gon-iii · 1 month
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miya-sanpo · 1 year
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muratagawa · 2 days
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palsuke · 4 months
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shakuhachi-kataha · 1 year
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matsuritrip · 2 years
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築地本願寺 はなまつり 4月8日のお釈迦さまのお誕生日をお祝いする。ちびっこ達が築地本願寺周辺を練り歩くお誕生日会。 #築地本願寺 #はなまつり #まつりとりっぷ #東京都 #4月 https://j-matsuri.com/hanamatsuri/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CpE84_HPPHi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hideplus · 2 years
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2022/11 古事記プロジェクトの斬舞踊という舞台を築地本願寺ブディストホールで観た❗️ 本当に感動し、勝手に泣いていた😭 素晴らしい舞台だった🥰 #舞台 #古事記 #築地本願寺 https://zanbuyou.kojiki-project.com/stage/2022-zanbuyou/ (築地本願寺ブディストホール) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cowj4c-pGqa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flyingjuice · 2 years
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今日の一件目の訪問先は築地。 二軒目の新橋には歩いていけそうなので雨の中歩くと汐留あたりでビル風が強くてびしょ濡れになるわ傘は壊れるわで最悪w 大興でご飯食べて落ち着いたので川崎に向かっています。 #japan #tokyo #lunch #築地本願寺 #大興 #蒸し鶏ネギソースがけ #出張 (築地本願寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmdNuldye8j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marinco-maringo · 2 years
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YUKIアリーナツアー最終日日本武道館に行ってまいりました! 始まる前からミラクルな事が沢山あって😂 整理しきれないんですが、とにかくYUKIちゃんはキラキラしていて本当に可愛くてかっこよくて素晴らしかったです😭❤️ ライブ前に行った大竹伸朗さんの展示も本当に素晴らしかったです!!! ご本人にお会いできたのも奇跡😭✨一緒に写真撮っていただきありがとうございました🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ ライブ後に日暮愛葉さんにお会いできて飲みに行けたのも奇跡😭😱✨  ストーリーにもあげましたが、愛葉さんとYUKIちゃんの話とかいろいろ聞かせていただいたりして本当に貴重なお時間でした😭😭😭 愛葉さんありがとうございました🙇‍♀️🍺 次の日は築地本願寺にておいしくて優しいお茶漬けの朝ごはんを食べて(ひっっさしぶりに二日酔い😅) パーツなどの仕入れに行って、銀座のドーバーストリートへ行って草間彌生さんの作品を観たりお洋服見たりして、クタクタになったので予定より少し早い新幹線で帰宅しております。 なんだか本当に盛り沢山で胸いっぱいな東京でした🗼 簡単に記録として📝 #YUKI #SO20 #大竹伸朗 #大竹伸朗展 #日暮愛葉 #築地本願寺 #草間弥生  https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl3YOv2rWIb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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butaimatome · 1 year
『塚娘役・花瑛ちほ率いる 関西金髪旗揚げ公演 花巻ファミリー (作・演出:江古田のガールズ 山崎洋平) 上演決定 』についてまとめてみた
<概要> 元宝塚娘役の花瑛ちほが率いる関西金髪という劇団が、初の公演「花巻ファミリー」を江古田のガールズの山崎洋平の演出で上演することが決定しました。公演期間は2023年5月10日から14日まで、東京都中央区の築地本願寺ブディストホールで開催されます。チケットはカンフェティで販売中です。本公演はシリアスで悲劇的な物語を描き、内田莉紗、岡田帆乃佳、南翔太、フェルナンデス直行など豪華なキャストが出演します。関西金髪は、全てのハラスメントがない環境を作り、役者やスタッフへの適切な報酬を支払うことで、高品質かつ満足度の高い舞台を提供することを目指しています。 <まとめ> 元宝塚娘役の花瑛ちほが率いる劇団「関西金髪」が初の公演「花巻ファミリー」を上演することが決定した。 公演期間は2023年5月10日から14日まで、築地本願寺ブディストホールで行われる。 作・演出は江古田のガールズの山崎洋平さんが…
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lagycart · 2 years
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tokyo tohoku trip - day 14.
this is my last day in japan for this trip, and another rather chill and relaxing day just to finish visiting places i want to go and mainly to finish packing my luggage before night time.
i started my day together with my friend at a very nice breakfast place -  築地本願寺カフェ Tsumugi which is located in tsukiji honganji 築地本願寺. this cafe like place also has a store that sells merchandise and prayer items from the temple. the specialty of this place is their 18 dishes breakfast which included porridge and miso soup and 16 seasonal dishes. we made reservation in advance to secure a table as this menu is limited everyday. they do have some slots for walk-in customers but it’s very limited so reservation is highly recommended.
