fwoopersongs · 1 year
青玉案·元夕- Green Jadeite Platter · Fifteenth Day of New Year
by 辛弃疾 (Xin Qiji, 1140 to 1207)
东风夜放花千树, dōngfēng yè fàng huā qiān shù, In the East wind, night sets blossoms on a thousand trees,
更吹落、星如雨。 gèng chuī luò, xīng rú yǔ and blown down, stars fall like rain.
宝马雕车香满路。 bǎo mǎ diāo chē xiāng mǎn lù Fine horses, exquisite carriages, fragrance suffuses the road in their wake.
凤箫声动,玉壶光转, fèng xiāo shēng dòng, yù hú guāng zhuǎn The phoenix-flute’s moving melody, the jade-pot’s arcing light;
一夜鱼龙舞。 yī yè yú lóng wǔ lanterns of fish and dragons dance through the night.
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕, É er xuě liǔ huáng jīn lǚ Little moths, snow willow and tassels of gold,
笑语盈盈暗香去。 xiàoyǔ yíng yíng àn xiāng qù. laughter, chatter, bright and clear, indistinct scents fading as they go.  
众里寻他千百度, zhòng lǐ xún tā qiān bǎi dù, In the crowd, a hundred, a thousand times, I searched;
蓦然回首, mò rán huí shǒu, suddenly turning round -
那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 nà rén què zài, dēng huǒ lán shān chù but there - that person stands where the lights are dimming.
// First, a note: Super glad @liberty-or-death​ also feel in love with this poem (translated here) which has inspired so many others out there, be it songwriters, authors or poets with its romantic atmosphere <3 Open invitation to share your take on this one too! There are so many ways to interpret it.
Aaaaaaaand we’re at the last day of Chinese New Year! \o/ 
08-Feb-23 Edit: I spent so much time looking things up for ‘one last word’ that it is no longer the last day of new year LOL. OOPS. So typical... xD
This time with a poem also about this time of the year with some lovely and vivid descriptions of how it was celebrated. I actually translated it in 2021 for a poetry sharing group read, and shelved it afterwards because I wasn't quite into it enough to write the usual comments. This time, I found the energy, because GUESS WHAT? Xin Qiji and Lu You (dude from the last poem about the first day of spring and the new year, my fellow cat lover) knew each other!
I was racking my brains trying to remember why Xin Qiji was such a familiar name when I came across it on Lu You’s baidu page LOL. 
It’s not relevant to the poem, but do allow me to sidetrack a little on this.
Xin Qiji and Lu You were contemporaries of what we now call Southern Song. Xin Qiji was the younger between them by fifteen years; Lu You lived from 1125 to 1210, while Xin Qiji was born in 1140 and passed in 1207.
Xin Qiji was born in a territory that had been overtaken by Jin, his grandfather was unable to follow the Song in its retreat - for family reasons - and ended up working in the Jin court. [There’s background that I’m not including in here because it was shocking to read it again. You can google Jiankang Incident if you're curious, but I wouldn’t recommend it!]
As his father died early, Xin Qiji was raised by his grandfather whose influence had him growing up to be a patriotic and upright man, eager to restore the central plains and avenge the suffering of his people and country.
At the age of twenty one, he joined the insurrection against the Jin. There, he proved himself a skilled leader, earning a place in the Song Court with military merits. With the Emperor’s interest in restoring lost land, Xin Qiji and those of the faction which supported war against the Jin were given what they wanted at last and even won a series of victories. Unfortunately this was stopped in its tracks by a defeat due to infighting amongst the leaders of that campaign.
After that, the faction which supported peace via appeasement gained the emperor’s favour and Xin Qiji’s alignment with the side for war meant his proposals to this end went ignored. However, the court was impressed by his capability and frequently promoted him. This did not satisfy Xin Qiji though, and his identity as a returner from the Jins was a barrier to further advancement in his career. Anyway, he was eventually fired for ‘extravagant spending and wanton killing and other crimes’ when his work in the areas he oversaw began to encroach on the interests of the nobles and the wealthy people there. By this time, at the age of 40, he had realised his forthright nature was not earning him any points in politics and had made preparations to go into seclusion. He settled in Shangrao, northeast of Jiangxi province.
Between 1188 and 1203, he returned to take on some positions, got censured again, had more adventures and enjoyed the retirement life some more (especially in 1196! we might touch on this time in the future).
In 1203, he was brought on board again into politics as one of the people who believed war was the path to take. At the age of sixty four, Xin Qiji was made governor of two prefectures, Shaoxing 绍兴府 and Zhedong 浙东, simultaneously. It was during this time that he met Lu You, who had retired to his hometown of Shanyin. (Shanyin 山阴 and Huiji 会稽 Counties fell under the governance of Shaoxing Prefecture).
Shaoxing Prefecture 绍兴府, underlined in red.
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Shanyin 山阴, underlined in red.
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And just something that makes me smile from google maps: A Shanyin 山阴 road in modern day Shaoxing 绍兴!
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And of course these two patriotic people would hit it off. Their acquaintance can be verified via Lu You’s poem 《草堂》 and his commentary. When Xin Qiji was summoned back to court in 1204 for an audience with the emperor, Lu You sent him off with a poem 《送辛幼安殿撰造朝》that was full of praise and encouragement. 
Xin Qiji was made governor of Zhenjiang fu, a small official’s position elevated with the bestowment of a gold belt, but it was just behind the frontlines of the Jin-Song fighting at Yangzhou. That’s probably the closest he ever got to the action (and he knew it too). 
Unlike the one with Lu You where he so conveniently stated the year for us, it’s not possible to tell when Xin Qiji wrote this poem. Only that it describes a 元夕 (yuán xī), as they call fifteenth day of the first month. The name of lantern festival lit. 灯节 (dēng jié) only became popular from Qing Dynasty onwards.
But no matter the exact time this was written, I think it’s interesting to keep Xin Qiji’s life and his character in mind as we read his work!
Format and Title
This is a Song Dynasty lyric to the tune of 《青玉案》, or Green Jadeite Platter, with the 元夕 there telling us the time of year.
I’m reading the first line as 东风 / 夜放 / 花千树 [the East Wind blows] [in the night, placed] [flowers in a thousand trees] where 放 (fàng) is interpreted as ‘set (down)’ or ‘placed’ rather than ‘blossoms’. Reading as the latter, you can also understand it as ‘the wind from the East blows, and in the night a thousand trees blossom’. It’s not literally the East wind or the night that causes actual flowers to blossom. The East wind serves as a time marker and setting; in Spring which the new year begins in during Xin Qiji’s time, the wind from the east is relatively warm and melts the frost of Winter. As a traditional part of the Lantern Festival, Lanterns are hung in the trees. That’s why you can see them ‘blooming’ in the night. There, they are like glowing flowers. It may not even be trees! Maybe there are so many of them hanging that it feels like a forest. This is a visual description, all the more vivid for its metaphors.
