#・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 03 :   faceclaim/art .
wrathfl · 8 months
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ooc. I'm working on a new reference sheet for Mercy ! Here is a small sneak peek of 2024 look uwu All verses will finally have their own reference sheet soon!
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helenaspencer · 4 years
intro to helena
Is that HELENA SPENCER-MAY? Wow, they do look a lot like PHOEBE DYNEVOR. I hear SHE is an EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMAN who are studying HISTORY  at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be CHILDISH and SNOBBISH, but on the bright side they can also be GENEROUS and CHARMING. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. [YUNI, 21, GMT, SHE/HER]
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lord knows why i did this. im sorry.
01: basic information
Full Name: Lara Helena Spencer-May
Nicknames: Helena - she insists on being referred to only by her middle name.
Date Of Birth: August 12, 2002 (currently aged 18)
Zodiac: Leo sun, Leo ascendant, and Libra moon.
Place Of Birth: New York
Nationality: American and Swiss.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Course: History (Freshman)
02: physical
Faceclaim: Phoebe Dynevor
Ethnicity: White (Swiss, English)
Height: 173cm (5′8)
Weight: 56kg (124lbs)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Distinctive Features: a tangible air of disdain for anyone who earns less than 100k a year
Clothing Preference: Helena won’t wear anything which isn’t designer, but even then, she has her preferences. Perhaps stereotypically, she adores Chanel, closely followed by Versace. Her sense of style is fairly feminine, with a lot of dresses and skirts, and she wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of jeans.
03: personality
Positive Traits: Generous, charming, loyal, creative
Negative Traits: Childish, snobbish, insincere, judgemental
Religious Beliefs: Atheist
Helena has pretty much the emotional maturity of Veruca Salt. Which is to say, she cares about one person in the world, and that is herself. She doesn’t make long term plans, instead pursuing short term happiness - which means that whatever she wants in that moment, she will go for. And if you stand between her and whatever she wants, no matter how dumb - whether it’s a bag or a college - she reacts dramatically. She’s not above throwing tantrums, literally stomping her feet and screaming, scratching, you name it, until she gets what she asked for. She once keyed an ex boyfriend’s car because he understandably refused to invite her to his sister’s wedding and Helena had already picked out her (white) outfit. In addition to this, Helena’s sheltered upbringing has made her extremely ignorant to the world as a whole. She fails to comprehend how anyone can not be rich, since it’s all she knows, and so she tends to assume that poor people are always lazy and unambitious. As a result, she refuses to associate herself with anyone who is a scholarship student or comes from a poor family, as she insists that mindset might be contagious and drag her down. Her mood can switch very rapidly - one minute she is being sweet and charming to you, and the next minute she is screaming and crying. She’s also extremely adept at crocodile tears, which she uses on everyone she wants something from, seeing no problem with manipulating others if it gets her what she wants. She generally has a very superior outlook on herself as opposed to others, hence why she just assumes she’s going to inherit the May family’s company, over her cousins.
04: past
Lara Helena Spencer-May was born in New York to a Swiss father, Matteo May, and English mother, Margaret Spencer. Her father works for the family’s pharmaceutical company, her mother is from British landed gentry and works as a classicist for the British Museum. Helena spent the first few years of her life in New York, before moving back to Switzerland, although she continued to spend a lot of time in New York over the summer, where she would later meet Zander Driskell.
Although her first name is legally Lara, Helena forced everyone to call her by her middle name from the age of eleven. Firstly, she thought that Lara sounded common, and slightly too similar to her cousin Loren’s name, and secondly, as her classicist mother told her the story of Helen of Troy, who she had been named after - and there was nothing which sounded better in Helena’s shallow mind than being beautiful enough that men started wars over you.
Helena is her parents only child, and she was absolutely spoiled rotten from the moment she was born. Her father gives her anything she asks for, and pretty much dotes on her; her mother also treats her as if she’s the centre of the universe. As a result, Helena has become accustomed to never being told no, and has no idea of a good way to act if she is - hence her tendency to throw tantrums if she doesn’t immediately get what she wants. She’s far too used to being able to manipulate daddy with a few tears into giving her an extra 5k in her bank account.
From the age of six, Helena was sent away to attend Ecole des Roches, a prestigious boarding school in Paris. She would either come back to Switzerland over the summer, or spend summers in New York. One such summer was spent in Saratoga Springs when she was sixteen, where she met Zander Driskell - and who she began dating, with Helena deciding to stay in New York after summer ended to be closer. Despite this, their relationship quickly turned toxic, with Helena’s spoiled and selfish nature making it difficult for her to put up with Zander not giving her everything she wanted - they broke up and got back together multiple times over the course of the next year, before a particularly bad break up caused Helena to up and leave for Paris again, finally finishing her high school education in Paris.
