katoyoko · 8 months
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eiga-flyers · 17 days
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僕の人生を変えた映画といえば、迷うことなく「ロッキー・ホラー・ショー」 日本初公開時の映画チラシがこちら。 裏面にある「惑星大戦争」というのは「スターウォーズ」のこと。 この時はまだあの神話が始まってなかったんだよね。 「ロッキー・ホラー・ショー」のロードショーは、たった2週間で終わったしまったので、実際に観ることができたのは、文芸坐「陽の当たらない名画祭」でかかった時だった。中一終わった春休みだった。 映画の内容には「怪奇趣味」視点だった記憶だけど、着飾った兄さん/ねえさんがスクリーンに合わせて拍手したり、踊ったりすることに衝撃を受けつつ、とにかくその場が楽しくて仕方なかった。 以来、名画座で上映されるたび、何度足を運んだことか。
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「ロッキー・ホラーショー」アメリカ本国ポスターのキャッチフレーズにある「a different set of jaws」は、「JAWS」ポスターと並べると「ふふふ」とできる。
⇀ 掲載映画チラシ一覧はアーカイブページへ ⇀ Go to the archive page  for a list of movie flyers that have been posted.
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hirasen · 2 years
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#先ほど買った #おこわ ( #五目おこわ )に、 #ゆず胡椒ふりかけ (https://www.nagatanien.co.jp/product/detail/453/)と #山椒ふりかけ (https://www.nagatanien.co.jp/product/detail/514/)の #2つを贅沢にもおこわにふりかけ頂きました ! #それぞれの味が楽しめて 、 #大満足でした ♪ https://www.instagram.com/p/CpH96Emv7Qs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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romeolucci · 1 month
What the ghouls from the same house think about each other
It’s one of the questions that appeared in the latest B’s-log magazine issue. I decided to share this one because it’s fun.
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a translator, so please take this with a huge grain of salt because I don’t speak let alone read Japanese very well. I mostly used machine translation and some of the little knowledge I have to get through this. I added the original Japanese script if you wanna read that on your own.
Jin, Tohma, Ren and Subaru didn’t receive the question unfortunately
Lucas: “Ever since I transferred to this school, Kaito has been my first friend and has always been very kind to me. I'm also grateful to Ishibashi-san for all his help. As for Kamurai-san, I hope he'll just fulfill his duties...”
「この学園へ転校してきた日から、魁斗は俺の初め ての友人として、ずっと仲良くしてくれている。そ れに磴さんにも、とてもお世話になっているよ。あ とは、冠氷さんが責務さえ果たしてくれれば良いん だけど・・・・・・」
Kaito: “Hmm... To be honest, the captain and vice-captain seem like people way above the clouds... Rumor has it that the two of them are in collusion with the school and are doing terrible things. What? Luca? ...I've never heard of such a faceless bastard.”
「ん~………………寮長と副寮長は、正直雲の上の人って感 じだしな〜………………噂では、ふたりとも学園と癒着して、 えげつないことやってるって聞いたことあるけど。え? ルカ? ………………あんな顔面無双野郎なんか知らね」
*I’m really not sure what あんな顔面無双野郎 means.
Alan: “We're just half-baked people who happened to have powers. But they're willing to die and crawl back up... they have the potential.”
「俺たちは、たまたま力を持っただけの半端もんだ。 だが、死ぬ気で這い上がる・・・・・・あいつらには、その 素質がある」
Leo: “No matter how you look at it, our captain is a complete loser. As for Sho-chan... I guess he's my slave♡”
「誰がどう見ても、うちの寮長サマはポンコツでし ○よ。え~、翔ちゃんはね・・・・・・オレの奴隷��かな♡」
Sho: “Ahh... Leo and I are just old friends. We've been hanging out since middle school. Mido-senpai... I don't really know what he's thinking. He's a man of few words, right?”
「あー…………………玲音とはただの腐れ縁な。中坊の頃か ら、なんとなくつるんでるっつうか。御堂センパイ は・・・・・・何考えてっかよくわかんねぇわ。あいつ、言 葉が足りねぇタイプじゃん?」
Haru: “Both Ren and Towa have good bodies, so if they could put that into use and work, they'd be a lot more reliable than they are now...huh? What's that sound...Hey Towa! Wait a sec!!”
「蓮も叶空も、せっかくええガタイ持っとるけぇ、 そいつ活かして働いてくれりゃ、今よりずっと頼も しいんじゃがのう・・・・・・ん?この音は・・・・・・おい叶空! ちょ~~~待て~~~~~~~!!」
Towa: ~~~~♪~~~~!!
Taiga: “That Lulu gets so angry every day, I don't know how he never gets tired of it... Ah? Shinjo? Who’s that?”
「ルルのやつ、毎日あんなキレまくって、よく飽き ねぇよな~・・・・・・・あ〜? シンジョ? 誰だそれ」
Romeo: “I’m disgusted by my boss. No matter how many times I say the same thing, it's WEFCP. What? It's "waste of effort", "fist-clenching" and "pressing". As for Shinjo, I'm going to give him a thorough training from now on, and we'll see how he turns out.”
「うちのボスには呆れる。なんべん同じこと言った って、N・U・Oだからさぁ。は?「暖簾に」「腕」「押し」 だよ。まぁ針条に関しては、これからみっちり教育して、 どう化けるかってとこだねぇ」
*I tried my best to translate Romeo’s abbreviation but it’s still bad I’m sorry…
Ritsu: "I have concluded that it is futile to try to change the tyrannical behavior of our Sinostra’s captain, Taiga Hoshibami, and vice-captain, Romeo Scorpius Lucci. From now on, I will defend them and definitely obtain the 'Laurel Crown'."
「我がシノストラ寮長の星喰大我、および副寮長 のロミオ・スコーピウス・ルッチについて、その横暴 な素行を改めることは不毛という結論です。今後は、 私が彼らを弁護することで、必ず『栄冠賞』を手に入 れてみせます」
Haku: “Another difficult question. Hmm... Subaru-san is simply great. However, his tendency to take on too much is his only flaw. Zenji-san... Well, you see, being with him makes me feel energized. I'm grateful for that.”
「また難しい質問ですこと。うーん・・・・・・昴流さんは とにかく出来が良い。ただ、何かと抱え込みすぎる のが玉に瑕だな。善治さんは・・・・・・まあ、あれだ、一 緒にいると元気になる。ありがたいことですよ」
Zenji: “If I had to describe Subaru-kun in one word, it would be...heart of glass...but in contrast, I can't help but worry about Haku-kun's lack of enthusiasm. As my manager, I would say he should be a bit more considerate.”
「昴流クンを一言で表すならば・・・・・・ハート・オブ・グ ラス・・・・・・それに引き替え、伯玖クンのスコドンぶり には気を揉まずにはいられないよ。ボクのマネージ ャーならば、もう少し気が利くべきだと言っている のだがねえ」
*Zenji says “hāto obu gurasu”, I’m not sure, but I think he means to say heart of gold? lmao
Edward: These two are young and strong, I'm so envious of them. When I was their age... Oops, it was so long ago that I’ve completely forgotten."
「ふたりとも、若くて体力もあって羨ましい限りだよ。 俺があの子たちと同じ年頃の時は・・・・・・おっと。もう 随分昔のことだから、すっかり忘れてしまったな」
Rui: “Ed-san has no ability to live on his own, so he's really a pain to look after. At this point, I’m in charge of nursing care... and then what about Lyca-kun... Huh? I'm taking care of the kids... What do those two think of me!?”
「エドさんは生活力なさすぎて、ほんと世話が焼け るんよね。もはや介護っしょあれ・・・・・・そんでライカ くんは~・・・・・・・あれ? こっちは子供の世話だ・・・・・・あ のふたり、俺ちゃんをなんだと思ってんの!?」
Lyca: “They're that moth-eaten Casanova and that blond gigolo. I'm human, so why am I not in the same place as Suba-kun and the others!!”
「色魔ジジイと金髪ジゴロだろ。おれは人間なのに、 なんでスバくんたちと同じとこじゃねーんだよ!!」
Yuri: “You're talking about Jiro-kun, who is both Yuri Isami's assistant and patient? He's still in training. He still lacks knowledge, skills, experience, and culture. It'll probably take another 100 years for him to become a doctor at my level.”
「この衣佐美佑理の助手であり、患者でもある次郎 くんのことです? 彼は研修中の身ですからね。ま だまだ、知識も技術も経験も教養も足りていません。 僕レベルの医師になるまで、あと100年は必要でしょう」
Jiro: “Oh, the only ghoul in my house is Yuri. He's my doctor. If it weren't for Yuri, I'd probably be dead by now. Well, I'm grateful.”
「はあ、同じ寮のグールは、佑理しかいませんけど。 俺の主治医ですね。佑理がいなければ、俺、今頃死 んでるらしいんで。まあ、感謝してます」
If a professional sees this, feel free to translate it yourself
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monogusadictionary · 7 months
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kenshfsblog · 6 months
一旦3人でシャワーを浴びて休憩した後は、イケメンyoung daddyの甘えた声での度重なる追加要請により、翌日のお昼頃までいろいろな変態プレイを4回戦最高に楽しみまくった。
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danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi LAST ONE OF YOURS here's Jin!!!
Jin is. . .he's a lot sweeter than you'd expect once his affinity gets high lol. . . . I FEEL LIKE I ENDED UP WITH A LOT OF COMMENTARY HERE. . .he just acts very different as affinity goes up, i have to point shit out haha
I've also amended this one to be all of his voicelines now!
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Where the hell do you think you're going? Quit dawdling and help me get ready." お前、どこほっつき歩いてたんだ?……さっさと支度を手伝え