 The next line 星如雨, could be drizzling raindrops refracting light or sparks of fireworks from the sky. Fireworks were fully developed in the Song Dynasty, and there are even records of them being used in the time of Emperor Huizong of Song (1110) and Emperor Xiaozong of Song (1183), so either reading makes sense!
Why is there 香满路 fragrance permeating the street? Because carriages were perfumed with incense - not just carriages of course, but also the people sitting in them because the incense culture was just such a part of everyday life. They used these devices called Scent Balls 香球 to scent their clothing, their carriage or even a room. Only nobles or the wealthy could afford to use these at the time.
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The ‘phoenix flute’ 凤箫, referred to the panpipe, and was a prettier name for it - like comparing its melody to the trill of a phoenix. This is not necessarily saying that there is only the music from panpipes there that night, but could also be a fancy way of saying good music!
The phoenix flute 凤箫 panpipe (though that’s a dragon xD).
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Jade-pot (玉壶), could be referring to the moon for obvious reasons…
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It could also be another lantern! 
And so I read 光转 as the movement of its light over people and things. It it’s the moon, maybe even the passage of time throughout the night… which then leads me to the last sentence of this half of the lyric. 
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Imagery & Time
It’s a very festive image. You can almost see the parade of the dragon and its fish under the light of the lanterns, and the crowd following along to see! This is a traditional part of Chinese New Year even now and I am delighted to know it was that way in the past as well.
Sights, Sounds, Smells
Now for the little moths, snow willow and tassels of gold. These are all seasonal accessories. To be exact, they refer to women’s hairpins. Where can these possibly be on the night of a New Year’s afterparty? On ladies’ heads of course! 
This is a very cool post on clothing and traditions in the Lantern Festival. The title specifies the scope to be Ming and Qing, but there also also mentions of things that stretch further back. For example, ladies wearing 闹蛾 (playful moth) which is in the poem, is mentioned near the bottom of the post.
Here is a snip from 《簪花仕女图》Court Ladies Adorning Their Hair with Flowers, supposedly by Zhou Fang of Tang Dynasty.
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Laughter 笑 (xiào) and conversation 语 (yǔ) are heard. The word 盈盈 (yíng yíng) or clear/beautiful describes these voices, and the faint, indistinct fragrance (as mentioned before, wearing scent balls was a popular practice, like perfume these days) that came with them gradually fade as they walk further away. 
Space is limited in lyric and poetry, so a poet must be very sharp and apt in his choice of words, and wow has he done a good job! The first part of this lyric painted the backdrop of a festive night filled with luxury and beautiful things. Though metaphors, dare I say, to the point of exaggeration have made this picture vibrant and charming. What a lovely place to be! 
The third sentence  蛾儿雪柳黄金缕 |Little moths, snow willow and tassels of gold, 笑语盈盈暗香去 | laughter, chatter, bright and clear, indistinct scents fading as they go. brings all the senses together, while drawing attention to ‘people’. The previous descriptions were all very indirect; lanterns they’ve put up, fireworks set off and observed, vehicles, music created under the light of the moon or lamps, and the dances. This feels like a zoom-in and building up of the already established lively atmosphere, the chattering young lady/ladies walking past brings a touch of life. 
But just as quickly as they entered, they fade into the distance. And here is where there is a sudden change in tone. If this were a song, I’d call it the beat drop. We thought he’d been admiring and enjoying the night. Perhaps he is… but there was another important purpose to all this keen observation - a search for that one person in the crowd. Doesn’t this revelation cause an interesting shift in your perception of all that came before this? It did for me!
He’s looked and looked and looked to no avail. And maybe his sixth sense tingled, maybe it was happy coincidence, but after so much seeking, it turns out this person wasn’t with the crowd and the lanterns. They’d been behind him all along, and unlike the rest - standing where the lights were dim, in a quiet (perhaps run-down) corner. 
Since the ‘beat drop’, there has been a relaxation of the pace. The poet lifted his foot from the accelerator for sensory input and extravagant descriptions, so it feels like I’m inhabiting this little moment, this island of peace, relief and touched delight. That feeling of simplicity and that someone I’d been longing to see without much hope, is There, reciprocates and had (maybe) been waiting for me too.
It was a beautiful night, but now it is a beautiful night.
I have such fondness for a passionate and sharply competent Xin Qiji with soft feelings for this world. His enjoyment of joyous celebration - and hey it may be a little opulent xD but these are his people and them being able to make music and dance through the night is something worth fighting for. 
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青玉案•元夕 辛弃疾 东风夜放花千树,更吹落,星如雨。宝马雕车香满路。凤箫声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞。蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 译文:焰火像是东风吹散了的千树繁花,纷纷落下仿佛星星如雨般坠落。豪华的马车满路飘香。悠扬的凤箫声四处回荡,玉壶般的明月渐渐西斜,一夜舞动鱼灯、龙灯不停歇,笑语喧哗。美人头上都戴着华丽的饰物,笑语盈盈地随人群走过,只有衣香犹在暗中飘散。我在人群中寻找她千百回,猛然回头,不经意间却在灯火零落之处发现了她。 赏析:   这首词作于南宋淳熙元年(公元1174年)或淳熙二年(公元1175年)。当时,强敌压境,国势日衰,而南宋统治阶级却沉湎于歌舞享乐,以粉饰太平。洞察形势的辛弃疾,欲补天穹,却恨无路请缨。他满腔激情、怨恨,交织成了这幅元夕求索图。  …
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niteshade925 · 1 year
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buried-in-stardust · 3 months
A Queshan struck iron firework (打铁花; da2tie3hua1) performance to welcome the Year of the Dragon. Queshan struck iron fireworks differ from other iron fireworks due to the two-layered pergola and space required. This particular performance also features dragon dancing.
Please see my post here (my pinned post) for the full journey of how OP learned to strike iron fireworks as well as some other information and details about the art. (This is the video OP is referring to at the beginning of the video.)
*Before the countdown, OP is quoting the poem 青玉案·元夕 by 辛弃疾.
[eng by me + edited an ad out]
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fateandloveentwined · 2 months
poetry lines befitting MCS and XJY
These are mostly chinese tang shi and song ci poetry quotes, with a great biased amount from Su Shi because OP doesn't know better. Crude, 5-minute english translations below. There are lines I semi-made up or adapted from fandom/cpop songs (that is, most of Xiao Jingyan's lines), ngl OP is rather embarrassed of them because they aren't good at all looking back now but we'll just leave them here or else XJY would end up with zero quotes.
