#髮如雪 Fa Ru Xue
ilikedetectives · 7 months
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"Your hair is like snow, the freezing night of our parting.
Invite the moon to visit and illuminate those memories, love is perfect under the moonlight.
Your hair is like snow, flying with these bitter tears." (x)
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fishylife · 2 years
URL Mixtape Game
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL then tag the same number of blogs.
Thank you to @jonginnation for tagging me! This was a unique tagging game :3 Not all the songs in my playlist are listed in alphabet so if the song had an English title in my phone playlist, I used that, and if it didn't, then I used the romanized title lol.
F - Fa Ru Xue 髮如雪 (Hair Like Snow) by Jay Chou 周杰倫
I - In To You by Jay B ft. g1nger
S - Sap min maai fuk 十面埋伏 (Ambush from Ten Sides) - by Eason Chan 陳奕迅
H - Hai Yu Lian 海芋戀 (Taro Romance) - Jam Hsiao 蕭敬騰
Y - Yue Ya Wan 月牙灣 (Crescent Bay) - F.I.R.
L - Lazy by Exo-CBX
I - I'm Fine by D.O.
F - Fei Ni Mo Shu 非你莫屬 (It's Yours) - by TANK 呂建中
E - Encore by Got7
Tagging (if you want to do this!!) @paperlungs, @eternalnostos, @fwoopersongs, @montosmadman, @goats-guts-and-glory, @bloody-mary-23, @the-casual-cheesecake, @eyvenger, @thefeastandthefast
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ilikedetectives · 7 months
my brethren there are so many chinese love songs that fit minthara x someone that make me want to scream this is not something i expected on my dash but thank you for reminding me i have a whole playlist to scour
My fellow brethren, Minthara's poetic endless silver river is meant for chinese love songs I tell you. And since nobody asks for this here it is:
Your hair is like snow, the freezing night of our parting. Invite the moon to visit and illuminate those memories, love is perfect under the moonlight. Your hair is like snow, flying with these bitter tears. (髮如雪 Fa Ru Xue/Hair Like Snow)
Or this level of regret
Only one out of ten thousand parts of love is sweet, still I would rather be buried with just it... How painful it is to part? How intense is the pain? When dreams are buried in the misty rain of South River. Only when we've had our hearts broken we finally understand. (江南 Jiang Nan/South River)
Or this level of waiting and longing
Each step I take the memories of you cut deeper. I exchange the previous life, this life, and the next to cross the mundane world/mortal realm. Loving you I do not care how deep the Sea of Suffering is. I wait for you at the samsara, wait for your acceptance, wait for you to reincarnate/come back. (渡红尘 Du hongchen/Crossing the mortal realm)
I'm taking emotional damage, so Imma end this ask with a more lighthearted one as long as you don't get pass half the song
Answer me with an unhesitant kiss. Use sincerity to break any reluctance. (以无旁骛之吻 Yi Wu Pang Wu Zhi Wen / A kiss without distraction)
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