You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, you've got mail. Don't tell me you're not going to open it. What if it was for me?" おい、手紙。放っとくつもりじゃねぇだろうな。 俺宛があったらどうすんだ? あ?
Jin, why would your mail be in my. . .whatever

Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"...Get to the point. The trash here is so long-winded." チッ……さっさと要件を言え。ゴミどもはこれだから面倒くせぇ

"A party? I don't waste air on bootlickers. Try Tohma." 社交界? 肩書き目当ての奴らに構うつもりはねぇよ。塔真をあたれ

"Don't just stand there like an idiot. Hurry up. ...What? You got a problem? Spit it out." おい、ぼさっと突っ立ってねぇでついてこい。 ……何だ、文句でもあんのか?

"Kneel! Tsk... Where's {PC}? Bring her to my room." 跪け!  ……チッ。あの女はどこだ。今すぐ俺の部屋に連れてこい

"What? Your schedule's not my problem. Just arrange it around me." あ? お前の都合なんて知らねぇ。黙って俺に合わせてりゃいいんだよ

Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"...Huh? I don't want to see your face at the crack of dawn. Get out." ……あ?寝起きから、その面見せんな…… 下がってろ
given how vulgar his speech is sometimes i'm surprised he didn't say "asscrack of dawn"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Tell the chef I'm not in the mood for meat today." ……シェフに伝えろ。今日は肉の気分じゃねぇってな
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm not wasting my time fooling around with those brats today. If they're really that bored, just make them go on a low-ranking mission or something." ガキの遊びに付き合う気はねぇよ。そんなに暇なら、適当に低ランク任務でも行かせておけ
he's just barely avoiding making iPad kids out of Kaito and Lucas lmao
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Put my dinner over there. I'll eat later if I feel like it." ディナーはそこに置いておけ。気が向いたら食っておく
i am once again asking the ghouls to FUCKING EAT PROPER MEALS.
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I need more data for this case...  Go find Tohma, servant." 任務の資料が足りてねぇ…… 下僕、塔真を呼んでこい
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"A Class C anomaly? Miss me with that weak shit. Why do you think we have a Vice Captain?" あ? C級怪異? つまんねぇことに俺を巻き込むな。 何のために副寮長がいるんだ?
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"What about class? Ha. What makes you think you can lecture me? Worry about yourself." ……授業の時間? ハッ、俺に説教とはいい度胸じゃねぇか。お前は自分の心配でもしてろ
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You don't even know that? What do they teach here?" ……そんなこともわからねぇのか?この学園の教育はどうなってんだ
I guess Jin has a good handle on the material and everything he'd need to know, as a third year. I say 'as a third year' but Alan didn't understand some of the basics so--
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Bianerus! ...I'm not feeling it today. You can go." <ビアネルス> …………チッ。調子が悪い。今日はもう下がれ
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's late. We're done here. Leave." ……もう遅い。話は終わりだ、下がれ
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"You're late. You've got some nerve making me wait, servant." ……遅ぇよ。下僕ごときが俺を待たせるな
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...I'm hungry. Go order lunch. For two." ……腹が減ったな。おい、ランチの手配をしろ。2人分だ
i guarantee you the pc did not consider that he meant "i want to eat lunch with you" the first time this happened. she probably just thought "damn jin's hungry today."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You have plans? Take a second and really think about whether your plans are more important than me before you open that mouth again." 今日は都合が悪い? ……俺より優先する価値があるか、よく考えてから口を開け
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"...Why are you so chatty today? Just pour my tea and get out of my face." チッ……うるせぇ。いつもの紅茶だけ淹れて失せろ
'stop trying to befriend me and go away' lmao
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"You should be grateful I'm giving you the time of day this early in the morning." 俺が朝から相手してやってんだ。ありがたく思え
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Why do you look so worn out? If you're going to serve me, learn how to take better care of yourself. Tohma, take her to the infirmary." おい下僕、なんだその顔色は。俺に仕えるなら体調管理は万全にしろ。 塔真、こいつを保健室に運んでこい
why the infirmary. . .i don't think she needs a doctor i think she needs a nap. You're overworking her didn't Tohma tell you not to break her you donut
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's still early... You want to practice the waltz? Bold, aren't you? You're going to be sore tomorrow." まだこんな時間か。 ワルツの練習?……生意気に催促しやがって。 覚悟しろよ。お前は明日、筋肉痛だ
are we still. . .talking about the. . .dancing. . . .
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You want to dine with me? Ha. All right. Show me if you've learned anything." お前と俺が、ディナーを一緒に? ハッ、面白ぇ。お手並み拝見といこうか
impromptu lesson on table manners!?
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's quiet tonight... Sit here, next to me. We're playing a duet. Don't give me that look. You'll know this song." 今夜は静かだな……隣に座れ。 連弾だ。そんな顔すんじゃねぇよ。 ……お前も知ってる曲だ
I previously used the expression names to describe his expression as 'pouting' and 'like a spoiled child' but he mostly just looks irritated lmaooo
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Waking me up every morning was your idea, so I'd better see you here tomorrow too. That's an order." ルーティンにしたのはお前だろ。責任取って、明日も起こしに来い。 ……これは命令だ