Then came the time for college. To be honest, Helena has no actual interest in gaining a degree. As far as she is concerned, she is just going to get a degree for the sake of having one, as she is convinced she is going to inherit the family business. Still, she had ambitions to attend the  University of St Andrews  in Scotland, primarily because she knew Kate Middleton met Prince William there, and Helena would love to be a Queen one day. However, her grandparents instead gently pushed her to attend Luxor University, suggesting that Helena would benefit from some bonding time with her cousins. She instantly refused - and was thus incredibly shocked when for once, her father put his foot down, insisting that either Helena attend Luxor, or he would cut her allowance. No number of tantrums, screaming, threats to jump out of the window, or run away would work - Helena ended up at Luxor, much to her upset, surrounded by her dreaded scholarship students.
August 12 2002 - Helena is born in New York
2006 - Helena moves back to Switzerland
September 2008 - Helena is sent to Paris to attend boarding school. She returns to either Zurich or New York over the summers following.
Summer 2018 - Helena meets and begins a relationship with Zander Driskell. They have many fights and an on and off relationship.
December 2019 - After a particularly bad argument, Helena throws a tantrum and leaves New York, returning to Paris to finish her high school education.
September 2020- Helena begins attending Luxor University.... fashionably late.
05: other trivia
- Helena speaks fluent Swiss German, Swiss French, and English. In addition to this she is fluent in High French, since she attended school in Paris. Her accent when speaking English is sort of an amalgamation of American, English, and French due to her upbringing and her English mother, and it tends to change depending who she’s speaking to - if she’s speaking to someone English, for instance, it will be more on the English side as she subconsciously matches them, whereas if she’s speaking in English to a French person, it becomes more French.
- Adores the British monarchy. Especially Princess Diana. And yes, Spencer means she’s a distant relation. She won’t let you forget it.
- If you call her Lara, she will spit on you.
-She loves classical paintings, and collects art. Her dorm room walls are covered with paintings and reproductions of Greek tapestries. She dresses as Helen of Troy every. single. Halloween.
- She can play the piano, and the flute. She is constantly in a stage of quitting and rejoining the concert band though, as she joins, can’t take any criticism at all, quits, and then misses it and wants to rejoin.
- Massive fan of Lana Del Rey.
06: notable connections
Within Luxor:
- Friendships: ...
- Former Relationships: Zander Driskell
- Cousins: Loren Velazquez, Zelda Reese
- Matteo May and Margaret Spencer May: Her parents, who she has wrapped around her little finger.
07: connection ideas/wcs
Although Helena is often too childish to hold friendships for long, she can be fun for a party, so I see her having a lot of friends who she just drinks with or parties with every once for a while, without any genuine connection going on or spending too much time together
Maybe someone who is annoyed by her antics and has been on the receiving end of one of her tantrums and thus sees the immature side of her personality as an annoyance.
As long as she doesn’t perceive you as poor (god forbid), she loves a good hookup or friends with benefits.
08: tl;dr
Helena is highly immature, childish, and spoiled. She is rich to the point of not being able to understand or appreciate anything cheap or anyone poor in life, and looks down on pretty much anyone who isn’t at her level of rich as a result, seeing them as lazy. She truly believes she is superior to her cousins and that she’s going to inherit their family’s company, purely because she wants it that way.
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wardenari · 4 years
Character Study
I was tagged by @kunstpause​!! Thank you <3 I don’t have any Quizzies I’ve really written about, so I think I’ll do 2 of my Wardens -- Ari Cousland and Dria Cousland <3 
Ari Cousland (this will be “Love and Darkspawn” Ari since things change a lot for her in later fics):
Artwork by @mianzudrawingcave​, Photo is my faceclaim for her (I don’t know who it is):
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Layer 01: The Outside
Eye Colour: Green Hair Style / Colour: Red, Straight (curlier when short) Height: 5 foot (much shorter than other nobles) Clothing Style: Ferelden style dresses, Warden Armor
Best Physical Feature: Her smile
Layer 02: The Inside
Fears: Nightmares of the attack on Highever Castle, fears being left alone/abandoned
Guilty Pleasure: Rum, A certain Antivan Assassin 
Biggest Pet Peeve: Lying, anyone going after someone she considers “Her family”
Layer 03: Thoughts
First Thoughts Waking Up: “What I wouldn’t give to be in my soft bed in Highever again”
What They Think About Most: Ending the Blight. How to keep Alistair and Zevran from fighting
What They Think About Before Bed: Just how amazing Zevran looks without a shirt and that she can’t wait to go to their tent and steal it.
What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Her loyalty
Layer 04: Either Or…
Single Or Group Dates: Group, she loves her friends 
To Be Loved Or Respected: Both. She wants love most of all. Her family had been so full of love and after she lost them she desperately wanted to feel that again. But she is leading this odd band of adventurers to fight the Blight, so she needs her authority to be respected.
Beauty Or Brains: She is brilliant, although Zevran will be quick to point out to you that she is more beautiful then any Queen he’s ever seen.
Dogs Or Cats: She’s Ferelden and insulted you’d even ask that question. Her mabari, Fiss, just huffs his response as he rests at her feet.
Layer 05: Do They…
Lie: Only as a last resort and only if it’s to keep someone safe.
Believe In Themselves: She was raised the daughter of a Teryn and as such has a lot of confidence. Fergus might argue that she has too much.
