benbenlang1 · 8 months
https://www.99banzou.com/product/1433713.html 歌曲:枕着光的她 (Live) – 任素汐词:易家扬/临渡/赵棠舟曲:任素汐/苏智透过窗看一幕童话枕着光芒的云下晚风轻轻地吹过她的银发他笑着等她一起慢慢走回家幸福有时候不说话总在平凡里发着芽就算日子偶尔有伤疤也能从里面长出新枝桠 对吗枕着光的她往前走路上难免风吹雨打叫上一声老伴啊 便有人应答她就晓得 到了家等到岁月把皱纹缝成一朵花他们挽着手把生活过成一幅画可能她一千帧的芳华都绣在了心里吧陪伴是回答他婚礼上对她说别哭他病中对她说别哭爱是两个小人儿遇上都在努力给对方 照个亮等到岁月把皱纹缝成一朵花他们挽着手把生活过成一幅画可能她一千帧的芳华都绣在了心里吧枕着光的路上有个他 不怕
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nohu3367567 · 10 months
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lovestereo · 4 years
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a-devious-route · 4 years
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Zhao Xiaotang
(( more ))
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lucaffeine · 4 years
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Headers from BAZAAR x QCYN2′s New Rules pictorial.
Find me on twitter @yuxintrash 
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banyun-gong · 4 years
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IG@zhao_xiaotang (赵小棠)_681672_529x944_806
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heyilan · 4 years
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the person who did xiaotang’s makeup went off........pink gradient eyebrows??!!! she looks like she’s glowing #qingchunyouni2 #青春有你2 #赵小棠 #zhaoxiaotang #digitalart #krita https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kbrbHJmSA/?igshid=137h7f0yrijvq
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instyleshome · 3 years
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from 时尚 - 时尚之家 https://styles123.com/fashion/dressing/p38373-nICcO1yh/
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2022movieonline · 2 years
韩国15部最佳R级爱情动作片 让人陶醉的并不仅仅是大尺度
韩国电影在尺度方面隐隐有要追上日本的迹象,而很多片子也仅仅是为脱而脱,小成本的制作没有细腻的画质体验,剧情也是赤祼祼,下面来看看韩国这15部大尺度R级爱情动作片,大制作好口碑的片子,排名随机。 1.《银娇》 《银娇》(又名:은교,Eungyo)是一部2012年上映的韩国电影。改编自韩国著名社会学作家朴范信的同名小说,与《Cholatse》、《古山子》并称为朴氏“渴望三部曲”。原著中深度描绘人的内心及原始欲望。《银娇》被看作是韩版《一树梨花压海棠》,讲述一位备受尊敬的高龄诗人与他的侍从门生及一位十七岁高中少女三人之间嫉妒和迷恋的故事。 金高银在300位试镜者中受到导演青睐,首次出演大银幕即担任女主角,男主角则是大钟奖、青龙奖双料影帝朴海日,金高银并以此作获得大钟奖、青龙奖等多座电影奖项新人奖。 剧情介绍:七旬的国宝级诗人李寂寥,意外恋上十七岁的花季少女银娇,却引发了年轻弟子徐志友的嫉妒介入,三人之间复杂的爱欲纠葛。 2.奸臣 奸臣:(韩语:간신  英语:The Treacherous),这部电影2015年5月21日上映,132分钟的长剧情。 剧情介绍:以朝鲜王朝燕山君时期,廷上暴君凶恶,朝中奸臣当道,民间不论是平民还是贵族皆受其苦的时世为背景;奸臣任氏父子为讨君主欢心,而派出采红骏使到民间搜刮美女、良驹,贵族伺机推翻燕山君的故事。 3.《霜花店》 《霜花店》(韩语:쌍화점,英语:A Frozen Flower),是2008年柳河导演的韩国电影,讲述的是围绕着高丽末要强化自己王权的高丽王(以恭愍王为原型虚构)及其宠爱的护卫武士洪麟、元朝���身的王妃宝塔失里三个人的爱情和背叛的电影。 