#緩緩 Huan Huan
ask-sebastian · 1 year
Sorry for such a long list but I wanted to avoid spamming you with mutliple owls.
Lots of more laid back summer songs, some more energetic. But mostly for when the sun sets on a lazy evening 🌅 🥰💛
Oh my days, another mini playlist! I've listed them out, as I cannot link all of them, but thank you so much!
Feels Like Summer - Childish Gambino Summertime Magic - Childish Gambino Say So - Doja Cat Juice - Lizzo Down for You - Cosmo's Midnight, Ruel Summerland - half-alive Too Much Sunshine - CHS Moscato - Monday Off With Bluesy Shinmaiko - Ogawa & Tokoro 夢露 - 緩緩Huan Huan
Here's one of my favourite laid-back summer tunes.
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
This chorus is gonna get stuck in your brain!  =D
Sweet tune and light electro in this one from Kalabebe
Producer/Arranger: 江岳霖 Mason Chiang Music/Lyrics: Kalabebe Backing Vocal Arrangement: Kalabebe & 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao (fr. 緩緩 Huan Huan) Acoustic Guitar: Ten Yu 尤騰輝 (ex-他者 the other) Vocal Producer: 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao
Kalabebe Links:  StreetVoice,  Instagram (best bet),  YouTube,  Spotify.
Ten Yu 尤騰輝 just released his debut ep a few months ago, this track is quite nice:
Composer/Producer/Arranger: Ten YU Recording Engineer: 鄭昭元 Chao Cheng (fr. Robot Swing and 藍色窗簾 Blue Curtain.  He also engineered the Kalabebe track)
Full a/v credits (except for the background female vocals??) and lyrics at YT.  
Ten YU Links: Instagram,  YouTube,  StreetVoice,  Wordpress
Finally, let’s hear a track from 江岳霖 Mason Chiang’s debut album, Repression (Nov., 2021), this is an instrumental, creating a pensive mood with synths and electro:
Mason did the track himself, and 劉彧瑋 weiwei is the actress.  More MV credits at YT.
Mason Chiang Links:  Facebook,  Spotify,  Bandcamp,  YouTube,  StreetVoice.
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shinjihi · 2 years
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inthewindtunnel · 2 years
Huan Huan
Blue Night
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sekitoh · 3 years
音楽レビュー サマリー
■intoxicate 掲載 短文レビュー
ティーン・デイズ(Teen Daze)『Interior』優しいアンビエントとクラブミュージックを織り上げた必聴のマリアージュ
ハウディ(Hovvdy)『True Love』軽快なフォークを基調にしたベッドルームポップマナーの一枚をどうぞ午睡のお供に
ウィロー(WILLOW)『Lately I Feel Everything』ブリンク182のトラヴィス・バーカーとの共演曲などでパンク的自由さをまとう
マリアス(The Marías)『Cinema』静謐で妖艶な〈ネオ・サイケ・ソウル〉の詰まった初フル・アルバム
メジャー・マーフィー(Major Murphy)『Access』オルタナ・ライクな音とソフト・ロック的アプローチが溶け合うインディー音楽
トム・サンダース(Tom Sanders)『Only Magic』テレマンのフロントマンがソロで作る良質なベッドルーム・ポップ
緩 Huan Huan(ホァン・ホァン)『Water Can Go Anywhere(水可以去任何地方)』落日飛車らに続く台湾の新鋭インディー・ポップ・バンド
みぃなとルーチ『Long time no sea』さよならポニーテールのヴォーカルがソロで放つ瑞々しいチェンバー・ポップ集
■Tumblr 掲載 年間ベストアルバム記事
CDショップ コメント大賞
Spike Lee, David Byrne『アメリカン・ユートピア』レビュー
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scenics · 4 years
hi i listen to a lot of k-indie but was looking to find some east asian artists outside of korea? do u have any artists u enjoy+ would recommend? just want to expand my music taste and realm but i’ve realized how much music there is to explore not in my mother tongue!
