h-dkk · 2 years
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仕事終わって姫1号とタンデムデート🏍 毎年行く菜の花畑で撮影してからアイスタイム🍨 喜んで後ろに乗ってくれて良かった。 帰りは心地よかったみたいでウトウトしてましたw ✴︎ ✴︎ #愛娘 #長女 #バイク女子 #胆っ玉娘 #将来有望 #天真爛漫 #居眠りするのでタンデムベルト必須 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzV_ochdmT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nissyart · 2 years
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熊本での今回の制作は全て完了。 #ひびきあうハートkumamoto 2022 #npo法人コミュナール @communart.jp #熊本大学病院 #焼酎バー #天真爛漫 に3個目のハート @tenshinranman.hitomi #三井ガーデンホテル熊本 のハートのリニューアル。 @mitsuigardenhotels ありがとうございました。 飛行機までまだ時間があるので チェックアウトを遅らせて 次なるハート、 25日からの #bar+e のカレンダー展のためのハートを書き下ろした。 #heart #drawing #ホスピタルアート #マスキングテープアート #マステアート #西村公一 #熊本 #ハート #カモ井加工紙 #マークス #bnpparibas #熊本駅前看護リハビリテーション学院 #hospitalart #artandhealth #hospital #heart #washitape #maskingtape #kumamoto #2022 #熊本駅 #くまモン #熊本大学 #熊本大学病院 #くまもと経済新聞 (三井ガーデンホテル熊本) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClP-5EvSF0X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukikorogashi · 3 months
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I need to lie down for a bit, but here is a page from the art book of her in a few other costumes, as well as other hammer designs she can wield (as well as a giant magical girl wand).
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gravure-graphis · 8 months
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Miho Nana 未歩なな
年齢 /age:21
身長 /height:156cm
スリーサイズ /BWH:B86(D) W56 H85
趣味 /hobby:ゲーム、Youtube視聴 Games, Youtube viewing
清楚で可愛らしい顔に屈託のない笑顔が魅力的!お正月スペシャルギャラリーにひき続き「未歩なな」ちゃんがGRAPHIS GALSのグラビアギャラリーに登場!Dカップの美乳に真ん丸な美尻の瑞々しい色白美肌のスレンダーボディを大胆に披露!明るく天真爛漫な笑顔がとても印象的な「未歩なな」ちゃんの撮り下ろしヌードをじっくりとお楽しみください!
Her neat and cute face and carefree smile are charming! Following the New Year's special gallery, "Miho Nana" appears in the 'GRAPHIS GALS' gravure gallery! She boldly shows off her slender body with D-cup beautiful breasts, a perfect round butt, and fresh fair skin! Please enjoy the newly photographed nude of "Miho Nana" who has a very impressive bright and innocent smile!
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
四字熟語 (よじじゅくご) or yojijukugo are what are known as "four-character compounds" or "four-character idioms" in Japanese.
These contain four kanji, and the meanings of the individual kanji don't usually have much to do with the meaning of the idiom as a whole. But the meaning of the idiom often comes from a story which explains the derivation of the four characters used.
Like the rest of kanji, yojijukugo come from China. Yojijukugo come specifically from the Chinese Chengyu. However, there are many Japanese-only yojijukugo as well. Each yojijukugo represent the moral of a Chinese story, a Japanese proverb, Buddhist scripture, or an old Japanese story. Therefore to really understand the yojijukugo meaning, you would need to know the story behind it.
Estimates of the number of existing yojijukugo range upwards to 20,000 which is quite a lot of stories to learn. However, some are fairly straightforward and don't require a lot of information to understand the meaning. You can learn some of the most common ones without having to learn every story behind them.
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Some Common 四字熟語
一期一会 いちごいちあい Once-in-a-lifetime encounter
一石二鳥 いっせきにちょう Kill two birds with one stone
一生懸命 いっしょうけんめい With utmost effort
温故知新 おんこちしん Learning from the past
以心伝心 いしんでんしん Without the need for words
花鳥風月 かちょうふうげつ The beauties of nature
初志貫徹 しょしかんてつ Achieving one's original intention
質実剛健 しつじつごうけん Unaffected and sincere
十人十色 じゅうにんといろ To each his own
清浄潔白 せいじょうけっぱく Pure in heart and with a clean conscience
天真爛漫 てんしんらんまん Simple and innocent
日進月歩 にっしんげっぽ Steady progress
臨機応変 りんきおうへん Playing it by ear
These are just a few of the four-compound idioms that Japanese has to offer. What is your favorite yojijukugo?
