sa1-sonic · 7 months
This is a demo of "Open Your Heart" sung by Sakamoto Eizō.
坂本英三が歌う「Open Your Heart」のデモ。
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lightersun · 1 year
不要抬头 Don't Look Up (2021)——这是这两年非常有意义的电影,COVID19、特朗普、马斯克,把白宫免费的食品卖给客人的三星将军(讽刺五角大楼要钱的技能?权力的傲慢?),媒体、流量、明星,当然还有我们每一个人,都被扒光了衣服讽刺,就像结尾那些幸存者意义赤裸裸地等待被吃掉
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horseim · 3 days
和秦轩做了新的对话节目。用 AI 做了整理,现在的效果真的好。提取的关键字我更喜欢,此外不会和之前 ChatGPT 那样浮夸。基本能够按照时间线分块整理,介绍我们讨论的具体内容。放在下面参考: 在地与离岸 11 期谈话内容结构 时间: 2024年9月20日 时长: 1 小时 4 分钟 46 秒 关键词: 图腾、日本、社群、老师、战争、法西斯、中国、以色列、媒体、方法论、读者、社交媒体、个人主义、民族主义、社会关系、行为模式、建立关系、思维方式 参与者: Speaker 1,Speaker 2 内容结构: 开场及法西斯教育 (00:01-04:55) 两位参与者互相问候,进入第11期话题。 Speaker 2 提出关于如何对儿童进行反法西斯教育的疑问,并分享了自己正在进行的关于中国记者现状的研究。 两人讨论了语言污染问题,即一些词汇在大陆的权力体系下被扭曲,例如“记者”的定义。 个人主义与集体主义 (04:55-08:53) Speaker 2 朗读了一段关于集体主义的文字,并询问 Speaker 1 的感受。 Speaker 1 表达了对这段文字的厌恶,并回忆起自己年轻时也曾相信集体主义,愿意为集体牺牲。 两人回忆起大学时期的经历,并反思了个体主义和集体主义在中国社会语境下的复杂性。 Speaker 2 透露,他朗读的文字其实是希特勒关于雅利安人的言论。 现实社会中的法西斯 (08:53-21:09) Speaker 2 追问 Speaker 1 年少时��否相信集体主义,并分享了自己翻阅家中旧杂志《读者》的经历,发现其中也包含一些西方主流思想。 两人讨论了希特勒言论在中国社会不同年龄段人群中的接受程度,以及中国社会“表面一套,底下另一套”的两面性。 Speaker 1 分享了一个关于李宇春和反法西斯战争纪念活动报道篇幅的例子,讽刺了中国社会中存在的以法西斯方式反法西斯的现象。 两人讨论了以色列与黎巴嫩的冲突,以及在社交媒体上人们如何以纳粹的方式来指责他人是纳粹。 社交媒体与法西斯的蔓延 (21:09-36:00) Speaker 1 指出全世界都在走向法西斯,并以恐怖袭击为例,认为第三次世界大战已经以一种分布式、零散化、随机化的形式开始了。 两人讨论了巴以冲突的长期性和复杂性,以及以色列对哈马斯的军事行动。 Speaker 1 批评社交媒体放大了种族仇恨,认为社交媒体的算法和去中心化特性滋生了人性的恶。 两人反思了如何在社交媒体时代进行有效的反法西斯斗争。 图腾化与社交媒体的弊端 (36:00-54:00) Speaker 2 分享了自己在2012年中国反日游行期间,在邮件组中反驳其他知识分子将中国民族主义与日本右翼相提并论的经历。 两人讨论了如何看待在日华人在中日关系紧张时的处境,以及社交媒体如何加剧了人们的恐惧和焦虑。 Speaker 1 提出了“议题图腾化”的概念,解释了社交媒体如何将人们的思维方式拉回到原始部落状态,并以“以色列轰炸儿童医院”的虚假信息为例,说明了议题图腾化的危害。 两人讨论了社交媒体的“去课程化”和“去关系化”特性如何助长了议题图腾化,并以麦克卢汉的媒介理论为切入点,分析了社交媒体的弊端。 社群实践与未来展望 (54:00-01:04:42) Speaker 2 反思了自己在社交媒体上参与签署联名信的行为,并对社交媒体的成瘾性感到担忧。 Speaker 1 认为社群实践是反制社交媒体负面影响的唯一道路,并分享了自己运营咖啡馆、公众号和社群的经验。 两人一致认为,在公共议题上,与其试图改变公共性,不如专注于寻找同温层,建立社群,通过人与人之间的连接来创造价值。 总结: 本期谈话从法西斯教育切入,延伸至个人主义与集体主义、现实社会中的法西斯现象、社交媒体与法西斯蔓延等议题。两位参与?...