japan: indigo la end, mitsume, yuragi, keytalk, tempalay, tendre, lucky tapes, yogee new waves, cero, plant cell, mei ehara, south penguin, ogre you asshole, i saw you yesterday, 君島大空, pearl center, she her her hers, paellas, shugo tokumaru, ayano kaneko, siamese cats, helsinki lambda club, hitsujibungaku, softsurf, cq, tokyo shoegazer
hong kong: thud, room307, science noodles, so it goes hk, my little airport, teenage riot, phoon, faye wong (she’s the original indie queen listen to eco pack)
taiwan: deca joins, manic sheep, sunset rollercoaster, 9m88, vast & hazy, no party for cao dong, sweet john, 告五人, fragile girls, U.TA屋塔, dsps, huan huan 緩緩, vooid, everfor, 打倒三明治, the fur., 問題總部 it’s your fault, i mean us, the chairs, anpu
china: forsaken autumn, chestnut bakery, skip skip ben ben, city flanker, 缺省, gatsby in a daze, orange ocean
singapore: cosmic child, subsonic eye
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Biography of Hua He (SGZ 65)
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Poetry and prose in this one.
Hua He, styled Yongxian, was a native of Wujin county in Wu commandary. He was originally appointed as Commandant of Shangyu county (in Kuaiji commandary) and as an Agricultural Supervisor. Later, because of his literary education, he was summoned to the capital (at Jianye) to serve as a Gentleman of the Imperial Library, then transferred to be an Assistant to the Palace Secretariat.
When Shu was annexed by Wei (in 263-264), Hua He visited the gates of the palace to present a petition. He wrote, "Lately I have heard that the rebel armies (of Wei) have swarmed together and marched west (against Shu). People always claimed that the west possessed such difficult terrain that there would be nothing to worry about from that direction. But by now, I have heard that Lu Kang has sent a petition reporting that Chengdu (the Shu capital) has fallen, the lord of Shu and his ministers have gone into exile, and the altars of their state have been toppled.
"In ancient times, although the state of Wey was initially destroyed by the state of Di, Duke Huan of Qi was still able to restore Wey in the end and preserve it. It may be true that the road to Shu is long and distant. But are we truly not going to offer our assistance to them and thereby abandon a region which has entrusted itself to us and abandon a vassal state which has been offering us tribute? Foolish though I may be, I cannot help but be unsettled by this prospect.
"Your Majesty (Sun Xiu) is sage and benevolent, and your mercy and grace comfort even those in distant places. Surely, having heard such news as this, you will sympathize with the plight of our allies. As for me, being unable to master my feelings of distress and despair, I have respectfully presented this petition for your consideration."
After Sun Hao came to the throne (in 264), Hua He was appointed as Marquis of Xuling District.
In the second year of Baoding (267), Sun Hao began building a new palace; the design was on a grand and luxurious scale, adorned with pearls and jade, and the expense was very considerable. People were conscripted as workers to build the palace, even though it was during the height of summer, which caused a considerable shortage of labor for farm work.
Hua He sent up a petition to remonstrate against what Sun Hao was doing. He wrote, "I have heard that during the reign of Emperor Wen of Han, the Nine Provinces (the whole realm) enjoyed an age of peace; the people of the Qin region (Guanzhong, the capital region for Western Han) were glad to have been spared from the burden of onerous laws and were supportive of the royal Liu clan because of their generous and benevolent policies. The dynasty had reduced corvee labor demands and simplified the laws, granting the people a new beginning, and they had appointed younger relatives of the clan as Princes across the realm to serve as shields for the imperial line. Truly one could have described that era as being 'as secure as Mount Tai, with a boundless foundation'. Yet Jia Yi was still able to bring up 'three sources of grief and six potential concerns' for the realm, and he described the situation as being as perilous as 'a man who has piled up firewood and then gone to sleep on top of it, thinking himself perfectly safe just because no sparks have yet appeared'. Indeed, the disasters and disturbances which came afterwards all proved to be just as he described. And though I might be an incompetent fool, certainly no peer of Jia Yi, still I cannot help but feel that the situation of our time has much in common with those days which Jia Yi described.
