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'Composing a Poem in Response' by Lee Yootae
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tenchoice · 6 months
韓國 Wild Wild After Party 熱血猛男秀門票🎫預訂
熱情沸騰!韓國首爾的熱辣表演即將再度掀起狂潮!⚡️ 這是你絕對不可錯過的「Wild Wild 猛男秀」第三季展演!瀰漫著熱血、激情與魅力,火熱登場!🔥
熱情沸騰!韓國首爾的熱辣表演即將再度掀起狂潮!⚡️ 這是你絕對不可錯過的「Wild Wild <AFTER PARTY> 猛男秀」第三季展演!瀰漫著熱血、激情與魅力,火熱登場!🔥 現在就預留日期,12/1~2024/1月底的展演座位,立即加入這場熱潮!快來預訂門票,與閨蜜姐妹一同赴大韓民國(Republic of Korea),見證這場絕無僅有難得一見的肌肉震撼秀! 💃🏻 想知道更多?我們為您保留了一個特別獨享的連結,內含最新優惠及門票預訂資訊!現在就點擊這裡,盡情感受這場表演的魅力! 🎟️ 預訂門票🎫:Wild Wild <AFTER PARTY> 猛男秀 拾選關注每位顧客的需求,提供最優質的活動體驗情報。為了確保您抓住最新的折扣和最佳座位,不要忘記隨時關注我們提供的獨家連結空間! 緊抓心儀座位,一起投入這場熱血澎湃的韓國盛事,體驗難忘的狂歡時刻!🎉
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gameballtw · 2 years
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《TWICE》隊長志效上圍藏豐滿胸部 形狀露餡超明顯 😳😳​ ​ 南韓女子團體「TWICE」子瑜的隊長志效(지효)擁有好歌喉,在團體中擔任主唱一職,昨(7)日上穿皮製洋裝,豐滿UU形狀超明顯,和平常形象大相逕庭,粉絲目不轉睛。​ ​ 貼文發布短短一天,即便志效並未寫下任何文案內容,仍吸引超多粉絲朝聖:「太火辣了!」、「我的心看到照片承受不住!」、「我的天啊!太美麗了吧!」​ ​ #twice #志效 #韓國 #子瑜 #지효 #美女
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薩德追加部署 韓國不甩中國⁉️ 韓國加速造核潛艇 擱置航母計畫 | 薩德反導系統 | 核動力潛艇 | 韓國海軍 | 軍事 | 馬克時空 第188期
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dcomeann · 18 days
想飛去韓國遊學✈️嗎?還是想聽懂韓綜生肉👀? 跟韓國老師學韓文,讓暑假假期變得充實~
🥋 跆拳道、K-POP舞蹈、學煮韓國料理🥘 🇰🇷 韓國文化體驗 📙 韓文課程
-出發時間:2024年07月14日(日) 至 07月27日(六),共2週 -住宿:校內宿舍 雙人房 -適合年齡:高中生以上
官方Line:https://lin.ee/J5BaXhr 點擊網頁查看更多資訊:https://dcomeabroad.com/chonnamuniversity/
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footballyes88 · 28 days
一位了解韓國足協情況的足球人士表示:「在建造天安市足球中心的關鍵時刻,財政狀況並不寬裕。在財政狀況不佳的時候,又出現了克林斯曼教練的違約金 問題。」
「穆里尼奧和克洛普這樣的名帥執教韓國國家隊會是多麼美好的事情,但這是不可能實現的,我們沒有足夠的資金來聘請世界頂級聯賽中仍 具競爭力的教練。亞洲仍然是世界足球的邊緣地帶,名帥們希望在世界頂級聯賽中工作,國家隊對這些教練來說並不具有吸引力。」
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2018: Japanese blog on Buddhism and Temple Visits
As I brush up on my Japanese I came across these blog entries from the Yasuda Prayer Bead Shop [Japanese language page 安田念珠店] written a few years ago. I used DeepL to do a translation, fiddled and corrected it very slightly and replaced Japanese URL links with English ones — sometimes running a Japanese link through Google Translate. You may want to skip my boring commentary below and skip…
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sparklyfoxpuppy · 3 months
『水晶燈租借』新生代韓團ENHYPEN 2024亞洲巡迴演唱會,林口兩天盛大登場!
