riotokki · 10 months
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͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𐬹 ୨౿ ꤫ paring⠀𖫲⠀⠀sung hanbin && fem reader, genre⠀𖫲⠀⠀highschool au && series, warnings⠀𖫲⠀⠀hanbin may be written poorly + there may be grammar mistakes, wc⠀𖫲⠀⠀978
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ㅤꔫㅤTHE SOUND OF MOVING FOLLOWED BY THE FAINT SOUND OF A SNAP echoed through the desolate streets as you strolled around, dissatisfaction wavering over you the longer you remained outside. you closed your eyes momentarily before moving along, your eyes landing on the nearby lake. you felt your lips curl slightly the longer your eyes lingered on it, faint contentment blossoming in the midst of your heart as you suddenly thought of all the moments you'd captured here. you couldn't forget them, especially one, the moment you met him. sung hanbin.
ㅤꔫㅤthe quiet streets and the frosty wind had left you feeling more than relaxed. after today, your head had been caught in an endless loop and you needed a break. a feeble sigh left the brim of your lips, the glistening snowflakes dancing around it as you stared ahead, gazing into the star-filled lake; your heart plumped as though it was a freshly grown treat. the night always managed to calm you even now as you continued to stare out (occasionally snapping photos) with a smile that was almost imperceptible, that was until the bustling sound of footsteps against the cold ground caught your attention. turning your head, you were met with the lovely sight of a boy. he appeared to be around your age. you blinked at him for a moment before switching your attention back to the lake.
“um, pardon me,” a soft voice called out, gaining your attention. you turned around, only for it to be the boy from a few moments ago. your eyebrows furrowed slightly as a pout etched onto your lips, curiously waiting for him to continue. “i hope you don't mind, but it seems that my camera isn't working, do you think you could help me?” a shy smile etched onto his blushed lips before glancing at the ground, his hands swaying beside him. for a moment you didn't say anything, this added to the poor boy's nerves as he looked up at you, nervousness glistening in the brim of his eyes. you sighed before nodding and walking towards the boy, reaching your hand out. his eyes widened out of pure surprise before handing you his camera with a giant beam. your hands clasped each other's before you brought the camera down, carefully examining it.
moments passed, neither of you uttering a single word, as you continued working on the camera whilst he stood there quietly, a soft smile staining his lips as he watched you, patiently waiting for you to finish. after a bit, you closed the camera before holding it up to your face, examining it one last time before handing it to him. “here, it should work now.” you mumbled as you watched his eyes shine like the stars in the silent sky, the smile from before never faltering. “ah, thank you so much!” he beamed, his eyes molding into a shape that resembled that of tranquil crescent moons. you merely nodded before turning around, “oh, wait,” his voice halted your movements as you looked back at him, the same confusion from earlier coated your face. you waited curiously as you watched him bring the camera to his face, your eyes squinted at his figure. “what are you doing?” you could barely mumble those words before a flash blinded you. you stumbled back before catching your footing, your eyes widening out of shock. “what the.....” you stared at him, shock washing through your face. the boy only smiled at you, a soft laugh escaping his lips, one that seemed to pierce your heart with warmth that you couldn't bother explaining.
“i'm sorry if that scared you, but here,” he waited for the photo to process before taking it out and handing it to you. your eyes scanned the photo, your mouth felt dry, so dry that you could barely form words. “what's this?” you managed to say, he stared at the photo before looking up at you, “a photo,” he said plainly, you scoffed at his words, “i know that, but what for?” he didn't say anything for a moment before answering, “nothing in particular! just consider it thanks for helping me.” a faint 'oh' left your mouth before bringing the photo down to your side. “welp, i'd best be on my way,” he smiled at you before gently taking your hand in his, “thank you again, maybe we'll meet again?” your eyes met as he said this, and it felt as though time had stopped. the intense eye contact you'd shared was far too much, but for some reason, you wished for it to never end. the pretty boy stared at you shortly before giving you his signature heartwarming smile and unlinking your hands. he waved at you before walking away into the quiet streets.
your eyes remained where he'd been walking until his figure was out of sight. your eyes flickered around, taking in the interaction you'd just had. your eyes flickered towards the photo from before and brought it up, staring at it once more. the smile that managed to creep onto your face was small, almost unrecognizable, but it was there. you rubbed the photo, the remainder of his warmth kissing the tips of your fingers. you blinked at the photo, zoning out before staring ahead. just who was he? would you see him again? the thoughts that blossomed in your head became overwhelming, but you couldn't stop thinking about him. for some odd reason, the short interaction you had, had stained every bit of you. you attempted to shake the feeling off, your head slowly moving along other places. he held no significance, so why bother thinking of him? you shook your head before averting your attention back to the world around you. he was nothing more than a person you'd just talk to. it's not as though you'd meet him again.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ꔫㅤprevious⠀𖫲⠀⠀next,
͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𐬹 ୨౿ ꤫ LETTERS⠀𖫲⠀⠀riotokki, omg this took forever (im lying i was just procrastinating the final thing). anyways, thanks to my bsf lizser for helping me with the proofreading n criticism!!! (you guys should check her out she's such an amazing writer n shes super sweet!!!) but with that being said thank you for reading! i'll try to get another chapter out maybe later today!!! sendings hug + take care of yourself n dont forget to drink water!!! 🐥💗💗💗
ㅤꔫㅤTAGLIST⠀𖫲⠀⠀@bunreis, @leehanist, ask to join!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ © riotokki 2023.ㅤꔫㅤonly on tumblr.
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