#倉敷川 - 倉敷美観地区 / Kurashiki River - Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter
trivia-jp · 9 months
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倉敷美観地区 中国地方の名所
倉敷美観地区(くらしきびかんちく)は、岡山県倉敷市に位置する、江戸時代の町並みが現存する歴史的地区で、美しい風情が残る観光地です。 この地区は、倉敷川沿いに広がる町並みで、明治時代に保存活用された歴史的な建造物や白壁の蔵、商家が立ち並ぶ風景が特徴です。古い町並みや細い小道が続き、昔ながらの雰囲気が残る一帯が、多くの観光客に愛されています。 倉敷美観地区には、美術館やギャラリー、カフェ、工芸品のお店なども点在し、伝統工芸品やアートなど様々な文化が楽しめます。また、倉敷美観地区の観光名所として、各家屋の蔵に保存されている歴史資料や説明板も見どころの一つです。 さらに、地区内を運行する倉敷観光周遊船に乗船することで、水辺からの景観を楽しむこともできます。また、季節によってはイベントや催し物も開催され、観光客に楽しい体験を提供しています。 倉敷美観地区は、日本の伝統的な風景や文化を存分に楽しめる場所として、国内外から多くの観光客に愛されています。
Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter Famous places in the Chugoku region
The Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter (Kurashiki Bikanchiku) is a historical district located in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, where the townscape of the Edo period still exists, and is a tourist destination with a beautiful atmosphere. This district is a townscape that stretches along the Kurashiki River, and is characterized by historic buildings preserved and utilized during the Meiji period, white-walled storehouses, and merchant houses. The area is loved by many tourists because of its old townscape and narrow alleys, which retain a traditional atmosphere. The Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter is dotted with museums, galleries, cafes, and craft shops, where you can enjoy a variety of culture including traditional crafts and art. Also, as a tourist attraction in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, the historical materials and explanatory boards preserved in the storehouses of each house are one of the highlights. Additionally, you can enjoy the scenery from the waterside by boarding the Kurashiki sightseeing cruise that operates within the area. Events and entertainment are also held depending on the season, providing a fun experience for tourists. The Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter is loved by many tourists from Japan and abroad as a place where you can fully enjoy Japan's traditional scenery and culture.
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kaguyahime7 · 10 months
Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter
Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter
A beautiful white-walled townscape filled with history and art Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter is a place where you can enjoy the quaint scenery of white-walled warehouses, sea cucumber walls, and rows of willow trees. The townscape created by traditional buildings and the retro-modern scenery along the Kurashiki River continue to fascinate people from all over the world. It is lined with stylish shops selling Kurashiki brands such as Kurashiki Canvas and Kurashiki Denim, as well as cafes in renovated townhouses, and is crowded with tourists all year round. There are many cultural facilities such as the Ohara Museum of Art and Ivy Square, so you can spend a whole day walking around this area. We also recommend the ``Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter Night Landscape Lighting'' produced by world-renowned lighting designer Mikiko Ishii. A special nighttime performance with an elegant sensibility gracefully reflects townhouses, white-walled buildings, and retro Western-style houses, allowing you to enjoy a different view than during the day. Traditional lanterns are available for rent (free of charge, limited quantity) only to guests staying at participating facilities. Enjoy walking around the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter at night, illuminated by the lights.
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hi-technique · 2 years
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hi-technique · 2 years
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