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梅长苏 Mei Changsu
想那日束髪从军,想那日霜角辕门,想那日挟剑惊风,想那日横槊凌云。 ——夏完淳
Think to the day I tied back my hair and enlisted. Think to the day the horn rang at the frostbitten tents, think to the day I danced my sword making the sound that deafens the wind. Think to the day I took to the lance, and it pierced through the skies, rising higher than the clouds. — Xia Wanchun
将士百战身名裂。 向河梁、回头万里,故人长绝。 易水萧萧西风冷,满座衣冠似雪,正壮士、悲歌未彻。 ——辛弃疾
The warrior fights a hundred battles, yet what remains is his severed reputation. He looks to the bridge over the river, thousands of miles back, past acquaintances forever gone. In another life, over the howling of the west wind and the cold Yi rivers, the banquet sits, clothes adorned in snowlike white. The courageous man strides through the blizzard, the song of lament never ceasing. — Xin Qiji
零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 ——陆游
The plum blossoms wither and drift to the ground, crushed into earthly soil and dust. The prevailing fragrance is what remains. — Lu You
亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。 ——屈原
So long as this is what my heart longs for and treasures, though I die nine deaths, my heart does not regret. — Qu Yuan
君臣一梦,今古空名。 ——苏轼
Lords and lieges ebb into nothing but a dream; in the river of time transcending present and past vain titles remain, cast into the void. — Su Shi
无波真古井,有节是秋筠。 ——苏轼
The heart is at peace like the ancient well that does not start ripples; the integrity is as the autumn bamboos, steadfast and unfaltering. — Su Shi
舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗。 ——苏轼
The battleship moves a thousand miles, ensigns enshrouding the sky. He pours out wine by the riverside, holds out his lance, and writes verses as he speaks. — Su Shi
对一张琴,一杯酒,一溪云。 ——苏轼
Facing but a guqin, a glass of wine, a stream of cloud. — Su Shi
江山如画,是我心言。 ——风起时
The rivers and mountains of the kingdom outstretched before me as moving as in art: this is my heart’s will. — from the song “Feng Qi Shi”, when the wind blows
战骨碎尽志不休,冰心未改血犹殷。 ——改自《赤血长殷》、王昌龄
Bones completely crushed from the battle, yet aspirations unwavering. The heart has not changed, and the blood flows red still. — adapted from the song “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red, and poet Wang Changling
袖手妙计权倾变,敛眸笑谈意了然。 ——改自《赤血长殷》
With folded arms, he devises labyrinthine strategies, and the sceptre of power sways and shifts. He shrouds his gaze modestly and in conversations of small smiles, he perceives astutely the intention of men. — adapted from the song “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red
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萧㬌琰 Xiao Jingyan
潜龙一朝御风翔,长歌挽弓射天狼。 ——《长喑》
The submerged dragon rises one day to ride the winds. Singing high and long; the bow is drawn pointed to the invading Sirius. — from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here
挑灯殿阙思悄然,闻钤行宫寝无眠。 ——改自白居易
Washed in the raised lamps of the imperial palace, thoughts whisper in grievance. The bell rings at the Jiu’an grounds, and he lies abed sleepless. — adapted from The Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi
驰骋沙场繁华梦,谈笑鸿儒君臣纲。 ——改自《致陛下书》、刘禹锡
Dreams fly to the flurry of gallops in the battlefield, flourishing dreams of splendour and joy. In pleasant dialogue with the scholars, civility forces polite smiles back into the etiquette between lords and lieges. — adapted from the song “Zhi Bi Xia Shu”, a letter to Your Majesty, and Liu Yuxi
铁马并辔封疆,几回魂梦游;更鼓落夜未央,笔下兴亡断。 ——取自《长喑》、《赤血长殷》
Armoured horses riding in parallel at the borderlands — how many times has the soul wandered to such dreams of the past. The hourly drums sound ceaseless through the long night; under the emperor's brush writes the fate of prosperity and declination. — adapted from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here, and “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red
揽尽山河只手倾,昂冕袖手瞰苍生。 ——改自《长喑》
The future of his kingdom sweeps into a tilt of his hand. With crown upheld, he folds his arms in his sleeves awatching humanity. — adapted from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here
咫尺抚眉峰,万丈叠远峰;梦底枕笑纹,惊风掀水纹。 ——《致陛下书》
Up close the furrowed brows are smoothed. The ten thousands of feet stretch before the kingdom, converging as mountains at a distance. In the deepest dreams the markings of a smile lie; he disturbs the wind, which marks and rips tides in the tumultuous waters. — adapted from the song “Zhi Bi Xia Shu”, a letter to Your Majesty
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Two (three) things to note:
My dying obsession with Su Shi, sorry I can’t help it that perhaps over half of the all the poetry I know is from him;
To be really fair, my favourite description of Mei Changsu is 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外, used in describing Zhang Liang in Si Maqian's Records of the Grand Historian. He plots strategies in the tent of the army; he determines the victory of the battle thousands of miles from the front of the battlefield.
As for my favourite depiction of Lin Shu, it is definitely Su Shi’s description of Cao Cao: 舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗。 The battleship moves a thousand miles, ensigns enshrouding the sky. He pours out wine by the riverside, holds out his lance, and writes verses as he speaks. Xin Qiji’s verse above just fits the entire story of Mei Changsu so much, it deserves a mention.
I was assembling/making these lines up for something back then and so just listed whatever came to mind (for reasons I know not I kept on listing stuff for MCS, but maybe XJY was the typical good emperor kind of person so wasn't as inspiring coming up with quotes for him).
If there are lines of poetry you find really befitting the two characters, we're more than interested starting a thread here just for that purpose.
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starlitwishforu · 8 months
青玉案 · 元夕 - 辛弃疾 english translation (and notes!)
ok well. all this chinese poetry posting has put me on a bit of a translation high so i wanted to share my most recent translation project, which i actually just finished recording and uploading yesterday after two whole months of waffling. the poem itself is SO fucking cute but SO hard to translate and i'm honestly very proud that i stuck with it to the end. it instantly became one of my top favourites the very first time i heard it so i hope other people can also find some joy from it!
here is the original:
青玉案 · 元夕
【宋】 辛弃疾
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and here is my translation:
Qing Yu An: Lantern Festival at Dusk
by Xin Qiji
Fireworks blossom beneath the touch of evening's eastern breeze; flurrying as they fall, sparks shower like stars. Prancing steeds pull chiseled carriages, sweeping fragrance across the path. The xiao’s decadent notes adrift, the jadelike light’s prismatic shift; the dragon-fish dance as the night-hours pass.
