#ใ€ ๏ปฟ๐ฆ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž: dracule mihawk ใ€‘
seaoftales ยท 6 months
Finding a tavern as quest as this one was a rarity. A few patrons sitting around at tables or by the bar, conversations being held in murmurs, no pirates about to be way too loud for his tastes. The swordsman preferred a more peaceful ambiance than a loud one, so he settled at one of the tables closer to the bar, ordering some food and a bottle of red wine. He'd been famished after his last voyage during which he'd run out of food, foolishly miscalculating the supplies needed.
It was rare for Mihawk to spend more time than needed around people, and food was an exception. One might think that the man lives off of sarcasm and red wine, and while that wasn't too far off from the truth, the man still had to eat.
His more or less quiet mealtime was interrupted when the door burst open, a large group of undoubtedly pirates entering the tavern. He initially didn't pay too much mind to them, rather observing and trying to figure out who was who, and who was in charge.
It wasn't until they started getting louder, singing and laughing, that Mihawk finally glanced in the general direction of the young woman who was clearly their captain.
"My, aren't you a lively bunch."
@marriageproposallola โ™ฅ'd
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seaoftales ยท 4 months
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With how things unfolded after the Caleuche and Athelar made an appearance to stop the battle between the Marines, Strawhats and Red Hair Pirates, Mihawk's options were pretty much non-existent except for one --- join Shanks' crew and sail with him. He once didn't doubt that word would spread how he had died and joined the ranks of the Caleuche's ghost army, and as long as the Marines believed just that, he would be fine on board the Red Force.
That also meant that it was time to catch up with his old friend and rival, properly this time considering the last time they saw each other, Shanks was very much incapacitated from the amount of liquor he had.
There was something he was curious to ask him, something he noticed while Athelar was still with them and then later on during the council they held. Feet on Shanks' desk like he owned the place and hands neatly folded in his lap, all of his attention was on his old friend.
"I see your love life's improved since we last saw each other."
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seaoftales ยท 5 months
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โ Darling, the only thing sharper than my wit is my sword. Now pass me the wine so I can sharpen both. โž
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seaoftales ยท 6 months
With the Warlord system abolished, there were only so many places Mihawk could have gone to. As he was packing rather hastily, knowing the Marines could be barging in any moment, he was on the line with none other than Crocodile, listening as his former colleague offered him a rather lucrative job. Still, Mihawk was rather indecisive about it. He needed time to think and would rather not have to make decisions he could very well regret later on.
A glance thorough the window was enough to have him hurry. Several Marine ships were already at the shore, disembarking and making their way to the castle. The thrill of the hunt was there, fingers itching to take a hold of Yoru and have a go at the Marines now that there was nothing tying him to them or the World Government.
He stopped himself. This was not the time.
A few books and several wine bottles shoved in a burlap sack, long coat put on along with the hat and sword placed on his back, and Mihawk fled the castle on Kuraigana Island, successfully evading the Marines who were too busy with the Humandrills to notice he was making a run for it.
But where to go? The first logical person his mind went to was Shanks. He knew the man well enough to know he'd offer him a place on his ship without him having to join his crew on top of it, though he would never hear the end of his ever-present cocky attitude and begging for a proper sword fight like back in the day. He could always find himself another abandoned island and make it his new home, though being stationary when being hunted by Marines wasn't smart either.
No, he needed to be somewhere where he'd be protected, could also offer protection in return and where he'd feel at home. He knew just the place.
It took some time and some Marine avoiding to find the ship he was looking for. It was just as he remembered, albeit somewhat weathered, which was to be expected, docked at a small unsuspecting port just as he remembered from his childhood when the Captain would like to wander about or just mingle among people as a civilian. Maybe, just maybe, if he was lucky, his mother was still part of the crew as well.
With just the burlap sack in hand and the sword on his back, Mihawk made his way to where the ship was docked, sitting down on one of the dock poles just like he did when he was a child waiting for the Captain to return.
She did, eventually, and the swordsman couldn't help the soft smile, features relaxing immediately. She looked just as he remembered - radiating security and authority alike, as the King of pirates should. He wondered if she'd recognize him.
"Permission to step on board, Captain."
@hibiscusxqueen โ™ฅ'd
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seaoftales ยท 6 months
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It were moments like these that had him almost reconsider his choice of joining the Cross Guild. The yellow-eyed swordsman simply wanted to have at least some semblance of peace and instead got thrown into a tumult of what he could summarize as a circus, quite literally and figuratively. Mihawk couldn't fathom how Crocodile dealt with it, but his patience was running thin, and the worst part was that he couldn't even take a swing at the clown thanks to his devil fruit.
