#東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
indatsukasa · 1 year
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The One Undertook Many Calamities
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About Sanae
Alright, so Sanae Kochiya
Is known to have been a geek as a human in the outside world (referencing pop culture often in multiple of her appearances)
Has very specifically been shown to be into science-related fiction (her interest in aliens in UFO, her absolute joy at being able to go to the moon, her Soku story involving her thinking that Hisotensoku is a giant robot)
Is a noted eccentric
Used to read "occult magazines" when she was young around the turn of the century (Vs. Patchouli win dialogue, Soku) These things we know about her factually
We also know that in the outside world (our world)
American comic books have a niche in Japan (they are not sold in all book stores and the more fashionable shops that sell them sell them in English for the art [Justin Sevakis w/ ANN, 2018])
Most Japanese people who read comics read comics from the Big 2 (Marvel, DC)
At some point, American comics were serialized in Japanese magazines (Justin Sevakis w/ ANN, 2018)
There was a huge boom in extreme/grimdark themes and tropes in 90s American comics
Spider-Man antagonist Michael Morbius had a solo run starting in 1992
Thus, we can infer
Sanae, as an eccentric and a nerd, has probably read some American comics
Sanae would have been reading comics from the Big 2
Sanae, who read magazines in the 90s, could have read those comics in the 90s (if not through magazines, then through collected editions)
Sanae would probably lean more into Marvel, as Marvel is heavy on sci-fi elements
Sanae would be in the middle of the era of 90s grimdark
Leaning more Marvel, Sanae would definitely had read Spider-Man if she read western comics
What I'm saying is, there is a non-zero chance that Sanae Kochiya has read Morbius, The Living Vampire (1992). Now, her opinions of Morbius, at least in my opinion, depends on when she started reading/what issues she read, but that doesn't change the fact that the chance that she has knowledge of Morbius exists.
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glowintheart · 1 year
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[Alt text in image ID]
"It would be nice if more people came to visit my shrine, but I can do something about it on my own, without borrowing your power..."
Reimu Hakurei as seen in 東方風神録~Mountain of Faith.
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n1essofficial · 1 year
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▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.1 1.王子の冒険 (カエルの為に鐘は鳴る より) The Prince's Adventure (from "For Frog the Bell Tolls")
2.ピラプト王国 (スーパーマリオランド より) Birabuto Kingdom (from "Super Mario Land")
3.Eyes On Me (ファイナルファンタジーⅧ より) Eyes On Me (from "FINAL FANTASY Ⅷ")
4.ビコーズ・アイ・ラブ・ユー (MOTHER2 ギーグの逆襲 より) Because I Love You (from "EarthBound")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.2 1.ポリアンナ (MOTHER より) Pollyanna (from "EarthBound Zero")
2.憩いの町 (不思議のダンジョン2 風来のシレン より) Mountaintop Town (from "Shiren the Wanderer")
3.クロノ・トリガー (クロノ・トリガー より) Chrono Trigger (from "Chrono Trigger")
4.Time is changing (ダーククロニクル より) Time is changing (from "Dark Chronicle")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.3 1.Snakey Chantey(スーパードンキーコング2 より) Snakey Chanty(from "Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest")
2.Escape From The City(ソニックアドベンチャー2 より) Escape From The City(from "SONIC ADVENTURE2")
3.サラダロアの町/サラダ町奉行所(サラダの国のトマト姫 より) Saladoria/The Prison(from "Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom")
4.レイトン教授のテーマ(レイトン教授と不思議な町 より) Professor Layton's Theme(from "Professor Layton and the Curious Village")
5.タイトル(どうぶつの森 より) Title(from "Animal Crossing")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.4 1.あさってCOLOR(スプラトゥーン2 より) Fresh Start(from "Splatoon 2")
