oecsports · 4 months
華國三太子盃》四臺將止步會外首輪 遺憾未能用勝利當做母親節禮物
「李冠毅、王愷翊師徒同日出擊 王愷翊私房錢送母親節禮物 」
李冠毅2017年臺北世界大學運動會頂住烈陽高溫,力拚至8強抱憾傷退,當時被球迷譽為「世大運戰神」,如今重返熟悉的臺北市網球中心,會外賽首輪他歷經兩盤激戰,3-6, 4-6不敵印度薩西庫瑪爾(Mukund Sasikumar),「以為今天會下雨,天氣還是悶熱,當然對手發揮很好,我也享受再次在中央球場比賽,感謝觀眾熱情加油。」
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巧的是,李冠毅執教的王愷翊,週日也拿外卡打參加會外賽,師徒各自出擊,經驗傳承也形成網壇佳話。王愷翊雖以5-7, 2-6敗給澳洲艾利斯(Blake Ellis),初生之犢的膽識展露無遺,「開賽互保至5-6,我發球局錯失領先,被對方追上破掉,士氣有點下滑,第2盤被破了2局,付出代價。」王愷翊表示,賽前教練李冠毅提醒他放開來打,自己也不去想太多,算有些收獲,「我們合作半年,想拚明年德國(萊茵-魯爾都會區)世大運,希望持續進步。」
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至於陳彥丞則以 4-6, 6-7(6)惜敗給日本白石光(Hikaru Shiraishi),就讀臺灣師大的他表示,第2盤把握度高,接發球也不錯,可惜逼進搶7時關鍵球失誤,錯失扳回一城機會,「原本想說母親節如果贏了,可以當禮物。」
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此外,孟慶洋則以2-6、1-6敗給日本詹姆斯.特羅特(James Trotter)。孟慶洋賽後也特別擔任神秘嘉賓,配合主辦單位出席好友吳東霖的記者會「慶生橋段」,孟慶洋笑說,兩人自從10歲認識至今,平常鮮少展現感性的一面,希望藉此讓好友留下難忘的回憶。
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「沙鹿小當家吳東霖生日快樂 賽後下廚請媽媽、阿嬤吃大餐」
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吳東霖本屆男單首輪遭遇英國費里(Arthur Fery),過去歐洲出賽,應邀到對方所屬俱樂部練過草地球場,了解彼此打法。近況保持不錯的他透露,2月台維斯盃腹肌拉傷,還好逐漸調整回來,一個月前還找到國內體能訓練專家,特地強化肩膀和發球等動作,「 希望提升拿手的發球,回家比賽能有最好表現。」
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moobiess · 1 year
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I participated in a cute Foxxian and Dragonji fanbook a little whiles back!
Also once in a blue moon I have a little step by step progress saved out for this one!: Here it is!
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ganen-cheese · 1 year
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Dragon Lan Zhan and Nine Tailed Fox Wei Ying
Drawn as a part of Hakuto san's 華胥之國 Anthology
Thank you so much for inviting me!❤
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akakumoeteru · 1 year
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This is the piece I contributed to 華胥之國, a private DragonFox anthology I was invited to. You can see the other participant works by browsing this hashtag on Twitter or visiting the project account here!
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chinesehanfu · 3 months
[Cdrama Hanfu]𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗗𝘆𝗻𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀-𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝘆𝗻𝗮𝘀𝘁𝘆 (𝟵𝟬𝟳–𝟭𝟮𝟳𝟵𝗔𝗗) 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗿 & 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗳𝘂 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗮【墨雨云间/𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲】
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【Historical Reference Artifacts】
1.China Portrait of Qian Duo (10 March 852– 6 May 932), King Taizu of Wuyue (吳越太祖)<Ming Dynasty replica>
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2.China Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period: <White marble relief sculpture of Musician> Unearthed from the tomb of Wang Chuzhi, the governor of Yiwu Army during the Five Dynasties period
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3.Chinese Five Dynasties Period and Ten Kingdoms Murals: Tomb of Feng Hui冯晖墓
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【History about Chinese Traditional Headwear: Futou】
Futou (simplified Chinese: 幞头; traditional Chinese: 襆頭/幞頭; also pronounced and written as putou), also known as fu (幞) and toujin (頭巾),[1] was one of the most important forms of Chinese headwear in ancient China with a history of more than one thousand years. The futou first appeared in Northern Zhou under the reign of Emperor Wu where it became prevalent. It was also commonly worn in the Tang and Song dynasties.  The futou was typically worn by government officials.The futou was originally turban-like headwear which was tied at the back of its wearer's head, with the two corners going to opposite directions and acting as decorations. From the Sui to the Ming dynasties, the futou evolved and was developed based on the fujin.The futou eventually came to assume a variety of shapes and styles.The shape of the futou worn by the government officials in the Song and Ming dynasties, the latter known as the wushamao (烏紗帽), was based on the futou of the Tang dynasty.
The Chinese futou was also introduced in both Korea Unified Silla and continued to be worn by government officials until the late Korea Joseon: 25  The futou with a jinzi (lining) was also introduced back in the Sogdian areas in Central Asia spreading to the Western regions through the Xinjiang region. The futou with jinzi was also introduced in Japan during the Japan Nara period through Prince Shōtaku.
