spiderfriend · 27 days
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lierrelearns · 2 years
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Okay, this has been sitting in my drafts for years. I still have no idea what the rakuraku icon does, but I'll provide links to a couple of helpful articles on how to actually use Japanese TV and air conditioner remotes here and here.
Remote: Left-Right, Top-Bottom 電源(でんげん)power (button) 元の画面 オフタイマー off-timer 画面表示(がめんひょうじ) 入力切換(にゅうりょくきりかえ)(Change) Input 地上(ちじょう)terrestrial/broadcast television? BS Broadcast Satellite ½ CS Consumer Satellitle ビエラ リンク VIERA Link. Used in Panasonic products for HDMI/AV connections 録画一覧(ろくがいちらん)recording list 番組表(ばんぐみひょう)guide らくらくアイコン 決定(けってい)decision サブメニュー sub-menu 戻る 青 赤 緑 黄 チャネル 音量(おんりょう)volume メニュー 音声切換(おんせいきりかえ)sound - 消音(しょうおん)mute データ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10/0 11* 12# スキップ/早戻し 再生(さいせい)playback/ 1.3倍速(ばいそく) 早送り(はやおくり)fast-forward/スキップ 録画(ろくが)(video) recording 停止(ていし) Off 一時停止(いちじていし)pause/静止(せいし)stillness ガイド お好み選局(おこのみせんきょく)preference/channel selection テレビ
Air-conditioner Remote: Left-Right, Top-Bottom タイマー 設定温度(せっていおんど)temperature settings 風速(ふうそく)wind speed 28C 暖房(だんぼう)heating 暖房 除湿(じょしつ)dehumidification 冷房(れいぼう)cooling リセット 停止 送風(そうふう)ventilation 切タイマー(きりタイマー)off timer 風速(ふうそく)wind speed 室温(しつおん)room temperature 入タイマー(いりタイマー)on timer 風向(ふうこう)wind direction
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utaitemusic · 2 years
This is the machine that remotely controls me Its shape is a bit awkward, but it works (Fooo!!)
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poddyshobbies · 10 months
2023.7.7 ~ TASCAM リモコン
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CD-R ディスク
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CD レコーダー(TASCAM CD-RW900 MK II)用リモコン
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YouTube >
梅雨の大雨1(12分30秒)… 後半は雨足弱まる
梅雨の大雨2(18分55秒)… 時々遠雷
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bearbench-img · 3 months
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リモコン(リモートコントロール)は、電子機器や機器を遠隔から操作するためのデバイスです。一般的には、赤外線や無線信号を利用して、対応する機器に指示を送信します。主な目的は、利用者が手動で直接機器に触れることなく、操作や設定を行うことです。 リモコンはテレビ、エアコン、オーディオ機器、照明、プロジェクター、車のキーレスエントリーシステムなど、さまざまな家電製品や機器で使用されています。ボタンやキーが配置され、それぞれが特定の機能や操作を担当しています。 また、近年ではスマートホンアプリを使用して様々な機器を制御できるスマートリモコンも登場しており、従来の物理的なリモコンよりも多機能で使いやすいとされています。
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bearbench · 3 months
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毎日エアコンが手放せない、暑がりなメンヘラナマポおじさんです。 エアコンのリモコンが壊れる 賃貸のアパートに住んでいます。 備え付けのエアコンを使っているんですが、リモコンが効いたり効かなかったりします。 電池が切れたのかと新品の電池に入れ替えましたが、使えない時がままあります。 本来ならエアコンを点けている時はリモコンの液晶に設定温度などが表示されるはずですが、それも点いたり点かなかったり。 電池の接触が悪いのかと見てみると、2本入れているうちの1本のマイナス側を受けるバネが黒くなっています。 どうも電池が液ダレでもしたようです。 リモコンを単品購入 ティッシュペーパーでバネを拭ったり、細い棒で黒くなった部分を擦ったりしてみましたが、やはりリモコンは効いたり効かなかったりで安定しません。 面倒になって買い換えようかとAmazonで検索してみると、互換性のある汎用リモ…
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gonzileather · 2 years
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特注の車のリモコンキーカバー あなただけのオリジナルアイテムをオーダーしていただけます gonzi leather 京都府京都市伏見区醍醐中山町13 tel. 075-572-0298 mail. [email protected] #Gonzileather #革 #革バッグ#革財布 #革細工 #革小物 #財布 #リモコンケース #レザークラフト #レザー #ハンドメイド #iPhone #京都 #ショルダーバッグ #携帯ケース #ジャスト #京都観光 #京都旅行 #醍醐 #リモコン収納 寺#キーケース🔑 #オーダー #手縫い #オーダーメイド #フルオーダー#リモコンキー #手作り #旅行 #旅 #車の鍵 (レザーショップ革工房 権治(gonzi)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdR6VfevKHR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jimmy-dipthong · 10 months
罠英語・Trap Words pt 1
和製英語(わせいえいご)are Japanese words that have some origin in English, but have been appropriated by the Japanese speaking community. Often, if converted from katakana to English, they won’t be real English words (which can sometimes lead to funny mistranslations on signs).