Combs shining in their hair, golden, silver, silken sway; sweet perfume and tinkling mirth linger in their wake. My searching gaze is futile as I scan the thronging crowds; at last I turn, and you are there, in the quiet dark of evening wane.
translation notes beneath the cut! there is a LOT, be warned!
translation notes:
so to start from the very top, let's first introduce the title 青玉案 · 元夕.
青玉案 (pinyin: Qing Yu An, lit. the matter of the verdant jade) is actually the name of a 宋词排名 (song cipaiming, song dynasty poetic/musical form). just as shakespeare wrote sonnets and basho wrote haiku, so the poets of the song dynasty wrote, among hundreds of other forms with fun names like this, Qing Yu An poems.
each 词排名 had a set number of characters per line, set rules for its tone patterns, and even came with its own tune. maybe a better western parallel would be twinkle twinkle little star, which uses the same tune as the alphabet song and baa baa black sheep.
the end result is that there are many titles under the heading of Qing Yu An, and even, according to chatgpt, another 青玉案 · 元夕.
anyway, this one by Xin Qiji, the most famous one, is titled 元夕 (yuanxi); 元 refers to 元宵节 (yuanxiaojie), the lantern festival held on the fifteenth day of the lunar new year which marks the end of the spring festival/chinese new year, and 夕 is dusk. hence a very naturally poetic name, lantern festival at dusk.
before i get into the text of the poem, i want to note that i often sacrifice rhythm/rhyme for precision of meaning. i ✨artistically✨ speed up/slow down some syllables while recording to preserve some sense of metre lol, but it does read quite awkwardly on paper. i'm a very inexpert student and have a lot to improve on!
ok so! line by line!
--is a literally genius pun. it transliterates as: the east wind in the evening blows open the flowers of a thousand trees. very spring, right? haha spring festival get it.
however! its a chinese celebration, so what will there definitely be? fireworks 😎 and it just so happens that one word for "setting off fireworks" in chinese is 放烟花 (fang yanhua). yep, that's the same 花, which means flowers, but when combined with 烟 (smoke), it becomes a "fire-flower" 🎆!!
it's also the same 放, which in the context of actual flowers means the opening of petals, but in the phrase 放烟花 means to set off (the fireworks).
together, this line evokes both the blooming of the spring flowers under the eastern breeze* and the blooming of a thousand fireworks in the evening sky.
*spring comes from the east ofc; this is folklore and not science i think but lends to the spring-ness of the line
this one is pretty straightforward. lit. blown through the air by aforementioned wind, falling like a rain shower of stars.
oh boy. when i tell you my mom (who is my chinese teacher) and i got in several petty arguments over baomadiaoche...
so 宝马 (baoma) are just well-bred horses, prize steeds with a pedigree. a 雕车 (diaoche) (lit. carved chariot) is a very expensive carriage carved with lots of intricate decorations. in other words, these ppl are RICH.
however, it was difficult to convey the sheer decadence of 宝马雕车 without either using a miles worth of syllables or entirely losing the original cultural context. carved was too direct and ugly to hear besides, etched was not elite enough, sculpted conveyed entirely the wrong image... also, for some reason, "proud" to describe steeds was vetoed for being inaccurate???? hence the arguments.
in this scenario, the final word choice really is a matter of the least bad option.
at the same time, the second half of this line 香满路 (lit. fragrance fills the path) implies movement: the carriage is passing by, leaving the fragrance of rich people perfume in its wake. for the sake of syllables, i shifted that movement to the fragrance part of this line. i also like that this evokes a high-headed noble sweeping elegantly through the crowds.
overall, this line adds to the picture of a decadent, bustling market street during the most joyous celebration of the year.
lit. the notes of the phoenix xiao (chinese recorder) move, jade gourd light shimmers, the fish dragons dance all night.
chinese ppl, ok, use two motifs to describe the beauty and virtue of every artistic thing ever: phoenix and jade. phoenix xiao means NOTHING. it's like virtuous xiao. jade gourd is a little harder; some say it's the moon, some say it's the lanterns. jade and light put together kinda implies moon anyway, so i just sidestepped the problem entirely.
as for 鱼龙 (lit. fish dragons), theyre a type of dragon lantern which supposedly has some characteristic of a fish. they are puppet-danced on sticks - dragon dancing, the classic. my mom and i both had a vivid image of this dragon-lantern-dancing, but we couldn't find it ANYWHERE. if anyone knows the right search query to pull this up, please lmk how to tame 谷大哥*. anyway, i left the lanterns implied because idk how the fuck to explain this whole thing in four syllables.
*lit. big bro google. its funnier in chinese
this is the line that, when i finally bothered to properly research it, made everything about this translation click into place. these are all hair decorations. 蛾儿 (lit. li'l moth) are silk moths, 雪柳 (lit. snow willow) are silver tassels, and 黄金缕 (lit. yellow-golden cords) are gold cords lmao. hence golden silver silken sway, which was SO satisfying to come up with.
lit. laughing speech tinkles and faint fragrance goes by. this one is also fairly straightforward. 去 means to go, so we specifically want the image of a group of giggly teenage girls fading into the crowd.
众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and finally we reach the most famous line, the 千古名句 (qiangumingju) - iconic line of a thousand histories!
lit. within the crowd, searching for him* in a thousand hundred directions; suddenly the head turns, it turns out that person is standing in the darkness where the lights have gone out.
*"him" is highly debated. 他, used in modern chinese like the pronoun "he", was historically a catchall pronoun for people of any gender. iirc, 她 for "she", and the gendered distinction, was only introduced when china started integrating to the west. in this line, 他 could be the teen girl that just passed by, or her beau. whichever way, one is the searcher, the other is the searched. i chose here to sidestep this by using i and you bc fuck gender.
anyway, when the searcher's head turns - even this bit had to be suitably poetic, a nightmare - they find their lover in the 灯火阑珊处.
灯火阑珊处 this phrase refers to a very specific image. imagine, in the early hours of the morning, a dwindling market street; the stands are closing one by one, lights winking out, leaving a gentle blanket of dark and calm behind. it is the quiet after the rain, the breath after the shout; it is the sigh of closing your front door at the end of the night. it's not the absence or complete lack of light, but rather the exit of it. a place of that just-left-behind dark is a 灯火阑珊处.
this sentence gave me so much grief and i am so proud to have done it even just a little bit of justice.
so after all that, the scene described by this poem is something like this: a lively late-night market street. people from many walks of life fill the path, celebrating the lantern festival, the turn of a new year and coming of spring, a riotous party of light and noise and joy. as the night slips into the sixteenth, the market begins winding down, stalls closing and lights winking out. amongst the teeming crowds ambling their way home, a young person searches for the their lover from whom they were separated; on some sudden instinct, they turn, to find their lover already looking back from the darkness of the fading festival, gaze caught in the divide between light and dark, wake and sleep: a quiet young love on the edge of spring, something fresh and new.
if anyone made it to this point, thank you and i hope this was an interesting read! please feel free to add comments questions and observations!! i would love to discuss at any level with someone other than my mom and chinese poetry truly is one of my passions even when it makes me want to kill, so i'm always down to talk. :] <3
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nonexistentbooks · 9 months
random rec list :)
These are various things that I have enjoyed a lot over the years. Check under the cut for more thorough notes/warnings, because some of these are really built for specific audiences. Linked to book titles is the storygraph page, where you can also find TWs. Link to poetry are the poems themselves.