『水晶燈租借』新生代韓團ENHYPEN 2024亞洲巡迴演唱會,林口兩天盛大登場! 算一算從洸影水晶燈第一次租借水晶燈以來,這因該已經是我們租借服務的第12個年頭了,從第一個蔡琴演唱會到這次的新生代韓團ENHYPEN亞洲巡迴演唱會,這一切可說是風風雨雨,霧裡來雲雨去,雖然只是租借的樣式,但可別輕忽導演、演員、場佈對水晶燈的要求細節唷!..... #ENHYPEN #韓團 #亞洲巡迴演唱會 #林口體育館 #機捷 #A7站 #韓國 #韓流 #演唱會
『水晶燈租借』新生代韓團ENHYPEN 2024亞洲巡迴演唱會,林口兩天盛大登場! 算一算從洸影水晶燈第一次租借水晶燈以來,這因該已經是我們租借服務的第12個年頭了,從第一個蔡琴演唱會到這次的新生代韓團ENHYPEN亞洲巡迴演唱會,這一切可說是風風雨雨,霧裡來雲雨去,雖然只是租借的樣式,但可別輕忽導演、演員、場佈對水晶燈的要求細節唷!每一個高度、尺寸、樣式、顏色總有著細節上的苛求,畫面要好看,動作要流暢,燈光要柔美,每一項都是需要對焦,不可以隨意!因此獨特的設計,活動的調整絕對也是洸影水晶燈必不可少的配合! 自由娛樂報導:超人氣韓團ENHYPEN將開唱 機場捷運規劃疏運計畫幫粉絲追星 (以上圖片擷取自鏡週刊 官方IG 與 FaceBook 臉書平台,非洸影水晶燈所有) 而這次合作的前期準備工作也是相當龐大的。我們不僅需要了解 ENHYPEN…
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aflylin · 5 months
Day 5-11/07(二)甘川文化村-西面짬뽕관中式料理-機場
甘川文化村怎麼去?搭乘西面(1號線)到109土城토성站往6號出口直行右轉100m→釜山大學醫院站(부산대학병원) 乘坐公車 사하구1-1 / 서구2 / 서구2-2至至甘亭小學站.甘川文化村站 (감정초등학교.감천문화마을)下車。
因為之前有去過,所以憑著很模糊的印象在走,在公車站牌那裡,正在遲疑可以搭什麼公車上山時,有個釜山小哥哥跟我們說可以坐1-1,叫我們跟他一起上車,還比了一下公車外面寫的中文字「甘川文化村」,真的是很感謝他耶。然後在我還不確定要在那按下車鈴,也幫我們按了下車鈴,跟我說下一站下車,也太貼心了吧,看出我媽急衝衝的準備要下車,還跟我們說not yet,一大早就這種溫情攻勢,釜山男人真的100分啦!!!本來以為小哥哥只是幫我們按下車鈴,殊不知還跟我們一起下車了,怎麼人會好成這樣?下車後還跟我們指路說往哪邊走就是甘川,然後很酷的往另一個方向走掉。(我突然想到釜山男人送女友花都會說是路邊���到的那個場景,哈哈哈,釜山男人萬歲啦!!!
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還好機場沒有很多人(到底....),我先去退稅機刷退稅單,後來去1樓機場郵局寄出我最後一張明信片才去check in,check in前需先至自動報到機印出登機證,才可以去掛行李。進去裡面找到gate4排隊等退稅,還好沒有很多人,可選擇退美金或是日幣或韓幣,中國人好像可以直接退到手機裡,覺得很方便,退完稅也才1點,我剛剛真的不知道在趕什麼。在機場內便利商店最後消費一波,買了香蕉牛奶和地瓜餅乾(但地瓜餅乾不是餅乾是脫水地瓜,我覺得很不好吃,可以不用買),這裡真的大爆炸被擠爆,還有台灣人持續在掃貨中。以前機場有個雪冰,現在也沒有了,改成咖啡店。
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thenomadinside · 8 months
10 Places to Visit in Jeju Island
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Seogwipo, South Jeju
라바르 lavarr This was probably my favorite out of all the cafes I visited in Jeju Island. The space is split up into three separate floors and concepts: The first floor is where the cafe with a pretty cool interior that looks as if it used to be a bathroom but converted it an art installation. The second floor is a dedicated exhibition space that showcased some paintings by a local artist. Lastly, the third floor is a working space for those that want to bring their laptops and get some work done.
