moko1590m · 4 months
皇室でやたらかわいいお嬢さんがいてその画像が出回ってるみたいだが、 露出しすぎることは標的になることだという単純な法則が思い出されすぎる。 あらゆる人間が幼児の頃はやたらかわいくて、100%善意で仏心で振舞って、周囲の愚かさや悪意で、その善意を踏みにじられて、戦略的に多くは防衛的になっていく。 寺には仁王が、可愛い娘には怖いわからず屋の父親が、可愛い赤ちゃんには必死の母親が守護者として必要というシステム的初歩。 ご本尊を路上に転がしておかない意味を理解しないといけない。
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httpwanning · 3 months
Meatbun boys
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tokidokitokyo · 2 months
敬語 - When, Where, Who?
敬語 (keigo) is honorific language, but in what situations do you use it and to whom? It's tricky because 敬語 is relative honorific language (it depends on the situation and person you are speaking with) and is thus broken up into three parts: polite & refined language, honorific language, and humble language.
丁寧語・美化語 (teineigo/bikago) Polite & Refined Language 丁寧語 = polite language (esp. the use of ~ます and ~です) 美化語 = refined language, elegant speech (esp. the use of the prefixes お~ and ご~)
尊敬語 (sonkeigo) Honorific Language
謙譲語・丁重語 (kenjyougo/teichougo) Humble Language 謙譲語 = humble language (i.e. humble language in which the listener [or a third party] is the indirect object of an action [or the recipient of an object, etc.]) 丁重語 = courteous language (i.e. humble language in which an action or object is not directed toward the listener or a third party)
Since 敬語 expressions for the same person can differ based on ウチ (uchi) and ソト (soto) - whether they are "in" your group or "out" of your group - the 敬語 you use will differ based on the relationship between the speaker, the listener, and the person being spoken about.
Factors that determine whether or not to use 敬語 and the appropriate level of 敬語 to use:
Relationship: Hierarchy (boss and subordinate, store manager and store employee, older and younger person, etc.) Social standing and role (customer and employee, teacher and student, guest and host, etc.) Level of intimacy (close relationship or first time meeting, length of relationship)
Place: Formal or casual situation (ceremony vs. cafe, business meeting vs. izakaya, etc.)
Intention: One's feelings towards the person being spoken to (level of gratitude or apology, who is profiting, etc.)
Generally speaking, 敬語 is based more on social position and standing than age. Intention is also a large part of the level of 敬語 one uses.
For example, if making a phone call will benefit the person being spoken to, you might use 「お電話差し上げます」 (o-denwa sashiagemasu), but if you, the speaker, would benefit from the call, you would instead express it in a way as though you are receiving permission to make the phone call, 「お電話させていただきます」 (o-denwa sasete itadakimasu). And even if the person being spoken to benefits from the situation, in order to show greater politeness to them you might use 「お電話させていただきます」 (o-denwa sasete itadakimasu) to convey your feelings of humility and to show that you are also benefiting from the situation.
This is why 敬語 can be difficult to master, even for native Japanese speakers. Not only does it need to be grammatically correct, it also involves thinking about how to express yourself towards the other party.
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yu-yu-hakusho-memes · 9 months
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again
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gon-iii · 2 months
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kiichilog · 7 months
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2024.2.10 武尊山 絶景のスノーマウンテン Mt.Hotakasan 2158.3m incredible snow trekking!!
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wankohouse · 19 days
府中 彫剛 “日本武尊”(やまとたける)
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府中 彫剛 “日本武尊”
引用元(写真・ALT内の文): ↓ GAIN Magazine 07/ 07/ 2021
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fa-cat · 2 months
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US figure skaters set to get team gold medals at Paris Olympics after ruling in 2022 doping case
The U.S. figure skating team was formally confirmed as gold medalists from the 2022 Beijing Olympics by a sports court ruling Thursday, opening the way for the team to get its medals at the Paris Summer Games.
It took the latest CAS ruling in the Valieva saga to guarantee the U.S. team its overdue gold medals, and for Japan to be in line for upgraded silvers.
Special medal ceremonies are planned by the IOC in the second week of the Paris Olympics to honor athletes whose results have been upgraded because of doping cases that were prosecuted and resolved in recent years.
Those celebrations will be in the Champions Park plaza looking across to the Eiffel Tower on the opposite bank of the Seine River.
“This (CAS) decision comes just in time to still be able to make the medal allocation for gold and silver possible” in Paris, the International Olympic Committee said in a statement.
