#女巫店 Witch House
fyeahcindie · 2 years
This is pretty cool, I think Lynn from 孔雀眼 JADE EYES wrote a new song inspired by 蕭亞軒 Elva Hsiao - 愛的主打歌 Theme Song Of Love?  
I’m not really sure what’s going on -- It’s a remix but with different lyrics, new music and Lynn did everything except the engineering of the mix. 蕭亞軒 is tagged at YT, but otherwise, that seems to be the only connection. If you know more than me, please let me know!  XD
Producer/Composer/Lyricist/All Instruments/All Vocals: 令晴 Lynn Mixing Engineer: 李子維 Weilee
The Elva Hsiao song from 2002 was written by 周耀輝-Lyrics & 陳偉-Music.
Links: 令晴 Lynn IG,  令晴 Lynn YT channel, 令晴 Ling Chin (Lynn) (fb)
Jade Eye links: Links:  Weibo,  StreetVoice,  Douban,  Spotify,  Instagram   黑市音樂 Black Market Music HK YouTube
By the way, Lynn announced that she will be performing at Canadian Music Week in Toronto in early June, 2023:
“Happy New Year, everyone🎉 I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be one of the artists showcasing our music at THE canada’s largest music festival, @canadianmusicweek 2023 along with hundreds of other Canadian and International Talents. Dates, locations and slot TBD. So, keep an 👀 out for further updates.”
Here’s a live session from a gig Lynn did at 女巫店 Witch House back in July of 2022:
Vocal & Bass: 令晴 Lynn Acoustic Guitar: 李子維 Weilee Violin: 許吟安 Yin-An, Xu Drums: 王英任 Ren Wang (besides freelance activity, he is in Marswalk) Live Recording Engineer: 劉又熊 Yu Hsiung Liu Mixing / Mastering Engineer: 李子維 Weilee Video Production: 戴宏霖 Hung-Lin Tai
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juzunomori · 5 years
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初台北! 「海 渡 森 音」 jujumo meets Taipei @女巫witch house Thank you so much! Special guest 朋友 林彥光 ♪ 快乐的时光一转眼就过去了。  Thank you for a beautiful night! Let's meet again soon.   #jujumo #taipei #music #live #taiwan #okinawa #juzunomori #数珠森 #音楽 #海渡森音 #女巫店 #whichhouse #谢谢 (女巫店。) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byq5G41jipH/?igshid=1h8wzu6smy3uv
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anubisziran · 8 years
教學-超輕黏土魔幻性的玻璃罐燈 Tutorial Berry Witch House Jar lamp
嗨大家!今天我要教你們怎麼做魔幻性的玻璃罐燈, 我的這個燈子叫漿果巫女之房子。
Hello yall! I'm gonna teach you how to make a jar lamp Berry Witch House.
Materials :
玻璃罐 glass jar
保麗龍膠 polyfoam glue
超輕黏土 superlight clay
壓克力顏料 acrylic paint
粉臘筆 dry pastel
鋁箔紙 aluminum foil
原型的木板(或厚的紙板)round wooden board (or thick cardboard)
錐子 needle tool
剪刀 scissors
雕刻刀 X-acto blade
弄皺的鋁箔紙(為了做質感)(piece crumpled aluminum foil)
舊牙刷(為了做質感)old tooth brush (for texturing)
球型的工具 ball tool
1.First sorely wash the jar
2.把木板黏到罐子的底下 等到十分乾掉
2.Glue the wooden board to the bottom of the jar, let it dry
3.Cover the jar in glue, start applying the clay, form it as you go. after you are done forming, apply the texture
4.While the body of the jar is drying, start working on the lid, make the roof shape out of the aluminum foil, glue it to the lid, let it dry (if you don't wanna wait, try 5 minut 2 part epoxy glue)
5.Apply clay to the roof, add details (i.e. flowers, berries, mushrooms), time to express your creativity.
6.After everything has dried completelly, if you used colored clay, add some extra touches with dry pastels (scrab some dust off the pastel stick and apply with a dry brush), if you used single color of clay, time to paint it with acrylic paint.
7.Last step is applying a coat of varnish, I prefet to use spray on varnish, if you use it be very careful, work in a well ventilated area, preferably outside and wear a mask for protection
Progress and finished work:
Thanks for reading my tutorial, hope it was helpful. Please check out my Etsy shop 希望這個教學對你們有幫助!對我的其他作品有興趣的話,請看看我的 Etsy 商店。非常感謝!
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
Let’s check out a song from 洪佩瑜 Pei-Yu Hung’s debut album, Silver Lining.
