#answering stuff
wishfulsketching · 7 months
Ooooh, who is the cool lady with the feathers and face marking in that group pic with Lu Zhen? 👀 She looks like a lot of fun!
@livingmeatloaf thank you for asking about our silly little oc's ;__;
She is Fenghuang and she's a....fenghuang, a "Chinese phoenix". Or well, a mixed phoenix. She was born in the Egyptian spirit world where her mother traveled back in the day and fell in love with a local phoenix.
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She traveled back to the Chinese spirit world to learn about her roots and ends up meeting Lu Zhen and the others. She is very young, around 18-19 in human years and just like her father, is a bit of ADHD disaster at times.
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She gets along with Lu Zhen very well because they both are very happy personality and support each others shenanigans. She might be a part of a another found family that forms in the story too......
The whole "thing" of her character is that the Chinese phoenix, Fenghuang, is a very different thing than the classic Phoenix everyone usually thinks about. Her father is half Greek too. The Phoenix mythos gets around
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megaawkwardhuman · 11 months
On the part about Colin flirting with another guy, in season 3 he squeezed Laszlo's butt in A Farewell
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just going in for the fucking kill XD
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kald-dal-write · 2 months
I was wondering if any of your victors (and/or the canon victors, if you’d like to answer for them) had any pets, and if so, which ones and how many?
-LHS (on my main, since I can’t send asks from a side blog)
I definitley imagine Wiress as a cat mom.
Other Victor I also think has pets is Filip (D10M), who has a horse and he loves it so much hah
Don’t include it too much because it’s not like he can bring it with him to the Capitol so yeah haha
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negativespace06 · 8 months
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How's this one for your Knuckles drawing?
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perfect!! thanks for the palette!
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mysticarts · 3 months
for your Lackadaisy oc Daisy and Snowdrop :)
OOO okay let's do this!
Daisy: What inspired you to make your oc?
When it came to Carmen it was because of many reasons. One, I saw the pilot of lackadaisy and I immediately got invested! Second, I started reading some pages of the comic, and I started to get creative! But also the 1927 setting! Making an oc like this tests my creative liberties! Which is good since I wanna become a character designer or a storyboard artist!
Snowdrop: What is something your oc loves? What does your oc hate?
Oh, when it comes to Carmen, she's like that one SpongeBob chocolate meme but make it about music. Carmen loves music more than the usual average person, but you won't see her working the dance floor because she's too shy. Carmen also knows how to play the Lyre and the harp!
When it comes to things Carmen hates, she won't really say it aloud, but Carmen absolutely hates asymmetrical things. Like a picture is slightly tilted, expect Carmen to be there fixing it. A dress that looks asymmetrical? Carmen will modify that dress to no end until it looks better for her tastes.
Feel free to ask questions!
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shakeskp · 15 days
Pour le *⭐️director's cut⭐️
Pour ce meme
Et c'est là que je suis contente d'utiliser Scrivener pour garder tous mes brouillons :D
Pour une raison qui m'échappe, j'écris Kaveh comme étant conscient de ses sentiments pour Alhaitham, voire de leurs sentiments réciproques, alors que le canon a plutôt tendance à sous-entendre le contraire.
Et ça a eu un impact direct sur Et au matin se fâne quand est sorti la quête d'histoire de Kaveh l'événement Célébration de la Providence, qui a commencé à changer mon point de vue sur à quel point Kaveh se rendait compte que leur situation est hallucinante quand on prend en compte le caractère d'Alhaitham et ses propres récriminations.