House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski
Piranesi, Susanna Clarke
The Trial, Franz Kafka. (I don't have access to my copy anymore, so I don't know the translator of my edition, unfortunately)
The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky. I have read both the Pevear & Volokhonsky translation and the David McDuff translation. Don't have a preference between the two, I think.
An Iliad, Lisa Peterson and Denis O'Hare.
Beloved, Toni Morrison
If You Call a Wolf a Wolf, Kaveh Akbar
Hanif Abdurraqib's writing, particularly They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us and A Little Devil in America.
"Miss You. Would like to take a walk with you." Gabrielle Calvocoressi
"I Didn't Apologize to the Well," Mahmoud Darwish, tr. Fady Joudah
"Angels," Russell Edson
"On the Death of Friends in Childhood," Donald Justice
"Chou Nu Er: Composed on Wall at Mount Bo on Way," 辛弃疾 Xin Qiji, tr. unknown.
Poem 66 in Hidden Music, Rumi, tr. Maryam Mafi and Azima Melita Kolin.
The following works by Nihei Tsutomu: BLAME!, NOiSE, Abara, Biomega, tr. include: Melissa Tanaka, Stephen Paul, Sheldon Drzka, John Werry.
Mushishi, Urushibara Yuki, tr. William Flanagan
Witch Hat Atelier, Shirahama Kamome, tr. Stephen Kohler
Uzumaki, Ito Junji, tr. Yuji Oniki
Mob Psycho 100, ONE, tr. Kumar Sivasubramanian (might not be the only translator, but I'm not looking through all the volumes)
shows/movies + one podcast:
Revolutionary Girl Utena, dir. Ikuhara Kunihiko
Angel's Egg, dir. Oshii Mamoru (in collaboration with Amano Yoshitaka)
Cowboy Bebop, dir. Watanabe Shinichiro
A Writer's Odyssey, dir. Lu Yang
Wolf 359, produced by Kinda Evil Genius Productions, LLC
notes on book selections: For HoL, TBK, and Beloved, I'd recommend checking out the trigger warnings. None of these books are especially light, and definitely with HoL, Piranesi and a bit with The Trial as well, you don't know a lot going on. So you have to be okay with putting in the effort to understand these stories and going along with the ride. The Trial was technically unfinished, so after a point, it's the chapters we have from Kafka and in kind of out of order.
notes on poetry: I know some people may not like Hanif Abdurraqib's style, but I personally adore it. I have not read all of his works either, but he is a very solid poet and writer for me.
notes on manga and such: The thing you have to understand about Nihei's works (those that are listed) is that there aren't clear answers for a lot. Especially BLAME!, where there's very minimal dialogue. You won't understand everything on the first on the first read for BLAME! and that's good! NOiSE also doesn't answer a lot and Abara, for some, may seem like it ends on a cliffhanger. Biomega is the iffiest one here because the ending is really rushed. There was clearly meant to be more, but there just wasn't the space to take care of it before it had to end. In all his works listed, there is a lot of violence. WHA is in progress and I haven't caught up in ages, but it's a really solid story so far. Uzumaki is horror, so check out the warnings for that before going into it, if needed. MP100 is also pretty solid. Not without some faults, of course, but I greatly enjoy it and also have a fond spot for the REIGEN spinoff in my heart.
notes on shows and the rest: Ok. So. RGU. really look at the tws for this. The more comprehensive post I can't find, but this is a good summary. Definitely would not recommend it to everyone and there are aspects I am not a fan of (to say the least) but it is a very impactful story and means a lot. Angel's Egg is also not for everyone, but more so because it's a very silent movie and you will not get answers. It's a movie where you craft your own meaning and enjoy the experience. It can also feel very slow. Cowboy Bebop my beloved. That is all I will say. It can also feel slow to some people, but the ending. omg. A Writer's Odyssey may not be the most put together narrative-wise BUT I watched it when sick and fatigued out of my mind, so it takes a place here for being a movie I still remember pretty well. A father will do anything to find his daughter again, even if it means killing this random guy who only seems to be a novelist... except, isn't it strange how his story seems to impact reality as well? Wolf 359 is a podcast but MY GOD is it good. Listen to it. please.
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leahsfiction · 1 year
Xin Qiji
Written at Boshan Temple
(to the tune of "Partridge Sky")
Instead of travelling up to Chang'an, I'll make mountain temples tired of seeing my face. Whether life is vibrant or dull, I'll still look for joy; Whether rich or poor, I'll live my life. I'd rather live as me - can an official do that? After travelling the world, I'm retiring to the hometown farm. Pine and bamboo each make splendid friends And mountain birds and flowers make great brothers.