恭愍王是个只好男色的高丽国王,对健龙卫队长洪麟疼爱有加,两人发展出超越兄弟友谊的情谊。恭愍王基于性取向无法有子嗣,他要求洪麟与王妃发生关系,希望王妃生下的孩子能像洪麟一样优秀温柔。当洪麟与王妃发生关系以后,逐渐燃起了熊熊欲火,二人不时偷欢,互相爱慕。 恭愍王发现洪麟与王妃时常私下欢愉,愤而将他去势。洪麟被健龙队的兄弟们救离王宫,却在城墙上看到高挂着“酷似”王妃的人头,洪麟大恨,悲伤到混进宫内与恭愍王决战,平常打不赢国王的他,杀了国王后才发现王妃仍然健在。王妃曾说服健龙卫副队长背叛国王,副队长目睹洪麟杀死国王后杀害洪麟,对外宣称国王遇刺,逆贼伏诛。洪麟最终看着深爱着他的国王而死去。 4.《小姐》 《小姐》(韩语:아가씨,英语:The Handmaiden)是一部2016年韩国情色心理惊悚片,为朴赞郁执导和监制。电影改编自萨拉·沃特斯的2002年小说《荆棘之城》,并将原本的维多利亚时代变更至日本殖民统治时期。由金敏喜、金泰梨、河正宇和赵震雄主演。 电影于2016年5月14日在第69届戛纳影展上首映并入选竞争金棕榈奖。 剧情介绍:故事设定在1930年代日本殖民统治下的朝鲜半岛。叙述独自继承庞大财产的秀子小姐受到了贪婪狡猾的骗子的觊觎,为了得到其财产而不择手段,让找来的女仆安排于小姐的身旁,而即将上演一场阴谋与情欲交织的悬疑局势。 5.《美人图》 《美人图》(朝鲜语:미인도/美人圖 Miindo,英语:Portrait of a Beauty),2008年11月13日上映于韩国的古装爱情电影。 剧情介绍:主要讲述了朝鲜王朝画家申润福一生为父报仇而女扮男装的故事。七岁的尹贞出生于一个著名的宫廷画家家庭,是一个有绘画天赋的年轻女孩,能够帮助哥哥完成哥哥所不能完成的水墨画,哥哥因自愧不如而自杀。父亲不幸冤死,临终前父亲把整个家族的希望都寄托于她的身上,于是她女扮男装跟从金弘道学习水墨画。因其出众的天资和高超的技艺,最终盛名超过了师傅金弘道。 6.《人间中毒》 《人间中毒》(韩语:인간중독 英语:Obsessed)是韩国2014年上映的一部电影,以1969年越南战争及韩国出兵越南为背景,讲述宋承宪饰演的上校与部下的妻子之间发生的爱情故事。 剧情介绍:主要讲述了朝鲜王朝画家申润福一生为父报仇而女扮男装的故事。七岁的尹贞出生于一个著名的宫廷画家家庭,是一个有绘画天赋的年轻女孩,能够帮助哥哥完成哥哥所不能完成的水墨画,哥哥因自愧不如而自杀。父亲不幸冤死,临终前父亲把整个家族的希望都寄托于她的身上,于是她女扮男装跟从金弘道学习水墨画。因其出众的天资和高超的技艺,最终盛名超过了师傅金弘道。 7.《纯真时代》 《纯真时代》(韩语:순수의 시대  英文:Empire of Lust)是一部由申河均,张赫,姜汉娜和姜河那主演的2015年韩国电影。 故事情节:金敏宰(申河均饰)是一位才华横溢的将军,他以保护最近建立的朝鲜王朝的边界而著称。他密切关注着他认为有夺取王位野心的太祖王(孙炳镐饰)的第五子易邦元(张赫饰)是金敏- Jae的儿子和国王的女婿。由于身为国王的女婿,他不能参与政治,只求享乐。伊邦元帮助父亲推翻高丽王朝并建立朝鲜,但当太祖选择他的继任者时被忽略了。同时,金民宰爱上首次与gisaeng名为嘉熙(抗韩-NA),他把他为之妾,却没有意识到,她的目的是进行报复反对他。 8.《血色童心》 《血色童心》(韩语:마담 뺑덕 英语:Scarlet Innocence),在这部改编自韩国经典童话的现代改编作品中,一位逐渐屈服于失明的大学教授被一种痴迷的爱情所吸引。 在被卷入性丑闻后,文学教授沈鹤圭(郑宇成)被迫离开首尔,在一个小的农村小镇教书,直到事情解决,留下他抑郁的妻子(尹世娥)和女儿,清伊(朴瑞妍)。Hak-kyu卷入与德伊(Esom)的关系,一个天真的售票员即将拆除的游乐园。他们的关系迅速蔓延到镇上的居民,并极大地扰乱了德伊的聋哑母亲(金南镇)。最终,在他的朋友东宇(李昌勋饰)的帮助下,学圭的名字被清除了,允许他在他的大学教书。在他离开之前,德伊透露,他们以前的亲密已经使她怀孕。在打掉孩子后,学圭离开了,并承诺会回来接德姬。相反,他回家了,给他痛苦的妻子喘息的机会。 虽然学圭还要去乡下一段时间,但他避开了德姬,让她“等着”。一天晚上,Hak-kyu访问她的家,贿赂她永远不再说他们的关系为一笔钱。在冲突期间,德伊忘记关掉炉子,这吞没了她的房子,她的母亲仍然在里面。接到来自忠利的痛苦的电话,学圭回到家,发现他的妻子已经自杀。 8年后,学圭虽然成为了成功的作家,但在酗酒、吸烟、赌博等疯狂的生活方式中,负债累累。与此同时,他得知一种疾病正在威胁他的视力。与此同时,Chung-ee (Park So-young)开始溜走,去一个俱乐部,在那里她遇到了Deok-ee,谁采取了“Yoon Se-jung”的身份,并作为Shim的新邻居移动。由于学圭的债务和被大学开除,他的生活每况愈下,德伊开始频繁地照顾他,还推荐给他眼科医生(梁振宇),他只会让他失明。最终,赌场老板崔某(金熙媛饰)强迫学圭签订了一份合同,以高额的报酬把忠利送到日本做妓女。在学圭的追悼期间,德伊向学圭吐露了自己的身份和愤怒,她说:“我要让他受苦,直到他死去。”她还透露,从东宇了解了学圭的位置和条件,有利于与他的性。 然而,德伊是吓坏了,当现在经验丰富的清伊管理回家。Chung-ee透露,她已经知道德伊对她的家人做了什么,包括推荐假眼科医生,承诺回报她的报复回她。德伊通过控制崔某赌场的日本人(新庄祐太饰)与崔某签订了合同。为了把自己的眼睛给父亲,忠伊强迫德伊接受了手术(被殴打后由眼科医生进行的手术)。在手术之前,学奎向泪流满面的德伊道歉,并说他会为她和清伊做一切。 影片的结尾是,双目失明的德姬坐在湖边,紧紧握住她的手,看着她说:“德姬,我爱你。 9.