Du coup, j'ai tenté de coller un peu plus à cette version là et même si ça ne changeait rien de radical au scénario, ça modifiait la façon dont Kaveh pensait à sa relation avec Alhaitham. Par exemple, à l'origine, cette scène là :
«Sa relation avec Alhaitham était un champ de ruines auquel Kaveh avait lui-même mis le feu. Il restait par endroits les échos de ce qui avait été et de ce qui aurait pu être, des artéfacts d’émotion encore entiers qu’Alhaitham avait la rare mansuétude de prendre en compte. Même si ce n’était que parce que l’existence de Kaveh le déroutait suffisamment pour en faire un sujet d’étude. Dans ces conditions, cet amour n’avait pas de sens. Né à une époque plus heureuse, il continuait de pousser comme une mauvaise herbe dans les lézardes de leur quotidien étrangement doux, dans les crevasses de leurs échanges intellectuels et du désir physique qui grésillait entre eux de façon régulière. Il persistait obstinément, malgré le sol pauvre en tendresse. On ne devrait pas aimer, quand c’était sans espoir. On ne devrait pas aimer, quand l’irritation l’emportait si souvent sur l’affection. Dans sa prochaine vie, tout serait plus simple, sûrement. Kaveh aurait purgé les erreurs de la précédente, qui avaient certainement rendu l’actuelle si chaotique. Peut-être qu’alors leur relation serait plus simple, que leurs différends ne se seraient pas sclérosés dans ce ressentiment. Ils se retrouveraient : si Kaveh avait une seule certitude, c’était que malgré tout, leurs âmes étaient liées et que la sienne attendrait celle d’Alhaitham avant de se réincarner. Trop de frustrations n’avaient pas été réglées. »
À l'origine, elle était écrite ainsi :
« Sa relation avec Alhaitham était un champ de ruines auquel Kaveh avait lui-même mis le feu. Il restait par endroits les échos de ce qui avait été et de ce qui aurait pu être, des artéfacts d’émotion encore entiers qu’Alhaitham avait la mansuétude de ramasser et de remettre sur son étagère. Mais déjà, Kaveh ne cessait de la bousculer. Peut-être qu’il valait mieux disparaître avant de finir de tout briser, et Alhaitham avec. Dans une autre vie, tout serait plus simple, sûrement, Kaveh aurait purgé les erreurs de la précédente, qui avaient certainement rendu l’actuelle si chaotique. Peut-être alors serait-il en mesure d’offrir à Alhaitham, si celui-ci le souhaitait, une relation s’approchant un peu plus de celle de Cyno et Tighnari. Ils se retrouveraient ; si Kaveh avait une seule certitude, c’était que leurs âmes étaient liées et que la sienne attendrait celle d’Alhaitham avant d’entrer son prochain samsara.»
Ça avait un petit impact aussi sur ce que disait Alhaitham à Kaveh quand ils sont à l'hôpital, mais c'est tour. Globalement, ça rendait surtout Kaveh encore plus auto-destructeur qu'il ne l'est déjà.
Un mini truc sur cette phrase-là : — Pars en paix, Kaveh. Dans cette vie, tu as frôlé la sagesse du bout des doigts. Dans la prochaine, tu l’enlaceras. Je veillerai sur toi.
Je voulais pas qu'elle rime ! /o\ Je l'ai retournée dans tous les sens sans arriver à l'empêcher de faire de rime !!!! /o\
Un bonus au sujet de De l'harmonie (de l'eurythmie) !
L'une des toutes premières scènes qui m'était venue en tête, et l'une des premières à avoir été écrites a été supprimée en cours de route parce qu'elle ne rentrait plus, mais elle contient une toute petite réplique qui me faisait rire toute seule. Pour contexte, on est dans la foulée de la visite médicale de Kaveh, il retrouve Tighnari et Cyno au café.