Believe In Love: Absolutely. She watched her brother and Orana fall in love when she was young and that made an impression on her. Her childhood crush turned into love with Nathaniel Howe until his father intervened. She thought she would never feel that again until she met Zevran. 
Want Someone: She would say she is fine being alone, but those that know her best would tell you that she suffers when she’s alone and without love and support too long, to the point that she starts making poor decisions in regards to men (like sleeping with an old lover knowing he still loves her but she doesn’t, just so she can feel needed).
Layer 06: Have They…
Been On Stage: No
Done Drugs: Alcohol 
Changed Who They Were To Fit In: The opposite actually. She changes who she is as she grows, and realizes after the Blight that she no longer has much in common with the nobles she grew up with. She sees most of them as self serving and pampered. After the Blight she finds she’s more at ease being among the “common folk” with the exception of her brother and King Alistair.
Layer 07: What’s Their…
Favourite colours: Green, but not really any favorite
Favourite Animal: She looks at her mabari and then you. Really, she’s Fereldan, the answer should be obvious.   Favourite Book: The Art of Antivan Cooking Favourite Game: Wicked Grace. She’s awful at it
Layer 08: Age
Day Their Next Birthday Will Be: 3 Harvestmere Dragon 9:12 How Old Will They Be: Depends on where in the Timeline you are. During the blight she’s 18/19 depending on where you are. When she and Zev marry she’s 20.
Layer 09: I…
…only feel safe sleeping when Zevran is there, otherwise I have nightmares
...love Alistair like a brother and will protect him like family.
...miss my parents. I wish my mother had been there to hold my daughter, to teach me what to do with a new baby, to tell me I was doing a good job as a wife and mother.
...really wish Zevran and Nathaniel got along. Nathaniel has been my best friend since childhood and while I realize we were once betrothed, that was years ago. We’re just friends now, yet he and Zevran circle around each other like their about to do battle at any moment. 
...hope Anders is safe. After he fled the Wardens I’ve lost track of him and worry that the Templars have found him again. I fear they may make him Tranquil if they catch him again. Dria coming in next post
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caustic-curses · 5 years
HPHM Profile: Seth Drystan
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Thanks to @hogwartsmysterystory​ for the profile!
Name: Seth Abraxas Drystan
Gender: Cisgender Male
Age:  15
Birth Date: 4/10/1973
Species: Wizard (Half-breed Werewolf)
Blood Status: Half-Blood (MuggleBorn)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Ethnicity: English
Nationality: British
Residence: Bristol, UK
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISTP - The Detective
1st Wand: Hornbeam| Dragon Heartstring core | 12in length |  Pliant
Hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession (though I prefer the term ‘vision’), which will almost always be realized. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic and will become so personalized, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honor, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts – whether for good or ill – that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
Dragon Heartstring: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
2nd Wand: Cedar | Rougarou Hair core | 10 ¾ in length | Supple
Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find the strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Rougarou hair: It was rumored to have an affinity for Dark magic, like vampires to blood.
Animagus: Asil Rooster 
Misc Magical Abilities:  Above average Legilimens but average at occlumency
Boggart Form:  Himself fading into nothingness (being forgotten)
Riddikulus Form: A tap-dancing sparrow
Amortentia: It’s the scent of a blend of Mysore sandalwood, ambergris, violet leaves, French verbena & Florentine iris-translated into the following; the scent of smoke after a fire, woods in autumn, bittersweet chocolate
Amortentia:  He smells laurels and orchid blossoms, the scent of parchment, and a faint hint of smoke mixing with iron. (Penny Haywood)
Patronus:  Hippogriff 
Patronus Memory: Asking Penny out on their first date and how much her eyes shone, smiling, as they danced.
Mirror of Erised: Being married to Penny whose 6 months pregnant with her second child, both of them happy as they hold the hands of their son.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Impervius, Protego, Obscuro, & Finite Incantatem
Faceclaim: Gino Pasqualini
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Game Appearance: (edited from a Slytherin chara, pretend his tie is red and gold)
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Height: 5’9
Weight: 150
Physique:  Mesomorphic
Eye Colour: grey eyes (C40 on 1998 eye color chart)
Hair Colour: Originally it was a dark red but a prank dyed it black.
Skin Tone: Ivory
Scars: Seth has 3 deep scars starting at his shoulders to his mid-back, he is self-conscious regarding them. He wears long sleeves due to some scarring on his forearms.
Inventory: Red-tinted glasses, a ring on either middle finger, and his lucky quill.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor- current
Ilvermorny House: Wampus -former Organizations: Death Eaters and the Drystan family
Professions:  Upon graduating-- Surveillor of Activity/ Investigator
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Charms: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
DADA: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Flying:  ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Herbology: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
History of Magic: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Potions: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Care Of Magical Creatures: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Divination: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Quidditch:  Member of the Audience (he failed the tryouts)
Extra-Curricular: Dueling Club & Potions Club
Favorite Professors: 
Professor Sprout - Not only is she kind, warm-hearted, and gentle in her guidance, but she is genuine in her teachings. It is obvious that she cares about the subject. Her careful tending and motherly focus has made her a favorite teacher for Seth. He regards her as if she were a favorite aunt and heeds her guidance with the same respect.