This is such a chill and soothing mood, I love it!  =D
Lyrics: 李焯雄 Music: 洪佩瑜 Pei-Yu Hung, 陳君豪 Howe Chen, 林頡 Jie Lin
Producer/Arranger/Synth/Bass/Drums: 陳君豪 Howe @ 成績好工作室 Piano: 陳君豪 Howe, 林頡 Jie Lin Trumpet: David Smith Strings: Steve Blake
Full audio credits and lyrics at YT.
Links:  YouTube,  Spotify,  Instagram,  StreetVoice
The album came out in October. I think we featured Pei-Yu once before, she did a guest vocal on a song from Robot Swing.
Tour coming up soon:
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04.15(六)台南 Tainan|Seety新城視 展演空間 04.16(日)高雄 Kaohsiung|LIVE WAREHOUSE 小庫 04.27(四)台北 Taipei|女巫店 Witch House 04.28(五)台北 Taipei|女巫店 Witch House 05.06(六)台中 Taichiung|玩劇島小劇場 Little Play ​ ​單人預售票價 650 元 Tix on sale 03.16(四)12:00 iNDIEVOX 開賣 https://www.indievox.com/tour/search/244
Let’s hear the song mentioned above; this is 洪佩瑜 Pei-Yu Hung & 陳以恆 Yi Heng Chen w/ Robot Swing
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Comic relief from a collection of TW indies.  XD
雀斑樂團 Freckles played Witch House the other night with guest appearances from a bunch of friends, including 曾稔文 Ami Tseng from DSPS and 徐子權 Tzu Chuan Hsu & 伍悅 (Marko Woo) from イルカポリス 海豚刑警.  (Tzu Chuan Hsu used to be in DSPS and his fb says he’ll release new solo music under the name SILLY ORANGE. Not sure if that means he has left イルカポリス 海豚刑警?)
The fb event page had this list in the promo:
🥁BAND 樂團陣容: 雀斑樂團 Freckles 菅原慎一 BAND (日本) 🎤SPECIAL GUEST 特別嘉賓: 伍悅 (イルカポリス 海豚刑警) 曾稔文(DSPS) 徐子權(SILLY ORANGE)  凌元耕 Ling YuanKeng (Ernest Ling)(我是機車少女i'mdifficult) Hom Shenhao 洪申豪(透明雜誌、VOOID)
The song you hear playing (studio version and singalong at Witch House) is the title track to Freckles 2017 不标准情人 (Imperfect Lover) album.  The song was written by BenBen and LEO王 (王之佑 Leo Wang). Not sure who that is doing Leo’s rap at Witch House?
This video was posted by Marko Woo (red-haired girl) to her YT channel.  The clip has rehearsal footage, and then scenes from the gig on Feb. 14th (不標準朋友 Imperfect Friends vol.3 at  女巫店 Witch House), followed by the ‘After Party’ on the 15th: 不標準朋友vol.3會後派對 After Party LIVE.  PAR Records & Store (PAR label is Hom Shenhao 洪申豪‘s Petit Alp Records)
Freckles are: Ben Ben Lin 斑斑 (林以樂 Lin Yiloh)-key/gtr/voc, 蘇偉安 Weian Sue-gtr/voc, 蘇偉博 Weibo Sue-bass, 蔡柏瀚 Pohan Tsai-drum.  Both Sues are in the band Everfor
The full version of the song is fun, check it out:
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
I like the entire song, but especially the extended outro!   =D  (chit-chat at the beginning, and the song starts at 2:45)
Sunset Rollercoaster 落日飛車 at Witch House in January 2016, and hey look, there’s Deserts 焦安溥 Anpu on rhythm guitar.  o.0  =D
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
Listen/purchase: 碎花星辰 Floral Cluster by 落差草原 WWWW / Prairie WWWW
Embrace the tribal onslaught!  =D
New 2-song ep from Prairie WWWW / 落差草原 WWWW, just out yesterday.
Description from bandcamp: 
Bashing, Whirling Voices traveling like morphing rays, the drummings are the shadow that left footsteps in the trails of the wanderer. Poems led the direction of the heart and respired, with starlight, in the lake of dreams. In December 2017, Prairie WWWW releases digital EP, Floral Cluster, which includes long-form poetic pieces <Floral Cluster> and <Black Mermaid>. The lyrics of <Black Mermaid> is based on the poems <La Mer> and <En sortant de la rivière>, written by duo poets, Wan-Hsuan and her 6-year-old daughter. Layered with thumping at the base, the tracks delineate the vision of the natural environment and psychedelic soundscape. The rhythm, bashing, and melody narrate the crossing and merging of time and space. Prairie WWWW brings the audience through a passage in the woods that leads to the ocean. And at the end of the audio journey, is the ampleness of serenity and contemplation. 