シャーペン → shar-pen?? ❌ → mechanical pencil ✅
トランプ → trump?? ❌ → playing cards ✅
ベビーカー → baby car?? ❌ → stroller/pram ✅
However, there is a subcategory of 和製英語 which is particularly insidious, as a japanese learner. I’m gonna call them 罠英語 - trap words. They appear to be a normal English word simply converted into kanakana, but although they look like a regular old loan word, they are actually a Japanese misinterpretation or reinterpretation of an English word.
マンション → mansion ❌ → condominium/apartment ✅
The most well known example is probably マンション. Each of these words has a history which explains how they became trap words. In マンション’s case, it was business. In the 1960s, Japanese developers were building luxury housing complexes, but wanted to differentiate them from other housing complexes that had a low-class image, like public housing.¹ As far as I can tell, it wasn’t just one company, and マンション wasn’t a brand name. They created a whole new word, borrowing from English. Since then, the word マンション evolved to have a wider and wider scope, now including not just luxury housing complexes but any housing complex.
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ジュース → juice ❌ → juice/soft drink/sports drink/mixer ✅
This one drives me up the wall because of how different it is from English. ジュース is a huge umbrella term which includes Coke, Aquarius, ramune, flavoured milk(!!), and actual orange juice. It does NOT include coffee, tea, anything with alcohol, or lemon juice(!!). Why not lemon juice? Because ジュース kinda means “beverage”. You don't usually drink lemon juice straight, so it’s not ジュース. Instead, you call lemon juice レモン汁. There are plenty of recipes on the japanese recipe sharing website Cookpad for レモンジュース, and most of them involve diluting actual lemon juice in carbonated water and mixing it with sugar or honey.²
Apparently, up until the 1960s (〜昭和40年), the word ジュース was not regulated, which meant Japanese brands were free to label fruit flavoured drinks as ジュース, even if they had no actual fruit juice in them. This changed in late 1967, when, thanks to pressure from consumer groups, the Japanese Agricultural Standard Law (JAS法) was revised to include a regulatory definition of the word ジュース: 「果汁100%のもの以外は、『ジュース』という名称で販売できない」(100% fruit juice).³ Even the wikipedia article for ジュース defines it using the JAS definition.⁴ However, the word ジュース had already entered common usage before the law came into effect, and it’s still used today to mean any non-coffee, non-tea, non-alcoholic, sweet beverage, especially ones sold from a vending machine. I believe the prevalence of vending machines may have led to the spread of this word. Another reason ジュース has not been adopted in common use may be that Japanese already has a word for fruit juice - 果汁. Languages dislike redundancy, so it’s natural that one of the two would have changed to have a different meaning. Many native Japanese speakers are unaware of the regulatory definition⁵, (and even then, regulations shouldn’t and don’t dictate how language is used in everyday conversation) so it’s important to be careful!
ノート → note ❌ → notebook ✅
In Japanese, it’s rare that a common word will be longer than 4 kana sounds long (aka morae). Similarly in English, we don’t end to use words that are over 4 syllables long very often. In English, the word “notebook” is 2 syllables, nice and short. But when you convert it into Japanese, it becomes ノートブック, a whole 6 morae! No one has time to say all that! Since English can fit multiple consonants into a single syllable but Japanese can’t, when converting to Japanese, lots of additional vowels get added in, which extends the word. That’s why loan words in Japanese tend to get abbreviated: ビル for building, リモコン for remote control, ティアキン for “Tears of the Kingdom”.⁶ It’s only natural that ノートブック would get abbreviated to ノート. It’s just an unlucky coincidence that “note” happens to be an English word as well. The word for "note" in Japanese is メモ!
This is why the Death Note is called a note, even though it’s not a note, and also gives us this slightly おかしい translation.
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I’m keen to post more about these trap words since dictionaries are often quite prescriptivist about the meanings, and it’s hard to get a good idea of what the word means without talking to Japanese people. I also find the histories quite interesting. Let me know if you’re interested! I have a feeling these words (besides ジュース) may be kinda common knowledge, but I hope the explanations were interesting! I think next time I'll talk about some ones that are less commonly known.
[1]: https://www.homes.co.jp/cont/buy_mansion/buy_mansion_00137/ [2]: https://cookpad.com/search/レモンジュース [3]: https://www.meg-snow.com/customer/center/communication/pdf/center12.pdf [4]: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ジュース [5]: https://macaro-ni.jp/36654 [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_abbreviated_and_contracted_words
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t4t-hantunia · 7 days
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 1 month
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Xユーザーのひろみつさん: 「昭和の人間、Bluetoothリモコンをテレビに向けないと操作できない https://t.co/ubSDbVMNj4」 / X
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hirokaz04ls · 2 months
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sexymrmr · 6 months
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sunshowersz · 7 months
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Singers: Koharu Rikka AI, Ryo AI is ethically sourced, see here for more details
Program: Synthesizer V
UST/Project File Base: UtauReizo
Tuning Type: fully tuned by me (hope) :)
Audio Quality: unmixed (sorry)
(artwork also by me)
since most of my followers are unacquainted with vocaloid (umbrella term) covers, feel free to ask me questions ^^
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yooitsyorick · 11 months
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A pen, a black hole, a light switch, a plant, a pillow, a pastry, and a リモコン
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musicjpn · 7 months
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