kensu-photo · 1 year
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yuiswaifus · 1 year
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We never have time for the little things anymore.
Artist: 蛍 伊織
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666trag · 1 year
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kawaii-glitters · 2 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🎆 🎇 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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usachan0324 · 1 year
Twitter https://twitter.com/syaku_nagi
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tokyonow · 3 months
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(みとゆな、澤村光彩、柊太朗ら人気キャストが熱演!青春ショートドラマ『#ガシャ恋』6月28日より配信スタート – Tokyo Nowから)
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assy1210 · 2 years
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超王道系アイドルユニット 「花いろは」のワンマンLIVE リーダーだった赤:佐倉ちひろ が電撃卒業し、代わりに 新赤:兎咲ななみ オレンジ:穂積りんか 緑:柊木まいな が新加入して7名に 前回行ったSTUDIO COASTよりも ずっと大きいハコの LINE CUBE Shibuyaで頑張る こちらもサイリウム2本持ちで応援 いやー、楽しかった! 花いろはのLIVEは何回目かなので、 暗唱まではいかなくとも、 結構聴き憶えある曲が増えてきた まだまだサイリウム振りもシャシャれないけど だんだんお作法が見えてきそうな予感 さて、「花いろは」の熱狂的ファンと掛けまして、 「カニ」を英語でなんと言うか 突然思い出しちゃったひとと解く! …その心は!! 急遽「クラブ」(代表曲「究極LOVE」)を叫ぶ!!! 物販でTシャツが調達できたので 折に触れてゆるやかなPR活動に励もう と、決意したところ、お腹が空いたので 「つじ田」の特製つけ麺を頂いて帰る #花いろは #linecubeshibuya #葵井ここあ #香山ゆきほ #柚木ももな #春澤しおん #兎咲ななみ #穂積りんか #柊木まいな #つじ田 #特製つけ麺 #b級グルメ (LINE CUBE Shibuya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpU_j1nPcpI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tatsumine · 3 months
第2期エディジャパン初戦 イングランド戦両チームメンバー
PR1茂原隆由(もはらたかよし 静岡 24/NC)
2HO原田衛(BL東京 25/NC)
PR3竹内柊平(浦安 26/3c)
4LOサナイラ・ワクァ(花園 28/2c)
5LOワーナー・ディアンズ(BL東京 22/11c)
6FLリーチ マイケル(BL東京 35/84c)
7FLティエナン・コストリー(神戸 24/NC)
No8ファウルア・マキシ(船橋 27/5c)
9SH齋藤直人(フリー 26/19c)
10FH李承信(神戸 23/11c)
11WTB根塚洸雅(ねづかこうが 船橋 25/1c)
CTB12長田智希(埼玉 24/7c)
CTB13ディラン・ライリー(埼玉 27/18c)
14WTBジョネ・ナイカブラ(BL東京 30/8c)
15FB矢崎由高(早稲田大 20/NC)
16HO坂手淳史(埼玉 31/41c)
17PR1三浦昌悟(豊田 28/9c)
18PR3為房慶次朗(船橋 22/NC)
19LOサウマキ アマナキ(神戸 27/3c)
20FL山本凱(やまもとかい 東京SG 24/NC)
21SH藤原忍(船橋 25/NC)
22FH松田力也(埼玉 30/37C)
23UBサミソニ・トゥア(浦安 29/NC)
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overjazztrio · 5 months
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いいエロゲの条件のひとつに「主人公に憧れを持てる」というのがあると俺は信じている。主人公の柊一郎くんはこの条件にバッチリ合致してて、手段を選ばない冷酷さと、自らが傷つくことを厭わない勇気、そして窮地での頭の回転の速さ、これがめっちゃかっこいい。真似したい。かなりサイコパスだけど。序盤での彼の決め台詞が「お前を、殺す」なんだけど、めちゃめちゃシビれる。BGMの『Execute you』(そのままの意)もすごいテンション上がる。
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666blackpanther · 9 months
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兒嶌の展示が年間何故か多いですがアレヤコレヤで15年目のGallery&Darkroom LimeLightです
More LimeLight2024
12:00~19:00 最終日は18:00まで
chisaki hiromi・堤俊英・富永亨・中田絢子・中博之・日本夢之助
橋本綾・林 慈郎・藤田莉江・Makoto VS・松浦恵・三浦吉幸
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kensu-photo · 1 year
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BYBBiT - 柊みゆ
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kyoto4 · 1 year
20230409 晴れ、三条大橋まで
 ひさしぶりにカラリと晴れた。緑がまぶしく、また、空気中のチリや埃も雨とともに落ちてしまったあとなので、すっきりと見通しのよい空となった。御所のバードバスもよってみたけど、案の定、この時期は鳥たちもいそがしく、水浴びにくる姿が見られない。  統一地方選挙の投票日となり、あれほどこぜわしく走りまわっていた選挙カーの声もぴたりととまった。柊野小学校へ投票にゆき、その足で下鴨から三条あたりまで行ってかえってくる。三条大橋の欄干が新しくなっていた。    
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yuiswaifus · 9 months
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So we had the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials this year. While the specials were pretty nice in and of themselves with the return of David Tennant, they're not all they're cracked up to be in relation to the RTD2 era. But this new era is slated as a reboot so it's a good opportunity to start on a clean slate.