"Jia Yi warned that within a few years, the Princes of the realm would have become so powerful and so many of their Tutors and Chancellors would have resigned on claims of illness that 'even ancient sages like Yao and Shun would no longer be able to restore peace and order to the realm'. And what sort of situation do we face now? Our great enemy (Jin) occupies the region of the Nine Provinces (the Central Plains) and controls more than half the population of the realm, and they have an abundance of experience and skill in battle and warfare. Considering the difference in strength between the two sides, if we intended to contend for control of the Middle Kingdom with them, we would not even have the rough parity between Chu and Han during their contention, but we could only muster the power of Han's Princes of Huainan and Jibei. What Jia Yi considered 'a source of grief' is insufficient to describe how dire our own disparity is, and his example of 'a man sleeping on firewood' still does not match our distress.
"The Grand Emperor (Sun Quan) reflected upon the events of past dynasties like this, and he considered the circumstances of his own times. That was why he expanded and encouraged agriculture and silk cultivation among the people, built up incalculable supplies, spared the people from excessive labor demands, and tended to and nurtured his warriors and officers. The great and small were moved by his grace, and all submitted themselves to his wishes.
"Yet before the Grand Emperor could fully realize his designs, he left us before his time. From then on, powerful ministers dominated the government; above, they defied the circumstances of the time, and below, they ignored the advice of the counselors. They disregarded the things which lead to peace and stability in order to chase after momentary gains. They repeatedly engaged in military adventurism and used up and exhausted all the stores and supplies; the soldiers were worn-out and the people distressed, and at no time did they enjoy repose. 
"What we have left by now is no more than the remnants of a strained army and the leftovers of a grieving populace. Our military is pitiful and bare, our warehouses and stores have nothing of substance, we lack enough cloth and silks to distribute to protect the people from cold and heat, and the people's livelihoods have suffered so much that the families and households cannot provide for themselves. Meanwhile, the northerners (Jin) have been stockpiling grain and tending to their people, their hearts are set towards subduing the east (Wu), and they have no other disturbances to distract them.
"Shu was our western shield: it was a region of strong natural defenses, and it was skillfully led and overseen by the Former Lord (Liu Bei). People said that thanks to Shu, our western flank would always be well-defended. Who could have expected that Shu would topple and fall in a single morning? 'When the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold', as the ancients feared. And the commandaries of Jiaozhou are the southern regions of our state. Yet by now, Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen have already been lost, and Rinan is isolated and threatened. It is difficult to know whether we will be able to hold the region or not, and all the people north of Hepu (on the coast) have been disturbed by the turmoil. In order to avoid conscript labor, many people have deserted or turned rebel, yet local defenses have been gradually diminished and the authority of the garrisons has been scorned. I have often feared that this could breathe life into new developments. And in past years, pirates have been scouting out the eastern counties, taking many people there as captives, and accustomed as they are to both land and water, they have plundered the region incessantly.
"Thus there is suspicion from front and rear, and many difficulties from head and tail, so that the state and the court find themselves in a perilous situation. If there is any need for corvee labor, it should be for augmenting our military defenses and preparations; otherwise, the people should be encouraged to see to their livelihoods in order to spare themselves from hunger and poverty. I only fear that the farming season may already be too far gone, and that we may be too late to prevent our enemies from turning east; if anything should happen, our defenses may not be sufficient. But if we neglect this urgent task and expend all our efforts in projects, then we will be unprepared for any sudden development. Better for us to be building boards and frames to serve as walls and setting up beacon fires to act as warning signals. If we stir up the anger of the people through projects such as this one, then if we send our people into the fray, our great enemy will take advantage of their rage to turn them against us. And if we only use the people to man our defenses and let the days slip by, then our military supplies will surely be exhausted, and our warriors will be defeated without even crossing blades with the enemy.
"In ancient times, during the reign of Tai Wu of Yin (Shang), a mulberry tree and a millet tree suddenly grew within the courtyard, but when Tai Wu feared this omen and cultivated his virtue, the evil subsided and the Yin dynasty flourished. And in another instance, when Mars resided in the Heart constellation of the night sky, the state of Song took it as a warning; Duke Jing of Song heeded the advice of Gu Shi, causing Mars to retreat, and Duke Jing enjoyed a long life. These things demonstrate that changing one's behavior can be sufficient to ward off omens, and the words of mortals can be perceived by the spirits.
