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for-yoongi0309 · 1 year
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© 恭喜發财
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coffee-cait · 7 months
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新年快樂!! 恭喜發財!! 身體健康!!
Happy year of the dragon everyone!
And to everyone celebrating that played lantern rite and found Gaming a little too scarily relatable with the fam experience... same 😂
(yes I'm still Gaming brained, don't tell the elders)
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uccl · 5 months
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murderedbyhomework · 6 months
Something about that line in 愛蓮說 “sayings out of love for lotus” 可遠觀而不可褻玩焉 (the lotus can only be viewed from afar but not touched and played with), and cheng yi describing Li Lianhua to have a 柔和的冷漠敷衍 (a gentle and soft kind of cold uncaring and carelessness) to him. Something about Li Lianhua forever distancing himself from people when they scream “let me know you let me love you” at him, forever not letting people close even when they’re touching physically, but not because he thinks he’s too noble for it, but because he thinks the people around him are too noble for him, a dying man with very little left in life to tie him to it, to stick around him for long. Llh and his “pushing people away is my love language” because just like the lotus he named himself after, the people around him are truly noble and the gentlemen among men, and he feels near undeserving of them and their presence.
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kingofreddragons · 2 years
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Happy Lunar New Year! #恭喜發財
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vse-kar-vem · 7 months
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🎶 do you remember me, taking pictures of you (as the light came through) 🎶
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dykeshou · 1 month
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✎CY ✰ 19 ✰ HE/SHE/THEY ✧.*
genderfluid chinky dyke syshost
please like if seen! (∩_∩)
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shirozen · 11 days
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Dangers of losing focus
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for-yoongi0309 · 1 year
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© 恭喜發财
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shihlun · 10 months
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buffetlicious · 8 months
The lazy Susan was quickly filled with dishes as we continued with our reunion dinner. The Prawn Paste Chicken (虾酱鸡) featured plump and juicy mid-wings coated in a batter of fermented shrimp paste. Also known as Har Cheong Gai, it is crispy with an umami aftertaste and a hit with young and old.
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The stir-fried French Bean with Dried Shrimp (虾米四季豆) might look deceptively plain but plain and simple it is not! The string beans or green beans is flash-fried with minced hae bee (dried shrimps) to absorb the wok hei (wok thermal radiation or breath of the wok) yet maintained the crunchy texture and aroma of the sea (dried shrimp). This dish was one of the highlights of the dinner.
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My nephew asked for this Fried Rice with Chicken (鸡丁炒饭) as he preferred it over the steamed white rice the rest of us are having. The Yam Ring (佛钵飘香) featured a ring of deep-fried mashed yam (taro) and filled with sautéed seafood such as prawn, squid and also various vegetables. Normally one would also find cashew nuts in it, but I didn’t notice any this time. Plating is done haphazardly as the chef just poured everything into the yam ring. If I will to do it, I would place the vegetables at the bottom and present the seafood on top with a sprinkle of crunchy cashew nuts over it. Anyway, dish is passable but not fantastic in taste and an “F” for presentation.
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Popeye’s power booster canned vegetable is reimagined into Spinach with Trio Eggs (三皇苋菜). To enhance the power, three kinds of egg are used – normal chicken egg, preserved century egg and salted duck egg. Finally, the eyes is also protected with goji berry or wolfberry added into the thick soup. With all the above ingredients used, how can a vegetable soup like this not be good for you?
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Fish Maw & Crab Meat Soup (蟹肉鱼鳔羮) is the most expensive dish of the night at S$45 (large portion) due to the two premium ingredients. The thickened soup is chocked with the spongy fish maw, succulent crab meat and I also detected mushrooms in there. Before eating, drizzle a few drops of the black vinegar and add a dash of white pepper.
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The Emperor Chicken (皇帝鸡) is also known as herbal chicken. In the olden days, the emperor’s diet was strictly prescribed and monitored by physicians, because it was important for the emperor to be in excellent health in order to focus on governing the Kingdom. This was one of the healthy dishes the emperor ate! The chicken is wrapped in the waxed paper and aluminum foil then steamed for a few hours until the meat is tender and the flavours of the herbs is infused into the chicken.
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The last dish to be served is the Poached Prawns (白灼虾). If the ingredients are fresh, you just need minimum condiments and simple cooking style to bring out the best in taste. So here the prawns are boiled in basically water, ginger and scallion for a couple of minutes at most. Chinese cooking wine is then drizzled into the broth to enhance the overall flavours.
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For this reunion meal, we spent S$331.76 for the dishes, steamed rice and drinks including 10% service charge. I can foresee the next year we will be back here for our dinner again. After all the food is good and the place is nearby our houses.
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thyeternalhunger · 7 months
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Fragment of a mask
Based on this Myrkulyte outfit
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murderedbyhomework · 6 months
Watching Minister Fang sajiao at his wife has made me realise that Fang Duobing probably inherited that from his father lol.
The scene in question is when Fang Duobing and his dad half argue about fdb not wanting to get married to the princess, and Minister Fang repeats "Furen (wife essentially but with his tone it might as well be wifey)" in the most soft but wronged sajiao tone ever and asks her to deal with fdb.
Anyways who wants to think of fdb going "furen~" at llh whenever dfs pisses him off and he's complaining. Like just imagine him going "夫人~老笛欺負我 哼" (Furen~ Lao Di is bullying me hmph) at llh in the most sajiao tone ever.
(obviously he would not call dfs Furen it would be 老公 husband haha /OK I will leave)
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everything-maxriemelt · 8 months
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this ☝️
Happy Lunar New Year 🧧
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