how quickly we go from "i don't wanna see your face first thing in the morning" to "i had better see your face every morning". . . . (it's not quickly at all. it's actually an incredibly slow process getting affinity up.)
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...I was too active yesterday. Massage me, servant. ...What the hell was that? Put some muscle into it." チッ。昨日は体を動かしすぎたな。 下僕、次はマッサージだ。 ……足りねぇよ。もっと強く押せ
i love this one he's just like bitch what the fuck kinda weak ass massage is that put some back into it?????
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"You don't know about dining etiquette? I don't have time for this... If you want me to teach you, I better see that nose on the grindstone." テーブルマナーがわからない? 面倒くせぇ……俺に教わるからにはそれ相応の覚悟があんだろうな?
we are reaching critical levels of "i need to make you presentable so you can meet my father" also I find it funny that this is after the "you wanna eat with me? let's see if you've learned anything" line. WHEN WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO HAVE HAD LEARNED OR DO YOU EXPECT THEM TO STUDY YOU AS YOU EAT
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What's that? My helicopter, obviously. Quit gawking and get in." 俺のヘリだ。見たらわかんだろ。……いいから、さっさと乗れ
get in servant idk where we're going but you are going with me
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I've got plans early tomorrow. Your house is too far. Stay here tonight." 明日は早朝から用事がある。お前が寝泊まりしてる寮からじゃ間に合わねぇかもな。 今夜は、ここに泊まれ
another expression note. . .he's looking away and putting his hand on the back of his neck here. He's shy, almost. Because he's not asking you to stay over to perform some task. It's not your usual master-servant dynamic. He just wants you close to him. As close as possible. He really is rather sweet.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Never learn, do you? I don't take you being here for granted. I know it won't last forever. That's all I'm going to say." 懲りないやつだな。言っておくが、こうやってお前が隣にいること…… 俺は、永遠に続くとは思ってねぇぞ
Jin makes a kind of sad face when he says it won't last forever. well, as sad as he can manage.
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He knows that once your curse is broken you'll probably go back to your ordinary life. If your curse can't be broken you'll die. And if you, for some reason, continue to stay at Darkwick even after being cured, he'll be a fourth year next year--he's gonna go off to do field work. Eventually he'll work in the highest levels of the Institute and eventually he'll take his father's place as the president. With all of this, there's no way you'll be able to be together, no matter what. This is a short lived burst of happiness and attachment for him. It means a lot more to him than you realize.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) What's with that look? I'm not allowed to yawn?" ふぁっ…… あ? 何だその顔は。俺があくびして悪ぃか?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The flowers you can see from the balcony? Yeah, I had them planted. ...My mother liked them." バルコニーから見える花……?ああ、俺が植えさせた。 …………お袋が好きだった花だ
the balcony bg and the front of frostheim background don't have flowers visible in them(i mean the balcony has potted plants but no flowers). . .i wonder what kind of flowers his mother liked. maybe the pc will grow them when they turn into a Kyklos.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Sunset's supposed to be nice this time of year. Come on, servant. Before I change my mind." 春茜か……おい下僕、少し外に出る。 俺の気が変わる前に付き合えよ
(between 8pm and 5am)
"You're going to see the cherry blossoms tonight with the brats? Suit yourself. I doubt any of you can appreciate them." あ? ガキどもと夜桜を見に行く? 勝手にしろ。お前らに、あの風情がわかるとは思えねぇけどな
'you guys are too poor to appreciate nice things'
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Those little shits are so loud this morning... They're worse than the cicadas. Tohma, go exterminate them." クソ、朝からガキどもがうるせぇ。 塔真、あのセミより鬱陶しい奴らを駆除してこい
(between 11am and 4pm)
"What kind of moron chooses to go out in the sun this time of year? Unless you want your brain to melt, stay here with me." わざわざこの時期、日を浴びようなんて奴は馬鹿しかいねぇ。 お前も脳みそ溶かしたくなきゃ、ここにいろ
jin. . .this is frostheim. it is PERMANENTLY WINTER here, even to the point of that the day-night timing doesn't change. It's not hot unless we leave the boundaries of frostheim. . . . THIS IS A THINLY VEILED EXCUSE TO GET YOU TO STAY WITH HIM.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"You've got tickets to a fireworks festival? The view's better from a helicopter. ...You've got guts thinking you can show me a good time, peasant." あ? 花火大会の観覧席チケット? 花火はヘリから見るもんだろ。庶民の分際で俺を誘いやがって……
'peasant' is worse than 'servant' in my opinion. . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Haven't heard the sound of waves for a while... Get the speedboat. I'll drive." しばらく波の音も聞いてねぇな…… おい、今すぐクルーザーを出せ。操縦は俺がする
jin just shoving you into various vehicles to take you places is really funny to me for some reason. you're like his purse dog. he just wants to take you everywhere even if it doesn't really benefit him to do so. also he can drive a speedboat????

Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I overworked myself. Go get Tohma. I was right having him get that PT license. I should have you get one too." 塔真を呼べ、オーバーワークした。 あいつに整体の資格を取らせたのは正解だったな。 下僕、お前も取るか
. . .doesn't that take like three years minimum in japan. . .how did you get him to get that. . .didn't he only meet you like two and a half years ago and you weren't even in the same house then. . .is that a darkwick offered course. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A pumpkin spice latte? I'm not drinking this saccharine garbage. Give the rest to the brats." あ? パンプキンスパイスラテ? こんな甘ったるい茶は飲まねぇよ。残りはガキどもにやっとけ
what do you think he is, a basic bitch like you? Not a big fan of sweets. Noted.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"My favorite family vacation? Don't have one. This conversation is over." 行楽の思い出?そんなもんねぇよ。 ……この話は終わりだ
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't play the piano because I like it. It's just force of habit." 別に、ピアノが好きで弾いてるわけじゃねぇよ。ただの惰性だ

Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"...Don't fucking wake me up. Come back later." ……起こすんじゃねぇ。話なら後にしろ
he hates the heat he hates the cold. . .well he also hates mornings in general. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Why is my name on this snowman? Tohma, give me your gloves. Whichever half-wit made this has shit for eyes." なんで雪だるまに、俺の名前が? ……塔真、手袋を貸せ。これ作った奴の目は、確実に腐ってやがんな
"is that supposed to be me. . .? aw hell no i am fixing this shit"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Tell the chef and the brats we're having a roast dinner tomorrow. Kobe beef. They know how I like it." 明日はローストディナーだ、シェフとガキどもに言っとけ。 肉は神戸牛でな。焼き加減はわかってるはずだ
i like that the frostheim ghouls eat dinner together like a family. . .jin looks at Kaito and Lucas and goes 'those are my idiot sons. i cannot stand them.'
(between 8pm and 5am)
"You're staying here tonight, servant. I'll show you an aurora you couldn't even dream of." 下僕、今夜は泊まれ。最上級のオーロラを見せてやる
see how this is worded differently from when he asks you to stay over because 'your house is too far away'? even when he's trying to be sweet to you, as long as he maintains your power imbalance he feels comfortable--he has something over you here--but trying to lay his feelings bare, just saying 'i want you to stay with me', that's so much more than he's used to saying.

His birthday: (August 31st)
"A birthday party? This has Tohma written all over it, that asshole's always using me to— You're planning it? ...I'll think about it." 誕生日パーティー? 塔真の奴、また俺を客寄せに使って…… 違う?お前が主催? ……気が向いたらな
'that asshole tohma is trying to make me go outside aga--oh you're planning the party. oh. okay. maybe.'

Your birthday:
"The song I just played? It's G. F. Handel. He wrote it for the queen's birthday." さっき弾いた曲?……G.F.ヘンデルが、女王の誕生日に送った曲だ
in case you don't get the significance of what he's saying here. . .lemme fetch one of Tohma's lines for you--
"I'm no more than a servant. Frostheim is ruled by a king, you see." 私はあくまで小間使いですよ。フロストハイムには、キングがいますから
my dude I think jin just called you his queen--only for your birthday though don't get cocky, servant

New Years: (January 1st)
"Hope you're ready for another year being at beck and call, servant. First up, my New Year's courtesy calls. Go do them for me." おい、下僕。今年も俺専用の女中として必死に尽くせよ。 まずは新年の挨拶回りだ。代わりに行ってこい
'happy new year! your purpose is still serving me.'

Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"What's that sad-looking box you're holding? ...Oh. No, don't throw it away. I'll take it." なんだ? この貧相な包みは。 ……ああ、そういうことか。 捨てなくていい。受け取ってやるよ
jin is one of those characters who probably gets a mountain of chocolates given to him by admirers, all brand name and like from famous confectioners and shit. real nice fancy packages. so he sees your shitty little unprofessional homemade thing and is like 'tf is that' before he realizes it's for him and it's made with love and he just. . .ah. no, i want that, actually.

White Day: (March 13th)
"Keep your schedule open tonight. You're having a meal your peasant taste buds couldn't even dream of." おい、今夜は予定を開けとけ。庶民じゃ一生出会えねぇような美味いもん、お前に食わせてやるよ

April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Hey, are you all right? ...Tsk. If that was a joke, it wasn't fucking funny. I've changed my mind. Cancel all my plans for the day." おい、お前大丈夫か?  ……チッ。質の悪ぃ嘘だな…… 気が変わった。今日の予定はすべてキャンセルだ
i feel like Jin is about to put together the most elaborate prank and it's gonna hurt someone's feelings or get somebody hurt and no one will find it funny and he'll end up feeling super shitty. like that one spongebob episode.

Halloween: (October 31st)
"Where the hell's Tohma? Asshole sent the brats to my room to beg for candy. Next time I see him I'm going to wring his fucking neck." クソ……塔真はどこだ。俺の部屋に籠持ったガキども寄こしやがって。 あいつ……ぶっ殺すぞ……
okay but did you give them candy?