"Now I am merely an ignorant and obscure fellow, most unworthy of the close position I have been granted, and I have no hopes of demonstrating any understanding or benevolence which might capture the attention of the spirits. Looking up, I feel guilty, and gazing down, I feel ashamed; there is no place for me to turn to. But as I withdraw, I cannot help but dwell upon this subject. The movements of Mars and the growth of the trees were omens sent by Heaven to the two lords as indications of its feelings, even as are the most insignificant of oddities. The smallest of occurrences within the gate or in the courtyard are none other than the expressed intentions of Heaven and Earth, who have repeatedly made manifest their will; such incidents as the discovery of a bright pearl or the observation of white swallows are bound up in the significance of all things and are the omens of the very spirits.
"The Nine Regions (the whole realm) are all one residence; the people of the realm are all one family. The movements of any one affect the movements of all. Besides, the current palace was the one built by the past sovereigns, and when they studied the ground and soil upon which it was to be built, they found no cause to think that the site would be ill-omened. Furthermore, the ground and soil of the Yang Marketplace is already adjacent to the existing palace. Even supposing that the great project of building the new palace will be successful, it will become the new imperial residence, and the spirits of the household will all be properly shifted there, I still fear that the process will take a long time to carry out. Nor is it certain that the new palace will prove superior to the old one in the end. And the constant movements of the imperial residence to new sites are sure to arouse the jealousy and suspicion of the people left behind. These are the things which cause your foolish subject to burn with worry, day and night.
"From what I have studied of the 'Monthly Restrictions' chapter of the Book of Rites, the height of summer is not the time for undertaking any earth-shifting projects, for assembling the feudal lords, or for raising troops and undertaking military activities, and that any great endeavor begun at such a time will surely come to a bad end. Although we may not be 'assembling the feudal lords', calling together their soldiers (for the building project) is no different. And on the Wuji day of the sixth month, earth was shifted for the royal project, which violates these restrictions, and this took place during the farming months, which goes against the natural cycle of agricultural work.
"In ancient times, Duke Yin of Lu heedlessly walled Zhongqiu during the summer months, and the Spring and Autumn Annals records his error as a warning to future generations. Now Your Majesty wishes to build this new palace to serve as a long-lasting foundation for generations to come. Yet in the process of building it, you are violating the great restrictions of Heaven and Earth, going against the principles laid out in the Spring and Autumn Annals, and neglecting your supreme duties of paying your requests. Your foolish subject cannot help but be concerned for you.
"Another concern is that, when you summon the deserters to come back, some of them may refuse to return. If you take time to punish them, you will divert efforts from your labors to deal with this issue instead. But if you do not punish them, then the people will grow slacker and more indolent by the days and months. Furthermore, you have mustered a great deal of people for these efforts, and it is a rare thing indeed when such a gathering of people does not result in some outbreak of illness.
"People are content to consider themselves good subjects in times of peace, but when they must toil, they are driven to hatred and rebellion. Now we may pride ourselves on the fact that our soldiers of the Southland are so skilled that the northerners must oppose each of our soldiers with ten of theirs to stand a chance. But this principle also applies in reverse, and considering that the realm has not yet been settled, it is a matter of serious concern. Suppose in order to complete Your Majesty's new palace, five thousand of our people either perished during their labors or ran off to become rebels. That would be effectively the same thing as increasing the ranks of the northern army by fifty thousand troops. And if we increase the number of losses on our side to ten thousand, then for the enemy it is a gain of a hundred thousand. Illnesses among the laborers here will lead to further losses from those laid low or killed, and rebels from deserters of this project will spread evil tales about us to dishearten the people. These are things which our great enemy would welcome with glee. When we lock horns with the Central Plains, it will be a contest of pure strength, and the margin between us is narrow enough as it is. Shall we then diminish our own side and bolster the enemy's by adding to the burdens and toils of our people? These are things which deeply concern bold heroes and calculating strategists.
"I have heard that the ancient kings believed that 'if there is not a surplus sufficient for three years, the state cannot continue.' Even in an age of peace and tranquility, such preparations were a necessity. Isn't this even more the case when we are faced with a strong and powerful enemy while having neglected agriculture and turned away from livestock? 
