saytainan-blog · 1 year
安平開台天后宮位於臺南市安平,最早稱為「天妃宮」,建於西元1668年。主祀的神祇包括天上聖母、延平郡王、五水仙尊王、四海龍王、文昌帝君和石將軍等。 台南安平開台天后宮 🏠:台南市安平區國勝路33號 ☎:06 2238695 ⏰:05:00–22:00 #台南安平 #天上聖母 #媽祖 #安平景點 #安平開臺天后宮
安平開台天后宮位於臺南市安平區,最早稱為「天妃宮」,建於西元1668年。這座廟宇供奉著隨著鄭成功率領的舟師來臺的媽祖,是守護神。主祀的神祇包括天上聖母、延平郡王、五水仙尊王、四海龍王、文昌帝君和石將軍等。 🈺安平開台天后宮的資訊 FB社群:台南安平開台天后宮🏠:台南市安平區國勝路33號☎:06 2238695⏰:05:00–22:00 👣安平開台天后宮的位置地圖 📸安平開台天后宮的現場環境 ↳ ↳ 🥢安平開台天后宮的參拜順序 天公爐 3炷香 天上聖母總爐1炷香水仙尊王 1炷香四海龍王 1炷香元辰殿 1炷香石將軍、文昌帝君 1炷香 📋安平開台天后宮的神祇 🙏天公爐 3炷香 天公爐 🙏天上聖母總爐…
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sunnyyang1012 · 2 years
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wangwill66 · 3 months
引用自 Lin 查核回應
... 維基百科
出生資訊: 1812 年 11 月 10 日,中國岳陽縣湘陰縣
逝世: 1885 年 9 月 5 日,中國福州市
配偶: Zhou Yiduan (結婚於 1832 年–1870 年)
子女: 左孝瑜、 左孝威、 Zuo Xiaotong、 左孝琪、 左孝琳、 左孝寬、 Zuo Xiaoxun、 左孝璸
安葬地點: 中國長沙市Tomb of Zuo Zongtang
著作: 左宗棠未刊書牘、 左宗棠家訓譯註、 強經: 左宗堂一生的九大手段、 中國近代思想家文庫: 左宗棠卷, …
先前任職單位: 兩江總督 (1881 年–1884 年)、 陝甘總督 (1866 年–1880 年)、 閩浙總督 (1863 年–1866 年), …
李嘉誠爵士,大紫荊勳賢,KBE,JP,香港企業家,籍貫廣東潮安,香港成長,人稱「李超人」,自1940年起居住並活動在香港,曾多年位居亞洲首富,連續多年蟬聯香港首富寶座。他創立的長江集團已成為香港最大企業之一。李嘉誠於2018年3月16日,90歲前宣布於2018年5月10日退休,集團董事局主席由其長子李澤鉅接任。 維基百科
出生資訊: 1928 年 7 月 29 日(95歲),廣東省
配偶: 莊月明 (結婚於 1963 年–1990 年)
(外) 孫子/女: 李思德、 李長禧、 李燕容、 李思穎
父母: 李雲經、 莊碧琴
子女: 李澤楷、 李澤鉅
兄弟姊妹: 李素華、 李嘉昭、 李嘉宣
淨資產: 356 億美元(2024 年) 富比士
讀書的方法    我今天是想根據個人經驗,同諸位談談讀書的方法。我的第一句話是很平常的,就是說,讀書有兩個要素:
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followbnb · 5 months
#2024宜蘭熱氣球 #2024宜蘭稻浪 #2024宜蘭風箏節 #2024宜蘭三奇美徑 🌟來宜蘭感受自然的韻律!2024三奇美徑活動精彩不斷,從彩繪稻田到熱氣球嘉年華,還有唯一的稻田獨木舟體驗!🛶🎈 節日的歡樂從5月10日持續到7月7日,不容錯過!標記你的朋友,一起來享受夏天的美好時光吧!#三奇美徑 #宜蘭旅遊
#2024年的三奇美徑系列活動 ,活動從5月10日持續至7月7日,將帶來一連串的文化與自然體驗: 2024宜蘭熱氣球-稻浪-風箏節-三奇美徑 2024宜蘭熱氣球-稻浪-風箏節-三奇美徑  #彩繪稻田 :從現在開始至6月底,您可以欣賞到當地農民使用黃、黑、綠三種不同品種稻米,在廣闊的稻田中創作出色彩斑斕的圖案。  #稻浪音樂會 :5月25日舉辦,將在稻田間帶來美妙的音樂享受。  #2024宜蘭熱氣球嘉年華:6月1日、2日、8日、9日,讓您從空中俯瞰宜蘭的美麗風景。 #2024風箏節嘉年華 :7月6日與7日,這是一個讓大小朋友一起參與放風箏的歡樂時刻。 主辦單位:冬山鄉公所/冬山鄉民代表會 協辦單位:臺東縣政府/台東天后宮、奉尊宮、荒野保護協會 贊助單位:台灣中油股份有限公司 2024宜蘭熱氣球-稻浪-風箏節-三奇美徑…
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jetsoday · 6 months
[香港旅遊優惠]#小編出走:台南元宵節在地活動|台灣燈會、傳統節慶鹽水蜂炮、歷史建築物改建cafe https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0%e5%b0%8f%e7%b7%a8%e5%87%ba%e8%b5%b0%ef%bc%9a%e5%8f%b0%e5%8d%97%e5%85%83%e5%ae%b5%e7%af%80%e5%9c%a8%e5%9c%b0%e6%b4%bb%e5%8b%95%ef%bd%9c.html 台南元宵節|台南元宵節活動|台南元宵節花燈|台灣鹽水蜂炮|元宵節去到台灣有咩在地活動?當然唔可以錯過一年一度嘅台灣燈會啦!岩岩過去嘅元宵節,小編就去到台南欣賞2024台灣燈會「龍耀臺南」,仲有參加當地刺激嘅鹽水蜂炮活動,體驗台南傳統地道嘅一面。下年將會出發去台南嘅,可以參考小編以下台南元宵節在地活動同打卡甜品店呀! 相關優惠:申請入台證懶人包!一文睇晒兩大申請方法|港人2月20日起可申請入台證到台灣自由行|實測申請流程、所需文件  2024台灣燈會 -「龍耀台南」 今年2024台灣燈會重返台南,名為「龍耀台南」,分為高鐵及安平2大燈區。到達當日係元宵正日,晚上7點會有亮燈,小編就提早黃昏時間到達,一嚟可以睇下現場表演,二嚟可以去燈會嘅美食市集買伴手禮及農特產,現場大約有100攤左右,三嚟搵定好位影相。由於適逢值龍年及台南400年妃念,燈會規模盛大,2大展區共展出300多件作品,主題「榮耀台南 光彩台灣」。小編今次就去咗高鐵燈區參觀,主燈「龍來台灣」高22公尺嘅龍,取材自台南大天后宮前石柱龍造型,元宵當日仲有點燈活動,同一大班台灣人等亮燈。 ▼台南燈會「龍耀台南」 除咗主燈外,小編最鍾意嘅「美麗之島」主題燈,以光球燈海圍繞著鯨魚 (喻意台灣),感受福爾摩沙之美,另外「時光迴廊」展區「戲夢時光」的小燈區結合5G車及XR技術,仿如懷舊電影院,大家可於「購票處」選取有名本土電影電影並拍照,將容貌結合於手繪風格的電影海報,投射在XR螢幕中,都係將傳統活動數碼化嘅好嘗試,體驗完後大家仲可以拎走海報明信片留念。 ▼台南燈會「美麗之島」主題燈 除咗7大主題燈之外,另外有「國際共融」燈區,展現不同世界名勝地標作為燈飾,向世界宣傳台灣的美好。