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神崎 ひな-かんざきひな-
2023年4月まねきケチャに加入した新メンバー神崎 ひな。無邪気な表情と天真爛漫な表現力を持ち備える、アイドル好きのザ・アイドル!特技は、会った人を覚える事。正にアイドルの真骨頂。
01月09日生まれ 栃木県出身
151cm A型 
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splatooneng · 2 years
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The Squid Sisters are here to liven up Inkopolis Splatfests! Known for their loose banter and outstanding singing skills, the innocent Callie and the cool Marie are now top idols known to all. Join them for a Splatfest with that melody that's heavenly to listen and sing along to!
ハイカラシティでのフェスを盛り上げてくれるのはアイドルユニット「シオカラーズ」。 天真爛漫な「アオリ」とクールな「ホタル」の二人組で、ユルいトークとバツグンの歌唱力が人気の、いまや知らぬものはいないトップアイドルだ。 きけば天国、歌えば極楽のフェスを体感してみてはいかがだろうか。
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swantranslations · 1 year
Viva la liberty - Amemura Ramada & Yamada Saburo (Translated Lyrics)
From Hypnosis Microphone Division Rap Battle, Disc: The Block Party -HOODs-
Compose: TeddyLoid, TOPHAMHAT-KYO
Arrange: TeddyLoid
Turn it turn it up
Turn it turn it up
どうしようもないって 諦めそうでも
Even when you feel like there’s nothing you can do, like you want to give up
You still have to dress up with your boundless positivity
天真爛漫に I walk down the street
I walk down the street innocently and purely
Our gain is always building up
立ち止まってたって 悩みは止まらない
Even if we stop our steps, it wouldn’t make our troubles vanish
いち抜けちゃおう キックス弾ませて
So let’s just leave before it catches up with us, start a beat with our kicks
縦横無尽に行こうぜ I walk up the street
Let’s go without limitations, I walk up the street
It doesn’t matter when, we live on as usual
僕らで It’s on, ON&ON
It’s always on, on & on for us
Let’s sketch out more of our shining glory
いつまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter when, don’t stop the music
どこまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter where, don’t stop the music
Bad day yay yay yay スワイプして
If it’s a bad day-yay-yay-yay, just swipe left on it
Good day yay yay yay スマイルみて
If it’s a good day-yay-yay-yay, then show your smile
See, we are closing our distance step by step
空 Sundown 繋がるストーリー
Our story goes on even when the sun is down
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah 楽しむだけ
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah, just enjoy the moment
いつも忙しないシティを尻目に進む Smooth
Going forward smoothly in this always bustling city
Follow me 夜風に背中押されて綴る Groove
Follow me on my groove that’s inspired by the night wind
Alright 誰もが通る
Alright, everyone has times like this
There’s no reason for us to not be honest with ourselves
ビターな想い出 がむしゃらに掴んで
Grabbing our bitter memories by force
流星のような Three point シュート
Like a shooting star, let’s throw them out like three pointers
It doesn’t matter when, we live on as usual
僕らで Let’s go, More and more
Let’s go more and more with us
Moving forward lightly as we turn and jump
軽やかに Don’t stop the music
Freely, don’t stop the music
鮮やかに Don’t stop the music
Brilliantly, don’t stop the music
ありきたりなプライドで 着飾る真似はやめて
Stop masking yourself with such generic pride
ありのままで 至る Faraway
Just let it go and it shall reach faraway
And turn into shining stars
Ride on 銀河に浮かんだコットンキャンディー
Let’s ride on the cotton candy that’s floating in the Milky Way
掻き分ける Space ship 打ち鳴らす Break beats
Chase the spaceships away, break up the beats
響け Music
Let music fill up the sky
More freely
僕らが見せてあげる とびきりの Liberty
We will show you the best kind of liberty
It doesn’t matter when, we live on as usual
僕らで It’s on, ON&ON
It’s always on, on & on for us
Let’s sketch out more of our shining glory
いつまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter when, don’t stop the music
どこまでも Don’t stop the music
No matter where, don’t stop the music
Bad day yay yay yay スワイプして
If it’s a bad day-yay-yay-yay, just swipe left on it
Good day yay yay yay スマイルみて
If it’s a good day-yay-yay-yay, then show your smile
See, we are closing our distance step by step
空 Sundown 繋がるストーリー
Our story goes on even when the sun is down
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah 楽しむだけ
Say yeah yeah yeah yeah, just enjoy the moment
Translator’s notes:
I only saw the song’s teaser last night, and I made some kind of $#@&* noise which made my sis give me the stinky eyes. They are SO CUTE!!! My two favs singing a duet is like a dream come true for me, and since I’m not seeing any translations on google so I thought ok I guess I’ll do it myself lol. Luckily these two aren’t the type to use really archaic words xD so I managed to finish the translations relatively fast.