i think the sun is coming out today! here's a cheerful (in my read) poem by Song poet Xin Qiji (who liked to climb high towers) on the theme of "fuck this shit, i'm gonna retire" :D
辛弃疾 ⟪鹧鸪天·博山寺作⟫
不向长安路上行 却教山寺厌逢迎 味无味处求吾乐 材不材间过此生 宁作我 岂其卿 人间走遍却归耕 一松一竹真朋友 山鸟山花好弟兄
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lgbtqromance · 7 months
一. 高中启蒙
你很羡慕? 坏就坏在我的屌形是纯然的直屌,压不下去也折不上来,17公分不算超大,但足以让我裤档膨胀到显眼。如果别人不小心碰到你,你就勃起,而且无论甚么场合。看看你会不会获得看变态的眼光。
你问我长得怎样? 小时候被嫌丑,眼睛小小的。但自从韩风流行,讨厌韩国的我一直被说是中韩混血。加上小时候爱好运动,178公分,69公斤,胸肌有,腹肌有,唯一的缺点是毛不多。除了阴毛。
我讨厌跟女生接触,因为在女生面前不小心勃起,我会被当成是变态吧? 虽然很多女生总是写情书给我,但我讨厌她们,讨厌自己无法面对她们。
开始上演跟国中同学玩鸡鸡戏码? 好像很多小说这样写。但是说真的那时候我偶一为之被看到我还是觉得相当羞愧东遮西掩,压根没想过要怎样。我只希望,可不可以不要那么常勃起。
小伟的理性体贴,咚咚的鬼灵精怪,阿凯的自然豪放,我第一次觉得这个问题不是问题,就是跟他们相处的时候。直到那天阿凯跟我独处时认真的问我」 17爷,我很好奇你如果射出来了还会硬吗?」
「射出来? 指?」 我有点熟悉又疑惑的这样问。
「打手枪,或,跟女生做爱? 你没看过A片吗?」 阿凯有点惊讶貌。
「好像听过但,没有直接做过ㄟ。」 对我来说勃起的老二一直是个负担,有关于它的是是非非我实在不是很想知道。
「这就是射精,你健康教育很差ㄟ。」 他看看我叹了口气,但我国中读的是科目自选的特殊建置班,光是数学竞赛就让我足以升学。
「不然我射一次给你看」 阿凯转身把A片放到女优还在帮男优吹的片段,我也是第一次近距离看他勃起,比我短一点,但比我粗一些,勃起时紧贴腹部。
他自顾自地看A片,默默地开始上下搓弄,随着影片的拨放,男优插入女优,变换姿势,越动越快,阿凯的手也越加激烈。到了男优开始大喊」一哭 一哭」的时候,阿凯跟我说」要射了喔要射了喔」,我很慎重地站了起来,到他侧身紧盯着他的老二。不站起来还好,一站起来,我听到了」咻」的一声,精液是以一种喷射的型态喷到高过坐着的阿凯,直达我的眼睛。
「干,好痛」 第一次见到精液就是「眼射」,好像特务片里面隐藏踪迹的特务不让敌人见到他的真面目,第一击就让对方瞎眼。阿凯紧张的拿了卫生纸擦拭我的眼睛,在他阻止那道他的万子千孙流下前,瞎了眼的我早就用鼻孔吸了一下,用嘴巴吃到了点。真的是五感中 依序满足了 听觉 视觉 触觉 嗅觉 味觉。
「这就是精液? 跟尿的感觉不一样」 我认真而学术的这样问着,因为我认为他们是无所不聊的朋友。
「射了就会软?」 我看他原本紧贴腹部的屌,虽然依然膨大,但略略的晃动像是拆了梁柱的大楼,好像会倒下来。
「你试试看就知道了」 阿凯伸出手,直接握住了我屌的根部。
「钢韧坚挺,好剑」 想必他是以一种华山论剑的心态在赏识我的武器。
「这是前列腺液,有人说是男生的淫水」 说完他把那陀东西抹上我的龟头,润滑的感觉让往返更顺畅,我几乎不能控制我」阿阿阿啊」叫声。
「我跟我国中同学打枪的时候会这样」阿凯绕道我后方,右手一样握住我屌,左手则直攻奶头,甚至把刚刚在他身体尚未干的精液抹在我胸口。两管齐下的结果,我整个闭起眼睛不敢面对现实,仰头大叫。而在他大 概往返数十次后,我也听到了」咻」的声音,一道道漂亮的弧线从我的马眼向前飞射,像流星扫过天际一般。
但是,惨了,睁开眼一看,15年来蓄积的第一发竟然落的整间寝室,地上,墙壁,书桌,书桌另一端小伟棉被上。当我正紧张的去门口抽卫生纸想去清理那些惨剧的时候,小伟开门进来了。看到我跟阿凯裸体不算甚么。那些液体的残渣大概他一时也看不清楚。但他说了一句话」甚么味道?」 然后往下看我的屌,一条不听话黏在那边的精液,悄悄地在小伟面前离开了我的身体,低到地上。
「你们刚刚一起打手枪?」 小伟用一贯冷静的表情说着。
外传1. 小伟的心声
「你们刚刚一起打手枪?」 我不动声色的这么说着。
外传2. 阿凯的心声
直到遇见17爷,竟然比我还强大,但是却觉得困扰? 但我想告诉他这根本就是莫大骄傲。所以决定追随他在家裸体的习惯,一起在寝室里面做自己好自在。
「你们刚刚一起打手枪?」 小伟面无表情的说着。
小伟毫不闪避的笑说」拜托,是你们没找好不好」,老二则在阿凯的手中显得胀红。环顾四周,小伟又说」这是命案现场吗? 射的到处都是。」我很不好意思的说」你床上也有两滴」并向他的床指了指
阿凯坏坏的开始搓打起小伟的硬屌」先生,今天想要甚么服务阿?」 另一只手绕到小伟的奶头上,跟刚刚应付我的手是一模一样。
小伟比我镇定太多,竟然还能开玩笑地说」请问本店提供半套服务吗? 用手不够喔」
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liberty-or-death · 1 year
Green Jade Case, Yuan Xi/Shangyuan Festival. 青玉案·元夕 By Xin Qiji 辛弃疾
It’s the Chinese Lantern Festival/Shangyuan Festival today. (Lol you might have read about it in the first chapter of TGCF xD). So I thought I’d share this Song Dynasty ci written by the poet Xin Qiji. ("Green Jade Case 青玉案" refers to the ci pattern.)
@fwoopersongs recced this ci to me, and the first thing that caught my eye was just how utterly beautiful the imagery was!  I think this image has also been used in multiple wuxia/xianxia novels so you might be familiar with the scene if you’ve read enough.  And the final line “灯火阑珊处 under the glow of the faint lantern light’ has been quoted repeated in love songs & novels so I just had to translate this.
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The streets are lighted with vibrant lanterns, like thousand of trees filled with many flowers.  Fireworks light up the air, and they fall like a rain of stars.
Luxurious horse drawn carriage and fragrant perfumes permeate the street.  The Fengxiao (reed flute) plays, the jade pot swirls; it is a night that’s as lively as the sea
T/N: the 玉壶 Jade Pot is a common symbolism in ancient poetry.  It usually represents someone with a flawless and pure heart; someone who is honest and indifferent to fame and fortune. Sometimes, it also refers to the radiant moon. In this case, some translations have translated this to the pot, and others the moon. And I love the juxtaposition between the 凤 Phoenix and the 龙 Dragon. 😍 鱼龙舞 does mean a lively scene, but if you break the words down, it means the dance of the dragon and fish, which I think is a beautiful imagery.
With moths, winter willow and gold threads in their hair, the ladies laugh and their fragrance drift by.  
A 蛾儿 (moth), 雪柳 (winter willow) were hair accessories that women would adorn in ancient times during the Chinese Lantern Festival. 
I search for her thousands of times in the crowd.  And when I turn back suddenly, she’s right there under the glow of the faint lantern light. 