"Although our population is not insignificant, recently we have lost people due to flooding, making it even more imperative that the survivors should devote themselves to weeding and harvesting. Yet the chief local officials, ignoring the natural cycle, have gathered together the men of several commandaries to wade through the mountains and forests and exert all their strength for felling trees, thus abandoning their agricultural and other duties. The wives and children left behind are weak and small, barely able to make any effort towards farmwork, and if there should be any flooding or famine, then none of them will be able to obtain anything to sustain themselves. The provinces and commandaries ought to be focusing their efforts on rice. Only then will they be prepared to deal with any emergency, keep the people and the army fed, and use what is left over to fill the government stores. But if both those above and those below exhaust all their supplies and leave nothing behind to sustain anyone, then once the northern enemy crosses our borders, even if the Duke of Zhou or Duke of Shao were reborn or Zhang Liang or Chen Ping appeared among us, they would not be able to come up with any wise plans to save Your Majesty.
"I have heard that the lord is wise when the servants are loyal, that the master is sage when the ministers are candid. Quivering with fear and trembling at the prospect of going against the heavenly authority, I beg that you will condescend to take pity on me."
Hua He's petition was accepted, but Sun Hao did not heed his advice.
Later, Hua He was appointed as Prefect of the Dongguan Bureau (of historical writing) and as acting State Historian of the Right. He sent up a petition attempting to decline this honor. But Sun Hao wrote in response, "I have received your petition. But the staff of the scholars of the Dongguan Bureau should be supervised by someone of considerable literary skill and elegance. I have pondered and considered deeply about who would be best for the role. During the Han dynasty, it was always a famous scholar of considerable learning who held this post, and I too wanted to seek out a great and worthy person as well.
"As for what I have heard about you, they say that you are a man of exceptional study and detailed knowledge, and many have heard of your deep learning and reflection. Surely you could be described as someone who takes joy in the rites and music, in studying the Book of Poetry and the Book of Documents. You ought to be raising your writing brush with a flourish and glorifying and praising the events of our age; your work would surpass even those of Yang Xiong, Ban Gu, Zhang Heng, or Cai Yong. How strange, then, for you to be so modest about your brilliance and to belittle yourself so greatly. You should be rushing to prepare for your new role and striving to inherit the legacy of the ancient worthies. Let there be no further delays."
At this time, the grain stores had no reserves, while the common trend was towards decadence and luxury. So Hua He sent up another petition. He wrote, "We currently have an abundance of powerful enemies, and we have campaigns and expeditions yet to conduct. But at home, we lack several years' worth of supplies, and in the field, we shall be no match for the enemy's reserves of food. These are things which those with a clear understanding of the state find deeply concerning.
"The food and goods of the state are all produced by the people; following the natural cycle of agriculture and encouraging the people in their farmwork is the most important duty of the state. Yet all of the capital ministries have been diverting the people to other tasks, each with their own agendas, and heedless of how much strength the people can even offer for such work, they press for labor conscripts to be sent to them at once. For their part, the chief local officials are terrified of being accused of some crime if they fail to meet these central demands, and so day and night they are harrying the people; totally neglecting agricultural affairs, they carelessly set days for the people to assemble and then rush them off to the capital. Thus in some instances these local regions are totally bereft of supplies, for the people have all been hurried away to waste their strength and squander the season. By the time the autumn months arrive and the harvest must be brought in, there is often little to be reaped, for the time for sowing and growing was taken away from the people. Yet they are still not spared from the full tax demands of grain to be sent to the government for the year. Some people, unable to pay, resort to going into hiding or even hanging themselves. So the taxes come up short, and this leads to families and households being poor and destitute, without enough food or clothing to sustain themselves.
"We should halt labor demands and spare the people from conscription, focusing all our attention on farming and silkworm cultivation. The ancients believed that 'for every man who does not plow, someone will go hungry; for every woman who does not weave, someone will go cold'. Thus when the kings of old governed their states, they took only agriculture to be their duty. Military affairs and conscript service have always been lesser concerns, for they divert the farmers from 'tending to their south-facing fields' and distract the women from their business at the looms. Whenever such conditions are imposed, then quite a few people will be short on food and long on hunger, lacking clothing and treading on ice.