Professor Flitwick- What he lacks in size, he makes him in his determination, heart, and ambition. Seeing that there was potential in Drystan, he motivated the Gryffindor towards success. Sure, his focus may seem a bit wavering at times, he means well. As he endeavors his students towards their personal best, he appreciates his sort of instruction.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Rakepick- Her teaching methods are a bit reckless and overambitious. She seems driven to prove something but he’d rather it not be at his expense.
Professor.Kettleburn- This instructor is a reckless idiot and he is amazed that he isn’t dead yet.
Brother: Kain Daws Drystan | (17yo) 02/14/1971- Aquarius
He is proficient in nonverbal magic although he keeps this as a well-guarded secret
His distrust and blatant dislike of Seth are obvious in their interactions. 
He aspires to be an Auror rather than a politician
Brother: Amos Jorah Drystan | (17 yo)   02/14/1971-Aquarius
He is aware of Seth’s conflicted orientation but has, in a roundabout way, offered support and understanding
Desiring to be a professional philosopher, Amos delves into its study. Get too close and you’ll become the subject for evaluation
As a secret arsonist, he is responsible for setting fire to the small shed when they were children. Seth has yet to forgive him and isn’t sure if he ever will.
Adoptive Father: Judas Irah Drystan |  (41 yo) 10/15/1947 -Pisces
Hogwarts Alumni: Ravenclaw
Is involved in the political agenda of the ministry though such details are kept secret
He is a polyglot: English, Spanish, Russian, and Danish.
Biological Father: Kaizer James Messere |  (43 yo) 03/18/1945 -Pisces
Yale Alumni- operating as a prosecuting attorney
Taxidermy hobbyist
He is aware of the magical community and is envious (Squib)
Biological Mother: Moriah Eden Drystan| (38yo)  09/18/1948 - Virgo
She is a Stanford University Alumni (yes, she’s a muggle)
While her wedding may have been a shotgun wedding, she always loved him and continues to do so.
She is a werewolf having been turned when she was only nineteen
Adoptive Mother: Liesl Nicola Wilde| (38yo)  06/22/1948 - Cancer
Ilvermorny: Horned Serpent Alumni
She adores the performing arts and is obsessed with quidditch
She has only been married for ten years but she’s close to calling it quits
Love Interest: Penny Haywood
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna
Andre Egwu
Charlie Weasley
Laurent King
Diego Caplan
Enemy: Hector Silva, Samuel Gabehart
Hector Silva
Adrien Reyes
Pets:  Hoodini- Female Barn Owl
Closest Canon Friends:
Rowan Khana
Bill Weasley
Murphy McNully
Closest MC Friends:
Dahlia Goldman
Seth was only two years old when his family life erupted into chaos. It was during a family outing to stargaze when Moriah’s new reality began to set in. As her limbs contorted in pain, Kaizer grabbed his toddler and ran to the car. There they waited out the gruesome terror until Moriah was herself once more. Fearing what this would mean, Kaizer devised a plan to fake Moriah’s death. As his finances began to spiral out of grief, he was forced to give Seth up for adoption. The result was the placement in his uncle’s house.
At the age of twelve, he began to feel a similar attraction to boys as he does with girls. It was slight confusion but he paid no attention to it. It wasn’t until a few months later when he began to develop a crush on his best friend that he realized something might be ‘wrong’ with him. He took a risk with his friend and found such affections returned. However, this wasn’t to be a happy occasion as his father beat him severely upon finding out.
He has dated Corbyn Reyes (ages 14 and 15, respectfully). This only lasted for 3 months as their personalities continued to clash. It was intense, explosive and with a force of wills to match. It didn’t help that they didn’t share similar moral values or understand each other’s signs of affection. They broke up on hostile terms.
The drama involving the Silva’s and Drystan’s have been carried down through the centuries with most of it being forgotten by the Silva’s. The Drystan’s, however, maintain that this feud was the result of Silva greed and impotence. No one really knows the story. With the somewhat-recent history involving the Silvas, the members of the Drystan family are assured in their ascension to surpass them; as is their right.
Charismatic:  Sociable and somewhat understanding, Seth prides himself on the ability to win over almost anyone. It helps that he can read a person generally well.
Condescending. This is a part of his arrogance as he tends to talk down to those who he believes to be inferior to himself. This is obvious in his actions but, more often, it is evident in his manner of speech.
Diplomatic: This comes from being raised by a politician. He is sensitive (only to matters that counts) and is able to deal with the general public effectively and efficiently. This is provided nothing bigoted leaves his mouth.
Hedonistic: The finer things in life were made for him. Check the receipt. He was created for a lavish lifestyle. It may be a weakness but he’s fine with that.
Prejudiced: Muggle-borns and werewolves. There are probably more but these are the most common. He isn’t a fan of half-breed creatures and considers them to be revolting.