Everything in this building seemed very carefully curated. I also liked that they are environmentally conscious and serve using aesthetic trays and cups that are made out of recycled coffee grinds. This cafe definitely feels more like somewhere you’d find in a more upscale neighborhood in Seoul but overall I liked how they curated the space.
Indigoterie I discovered this place in passing and somehow ended up staying a whole day here. This space is a unique combination of being a vintage artisan goods store that sells a range of clothing and objects, a cafe and also an art workshop classroom. On Wednesdays, Thursdays and occasionally on the weekends, the owner closes his shop to host a workshop that is centralized on excavating found objects by the Seogwipo shore, formulating a unique design and silkscreening it onto your shirt of choice. Definitely was a fun experience if you are looking for something a bit more tactile and hands on.
서귀포옷가게 Personality This brand is completely local to Jeju and the clothing style definitely hoists a lot of personality. I came across this place randomly on Naver Maps and thought it was worth a visit. It’s unfortunate that when I visited this store, they didn’t have a lot of sizes or colors in stock. I think I visited a day or two before they launched their next line of clothes which might explain the lack of supply. Oh well, will probably have to visit again in the future!
West Jeju
Anthracite Coffee This cafe is located in the west coast of Jeju Island so it’s a bit out of the way from both Jeju city or Seogwipo. The interior is definitely moody and has an industrial theme as the space used to be an old starch factory. It’s perfect for some coffee and conversation, but probably not as much for working. I tried both their iced latte and milk ice cream and thought both were delicious. If you have some additional time, I thought Hanlim was kind of a cute town/village to explore.
Camellia Hill I recommend coming to Camellia Hill on a gorgeous sunny day, as I think it makes strolling through the gardens a much more enlightening experience. I unfortunately wasn’t blessed with the best weather when we arrived as it started raining. I was most impressed with the gardens cape that had the pink muhly, as even on a rainy day, it was really breathtaking.
Osulloc Tea Museum Okay, this is probably the most popular spot that people come to visit when in Jeju, but I felt it was slightly a bit overrated. Or to more explicit, I think I just expected more things to do here. There is not much to “do” or really “see” but if you are looking for a casual afternoon to relax and drink Osulloc (renowned brand in Korea) tea and eat sweets, definitely come for a visit. They also sell a handful of Innisfree products, so you can also come to buy skincare products.
Arte Museum Out of all the interactive art museums I visited during my time in Jeju, this one was probably the most “impressive” and experiential. It’s similar to Tokyo Borderless where it integrates both visual imagery, performance and fragrance to create uniquely themed experiences.
East Jeju
고흐의정원 Van Gogh’s Garden This interactive museum utilizes AR (augmented reality) to create multi-dimensional exhibitions of the different eras of Van Gogh’s paintings. This wasn’t my favorite exhibition but could be worth a visit if you have nothing better to do.
Snoopy Garden This was my favorite place that I visited in Jeju and yes I’m biased because I love Snoopy since he’s my spirit animal. Snoopy Garden felt like a comic book adventure park that is broken down into the very many different personas and eras of Snoopy. I definitely felt like a kid revisiting his childhood after walking through the entire garden, and I’m here for it! In addition, they also have a souvenir store that sells many Snoopy-branded products, a cafe/restaurant on the second floor, and even an ice cream truck!
Jeju Folk Village I was pre-hyped at the idea of coming to this village because Dae Jang Geum (Jewel in the Palace) was the first k-drama I ever ever watched growing up. I was so inspired by the dishes that the court ladies made for the king and it definitely spurred an interest to learn how to cook korean dishes. The folk village is what you’d expect: very historical and you can learn about the types of “huts” they people lived in depending on their social status and class. Overall, a decent experience but I probably wouldn’t go back. That being said, the best meal I’ve had was the main restaurant located in the folk village, so highly highly recommend you eat there if you do end up going here.
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halafish · 6 months
[首爾賞楓郊區 逍遙山]
爬山 賞楓 運動 韓國
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#逍遙山 的半日遊,將近3小時只走了右側的藍色路線,走到第個第一個頂時已過中午加上往下看都有點迷茫的朦朧,氣象預報下午會有雨,於是選第一岔路到綠線,此時已經出現雷鳴了~讓人意外的是,為何綠線比藍線還難走(綠色是中等難度)!真的上山容易下山難~~
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#地鐵一號線 #楊州站轉月台至 #SOYOSAN
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briefenthusiastlight · 5 months
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0909658567 · 6 months
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footballyes88 · 28 days
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