《男与女》 《男与女》(韩语:남과 여 英语:A Man and a Woman)是2016年2月25日上映的一部韩国爱情片,讲述了一对中年男女在芬兰相遇,相似的经历让两人的心慢慢靠近,最终沉溺于不伦之恋无法自拔的故事。 10.《爱情,在中间》 《爱情,在中间》(韩语:두여자 英语:Love, In Between)是一部2010年的韩国电影,改编自芬兰电影《黑冰》(2007)。 爱情,在中间围绕一个女人,她发现她的丈夫有外遇。在此之前,这对夫妇几乎是完美的,这部电影反映了人们在这种情况下可能做出的选择。 大学教授尹智锡(郑俊昊饰)深爱着做产科医生的妻子素英(申恩京饰),却无法放弃自己的新恋人——学生秀智(沉义英饰)) 他有染。如此年轻的人开始制定与这位女士交朋友的精心计划。当小英遇到素姬时,她经历了从想要报复到同情的各种情绪...... 11.《绿色椅子》 《绿色椅子》(韩语:녹색의자,英语:Green Chair)是2005年在韩国上映的爱情片。 文姬离过婚,已经32岁,她和未成年少年玄发生性关系而被定罪,导致被判刑。被判处100小时的社会工作后,文姬被释放。 文姬出狱的那天,玄去接她,她才知道原来玄一直深爱自己。两人开始了同居生活,除了吃喝就是粘在一起。 不多久,两人吵架,文姬去了朋友贞娜家,诉说自己的遭遇,过了一段时间,又回到了玄家。 玄20的生日那天,文姬打算送给他一份礼物,玄邀请了家中亲朋前来聚餐,在餐桌上介绍了自己的女友,文姬凭着自己出色的表色,获得了玄家人的欢心,两人结为夫妻。 12.《方子传》 《方子传》(韩语:방자전,英语:The Servant),是一部2010年上映的韩国电影。改编自韩国经典故事《春香传》,由情欲片名导金大佑执导。被称作韩版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的《春香传》原本讲述跨越阶级、勇往直冲的爱情故事,《方子传》将其颠覆,梦龙的随从方子不再是一心向主的忠仆,变身为主人爱情上的第三者,梦龙和春香则是为了自己前途的角色。 正准备进京赶考的李梦龙与其随从方子两人住进了妓院春香阁,梦龙对春香一见钟情,身旁的方子也对其一见倾心。方子尽管知道公子对春香的爱慕,但却出于被公子贱待的报复心理,抢先对春香表白。 出身卑微的春香,内心怀着有朝一日能高攀权贵、飞上枝头的梦想,却选择投入方子的怀抱。正当俩人沉浸于男欢女爱之际,一举高中状元的梦龙介入方子和春香的感情,春香也因此陷入抉择真爱与荣华富贵的两难。 13.《y乱书生》 《y乱书生》(朝鲜语:음란서생/y亂書生,英语:Forbidden Quest),韩国历史喜剧电影,由编写过《情事》、《茅趸王》、《丑闻》剧本的金大佑执导,2006年上映。 尹书出身于极富名望的士大夫之家,也是当代最有名的文学家,对于追求权位的生活开始感到厌倦,党派之间的斗争也感觉无聊,尤其突然因为反对党而陷入让他心烦的事件。在一次的外出中,他在商业街看到有生以来的第一本“y书”,当下感到莫名的兴奋,也兴起想要写出全国最伟大的y书的念头。 他以秋月色为笔名开始创作,为了完成史上最精采的淫书,他找上恶名昭彰的世代宿敌义禁府都事光宪帮他画书里的插画。光宪不但没有拒绝他的提议,还跟尹书一起沉迷于y乱小说的创作上,既美丽又充满文采的文字与充满魅力的画结合,简直是锦上添花、画龙点睛。两个人完全忘记身为贵族该有的检点,完美的淫乱合作创作出最好的作品,并凭借贵族搭档完成的作品成为长安最热门的话题…… 14.《丑闻》 丑闻 - 朝鲜男女相悦之词 (朝鲜语:스캔들 - 조선 남녀 상열지사 Seukandeul - Joseon namnyeo sang'yeoljisa,又名Untold Scandal),是一部2003年上映的韩国电影,改编自法国著名小说《危险关系》场景改为十八世纪朝鲜王朝末期的朝鲜半岛。由裴勇俊、李美淑、全道嬿主演。 15.《后宫:帝王之妾》 《后宫:帝王之妾》(韩语:후궁: 제왕의 첩 英语:The Concubine),2012年6月6日在韩国上映的古装q欲片,导演金大承。电影以古朝鲜王国为背景,讲述宫廷斗争,叙述朝鲜国王、内侍和华研三人在朝鲜宫廷中的命运。
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huagiaduan · 3 years
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Triệu Tiểu Đường, em có biết ý nghĩa của "mười giờ kém ba phút" là gì không?
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: The Theatre Stories (2022)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “The Theatre Stories“
【FULL】 The Theatre Stories EP01 德云社小皇帝秦霄贤逃离深宫遇上戏班班主赵小棠开启双面人生 | 瓦舍江湖 | iQiyi
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIJEfdLBNHk
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forkeran · 4 years
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THE9-赵小棠 weibo update
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thenine123 · 4 years
T.A.N.G - Zhao Xiaotang