Christmas: (December 25th)
"Go tell Tohma what color dress you're wearing tonight. Why? Maybe I'll wear a matching ascot tie. If I feel like it." 今夜着るドレスの色を塔真に伝えておけ。 あ? 理由? 気が向いたらアスコットタイの色を合わせてやる

Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...Where the hell did she go?" ……あの女、どこ行きやがった?
(13 affinity and above)
"Shit... This is throwing me off. Who does that servant think she is?" ……クソ……調子が狂う。 下僕の分際で、舐めやがって……
he feels so wrong without you next to him aw

Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"...You've got guts abandoning your place at my back, servant. I'm going to have to retrain you." …………っ、おい……下僕は常に主人の後ろにいるもんだろうが。 お前は再教育だ
ONCE AGAIN IT FEELS LIKE I PUT NEARLY ALL OF THEM IN IT'S ALL OF THEM NOW! The way he treats the pc in so many different ways but it makes sense with his character and feelings. . .as far as the home screen lines go, Jin definitely loves you in some capacity. He's actually quite clingy. . .i'm a little too sleepy for more coherent thought haha
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bbbottomsblog · 3 months
変態親父と二日目 – GNT24/365 ーゲイの淫乱セックス体験談ー
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brownie-pics · 3 months
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'24.6.23 春日大社、中の禰宜道にて
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ryotarox · 6 months
新任リーダが最初の100日ですべきは?してはいけないことは?なにだろうか? 最初の100日でもっともしてはいけないことで共通するのが「華麗にビジョンを語り戦略を策定して期待値をあげること」はしてはいけない。 逆に最初にすべきことはなにか?「勉強マシーンになること。具体的には資料を読み人に会って話を聞きまくる」こと。つまり最初の100日は「口はほどほどにして耳と目と足を動かせ」ということだ。
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[B! 組織] 最初の100日で何をすべきで何をすべきではないか?|miyasaka
raimon49 全社員から聞いて回る、最近読んだサンリオ2代目社長のインタビューでも実践したって言ってた。 https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/economy/20240227-OYT1T50108/  HAL研社長時代の岩田さんも社員との面談を重視していたと本に書いてあったよね。
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ハローキティ1強に限界、次世代のカワイイはファン投票…サンリオ2代目「予想以上の業績好転」 : 読売新聞
サンリオ社長 辻朋邦氏
痛切な反省のもと第2の創業を掲げた中期経営計画では「サイロ化した組織」「頑張っても報われにくい人事制度」など反省すべき点をしっかり掲げました。 ただ、自分だけの考えでは空回りしてしまうと思いました。そこで1年半かけて私と社員、1対4の形で年代別に全社員と対話する場をもちました。何のための改革かを理解してもらおうと。 祖父はトップダウン的な部分が強かった。それが悪いわけではないですが、反面、社内の議論が少なかった。キャラクターをどう育てていくのかという議論もあまりなかった。まずはそこを変えようと、経営会議を新設しました。
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tamayula-hl · 1 year
I have illustrated many Dad!Ominis, but as I have not yet published my headcanon on DadOmi, I would like to explain it in drawing and text because I am not good at English😳
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In my headcanon, Ominis discussed this with his girlfriend, MC, while he was still at school, and they chose to drop the Gaunt name and elope together. The pair jumped ship on a steamer to the USA soon after graduation. As you know, the Gaunt family has ties to the USA, as the mother of the founder of the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the USA was born a Gaunt, and there is a Slytherin wand buried in the garden of that school.
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(This is an illustration of that scene that I posted on Twitter in May, but there are lots of things I want to correct 😂)
They then started a new life together in the USA, where Ominis was lucky enough to get a job as an employee at MACUSA, which had just moved to New York and was short-staffed. (I have no idea of the details of how Ominis, under a pseudonym that presumably hides his Gaunt family origins, was hired as a permanent employee, and whether his obvious posh English could hide his identity in the US. Never mind the details!🤣)
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And secondly, how Ominis became a father in the place where he eloped. In my personal opinion, he would surely be reluctant to leave offspring, even if he became a couple with the woman he loved. A witch named Rionach Steward, daughter of the founder of Ilvermorny School, has become so thick with Gaunt blood that she is rumoured to be a Parselmouth. She remained celibate for the rest of her life in order not to leave her cursed blood to future generations. Ominis is very serious and thoughtful and, like Rionach, would not want to leave the Gaunt blood flowing in his body to future generations.
Where Rionach and Ominis differ, however, is that he is a man. If Ominis were heterosexual and had a healthy body, it would be difficult for him to completely abstain from sexual desire for women. (As an aside, I think this dichotomy is the spice that makes Ominis' smut more attractive.)
Two young, loving people who are financially strapped and starved for entertainment are sure to indulge their carnal desires. Soon, they find out that MC is pregnant.
