hedgehog-moss · 10 months
"rn I feel like reading about someone's quiet daily life, maybe a diary or letters, set in a place or context I don't know much about, without turmoil or tragedy" oh! do you have any recommendations for books like this?
This is one of my favourite types of books! Here are 30(ish) recs...
May Sarton's The House by the Sea or Plant Dreaming Deep
Gyrðir Elíasson's Suðurglugginn / La fenêtre au sud (not translated into English unfortunately!), also Bergsveinn Birgisson's Landslag er aldrei asnalegt / Du temps qu'il fait (exists in German too)
Gretel Ehrlich's The Solace of Open Spaces, which iirc was originally written as journal entries and letters before being adapted into a book
Kenneth White's House of Tides: Letters from Brittany and Other Lands of the West
Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book
The Diary of a Provincial Lady, E. M. Delafield
Growing Up with the Impressionists: The Diary of Julie Manet
Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim (do not read if you don't like flowers)
The Road Through Miyama by Leila Philip (I've mentioned it before, it feels like this gif)
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, I keep recommending this one but it's so nice and I love snails
Epicurean Simplicity, Stephanie Mills
The Light in the Dark: A winter journal by Horatio Clare
The Letters of Rachel Henning
The letters of Tove Jansson, also The Summer Book and Fair Play
The diary of Sylvia Townsend Warner—here's an entry where she describes some big cats at the zoo. "Frank and forthcoming, flirtatious carnivores, [...] guttersnipishly loveable"
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The Letters of Rachel Carson & Dorothy Freeman were very sweet and a little bit gay. I mostly remember from this long book I read years ago that Rachel Carson once described herself as "retiring into her shell like a periwinkle at low tide" and once apologised to Dorothy because she had run out of apple-themed stationery.
Jane Austen's letters (quoting the synopsis, "Wiser than her critics, who were disappointed that her correspondence dwelt on gossip and the minutiae of everyday living, Austen understood the importance of "Little Matters," of the emotional and material details of individual lives shared with friends and family")
Madame de Sévigné's letters because obviously, and from the same time period, the letters of the Princess Palatine, Louis XIV's sister-in-law. I read them a long time ago and mostly I remember that I enjoyed her priorities. There's a letter where she complains that she hasn't received the sausages she was promised, and then in the next paragraph, mentions the plot to assassinate the King of England and also, the Tartars are walking on Vienna currently.
Wait I found it:
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R.C. Sherriff's The Fortnight in September (quoting the author, "I wanted to write about simple, uncomplicated people doing normal things")
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Pond, Claire-Louise Bennett
Rules for Visiting, Jessica Francis Kane
The following aren't or aren't yet available in English, though some have already been translated in 5-6 languages:
ツバキ文具店 / La papeterie Tsubaki by ito Ogawa
半島へ / La péninsule aux 24 saisons by Mayumi Inaba
Giù la piazza non c'è nessuno, Dolores Prato (for a slightly more conceptual take on the "someone's everyday life" theme—I remember it as quite Proustian in its meticulousness, a bit like Nous les filles by Marie Rouanet which is much shorter and more lighthearted but shows the same extreme attention to childhood details)
Journal d'un homme heureux, Philippe Delerm, my favourite thing about this book is that the goodreads commenter who gave it the lowest rating complained that Delerm misidentified a wine as a grenache when actually it's a cabernet sauvignon. Important review!
Un automne à Kyôto, Corinne Atlan (I find her writing style so lovely)
oh and 西の魔女が死んだ / L’été de la sorcière by Kaho Nashiki —such a little Ghibli film of a book. There's a goodreads review that points out that Japanese slice-of-life films and books have "a certain way of describing small, everyday actions in a soothing, flawless manner that can either wear you out, or make you look at the world with a temporary glaze of calm contentment and introspective understanding [...]"