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sifeng · 5 years
Love Triangles
I was thinking the other day, about what determines the second male/female and what determines the main male/female lead. And then I was thinking about which romantic dramas don’t involve love triangles and I... couldn’t think of any. So today I will analyze one, love triangle tropes, and two why dramas always include love triangles.
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The love triangle in A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好)
Types of Love Triangles
There are three main types of love triangles:
A - when the male/female lead has loved both persons in the love triangle
B - when both members of the love triangle have their moments with the male/female lead
C - when its obvious that one member of the love triangle is seen only as a “friend” or “sister” or “brother” (aka has no chance)
Some dramas feature love triangle B and love triangle C at the same time, here are some examples:
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜)
Love triangle B: Xu Feng (旭凤) - Jin Mi (锦觅) - Run Yu (润玉)
Love triangle C: Sui He (穗禾) - Xu Feng (旭凤) - Jin Mi (锦觅)
Blossom in Heart (海棠经雨胭脂透)
Love triangle B: Lang Yuexuan (朗月轩) - Gu Haitang (顾海棠) - Lang Yueming (朗月明)
Love triangle C: Long Mohua (龙莫婳) - Lang Yuexuan (朗月轩) - Gu Haitang (顾海棠)
Legend of Yunxi (芸汐传)
Love triangle B: Long Feiye (龙非夜) - Han Yunxi (韩芸汐) - Gu Qishao (顾七少)
Love triangle C: Baili Mingxiang (百里茗香) - Long Feiye (龙非夜) - Han Yunxi (韩芸汐)
Some feature both love triangle A and love triangle C as well:
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (致我们暖暖的小时光)
Love triangle A: Gu Weiyi (顾未易) - Situ Mo (司徒末) - Fu Pei (傅沛)
Love triangle C: Xie Yuyin (谢雨吟) - Gu Weiyi (顾未易) - Situ Mo (司徒末)
Princess Agents (楚乔传)
Love triangle A: Yuwen Yue (宇文玥) - Chu Qiao (楚乔) - Yan Xun (燕洵)
Love triangle C: Yuan Chun (元淳) - Yan Xun (燕洵) - Chu Qiao (楚乔)
The Story of Yanxi Palace (延禧攻略)
Love triangle A: Qian Long (乾隆) - Wei Yingluo (魏璎珞) - Fucha Fuheng (富察傅恒)
Love triangle C: Chun Fei (纯妃) - Fucha Fuheng (富察傅恒) - Wei Yingluo (魏璎珞)
Rookie Agent Rouge (胭脂)
Love triangle A: Zhou Yuhao (周宇浩) - Lan Yanzhi (蓝胭脂) - Song Mian (宋勉)
Love triangle C: Feng Manna (冯曼娜) - Zhou Yuhao (周宇浩) - Lan Yanzhi (蓝胭脂)
As you can see through these seven shows, commonly the main love triangle is composed of two guys one girl, while the secondary “love triangle C” is composed of two girls and one guy. 