2.Historic Soldier(グラディウス より) Historic Soldier(from "Nemesis")
3.Radical Dreamers ~盗めない宝石~(クロノ・クロス より) Radical Dreamers ~Unstolen Jewel~(from "Chrono Cross")
4.Sagat Stage(ストリートファイターII より) Sagat Stage(from "Street Fighter II")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.5 1.Hopes and Dreams(UNDERTALE より) Hopes and Dreams(from "UNDERTALE")
2.愛のテーマ(ファイナルファンタジーIV より) Theme of Love(from "Final Fantasy IV")
3.UNTAMED HEART(風のクロノア door to phantomile より) UNTAMED HEART(from "Klonoa: Door to Phantomile")
4.Dreams Dreams(ナイツ NiGHTS into Dreams… より) Dreams Dreams(from "NiGHTS into dreams…")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.6 1.海ステージ(星のカービィ スーパーデラックス より) Sea Stage(from "Kirby Super Star")
2.ひまわりとまぼろし/おかあさん?!(MOTHER3 より) Sunflowers and Illusions/Mother?!(from MOTHER3)
3.君と二人で~ある新米鍛冶師の場合~(サモンナイト クラフトソード物語 より) Together With You ~A Certain Rookie Blacksmith~(from "Summon Night: Swordcraft Story")
4.ヨッシーのうた(ヨッシーストーリー より) Yoshi's Song(from "Yoshi's Story")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.7 1.おおぞらをとぶ(ドラゴンクエストIII そして伝説へ… より) Heavenly Flight(from "Dragon Warrior III")
2.剣入手前フィールド(ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島 より) Sword Search(from "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening")
3.FLASHMAN STAGE(ロックマン2 Dr.ワイリーの謎 より) FLASHMAN STAGE(from "Mega Man 2")
4.Stickerbrush Symphony(スーパードンキーコング2 より) Stickerbrush Symphony(from "Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.8 1.作戦~ラストバトル オープニング(スプラトゥーン2 より) The Plan ~ Last Battle Opening(from "Splatoon 2")
2.フライ・オクト・フライ Fly Octo Fly
3.フルスロットル・テンタクル Ebb & Flow
4.フレンド・フロム・ファラウェイ Into the Light
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.9 1.風に誘われて (Twin memories)(Pop'nツインビー より) Calling for the wind (Twin Memories)(from "Pop'n Twinbee")
2.THEME OF ROCKMAN EXE(バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ より) THEME OF ROCKMAN EXE(from "Mega Man Battle Network")
3.ワイルドウインド(Napple Tale Arsia in Daydream より) Wild Wind(from "Napple Tale: Arsia in Daydream")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music LIVE 1.風の憧憬/クロノ・トリガー Wind Scene/Chrono Trigger
2.Hopes and Dreams/UNDERTALE Hopes and Dreams/UNDERTALE
3.運河要塞/ロマンシング サ・ガ2 Canal Fortress/Romancing Sa・Ga2
4.Stickerbush Symphony/スーパードンキーコング2 ディクシー&ディディー Stickerbush Symphony/Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
5.エリア1/ドラゴンスピリット AREA1/DRAGON SPIRIT
6.メタナイトの逆襲:エンディング(友と夕陽と…)/星のカービィ スーパーデラックス Revenge of Meta-Knight Ending Theme/Kirby Super Star
7.Darker Than Midnight/東方風神録~Mountain of Faith 運命のダークサイド(Dark Side of Fate) Touhou Fuujinroku~Mountain of Faith
8.タイトル/どうぶつの森 Title/Animal Crossing
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.10 1.果てしなき世界(ドラゴンクエストII 悪霊の神々 より) Endless World(from "Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line")
2.Bein' Friends(MOTHER より) Bein' Friends(from "EarthBound Beginnings")
3.夢は終わらない 〜こぼれ落ちる時の雫〜(テイルズ オブ ファンタジア より) Yume Wa Owaranai ~Kobore Ochiru Toki no Shizuku~(from "TALES OF PHANTASIA")
4.「Reset」(大神 より) 「Reset」(from "Ōkami")
5.ICO -You were there-(ICO より) ICO -You were there-(form "ICO")
6.Still Alive(Portal より) Still Alive(from "Portal")
7.妖魔夜行(東方紅魔郷 〜 the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. より) Apparitions Stalk the Night(from "Touhou Koumakyou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil")
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eliluminado7 · 2 years
album i composed over the course of a year. slightly more elaborated than the rest of my defunct touhou-themed albums.
for legal reasons im not allowed to sell it without asking for explicit permission and i dont really wanna have to go through the hassle of sending tons of emails in japanese just to have like 1 person buy it. so its completely free and it wont be up in spotify anytime soon.