He should have insisted on sailing alone like he always did, and staying on his own like he always did. To hell with it all, at that point Mihawk would have rather spent a lifetime being annoyed by Perona than stay a moment longer on board this damned ship. He craved silence, a comfortable chair and a good glass of red wine.
"Do you ever shut up?" He finally asked, slamming the book he was trying to read, though unsucessfully.
@fellapart โ™ฅ'd
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seaoftales ยท 3 months
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โย I didn't mean to imply you can't take care of yourself. โž Far from it, in fact. Amalthea's survival instincts were exceeding his by far. Mihawk didn't really care for danger, because why would he? He was by all definitions a predator, on top of the food chain, and others should fear him rather than the case being vice versa. Sadly, he was also very well aware of their current situation and that things looked like everything but him being on top of the food chain. The swordsman lived in hope that the Marines at least thought him dead and weren't actively looking for him or Amalthea. They would get what they deserved soon enough.
The fact that she essentially sacrificed herself and her secretive way of living just to help him was reason enough to make sure that she was as safe as it got, regardless of her capabilities of doing just that. Thea quite literally almost sacrificed herself twice just to be able to keep him alive when he was one step away from death, it would only be right to make sure that she in return would be safe. He wouldn't allow anything to happen to her. It was the least he could do.
โย It doesn't seem right, leaving you to fend for yourself. You exposed yourself to help me. I know that was not an easy decision to make. But if you didn't, I wouldn't be here now. โž And while being eternally grateful would only get him so far, words couldn't offer protection. He could. โย I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you. โž
@aamaranthiine / continued.
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seaoftales ยท 4 months
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When word reached him that Shanks had lost an arm, to one of the Sea Kings no less, Mihawk had to see it for himself. Rumors that like were something he didn't necessarily trust, because there was always a chance that somebody simply started it for the sake of making him appear weak and helpless so others could have a go at him. Luckily, he also knew where Shanks currently was, namely in Windmill Village in the East Blue, so that was where he set his course to.
While it took him a few days to get there, Mihawk immediately recognized the Red Force docked at the little harbour. At least one part of the rumor was true. The other, significantly worse one, now that one he was mildly scared of. How could one even survive such an attack?
Mihawk didn't even have to ask if the rumors were true. The looks on the crew's faces were sign enough that it really happened.
"How'd you know?" Beck asked immediately, assuming that Shanks was the reason why Mihawk came there in the first place.
"Rumors travel fast. How is he?"
Beck gave an uncertain look and motioned for him to follow into the captain's quarters. "See for yourself."
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seaoftales ยท 3 months
oh to have mihawk's makeup skills
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There he is, in all his glory, sporting his best โ›ย am I a fucking joke to you โœ face he can muster.
โย Never have I, nor will I ever, wear makeup. You might be looking for... another. The clown school for whiny little bitches is down the hall, second door to the right. Now tread along. I have better things to waste my free time on than entertain such juvenile rumors. โž
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seaoftales ยท 3 months
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@healingbrews sent:
A deft hand slips a note into Mihawk's coat as she walks by him on the top deck shouting orders to the small crew.
'I'm not upset and I am sorry for making you think as such. I'm stupid, amongst other shortcomings. I am most sorry, Mihawk-san.'
Whether or not he reads the note Hinoka will be thinking about it as she's apt to overthink such trivialities. She just hopes it helps clear the air...Somewhat.
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It wasn't until he put his hands in the pockets of his coat sometime later that he found something different in them other than the usual bits and bobs had carried around. A piece of paper was among the assortment of trinkets, one he most definitely didn't put there. Pulling it out, deft fingers opened the note, hawk-like eyes reading it thoroughly before the swordsman heaved a heavy sigh. How he wished things wouldn't be as complicated as they were.
In the end, after an inner battle with himself on what to do, Mihawk decided to seek out Hinoka to hopefully set things straight. It was his own damn fault at that, too, socially inept as he was and unable to read the room on a good day. He simply just had to act like a child and flee the scene rather than talk to her like the grown adult he was.
โย Hinoka, I was wondering if you had time to talk? Preferably in private. โž
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seaoftales ยท 3 months
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@horonomi sent: Perona holding a her sugar baby application behind her back while pouting up at Mihawk. "What if I want these things and more?"
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The piece of paper she was holding behind her back wasn't lost on him, and for a split second, Mihawk toyed with the idea of simply pretending to have no idea what Perona was talking about, though at the same time, he was rather curious what that more entailed. Part of him hoped that she wanted it to be more the same way he did, because no matter how much he tried to deny his feelings, living two years with Perona did some things to him he couldn't deny longer.
