#男朋友™ <3
kyuzuberri · 5 months
HES SO~?!!?@#?@@#?ER$#DHEDSHNAKE/F;BP[Y'[-P0[987[64;LERKTG
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
couldn’t help myself.
as usual, absolutely don’t quote me as a Specialist™ (or at all), because i am not one. there’s just something wrong with me and i like to dig around.
anyway, the “perfect” wgxn quote:
and exr (i’m copying from a post that quotes it because i’m too lazy to look for the chapter directly myself):
Both WWX and LWJ are highly ideal characters, so there wouldn't be too much dispute on their moral standing. They're perfect as the protagonists. Of course, I do like WWX a lot, but if I'm looking for a boyfriend, sorry, I'll only have LWJ please.
okay. having all that, let’s go.
1. “highly ideal characters”
chinese: WiFi和汪叽都是非常理想的人格
now, disclaimer: i have japanese brain poisoning, and when i know a term in japanese and it occurs in chinese text, i’m probably going to understand it in its japanese meaning, and then go “...but just to make sure” and look it up in chinese.
indeed there exists a 理想人格, and as baike baidu defines it and google translate translates, it’s “Ideal personality generally refers to the morally perfect model advocated by a certain society or class, and it is the image of perfect personality that people generally believe. It is the highest embodiment of the moral requirements and moral ideals of a certain society.“
HOWEVER i can’t help but notice that it’s not actually 理想人格, but rather 理想的人格. again, idk etc, but the former looks like a set Term, and the latter like an “adjectivey noun”. in this case, 理想 is the adjective and 人格 is the noun.
now, 理想 means “ideal, dream” (ideal both as in “the ideals of (some group)” and “ideal date/girlfriend”), and 人格 means personality/character; integrity; human dignity.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN THEN: i don’t know. you’d have to ask an actual chinese speaker, not me. i don’t know chinese, but i suspect that a lot can depend on context, just like in japanese; so i exr might be right, or perhaps i am right. i’m not arguing. maybe it really is about Moral Ideals and Integrity! or maybe it’s about characters having personalities that just Work, are fun, engaging and make fans post insane shit on tumblr dot com fall in love with them.
2. “moral standing“
chinese: 人品.
now 人品, according to wiktionary (i’m using wiktionary for all definitions unless i say otherwise, btw), is: one’s character, especially the quality of it; one’s appearance, looks; and in modern internet slang: one’s luck.
3. “perfect as the protagonists“
chinese: 做主角最适合不过.
“适合“ means to suit; to fit; to agree with. wiktionary’s examples include a color suiting someone (assuming: clothes) or spring in beijing being good for cycling.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN THEN: perhaps not as much “as protagonists, they’re perfect in every inch” but rather “they fit their protagonist roles greatly”.
if you put this whole quote into gtrans, you get “Both WiFi and Wang Ji are very ideal personalities. There will not be too much controversy about their personalities, and they are the most suitable protagonists“. of course, gtrans is definitely not the ultimate translator, but i’d just like to point out that there Can be a translation, even though it’s done by a machine, that doesn’t feature even one (1) instance of the word “moral”.
IN GENERAL, THOUGH: the exr translation is... sigh. sometimes i prefer it to teh official one (well, most of the times, because the official one is another can of worms and it’s 3am) because it’s concise and often opts for clarity and less words rather than keeping everything as it was and making things confusing in result. sometimes i notice mistakes or not really correct translations, but understand why those decisions were made. and sometimes there are mistakes that are simply baffling.
it’s not a perfect translation! it was done by a very young person, for fun and no profit, in their free time, and it seems they were in a hurry and didn’t really have a beta. so i really, really advise against using this translation for this like, close reading, focusing on every word and the placement of it in the text kinda interpretation -- the translation simply isn’t the one you can do that with. even if there was a professional translation, i still would be careful because chinese and english are Different languages; if you want it to be as similar to the original text as possible, you’re not going to get a nice, clean, pleasant read, and if you want a nice, clean, pleasant read that sucks you into the world and makes character sparkle with personality, you’re probably not going to get the most faithful translation in the world. it HAPPENS.
that one would use hastily translated a/n to preach to other fans is simply fucking hilarious. but anyway
4. boyfriend???