"I have heard that there are two things which the lord demands from the people, and three things which the people desire from the lord. The lord demands that the people offer up their labor and their lives; the people hope that the lord will give them food when they are hungry, rest when they are tired, and rewards when they have done good works. When the people strive to fulfill the two demands, and yet the lord fails to satisfy their three desires, then anger grows in their hearts and nothing can be achieved. Right now, the people are striving diligently to carry out their corvee labor, yet the treasury has no reserves of food. The lord's demands are being carried out, yet the people's desires are not being repaid.
"Someone who is starving will not wait to be offered delicious morsels before they will eat; someone who is shivering will not insist upon fancy furs before wrapping themselves in warmth. Taste is only a luxury for the mouth, and patterns and brocades are only ornaments for the body. At the moment, there are many pressing matters, yet we are engaged in numerous projects; the people are in poverty, yet we live extravagantly. The workers are building things which are of no use, while the women dress themselves in finery, adorning their clothes with embroidery rather than frugally using hemp. Everyone is trying to imitate one another, and no one feels shame. Even the families of the soldiers and the common people are still following this custom; though they do not even have a jug's or a bushel's worth of grain stored up, when they go out they also dress themselves in fine silks. And things are so bad that the families of rich merchants and wealthy traders dazzle themselves with gold and silver and indulge in outrageous displays of excess. At a time when the realm is not yet at peace and the common people have no food stored away, we ought to be returning to the foundation of the peoples' livelihoods, and devote our efforts to filling the valleys with grain. Yet we are throwing away this worthy endeavor in order to craft decadent and flashy things and encourage more and more harmful extravagance by the day. Above, there is no distinction made between the esteemed and the lowly; below, there is great spending of wealth and dwindling of fortunes.
"Very few of the families of officials or gentry have no children; most of them have three or four, while a smaller share has one or two. But let us simply assume a single daughter for every household. That would mean a hundred thousand daughters across a hundred thousand families. If each of those daughters weaved and produced one bolt of cloth in a year, they would produce a hundred thousand bolts altogether. And if all the people within every corner of our territory were as industrious as this and devoted to the same task, then within the space of a few years, we would have a ready supply of cloth and silk. Let them indulge themselves in the Five Colors, so long as they labor, but forbid them from adding useless embroidery or designs. Besides, a remarkable appearance does not depend upon ostentatious clothing to be exceptional, nor does a glamorous figure require patterned designs to be lovely. The Five Colors are sufficient adornment to provide beauty. Ugliness will not be hidden even by heavy powder and makeup or lavish clothing; beauty will still shine through even without floral patterns or intricate embroidery. And if these principles be accepted as true, that possessing such finery gives no advantage and removing it imposes no loss, then why treasure such things rather than forbid them for the sake of meeting the pressing needs of the treasury?
"To spare the people from poverty is the greatest duty of the ruler and the basic enterprise of a wealthy state. Even if Guan Zhong or Yan Ying were born again, they still could not change this fundamental truth. During the Han dynasty, Emperors Wen and Jing ruled over a peaceful age for consecutive reigns; the realm was already at peace, and there were no enemies in any corner of the land. Yet even they felt that artisanal crafting was a distraction from farm labor and brocades and embroideries harmed women's work, that the path to prosperity for a wealthy state was through preventing suffering from hunger and cold. Doesn't this apply even more to our times, when there are enemies on every side and wolves and jackals fill the roads, when our weapons are never laid aside and our armor is never put away? How then can we fail to expand the foundation of the peoples' wealth and fill the treasury with grain reserves?"
Sun Hao felt that, since Hua He was an older man, he would be proficient in cursive script. He commanded Hua He to compose a petition in the cursive style, but Hua He did not dare to do so. Then Sun Hao pressed his demand: he ordered Hua He to write out a draft in cursive script, and finish before Sun Hao had sat back down. So Hua He wrote out the following verses in cursive:
Your servant Hua He
Accedes to your wishes
Though middling of talents
Lacking in true skill.