In other words, in my headcanon, ominis become fathers for the pathetic reason of contraceptive failure. I guess there are two sides to this, but of course I am convinced that Ominis is not the kind of irresponsible man who would run away from an unwanted pregnancy. Ominis will be very bewildered, but he will be cheerful in front of his pregnant wife and will support her with dedication, as in the manga and illustrations I posted the other day! During MC's pregnancy, Ominis will be repeatedly struck with anxiety, but as he sees his wife's belly growing bigger day by day, he will gradually develop paternal feelings for her. And after the birth of his first child, when he holds his baby for the first time, Ominis will be moved by the preciousness of the creature in his arms and the weight of life, and he will awaken as the best dad…!
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I hope that Ominis, who became a father after unexpected events in his elopement, lives happily ever after, chewing on how precious a healthy family is😍.
Of course, it's all my headcanon, so I like different people's different ideas about Ominis' future! Anyway, I am happy as long as I see Ominis living a long and happy life..!
Thank you for reading my long story 🫶🫶🫶
A Japanese translation of the text is placed in undercut. (ほぼTwitterで書き散らかしていた妄想をまとめたものです。画像内の文章を和訳する元気はありませんでしたすみません…😂)
私の脳内設定(headcanon)では、オミニスは在学中にガールフレンドであるMCと話し合って、Gauntの名を捨て、二人で駆け落ちすることを選びました。 二人は卒業してすぐにアメリカ行きの蒸気船に飛び乗りました。
その後二人はアメリカで新生活を始め、ニューヨークに移転したばかりで人手不足のMACUSAでオミニスは運良く職員としての仕事を手に入れました。 (おそらくGaunt家出身であることを隠している偽名のオミニスがどのように正社員として採用されたか、また、明らかなposh Englishを話す彼がアメリカで素性を隠しきれるかどうかについては、私は細かいことは全く考えていません。こまけえこたぁいいんだよ!)
ご存知の通り、アメリカのIlvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardryの創始者の母はゴーント家の生まれで、その学校の庭にはスリザリンの杖が埋まっているなど、Gaunt家とアメリカには縁があります
そして次に、駆け落ち先でオミニスがどのようにして父親になっていったかです。 私の個人的な意見ですが、彼はきっと愛する女性と夫婦になっても、子孫を残すことを嫌がるでしょう。 Ilvermorny Schoolの創設者の娘のRionach Stewardという魔女はParselmouthという噂があるほどGauntの血を濃く継いでしまいました。彼女は呪われた血を後世に残さないために生涯独身を貫いた。 オミニスはとても真面目で思慮深い性格なので、Rionachと同じように、彼の身体の中に流れるGauntの血を後世に残したくないと思うでしょう。
しかしRionachとオミニスが違うところは、彼が男性ということです。 Ominisが異性愛者で健康的な身体を持っていれば、女性に対する性欲を完全に断つというのは困難でしょう。 (余談ですが、この二律背反こそ、オミニスのsmutをより魅力的にさせるスパイスだと私は思います)
金銭的な余裕もなく娯楽に飢えた、若い愛し合う二人は、きっと肉欲に溺れるはずです。 そして間もなく、MCの妊娠が判明するのです。
つまり私のheadcanonでは、オミニスは避妊失敗という情けない理由で父親になります。 これについては賛否両論かと思いますが、もちろん、オミニスは望まぬ妊娠から逃げ出すような無責任な男ではないと私は確信しています。 オミニスは非常に困惑しながらも、妊娠中の妻の前では明るく振舞い、先日投稿したmangaやイラストのように献身的に彼女をサポートするでしょう! MCの妊娠期間中、オミニスは何度も不安に襲われるでしょうが、日に日に大きくなる妻のお腹を見ていくうちに少しずつ父性が芽生える。 そして第一子が誕生後、初めて赤ちゃんを抱いた時に、オミニスは腕の中にある生き物の尊さと命の重みに感動し、最高のパパとして覚醒するのです…!!
もちろん、全て私のheadcanonなので、オミニスの将来については、色んな人の色んな考えも好きです! とにかく私は、幸せに長生きしているオミニスが見れればそれで幸せなのです…!
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copal-sq · 2 months
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Sub blog : こぱるこっきんぐ
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kennak · 4 months
オレンジだけではない。 チョコレートもコーヒーも鶏肉、鮭。 国内でもサンマや米まで不足。 食料危機は突然起きません。 こうやって少しずつ何品目か足りなくなっていって気がついた時には手遅れになるのです。 そして不足すれば各国は輸出を止めます。 当然自国優先です。 気候変動で世界中で農産物の不作が発生し、世界人口はもっと増えて食糧不足は加速します。 そうなれば、食糧は争奪戦です。 今でさえマグロ等も買い負けてますよね。 これからは今まで通りに食糧が買える時代ではありません。 食糧安全保障を考える時になっています。
食卓に「オレンジショック」 果汁が品薄、価格高騰(時事通信)のコメント一覧 - Yahoo!ニュース
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pikahlua · 10 months
MHA Chapter 408 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 "与一"と名付けたのは自分に最初に与えられたものだったからだ "よいち"となづけたのはじぶんにさいしょにあたえられたものだったからだ "Yoichi" to nadzuketa no wa jibun ni saisho ni ataerareta mono datta kara daHe named [his brother] "Yoichi" because [his brother] was the first thing given to him.
tagline 1 自分のものにならないのなら… じぶんのものにならないのなら… jibun no mono ni naranai no nara... If he won't become his...
tagline 2 No.408 努努‼︎GANRIKI 堀越耕平 ナンバー408 ゆめゆめ‼︎がんりき ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 408  yumeyume!! ganriki   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 408 Relentless eyes*!!  Kouhei Horikoshi (*Note: This chapter title is as interesting as it is incomprehensible. "Yumeyume" is a word that means basically "more, extra, whatever it is but PLUS ULTRA," and "ganriki" is something of a meme Horikoshi loves and uses a lot in MHA that refers to eyes bright and extra detailed to the point of being distracting or over-defined. It can refer to the eyes or even just the "power within the eyes" or one's gaze. All together it's basically just some nebulous sort of concept of eyes that are bright/sharp with dreams or effort or toil or just EYES, BUT EXTRA.)
3 弟が彼の元を去ってから おとうとがかれのもとをさってから otouto ga kare no moto wo satte kara Since his younger brother had left him,
4 約2ヵ月が経っていた やく2ヵげつがたっていた yaku 2kagetsu ga tatte ita about 2 months have passed.
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1 所有物を奪った青年と目が合うも おとうとをうばったせいねんとめがあうも otouto (kanji: shoyuubutsu) wo ubatta seinen to me ga au mo He met eyes with the young man who stole his younger brother (read as: property), but
2 彼の眼球は生まれつき薄膜が張ったように艶がないので かれのがんきゅうはうまれつきうすまくがはったようにつやがないので kare no gankyuu wa umaretsuki usumaku ga hatta you ni tsuyaganai no his eyeballs were lackluster from birth, as if they were covered with a thin film, so
3 その瞳に青年が映り込む事はなかった そのひとみにせいねんがうつりこむことはなかった sono hitomi ni seinen ga utsurukomu koto wa nakatta the young man was not reflected in those eyes.