Track 01: 春の湊に (At the End of the Spring) from 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object Track 02: デザイアドライブ (Desire Drive), 古きユアンシェン (Old Yuanxian), 聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator (Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator) from 東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires Tracks 03, 05, 06 ~ 華のさかづき大江山 (A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe), 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion (Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion), ハルトマンの妖怪少女 (Hartmann's Youkai Girl) from 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism Track 04 ~ 少女が見た日本の原風景 (The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Watched), 信仰は儚き人間の為に (Faith is for the Transient People) from 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith Track 07 ~ 一対の神獣 (A Pair of Divine Beasts) from 東方天空璋 ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons
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mame-is-tumbling · 1 year
第二十回例大祭 た40b
草 1号と3号は廃盤しましたが3号はちょっと焼くかもしれないです
草 6号 / the tumbling we's
Tr.1 ラクトメモリー
 ラクトガール ~ 少女密室
 From 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
Tr.2 Artificial world
 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女
 From 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Tr.3 びちゃびちゃ
 芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid friend
 From 東方風神録 〜 Mountain of Faith.
Tr.4 カシオペア
 From 東方永夜抄 〜 Imperishable Night.
Tr.5 世界中が敵になっても
 From 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
All Music Composed by ZUN [上海アリス幻楽団]
Arrange,lyric,vocal,guitar,base,illust,etc by mame
2023.05.07 第二十回博麗神社例大祭 た40b the tumbling we's 頒布価格200円
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31061 · 2 years
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revoleader · 4 years
BUTAOTOME - Pure Joy // 清らかな幸福
BUTAOTOME - Pure Joy // 清らかな幸福
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BUTAOTOME (豚乙女) Pure Joy (清らかな幸福, kiyoraka na koufuku)
Touhou: Stage Three Compilation (東方参面録, touhou sanmenroku) – Track 3 Released: 2016-10-16 (Aki Reitaisai 3) Website
Arrangement: Comp (コンプ) Vocals: Ranko (ランコ) Guitar & Bass: Comp (コンプ) Keyboard: Paprika (パプリカ) Based on Akutagawa Ryuunosuke’s “Kappa” – Candid Friend (芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend) from Touhou Fuujinroku – Mountain of Faith (東方風神録 ~…
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touhou-music · 3 years
Album Name: 東方名曲蒐 (Touhou Music Collection, I believe?)
Audio Length: 07:25
Collaborator: GROOVE COASTER
Genre: Vocal, Instrumental, Pop, Electronic, Rock
Song List is below.
01. tete+a+tete -FULL EDITION- (03:43) [C.H.S.] - Arrangement: t+pazolite - Original: Septette for the Dead Princess (Final Stage Boss Theme: Remilia Scarlet) - Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
02. そして誰もいなくなった -GAME EDITION- (And Then There Were None) (02:01) [IOSYS] - Arrangement: void - Lyrics: 黒田椋子 - Vocals: あにー - Original: U.N. Owen was her? (Extra Stage Boss Theme: Flandre Scarlet) - Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
03. クリスタライズ! -GAME EDITION- (Crystallize!) (01:49) [石鹸屋 (Sekken’ya)] - Arrangement: 秀三 - Lyrics: 秀三 - Vocals: 秀三 - Original: Crystallized Silver (Stage 1 Boss Theme: Letty Whiterock) - Source: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
04. IN MY LIFE -GAME EDITION- (03:29) [発熱巫女~ず (hatsunemitsuko’s)] - Arrangement: Tim Vegas - Lyrics: Laura April - Vocals: Ark Brown - Original: Diao ye zong (withered leaf) (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Chen) - Source: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
05. Material of Puppets -FULL EDITION- (02:55) [Silver Forest] - Arrangement: NYO - Lyrics: Silver Forest - Vocals: 奏瀬いちこ, 星河さきち - Original: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti (Stage 3 Theme) - Source: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
06. Finder -GAME EDITION- (04:35) [EastNewSound] - Arrangement: 黒鳥 - Lyrics: くまりす - Vocals: 紫咲ほたる - Original: Deaf to All But the Song (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Mystia Lorelei) - Source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
07. ジンガイクライシス(feat.ytr) -FULL EDITION- (Inhuman Crisis) (04:11) [TAMAONSEN] - Arrangement: Coro - Lyrics: ytr - Vocals: ytr - Original: Plain Asia (Stage 3 Boss Theme: Keine Kamishirasawa) - Source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
08. GROOVE IT LUCKY (グルコスMix) (03:30) [A-One] - Arrangement: ELEMENTAS - Lyrics: Yassie - Vocals: あき, 越田Rute隆人 - Original: The Road of the Misfortune God ~ Dark Road (Stage 2 Theme), Dark Side of Fate (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Hina Kagiyama) - Source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