Likes: Potions, Dueling, Whittling, Astronomy, and cats
Dislikes: being surprised, pranks, indecisiveness, and windchimes
Hobbies: Playing the violin, wizarding chess, gardening, and dueling
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westwickrp · 6 years
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AGE: 25 years
BIRTHDAY: 03/24/1993
OCCUPATION: Painter / Blogger
GENDER: Cis Male
NEIGHBORHOOD: Central Westwick
FACECLAIM: Park Chanyeol
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(–trigger warnings: n/a
The boy who had everything in his life but didn’t think he had enough. Did this mean that he was selfish? Son Woojin honestly didn’t think he was because he always tried to think of others before thinking about himself. He tended to put everyone else first but he couldn’t give the priority to everyone at the same time. That was precisely the reason why his life was so complicated at the moment and instead of fighting to fix it, he ran away to Westwick where he lives with his cousin.
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Woojin always had everything his parents wanted him to have. Money wasn’t a problem to his family because they were a second generation of chaebols. His parents always tried to give him a comfortable life with everything a child would wish for. They offered him an amazing education and allowed him to have all his friends he wanted. They gave him the freedom he wanted. Until the day that everything changed. This happened when he turned thirteen years old and after that day his parents decided it was time for them to control their son’s life.
They always had a plan for him but they needed to find the right time to excuse it. As the oldest son, they expected him to lead the family’s company one day, but because he never showed any interest in what his father’s job was and what he did in the office, they decided that they needed to force him at liking it no matter what happened, even if he ended up hating it. Therefore, Woojin stopped hanging out with his childhood friends and his parents even moved him to another school with the hope that he would spend more time with the children they wanted him to be friends with.
They even started to schedule their son’s free time. It was their decision to choose which sport he would play after classes and they also determined how much he needed to study every day. Most of his books were confiscated because they weren’t intellectual enough. No manga. No anime. He wasn’t even allowed to watch movies whenever he wanted. His time on the laptop had a restriction too and dating someone while he was a teenager was impossible, because no one was good enough for his parents and he didn’t like anyone his parents wanted him to meet.
Art and painting was the last thing they allowed him to do and it was because they thought this was mature enough for him. Between brushes and colorful colors, this became his sanctuary and his parents’ biggest mistake because as soon as he finished high school, Woojin went to college to study Fine Arts. His parents weren’t aware of this until it was too late and then it was already too late for them.
Deciding that he had enough from his parents, he moved out as soon as he turned eighteen with the help of his grandmother. She was the one who paid for his graduation and offered him an apartment too. Not wanting to feel like he wasn’t contributing and wishing to pay her a small rent, he also worked a few part-times. His parents were always against this rebellion but there was nothing they could do because they had no control on him anymore. Woojin travelled to some countries outside of Korea too and created a blog with his photos. He wished that his parents could see them one day and realized that they couldn’t cage someone as free as him.
But everything changed again five months ago and it came so unexpectedly that it caught him off guard. He found out though his parents that the family was struggling financially and they needed capital to not lose everything. That was when his mother proposed an arranged marriage for Woojin and that this would be the only way to save their family. Despite his hesitations and knowing that he also needed to think about his younger sister, who was only fourteen years old, he decided to accept the offer and his parents decided to use this chance as a way to convince him at taking the company one day, as this would be what his ‘fiancee’ would expect from him too.
Caged once again and with no way out this time, Woojin just asked for a year away from Korea so he could enjoy his freedom for a bit more. His parents felt indecisive about this but at the end they agreed as long as he would stay with someone from their family, so they would always know where he was. This condition made him decide for Westwick and it hadn’t been a terrible idea because it had been a while since he saw his cousins who lived there, and he wouldn’t be completely under his parents’ control. Seven months is all he has now before it’s time to move back and even if this still seems like a long time, it doesn’t seem enough for him.
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✓ easygoing, idealist ✘ weak-willed, conformist, secretive
This role is played by Dee
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codearvis · 6 years
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NAME: Riley Elizabeth Fairbanks TITLE: The Artist DATE OF BIRTH: March 1st, 1995 ( Twenty-three years old ) PLACE OF BIRTH: Portland, OR PREFERRED PRONOUNS: Ze/Zir/Zim SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Panromantic Gray Asexual OCCUPATION: Graduate Student FIELD OF STUDY: Graphic Design
MBTI: ISFP POSITIVE TRAITS: Imaginative, Passionate, Inquisitive & Cooperative NEGATIVE TRAITS: Shortsighted, Unassertive, Unpredictable & Fanciful
Art became Riley’s way of self expression from a young age. First, it was an escape from zir parents as they were working through a divorce that was catalyzed by the early passing of zir brother. Then, later in middle and high school, as a way of exploring zir gender identity and orientation. Placing the pencil on paper was therapeutic for zim as ze had issues reaching out with people beyond a screen.  Of course, ze was forced to come out of zir shell after Riley’s mother remarried and ze was suddenly sharing a house with two other people. While ze was hesitant of Britney at first, the two eventually bonded over their mutual love of video games, and the rest is history.
