seiyuu-gallery · 4 months
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
The Grow 2 (2015) 金箍棒传奇2:沙僧的逆袭
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Director: Ha Lei Screenwriter: Wang Bing / Ha Lei / Ma Hua / Tong Jinjing Starring: Yu Li / Wu Tianhao / Rong Rong / Zhang Yuan Genre: Comedy / Animation / Adventure Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2015-05-29 (Mainland China) Duration: 91 minutes Also known as: 金箍棒传奇2 / The Legend of the Golden Hoop 2 / 夺宝幸运星大电影之金箍棒传奇2 / Happy Journey to the West 2 / 开心西游记2 / The Grow 2 Type: Retelling
Tang Seng was captured by monsters, but the remaining Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing argued endlessly because of a crisis of trust. The situation was very critical for a while. It turns out that Sha Wujing was once a half-demon who went astray, but at a critical moment, he was enlightened by the Arhat who subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger, and returned to the right path. The Tathagata Buddha entrusted Sha Wujing with a very important task, which was to secretly help Sun Wukong, the stone monkey who is the star of the journey to the west.
After some twists and turns, the three brothers finally cleared up their misunderstanding and followed the clues to a different space. Here, what awaited them were the powerful Four Heavenly Kings of the Netherworld. Only by breaking through the palace of the four evil spirits guarded by them, can the barrier be broken and Tang Seng be rescued. However, Sha Wujing and others who fought bravely to save Master did not know that they had fallen into a trap carefully set by the leader of the Tai Sui Special Forces
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grow_2
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQWJAlYkvxk&ab_channel=LiWeiChiu
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huana966 · 2 months
游戏网址: 《www.379983.com》 【真人赌场】客服危信:ajun_li666888:电话微信同步:17874186869;TG电报@Ajun88668 )百家乐1炸金花1龙虎1牛牛1公平1公正1正规1二十四小时支持视频验证| USDT | 银行卡|缅币|泰铢支持各类上分软件
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nagabajuungu · 3 months
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Ci Sha is THE Guo Jing, nobody else 🔥🔥🔥.
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sdeggfgfrg12 · 8 months
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3201487018qqqq · 2 years
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3201487018qqq · 2 years
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QQ 3201487018  订 制女神级别 甜美萝莉 双胞胎 姐妹花 干练女强人 不良少女 极品少妇 空姐 处女  网红 明星 福利姬 榨汁机  十年匠心精神 高端品质提供专业外围 金牌诚信服务
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【人物故事】 Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg(七)第一次世界大戰-親戚內戰
1914第一次世界大戰開打,因為三位兄弟都代表英軍作戰,Ena站在英國所屬的協約國方。而婆婆瑪麗亞·克莉絲蒂娜的娘家則是同盟國方的奧匈帝國。據說,阿方索十三世以不希望戰爭直接在家中開打,宣佈西班牙在這場戰爭中保持中立。事實上,此時的西班牙國力已不大不如前,不輕易捲入戰爭,對國家而言,或許是最好的選擇。 戰爭開打沒多久,噩耗便傳來了,Ena的幼弟莫里斯在一場攻擊中喪生。而Ena才剛生下最後一個孩子岡札羅,這孩子的一長串名字中茂里西歐(Mauricio)就是為了紀念這位舅舅的西班牙文版。莫里斯因為在家族改名前喪生,因此,他被稱為巴騰堡的莫里斯王子,不像家中其餘親戚改成英式拼寫的蒙巴頓,並成被降階成貴族。 至於為什麼突然要改姓呢?原因在於戰爭開打後,英國內部反德意識高漲,為了拉攏民心,有著深厚德國血脈(註一)的英國王室決定由國王喬治五世帶頭將王朝德式姓氏「薩克森-科堡-哥達」改成「溫莎」。…
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shanahazuki · 2 years
5 películas de animación asiática que debes conocer
Publicado originalmente el 30 de abril de 2017 En Asia se produce mucho cine como en Occidente, pero no todos los títulos son estrenados en América. En cuanto a películas infantiles es complicado que lleguen a las salas de cine, algunas productoras como Toho, Toei Animation y Estudios Ghibli lo han logrado; Ghibli incluso es la más identificada en cuanto a filme infantil, pero existen muchas…
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david-a-b · 2 years