the 16 dishes are all in small sizes so you can definitely finish everything as a hearty breakfast. the dishes consists of various tofu, vegetables, duck meat, pickles, fruits, etc, it’s truly a variety and each dish name is actually printed on the paper under each bowl, so you can see what you are eating by lifting it. each ingredients are cooked with simple ways to keep the original taste, it’s feel very balanced and healthy. the breakfast also comes with green tea which is refreshing and light, which is perfect.
after breakfast, i split up with my friend as i head to asakusa while my friend went to work for a bit. while asakusa is one of the most touristy area in tokyo, it’s not a place that i would want to visit for no reason because it’s crowded. i visited a 100 yen store - seria セリア which is on the fifth floor of ekimise building. the variety here is different from the more popular daiso, i love the container collection and cooking utensils options they have, and also the stickers here are very cute and pretty. i bought a few items from here which i thought it would be great as souvenirs for myself and my friends, and it’s so economical too.
after shopping, i head to the kaminarimon gate 雷門 area to find some food for lunch, i decided to walk at the side streets instead of the main streets to avoid crowds and i found a gashapon store which i played and got more souvenirs for my friends. i also found a rather new store -  asakusa koromo brothers 蛸たこ that sells takosen which is takoyaki in rice cracker (senbei) and ring croquette. i got one of each with ice green tea and there are plenty of seats at the store for customers to enjoy the food and chill. the takosen is an interesting combination, takoyaki was alright but nothing too special, the rice cracker is crispy and light so the combination is not too bad. ring croquette was also enjoyable but nothing stands out though. but i did enjoy my light lunch overall because the menu is quite different.
i did some more walking around the area to pick up more souvenirs after lunch, while the area is crowded, it is still quite okay to move around so it was not too bad. later in the afternoon, i met my friend at suzukien 壽々喜園 which is a very popular green tea place that sells the strongest matcha ice cream. there’s 7 levels of matcha ice cream, so i got the level 3 and 7 for comparison. both levels are enjoyable, but i do like the level 7 very much for the strong green tea taste. also bought some green tea packets as souvenirs as they do have a good range of various tea leaves and products.
before leaving asakusa, we stopped by mister donut ミスタードーナツ to get the pokemon donuts for me to bring home to KL. we arrived at a good timing as they replenish the donuts just a few mins after we ordered our coffee and sat down, so i managed to get the whole set. my friend tried one of them - the jigglypuff one, which is strawberry flavor and it’s actually quite okay and enjoyable.
back my friend’s house, i spent a few hours packing while my friend cook another awesome meal for our dinner. packing was slightly difficult as i have so many thick clothes with me for this long trip, at the end i borrowed an extra cabin size luggage from my friend to fit everything.
dinner was amazing with grilled wagyu, broccoli, grilled fish, lotus root, miso soup, pickles and pumpkin. everything is my favorite and my friend absolutely spoiled me with such yummy food, and i am truly grateful for that. after a satisfying and heart warming dinner, we head to haneda airport 羽田空港 by bus which departs from tokyo city air terminal (tcat)  東京シティエアターミナル that is just few minutes walk away from my friend’s house.
the airport was very crowded though, it took around an hour to just check in, and more time to pass through custom checks and stuff. by the time i am inside, all the duty free stores are closed as the operation hours are shorten due to lack of staff. so i just went to my gate and chill there while waiting for my boarding. the flight departed on time and i had an okay sleep on the flight and arrived at KLIA2 in the morning on saturday. once i reached home, i slept for almost the whole day for recovery because the trip was tiring for my body which has never been so active in three years, or more.
the trip was awesome though, i got to visit a lot of new places and i truly love the small towns and countryside and nature, and cities have changed and evolved so much too it’s fun to explore and find out what’s new. i do hope to be able to visit again in 2023 to have as much fun again, as japan is a big country and there’s just so many places i have yet to visit.
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leomacgivena · 5 months
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Xユーザーの秋ゑびすさん:「#築地本願寺 今月の掲示板: 『墓参り 合掌した手で 蚊を殺す』。 #煩悩 ですなぁ♪  でも、煩悩を抱えた ままでも極楽往生できるのが、#浄土真宗 。その理由は、ぜひ #聞法 で学んで悟ってください。 <東京都 中央区>」
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miya-sanpo · 1 year
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muratagawa · 6 days
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palsuke · 1 year
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tokyowalking · 5 months
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Located in Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Tsukiji Honganji Temple
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