Fortunate have I been
To encounter your sagacity
Your grace I received
Your favor you lavished.
Thus have I burst
Through the rotten soil
Or like a cicada
Cast off my cocoon.
For by your brilliance
Is the chamber resplendent
And even the gems
May only reflect it.
With caution I pour
A measure of dew
And immerse myself in
Winds from the south.
Of merits I claim
Not the finest hairs
While faults and mistakes
Bear down like mountains.
I wallow in filth
Mouth full of dirt
Yet time and again
You extend your grace.
And now I may
Exchange infamy for honor
If this be fate
Shall I not rejoice?
Then let me repay
To the fullest degree
And all that I am
Entrust to your greatness.
Your mercy and grace
Are soothing as rain
What a terrible prospect
To lose such magnificence!
Thus I hastily comply
With your expressed wishes
A composition in cursive
Though stained by ignorance.
To call this achievement
I never could dare
And guilt and punishment
Shall surely await me.
But here lies proof
Of fulfilling your command
Though my soul departs
May this form remain.
On many occasions, Hua He wrote petitions explaining beneficial policies, recommending good and able people, or defending those who had been accused of crimes or faults. He wrote more than a hundred petitions, all addressing how to deal with deficiencies, and his writings were too numerous to be counted.
In the first year of Tiance (275), because of some trifling incident, Hua He was censured and removed from office. He passed away several years later.
The discussions and petitions which Wei Zhao and Hua He wrote were all passed down through the generations.
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
New release from 緩緩 Huan Huan!  =D
擁擠的城市還開著燈 Lights Up is on their excellent 3-song ep, Blue Room Orange Man.
All Songs & Lyrics written by 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao Arranged & Performed by Huan Huan Lead Vocal / Guitar / Synth / Backing Vocals: Coco Hsiao Guitar / Piano / Backing Vocals: *Myles Chang 張天偉 Drums / Percussion: Yi Jen Peng 彭一珍 Electric Bass / Synth: Paul Huang (黃柏豪)
*Besides being in 體熊專科。Major in Body Bear, Myles is now an official member of Huan Huan.
Full credits at YT.
Links:  YouTube,  Instagram,  Bandcamp,  Spotify, Coco Instagram
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nachoruiz · 5 years
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#Repost @critbcn CRIT! Ràdio 119 Dóna-li al PLAY!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🎧 http://crit.club ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣1. The Ballet - Love Letter ⁣2. L7 - Stadium West ⁣3. Static In Verona - The Loud Nothing ⁣4. Gauche - Running ⁣5. 緩緩 Huan Huan - Indiepop ⁣6. Bleached - Shitty Ballet ⁣7. Tacocat - The Joke Of Life ⁣8. W. H. Lung - Bring It Up ⁣9. Blue Streak - Guts Of Manhattan ⁣10. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - Bill’s Mandolin ⁣11. Insignificant Other - I’m So Glad I Feel This Way About You ⁣12. French Vanilla - All The Time ⁣13. Nightjacket - You’re Trying Too Hard ⁣14. New Myths - One Good Reason ⁣15. Personal Best - Baby ⁣16. Linda Guilala - Estado Natural ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣#TheBallet #L7 #StaticInVerona #Gauche #緩緩#HuanHuan #Bleached #Tacocat #WHLung #BlueStreak #PsychedelicPornCrumpets #InsignificantOther #FrenchVanilla #Nightjacket #NewMyths #PersonalBest #LindaGuilala #Radio #Indie #Barcelona (at Cooltura FM) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwrujfSgKFK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lik1xnivvofq
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shinjihi · 3 years
Q: 日銀が直接に国債を買うと、何がいいのかにゃ? A: 日銀が直接に政府から国債を買い取ると、そのおカネは直接に政府に入るわけじゃ。量的緩和の場合は、おカネは民間銀行へ入るから、誰かが銀行に借金をしなければおカネは銀行でストップしてしまうじゃろ。ところが直接引き受けの場合は、おカネは直接政府に入るから、そのおカネを政府が使うことで世の中におカネを直接に流す事ができるって寸法なんじゃ。たとえば、東北の被災地の復興を大規模に行うためにおカネを使ったり、脱原発のための研究開発や自然エネルギー発電施設の建設におカネをつかったりすれば、被災地の人も喜ぶし、雇用が増えて景気も回復する。まさに一石二鳥というわけだな。 https://sites.google.com/site/nekodemokeizai/nekodemowakaru-jing-ji-yong-yu/jin-rong-huan-hette-heda
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indierockdj · 5 years
緩緩 Huan Huan - Indiepop【Official Music Video】
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
Let’s get to know 緩緩 Huan Huan in this recent English interview with Taiwan Beats.   Coco & Yi-Jen speak very good English!  =D
蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao-songwriter/voc/gtr, Paul Huang (黃柏豪)-bass (ex-bass in 公館真情組), 彭一珍 Yi Jen Peng-drums (also in 2HRs)
Here is 夢露 Monroe from the album, and this is so soothing, with a Latin feel. Sung in Mandarin (?):
Produced by Eazie Huang 黃榮毅.  Full credits and lyrics back at YT.    