整個燈會展出豐富,雖然展期已完結,不過下年出發去台南嘅大家,可以考慮放落行程呀。 ▼台南燈會「國際共融」燈區 相關優惠:【台北酒店2024】自由行必睇!8間台北酒店推介|新開幕/附日式大浴場/溫泉酒店/鄰近捷運站|JR東日本大飯店台北、和苑三井花園飯店台北忠孝、台北時代寓所、北投老爺酒店  台南地道活動 – 鹽水蜂炮 想喺台南搵更地道啲嘅活動?元宵節除咗有期間限定嘅燈會外,今次撞啱日子仲可以去鹽水參加蜂炮活動。如果大家有睇過《花姐Error遊2》,就對鹽水蜂炮不陌生。鹽水鋒炮是台灣民間嘅傳統節慶活動,相傳古時溫疫流行,民眾向關公祈求平安,並燃放炮竹繞境,其後溫疫退散,在完宵燃點炮竹就成為習慣定例,逐漸演變成為今日嘅蜂炮。時至今日,不同組織、鄉親會將預先數千至數萬支炮竹排好在木架並連上組成炮台,然後點燃時萬炮齊發,非常震撼。 ▼鹽水鋒炮 ▼鹽水鋒炮 鹽水蜂炮在農曆正月十四至元宵節 (2日) 內進行,武廟出發及結束,繞境一週。近年由於蜂炮活動規模漸趨盛大,點燃蜂炮時爆炸聲響巨大,蜂炮亂竄,相對上會有一定危險性。小編在大會安排下都穿著好安全裝備,全副武裝,在安全距離下參加晚上蜂炮活動。雖然已經穿戴頭盔及厚重的保護衣,但蜂炮點燃時萬炮齊發嘅震撼,第一次體驗到都即刻後退幾步,但現場嘅氣氛真係好正!可能大家會係網絡上見到鹽水蜂炮被譽為「最危險慶典之一」,但只要做足保護措施,加上用正確態度參加蜂炮活動 (燃放蜂炮的原意是感謝神明嘅回意,並不是將蜂炮放在身上點燃及用身軀擋迎祛霉運或迎好運),大家都會穿好防護裝備保護安全。 ▼穿著好安全裝備參與鹽水鋒炮 在元宵節期間,當地會同時舉辦月津港燈節,將藝術光影與古城舊景結合,加上期間限定嘅夜市,有得食有得玩,氣氛非常好,記得bookmark,下次嚟台南夾啱時間推薦大家去。 ▼月津港夜市 相關優惠:台北旅遊景點攻略|自由行必去景點|西門町、大稻埕碼頭、象山步道、北投溫泉、艋舺龍山寺、淡水老街 台南歷史建築物改建cafe -「南埕衖事」及「宮原眼科 明治町冰淇淋」 相信大家都知台南人嗜甜成性,所以嚟到台南,當然要搵下特別甜品店啦!其中大家都推薦去以下老屋及日式歷史空間改建嘅特色空間,例如以台南巷弄為主題嘅8層雪糕cafe「南埕衖事」,由日本新一代建築大師藤本壯介操刀規劃,打造半戶外嘅通透空間,讓建築與環境融合。以及由台中宮原眼科插旗於台南開嘅「明治町冰淇淋」期間限定店,進駐日治歷史建築「赤崁東街日式宿舍」,推出台南限定或經典口味冰淇淋,可以邊食甜品邊打卡! ▼南埕衖事 ▼南埕衖事 ▼南埕衖事 ▼南埕衖事
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victor6699 · 1 year
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國曆 1 月 6 日(農曆 12 月 15 日)
國歷 1 月 30 日(農曆 1 月 9 日)
國曆 3 月 21 日(農曆 2 月 30 日)
國曆 6 月 5 日(農曆 4 月 18 日)
國曆 7 月 23 日(農曆 6 月 6 日)
國曆 8 月 18 日(農曆 7 月 3 日)
國曆 10 月 17 日(農曆 9 月 3 日)
「松山慈祐宮」肇建於清高宗乾隆十八年(西元1753年)。雍正末年閩南泉州籍僧人衡真(俗名林守義),由福建湄洲天后宮奉天上聖母神像,渡海於滬尾(今日新北市淡水區)登陸,沿途化緣,乾隆年間行抵錫口(今臺北市松山區),因當地士紳多祖籍泉州,對海神媽祖信仰真摯,乃倡議留下金身供奉,在乾隆十八年覓地建廟,乾隆二十二年竣工。與一般媽祖廟不同,「松山慈祐宮」並不面向水域,反倒是背水朝山,在風水學上,松山地形狀似鯉魚,北濱基隆河,南對大尖山,是風水絕佳之「鯉魚穴」。 松山慈祐宮建宮260年紀念鐘塔,日本愛媛縣松山市贈送。 一樓大殿:天上聖母、千里眼將軍、順風耳將軍 一樓各廂:福德正神、地藏菩薩、阿難尊者、目連尊者、五營神中壇元帥、虎爺、開山先靈神位、功德先賢祿位 二樓太歲殿:斗姥元君、六十值年太歲星君、護法神左輔右弼大將 二樓註生殿:註生娘娘、十二婆姐、杜玉娘夫人 三樓佛祖殿:觀音佛祖(南海觀音、千手觀音)、善才龍女、文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩、韋馱菩薩、伽藍菩薩、十八羅漢、彌勒佛 四樓帝君殿:關聖帝君、關平太子、周倉將軍、孚佑帝君、灶君、清水祖師、文昌帝君、魁星、水仙王、保儀大夫、廣澤尊王、五營神中壇元帥 五樓三清殿:三清道祖、三教教主(釋迦文佛、太上老君、孔子先師)、南極長生大帝、北極紫微大帝、馬靈官、趙元帥、地母娘娘、太陽星君、太陰星君、神農大帝
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 可所謂是男人四十一枝花,女人四十豆腐渣,進入中年以後,女性朋友的顏值與氣質也會逐漸下降,不過有的女性朋友雖然已經進入中年,依舊很年輕,有活力,不顯老,同為女性為什麼會出現如此明顯的差異?韓國奇力片官網 韓國奇力評價 韓國口服犀利士 kellett films評價 韓國奇力片效果 韓國奇力片成分 韓國奇力片副作用女性的絕經年齡一般在多少歲? 女性一般在50歲左右絕經,按統計報導中位年齡在51歲,45-53歲之間絕經都屬於正常範圍,如果在40-45歲之前絕經屬於早絕經,而53-55歲之後絕經為晚絕經女性進入絕經后,身體會出現什麼變化? 不妨來看看 1.骨質疏鬆 絕經后的女性因為體內的鈣質大量流失,從而容易出現骨質疏鬆問題。 因此,這個階段一定要注意及時補充鈣質,預防骨質疏鬆。 如果發現出現關節疼痛,並且爬樓梯都變得困難,可能就是骨質疏鬆的徵兆2.情緒失常 女性絕經前會出現情緒莫名的暴躁、易怒,絕經期間女性的情緒會變得非常的不穩定。 可能原本性格比較溫柔開朗的,但是卻出現發脾氣以及怒火沖天的情況,那麼這可能就是絕經前的癥狀。 由於絕經階段體內的激素波動的,是比較大會造成中樞神經,嚴重影響中樞神經,會出現情緒的變化。3.热潮出汗 女性出现一些不明原因的面部颈部或者胸部皮肤发红发热的现象,到了晚上出汗现象是非常严重的,有时候一天可以发生多次这种的情况,而且会持续2~3分钟。
奇力片 韓國奇力片 奇力片評價 奇力片功效 奇力片哪裡買 奇力片成分 奇力片dcard 奇力片吃法 奇力片哪里買 奇力片ptt 奇力片副作用 奇力片正品 奇力片購買 奇力片價錢 奇力片官網 奇力片臺灣購買 奇力片是什麼 小禎代言奇力片 4.月經失調 影響月經的主要因素是女性體內的雌性激素含量。 隨著女性將進入更年期(由卵巢功能以及子宮發生減退、分泌失調所致的),不僅會導致雌激素含量升高,還會對月經量和月經週期造成影響。 因此,月經量減少,月經週期也變化無常(一個月來幾次或幾個月來一次),這時可能是意味著女性進入更年期的一個信號,一定要及時調養身體,來預防這種癥狀的發生。
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luckwindm · 6 years