Originally, Riley entered college as an Computer Science major at Portland State University, as high school counselors, as well as several family members had informed zim that ze would struggle as an artist. Although it may have been the ‘practical’ option, ze found none of the courses that interesting and felt lost in the degree. So, Riley eventually made the switch to Graphic Design and flourished in the program. While Riley had never been academically strong, zir accomplishments were finally being recognized. Impassioned, ze went above and beyond in class assignments and art organizations which landed zim several summer internships with design companies. Even beyond that, ze gained a small amount of recognition through zir social media and doing paid commissions. Yet, even when graduation came around, ze was still unsure of what direction ze should go. So, rather than start taking full time positions, ze applied for graduate school and was accepted into Turing Academy.
This turned out to be an amazing decision. Thus far, ze has continued to build their portfolio and network. Most notably among them was the Genius. Shortly after the two had gotten to know each other, he left zim a cryptic message one day about a private meeting. It was this meeting that changed everything. Ze was shown an augmented virtual reality system that inspired Riley to create like never before. The Grid allowed for artistic expression that ze would not otherwise have the capabilities to do. It has almost become addictive to enter and create art pieces that are unreal. However, this has put Riley in an odd position. On a whim, ze applied for a program at La Sorbonne, doubting ze would get in. To zir surprise, ze was accepted…but is that what ze wants at this point? Riley would be a fool to pass it up, but the ability to enter the Grid has been the inspiration for all of zir recent pieces. What if leaving that behind meant killing zir ‘art high’?  
Markus Fairbanks: Father
Katherine Cook: Mother
Keith Cook: Step-father
Alexander Fairbanks: Younger brother (deceased)
Britney Cook: Step-sister
The Leader: Best friend, classmate
The Genius: Friend
The Loner: Becoming friends
AVATAR’S FACECLAIM: Brianna Hildebrand (Negasonic Teenage Warhead) SPECIAL SKILLS/POWERS: Explosion Manipulation (Riley can create, shape and manipulate explosions), Ink Generation (Riley can create ink in liquid or gaseous form) & Enhanced Speed (Riley can move at speeds above human capabilities).   WEAKNESSES/LIMITATIONS: The force of the explosion is still experienced by Riley and uses, ink generated is really only useful for distractions, enhanced speed only lasts as long as zir endurance holds up for.
RILEY FAIRBANKS is portrayed by Jodelle Ferland and ze is currently TAKEN.
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kingdomofbretonxrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations AC! We are delighted to welcome Talitha Moigne to assist the House of Nantes in the beautiful Kingdom of Breton. Please complete our after acceptance checklist. We are looking forward to seeing you develop her! Please send in her blog within 48 hours.
Talitha is known as “Tali” or really, if truthful, “Oh Tali”, usually said with a sigh of exasperation. Tali means well. She really does. In a House that prizes knowledge and education, Tali barely finished high school and muddled through some very basic college programs. School is not her strong suit. So her parents encouraged her to study other things - art, music, dance, languages … anything. Tali tried. She really did. But, for all her effort, she had no talent. The last time she was in the kitchen, she managed to set fire to the countertops. No one even knew how she managed it.
What Tali does possess, in this family of earnest pursuers of knowledge and fact, is a warm heart. Everyone adores her, sometimes despite themselves. Little could be done to change her after all. After finally completing a very basic college program, she was offered a job assisting the Personal Assistant to the House of Nantes (Secretaire de la Maison du Nantes). They called it an internship. Only Tali was not aware this was a pity position for a young woman who was almost unemployable. Tali brightens the day of everyone she meets. She is the first to show up to provide soup to an ill member of the House or visit them if they are unwell (although if she made it, it was not recommended that the ill person actually eat it). The children of the family adore Tali and she is very good with them.
As far as everyone in Tali’s life knew, she had no true gifts, outside of her kind nature in a world that wasn’t always so kind. She was, at least somewhat, aware of the placation underfoot, and she mostly just appreciated that the people in her life cared enough not to want to hurt her feelings. The ripple effect of this was, of course, the talent she did discover was one she dared never share. Under the assumption that, like with most things, it wouldn’t be good enough. Tali’d taken art history classes and just found them boring and difficult to keep up with, but it turned out putting pencil to paper was something of a beautiful escape when things became too heavy. She could never share her drawings with anyone, she is sure they’d just be disappointed, but secretly hopes her sketches are special.
Tali herself appears cheerful and content with her lot but she had a secret. For she pretended to be like her family, exhibiting ambition and a desire for knowledge. In truth, Tali craves nothing more than a home and family of her own. Fearful of her family’s judgment, she hides her secret dreams and does her best to serve her lady, the wonderful Duchess of Nantes. Tali adores Katarin LeMeur and wants nothing more than to see her rise to the position of Queen.