I'd be happy to get recommendations in this 'genre' as well :)
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yohankang · 9 months
Tag someone you want to know better OR just want to say hello to!
i was tagged by @wangmiao <3 <3 <3 thank youuu
Favourite color: no idea... i really can't choose... but lately i'm really into bottle green
Last song: どうでもいい歌 by civilian, i re-discovered this band after 10 years and i'm obsessed
Last movie: oppenheimer... 2 months ago. i really don't watch movies often
Currently watching: only the killing vote and jujutsu kaisen. but the worst of evil and evilive start airing soon so i hope they will be good!!
Currently reading: omniscient reader's viewpoint because francesca evakant recommended it <3 but it's so long it will probably take me a year to finish it (i only read 12% so far) :') i'm usually reading it on the bus to work and i missed my stop twice this month lmaoo
i'm also reading ツバキ文具店 by ito ogawa (tsubaki stationery store?? it doesn't have an official eng translation) and it's so cozy and perfect for the end of summer/early autumn days
Currently working on: uhhh i'm always working on some gifset and by working i mean putting the idea in a word doc, capturing the frames and then letting it rot in the drafts forever LOL which gifset will make it onto your dashboards first? it's a surprise (to me)
Current obsession: i don't think i'm seriously obsessed with anything rn but i'm having lots of fun bc of one piece these days. the netflix series wasn't /that/ good but i enjoyed it enough to start reading the manga lol but it's more to pass the time (i read 50/1050+ chapters so far... rip) but idk maybe i'll get /really/ into it at some point?
i'm tagging: @evakant @dokyeomini @leedongwook @thedeviljudges @uweiy @itsza @pondsphuwin this is me saying hiiiiiiiiii
(do it only if you want to ofc <3)
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rokux69 · 1 year
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年末に一目惚れしたインクをお迎えしちゃいました😳💕 ツバキ舎(@tubakisya )さんの星さがし🌟夜空のような色合いに完全に心を掴まれてしまいました🥰🌌 そして気になっていたインクカードもお迎えしてしまい…笑 完全にインク沼に足を……🫠 お店もいつか行ってみたいなぁ〜🌺 いやぁ文具沼は素敵で楽しいけど恐ろしいです笑 あと字が上手くなりたい🌚 #ツバキ舎 #星さがし #インク #ガラスペン  #インク沼 #文具沼 #沼初心者🔰 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnaweBkPQdy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anamon-book · 4 years
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NHKウイークリーステラ 平成29年 5/12号 2017 5/6→5/12 NHKサービスセンター 表紙=多部未華子 ドラマ10「ツバキ文具店~鎌倉代書屋物語~」多部未華子 インタビュー
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jdramastills · 4 years
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tabe mikako in tsubaki bunguten (2017)
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smile25tama · 2 years