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1 僕が「与えた」筈の異能が消えていた ぼくが「あたえた」はずのいのうがきえていた boku ga 「ataeta」 hazu no inou ga kiete ita The meta ability I definitely gave him had disappeared.
2 「他人から奪ったモノ」「隷属させる為に奪ったモノ」はいらないと拒み続けた与一に無理矢理与えた力… 「ひとからうばったモノ」「れいぞくさせるためにうばったモノ」はいらないとこばみつづけたあいつにむりやりあたえたちから… 「hito (kanji: tanin) kara ubatta MONO」 「reizoku saseru tame ni ubatta MONO」 wa iranai to kobami tsudzuketa aitsu (kanji: Yoichi) ni muriyari ataeta chikara... The power he forcibly gave Yoichi, who kept refusing, saying he didn't need "something taken from others" or "something stolen in order to enslave"...
3 こんな事は今までなかった こんなことはいままでなかった konna koto wa ima made nakatta This sort of thing has never happened until now.
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1 いや…与一に"異能"がないのは僕の力で確認している いや…よいちに"いのう"がないのはぼくのちからでかくにんしている iya...Yoichi ni "inou" ga nai no wa boku no chikara de kakunin shite iru No...I'm confirming with my power that Yoichi does not have any meta abilities.
2 自我も芽生えぬ頃に「奪った」かと思っていたが… じがもめばえぬころに「うばった」かとおもっていたが… jiga mo mebaenu koro ni 「ubatta」 ka to omotte ita ga... I thought I stole it before I even had a sense of self, but...
3 僕の"異能"が認識できぬ程に小さく機能しないゴミが検査で見つかった ぼくの"いのう"がにんしきできぬほどにちいさくきのうしないゴミがけんさでみつかった boku no "inou" ga ninshiki dekinu hodo ni chiisaku kinou shinai GOMI ga kensa de mitsukatta I found upon inspection a piece of trash that was too small to be recognized by my meta ability.
4 形成時の栄養不足によって形にならなかった因子のようなもの… けいせいじのえいようぶそくによってかたちにならなかったいんしのようなもの… keiseiji no eiyou busoku ni yotte katachi ni naranakatta inshi no you na mono... Something like a factor that did not take shape due to lack of nutrition during its formation...
5 まさか…動いたのか…? まさか…うごいたのか…? masaka...ugoita no ka...? It can't be... Did it move...?
6 リーダーあの敗戦の時ーー リーダーあのはいせんのときーー RIIDAA ano haisen no toki-- "Leader, at the time of that defeat--"
7 AFOには触られてないんだよな? オール・フォー・ワンにはさわられてないんだよな? OORU FOO WAN ni wa sawararetenainda yo na? "you weren't touched by All For One, right?"
8 しつこいなブルース shitsukoi na BURUUSU "You're so obstinate, Bruce."
9 結果だけ伝えろ けっかだけつたえろ kekka dake tsutaero "Just tell me the results."
10 「あの日以降全身に違和感」…よく気付いたよ… 「あのひいこうぜんしんにいわかん」…よくきづいたよ… 「ano hi ikou zenshin ni iwakan」...yoku kidzuita yo... "You noticed it well...how since that day something's felt out of place all over your body..."
11 因子が2つある… いんしが2つある… inshi ga 2tsu aru... "You have two factors..."
12 生来のものと…出来損ないのような小さいものが せいらいのものと…できそこないのようなちいさいものが seirai no mono to...dekisokonai no you na chiisai mono ga "Your innate one, and...a small, seemingly useless* one." (Note: FYI this term, "dekisokonai," is the word Izuku uses in DvK1 to tell Katsuki that his "Deku" name won't always mean "useless.")
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1 ……なんとなくそうじゃないかと思ってた ……なんとなくそうじゃないかとおもってた ......nantonaku sou ja nai ka to omotteta "......Somehow, I was thinking that was the case."
2 与えた"異能"が消えたのは…足りない部分を補う為に取り込み…「奪った」…! あたえた"いのう"がきえたのは…たりないぶぶんをおぎなうためにとりこみ…「うばった」…! ataeta "inou" ga kieta no wa...tarinai bubun wo oginau tame ni torikomi...「ubatta」...! The [reason] the meta ability I gave him disappeared...was because he took it in to make up for the missing part... [He] stole it...!
3 僕は兄さんを止められなかった ぼくはにいさんをとめられなかった boku wa niisan wo tomerarenakatta "I couldn't stop my older brother."
4 僕を生かしてくれた ぼくをいかしてくれた boku wo ikashite kureta "[You]* kept me alive." (*Note: Yoichi is likely speaking to AFO in this frame as implied by the art.)
5 他人が玩具やゲームにしか見えてない ひとがおもちゃやゲームにしかみえてない hito (kanji: tanin) ga omocha ya GEEMU ni shika mietenai "He saw other people as nothing more than toys or games."
6 もしほんの少しでも他人を思い遣れていたらーーーー もしほんのすこしでもひとをおもいやれていたらーーーー moshi hon no sukoshi demo hito (kanji: tanin) wo omoiyarete itara---- "If [you]* could be even a little considerate of other people----" (*Note: Yoichi is likely speaking to AFO in this frame as implied by the art.)
7 俺の中に与一の意志が おれのなかによいちのいしが ore no naka ni Yoichi no ishi ga "Yoichi's will is inside me."
8 まだ在るのか まだあるのか mada aru no ka "So it still exists?"
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1 与えるも奪うも あたえるもうばうも ataeru mo ubau mo "Whether giving or taking away,"
2 世界一優しい力になったかもしれないのに せかいいちやさしいちからになったかもしれないのに sekai ichi yasashii chikara ni natta kamo shirenai noni "it might have become the kindest power in the world."
3 涙を出せば狼狽させられるから出した なみだをだせばろうばいさせられるからだした namida wo daseba roubai saserareru kara dashita If I shed tears it would make me flustered, so I shed them.
4-8 嫌がる事と望んでいる事を操り貶めそうやって手中に収めてきた いやがることとのぞんでいることをあやつりおとしめそうやってしゅちゅうにおさめてきた iyagaru koto to nozonde iru koto wo ayatsuri otoshime sou yatte shuchuu ni osamete kita I took possession of that which I hate and that which I desire through manipulation and degradation.
9 なのにおまえは nanoni omae wa But you
10 思い通りにならない おもいどおりにならない omoidoori ni naranai did not go the way I wanted.
11-12 ただ欲しいだけなのに ただほしいだけなのに tada hoshii dake nanoni I only* want [you], but (*Note: He's not saying he wants Yoichi and nothing else but that the only thing he feels is desire in this situation. You could read the "only" here as "simply" to have it make better sense.)
13 追っても おっても ottemo even though I chase