09. 東方地神律 -GAME EDITION- (Touhou Law of Earth Gods) (02:17) - Arrangement: COSIO - Original: Native Faith (Extra Stage Boss Theme: Suwako Moriya) - Source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
10. カリソメ -GAME EDITION- (Transiency) (02:00) [BUTA-OTOME] - Arrangement: コンプ - Lyrics: コンプ - Vocals: ichigo - Original: Hartmann’s Youkai Girl (Extra Stage Boss Theme: Koishi Komeiji) - Source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
11. LOVE FOR YOU -GAME EDITION- (04:05) [暁Records] - Arrangement: ACTRock - Lyrics: ACTRock - Vocals: Stack - Original: Green-Eyed Jealousy (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Parsee Mizuhashi) - Source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
12. 鼓動、零れぬ酒 -FULL EDITION- (My Heartbeat and Unspilt Sake) (03:57) [Yuuhei Satellite] - Arrangement: HiZuMi, 奥山ナマリ - Lyrics: かませ虎 - Vocals: senya - Original: A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe (Stage 3 Boss Theme: Yuugi Hoshiguma) - Source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
13. 揺蕩うLove (feat. らっぷびと) -GAME EDITION- (Fickle Love) (03:30) [TAMAONSEN] - Arrangement: TINY PLANETS - Lyrics: らっぷびと - Vocals: らっぷびと - Original: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Kogasa Tatara) - Source: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
14. Sad Rain -FULL EDITION- (03:29) [REDALiCE] - Arrangement: REDALiCE - Original: Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind (Final Stage Boss Theme: Byakuren Hijiri) - Source: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
15. イニシャルイニシャルエコーエゴー -GAME EDITION- (Initial Initial Echo Echo) (04:23) [凋叶棕 (diao ye zong)] - Arrangement: RD-Sounds - Lyrics: RD-Sounds - Vocals: Meramipop - Original: Youkai Girl at the Gate (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Kyouko Kasodani) - Source: 東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires
16. コノハズク -FULL EDITION- (03:17) [BUTA-OTOME] - Arrangement: コンプ - Original: Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator (Final Stage Boss Theme: Toyosatomimi no Miko) - Source: 東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires
17. マーメイドダンス -GAME EDITION- (Mermaid Dance) (02:03) [IOSYS] - Arrangement: void - Instruments: void, john=hive - Original: Mermaid from the Uncharted Land (Stage 1 Boss Theme: Wakasagihime) - Source: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character
18. INCOGNITO -FULL EDITION- (04:18) [ZYTOKINE] - Arrangement: 隣人 - Lyrics: 隣人 - Vocals: Nana Takahashi - Original: Lonesome Werewolf (Stage 3 Boss Theme: Kagerou Imaizumi) - Source: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character
19. FEEL MY BEAT! -More Rock Extended- (01:58) [TatshMusicCircle] - Arrangement: Tatsh - Lyrics: 黒田椋子 - Vocals: 黒田椋子 - Original: Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat (Extra Stage Boss Theme: Raiko Horikawa) - Source: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character
20. 完全の模様を刳り貫いて -GAME EDITION- (Perfect Hollowed Pumpkin) (04:20) [shoujo fractal] - Arrangement: 神奈森ユウ - Lyrics: 奥山ナマリ - Vocals: 天宮みや, 柚木梨沙 - Original: September Pumpkin (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Ringo), The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moonlight (Stage 2 Theme) - Source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
21. Dream Coaster -FULL EDITION- (03:37) [A-One] - Arrangement: ELEMENTAS - Lyrics: Yassie - Vocals: 越田Rute隆人, あき - Original: The Mysterious Shrine Maiden Flying Through Space (Stage 3 Theme), Eternal Spring Dream (Stage 3 Boss Theme: Doremy Sweet) - Source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
22. ジョーカー・ジュンコ ~ 永遠の純化 -FULL EDITION- (Joker Junko ~ Eternal Purification) (02:40) [COOL&CREATE] - Arrangement: ビートまりお - Original: Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart (Final Stage Boss Theme: Junko), The Sea That Reflects One’s Home Planet (Final Stage Theme) - Source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
23. 東方外魔伝 -GAME EDITION- (Touhou Outer Demonic Tale) (02:20) [ZUNTATA] - Arrangement: MASAKI - Original: Pandemonic Planet (Extra Stage Boss Theme: Hecatia Lapislazuli) - Source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
24. 孤独な花 -GAME EDITION- (Lonely Flower) (02:53) [BUTA-OTOME] - Arrangement: コンプ - Lyrics: コンプ - Vocals: Ranko - Instruments: - Original: Deep-Mountain Encounter (Stage 2 Boss Theme: Nemuno Sakata) - Source: 東方天空璋 ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons
25. 秘神マターラ-HYPER TECHNO MIX- -GAME EDITION- (Secret God Matara) (02:09) [ZUNTATA] - Arrangement: YS - Instruments: Kou Ogata - Original: Secret God Matara ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons (Final Stage Boss Theme #2: Okina Matara) - Source: 東方天空璋 ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons
26. Captain Murasa [Tracy vs. Astronomical Mix] -FULL EDITION- [Amateras Records] - Arrangement: Tracy, Astronomical - Guitar: UK - Original: Captain Murasa (Stage 4 Boss Theme: Minamitsu Murasa) - Source: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
27. ぐる☆ネーション -FULL EDITION- (Guru (Teacher/Master) Nation) [森羅万象 (ShinRa-Bansho)] - Arrangement: kaztora, Hedonist - Lyrics: Caral - Vocals: あよ - Original: Love-Colored Master Spark (Stage 4 (uncanny) Boss Theme: Marisa Kirisame), Eternal Night Vignette ~ Eastern Night (Title Screen Theme) - Source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
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asteriskworks · 3 years
Fading Reality by * Works Touhou Project and Original Album Release Date: 27.06.2021 Bandcamp DL: https://asteriskworks.bandcamp.com/album/fading-reality Tracklist: 1. Responsibility Arrangement: Kane Original: 永遠の巫女 from 東方靈異伝 ~ The Highly Responsive to Prayers 2. End of Autumn Arrangement: Hollowness Original: 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path from 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View 封印されし神々 from 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith 3. 16-bitnoe kukolnoe suzhdeniye Arrangement: Micro Original: 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女 from 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom 4. Hopefulness Composition: Dem 5. Echoes of the Fallen Souls Composition: Kane 6. The Lonely Two Arrangement: Hollowness Original: バー・オールドアダム from 旧約酒場 ~ Dateless Bar "Old Adam" 7. End of Autumn (Slowed) Arrangement: Hollowness Original: 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path from 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View 封印されし神々 from 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
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tetrachromiahedron · 4 years
top 3 2hu games
3. 東方永夜称 ~ Imperishable Night: This game has a lot of firsts attached to it. It was the first Touhou game I played, the first one I 1cc cleared, and has the first Touhou song I ever heard (Keine's theme). I spent hours fooling around in Spell Practice!
2. 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism: I love all the characters and the banter everyone has in this one! I especially love the Komeji family and how the whole story soft reboot of EoSD. I could listen to Lullaby of a Deserted Hell for hours!
Also Yuugi is hot don't @ me
1. 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith: lol I can't forget how many people in the western fandom were so disappointed and angry when this game came out🤣 Honestly I like this game for every reason than playing the game😋 I love the Moriya Family, Youkai Mountain, spell patterns, and most of all the soundtrack. To me it really encapsulates all my favorite things about Touhou!
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indatsukasa · 1 year
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Her legs that have FALLen the seasons many times
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judas-hyena · 4 years
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Diefied Human of the Wind~ Sanae Kochiya
Game: Touhou Fuujinroku (Wind God Chronicles)~ Mountain of Faith (東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith)
This is fanart.
Character idea and game belongs to Team Shanghai Alice a.k.a. ZUN.
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touhou-memories · 6 years
Hint option in Mountain of Faith
First thing you need to do is to check if in the game folder you have a folder named “hint” that contains a file called hint_auto.txt. 
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If not, please create the path for the file. Inside the .txt file you should have something similar to this (it might not look exactly how mine looks, because this unedited file is from the trial):
# =================== # 東方風神録 攻略ヒントファイル # # このファイルは、自動的に生成、上書きされます # 自分で攻略ヒントを構成したい場合は、別のファイルを使用してください # #                                Time-stamp: <2007/05/08 12:48:17 zun>
Version = 0.0
# =================== Stage : 1
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Between Stage: 1 and StageEnd you put the lines for personalization of warnings.
Stage : 1
Tips Remain : 15 Text : "Caution!" Pos : 42, 357 Count : 242 Base : start Align : center Time : 90 Alpha : 255 Color : 255, 128, 128 Scale : 1.0 End
You can put several warnings in a stage. Pay attention to be between Stage: X and StageEnd commands. 
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To have warnings in different stages you do “StageEnd” to end warnings for previous stage and then begin a new row with 
# =================== Stage : 2
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Then you write the same stuff Tips, Remain etc., End. and StageEnd. After you set things up, go to Options -> Hint ON.