โย What does that more entail?, โž the swordsman asked, hand reaching out to take one of her soft curls and wrap the strand almost playfully around his finger. โย Protection? Or maybe a permanent home, soft touches like this and other forms of affection? โž
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seaoftales ยท 5 months
"Scars make us who we are." for Mihawk
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He could agree with the statement, though only to a certain degree.
Scars were something of a tricky topic, and Mihawk did have some rather controversial opinions when it came to them.
โ That sounds almost... naive. โž For a lack of a better word, this one would have to do. โ Scars don't just make you who you are, they also reflect on what kind of fighter you are. There's some that carry them with pride, and then there's those that grow weaker with each scar they get. โž
It was one or the other, at least most times. The plethora of duels he had had in the past gave him enough experience to determine what kind of person he was up against, not to mention what kind of fight it would turn out to be thanks to his Observation Haki. For him personally, being the bearer of the title of World's Greatest Swordsman, he couldn't allow himself to bear any kind of scar, at least not one from a sword fight. There was a reputation he had to uphold, which, among other things, was that he was nigh untouchable.
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โ I don't suppose you have some scars of your own you'd like to share a story about? โž Leave it to him to flip to narrative around. Mihawk was never a person who liked to talk about himself. He much rather listened to others as they talked about themselves, just like he liked to try and assert what kind of people his opponents were when they challenged him to a duel. Call it a force of habit.
@ikkaku-of-heart / scar survey starters.
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seaoftales ยท 4 months
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@healingbrews sent: "Mihawk-san surely you could afford to close your shirt one or two buttons higher?" [Mihawk]
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โย You mean like this? โž As the question passed his lips in nonchalance, the swordsman put the book he was reading out of his hands, deft fingers moving to unbutton two buttons instead of buttoning the shirt as suggested. The faintest smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, amber eyes intently focused on Hinoka.
When agreeing to take down the Marine outposts, the swordsman was well aware of the risks he was taking, namely being injured. It just so happened that he would get one or the other bullet lodged in his side or shoulder, or that somebody had managed to graze his skin with a blade. The injuries weren't that serious, though they did require him to be shirtless whenever Hinoka would take care of them, and he'd be a fool not to notice the change of behaviour whenever that happened.
โย Red is quite a lovely colour on you, you know? Especially when you blush. โž
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seaoftales ยท 5 months
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His time was running out. He knew that much.
With Crocodile on the den den mushi telling him about his proposition to establish the Cross Guild, Mihawk hastily packed whatever essentials crossed his mind first. The news coo bearing the latest news came perhaps a bit too late on his side. The Shichibukai had been disbanded, his bounty reinstated and increased --- a whooping 3.59 billion Berry. Mihawk was no fool, he was well aware of the fact that such bounty alone warranted for his immediate arrest. Worst of all, they knew where he lived.
His answers to Crocodile were short. Really, if he had gotten in touch any other day, the swordsman would be more than inclined to give him the time of his day, though now? There really were only so many things he could do at the same time, and Marine ships approached the island from the distance already. First one, then another one, followed by several more. He still wasn't all that worried. He could take them. Slicing their ships into pieces wouldn't prove too hard of a task if the issue arose, so he left it at that and continued to divide his attention between Crocodile and whatever he needed.
It wasn't until the Humandrills outside of his window started screeching as if their life depended on it, flying into panic and running off into the dense woods surrounding the castle. Mihawk ended the call, grabbed Yoru and the bag with provisions and headed outside.
Dead silence.
Mihawk felt deep unease. He'd usually hear the one or other bird chirp and caw, or another animal making noise closeby. Usually wildlife didn't care about a ship approaching the island, so what could have possibly been so different?
More ships showed on the horizon, emerging from the fog that surrounded Kuraigana island one by one. His brows furrowed. Even if they would areat him, those were far too many ships for him alone.
He should have just left then and there, though Mihawk went against better judgement and focused, trying to see if his Observation Haki would pick something up. Between all the gibberish and outlines of various Marines, it took him a bit to find the one who seemed to be in charge. None other than Fujitora himself. he listened into the conversation before snapping out of it.
Nothing but two words resounded with him and had him freeze, amber eyes shooting wide open in what could only be described as fear.
Buster call.
Mihawk was running before even realizing he was, feet moving swiftly through the thick shrubbery and dense forest as the first explosions sounded in the distance. Debris fell trhough the canopy, large chunks of finely chiseled stone all too familiar --- they were hitting the castle. Maybe, just maybe, he had a chance to sneak away before the whole island would be blown to smithereens. He had a spare boat on the other side of the island.