六一三之曲——Chapter壹 誠之章
C壹 誠哥
“人生贏家的話……大哥茄子和龍牙好像都不算吧?” “先生雖然不像那三位那麽慘,但是說是人生贏家好像也不太對……” “嗯,不然先生的形象就……”
哥,該起來了。 早上叫醒我的是一如既往對哥哥超級親切的兄控妹妹。 小小地賴床之後終於睜開了眼睛,出現在眼前的是穿著女僕裝的妹妹。 哥,再不起床的話早餐涼了,吃了的話會對身體不好的。 就算涼了妹妹你也會幫我再加熱的對吧?可以的話請用o……oppo給我加熱謝謝啦我最愛的妹妹。 哥,哥你説什麽啦,真是的……就,就這一次哦? 這時另一個妹妹突然推開門。 太過分了,居然想獨占哥哥大人的睡顏! 就是就是,哥哥是大家的哥哥又不是你一個人的哥哥。 我就坐在床上等著,感受著妹妹們的哎。 啊,哥哥也好過分啊,這種時候不是應該説點什麽的嗎? 都是你平常太慣著哥,哥才會像這樣的啊。 你不是也有慣著哥哥大人嘛。 哥哥,今天一定要在我們中間選出一個人啦。 那麽今天用什麽來比? 那就……那個吧。 其中一個妹妹露出小惡魔的微笑做出了提議,過了幾秒,其他的妹妹也都露出瞭然的微笑。 然後我就看著妹妹們圍到我的床邊,然後…… “等等,打住打住,話説一般人在有那樣的實妹的情況下不是應該吐槽對自己的妹妹這種存在感到幻滅嗎?爲什麽你反而開始寫起了自己和妹妹的幻想,一般不是說希望越大失望越大嗎?” “No No No,人是需要有希望,有夢想的” “你那個叫幻想,妄想吧” “名字不重要,重要的是……!” “重要的是你妹站在你身後” “哈哈哈,我不會被你騙到的,妹妹是絕對不可能來我房間的……” “哥你好像寫了什麽很厲害的東西啊?” “那個妹妹你聼我解……” “帶上你的草稿跑出去了呢” “我説我妹到底在後面站了多久?” “就從最初開始吧” “那你爲什麽不告訴我?!” “我妹不讓我説啊……” “你妹?……等下難道説!” “朋友你……放心吧每年的香我絕對不會忘記的” “喂你這個妹管嚴,別……跑……那啥,妹妹樣,請務必聼拙者的解釋,拙者會寫這種小説是有非常正經深刻的理由的……” ……
“今天樓上挺吵的,發生了什麽嗎?” “就……K某某寫的妹妹后宮小説被他妹妹拿去分享給閨蜜了,F某某是這麽跟我説的” “……要是我拿我弟弟妹妹寫那種文……雖然他們還不會找我算賬……不過我爸肯定就……要替天行道了” “不過通常惹上妹妹都不會好過吧?” “妹……妹調?” “……被你爸和諧掉吧你,這種時候請提名Cantarella” “咳咳,反正不是妹妹就沒關係了的意思?” “嗯……果然還是視情況而定吧,如果是認識的人的話衹要對方不介意就……” “不介意就?” “我怎麽覺得好像哪裏不對,你該不會也寫了什麽吧……” “嗯哼,哼哼哼——鐺鐺鐺鐺↓,鐺鐺鐺——鐺↓↓” “該不會是我和你的吧” “不是” “那就好——” “是你和家裏二哈的” (╯‵益′)╯︵┻━┻
“欸,啊,結束了?嗯,咳咳,總之大概事情就是這樣了,大家要多注意,因爲隨便開后宮是很容易掉頭的。而外出吃飯是要計人頭的,所以如果因爲隨意開后宮搞掉了自己的頭導致不能外出吃飯,還請自己負起全責,成爲一個家庭煮夫/家庭主婦吧! “那麽本次的V綜趣聞就到此爲止了,感謝各位觀衆給本臺提供的收視率 “這樣工資也會漲,我就能買期待已久的School Days リニューアルパッケージ版 DVDPG了耶”
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 總之,想要讓脾慢慢好起來,傷脾的行為就不要再有了。 調養脾臟呢,老郭建議我們可以先從飲食上入手,適量吃點對脾胃好的食物。
芡實稱得上是健脾“冠軍”,芡實也被叫做“雞米頭”,與偏寒性的薏米相比,芡實性味甘平,藥用價值也很高,適合脾胃虛弱的人食用。 適量吃點,能幫你健脾除濕,緩解脾虛、久瀉的現象。奇力片 韓國奇力片 奇力片評價 奇力片功效 奇力片哪裡買 奇力片成分 奇力片dcard 奇力片吃法 奇力片哪里買 奇力片ptt 奇力片副作用 奇力片正品 奇力片購買 奇力片價錢 奇力片官網 奇力片臺灣購買 奇力片是什麼 小禎代言奇力片 
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養外:只顧感官享受、滿足慾望,過分注重外表硬體。 人的感官享受,各種慾望蟄居在內心,在令人得到許多舒適感受的同時,悄悄銷蝕著我們的生命。
上護脾胃,下護胞宮,中護肚臍。 腹部避寒保暖是最基礎的養脾。 久坐傷肉致使肌肉鬆軟無力,鍛煉應以有氧和無氧運動相結合,減肥和塑形相結合。 過度思慮而勞傷脾胃,最容易出現在作家、文秘、策劃人員、科研人員身上。
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chiefbelieverllama · 2 years
做ct前能吃飯嗎 檢查前要注意什麼2
6.受檢者來到中心後由前臺護士接待,進行資料登記。 在測量體重、血糖后,去注射室靜脈注射顯像劑。 注射后需安靜臥床1小時等候檢查。 其間,不要交談、運動、打電話、看電視等。
7.由護士通知檢查,檢查前需排空小便,摘除身上的金屬物品,並遵醫囑飲水。 檢查時不要移動身體。
8.檢查后,請等候醫生通知,待醫生確認圖像滿意后再離開。 部分受檢者可能需要延遲顯像或CT增強顯像,因此要耐心等待。
9.部分CT檢查需要事先進行準備。 進行頭頸部、胸部、四肢、脊柱等部位平掃CT檢查的患者,一般不需特殊準備;德國黑螞蟻生精片 德國黑螞蟻官網 德國黑螞蟻副作用 德國黑螞蟻生精片真假 
需要進行腹盆部平掃CT檢查的人,在檢查的當天要空腹,可以帶飲用水來檢查。 在一周之內進行過消化道造影檢查的不適宜做腹盆部CT檢查。
進行特殊檢查的患者,請參照具體專案的檢查注意事項。 具體要求根據不同檢查項目在預約單上會有詳細說明,檢查當日來到CT室準備檢查時,CT室工作人員會指導患者飲水或使用對比劑。
CT診斷急性腦血管疾病如高血壓腦出血、蛛網膜下腔出血、腦動脈瘤及動靜脈畸形破裂出血、腦梗塞等有很高價值,急性出血可考慮作為首選檢查,急性腦梗塞特別是發病6小時內者,CT不如MRI敏感。心血管系統德國黑螞蟻生精片功效 德國黑螞蟻生精片吃法 德國黑螞蟻效果 德國黑螞蟻生精片成分 德國黑螞蟻生精片心得 德國黑螞蟻生精片哪裡買 德國黑螞蟻 黑螞蟻生精片
對於顯示肺部病變有非常滿意的效果,對肺部創傷、感染性病變、腫瘤等均勻有很高的診斷價值。 對於縱隔內的腫物、淋巴結以及胸膜病變等的顯示也令人滿意,可以顯示肺內團塊與縱隔關係等。 腹部器官
通過上文的介紹,相信大家對做ct前是否能吃飯都有了更多的瞭解。 除此之外,文中還介紹了做ct前的注意事項,這些僅供大家參考。 若是需要做這項檢查,也可以在檢查前多和醫生溝通哦。
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numbffhfgfgfg · 4 years
嚴非/《男兒王》:隱身暗處,帶來狂歡的「皇后們」 | 特約 ...