14 追っても おっても ottemo and I chase,
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1 すり抜けていく すりぬけていく surinukete iku [you] slip through the cracks.
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1 おまえのせいだ omae no sei da "It's because of you,"
2 駆藤‼︎ くどう‼︎ Kudou!! "Kudou!!"
3 駆藤!奴の血縁は絶やした!それだけじゃない奴に近しかった女も子どもも疑わしきは全て! くどう!やつのけつえんはたやした!それだけじゃないやつにちかしかったおんなもこどももうたがわしきはすべて! Kudou! yatsu no ketsuen wa tayashita! sore dake ja nai yatsu ni chikashikatta onna mo kodomo mo utagawashiki wa subete! Kudou! I eradicated his blood relatives! Not only them, but all the women and children and anyone suspicious who were close to him!
4 もし奴の血ならばーーー もしやつのちならばーーー moshi yatsu no chi naraba--- If [Bakugou] has that guy's blood---
5 あの時何か感じるものがあった筈! あのときなにかかんじるものがあったはず! ano toki nani ka kanjiru mono ga atta hazu! I surely would have felt something back then!
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1 ー眼が!あの時はまだその眼じゃなかった‼︎ ーめが!あのときはまだそのめじゃなかった‼︎ -me ga! ano toki wa mada sono me ja nakatta!! --His eyes! Back then, he didn't have those eyes yet!!
2 ただの空似だ ただのそらにだ tada no sorani da It's just an accidental resemblance.
3 だが今確かに駆藤に似た意志が だがいまたしかにあのおとこににたいしが daga ima tashika ni ano otoko (kanji: Kudou) ni nita ishi ga But right now, there is certainly a will similar to that man's (read as: Kudou's)
4 時空を超えて じくうをこえて jikuu wo koete transcending space and time, and
5 僕を阻んでいるのだ‼︎ ぼくをはばんでいるのだ‼︎ boku wo habande iru no da!! it's blocking me!!
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1 "ワープ"で強制的に引き剥がそうにも転送可能ポイントは "ワープ"できょうせいてきにひきはがそうにもてんそうかのうポイントは "WAAPU" de kyouseiteki ni hiki hagasou ni mo tensou kanou POINTO wa Even if I were to forcibly remove him with a warp, the transferable points are
2 すぐ近くのオールマイトか弔の位置しかない…! すぐちかくのオールマイトかとむらのいちしかない…! sugu chikaku no OORU MAITO ka Tomura no ichi shika nai...! only the positions of nearby All Might or Tomura...!
3 これ以上交戦し体を小さくするわけにはいかない‼︎ これいじょうこうせんしからだをちいさくするわけにはいかない‼︎ kore ijou kousen shi karada wo chiisaku suru wake ni wa ikanai!! I can't afford to engage in battle any more than this and make my body smaller!!
4 弔の元に辿り着いても とむらのもとにたどりついても Tomura no moto ni tadori tsuitemo Even if I reach where Tomura is,
5 彼は既に僕を拒否しているのだ争いは必至 かれはすでにぼくをきょひしているのだあらそいはひっし kare wa sude ni boku wo kyohi shite iru no da arasoi wa hisshi he has already refused me. A fight is inevitable.
6 "譲渡"を成立させる為余力を残しておかねばならない "じょうと"をせいりつさせるためよりょくをのこしておかねばならない "jouto" wo seiritsu saseru tame yoryoku wo nokoshite okaneba naranai I must leave enough energy to make the transfer happen.
7 …と思っていたがもういい… …とおもっていたがもういい… ...to omotte ita ga mou ii... "...or so I thought, but enough..."
8 おまえを殺すのもゴールも譲渡も… おまえをころすのもゴールもじょうとも… omae wo korosu no mo GOORU mo jouto mo... "I'll kill you, [reach my] goal, and [do the] transfer..."
9 一括だ いっかつだ ikkatsu da "all at once."
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1 来る くる kuru "[Here it] comes."
2 全因解放 ぜんいんかいほう zen'in kaihou Unleash all factors
3 "全ては一つの目的の為に" "オール・フォー・ワン" "OORU FOO WAN (kanji: subete wa hitotsu no mokuteki no tame ni)" "All for the sake of one goal (read as: All For One)"
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1 押し通る おしとおる oshitooru "I'll push through."
2 あの膨大なエネルギーを推進力に…⁉︎ あのぼうだいなエネルギーをすいしんりょくに…⁉︎ ano boudai na ENERUGII wo suishinryoku ni...!? "He's using that huge amount of energy for propulsion...!?"
3 一気に総取りするつもりだ…! いっきにそうどりするつもりだ…! ikki ni soudori suru tsumori da...! "He plans to take everything all at once...!"
4 ……赤ん坊にまで戻るぞ!賭けに出たか! ……あかんぼうにまでもどるぞ!かけにでたか! ......akanbou ni made modoru zo! kake ni deta ka! ......He'll return to being a baby! He's taking a gamble!
5 避けろ少年ン!!! よけろしょうねんン!!! yokero shounenN!!! "Dodge, young man!!!"
6 バカがてめえんなもん BAKA ga temeenna mon "You really are such an idiot."
7 勝てるわけねーだろ かてるわけねーだろ kateru wake nee daro "There's no way you can win."
tagline しかし、確かに、希望を見据えてーー しかし、たしかに、きぼうをみすえてーー shikashi, tashika ni, kibou wo misuete-- However, certainly, looking toward hope--
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kenshfsblog · 1 month
バンコクから帰って1週間しか経ってないのに、セフレダディから久々に声かかったのでまたやってしまった。1ヶ月は開けるつもりだったが、そのセフレダディはむちゃくちゃ好きなのでついつい…w 夏だから開放的になってしまったw
因みに、タチリバ君が俺のケツにデカマラを突っ込んで来た時、俺は悲鳴のような嗚咽を上げ、俺のケツの穴は崩壊したことは言うまでもないw 力強いピストン運動にも嗚咽w
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koch-snowflake-blog · 8 months
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石川 澪は、日本のAV女優。プロダクションALIVE所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2002年3月20日 (年齢 21歳)
身長: 158 cm
スリーサイズ: 82 - 58 - 86 cm
デビュー: 2021年
ブラサイズ: B
モデル内容: AV女優
出身地: 日本
高校時代の部活はチアダンス部。部長を務め週6あるいは週7練習していたが、決して強い部ではなく、卒業してから同部は全国大会出場したという。一方で運動はある程度できるが、インドア派であり、(幼少時は)『TOKYO MXとBS11で育った』と語るほど新旧問わずアニメ作品を好む。「私にとってアニメは、大げさでなく生きる意味。この世界からアニメがなくなったら、死んじゃいます」とも述べている。漫画に関してもアニメ原作を中心に2022年時点で自宅に1,000冊、電子書籍1,000冊を保持している。石川は「セクシー女優の趣味がオタクなんじゃなくて、私の場合はオタクがたまたまセクシー女優をやっているだけ」と、これらの趣味について言及している。
舞台版月ともぐら 胸キュングランプリの感想として「舞台で演技をしたことがないし、そもそもみんなでイベントをするような経験自体が初めてだったので、会場に着くまでずっと緊張してた」「私たちはそんなに順位にこだわってなかったからね」と答えている。
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