Lady Luck had abandoned him, by the looks of it, as did any kind of hope of survival as he reached his destination. The island was surrounded. Marines immediately opened fire, barely allowing him a window to pull Yoru out to deflect the bullets. Canons were shot next, some missing, some hitting the terrain behind him, the ones going his way sliced in half to protect himself. There was, however, little that he could do as the grand fleet ship came around the corner, dozens upon dozens of canons pointed his way.
The swordsman bolted towards the water as canons fired away. Water would lessen the impact. He had to survive, somehow.
His ears rang. There was piercing pain in his chest. He was wet. There was blood. There was debris. The explosion right behind him sent him flying into the sea, debris from one of the Marine ships that had the unfortunate position of being in the way of fire hitting him square in the chest, in the very same spot he was injured so many decades ago.
His sword was dragging him down. It was hard staying conscious.
Mihawk grabbed onto a larger piece of wood floating close, trying to get most of his weight on it before inevitably passing out. Nobody had noticed the now unconscious body floating away.
The currents took him far away from the island that was now an island no more, landing him eventually on the shores of a beach he would undoubtedly recognize when coming to.
@ladyxamalthea / plotted
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seaoftales ยท 6 months
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He supposed this was his fate now, being stuck on a clown ship, surrounded by circus figures and with Buggy essentially running his show as he pleased. While it took all the attention away from him and Crocodile and they could do as they pleased, it wasn't as if Mihawk could be too thrilled about anything, really. Perhaps worst of all, he couldn't even slice Buggy up when he got on his nerves thanks to the devil fruit powers he had.
Unable to stand the circus music any longer, the swordsman strolled out of the massive tent and tried to get far away from it as possible. He just so happened upon on Galdino, one of Crocodile's former Baroque Works agents that joined the Cross Guild.
"I don't suppose you can create ear plugs out of wax?"
@waxgentleman โ™ฅ'd
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seaoftales ยท 2 months
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@aamaranthiine / continued.
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The corners of his lips curved up in a soft, amused smile, despite the serious tone Thea had spoken in when mentioning their rather large age gap, and yet, none would be the wiser when looking at her. Her eternal beauty was blinding, enchanting, drawing in so many, making them fall in love with her at first sight, not that Mihawk could blame any of them. He was equally at fault for falling for her, though not only for her beauty. Her beauty inside was even more so alluring to him, such a kind and warm soul, putting herself in danger to protect those she cared about.
โย I'd dare say the age difference between us is but a small detail, โž Mihawk whispered again, nose gently brushing against hers, hand reaching for hers to interlace their fingers. โย I don't care about that. I care about you. โž And he would have sung her praises were it not for the featherlight kiss she placed on his lips. His hand let go of hers for a few moments, reaching up to gently place against her cheek as Mihawk deepened the kiss only a little bit.
There was no need to rush anything. They had time, he a little less than she did, but again, that was also a small detail he didn't concern himself with much. The swordsman learned to live in the moment, take all it offered and cherish the sweet moments he got to share with her. Thea was very special to him, more than he anticipated she would be. While it was perhaps too soon to exchange the first โ›ย I love you โœ, the feelings he felt for her were undeniable, the very same ones he thought he'd never feel again.
โย You mean so much to me. โž Another whisper, now against her lips as he gently kissed her once more.
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seaoftales ยท 5 months
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Another day, another act of complete clownery by the fool himself. It was somewhat amusing at first, the buffoonery in a very curious way uplifting, though there was only so much circus music, bad jokes and a loud and bright environment one could really tolerate before snapping.
Mihawk was in a particularly foul mood from the very early morning. His patience with the clown was running out, not to mention that with every single thing Buggy did brought him on even thinner ice than before. Oh how he fantasized of making the idiot suffer properly for once, letting him know just how bad he could have it if he continued on tainting everything the Cross Guild was standing for. And to think that he was a Yonko on top of that. A part of him was almost certain the Marines were ridiculing them at this point.
As things were, it turned out that right then and there, any time was a good time to start drinking. Uncorking a bottle of red, the swordsman let it air out a bit before pouring the alcohol in two glasses before carrying them both to Perona. Hand extended, he offered her one of them before taking a seat next to her.
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โย Do you regret joining in on... โž he motioned towards the massive tent. โย ... whatever this turned out to be, or is it just me who's regretting it? โž
@piratebento โ™ฅ'd / for Perona
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