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入圍57屆金馬最佳男主角、造型設計。從獻身到獻聲,啟明不只歌喉讚,這回他還要為全世界皇后們發出聲音。描述突遭失業的中年主管曹啟明,在房貸車貸的巨大壓力,因緣際會化身變裝皇后登台,邁向俱樂部之后。片長:100分 上映日期:2021/02/10
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入圍57屆金馬最佳男主角、造型設計。從獻身到獻聲,啟明不只歌喉讚,這回他還要為全世界皇后們發出聲音。描述突遭失業的中年主管曹啟明,在房貸車貸的巨大壓力,因緣際會化身變裝皇后登台,邁向俱樂部之后。片長:100分 上映日期:2021/02/10
男兒王線上看完整版小鴨:《男兒王》片中歌曲滿滿「台味」 超接地氣,《男兒王線上看完整版��絕對是想要捧腹大笑、忘記煩惱的你的最佳首選!
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爆笑賀歲喜劇《男兒王》榮獲本屆金馬獎最佳造型設計獎,新加坡喜劇天王李國煌也以精湛演技入圍金馬影帝,在金馬影展期間更是場場爆滿、口碑沸騰,眾所期盼下即將在小年夜上映。《男兒王》中出現多首金曲,不僅是變裝秀場招牌歌,而且幾乎每首都是台灣人耳熟能詳的歌曲,相當接地氣,男主角李國煌也在片中開金口,高唱閩南語版《I Will Survive》堪稱一大亮點,也因而擄獲眾人心瞬間爆紅,甚至連高人氣泰國女神「快樂寶拉」也被圈粉,驚喜客串,急智神曲MV也於今天上線!昨晚《男兒王》舉辦首場特映場,最美「女主角」Kiwebaby張承喜美豔現身拉票,全場觀眾被搞笑劇情逗得笑聲滿滿,甚至還多次拍手叫好,場面相當熱烈,好評延燒之下也確定加碼2/5-2/7口碑場,提前嗨翻新年!
《男兒王》是相當「台味十足」的喜劇電影,不僅劇情幽默爆笑,時而閩南話、潮州話夾雜的台詞,也讓人倍感親切,而電影裡出現的多首歌曲,全都是台灣人最耳熟能詳的經典歌曲,先是李國煌在失業前高唱寶島歌王葉啟田的《愛拼才會贏》,秀場中出現張惠妹的《姐妹》、蔡依林的《看我72變》、梅艷芳的《女人花》,也都是變裝秀的招牌歌,而經典流行歌《我要你的愛》、《等著你回來》也穿插其中。電影最大亮點歌曲,則是片中李國煌被裁員後,誤打誤撞來到了男兒王秘密上班,因為一場演出的播音小意外,急中生智演唱閩南語版《I Will Survive》,神改編獲得全場歡聲雷動,甚至連泰國變裝網紅「快樂寶拉」,也被這首神曲給圈粉,李國煌瞬間成為網路紅人,他秘當變裝皇后的事情也差點穿幫,相當驚險。
電影描述突遭失業的中年主管曹啟明,不敢讓妻小知道,又因年紀遲遲無法找到新工作。在房貸車貸的巨大壓力下,因緣際會化身變裝皇后登台,原本古板大叔竟在酒吧綻放了無限風華。從〈愛拚才會贏〉唱到〈看我七十二變〉,甚至跨界用閩南語高歌神曲〈I Will Survive〉,意外讓觀眾歡笑不斷,成為了酒吧頭牌。而其中肩負一家生計的男人之苦、理解不同族群的心酸又讓人為之動容,堪稱本年度最笑中帶淚的好戲。 一個中年男人,面對新居貸款、老婆懷孕等多重壓力,隱瞞自己被解僱的現實找工作,誤打誤撞成為一群扮裝皇后的經理(其實更像助理),還被打鴨子上架登台,意外爆紅後,卻引發家庭危機。新加坡喜劇《男兒王》把一個異性戀丟進皇后圈,從視「變裝」為「變態」,先為五斗米折腰到最後情義相挺,雖然套路明顯,但笑料精準,用心可嘉,幾個精彩轉折更帶來出奇非凡的效果。
一個是男主角被大姊頭灌醉、忘了卸妝回家,頂著一身清宮古裝、將錯就錯,佯裝被鬼附身、實則大吐男人苦水;一個是把西洋歌曲〈I Will Survive〉唱成台語(福建)歌〈我站起來〉;急中生智,荒謬絕倫之外,也把新加坡多語文化融合進去,雜燴出自己的風味。你不需要擔心爆雷,因為它的逗趣,唯有透過影音,方能到位,非僅劇情使然。
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Biography of Sima Jiong (Book of Jin 59)
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Sima Jiong was styled Jingzhi; his posthumous title was Prince Wumin ("the Martial and Pitied") of Qi. He was the son of Prince Xian ("the Presented") of Qi, Sima You. Even as a child, Sima Jiong won acclaim for his kind and benevolent attitude and enjoyed being generous; he had the same spirit as his father.
Before Sima You's death, although he had become ill, Emperor Wu did not really believe that he was sick. So he sent the imperial doctors to examine and diagnose Sima You, and they declared that he was not ill. When Sima You then passed away and Emperor Wu went to attend the mourning service, Sima Jiong was in a fit of grief, declaring that the doctors had given false reports about Sima You's illness. Emperor Wu ordered the doctors put to death, and Sima Jiong won renown for this act and was permitted to inherit his father's title as Prince of Qi (although he was not the eldest son).
