mementoboni · 1 year
端午節 🐲
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Today is the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival (端午節).
Just yesterday I found my Chinese textbook for second grade of high school and came across this ancient text from 〈漁父〉 in 《楚辭》, written by 屈原.
I especially like the second line, "顏色憔悴,形容枯槁" (Looking haggard, appearing withered".) or Looking weathering to death.
(English translation is taken from here)
It is interesting to note that the word "顏色" in ancient Chinese refers to a person's look and appearance (人的神情、氣色), while in modern Chinese it only means "color";
However, in Japanese, the same Kanji "顔色 (かおいろ,kaoiro)" still retains its original meaning.
In Chinese, we now use "臉色"、 "氣色" or "神色" to express a person's look and appearance.
p.s. I clearly remember that when I studied this ancient text, it was the time when DIR EN GREY came to Taiwan for "mode of DUM SPIRO SPERO", but my parents did not let me go to the LIVE at that time ☹️☹️☹️
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