Sui, Tang dynasty, and Five dynasties and ten kingdoms period
Prior to the Song dynasty, the futou was mostly made of black muslin.  In the early Tang, the futou was a sijiaoruanjin (四腳軟巾; 'Four-feet soft scarf'),where all four ribbons were allowed to hang down after being tied. Later on, the early Tang dynasty minister, Ma Zhou, was the first person to use a square kerchief in order to tie a futou and was also the person who added a lining to shape his futou making it more beautiful.The lining which was added to the inside of the futou from the year 614 AD was called jinzi (巾子); the jinzi was used to make the futou look more straight and beautiful in terms of appearance. After being cut into the desired shape, the jinzi was painted black with lacquer and would then be covered by the futou. The jinzi was made with soft and light tung wood and with other materials such as bamboo strips, timbo, miscanthus, silk, and leather. It was also possible to line the futou with a mount-shaped item made out of paulownia (Chinese: 桐木为冠; pinyin: Tóngmù wéi guān; lit. 'paulownia crown') in the front. The step-by-step process to wear the futou with jinzi was to tie the hair up in a topknot, followed by covering the topknot with the jinzi as hard lining, then wrapping the head and the jinzi with a black, square-shaped piece of cloth, and finally tying the cloth in the desired style. The futou with jinzi then became the standard form of futou in the early Tang dynasty. A form of futou with jinzi was a kerchief with two corners attached with two ribbons in opposite directions of each other; the ribbons would then be tied at the back of the wearer's head, allowing the two back ribbons to hang down freely as a form of decoration.With time, the futou with jinzi was further developed, and a ribbon was attached to each corner of the turban to make it more decorative; two ribbons were tied on the top of the head while the back ribbons were tied and were allowed to hang down freely. The futou with jinzi could also have all four ribbons tied at the back of the head and allowed to hang down freely. The yingwangboyang (Chinese: 英王踣样), a futou with a big and forward top jinzi, was created by Emperor Zhongzong and became prevalent during his reign when he awarded this type of futou to his officials. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, the neiyang (Chinese: 内样), a futou with a small and round top jinzi became popular around the year 726 AD. Moreover, by adding wire or silk strings inside the added ribbons, the futou could take different shapes and styles depending on its wearer's liking. However, in the Tang dynasty, only the Emperors could use these hard ribbons; these hard ribbons would be bent upward.The Tang dynasties emperor wore a futou with two upturned tails until the Five dynasties period.The Tang dynasty emperors also wore the zhijiaofutou (Chinese: 直腳幞头; pinyin: zhíjiǎofútóu; lit. 'straight-feet futou').
For more the history of futou's evolution, please refer to:
The evolution of futou in China
Photo:Chinese Actor 曾柯琅/Zeng Kelang
CDrama name:【墨雨云间/𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲】
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sevyonekucar · 1 year
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banyun-gong · 1 year
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#十十 #雙十國慶 #台灣國慶 #中華民國
@qoomom520000 (32F罩杯, 張嘻嘻, T161cm)
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ctdress · 2 years
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#chineseculture 🇨🇳 #chinesestar 许佳琪 XuJiaQi 🌟 【Photo】 #hanfu #汉服 #漢服 #chineseart #中華 #古裝 #中國風 #中国美女 #chinesegirl #许佳琪 #許佳琪 #kiki #xujiaqi #photography #beauty #chinesehistory #chinesestyle #chinesedress(在 Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach 青岛希尔顿金沙滩酒店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjhTvMQpE8Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sinoeurovoices · 4 months
中國民主黨英國總部在中共駐英國大使館門前舉行通宵絕食守夜活動悼念「八九·六四」英靈。 35年前,春夏之交。中國人猝不及防地遭遇了一場短促卻又意義深遠的民主運動。6月4日,在天安門廣場,在那一天,中共暴政劊子手終於撕下「人民公仆」最後的面紗,動用「人民子弟兵」,使用坦克,機槍殘酷屠殺自己的人民,屠殺自己的孩子,僅僅是為了保住他們那些既得利益者的江山。35年過去了,他們向自己的人民道歉過嗎?沒有!35年來,人民不會忘記,歷史不會忘記,民主之血從未冷卻。2024年6月2日晚6點到6月3日清晨6點,中國民主黨英國總部舉行通宵絕食守夜活動,悼念「八九·六四」英靈,繼續高舉民主、自由大旗,為中國14億老百姓爭取生而為人的基本權益。 2024年6月2日晚6點到6月3日清晨6點,中國民主黨英國總部舉行通宵絕食守夜活動,悼念「八九·六四」英靈。黃華提供 晚上六點,在使館對面和門前,黨員們手舉標語,高…
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piggyjm · 1 year
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shihlun · 2 years
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Chin Hsing (Forward March) in China
New York : Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society
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fhzdn · 1 year
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lianshahua · 1 year
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Chinese traditional hairstyle "Banpifa"
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billyshyu · 1 year
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akakumoeteru · 1 year
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Here are photos of the actual book!! The cover illustration was drawn by Dudu, and the cover design by Ro. The entire project was organized and funded by Hakuto, who put a ton of time and effort (and money!!) into its layout and creation!
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The physical book was a gift for participants only, and I'm so grateful to have been invited to the project!
Everyone has been uploading their pieces to Twitter for the web project and you can see the rest of the pieces by browsing the #龍狐忘羨企画_華胥之國 hashtag there or by perusing the RTs of the project account @kasyo_wx! There are over 100 participants and all the work is incredible so if you like DragonFox AU Wangxian, you won't regret checking it out!
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pinkcloud0423 · 2 years
主題:Comic Horizon 12 -いつか一緒に輝いて- 百合ONLY
時間 :10:30-15:30
販售:莉可麗絲明信片組、既刊〝BABY TALK 11〞(R18*)、小說及個人誌等。
請大家確遵防疫規定以及會場秩序禮儀,HAVE A NICE DAY ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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