During the Yuankang reign era (291-300), Sima Jiong was appointed as a Cavalier In Regular Attendance, as acting General of the Left Army, and as Colonel Who Supports The Army. The Prince of Zhao, Sima Lun, secretly formed ties with him.
For his role in helping to depose Jia Nanfeng (in 300), Sima Jiong was appointed as General of Roaming Assault. But Sima Jiong was not satisfied by this position, and he often looked resentful. When Sun Xiu realized this, he was afraid to keep Sima Jiong too close at hand, so he had him sent away as General Who Pacifies The East and Credential Holder and had him garrison Xuchang.
When Sima Lun usurped the throne (in 301), he appointed Sima Jiong as Grand General Who Guards The East and granted him the privilege of a Separate Office with equal ceremonial to the Three Excellencies, in order to mollify and appease him.
Sima Jiong was planning to take advantage of the anger and resentment of the people against Sima Lun, and he secretly plotted with Wang Sheng of Lihu and Wang Chumu of Yingchuan to rise up with soldiers to overthrow Sima Lun. But at the same time, Sima Lun had sent one of his confidantes, Zhang Wu, to keep a close eye on Sima Jiong. When Zhang Wu returned to the capital, he reported, "The Prince of Qi has no ulterior motives against you." And since Sima Jiong's plans were not yet complete, he was afraid that the plot might leak out. So he joined with his Army-Marshal, Guan Xi, to kill Wang Chumu, then sent Wang Chumu head to Sima Lun in order to allay his concerns. However, once Sima Jiong's plan was complete, he arrested Guan Xi and killed him.
Then Sima Jiong raised an army, together with the Inspector of Yuzhou, He Xu, the Dragon-Soaring General, Dong Ai, and others. He sent word around to inform others of his plot: the Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying, the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong, the Prince of Changshan, Sima Ai, and the Prince of Xinye, Sima Xin.
Sima Jiong sent out a proclamation of his intentions to every general or minister, to all the Generals Who Conquer, Generals Who Guard, Inspectors, Administrators, Prefects, and Interior Ministers, so that everyone might know what his designs were.
When the Inspector of Yanzhou, Chi Long, received Sima Jiong's proclamation, he was hesitant and could not decide whether to support him or not. But one of his Army Advisors, Wang Sui, beheaded Chi Long and sent his head to Sima Jiong.
Sima Jiong camped his army at Yangdi. Sima Lun sent his generals Zhang Hong, Lü He, and Sun Fu to march out through Eban, where they met Sima Jiong in battle. Sima Jiong had the worst of the fighting, so he withdrew into his defenses and fortified his ramparts. But in the meantime, Sima Ying's army routed Sima Lun's forces at Huangqiao. So Sima Jiong led his army out again and attacked Lü He and the others, this time greatly routing them.
Once the Princes had finished deposing Sima Lun and restoring Emperor Hui to the throne and Sima Jiong had completed his executions of Sima Lun's partisans in villainy, Sima Jiong led his troops into Luoyang, where he made arrangements for accommodating his troops. He had hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers, with a full panoply of flags and banners and military gear, and the capital region trembled.
Emperor Hui appointed Sima Jiong as Grand Marshal and granted him the Nine Bestowments. He was granted regent authority to handle all canons and policies, just as Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, and Emperor Wu had once wielded such power on behalf of the government of Wei. 
Sima Jiong thus acted as regent over the government. He lived in Sima You's old palace, and selected forty assistants and subordinates for himself. He greatly expanded the rooms and buildings of his palace, extending the estate north to reach the Five Grains Market and south to connect with the various government offices. He demolished hundreds of homes and buildings in the process. He ordered the Grand Architect to lay out his palace to be on the same scale as Emperor Hui's residence at the Western Palace. He bored a hole through the Qianqiu Gate to make a direct path to the Western Pavilion, and he hung up bells in his rear chambers and arrayed dancers in eight rows (an imperial privilege) in his front hall. He indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasures, not bothering to attend court.
Sima Jiong appointed various ministers without any ceremony, just granting the appointments from where he sat, and he issued commands to the Three Bureaus of the government simply by a mark. And in his selections and promotions, he was not impartial, but only favored those who were close to him and familiar. He appointed the General of Chariots and Cavalry, He Xu, as General Who Leads The Army of the Center. He also appointed Ge Yu as Duke of Mouping, Lu Xiu as Duke of Xiaohuang, Wei Yi as Duke of Yinping, Liu Zhen as Duke of Anxiang, and Han Tai as Duke of Fengqiu; they came to be known as the "Five Dukes", and all of them were Sima Jiong's close companions.
The Secretary of the Central Hall, Huan Bao, submitted a petition without first sending it to Sima Jiong's office for review, for which he was submitted to interrogation. From then on, the court ministers all glanced about in fear, and everyone within the Seas lost hope in Sima Jiong.
A recluse of Nanyang, Zheng Fang, submitted an essay harshly remonstrating with Sima Jiong (his essay is listed below). And one of the Registrars, Wang Bao, often warned Sima Jiong against what he was doing (his essays and biography are in the Biographies of Loyal Ministers). But Sima Jiong did not follow either of their advice, and he even arranged to have Wang Bao killed.
A white-haired gentleman ran into the office of the Grand Marshal, exclaiming that there would be an uprising soon, before the next Jiazi year (in 304). He was arrested and killed.
Sima Jiong only grew more arrogant by the day, and he never did reform his desires. 
A former official from the office of Bandit Management, Sun Hui, also wrote a letter to Sima Jiong remonstrating with him. He wrote, 
"I have heard that Your Highness has faced five hardships to reach your current position, and I am familiar with four truths about the impermanence of power. Yet Your Highness remains unconcerned about any of these things. 
"To set aside your gravity as keeper of your family’s ancestral temple and lay down your majesty of being lord of a domain of a thousand chariots in favor of personally donning armor and helmet and braving risks and facing dangers was the first hardship Your Highness undertook. To muster a band of three hundred fellows, devise plans for decisive and total victory, assemble soldiers from every corner, and gather together brave heroes was the second. To abandon the hallowed halls of your palace and dwell in the wretched conditions of a soldier's tent, peacefully enduring the noise and filth of the camp and sharing the labor and toil of the generals and soldiers was the third. To organize a flock of conscripts, prepare them to resist the fearsome might of the enemy, devise for them genius plans of martial prowess, and temper them with courage and resolve was the fourth. And to send out proclamations in every direction, gain the trust of sworn allies, restore the deposed Emperor to the throne, and revive the imperial fortunes was the fifth. 
"At the same time, I observe these truths: even a great reputation cannot ensure one's position, even great merits cannot secure one in office, even great influence cannot be wielded forever, and even great authority cannot be counted to last.
"Yet Your Highness does not recognize the extent of these five hardships you faced to get where you are, nor do you acknowledge these four truths. I cannot help but be concerned for you.
"In the eleven years since the start of the Yongxi era (in 290), there have been no instances of public virtue, but only reports of slaughter. The imperial clan has suffered the disasters of usurpations and struggles for power, and imperial relatives have inflicted punishments and executions against their own flesh and blood; princes have endured the indignities of jail cells and prison carts, and consorts have lamented their fates of being cut off and set aside. Indeed, in all of history, though we read of states that suffered disasters and close relatives that warred among themselves, never has there been a situation as dire as this one. If the historians be honest about our faults, how will our descendants ever bear to read about them? 