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The love triangle in Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre (倚天屠龙记) and one of the few love triangles not to follow the two guys fighting for one girl triangle. 
Characteristics of Love Triangles
Almost always, the two members vying for the affection in the triangle are foils to each other. Examples:
A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好)
Jiang Chen (江辰) - mature, cold and extremely smart
Wu Bosong (吴柏松) - careless, kind and bad grades
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜)
Xu Feng (旭凤) - arrogant and proud
Run Yu (润玉) - quiet and calm
Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre (倚天屠龙记)
Zhao Min (赵敏) - clever, manipulative
Zhou Zhiruo (周芷若) - “innocent, selfless” (I mean she technically is worse than Zhao Min, but that’s not the mask she puts on)
In school dramas you typically have the smart guy and the dumb girl pairing that eventually wins out:
A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好)
Jiang Chen (江辰) and Chen Xiaoxi (陈晓希)
When We Were Young (人不彪悍枉少年)
Hua Biao (花彪) and Yang Xi (杨夕)
With You (最好的我们)
Yu Huai (余淮) and Geng Geng (耿耿)
Le Coup de Foudre (我只喜欢你)
Yan Mo (言默) and Zhao Qiaoyi (赵乔一)
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The love triangle in Meteor Garden 2019 (流星花园) - can you guess (if you’ve never watched this show) who the winning couple is?
You may also have the celebrity/popular/rich kid with a poor/hardworking person pairing:
Meteor Garden (流星花园) - Daoming Si (道明寺) and Shan Cai (杉菜)
Accidentally in Love (惹上冷殿下) - Situ Feng (司徒枫) and Chen Qingqing (陈青青)
My Little Princess (亲爱的, 公主病) - Lin Xingchen (林星辰) and Jiang Nianyu (江念雨)
Boss and Me (杉杉来了) - Feng Teng (封腾) and Xue Shanshan (薛杉杉)
Blossom in Heart (海棠经雨胭脂透) - Lang Yuexuan (朗月轩) and Gu Haitang (顾海棠)
In most dramas you also have the “cold” second/main male lead:
A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好) - Jiang Chen (江辰)
Princess Agents (楚乔传) - Yuwen Yue (宇文玥)
Goodbye My Princess (东宫) - Gu Jian (顾剑)
Often there’s also the “childhood friend” aspect, and while that particular trope usually looses out there are some exceptions:
A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好) - Jiang Chen (江辰) - main lead
When We Were Young (人不彪悍枉少年) - Li Yu (李漁) - second lead
Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber (倚天屠龙记) - Zhou Zhiruo (周芷若) - second lead
Goodbye My Princess (东宫) - Gu Jian (顾剑) - second lead
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (致我们暖暖的小时光) - Fu Pei (傅沛) - second lead
In some dramas, almost any male character that appears is in love with the female lead:
Princess Agents (楚乔传) - female lead gets the love of:
Yuwen Yue (宇文玥)
Yan Xun (燕洵)
Yuan Song (元嵩)
Xiao Ce (萧策)
Journey of Flower (花千骨) - female lead gets the love of:
Bai Zihua (白子画)
Dongfang Yuqing (东方彧卿)
Meng Xuanlang (孟玄朗)
Startling With Each Step (步步惊心)
Yin Zhen (胤禛)
Yin Si (胤禩)
Yin Ti (胤禵)
Yin E (胤䄉)
The male leads in Startling With Each Step/Scarlet Heart were lucky! They all got something with the female lead:
Male lead: Yin Zhen (胤禛) - is the true love/soulmate
Second male lead: Yin Si (胤禩) - gets her love in the first half
Third male lead: Yin Ti (胤禵) - gets to marry her
So What Differentiates the First and Second Male Leads?