Birthdate and Age: 23
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Faceclaim: Zendaya Coleman
House Affiliation: Nantes
Profession: Intern
Claim: unclaimed
Children: no
Sexuality: Homosexual
What is their symbol?: Moon and star wrist tattoo https://i.pinimg.com/564x/03/32/05/033205e3ee614661d16da1e7d8070e74.jpg
Kinks: bondage, blindfolds, orgasm control, sensory deprivation, light impact/pain
Anti-kinks: watersports, scat, needles, vore, gore
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wrathfl · 1 year
[ hc ] Happy Sinday. The fact that whenever Mercy smiles, her little fangs become visible. Very cute but also very threatening when she's angry. (⸝⸝ᵕvᵕ⸝⸝)
.Personals do NOT reblog
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/03/17): Kaleidoscope Records has officially released information about main dancer, lead rapper, and maknae, Im Rihwan, on A-TEAM′s official website! Rihwan is a ‘00 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2015. Find out more about Rihwan below! 
I, IM RIHWAN, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of MAKNAE and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of KALEIDOSCOPE RECORDS.
Preferred name: jemi
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: gmt+8
Other muses: N/A
Faceclaim: NCT’s lee jeno
Name: im rihwan
Stage name (if applicable): N/A
Idol concept: rihwan is a-team’s “evil maknae” who’s known for being the older members’ favorite to “playfully” smack. with that he’s also considered the “maknae on top,” the youngest who could probably rule the entirety of south korea if he wanted to. rihwan’s playfulness certainly makes him fit for the part, but what most people overlook is his subdued maturity. in the way he speaks, the way he interacts with his members, he always knows he is accountable for whatever he does— that’s probably why he’s settled with his image— and whatever he does to the annoyance of his members he always apologizes for it at the end of the day. he usually uses this concept to his advantage to make the other members do his bidding, but rest assured, only up to a certain level.
Birth date and age: february 1, 2000 (17 years old)
Company name: kaleidoscope records
Group Name: a-team
Group Position: maknae
Strengths: dancing is his main strength, and he is also able to choreograph and teach choreography. he also raps quite a bit in their songs, and is trying to develop that skill as much as he can. having done several commercials as a child, he is also experienced in front of the camera and is capable (and wants to do more) of acting. within the group, he is also capable of cheering the other members on, a role even an “evil” maknae has to possess. with that, he’s also a very good listener and confidant.
Weaknesses: he isn’t much of a singer yet, and is very aware of that. rihwan’s insecure of his singing voice, but he’s able to carry a tune, at least. he also has a bad habit of comparing himself to others, which can make him feel very down about what he lacks. of course, as the youngest of his team he is also quite whiny—this goes for when his members don’t follow him or when he finally gets bossed around—but it isn’t overbearing.
Positive traits: committed, diligent, cunning, dependable
Negative traits: impatient, manipulative, insecure
bright lights and big cameras have stopped fazing him years ago. no stranger to the entertainment world, rihwan has almost never stopped working since he was four years old. people who know him say his mother’s to blame for this, and some other people also say he’s overworked. honestly, rihwan just wants to keep going. rihwan is far from tired, and believes that his real work is only beginning.
despite being a rookie in the idol world, rihwan isn’t an unknown face to many. a lot of people know him as the “angpang boy,” a little boy from that one seoul milk commercial for their kids’ variant called angpang. four-year-old rihwan made his mark as a korean household name, and has since then been working as a commercial actor. he still remembers his first shoot— the director loudly calls out a word he can barely understand as the lights are switched on. scanning the small crowd around him for a familiar face as he squints to adjust to the light, he finds his mother standing off to the side, giving him a reassuring smile and nod while mouthing, “rihwan, good luck.”
at four years old, he isn’t sure if he finds comfort in that. before he could respond to her, someone kneels down in front of him, speaking slowly and simply. instructions are fed to him, he nods, and everyone gets out of his way. when he gets asked if he’s ready, he replies with a loud yes, just like what he was told to do by his mom when she told him he would be on television. the cameras start rolling and he starts waddling with his bedroom slippers across the wooden floor like how they rehearsed at home, recalling hearing his little sister crying for food in the background. it’s honestly easy for him, despite his young age, to follow the script and everyone’s instructions. he knows what to do, but needs a little help on how to do it. multiple takes are spent redoing shots to get the right one, and as soon as they got that shot of him gulping down milk and wiping his lips on his sweater sleeve before showcasing a picture perfect smile, the lights go off as everyone claps and he’s brought back home holding his mother’s hand.
when he gets home he asks his mother if it would always be like this. his mother sets down his dinner plate in front of him as she sits beside him, and she replies with something along the lines of “if you want to.”
at five years old, a year later, he finds himself in a similar situation. in front of a couple cameras, given a few instructions—same old. after his first shoot, the kids at his kindergarten ask if that was him in that one milk commercial on TV. he just replies with, “maybe,” coyly but at the same time obviously flattered. this time it’s a shoot for some sort of food? rice? he doesn’t really know. all he knows was that he needs to whine and cry. he goes through with filming and when it finishes his mother wipes the tears he cried for the shoot away. “you did well today,” she says, and he responds with a nod.
it’s difficult to understand everything happening around you at just five years, and rihwan was feeling that insecurity and detachment from everything around him. for some weird reason, though, he enjoys it. being in the limelight feels right for him.