"Why then has the realm not abandoned Jin, and why has the Mandate not passed from our dynasty? Only because the ruler has not exhibited tyranny and severity and the court has not governed with violence and cruelty, because of the enduring grace of Emperor Wu and the lasting love of Prince Xian (Sima You). It was their sage benevolence and their kindly magnanimity which bound the hearts of the people toward Jin. And these are the things which secure the support of all those within the Four Seas.
"Now although Your Highness displayed an unparalleled sense of righteousness when you led your uprising against the usurper, still you have failed to show an equivalent sense of peerless virtue by yielding your position afterwards. The realm wonders at the reasons for this, and they seek an answer. Furthermore, the Princes of Changsha (Sima Ai) and Chengdu (Sima Ying) have the same close bond to one another as the ancient lords of Lu and Wey, they are the immediate family members of the Emperor (as his younger brothers), and when one considers whom among the three of you accomplished the most during the recent campaign and deserved the greatest rewards, it is difficult to be certain that Your Highness has an undisputed claim to supremacy. By continuing what you are currently doing, Your Highness will be giving up the good achievements of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin when they selflessly rescued the royal family of Zhou from peril, and treading the same path as Zang and Zha instead. Straw dogs and all the beings of creation are not treated any differently out of any consideration of benevolence.
"Your Highness should honor your relatives and yield in favor of those near in stature to you, considering that your work is complete and withdrawing from the center. Entrust affairs to the two Princes, while you supervise the heirs of the various feudal lords. Display the banner of your righteous intention to yield power and sound the call of your wish to return to your noble fief, dwell within your domain as lord of the great Qi region, catch the spirit of the billowing wind, take the areas of Qingzhou and Xuzhou into your hands, and stand proud at your post at Yingqiu. If you do these things, then even gold will not be a good enough medium to record the greatness of your achievements and even the Eight Sounds will not be sufficient tunes to sing your praises; Ji Wen (King Wen of Zhou) would no longer have the sole claim for sagacity, nor Taibo for worthiness.
"But if you forget the dangers of the great precipice you are standing upon and heedlessly ascend towards the summit, you would be abandoning the security of the Five Peaks and making your position as precarious as a stack of eggs. Without, your power and authority would invite suspicion, and within, your reputation among the officials would suffer. Even if you were to venture to the top of a high terrace or seclude yourself behind rows of walls, I would still presume to fear for your safety, even more now than at the time of Yingchuan and Yangdi (during the uprising). Your subordinates quiver with fear for you, but none dare say a word. 
"Now who am I, Sun Hui, to tell you these things? Nothing but a sad remnant in fact. But inviting the onset of calamity and welcoming the perils of the slings and arrows, I once rushed to Your Highness's righteous call; casting aside my common clothes and putting on my helmet, I followed your army to Xu (Xuchang). Of great and glorious deeds in the line of battle, I have none to claim. Yet I followed you through the wind and dust of those days, and I am prepared to receive punishment in addressing you now. Though Qu Yuan was exiled, his heart was always with Ying in the south; though Yue Yi fled to Zhao, his thoughts were always with Yan in the north. Can it be any different with me, who has received your grace and was blessed with your recognition and your care? Though it may seem that I go against your wishes, I am your man through and through; I am baring my flesh to show the sincerity of my blood, and it is thus that I offer you such unpalatable advice. Having presented my words, I am prepared for my punishment. If by writing these things I can convince you to righteously yield power and to secure your achievements, I go to the chopping block willingly, for it would be a worthy end to my life."
Though Sima Jiong did not accept Sun Hui's advice, neither did he punish him.
The Colonel of 翊軍, Li Han, fled from the capital to Chang'an, the base of the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong. He lied and said he had received a secret edict from Emperor Hui, calling on Sima Yong to punish Sima Jiong, and that Li Han had been sent to Sima Yong to help facilitate the plot.
Sima Yong believed Li Han. He submitted a petition to the court: "The imperial family has suffered from many incidents of late, and disasters and difficulties continue to plague us. Although the Grand Marshal, Sima Jiong, may claim the credit of having called an uprising and restoring the Emperor to the throne, in truth it was thanks to the Prince of Chengdu's efforts that the capital region was pacified and the altars of state were secured. Yet Sima Jiong, not content to observe his proper duties as a minister and subject, has begun to harbor nefarious intentions.
"At Sima Jiong's army camp at Xuchang, he set up eastern and western Ye Gates like one sees at the Emperor's palace, and on his staff there, those whom he appointed as Secretaries of Recordskeeping, as Chief Clerks, or as Marshals all hovered about him with the same ceremony that residents of the palace would show towards the Son of Heaven. During the campaign, although the capital had already been entirely purged and the usurpers and traitors punished before his arrival, Sima Jiong still led an army of a million soldiers to infest the walls of Luoyang. He has kept his troops garrisoned there for an entire year by now. He never attends court, but makes the government ministers bow and perform obeisance before him, while he sits serenely facing south (in imitation of the Emperor). He has torn down buildings of the Music Bureau and the marketplace purely to expand and broaden his own estate. He has helped himself to the stored equipment of the Arsenal, and he has imposed martial law on the city without any sign of lifting restrictions. The former Prince of Donglai, Sima Ruí (Sima Jiong’s elder brother), recognized that Sima Jiong had betrayed his duties, and he presented a petition to the court listing Sima Jiong's offenses, but he was only met with slander and infamy, until he was charged with a crime and suffered demotion and exile. Sima Jiong has presumed to fill the government ministries with his own partisans and minions, and he grants his favored lovers and floozies titles comparable to those used in the Emperor's harem. He freely indulges himself in wine and in sensual pleasures, showing no regard for the common people. He allows his henchman Zong Ai to do whatever he pleases without any hesitation or suspicion, for though the government receives complaints about Zong Ai's behavior, he always gets let off from any charge. He permits a nobody like Zhang Wei to determine whether imperial edicts shall be allowed to go out or not, and he entrusts a miscreant like Ge Yu with control of the state. He hands out noble titles as he pleases, and bribes change hands freely and openly. He surrounds himself with a rogues' gallery, and he makes the call on who will live or who will die. His closest confidantes think only of how to enrich themselves. And he has slandered and punished good and worthy people, while gazing with longing towards the sacred instruments of power.
"I was assigned a serious charge and am responsible for protecting and defending a strategic area of the realm. But as I have witnessed Sima Jiong's actions, I have nursed a sense of righteous indignation. Then this very day, the Colonel of 翊軍, Li Han, secretly came to me by courier horse to present to me the imperial will and decree. When I bowed before him to hear the reading of this edict, which called upon me to raise my banners and turn against my own flesh and blood, my feelings were assailed and all my senses were aflame. And is it not a principle of the Spring and Autumn Annals that one may never war against their liege or their kinfolk? Yet Sima Jiong has a powerful army at his beck and call, he has placed his favorites into positions of power, and not a one of the important offices of state exists but is filled by one of his cronies. So though in turning my sword against Sima Jiong I would be committing a serious crime which deserved death, still I am afraid I could no longer in good conscience accept what he has done.
"Thus I am now marching at the head of a hundred thousand elite soldiers. May the provincial commanders join me in this loyal and righteous cause and combine their forces with mine at Luoyang. I ask that the General of Agile Cavalry and Prince of Changsha, Sima Ai, likewise prove his loyalty and sincerity by removing Sima Jiong from power and sending him back to his estate. Anyone who refuses to heed the imperial order shall be dealt with by military law. 