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The love triangle in Goodbye My Princess (东宫) - can you guess (if you’ve never watched this show) who the winning couple is?
Typically the female lead just likes one of them and you can’t really give a reason for why the first male lead is better than the second one. However, some dramas do a good job of creating a jerk second male lead that makes the decision sufficiently easier for our female lead:
Princess Agents (楚乔传)
Second male lead Yan Xun (燕洵) kind of goes insane after his entire family is slaughtered and becomes obsessed over revenge. He looses all the qualities our female lead fell in love with him for.
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (致我们暖暖的小时光)
Second male lead Fu Pei (傅沛) is a literal jerk. He takes our female lead’s love for granted and constantly abandons her when she needs help.
Bloody Romance (媚者无疆)
Second male lead Gong Zi (公子) treats people like chess pieces instead of real humans, and is willing to kill or manipulate anyone. Our female lead, being kind and unwilling to kill anyone, obviously would never fall for him.
My Little Princess (亲爱的,公主病)
Second male lead Zheng Chuyao (郑楚曜) is childish and immature. He is unwilling to confess his love for the female lead and constantly embarrasses her instead. 
However, in most other cases, there is never a clear difference between who wins out in a love triangle. One similarity most share is that the first one to speak with the female lead wins out:
Bloody Romance (媚者无疆)
A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好)
Accidentally in Love (惹上冷殿下)
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜)
Blossom in Heart (海棠经雨胭脂透)
My Little Princess (亲爱的,公主病)
Love O2O (微微一笑很倾城)
The Princess Weiyoung (锦绣未央)
The Story of Minglan (知否知否应是绿肥红瘦)
Lucky’s First Love (世界欠我一个初恋)
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The love triangle in Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜) - can you guess (if you’ve never watched this show) who the winning couple is?
Usually, the second male lead is the type of person who will forever watch over the female lead, caring for them are a subtle way. They are kinder, calmer, and perhaps more down to earth and human:
A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好) - Wu Bosong (吴柏松)
Meteor Garden (流星花园) - Hua Zelei (花泽类)
Goodbye My Princess (东宫) - Gu Jian (顾剑)
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜) - Run Yu (润玉)
Accidentally in Love (惹上冷殿下) - Gu Nanxi (顾南锡)
When We Were Young (人不彪悍枉少年) - Li Yu (李漁)
Legend of Yunxi (芸汐传) - Gu Qishao (顾七少)
In cases of the above, the male lead is usually more cold or immature:
A Love So Beautiful (致我们单纯的小美好) - Jiang Chen (江辰)
Meteor Garden (流星花园) - Daoming Si (道明寺)
Goodbye My Princess (东宫) - Li Chengyin (李承鄞)
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜) 
Accidentally in Love (惹上冷殿下) - Situ Feng (司徒枫)
When We Were Young (人不彪悍枉少年) 
Legend of Yunxi (芸汐传) - Long Feiye (龙非夜)
With second female leads, the similarities are rather obvious. They think they “deserve” the love of the male lead because they either grew up together or they have the same social standing:
Goodbye My Princess (东宫) - Zhao Sese (赵瑟瑟)
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜) - Sui He (穗禾)
Legend of Yunxi (芸汐传) - Baili Mingxiang (百里茗香)
Love O2O (微微一笑很倾城) - Meng Yiran (孟逸然)
Blossom in Heart (海棠经雨胭脂透) - Long Mohua (龙莫婳)
Boss and Me (杉杉来了) - Yuan Lishu (元丽抒)
While the male lead often sees his excess admirers as “sisters” the female lead simply friend zones them. 
Often, the male lead is also somewhat of a foil to the female lead:
Boss and Me (杉杉来了)
Xue Shanshan (薛杉杉) is innocent, a little stupid and cute
Feng Teng (封腾) is mature, intelligent and cold
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜)
Jin Mi (锦觅) is unaware of love and a little stupid
Xu Feng (旭凤) is fully aware of his feelings and smarter
Goodbye My Princess (东宫)
Qu Xiaofeng (曲小枫) is innocent, kind and longs to go home
Li Chengyin (李承鄞) is cold, cruel and willing to do anything to keep Xiaofeng by his side
If you really just want to tell who’s the male lead, I’ll tell you an easy way to find out: he’s going to be played by the guy who’s more famous. 