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#巴基斯坦文物 #突厥沙希王朝#TurkShahis #地母神#库柏勒#Cybele #七世纪 #临展#攻金之工:亚欧大陆早期金属艺术与文明互鉴 #清华大学艺术博物馆 #海淀区(在 清华大学艺术博物馆) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp17xqzPcyh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Fox Spirit Matchmaker (2015) 狐妖小红娘
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Director: Wang Xin Screenwriter: Tuo Xiaoxin Starring: Yang Tianxiang / Zhang Jie / Liu Xiaoyu / Zhang Kai / Qiao Shiyu / Wei Chao / Tut Harmon / Bian Jiang / Tang Xiaoxi / Yan Mengmeng / Qiu Qiu / Su Shangqing / Xu Jiaqi / Guo Haoran / Zhang Limin / Yang Ning / Li Shimeng / Takaragi Nakayo / Li Xiaomeng / Liu Cong / Zhang Lei / Hatano Wataru / Achen Kana /Yonezawa Madoka / Kanemoto Hisako / Kirii Daisuke / Sakamaki Mitsuhiro / Tachibana Shinnosuke / Imai Asami / Inoue Marina /Uchida Shinrei / Keio Sasaki / Ai Kakuma / Rie Suekara / Mayuki Makiguchi / Aimi Tanaka / Natsumi Fujiwara Genre: Comedy / Romance / Animation Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2015-06-26 (Mainland China) / 2017-07-01 (Japan) Number of seasons: 11 Number of episodes: 157 Single episode length: 10 minutes Also known as: Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker Season 1-10 / Xiasha Chapter + Wangquan Chapter + Yuehong Chapter + Qianyan Chapter + Nanguo Chapter + Zhuye Chapter + Weisheng Chapter + Jinchenxi Chapter + Mutiancheng Chapter + Liangshenghua Chapter + Wangquan Fugui Chapter + Beiguo Chapter (Beishan Demon Emperor Chapter) / 縁結びの妖狐ちゃん / 狐妖小红娘 第1-10季 / 下沙篇+王权篇+月红篇+千颜篇+南国篇+竹业篇+尾生篇+金晨曦篇+沐天城篇+两生花篇 / 下沙篇 / 王权富贵篇 / 月红篇+北国篇(北山妖帝篇) / 千颜篇 / 南国篇 / 竹业篇 / 尾生篇 / 金晨曦篇 / 沐天城篇 / 两生花篇 Type: Crossover
The story revolves around the love between humans and spirits. According to classical novel records, there are spirits in the world, spirits will love people, the life of the spirit for thousands of years, humans' lifespan is limited, humans die, spirits live. People will give birth to reincarnation, but after the birth, do not remember the love of the previous life. If the spirit is infatuated, go to the fox spirit "buy" a service, so that the person who cast the tire reincarnation, recall the love of the previous life.
The role of the fox spirit was born, the work mainly tells the story of the fox spirit as a career in the red line process of the former lovers in a series of interesting, mysterious story.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26435736/
Link: N/A
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wangzaixiaoyige · 2 years
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nuowas · 2 years
“诉山讼海”疑无路 “时间沙漏”将见底 郭文贵的“挤牙膏”式退款难掩“假破产”之恶意
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seiyuu-gallery · 2 years
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leying1314 · 4 days
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金沙麻将胡了pg电子【網:958·AT】【——官方指定平台——】【龙年行大运】【靠譜●老台】【行业●第一】 【安全●靠谱】 〖全网●第一〗〖首存●即送〗〖值得●拥有〗没有那么多天赋异禀,优秀的人总是努力的翻山越岭,要么不做,要做就做第一!如果没有天赋那就一直重复没有那么多的天赋异禀优秀的人总是在努力的翻山越岭 你只管埋头努力时间会给你惊喜!加油!
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金沙AG线上真人游戏【—网.址.958·AT—】浏览器手动输入打开 ▊财运亨通▊共创辉煌▊展鸿鹄之志▊赢未来天下▊万人推荐▊网易新闻▊人民日报▊腾讯新闻▊百度贴吧▊权威认证▊据今日头条报道:只为下水的上岸,岸上的拼搏,一期迈进美好的生活有梦想就去追,不尝试你永远不知道你的潜力有多大,时间,每天得到的都是二十四小时,可是一天的时间给勤勉的人带来智慧和力量,给懒散的人只留下一片悔恨。(央视网评论员)新闻频道-搜狐新闻-新浪新闻-腾讯新闻独家声明(参与记者:胡绩伟、穆青、李普、田流、李峰、阎吾、柏生、彭迪、黄钢、金凤)来源:央视网、人民网、搜狐财经、新华网、凤凰资讯、网易新闻、知乎日报、热点资讯、搜狐新闻、新浪新闻总策划:莫言策划:马云、李彦宏监制:雷军、许家统筹:任正非、柳传志、方洪波文字:李嘉诚、董明珠、宗庆后编辑:王兴、杨元庆视频:沈南鹏视觉/海报:字节跳动、张一鸣新华社国内部新华社广东分社联合出品免责声明:本文来自腾讯新闻客户端自媒体,该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号、网易号、企鹅号、百家号系信息发布平台,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。
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