catdoll007 · 7 months
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ellas-journey · 10 months
Time in Japan 🕰️
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   Did you realize something different in the clock that the spider Oni showed Zenitsu? I will let you think. Yes, it does not have numbers. I mean it does, in the tiny clock within the clock. And there is a reason for that, the clock that he is holding is a Japanese clock. So, a clock made in Japan? Ah not really. Let me explain.    People in Japan, like in most of Asia, did not count the time like we do today. There is the conception that ancient people lived according to natural cycles, that for them the daytime was for the living and the nighttime for the dead. Taking a step further, that westerns were concerned with schedules, and non-westerners seem to act like they did not care, they did not have a time-consciousness at all. But that was not true. The way they counted time sure was different but was still a way of counting the time, they used the so called “variable hour system”.    As the name suggests, the length of the hours varied with the seasons. The day was divided in daytime and nighttime, and each divided further in 6 equal periods called koku ou toki [ji]. Each of the twelve hours had the name of an animal of the zodiac. They would know the what time it was thanks to a public time-telling bells or drums, that were installed in high towers (to those that like to read danmeis like me, you must be pretty familiarized with this concept) so that the sound would be carried into the distance.    The mechanical clock arrived in Japan trough the hands of the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier in the 16th century. It was gifted to the daimyo of Yamaguchi - Ouchi Yoshitaka - for him to allow Christianity in his territory, as soon more of this ticking machines would be asked to the Jesuits. Even Oda Nobunaga asked Louis Frois to see this intriguing machine, and, even tho this was an “useless thing” more and more clocks were brought to Japan to be used as expensive gifts. Even the Tokugawa family loved clocks even if they hated the westerns.    You should expect that since there was a flood of clocks in Japan that they soon would adopt this way of counting the time. That was not the case. The koku system continued in Japan until 1873, were in the 5th year of the Meiji Era the Emperor decided to adopt the Western calendar and way of dividing the time. But before that, western clocks were adapted into the Japanese way of seasonal time.     They were called “Wadokei - 和時計 - Japanese clock”. Why did this happen?  Well because “the clocks were counting the wrong time of hour!” Edo people were not used at not having the distinguishing between long and short hours, so they quickly decided to adapt the various types of western clocks into their system. “The mechanism of these clocks was practically identical to that of Western devices of the sixteenth century, with the only alteration being made to the locking plate of the alarm, which was modified to allow the clock to strike the number of times according to the Edo-period hour count, which consisted of double nine-to-four countdown series” - Frumer, 2012;    While it started as a novelty, by the 18th century clocks were not a rarity anymore. “Most mechanical clocks were only available to the rich and powerful, but the emergence of the economical and less decorative type indicates that there was some demand for mechanical clocks in the general society, possibly by merchants for their practical use in knowing the precise time.” - Hashimito, 2020; While we see the most expensive and decorative ones at museum, we must not forget that is exactly these characteristics that made their owners not throw them away, because in the case of a simple one you wouldn’t even think twice. “Clocks are not different from other museum exemplars suck as pottery or lacquerware - the existence of the state-of-art object does not imply that there were no simpler versions used by people of humbler status the daimyo” - Frumer, 2012;    Japanese clocks soon started to have both the Japanese hours and western hours, like in the clock that the Oni does have! While sure by the Taisho era the Japanese society would be fully adapted to the western way of telling the time, but imagining that the Oni was a human while this was the standard way of telling the time it is understandable why he does have that clock. Plus said clock had an specific time for the sunrise so can you really blame him for sticking to that? Same with the Ubuyashiki girl clock. Since they had to track the sunrise it would be way more easy to keep an old japanese clock that was the best a doing that job!
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   FRUMER, Yulia. 2012. - Clocks and Time in Edo Japan. PhD. Diss. Faculty of Princeton University;    HASHIMITO, Takehiko, 2008 - Japanese Clocks and the History of punctuality in Modern Japan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 2:1, 123-133. <https://doi.org/10.1215/s12280-008-9031-z>    Linfamy. 2022- How christians intruduced the first mechanical clocks to Japan for GOD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQVNxAVlR44    Linfamy. 2023 - Traditional japanese clocks: 1200 years of history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5eJgqSV6eA&t=321s     
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inami1225 · 23 days
今日のあなたにとってのラッキーアイテムは何か気になりませんか?てんびん座のあなたには、洗練されたデザインの腕時計が幸運を呼び込むかもしれません。バランスの取れたデザインと高い機能性が、日常のスタイリングや行動に良い影響をもたらしてくれるかもしれません。身につけているだけで自信を持ち、周囲からの評判もアップすること間違いなしです。今日はラッキーアイテムを身につけて、運気を高めましょう。✨🕰️ #占い #てんびん座 #ラッキーアイテム #腕時計 #運気UP #洗練されたデザイン #バランスの取れたアイテム #自信を持つ #幸運を引き寄せる
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chris-florist · 1 year
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#手錶 ⌚】早前有 世界時計 World Wrist Watch 開業 🕰️ #世界時計 新錶及二手名錶 寄賣 搜尋 #古董錶 高價收購名錶 原廠保養 💁🏻‍♂️ Follow佢哋Facebook ig @worldwristwatch.2012 地址:元朗阜財街61號A地舖 • • • • • • • • • #watch #florist #花籃 #開業花籃 #flowershop #花店 #花 # flowers #flower #香港花店 #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 # 現成花束 # 求婚 #花牌 #grandopening # 99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 # 優惠花 # 99支玫瑰 # 優惠 # hkflowershop #開張 #開業 # 現成花 #賞花 #일상 # 現成 # freelanceflorist # 訂花 #日常 # 新店開張 # 優惠花束 #網上花店 # 網上訂花 #hkflorist #HomeKong #hello(在 世界時計 World Wrist Watch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFo5hHy1ei/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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catdoll007 · 1 year
縄文時代・弥生時代・古墳時代 📜
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chris-florist · 1 year
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#手錶 ⌚】早前有 世界時計 World Wrist Watch 開業 🕰️ #世界時計 新錶及二手名錶 寄賣 搜尋 #古董錶 高價收購名錶 原廠保養 💁🏻‍♂️ Follow佢哋Facebook ig @worldwristwatch.2012 地址:元朗阜財街61號A地舖 • • • • • • • • • #watch #florist #花籃 #開業花籃 #flowershop #花店 #花 # flowers #flower #香港花店 #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 # 現成花束 # 求婚 #花牌 #grandopening # 99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 # 優惠花 # 99支玫瑰 # 優惠 # hkflowershop #開張 #開業 # 現成花 #賞花 #일상 # 現成 # freelanceflorist # 訂花 #日常 # 新店開張 # 優惠花束 #網上花店 # 網上訂花 #hkflorist #HomeKong #hello(在 世界時計 World Wrist Watch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFosN5yJbT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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