We’ve posted Huan Huan many times, please search on the main FYCI page.
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
Listen/purchase: I'd better be on time by Huan Huan 緩緩
Sweet new single from 緩緩 Huan Huan. =D
This is an upbeat, easygoing tune, sung in English, way more folk-pop (less shoegaze) than their 2019 ep, Charlie.   It’s all good, with Huan Huan.  =)
蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao-vocal/guitar/synth, Paul Huang (黃柏豪)-bass, 彭一珍 Yi Jen Peng-drums
The song was written by Coco, arranged by the band, and produced by Eazie Huang 黃榮毅 (Eazie is also the producer with The Chairs)
More links:  YouTube,  Instagram,  Bandcamp,  Spotify.
We’ve posted this song before, but in case you don’t remember what they sound like when they crank up the volume:
Full a/v credits back at YT.
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
緩緩 Huan Huan is a band we’ve featured a bunch of times, and this is an unreleased song, as far as I can tell.  (not at KKBOX, Bandcamp, Spotify)
Anyway, it’s a good tune that they’ve been playing for a while - this ‘Official Live’ clip was shot last May, when they were touring to support the Charlie ep.  =D
蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao-songwriter/voc/gtr, Christopher Huang (黃柏豪)-bass (ex-bass in 公館真情組), 彭一珍 Yi Jen Peng-drums (also in 2HRs).
(Hsu Shengwei 徐聖瑋-gtr played on the 2019 Charlie ep but he’s not listed on this clip)
Full band live support: DC Tu (杜彥豪)-electronic percussion (ex-50Hz 樂團, 感覺莓果 Feeling Berry), Tzu-Yu Liu 劉子語 (飛飛 FeiFei)-B. voc (ex-50Hz 樂團), and Myles Chang 張天偉-gtr (體熊專科。Major in Body Bear)
More links: YouTube,  Instagram
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
笑傲搖滾音樂祭|Shout Out Festival had to compete for Taiwan’s attention with Rock in Taichung this past weekend.  Tough assignment!  o.0
Here is 緩緩 Huan Huan with help from 體熊專科。Major in Body Bear’s 包子 Myles Chang on lead guitar.  (Listen to that gtr shriek in the chorus, holy moly!)
This song Charlie is on the recent 2-song ep from Huan Huan. We have posted both songs on this excellent release, HERE and ALSO HERE.  =D
體熊專科。Major in Body Bear also played the festival, and they sounded very impressive:
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Shoegaze/Dreampop from 緩緩 Huan Huan =D
Producers: 林易祺 LNiCH (Vast & Hazy, 林瑪黛 matelin) and 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao. The song is by Coco Hsiao and arranged by the band. Full A/V credits at YT.
Indiepop is on their new Charlie ep. By the way, I hope you had a chance to hear a new Huan Huan demo we featured last week. The post also included a demo for the song Charlie.
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Coco Hsiao-songwriter/voc/gtr, Christopher Huang (黃柏豪)-bass, 彭一珍 Yi Jen Peng-drums (also in 2HRs), Hsu Shengwei 徐聖瑋-gtr
Release shows on April 20th at 樂悠悠之口 and May 24th at 臺大雅頌坊.
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