing attention to the fact that he stamped that space, too. Maybe he can chalk it up to just wanting to get in her good books and get another bingo on her sheet; he remains an atrocious liar, but if he was lucky, she would still consider that scenario plausible.
There's a rosy hue to his cheeks; a new shade of pink to compliment maroon lips, a stark contrast to his usually ghostly complexion. A rush of warmth to his face, half in response to her commenting on a vague suggestion of fondness towards Straw Hat, and half due to the coy smile that accompanies the compliment she delivers with fresh, damp ink pressed into parchment paper.
Unsure of how to process the sensation of swelling within his ribcage when she gazes towards his direction beneath pallid feather eyelashes, his features tighten into an irascible scowl, despite the unwavering presence of color now staining his skin.
❝ — Shut up, I ain't needy. Yer the one who's all over me — ya got three lines already, don'tcha? ❞
The words spill out of his mouth before he can catch them between steel plated fingers. It's instinctive for him to project; an automatic defensive response to try and mitigate the surge of embarrassment she conjures within him. However, it's too impulsive, and the outburst fails to offer any sense of solace.
Ordinarily, he would take her praise in his stride, boastful and conceited. This time, however, she's pulled the rug beneath his feet, and he stumbles as he endeavors to right himself.
He didn't know she thought he was pretty.
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ferromagnetiic · 11 months
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For the past week, she's been watching the steady construction of one of his new sculptures; a giant wild buffalo this time, with massive curling horns, and somber, brooding steel eyes. Every time she's visited his work room, there's been a little more progress made to the creation; what was once just a skeletal base had gradually come to obtain layers of alloy fur and muscle.
It was nearing its completion the last time she saw it only a day or two prior, but when she returns this time, the sculpture is nowhere to be seen; there are no obvious traces of the buffalo, nor any scattered tools in the suggestion of an ongoing project.
He knows that she's wondering where it went — such a large structure could not be easily concealed, after all.
Kid provides her with a perfunctory shrug, and he waves in the general direction of a particular pile of discarded scrap metal in the corner of the room. It's been crushed into an uneven lump, heavily dented as if placed under extreme pressure from all surrounding sides. If she looks carefully, she can probably make out the rough shape of an artificial animal snout, but its been damaged so badly that it's all but collapsed and inverted in on itself.
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❝ Expression looked like shit. Couldn't get it right. ❞
The words are mumbled flippantly, but too flippantly for it to seem authentic. It's a project he dedicated numerous hours to, and him speaking so passively about its destruction is out of place. He's trying too hard to come across as indifferent, and the deliberate avoidance of displaying any kind of distinctive emotion instead only reveals a slither of his true feelings on the matter. Disappointment.
❝ Got pissed off with its stupid face, and it would'a taken me twice as long to fix the damn thing than to just make somethin' else. ❞
There's sourness seeping into his explanation, a remaining trace of what had previously been overwhelming frustration, and had ultimately lead to the violent dismemberment of his creation. There was conspicuous excitement in his tone when they had spoken about it last, and he seemed genuinely pleased with the praise she had delivered to his craft. Now, he's not fully facing her, his hands folded over his chest in a closed-off posture.
Regardless of whether or not she realizes it, he had wanted it to enamor her.
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