"The Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying, is wise, virtuous, luxuriant, and friendly; his achievements are lofty and his deeds profound. When he departed the capital last year and yielded his power, he gained the hopes and admiration of all. He is suited to serve as regent over the government. Let him take up the role of A-Heng (Yi Yin) in Sima Jiong's stead."
When Sima Yong's petition arrived at Luoyang, Sima Jiong was terrified. He summoned the ministers and said to them, "When Sun Xiu plotted his treason before and usurped and oppressed the Emperor and the Princes, the very altar of state was nearly toppled, and no one else was able to stand against such difficulties. I was the one who gathered together soldiers to begin an uprising, and I was the one who swept away and purged the chief evil. I have maintained my duty as a subject and as a son, and the spirits can attest to my trustworthiness. Yet now these two Princes have returned my trust with slander and are causing great trouble. Gentlemen, I shall depend on your loyal advice for how to reconcile with these wayward foes." 
The Minister Over The Masses, Wang Rong, and the Minister of Works and Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, advised Sima Jiong to resign his authority and honor the others by yielding his position. 
But Sima Jiong's Attendant Officer of the Palace Gentlemen, Ge Yu, angrily told them, "The commoner of Zhao (Sima Lun) heeded and employed Sun Xiu, and he abused his authority; Heaven and Earth themselves changed based purely on his whims. Everyone talked and talked about doing something back then, but no one else dared to speak up first. It was our lord who braved the slings and arrows, personally wearing armor and helmet and attacking the enemy lines and breaking their formations, and who brought us to this happy day. Considering the rewards he has received for all that he has done on behalf of the state, one could argue that he has still not gotten all that he deserves. 
"For members of the Three Bureaus to say such things shows how much you disregard the Prince's affairs. It is no fault of his that rewards for others have been slow in coming. Besides, those who speak slander and stir up chaos should all be put to death. How can you heed the empty orders of this presumptuous letter and command our lord to retire to his estate? And through all the time of Han and Wei, what prince or noble that retired to his estate has ever been able to protect his wife and children? Anyone who suggests such a thing out to be beheaded." 
The ministers were greatly disturbed and trembling, and all of them turned pale.
The Prince of Changsha, Sima Ai, rushed into the palace, then raised troops to attack Sima Jiong's office. Sima Jiong sent Zong Ai to array troops west of the palace. Sima Ai also sent Song Hong and others to set fire to and burn down the various pavilions and the Qianqiu and Shenwu Gates.
Sima Jiong ordered the Prefect of the Yellow Gate, Wang Hu, to steal all the Zouyu Banners and display them (thus compelling all soldiers to cease fighting) while announcing, "The Prince of Changsha has forged an imperial decree." 
But Sima Ai also spread the message, "The Grand Marshal has plotted rebellion, and anyone who helps him will have their families executed to the fifth degree."
That night, there was great fighting within the city; flying arrows poured down like rain, and the glow of the fires outshone the heavens. Emperor Hui was at the Shangdong Gate when a flurry of arrows came his way. His ministers were trying to put out the fires, and they fell down dead in heaps.
By the next day, Sima Jiong had been defeated. Sima Ai brought Sima Jiong to the Front Hall. Emperor Hui, feeling sad for him, wished to let him live, but Sima Ai ordered those around him to lead Sima Jiong away, even as Sima Jiong kept looking back. Sima Ai beheaded Sima Jiong outside the Changhe Gate, and displayed his head to the six armies (of the capital soldiers).
Those who were in league with Sima Jiong were executed with their families to the third degree. The Princes of Huailing, Le'an, and Qiyang, Sima Jiong's sons Sima Chao, Sima Bing, and Sima Yīng, were imprisoned at the Jinyong fortress.
Sima Jiong's body was left publicly exposed at Ximing Terrace, and for three days no one dared to claim the body for burial. Then Sima Jiong's former subordinates, Xun Kai and others, petitioned to be allowed to hold a mourning for Sima Jiong and to bury him, and their request was granted.
Earlier, when Sima Jiong had been at his zenith, a woman had visited the Grand Marshal's office to ask for some supplies. When the officials had scolded her, she had said, "I'll just make things nice and tidy and then go." This disturbed some people, for they recognized that the term she had used, 截齊, could be interpreted as "cut down (the Prince of) Qi".
And there had also been a ditty going around: "Wrap the cloth 'round the middle bit, to make it all (or, Qi) nice and fit (or, to submit)." And indeed, it wasn't long before Sima Jiong was executed.
At the beginning of the Yongxing reign era (305), an edict was issued declaring that Sima Jiong's offenses had not been serious enough to merit the harsh punishment that he had received, and that due to his earlier good deeds, his lineage should not be snuffed out. Thus his three sons Sima Chao, Sima Bing, and Sima Yīng were all pardoned and allowed to return to their estates, and Sima Chao was appointed as Prince of a county in order to continue Sima Jiong's lineage. Sima Chao eventually served as a Cavalier In Regular Attendance Without Assignment.
At the beginning of the Guangxi reign era (306), Sima Jiong was posthumously honored with a decree by Emperor Hui.
"I declare the following regarding the late Grand Marshal and Prince of Qi, Sima Jiong:
"The late Prince might have quietly and meekly inherited the fief which he was due. Yet rather than sequester himself in his eastern domain (at Qi), he sent forth his proclamation from Xujing (Xu or Xuchang), and fully acted to protect our royal family and quell the disturbance of the imperial household. Zealously leading forth his followers for a righteous cause and forging an alliance at Lake Chu, he achieved successes and performed the greatest of deeds, and was very accomplished at Yingdong (eastern Yingchuan?). I ought to have responded to these things with congratulations for his exceptional performance, thanking him for his loyal and faithful service, and honoring him according to the ancient standards, thereby ensuring and glorifying his legacy. He ought to have been granted a fief even grander than those once held by Han's Princes of Wu and Chu, and he ought to have been honored with such exceptional courtesy and respect that he would have rivaled the favor enjoyed by Xiao He or Huo Guang. The great assistance and protection which he provided us entitled him to the everlasting admiration of the royal clan and the state.
"Yet the Prince failed to practice virtue, he incurred the enmity of two of his peers, the officials pressed him for his faults, and in the end he was executed. The ancients had a saying: 'Enforce the law, but think of the accused.' How much less can I ignore this sentiment when it was thanks to the Prince's deeds that I remained safe and the fortunes of state were preserved? And how tragic, how heart-rending it seems that only posthumously may his achievements be recognized!
"I hereby restore the Prince to his former title as Prince of Qi, and command that his son and heir be permitted to return and to inherit this title. The salary and privileges, canons and systems associated with the title shall all be as they once were. And I hereby send the Commissioner Bearing Credentials and Grand Diplomat to convey my words to the tomb of the late Prince and to offer a Grand Sacrifice to his spirit. If the dead are still aware of what takes place in this world, then may they take note of my command; may the spirit of the late Prince feel peace in his heart and be joyful of this favor and honor."
Sima Jiong's son Sima Chao thus inherited his title as Prince of Qi.
During the Yongjia reign era (307-311), Emperor Huai also issued an edict which again praised Sima Jiong for having the chief accomplishment of having sounded the call to rise up against Sima Lun. Emperor Huai posthumously restored Sima Jiong's rank as Grand Marshal, and he also appointed him as a Palace Attendant and a Credential Bearer and gave him his posthumous name (Wumin).
When Luoyang fell (to Han-Zhao, in 311), Sima Chao and his brothers were all lost to Liu Cong, leaving Sima Jiong without any descendants.