Artist: AsAl
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39-caterpillars · 2 years
vocacolle 2022 autumn favorites
hello i have made the executive decision to post whatever i want so im gonna talk about vocacolle
this last vocacolle was really cool, all of the songs were wonderful and i loved seeing lesser known synths being used more (still cant believe the winners of both the regular and rookie category are utau originals!!)
anyways,, these are some of my personal favs (this is gonna be long, prepare yourself)
スコーピオンガールの貴重な捕食シーン - STEAKA : , im not sure how to describe this song, but its so good. its very "noisy" i guess, i really love the use of miku in this one, its pretty unique. easily one of my favorite favorites
知っちゃった - 椎乃味醂 : i loved this producers vocacolle entry in the spring, so im glad to see that they uploaded one for this one as well and it even was #3! reallygood, plus: yukari talking, i love it
シルバーツインズ - ぬゆり×栗山夕璃 : cmon,,, nulut and kuriyama yuri,, of course its amazing. i am blessed to exist at the time as this collab. its super jazzy, love the instruments in this one
ディストレス - ユギカ : i really like all of yugica's works, super high energy stuff. i adore the second verse on this one, and the mixing in the instrumental break near the end
ワンダールインズ - 晴いちばん : the chords , absolutely stunning , this songs also super catchy, the instrumental before the choruses at the beginning and the bridge are both really beautiful as well
アワーグラス -  柊キライ : this song is like, really weird. i really appreciate that part of it though, sounds kinda like a combination of トゥルーセラピー and ラッキー・ブルート, but still with its own twist on it
TYQOON - Sohbana : meiko!!!! doesnt sound much like her, but i feel like it was the best choice for this song. this is another one with a killer bridge (? idk the part in the middle) , i love the bass during it. i need more meiko in this genre, she really fits it
スペクトラム・ケプストラム - Adeliae : the video for this one is really good, i love the backgrounds. the guitar in this one really stands out to me, and i love the melody. this song has an energy thats hard to describe, but its so, so cool, listen to it
Satellite - a_hisa : this songs very, chill, makes you feel like your floating (thats the best way to describe it) i really like the atmosphere this one has
404ルサンチガール - MINO-U : meiko!!! (part 2) i love mino-u's music a whole lot, and this song doesnt dissapoint in the slightest. really catchy chorus, cute art, whats not to like?
フラッシュバック - なみて : everyone go listen to namitape, now. really chill song, kaai yuki fits really well in this song for not having any lyrics, love the chords in this one as well
Girls Night Party - めろくる : really adorable song, another one with a great instrumental. the vocals are great too, really add to the cute, happy vibe it has going on. love rin in this one
ノンストップメドれ!- また切ない世界を生きる : this songs also pretty crazy, very catchy. yukari really fits with this genre, suprised she isnt used more. huge props for the video, it has a whole ton of editors on it and is such a delight to watch
夢枕にとけこんで - blues : i really hope blues gets more popular, their stuff is super good. this songs super cute, super relaxing, really great listen
流転光速 - フロクロ(Frog96) : this producers great too, love how they do a lot of work with utau. this songs very good, very digital sounding, reminds me of a video game ost
空回りライブラリ -  雪乃イト: another very cute song, i love how popular karin is becoming. this songs really solid overall, i love the little time signature switch in the middle (at least i think it is, it might just be messing with me)
コトダマ - kamome sano : i love teto in this one, it really plays to her strengths i think. this song overall is really interesting, sounds super emotional and heartful while still remaining digital. the music video for this one is really cool as well, i love when visualizers of the instrumentals are included
BREAK OUT SYNDROME - ryo-shun : this song is so cool, i honestly wasn't expecting to find any vocametal originals this time around but i was pleasantly surprised. this song has really well done guitars and drums, really fun to listen to
ドッペルゲンガア - しゃいと : love the energy in this one, especially in the pre-chorus. im surprised this song didnt get more popular
推世 - AsLeep : last but certainly not least (i wasnt going in any particular order anyways) this song feels distincly "vocaloid" in a way thats hard to explain, i really like it. this song feels really emotional, its really incredible
thats it (at least for now, im tired) and im probably writing to no one right now anyways, but i want more people to find and listen to these songs. also, i couldnt get to them all, but all the vocacolle submissions are really great music and they all deserve their own recognition. if anyone has any vocacolle song reccomendations, let me know, super excited for spring 2023!!
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kawaii-glitters · 2 years
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truth22 · 1 month
マンコ図鑑 10 : 古瀬玲, 祈里きすみ, 神谷ゆうみ, 柊シエル 総勢15名 - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画)
マンコ図鑑 10 : 古瀬玲, 祈里きすみ, 神谷ゆうみ, 柊シエル 総勢15名 - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画) スタジオ: Studio Teriyaki シリーズ: マンコ図鑑 時間: 240分 女優: 古瀬玲 祈里きすみ 神谷ゆうみ 柊シエル 如月結衣 碧えみ @YOU 仲間あずみ 北沢蓮 牧瀬みさ 紗倉みゆき 中瀬のぞみ 高樹みか 枢木みかん 楠セナ 出ました!十人十色マンコも色々!何度も抜ける女性器ペディア!マンコ図鑑第十巻!薄毛マンコ、剛毛マンコ、パイパンマンコ、肉厚マンコに濃蜜マンコ!すべてのまんこが超鮮明でクッキリ丸見え!完全保存版のマンコ図鑑!! ***********************************
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【DVDプラス】 https://uradvd-plus.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD 激レア・期間限定品あり $1.99~ ***********************************
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