Ramada and Saburo’s voices go along so well! Them together is just cuteness overload and I’ve been longing for a team up between them for super long. Can’t believe it really happened!!
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tokyonow · 1 year
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(十代最後!天真爛漫から挑戦的なカットまで!さまざまな原菜乃華を凝縮した初写真集発売! - Tokyo Nowから)
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musicjpn · 1 year
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h-dkk · 2 years
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タンデムしたいとの事(笑) 久しぶりに娘とツーリングしよかな🎶 ✴︎ ✴︎ #愛娘 #天真爛漫 #出来た娘 #我が家のムードメーカー #kawasaki #z900rs https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7Wq5VhoN-9Io-q9O0pO1jyDXYyyLJTK-fE_o0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nissyart · 2 years
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#天真爛漫 の 2022年のハート 完成。 様々な色を使っても色価でものを見ること モノクロにした時のグラデーションで色の明暗によるグラデーションをきちんと生み出せるかということが大事。 天真爛漫、3作目のハート 少しは成長したかなぁ。^_^ @tenshinranman.hitomi #maste #maskingtape #maskingtapeart #heart #ハート #マステ #マスキングテープ #マステアート #熊本 #西銀座通り #旅するハートストリート (天真爛漫) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMpbJES4sB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukikorogashi · 3 months
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Itsuki in the Sengoku Basara (2005) PS2 Opening Pt 1
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myscrap · 3 months
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Xユーザーの真偽さん: 「普段は終始天真爛漫に好意をぶつけてくる鈴木にふとした瞬間に 「ねえ、プロデューサーはさ。 私のことどう思ってるの‥?」っておずおず聞かれたいなって思って描いたよ #鈴木羽那 https://t.co/zOBY0ohym9」 / X
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seishun18x2movie · 7 months
エモーショナルで切ない 本ビジュアル解禁
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【18年���】恋の始まりを予感させるような、二人乗りのバイクで台湾の街を駆け抜け、はじける笑顔を見せる青春真っ只中のジミーとアミの姿に加え、普段は明るく天真爛漫なアミが遠くを見つめ切ない表情を浮かべる様子と、二人で過ごした日々に想いを馳せる【現代】のジミーを映し出します。 青春と呼ぶには切なすぎる二人の物語に期待が高まるビジュアルです。
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rainisawriter · 11 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Mi-ya {Rowdy Shogun}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Rowdy Shogun」
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幸せを求める天涯孤独のオプチミスト A lonely optimist in search of happiness
He lost his family in a storm 5 years ago and has been a loner ever since. Until he joined his current team, he lived by himself, never relying on anyone or working with anyone. He loves people but hates loneliness. He is an optimist who is not concerned about the past or the future, and thinks that as long as he is happy in the present, that’s all that matters. Although he has strong emotional ups and downs, he has an innocent side and a charm that attracts others.
He is interested in mysterious things, especially magic. He is also fond of the Bible, which he reads regularly.
性格 (Character): 感情の起伏が激しい。 He has strong emotional ups and downs.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 白 White
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 餃子 Gyoza/Dumplings
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): R&B
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): 黄金律 The Golden Rule (“do unto others as you would have them do unto you”)
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): ー人きり Alone
心躍ること (Exciting Things): ミスディレクション Misdirection
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 礼儀がないこと Lack of courtesy.
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): リス Squirrel
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 人の良いところが素直に見えるようになりたい。 I want to be able to see the good in people honestly.
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