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2024: A Decade of Media Integration in China
One main theme of Xi Jinping’s ten-plus years as Chinese Communist Party General Secretary has been centralizing a very decentralized country. China doesn’t just have one Big Brother in Beijing; it has had a loosely connected network of Little Brothers (Little but locally Big) of local party secretaries who preside over the party committees at each level of government. Government organizations at…
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xinguozhi · 5 months
殷素素     …
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umrtt01 · 1 year
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screen series
dimensions variable
smartphone, tablet-type device, still image / video
「screen」シリーズ作品一覧|list of works in the screen series
《「screen」シリーズの解説》|explanation of the “screen” series
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newsonthenewsmedia · 1 year
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mediabillionaire · 1 year
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media billionaire, media millionaire, millionaireceoclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com
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hunxi-after-hours · 17 days
good lord people who run multiple sideblogs are so powerful. I keep queuing things onto the wrong blog and I only functionally have the two sdlfksjdlkfjsd
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herelietharaven · 6 months
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Happy Birthday.
Hala bazan ez bazan, sar mudila kalabazan eta atera badila herriko plazan.
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zhansww · 5 months
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sa1-sonic · 7 months
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This spider girl stars in those posters plastered everywhere nearby Speed Highway.
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justaboutsnapped · 3 months
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
China's cyberspace regulator on Monday mulled new rules to strengthen the management of "[personal] media", which refers to accounts that publish news and information but are not government-run or state-approved
10 Jul 23
China Law Translate - Notice on Strengthening the Management of "Personal Media"
1. Strictly prevent impersonation and counterfeiting. Website platforms shall strengthen the review of information in account registrations, changes to account information, and dynamic checking, to effectively prevent impersonation in ‘personal media’. Where account information contains the names or symbols of Party, government, or military organs, news media, or administrative divisions, they must be manually verified, and where impersonation or counterfeiting is discovered, services must not be provided.
2. Strengthen the display of qualifications authentication. Website platforms shall conduct strict verifications of “personal media” that produces information content in fields such as finance, education, health and medicine, or the justice sector, and shall display authentication materials such as their service qualifications, professional credentials, and background expertise on the account home page, and add labels indicating the fields to which they belong. Website platforms shall suspend the provision of publishing services in the corresponding fields for “personal media” that have not authenticated their credentials or that have expired authentications.
3. Standardize the indication of information sources. When “personal media” publish information related to domestic or foreign current events, public policies, societal incidents, etc., website platforms shall require them to correctly label the source of the information and display it in a conspicuous location when publishing. Where pictures or video that they took themselves is used, they must be individually labeled with information such as the time and location where they were taken. Where pictures or video generated through technology are used, they shall be clearly labeled as being produced by technology. Where past news incidents are cited, the time and place of those incidents must be clearly explained.
4. Strengthen the management of the veracity of information. Website platforms shall require “personal media” to be responsible for the veracity of the information that they publish or republish. When “personal media” publish information, website platforms shall display the name of the “personal media” account on the page where the information is published, and must not attributed to anonymous users instead. The information published by “personal media” must not be sheer fabrication, taken out of context, or distort facts; and methods such as patchwork editing and synthesized forgeries must not be used to impact the information’s veracity.
5. Attach labels for false or contested content.Website platforms shall require that “personal media” publishing fictional or speculative [embellished] stories, label the content as false or speculative in a conspicuous fashion. Website platforms are encouraged to tag contested information as such and limit the traffic of the related information.