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✐☡ ⋆* #ポプラ文庫 を読むと、絶対に #小川糸 さんの作品を読みたくなります。 小川糸さんの作品の中でも #つるかめ助産院 と #食堂かたつむり はポプラ文庫で知ってるかもって人も多いのではなかろうか。 どちらもドラマ化されていて、それも大好きでした。 ドラマ化と言えば #ライオンのおやつ もあったらしいのに、なんと、私、見そびれております。 そしてまだ読めていない。不覚です‎( ꒪⌓꒪) 今あげたのがポプラ文庫。 #ツバキ文具店 も本当におすすめなので是非。 で、あまりに小川糸作品が読みたくて会社からの帰りに、今日に限ってバテバテの体で物色。 #ミトン #幻冬舎文庫 ポプラ文庫のは読んでたしなぁ…オススメになってたしw あと1ヶ月は30代だしw 私の語彙力、少しくらいよくなってもいいのにね https://www.instagram.com/p/CXgHDDPPrum/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ot9000 · 6 years
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TVドラマ 2017
べっぴんさん(NHK) カルテット(TBS) スリル!赤の章 ~警視庁庶務係ヒトミの事件簿(NHK) スリル!黒の章 ~弁護士・白井真之介の大災難(NHK BS) バイプレイヤーズ(テレビ東京) 山田孝之のカンヌ映画祭(テレビ東京) 火花(NHK/Netflix) ツバキ文具店(NHK) 犯罪症候群 season1(東海テレビ/WOWOW) PTAグランパ!(NHK BS) ひよっこ(NHK) やすらぎの郷(テレビ朝日) ソースさんの恋(NHK BS) わにとかげぎす(TBS) セシルのもくろみ(フジテレビ) さぼリーマン甘太朗(テレビ東京) ハロー張りネズミ(TBS) 下北沢ダイハード(テレビ東京) デッドストック ~未知への挑戦~(テレビ東京) 植木等とのぼせもん(NHK) 居酒屋ふじ(テレビ東京) 全力失踪(NHK BS) 定年女子(NHK BS) 監獄のお姫さま(TBS) 刑事ゆがみ(フジテレビ) この声をきみに(NHK) マチ工場のオンナ(NHK) アシガール(NHK) 男の操(NHK BS)
2017 TVドラマ Top5
この声をきみに(NHK) ツバキ文具店(NHK) ひよっこ(NHK) カルテット(TBS) 刑事ゆがみ(フジテレビ)
主演男優賞:浅野忠信(刑事ゆがみ) 主演女優賞:小松菜奈(スリル!) 助演男優賞:ミッキー・カーチス(やすらぎの郷) 助演女優賞:吉岡里帆(カルテット)
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ideaswitch · 7 years
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* 今週もありがとうございました。 * ご近所のmomo coffeeの @momocoffee_roaster 奥様のお母さんが貸してくださった書籍「ツバキ文具店」 * 文具店なのですが手紙の代書をしているというお話し。 * 鎌倉が舞台の季節の描写も、ストーリーも引き込まれるのですが、依頼される手紙に合わせて選ぶ紙や筆記用具が色々と出てきます。 気持ちを伝える為になぜそれを選ぶのか詳しく書いてあってとても面白かったです * 今度この本がドラマ化されるとのこと。挿絵の文具店がどんな風に再現されるのか楽しみです。 * 本日祝日営業だった為、明日3/21火は振替店休日とさせて頂きます。 * #ありがとうスイッチ #ツバキ文具店 (アイデアスイッチ)
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y-anoo-o · 7 years
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mcafe-photo · 2 years
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ameironisomete · 2 years
こないだの休みに 無計画1人鎌倉旅
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meigenbako · 4 years
よく考えると、 自分で自分の姿は見えないのだ。 手や爪先は簡単に見えるけれど、 背中もおしりも、 鏡に映さないと見えない。 いつだって、 自分よりも周りの人の方が たくさん私を見ている。 だから、自分はこうだと思っていても、 もしかしたら他人は、 もっと別の私を見出しているのかもしれない。
ツバキ文具店 - 小川糸
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um0707 · 5 years
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chakonaka-blog · 6 years
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ムフフ、可愛らしいスタンプ買ってしまった💕 仕事行く前にペン習字の練習しよう〜♫ 2018.9.20 #手紙舎 #しゅんしゅん #ツバキ文具店の鎌倉案内 #ツバキ文具店 #tsubaki #hatopoppo #スタンプ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn7dXDGg7Nf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dmzorhuos002
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ドラマツバキ文具店を見て感動した。 久しぶりに新鮮な気分を味わう。 なので本を一冊買ってきた。 その前に母と暮せばをみた。 次に映画を見飽きたので解析概論を読み、ドラマをみる。 約束の話を聞いたら、春宵十話を思い出した。更に名著講義に続き量子力学の不確定性定理を思い浮かぶ。 #ツバキ文具店 #解析概論 #波動方程式 #不確定性定理
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happeace-rie · 7 years
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✒︎ 鳩子から祖母へ 最初で最後の手紙より ・ ・ #ツバキ文具店 最終回 ・ ・ ・・・#枯れた紫陽花 を添えて
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