WHAT DOES IT-- listen, i don’t know. perhaps “moral standing” is important in terms of choosing a boyfriend, even amongst young people. okay, he’s hot, but what about his moooorals? (an euphemism is born.) i don’t know! i find it a bit weird for one to jump from something as heavy as being a morally perfect person to something as silly as “welllllll but if i had to pick a boyfriend between my two characters that i wrote... ;p”, but then i’m not chinese, i don’t know mxtx personally, etc, etc.
BUT i’m thinking that maybe she meant it less like “they’re role models for people to follow”, and more like... yknow, something a writer might say about their characters. that they’re fun to write and read about, to think about; that they’re well written. so for example, for me, a character that’s fun and well-written is one whose good traits are also their bad traits -- they’re smart, but too smart for their own good; they’re loyal, but that means they’re willing to support someone when they’re wrong/hurting others/hurting themself. this way, the characters’ problems aren’t easily solved, because they’d have to change a fundamental part of themself. it’s neat! it’s interesting! emotionally engaging! perhaps that’s what mxtx meant. and perhaps she also wanted to say that wgxn do have the ideals they want to follow, and in general they want to help people who need their help; probably their decisions don’t make the readers seriously hate them.
maybe! or maybe not, again, these are just my theories. i might be wrong, because maybe she actually Did mean their moral qualities! but, etc etc.
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kyuzuberri · 18 days
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olo-mag · 3 years
【XOXO親親抱抱】SK-II情人節送禮 這個不會錯!傳遞超甜蜜訊息!
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最棒的情人節,絕對是收到讓人感動在心頭,忍不住想要打卡的情人節禮物!說的就是這份吸睛又實用的 SK-II XOXO情人節禮盒套裝──讓肌膚自帶水潤光澤的神仙水!
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SK-II XOXO 同時甜蜜呵護她的人跟肌膚!
因為Only Live Once,每一段關係都要認真對待,而認真見於細節,一份小小的情人節禮物就足以見證你對她的愛!就讓小編給你一點提示,其實女生最想收到的是讓她既甜蜜又感動,忍不住打卡的情人節禮物!重點並不是禮物價值不菲,而是它貼心實用,又相當吸睛!其實讓她知道有一個疼她、懂她的男朋友,甚至會連她的肌膚也一同寵愛,馬上就令她甜到入心了!
有「顏值」,有「內涵」的BEST BUY情人節禮物
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So SWEET!SK-II XOXO逗趣塗鴉,禮盒傳遞超甜蜜訊息
SK-II神仙水每年都會推出限量版設計,而2021年推出的SK-II XOXO限量禮盒套裝不僅吸睛度滿分,而且能傳遞超甜蜜訊息!這個巧思其實是由SK-II與法國藝術家André Saraiva合作,以親友相聚時擁抱親吻的幸福為靈感,更別出心裁地加入「XOXO親親抱抱」的創作元素,透過塗鴉人物「Mr. & Mrs. A」活潑逗趣的形象,傳遞摩登歡樂又佻皮甜蜜的氛圍!充滿著愛之餘,更替你向最愛的她表白:「讓我們跨越社交距離,來一個虛擬擁抱和親吻!」這樣的情人節禮物,夠甜蜜浪漫又安全了吧?
無論是分隔兩地的Long D戀人,抑或這陣子無奈減少約會的情侶,男生只要在今個情人節送上這份SK-II XOXO甜蜜驚喜,女生收到一定覺得So SWEET,而且立即Post相打卡,XOXO!
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kyuzuberri · 2 months
people who hate on renjun have a special place in hell
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kyuzuberri · 7 days
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
just Renjun being loved (mostly mark)🫶🫶🫶
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
Loving renjun is not enough, i need to become haechan
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kyuzuberri · 2 months
Knetizens really are going to hell for making renjun so miserable
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kyuzuberri · 1 month
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
College bf Renjun 🫶☹️😭
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
renjun and xiaoting interaction 🙂😊
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kyuzuberri · 10 months
i like shiny things but id marry you with paper rings <3
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
Btw @ renjun I'm free tomorrow and probably the other few weeks which follow
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