Event coming up on December 24th at Witch House, I think this is gonna be an audio/visual preview of their next album coming in 2018: 落差草原 WWWW /《 容器 》概念演出
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
聽你在那邊 Hear You There are 鈕牛 (Yishin Shen)-vocal & 山豬 (謝尚享)-guitar/voc. They just uploaded a few lovely songs from their 時間之旅EP. 
I thought for sure I had posted this duo before, but nothing came up when I searched from the main page, huh...? *scratches head*   Anyway, beautiful voice & beautiful playing!  =D
They had their 1 year anniversary gig at Witch House back in September with guest musicians Betsy Hsu (許祐華)-drums, 陳 鼎文-gtr, and Wen-hui Hsu-cello. I’m not sure if this song is a cover, but they’re having fun with the crowd:
陳中 YT has their full Witch House set, a 16-clip playlist!  
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
阿牧君 mumu and her old bandmate Chuck Su aka 蛋 Egg from 這位太太 Mrs. This playing a song from the 1st Mrs. This album (released in 2007)
Mumu recently disbanded 週休八日 My 8 Day Weekend to go solo; the drummer in that band also played in Mrs. This, I think he would have fit in quite nicely at this gig at Witch House!   =D
By the way, 女孩與機器人 The Girl and The Robots no longer list Chuck Su as a member -- I’m not sure what happened there, but it’s definitely good to see him playing with Mumu!
Cece Lee YT channel has 4 more songs from this gig.
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
(Miss wei)
Miss wei 魏 郁 ‘s newest upload to her SoundCloud. It’s a new demo. =D
She’s got a gig at  女巫店 Witch House on November 10th.
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
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Singer 康雅婷 (Hyman Kang) is preparing a few ninja moves for next Friday, (April 28th) when 13月終了 Undecimber Fin. play at Witch House, along with The Tic Tac.    
That’s a beautiful double bill, if Witch House ain’t jam-packed that night, I’m gonna be very disappointed in you, TW!
Oh, and finally we have a meaning behind their band name, courtesy of the blurb at The Witch House event page:
註 / Undecimber 是原先的11月, 凱撒改革曆法後, 其他月份順勢改變, 包含原本的12月Duodecember也一道被擠出來變成14月。
Google Translation: Note / Undecimber is the original November, After Caesar's reform calendar, Other months homeopathic change, Including the original December Duodecember was also squeezed out into a month in 14 months.
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
Last song of Jiang Songlin 江松霖 (Xiaosong)’s set at Witch House on March 18th. 張天偉 on electric guitar, and A-fun阿芳 (賴雅芳) wailing away on percussion.  =D
婕羽 channel has 7 songs posted from Xiaosong’s set.
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
Promo feature for Zooey Wonder 黃玠瑋’s album & current crowdfunding campaign at http://www.zooeywonder.land (Official site).  Includes little snippets of video going back to 2012.   
She mentions the song 給敘利亞 For Syria several times, so let’s hear that, going back to Witch House in 2012, I think that is *Elvis Chang (aka 白虎) on percussion:
*The clip is from Elvis Chang’s YT channel.  
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fyeahcindie · 8 years
(謝至平 Xie Zhi-Ping)
Lovely new demo from 謝至平 Xie Zhi-Ping   =D
Dude’s got a beautiful voice! Here he is at Witch House last month:
Follow the clip back to his YT for 2 more songs from this set.  =)
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Gorgeous electropop + gorgeous scenery = 原子邦妮 Astro Bunny   =D
 ChaCha and NU in Iceland for this MV.  
Small venue tour coming in March. This might be to support their new book, so I can’t promise you a regular live performance. (Maybe, but I just don’t know): 1. 2020.3.7 (六) 21:00 台北 女巫店 Witch House in Taipei: https://forms.gle/hBfm5GvLbem9YAYi6 2. 2020.3.14 (六) 20:00 台中 Forro cafe in Taichung: https://forms.gle/cu4okoHTLXGxU3D17 3. 2020.3.21 (六) 20:00 台南 B.B. ART in Tainan: https://forms.gle/MUx5sPt5ahVHKTrU9
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
So nice to have new music from I'm not Dorothy 不是桃樂絲, but after a gig on the 11th at Witch House, it may be a while before we hear them again; I think the singer 小夫 is going abroad to live. (Germany?)
Music by 廖尉仲, Words by 張家榮 & 廖尉仲, Arranged by the band.
小夫-voc, 小仲 (廖尉仲)-gtr, 張家榮-bass, 譽勳-drums
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