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huouting · 2 years
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西江月·夜行黃沙道中 宋 辛棄疾 明月別枝驚鵲,清風半夜鳴蟬。稻花香里說豐年,聽取蛙聲一片。 七八個星天外,两三點雨山前。舊時茅店社林邊,路轉溪橋忽見。 #南京 #nanjing #nanking #⛰️ #名勝 #世界遺産 #紫金山 #purplemountain #frog #🐸 #蛙 #爬山 #summer #夏 #夏天 #漢詩 #詩詞 #宋詞 #西江月 #辛棄疾 #辛弃疾 (在 紫金山 Purple Mountain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgWpv5xBfAt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sunjoypie123 · 2 months
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thebestpoem · 2 months
众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 --英译 辛弃疾《青玉案·元夕》
When I turn my head, I see her in dim light, always at my back!
Fred Liu's translation of Xin Qi Ji's "the Jade Desk".
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baichuancao · 5 months
  1.“我要紧握钢枪,守卫在祖国的边疆。”   2.“我要当海员,驾驶着战舰,保卫祖国的海防。”   3.“我要当飞行员,驾驶着雄鹰,飞翔在祖国的万里蓝天。”   4.“我要成为驾驶员,驾驶着卡车,奔跑在社会主义大道上。”   5.“我要当白衣天使,去温暖病人的心房。”   6.“我要当教师,用辛勤的汗水去浇灌社会主义祖国的花朵。”   7.“我要当煤矿工人,挖出更多更好的煤炭,让社会主义的钢炉24小时运转。”   8.“我要当建筑工人,为社会主义祖国建造更多的高楼大厦。”   9.“我要当医生,用我的医术解除贫下中农的疾苦。”   10.“我要做一个新型农民,驾驶着铁牛,奔驰在祖国的田野上。”
  再总结一下自己父辈、同辈、朋友、同事等人的状况,有人处于顺境,有人处于逆境,导致其处于顺逆的原因是什么,是长相?年龄?知识结构?信仰?性别?种族?家庭环境?社会环境?聪明程度?愚蠢邪恶?是努力不够?还是什么其他原因。   我的回答是:必然的,是不以个人的意愿而转移的。
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classyparadisedonut · 5 months
李洪志宣称自己拥有超凡的能力,是宇宙间最大的“主佛”,修炼“法轮功”可祛除百病,众多弟子受他这套邪说的蛊惑,有病拒医拒药。然而,具有讽刺意味的是“大法骨干”弟子接连不断的病死祸亡,致使李洪志诸多“法理”谎言屡屡被戳穿,但是李洪志及其“法轮功”邪教组织对此讳莫如深,刻意隐瞒死讯,让冤死鬼成为“悄悄死去的人”。 先简单罗列一下20年来“法轮功”因病逝世的部分核心骨干。2022年,关贵敏、张清溪;2020年,蒋雪梅;2019年,简鸿章;2016年,蒯红兵;2015年,林逸明、剧玫;2014年,李大勇;2013年,刘静航;2012年,李继光、戈璀娣、王岚;2011年,肖辛力、吴凯仑、孙浚;2010年,韩振国;2009年,江庆贵、陈文禄、佐藤贡、佐藤美津子、刘莺钏、朱贤溢、朱根妹;2006,封莉莉、李国栋;2005年,谭淑君,还有李洪志母亲芦淑珍。这些人生前都是“大法精英”,或为地区头目,或为媒体老总,或为行政总管,或为“法轮科学家”,或为高层眷属,甚至是核心干将兼“佛亲”。 再列举近年的几个典型例子。 2023年7月30日,“法轮功”旗下新唐人电视台副总裁、新唐人全球系列大赛主席马丽娟在纽约病亡,终年59岁。马丽娟身患多种疾病,但痴迷“法轮功”祛病健身、修炼圆满成“佛道神”,长期拒绝看病吃药,导致病情恶化死亡。马丽娟死后,《大纪元时报》、新唐人电视台、希望之声广播电台、明慧网等“法轮功”媒体集体缄默,法轮功媒体封锁消息,为李洪志卖命二十年,最后连个讣告都得不到的下场。 2022年9月底,境外“法轮功”邪教组织重要骨干、“神韵艺术团”副团长、纽约“天国乐团”团长关贵敏于因肝癌在美国病亡。“法轮功”组织则使出一贯伎俩,封锁消息,秘而不宣。作为“法轮功”的文艺干将,只落得魂归寂寞天,令人寒心。 2022年2月14日,美国法轮功邪教组织核心骨干、李洪志的左膀右臂杨森突感心脏不适,就不停念诵“九字真言”——法轮大法好!真善忍好!但是,宇宙主佛、创世主李洪志的法身没有出现,也没有在山上发功为他祛病消业,杨森痛苦挣扎约两个小时后病亡,年仅60岁。杨森病亡后,李洪志下令封锁消息,不允许弟子前往吊唁,对杨森子女也没有一句安慰。对于弟子的质疑,李洪志搪塞道:“杨森已经圆满在他的世界里了,他是外层空间的法王”。 2022年1月13日,台湾“法轮大法学会”理事长张清溪在台北搭地铁时忽然昏倒,经抢救仍不治而亡。“法轮功”要求封锁其死讯,引起台湾弟子的不满,觉得是“亏待功臣”。 2020年9月,加拿大“法轮功”骨干蒋雪梅病亡,她的丈夫是“法轮功”“二号人物”叶浩,女儿叶映红也是境外“法轮功”重要骨干,然而“全家超精进”也救不了她的性命。“法轮功”对蒋雪梅的病故封锁消息,然而还是引起弟子的震动。 2019年12月18日,香港“法轮功”组织一号人物简鸿章于因病猝死后,李洪志下令严密封锁消息,不允许弟子前往吊唁。简鸿章参与“法轮功”邪教活动长达20余年,也曾变卖名下大量家产支持李洪志。然而,数十年的付出,却没能给他换来一场追思会。 