During the Taiyuan reign era (376-396), Emperor Xiaowu issued an edict appointing Sima Rouzhi, the son of the late Prince of Nandun, Sima Zong, as Prince of Qi in order to continue Sima You's and Sima Jiong's lineage. Sima Rouzhi rose in office as high as Cavalier In Regular Attendance. At the beginning of the Yuanxing reign era (402), when the Prince of Kuaiji, Sima Daozi, was about to campaign against the rebel general Huan Xuan, an edict was issued appointing Sima Rouzhi as a Palace Attendant, and he was sent out with the Zouyu Banners to command the soldiers of Jiangzhou and Jingzhou (under Huan Xuan's command) to stand down. But when Sima Rouzhi came to Gushu, he was killed by Huan Xuan's vanguard. He was posthumously appointed as Superintendent of the Crown Prince's Household.
Sima Rouzhi's son Sima Jianzhi inherited the title Prince of Qi. But after Liu Yu accepted the abdication of the Jin dynasty and established the Song dynasty (in 420), Sima Jianzhi's fief was abolished.
Zheng Fang was styled Zihui. He was a passionate man with a sense of duty and ambition, and he waded through and absorbed all the Histories and Annals. He was exceptionally talented and zealous, and those in his district who knew him all sighed in admiration of how much he stood out. Yet he never held office, because there was no one able to recommend him.
When Sima Jiong held power over the government and abused his authority, Zheng Fang was so moved with indignation that he set out by foot to visit Luoyang. Styling himself a wanderer from Jing and Chu, he presented a letter to Sima Jiong.
"I have heard that when the sage and wise steer the affairs of the age, day and night they are always careful and cautious, nor do they get carried away in their joy. Thus do they preserve and defend their honor. Yet you, Great Prince, are currently relaxed and not thinking of any danger, sinking into the depravity of wine and sensual pleasures and overindulging yourself in feasting and music; this is your first fault. You ought to be as respectful to the realm as the pure wind, and there should not be the slightest distance between yourself and your kinfolk and your flesh and blood, yet there currently is; this is your second fault. The barbarians are pressing in from every side and the borders are unstable, yet you consider that you have already accomplished enough and you take no notice of these things; this is your third fault. When you launched your uprising, all the people rushed to your banner, yet although there is now peace in the realm, the people continue to suffer endlessly, and I have heard nothing of any orders from you on how their burdens might be lifted; this is your fourth fault. And you made a covenant with blood-smeared lips and pledged to those that supported you in your uprising that after things had been completed, rewards would not be slow in coming, yet although the evil has already been purged, there have been no discussions of merit or distributions of rewards; you have eaten your words, and this is your fifth fault.
"Great Prince, you have achieved uncommon deeds, and you now occupy the role of chief minister of the state. Yet you allow slander and rumor to swirl around you and you do nothing while people bear anger and hatred against you. Though it be rash and foolish of me, still I would risk death to demonstrate my sincerity to you."
Sima Jiong bit his tongue and only responded, "I had no idea of my five shortcomings. If not for you, Sir, I would never have heard of them."
It was not long before Sima Jiong was destroyed.
The Historian's Appraisal: Sima Jiong was the son of a famous father, he sounded the call to rise up and rallied the Princes to his banner, he smashed Sima Lun's false designs and kept them from fruition, and he rescued Emperor Hui from falling into oblivion. Truly his actions and deeds were excellent and worthy of praise. Yet afterwards, when he himself stood at the brink of destruction, he failed to heed the danger, but only indulged his heart's desires and did whatever he wished. Did he not know that pleasure cannot go unbridled, or a host of difficulties left unchecked? Was it not ironic that he mocked the ancients who never finished their work, not realizing that his own achievements had been undone? If only he had plucked out the fine plan offered by Wang Bao or accepted the good advice provided by Sun Hui, by magnanimously yielding his imperial splendor at the capital and going out to his fief on the Eastern Sea, where his lineage might have endured! If he had done that, could even Yi Yin or Huo Guang have surpassed him?
Crown Prince Li Xian of Tang's Appraisal: 
Pity the magnificent Prince Wumin!
His deeds were bold, his plans so keen!
Alas, his virtues he did not keep
And thus for this good man we weep.
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chiefbelieverllama · 2 years
伏特加怎麼喝 伏特加起源與選購方法2
傳說克里姆林宮楚多夫(意為“奇跡”)修道院的修士用黑麥、小麥、山泉水釀造出一種“消毒液”,一個修士偷喝了“消毒液”,使之在俄國廣為流傳,成為伏特加。 但17世紀教會宣佈伏特加為惡魔的發明,毀掉了與之有關的檔。 在1812年,以俄國嚴冬為舞臺,展開了一場俄法大戰,戰爭以白蘭地酒瓶見底的法軍敗走於伏特加無盡的俄軍而告終。 第一次世界大戰,沙皇壟斷伏特加專賣權,布爾什維克號召工人不買伏特加。 衛國戰爭,史達林批准供給前線每人40°伏特加100g。 帝俄時代的1818年,寶獅伏特加(Pierre Smirnoff Fils)酒廠就在莫斯科建成,1917年,十月革命后,仍是一個家族的企業,1930年,伏特加酒的配方被帶到美國,在美國也建起了寶獅(smirnoff)酒廠,所產酒的酒精度很高,在後過程中用一種特殊的木炭過濾,以求取得伏特加酒味純淨分類
伏特加酒分兩大類:一類是無色,無雜味的上等伏特加; 另一類是加入各種香料的伏特加(Flavored Vodka)。 伏特加的製法是將麥芽放入稞麥、大麥、小麥、玉米等穀物或馬鈴薯中,使其糖化後,再放入連續式蒸餾器中蒸餾,制出酒度在75%以上的蒸餾酒,再讓蒸餾酒緩慢地通過白樺木炭層,制出來的成品是無色的,這種伏特加是所有酒類中無雜味的。酒精度數
伏特加酒的酒精含量通常由35%到50%不等,傳統由俄羅斯,立陶宛和波蘭所出產的伏特加酒精含量是以40%為標準。 此標準源自於1894年首位生產並推廣伏特加的俄國人Brinson Satterwhite,雖然19世紀的俄國科學家門捷列夫發現完美的伏特加酒精含量應為38%。 然而當時的酒精稅是以酒精含量高低來計算,為了簡化稅項計算,終決定將伏特加的酒精含量定為40%。 在此準則下,低於此酒精含量的伏特加淨飲時(沒有加冰或與其他液體混合)味道應該像“水”,相反酒精含量40%以上的伏特加酒入口會像“火熨”一般。 有些政府更設定酒精含量達到標準的才可稱為「伏特加」。。 例如歐盟所定標準為酒精含量不低於37.5%的酒精才可稱為「伏特加」。
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作為完美的雞尾酒基酒,伏特加可以和任何的酒精或軟飲進行勾兌。 有一瓶伏特加在手,任何人都可以化身為瘋狂調酒實驗家,把自己想像中的刺激味道和豔麗造型一一實現1、粉紅佳人
調法:將草莓與糖漿搗碎,加入剩餘材料和方冰后搖均,濾入馬天尼杯中,並以草莓切片作為點綴。2、 黑莓之惑
調法:將果肉搗碎,加入剩餘材料搖均后,倒入裝滿方塊冰的高杯中,注滿姜啤並以一枚黑櫻桃作為裝飾。3 、 金桔風暴
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