6. Improve functions for tagging rumors. Website platforms shall promptly tag rumors in fields such as public policy, the public and people’s livelihood, and major breaking incidents, pin information refuting the rumor on search pages for the specific rumor, and use methods such as algorithmic recommendations to increase the reach of and efficacy of the refutation information.
7. Regulate account operations behavior. Website platforms shall strictly enforce the account registration provision of “one account per person, two for enterprises”, strictly prohibiting individuals and enterprises from manipulating the “personal media” accounts to matrix [concerted cross-platform] publish and disseminate illegal and negative information. “Personal media” shall be required to carry out account registration and operation activities in accordance with laws and regulations, they must not consolidate negative information [负面- not the legal term “不良信息“], rekindle old incidents, stir up hot societal incidents, or market disasters and accidents; they must not induce users to follow other accounts to avoid losing contact, follow in advance, by creating suspense, or other such methods; encouraging and leading ‘personal media’ to create high-quality information content. Website platforms shall strengthen the verification of “personal media” account information to prevent accounts that have been closed down in accordance with laws and agreements from reregistering.
8. Clarify the requirements for turning on authority for earning. Where “personal media” apply for earnings authority, they must have no record of violating rules in the last three months. Where the account entity changes, website platforms shall suspend, or not grant, earnings authority for 3 months from the date of the change. Methods of earning include but are not limited to, advertising revenue shares, content shares, e-commerce product promotions, livestream tipping, tipping for articles or short videos, payments for information, and cooperation with brands.
9. Limit benefits from violations. Where website platforms employ measures to silence “personal media” that violates rules, they shall concurrently suspend earnings authority for a period of 2-3 times the length of the silencing. Website platforms shall cancel, or deny, earnings authority for “personal media” that build up vulgar personalities or online celebrities that go against good public customs, or that conduct malicious marketing by having multiple accounts act in concert to stir up hot societal incidents, etc. Website platforms shall periodically report to the internet information departments about restrictions on ‘personal media’ earnings authority for breaking rules.
10. Improve measures for managing the number of followers. Where the number of “personal media's” followers increases due to violations, website platforms shall promptly verify and remove them. During a period in which they are silenced, “personal media” must not gain new followers, their old articles must not be presented in key areas such as website platform recommendations or lists. “Personal media” that frequently stirs up hot societal incidents to gain followers are to be permanently prohibited from adding new followers, and where the circumstances are serious, are to have all followers canceled. Website platforms must not provide services transferring follower numbers.
11. Increase the extent of management of MCN organizations to which “personal media” belong. Website platforms shall complete management systems for MCN organizations, carrying out centralized and uniform management of MCN organizations and the accounts they have signed. The name of MCN organizations to which accounts belong is to be displayed in a conspicuous manner on “personal media” home pages. Website platforms shell employ measures such as suspending earnings authority, restricting the provision of services, and 入驻清退 , to address MCN organizations that use signed accounts to act in concert generate hype or have multiple violations,
12. Strictly address violations. Website platforms shall promptly discover and strictly address violations by “personal media”. “Personal media” that create and publish rumors, stir up hot societal topics or matrix [linked cross-platform] publish and transmit illegal or negative information, creating a vile impact are all to be closed, included in the platform database of blacklisted accounts, and reported to the internet information departments. Measures such as canceling interactive functions, clearing out followers, canceling earnings authority, silencing, and closing down shall be employed against “personal media” that transmit rumors. Measures such as canceling interactive functions, silencing, and closing down shall be employed against “personal media” that publish information in fields such as finance, education, health and medicine, or the justice sector without having had qualifications authenticated.
13. Strengthen exposure of dispositions and example cases. Website platforms shall strengthen the dispositions and exposure of “personal media” that violate rules, setting up a special column for warnings and education, periodically publishing example cases of “personal media” violations, and alerting “personal media” to do a good job in self-management.
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linmiqi · 4 months
米琪MIQI感谢谷歌平台提供技术支持 #MIFU米富 #富传媒MIFU #MIQI #林米琪广东云端 #创新 #LINMIQI #MIFU #m...
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xinguozhi · 1 year
新加坡驻美大使回应《华邮》文章 指新加坡不会选边站
南洋视界   …
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