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The love triangle in Startling With Each Step (步步惊心) - can you guess who’s the first, second, and third male leads are?
So Why do Dramas Love Love Triangles?
Not to say TV shows have lazy writing or anything, but I feel like love triangles are an easy way to make both male and female leads realize their feelings. For instance, in Boss and Me, when our female lead (Shan Shan), sees our male lead (Feng Teng) dancing with another girl, she gets jealous. That makes her realize her feelings. Love triangles can also stretch out a TV show longer. A show that might only have 24 episodes can probably be stretched to more than 30 just due to love triangles. 
On a level of characterization, when a character has many admirers, we, as watchers, can infer various things about them. Either they are one, amazingly beautiful or successful, or two, amazingly unique. For example, Chu Qiao in Princess Agents is strong and intelligent and for that reason, almost every guy she comes in contact with falls head over heels for her. This can show you that she is one of a kind in this world. Very few women in Princess Agents are as straightforward of their power, and so she really is unique. Xiaofeng in Goodbye My Princess has admirers because she is kind, innocent and selfless. Her bright and cheerful personality contrasts heavily with the political and dark atmosphere of the palace. So, when a character is entangled in many love triangles, you can infer there’s something special about them, and use that hypothesis to further infer something about the world in which the television show takes place. 
Love triangles can also lead to more character development. In trying to get girl (or very rarely guy), the admirers must rise to become a better version of themselves. For example, in Meteor Garden, Daoming Si goes from being bratty and immature to being (relatively more) mature and understanding. In A Love So Beautiful, Jiang Chen goes from being a guy that’s cold and pushes people away to a guy who is more open about his feelings and love. 
So, while in some shows, love triangles exist purely to elongate the show, in other shows we can use love triangles as a way to investigate the society we are plunged into at the start of the show. 
Would you say Go Go Squid (亲爱的, 热爱的) has a love triangle. That weird press lady likes the male lead, but she has like four scenes in total. 
Here’s another thought I had about love: the ability of a character to admit their feelings often reflects upon how they’ve lived up til that point. Characters that do not understand their feelings could either have grown up isolated, never been in a relationship or have been fed a pill by their mother that takes away their ability to love. Characters who confess more easily were probably raised with loving parents in a loving household with loving friends surrounding them. Characters that understand their feelings at once know themselves well, and they can understand love. They either were raised in a loving family, or have been in love before. Love is a strange concept, sometimes we can’t handle it, and a lot of times we can’t understand it. TV shows feature humans (or at least things that look like humans) and so they deal with that aforementioned problem too. 
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a-whump-muffin · 4 years
Ten Thousand Autumns Name References
Names are Fun, especially when you’ve a system that strips them from people in order to utterly dehumanize them!
But this literally just a personal note because I write across two gdrives and every one of my documents is titled “Untitled document” with thousands of words in drafts on them.
beware major spoilers, ignore if you’re good at guessing based on tiny hints. (the pet’s eventual name is listed too!)
-- Places --
Wan’an Bureau | 万安局 | “ten thousand peace bureau”, 万安 “rest assured” | founded by Emperor Xinwei five years ago to keep him informed of potential mutiny national security
-- Characters --
-- Wan’an Bureau --
Yan Renqing | 颜任青 | 颜 “face”, 任 is to take up an official post, 青 is green or blue, can also mean young/youth | his grandfather committed a taboo name crime, so his father named him Renqing in hopes he’d get a good government job
Zhao Wuyi | 赵祦翼 | 赵 “to surpass”, 祦翼 “happy wing” | given to him by Emperor Xinwei as a wish to leave his past behind and find happiness outside the imperial palace
Xiao Lai | 小赖 | 小 “small”, 赖 “to depend on” or “to renege on a promise” | you call kids and pets “xiao” as a diminutive, 赖 has double meanings - 信赖 is to have confidence in someone, 赖皮 a shameless rascal, but Wuyi named him for the word 耍赖, meaning to refuse to acknowledge you’ve lost
Huangsi Ling | 黄斯翎 | 黄 “yellow” 斯 "this”, 翎 “tail feathers” | Huangsi is his tribe’s name, people in his tribe are named after nature thus the feathers; his real name is longer, Linghuayun (翎划云), which is “tail feathers slice the clouds”, but no one can be bothered to learn a slave’s full name.