still, his life in show business wasn’t free of struggle. being the son of a working mother and a father working abroad he had to take care of his siblings growing up as well. this doesn’t mean his mother didn’t take care of all of them well—but he always knew he’s his mother’s favorite, being the firstborn. so he constantly figures he should spend time while he can with his sister who’s two years younger than him and his brother who’s three years younger.
at seven years old, when he isn’t at shoots, young rihwan spends time with his siblings, and the family dog, of course. their time is often spent by the pond at the park near their house, which doubles as a wishing well despite all the agitated koi fish. rihwan firmly believes in the power of his hundred-won wishes, holding his sister’s hand with his left and using his right to throw coins. the year he spent off working has a year of him studying, given, but it was also the year he started to frequent the wishing pond. now back into work, rihwan wishes he could do more cool things on camera to make his family (pet dog included) proud.
at almost ten years old, he realizes he’s gotten more than he bargained for. after seeing his face on so many CFs, entertainment companies have taken notice of his potential as a future idol visual. his second disappearance from commercials was short-lived, and soon he gets plunged into more auditions for more commercials after his mother gets her work life back together and rihwan does well enough in school. initially reluctant to accept offers to take rihwan in from companies, his mother figures it would be better to leave his management to people who, in her opinion, know better than her about managing kids. and so begins rihwan’s journey as a kaleidoscope trainee, the company out of the handful whose name mrs. im has heard about the most.
at eleven years old, he realizes that maybe his hundred won coins were well spent. half a year he has spent so far under kaleidoscope records has been tiring, to say the least, but hey, he’s been learning how to dance and he finds that a lot of fun. he’s still doing commercials, and also, he’s sure to get into that performing arts high school when he gets older. he does miss his family though, and wonders if his siblings are taken care of. living away from home is rough, but he trusts in the people around him enough to carry on. at that age he has started to process how things work in the industry. he realizes he can’t succeed if he doesn’t put in the work. so he works, and he works hard.
at twelve he finds that his passion for dancing has grown. the initial plan of him being a visual was overthrown by his rapid grasp of dance. after being surrounded by people who genuinely think “dance is life” he’s grown to love dance, and even performing in general. he misses filming for commercials, but then he also wants to focus on what his life is hopefully going to lead up to: becoming an idol. it was never in his plans—acting might have been, but never singing and becoming an idol. he finds the serendipity slightly funny. who knew he could actually make it? not his siblings, for sure, the ones who often joked about him ending up like the idols they saw on sunday afternoon music shows when they were young. well, even younger.
however, at fourteen years old, he gets tired. tired of waiting. he knows he’s still too young to debut, but at the same time, his almost three and a half years of training have been all too long for him. he still loves performing, and in fact has been dabbling in different dance styles and trying his hand and creating his own dances. his hunger to debut is strong, although he’s held back by his insecurity in singing. typically he skips intensive vocal training by chatting up his instructors or using dance practice as an excuse, but never does it on purpose. or so he likes to think. he’s secure in his dancing ability, and often resorts to avoiding singing by learning rapping and immersing in hip hop, which is useful in dancing, too. lately he’s been hearing talks of a new boy group being formed, and all his fingers are crossed.
he sends his sister text messages regularly, reminding her to toss at least three coins into the wishing pond for his speedy debut.
at fifteen, he finds himself being selected to debut as one of the members of “a-team,” kaleidoscope’s newest fresh-concept boy band. ecstatic, rihwan sure is, but just as scared. he’s trained with a lot of them before, but now being in a team with all of them is different. as the youngest of the bunch, he has to be taken care of but at the same time he has to be reliable. after all, he can’t be the weakest link. he doesn’t want to be.
seventeen and well into his work, he has settled into his niche in the group as the playful, impish youngest member of the team, but is still cautious about how his members feel. it’s funny how his (and his siblings’) coin tosses has gotten him to where he is now, enjoying a good amount of success as an idol— who would’ve thought? the child who has been working since almost birth is now an older child working even harder. rihwan’s career is only beginning for him, and he plans to take this ride as long as he can.
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wrathfl · 2 years
[ ooc. ] I started a small re-fresh of the blog to welcome 2023. Tags/icons/ pinpost etc will be updated. (´ω`*)
 ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  meme & prompts .       ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  mailbox .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  dash games .      ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  edits .     ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  doodles / myart .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  threads .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  starter call !      ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  promo tag .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  pinned post !  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  tbt/ooc  .
 ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse 01 : hear my voice and thunder of bullets ┊》fc5 .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse 02 : new home sweet home ... right ? ┊》fc5 pre-game .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse 03 : We will rise again ┊》fc5 new dawn .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : never meet your idols┊》the boys .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : it’s either paying or dying┊》cyberpunk2077 .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : stay put and don’t make a sound┊》twd.  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : are you lost cupcake ? ┊》borderlands .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : run till you can┊》dead by daylight .  ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  verse au : you got a heart kid where you are from┊》mcu / 616 marvel .
 ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 01 :  character study .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 02 :  visage .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 03 :   faceclaim/art .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 04 :   aesthetics  .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 05 :   isms & mindset .   ・ ❪ ❀ ❫  ›  study 06 :   world - building . 
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