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anamon-book · 9 months
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北斗の拳 SPECIAL ALL ABOUT THE MAN 週刊少年ジャンプ特別編集 1986年9月5日号 集英社
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ilchohand · 10 months
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PH Daiya CSE soon! 🫶
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amamiyashion · 8 months
IG : amamiya_shion9
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angieloveshua · 2 years
I've been making these simple and aesthetically pleasing reviews on my tab. Although they're in Spanish, please appreciate them because re-making these in English will take me a long time. 🙏
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antsloveyun · 6 months
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tokidokitokyo · 2 years
尊敬語 - Honorific Keigo
敬語 (けいご・keigo) is respectful speech in Japanese. 敬語 is based in the social hierarchy that has carried over into modern Japanese society from ancient times. There are three forms of 敬語 - teineigo, sonkeigo, and kenjougo.
尊敬語 (そんけいご・sonkeigo) is honorific Japanese. This style is used to show respect to someone of a higher position (a superior, an elder, a customer, etc.) when speaking about them. You must never use this form to refer to yourself. This form is characterized by lengthy polite sentences and common verbs are exchanged for more polite ones or changed into a respectful form.
Regular Sonkeigo Verb Forms
To create the honorific form of most verbs, add the prefix お to the stem form of the verb and add になる to the end.
Polite Form → Honorific Form
Verb-stem + ます → お + Verb-stem + になります
読みます → お読みになります (およみになります) to read
待ちます → お待ちになります (おまちになります) to wait
教えます → お教えになります (おおしえになります) to teach
書きます → お書きになります (おかきになります) to write
思います → お思いになります (おおもいになります) to think
Irregular Sonkeigo Verb Forms
Plain Form → Honorific Form
行く (いく)・来る (くる) → いらっしゃいます/おいでになります to go/to come
いる → いらっしゃいます/おいでになります to be
食べる (たべる)・飲む (のむ) → 召し上がります (めしあがります) to eat/to drink
寝る (ねる) → お休みになります (おやすみになります) to sleep
言う (いう) → 仰る (おっしゃいます) to say
見る (みる) → ご覧になります (ごらんになります) to see
着る (きる) → お召しになります (おめしになります) to wear
する → なさいます to do
知っている (しっている) → ご存知です (ごぞんじです) to know
くれる → くださいます to receive
座る (すわる) → お掛けになります (おかけになります) to sit/to be seated
Other Honorific Forms
です → でいらっしゃる copula
家 (いえ) → 御宅 (おたく) home
どう → いかが how
Example Sentences
Excuse me, is Professor Tanaka here? Normal: すみません、田中先生はいますか。 尊敬語: すみません、田中先生はいらっしゃいますか。
How was the interview? Normal: 面接はどうでしたか。 尊敬語: 面接はいかがでしたか。
How are you? Normal: 元気ですか。 尊敬語: お元気ですか。
See also: Basic Keigo, Polite Keigo
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yu-yu-hakusho-memes · 10 months
Live Action Yu Yu Hakusho Episodes 1 - 3 Spoiler Review???
*All images are from the official Netflix Japan Twitter Account*
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Wanted to watch all 5 episodes but it’s almost midnight, so I’ll watch the last 2 tomorrow
Compared to both the manga and the anime, the live action moves very quickly but it isn’t rushed. Seriously can’t believe there are only 5 episodes… I need at least 10.
I really enjoyed how we got to see what Yusuke and Kuwabara are up to while Sakyō plans to open up the portal and Tarukane winning money at casinos. I think the idea of seeing both sides (earth and the demon world) work at the same time is genius. I also love how Yusuke has become an older brother figure to the boy he saved from the car crash 🥰
The only thing I didn’t like so far is the mirror that Kurama uses to bring back his mother. It’s called a mirror but looks likes an iPad. The staff couldn’t find one at IKEA or a home store???
Genkai and Toguro 😭😭😭 while there wasn’t a battle, the two had a conversation about their past before her death. I was also surprised that it happened in ep 3.
Goki is terrifying I mean look at him. I don’t really need to say anything except that
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Overall, I’m really enjoying this series and it may be my favourite live action anime adaptation.
Super excited to watch the last 2 episodes!!!
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poddyshobbies · 8 months
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鉄道神社 ~ 二の鳥居「福門」
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手水舎(↑)がある側の水路(↓)~ 季節になるとホタルが舞う
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鉄道神社本殿 … 創建は大正初期(1915年)で、鹿児島本線を始め鉄道網が拡充されいった時代であったことに「へぇ、そうだったのか」と思いを馳せることも。御祭神は、博多駅からそう離れていない南西側に鎮座します住吉神社から分霊した住吉大神です。航海の安全や交通安全の神様なのでぴったしです。
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奥まった一角から ~ 鹿児島本線(上り方向)
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展望台から ~ 東・福岡空港方向
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