-- Imperial Family --
晋 is the surname of the current royal family meaning “to advance”
鑫 “prosperity” is a generational name, all of the Jin family’s male children of the current gen have it
Emperor Xinwei | 辛未 | 辛未 is a term from the old Chinese calendar | his personal name is Jin Zizheng | 晋孜证 | 孜 “hard-working”, 证 “to demonstrate proof” | his name basically told him to work hard to prove himself
Jin Hongyi | 晋红义 | 红 “red”, 义 “righteousness” | his name references a line in a poem describing a “red heart” aka “a heart of loyalty (to one’s country)” | 3rd prince, one of the current emperor’s sons
Qingluhe | 青璐河 | 青 “green”, 璐 “beautiful jade”, 河 “river” | she’s from a different ethnic group as Huangsi Ling, but they’re all people of the grasslands who have similar naming themes | Jin Hongyi’s official wife
Zhang Hui | 张惠 | 张 “to expand”, 惠 “favor, to confer kindness” | his name was changed from 张辉 (辉 “splendor”) to 张惠 when he entered the palace to become a eunuch, reflecting a change in his parents expectations for him | a eunuch who serves Jin Hongyi and Qingluhe
Emperor Gengwu | 庚午 | same as above | no personal name because naming is hard and he’s long dead; was Emperor Xinwei’s older brother; the four kids below are his (also dead):
Jin Xinlang | 晋信琅 | 琅 refers to precious stones like jade | 1st prince, jade symbolizes a gentleman’s virtues, it’s a wish for him to be righteous, filial, loyal, etc.
Jin Xinkuan | 晋信宽 | 宽 “lenient/wide” | 2nd prince, a wish to have a broad mind
Jin Xinhui | 晋鑫辉 | 辉 “splendor”, also made of two words: “bright” + “army” | 3rd prince, a wish to have success in military matters
Jin Xinyan | 晋鑫琰 | 琰 “glitter of gems” | 4th prince, a wish to be a person of good character
-- Officials & Family --
Wang Yuan | 汪元 | 汪 “expanse of water”, 元 “origin
Wang Qiu | 汪秋 | 秋 “autumn” | sometimes you don’t want to put effort into naming your kids (or characters), named because he was born in autumn :p
Lü Wenzhou | 鲁文周 | 鲁 was an ancient state in China, 文 “literary, culture” 周 “circle” | wish to be a well-rounded, educated scholar
Lü Haitang | 鲁海棠 | 海棠 is a Chinese flowering apple | Wenzhou’s sister
-- The Zhao Family --
General Zhao | 赵将军 | no name because he’s dead and never referred to as anything else; seemingly loyal to Emperor Gengwu, but was always with Jin Zizheng/Emperor Xinwei; executed due to his eldest son’s crimes
Zhao Liuyang | 赵浏阳 | 浏 “clear, bright” 阳 “yang, the sun, male” | the eldest son, General Zhao’s pride and joy; was the study companion of Jin Xinkuan
Zhao Cheng | 赵橙 | 橙 “orange tree” | this is a childhood name, so it’s cute (?) | General Zhao’s third son, pardoned due to being 12 when his family was executed; went missing for a bit, later revealed Emperor Xinwei granted him the name “Wuyi”
Zhao Luxiang | 赵路香 | 路 “road”, 香 “fragrant” | a wish to always encounter happiness/pleasant things in life | General Zhao’s youngest daughter, survived due to being female and six at the time
-- Pugilistic (Martial Arts) Society --
Chu Yan | 楚言 | 楚 “distinct”, 言 “words, speech” | current leader of the Donglin Sect, she has Emperor Xinwei’s full confidence and a way with words; once declined to become one of his wives
Bai Qin | 柏秦 | 柏 “cypress’, 秦 has no particular meaning in this world, it just sounds nice | a ruthless martial artist who has no allegiance to any sect or organization
Xiaoyi | 小一 | 小 “small”, 一 “one (number)” | a nickname he had as a slave since he was standing first in line when they did a headcount | a former slave, accompanies Bai Qin
Ah Yao | 阿瑶 | 阿 is a diminutive marking familiarity and affection, 瑶 “jade, precious stone” | his first owner gave him this name saying he was “pretty as a jewel” | a former (?) pet, accompanies Bai Qin and Xiaoyi
Fang Xin | 放心 | 放心 means “to feel relieved/reassured”, made of the characters 放 “to let go” and 心 “heart” | a name he picked himself, to represent leaving behind his past and also words that Bai Qin and Xiaoyi have always told him when he gets overwhelmed
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banyun-gong · 3 years
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#1008425 (赵小棠)_454
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