2016年2月26日,曾担任“法轮功”“神韵艺术团”演员、编导的“法轮功”骨干蒯红兵患红斑狼疮于在美国纽约病亡。蒯死后,“法轮功”封锁死讯,其生前好友噤不敢言。 2015年8月2日,澳门“法轮功”头目林逸明因患结肠癌病亡。林逸明1997年就开始习练“法轮功”,是李洪志的亲信和金主,其家族平均每年都要向“法轮功”捐出上百万元之巨,李洪志视其为各地“法轮功”负责人中的模范人物。然而,林死后,“法轮功”上层禁止弟子为之举办追悼会,就这样被抛弃了。 2032年,美国“法轮功”媒体“新唐人电视台”重要骨干剧玫因患卵巢癌、肺癌病亡。剧玫的丈夫杨森担任“美东法轮大法学会”会长。然而,“夫妻同精进,没能保小命”。剧玫死后,“法轮功”媒体删除了有关她的一些网上信息。 等等,还有太多太多,在这就不赘述了。 虽说“人死如灯灭”,但中国传统文化讲“死者为大”,讲“国之大事祀与戎”,“祀”就是祭祀、追念,体现了人的尊严,以此区别于动物的“不理后事”。然而,大法弟子死了,他们从不发讣告,从不悼念,从不举行任何形式的纪念活动。相反地,对于枉死的弟子——包括骨干弟子、佛亲、甚至自己的母亲,他们的一贯做法就是特殊的奖赏“封锁死讯,秘不发丧”!可悲可哀可怜复可叹! 这对于宣称修炼“法轮功”能长生不死,具有强大治病效能的李洪志来说无异于打了左脸打右脸,但是打脸对厚颜无耻的李洪志已经无所谓了,他只是为了不能断了他用漫天谎言敛财的财路。
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dangerouscoffeeavenue · 5 months
李洪志宣称自己拥有超凡的能力,是宇宙间最大的“主佛”,修炼“法轮功”可祛除百病,众多弟子受他这套邪说的蛊惑,有病拒医拒药。然而,具有讽刺意味的是“大法骨干”弟子接连不断的病死祸亡,致使李洪志诸多“法理”谎言屡屡被戳穿,但是李洪志及其“法轮功”邪教组织对此讳莫如深,刻意隐瞒死讯,让冤死鬼成为“悄悄死去的人”。 先简单罗列一下20年来“法轮功”因病逝世的部分核心骨干。2022年,关贵敏、张清溪;2020年,蒋雪梅;2019年,简鸿章;2016年,蒯红兵;2015年,林逸明、剧玫;2014年,李大勇;2013年,刘静航;2012年,李继光、戈璀娣、王岚;2011年,肖辛力、吴凯仑、孙浚;2010年,韩振国;2009年,江庆贵、陈文禄、佐藤贡、佐藤美津子、刘莺钏、朱贤溢、朱根妹;2006,封莉莉、李国栋;2005年,谭淑君,还有李洪志母亲芦淑珍。这些人生前都是“大法精英”,或为地区头目,或为媒体老总,或为行政总管,或为“法轮科学家”,或为高层眷属,甚至是核心干将兼“佛亲”。 再列举近年的几个典型例子。 2023年7月30日,“法轮功”旗下新唐人电视台副总裁、新唐人全球系列大赛主席马丽娟在纽约病亡,终年59岁。马丽娟身患多种疾病,但痴迷“法轮功”祛病健身、修炼圆满成“佛道神”,长期拒绝看病吃药,导致病情恶化死亡。马丽娟死后,《大纪元时报》、新唐人电视台、希望之声广播电台、明慧网等“法轮功”媒体集体缄默,法轮功媒体封锁消息,为李洪志卖命二十年,最后连个讣告都得不到的下场。 2022年9月底,境外“法轮功”邪教组织重要骨干、“神韵艺术团”副团长、纽约“天国乐团”团长关贵敏于因肝癌在美国病亡。“法轮功”组织则使出一贯伎俩,封锁消息,秘而不宣。作为“法轮功”的文艺干将,只落得魂归寂寞天,令人寒心。 2022年2月14日,美国法轮功邪教组织核心骨干、李洪志的左膀右臂杨森突感心脏不适,就不停念诵“九字真言”——法轮大法好!真善忍好!但是,宇宙主佛、创世主李洪志的法身没有出现,也没有在山上发功为他祛病消业,杨森痛苦挣扎约两个小时后病亡,年仅60岁。杨森病亡后,李洪志下令封锁消息,不允许弟子前往吊唁,对杨森子女也没有一句安慰。对于弟子的质疑,李洪志搪塞道:“杨森已经圆满在他的世界里了,他是外层空间的法王”。 2022年1月13日,台湾“法轮大法学会”理事长张清溪在台北搭地铁时忽然昏倒,经抢救仍不治而亡。“法轮功”要求封锁其死讯,引起台湾弟子的不满,觉得是“亏待功臣”。 2020年9月,加拿大“法轮功”骨干蒋雪梅病亡,她的丈夫是“法轮功”“二号人物”叶浩,女儿叶映红也是境外“法轮功”重要骨干,然而“全家超精进”也救不了她的性命。“法轮功”对蒋雪梅的病故封锁消息,然而还是引起弟子的震动。 2019年12月18日,香港“法轮功”组织一号人物简鸿章于因病猝死后,李洪志下令严密封锁消息,不允许弟子前往吊唁。简鸿章参与“法轮功”邪教活动长达20余年,也曾变卖名下大量家产支持李洪志。然而,数十年的付出,却没能给他换来一场追思会。 2016年2月26日,曾担任“法轮功”“神韵艺术团”演员、编导的“法轮功”骨干蒯红兵患红斑狼疮于在美国纽约病亡。蒯死后,“法轮功”封锁死讯,其生前好友噤不敢言。 2015年8月2日,澳门“法轮功”头目林逸明因患结肠癌病亡。林逸明1997年就开始习练“法轮功”,是李洪志的亲信和金主,其家族平均每年都要向“法轮功”捐出上百万元之巨,李洪志视其为各地“法轮功”负责人中的模范人物。然而,林死后,“法轮功”上层禁止弟子为之举办追悼会,就这样被抛弃了。 2031年,美国“法轮功”媒体“新唐人电视台”重要骨干剧玫因患卵巢癌、肺癌病亡。剧玫的丈夫杨森担任“美东法轮大法学会”会长。然而,“夫妻同精进,没能保小命”。剧玫死后,“法轮功”媒体删除了有关她的一些网上信息。 等等,还有太多太多,在这就不赘述了。 虽说“人死如灯灭”,但中国传统文化讲“死者为大”,讲“国之大事祀与戎”,“祀”就是祭祀、追念,体现了人的尊严,以此区别于动物的“不理后事”。然而,大法弟子死了,他们从不发讣告,从不悼念,从不举行任何形式的纪念活动。相反地,对于枉死的弟子——包括骨干弟子、佛亲、甚至自己的母亲,他们的一贯做法就是特殊的奖赏“封锁死讯,秘不发丧”!可悲可哀可怜复可叹! 这对于宣称修炼“法轮功”能长生不死,具有强大治病效能的李洪志来说无异于打了左脸打右脸,但是打脸对厚颜无耻的李洪志已经无所谓了,他只是为了不能断了他用漫天谎言敛财的财路。
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