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After you turn on the option, you should see during your gameplay some warnings such as:
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You can play with the customization options and edit text, colour of text, transparency, size, position, time when it appears on screen, time that it stays on screen. You can set it to appear during regular stage, set Base: start, but you can set it to appear during midboss or boss, both nonspells and spells, set Base: mboss_1, Base: mboss_2, Base: mboss_card_1,  Base: boss_2, Base: boss_card_1, just play with the options and see what each of them affects the warning. You can set other numbers than 1 and 2 on boss and midboss things. 
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jasper-rolls · 6 years
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going all out before the end of the year
so much touhou
album / artist / favourite track
row 1
RAVER’S NEST presents DJ katsu CLUB MIX / DiGiTAL WiNG / 千本桜 (katsu+sumijun Remix)
re::constructed / Babbe Music / Argentina
幺樂団の歴史2 Akyu's Untouched Score vol.2 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / the Last Judgement
幺樂団の歴史3 Akyu's Untouched Score vol.3 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / She’s in a temper!!
東方三月精 ~ Eastern and Little Nature Deity / 上海アリス幻樂団 / サニールチルフレクション
row 2
東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日
幺樂団の歴史4 Akyu's Untouched Score vol.4 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / Dim. Dream
幺樂団の歴史5 Akyu's Untouched Score vol.5 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 魔鏡
東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / サニーミルクの紅霧異変
Re:Future / Wakaru Records / Summer Time
row 3
reAdvent / Sakuzyo / Noath
Reality Distortion / S2TB Recording / Reality Distortion [Mitomoro Remix]
東方儚月抄 ~ Silent Sinner in Blue / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 妖怪宇宙旅行
全人類ノ天楽録 東方緋想天 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK / 黄昏フロンティア & 上海アリス幻樂団 / 雲外蒼天
row 4
Aboot Phaze ~Notebook Aboot~ / Notebook Records / Red Wing
東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism / 上海アリス幻樂団 / ラストリモート
東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity 2 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 妖精燦々として
The Grimoire of Marisa / 上海アリス幻樂団 / スプートニク幻夜
東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
row 5
東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity 3 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 二つの世界
核熱造神ヒソウテンソク 東方非想天則 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK / 黄昏フロンティア & 上海アリス幻樂団 / アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure
ダブルスポイラー ~ 東方文花帖 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 無間の鐘 ~ Infinite Nightmare
東方三月精 ~ Oriental Sacred Place 1 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 神域のかくれんぼ暮らし
  妖精大戦争 ~ 東方三月精 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 真夜中のフェアリーダンス
row 6
東方三月精 ~ Oriental Sacred Place 2 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 真夜中のフェアリーダンス
未知の花 魅知の旅 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 未知の花 魅知の旅
東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 古きユアンシェン
RED ROAD / Yoohsic Roomz / 上海紅茶館 (Orchid Remix 2017 Update ver.)
Redditaisai 2016 Special Album / Frozen Starfall / 春の亡骸~Ember of Spring (FS Remix)
row 7
東方三月精 ~ Oriental Sacred Place 3 / 上海アリス幻樂団 / メイガスナイト
鳥船遺跡 ~ Trojan Green Asteroid / 上海アリス幻樂団 / トロヤ群の密林
伊弉諾物質 ~ Neo-traditionalism of Japan. / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 緑のサナトリウム
暗黒能楽集・心綺楼 東方心綺楼 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK / 黄昏フロンティア & 上海アリス幻樂団 / 塵界不変のペシミズム~心綺楼囃子
東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 満月の竹林
row 8
弾幕アマノジャク ~ Impossible Spell Card / 上海アリス幻樂団 / 永遠の三日天下
深秘的楽曲集 宇佐見菫子と秘密の部室 / 黄昏フロンティア & 上海アリス幻樂団 / 華狭間のバトルフィールド
The regret of stars, but stars shine bright. / Alstroemeria Records / HANA-BI
RelaxTime / DDBY / Beyond the Madder
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mame-is-tumbling · 4 years
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Tr.1 藍浄
 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road
Tr.2 fall in red  フォールオブフォール
Tr.3 晩夏の候  明日ハレの日、ケの昨日
Tr.4 月夜のアンダレーシアへ  信仰は儚き人間の為に
All Music From 東方風神録 〜 Mountain of Faith. All Music Composed by ZUN [上海アリス幻楽団]
Arrange,lyric,vocal,guitar,base,etc by mame
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