#仿佛早晨田间一朵野花 这记忆也在凋零
fwoopersongs · 2 years
Memory, cover by Zhou Shen on Super Vocal (2018)
Translation below the cut if you need it, but if you can understand or read Mandarin Chinese I highly highly recommend watching this all the way through.
I didn’t see it coming, so my first time hearing the part starting from 3:59 was an Experience. An experience I would really love to share! So... here is the Chinese version of the last two verses that Zhou Shen adapted himself. 
This was supposed to be from Grizabella’s perspective, but I think it is also Shenshen’s and ours as well. Ah, it resonates hard with me anyway. 
我像一片落叶飘零 wǒ xiàng yī piàn luò yè piāo líng I, like a fallen leaf adrift on the wind,
只有回不去的曾经 zhǐ yǒu huí bù qù de céng jīng have only a past to which there is no return.
仿佛早晨田间一朵野花 fǎng fú zǎo chén tián jiān yī duǒ yě huā As if it were a wildflower in the fields from the morning,
这记忆也在凋零 zhè jì yì yě zài diāo líng this memory is withering too.
请你 qǐng nǐ Please,
一点点向我靠近 yī diǎn diǎn xiàng wǒ kào jìn little by little, come close to me;
哪怕一步的距离 nǎ pà yī bù de jù lí even the distance of one step,
留我在孤单里 liú wǒ zài gū dān lǐ leaves me in this loneliness.
只要你愿意 zhǐ yào nǐ yuàn yì So long as you are willing,
你也会感到我的真心 nǐ yě huì gǎn dào wǒ de zhēn xīn you can feel my heart too.
看 那晨光 kàn   nà chén guāng Look - the light of dawn
已来临 yǐ lái lín has come.
Original English Verses:
Sunlight through the trees in summer Endless masquerading Like a flower, as the dawn is breaking The memory is fading
It's so easy to leave me All alone with my memory Of my days in the sun If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is Look, a new day has begun
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