« Heureusement, face à l'impossible, il restait une solution. Une solution tout aussi désespérée, mais quand on n'avait pas le choix... — Cyno ! appela Kaveh du ton le plus engageant possible, en arrivant au café. — C'est Cynon, rétorqua platement son ami, assis à côté de Tighnari. — Tu ne sais même pas ce que je vais te demander ! — Tu reviens de la visite médicale pour l'expédition de Hout-Nesut. Tu es sous bloquants. Je ne te ferai pas de dérogation. Fin de l'histoire. — Dans Cyno, il y a « si », et « si », ça veut dire oui. Malheureusement, face à la droiture du général mahamatra, même un jeu de mots pourri ne suffisait pas. Tighnari jeta à Kaveh un regard plein de reproches. — J'ai lu le rapport de recherches de l'Amurta... Ce qui ne le concernait pas du tout, alors Kaveh savait que ça avait été pour lui, que son ami, sachant qu'il voulait se joindre à l'expédition, s'était renseigné par souci pour lui. — ... Tu ne dois pas le prendre à la légère, Kaveh. Il y a eu de véritables problèmes aux conséquences sérieuses. Kaveh croisa les bras sur la table et enfouit la tête dedans avant de la tourner vers le forestier. — Tu ne sais pas la chance que tu as, dit-il amèrement. Moi aussi, je veux être un Valuka Shuna. Pas de chaleurs, pas de rut, c'est ni logique ni juste. Tighnari lui tapota la tête avec compassion. À cet instant, une odeur réconfortante lui chatouilla le nez et Alhaitham tira une chaise. — Tiens, notre quota alpha, commenta Cyno. Refusant de relever, Alhaitham demanda à Kaveh : — À quelle crise dramatique fais-tu face, cette fois ? — Kaveh doit passer une visite médicale pour aller dans le désert, expliqua calmement Cyno. Pour la valider, il faut qu'il ait eu au moins deux phases de chaleurs afin d'enregistrer les dates probables de son cycle et qu’on soit sûr qu'elles ne se déclencheront pas pendant l'expédition. — Concrètement, il a besoin d'un alpha en urgence, ajouta Tighnari sur le même ton. Alhaitham ne répondit pas tout de suite et Kaveh tourna la tête pour voir sa réaction. Il regardait Cyno sans ciller, une main en suspension, interrompu alors qu'il s'apprêtait à appeler l'un des serveurs. Complètement pris de court, ce qui était toujours un plaisir à voir. Mais le silence se prolongea, devint pesant, et Kaveh ne tint pas plus longtemps. — Bref ! s'exclama-t-il en se redressant. Peu importe ! Je suis ravi de vous voir, déclara-t-il à Tighnari et Cyno, mais ce n'est pas la date de notre jeu de cartes bimensuel. Cyno afficha tout de suite l'air incroyablement satisfait, Tighnari incroyablement déjà soûlé. Kaveh attendait la blague avec résignation quand un serveur vint déposer leur commande et noter la sienne et celle d'Alhaitham. Cyno, contrairement à son habitude, avait pris une infusion plutôt que de l’alcool. Kaveh écarquilla les yeux. — Non ! — Si, répondit son ami en référence à leur premier échange. Sous le choc, Kaveh se tourna vers Alhaitham qui mit une demi-seconde à tirer les bonnes conclusions. — Oh. Félicitations. — Merci, répondit dignement Tighnari. — Mon congé pré-natal commence dans quatre mois, annonça Cyno. Bon courage, Scribe. — Je ne vois pas pourquoi ça aurait un impact sur mon travail, rétorqua Alhaitham. »
C'est bête mais le fait que Cyno appelle Alhaitham leur quota alpha me faisait rigoler et j'ai jamais réussi à le replacer, à ma grande déception.
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comicallybadwriter · 1 year
should write smthn about warlock and crowley since they are iconic tm
They absolutely are! Baha the nanny and toddler duo we never knew we needed.
It's a little bit longer than I anticipated but I hope you like it <3
Crowley was standing under one of the larger trees in the backyard of young Warlock's home. He was only resting for a moment, taking in the cooling shade that shooed the suns UV rays away. It would do nothing for his complexion as a nanny, and he certainly didn't want the hellspawn smacking him where there was a sunburn.
And there he was, the little antichrist; running around the yard playfully with a plastic sword in hand. A smile brightened along his face and mud splayed up against his trousers.
Oh, how Aziraphale would have a field day whining about his clothes later in the day.
"Nanny!" Warlock ran over to Crowley, and he hummed in response to the toddler, waiting for the question or statement that came from him. "Come play knights!"
"Oh no, darling. I'm not much of a knight."
"Then... you can be the princess!"
Crowley chuckled softly, agreeing to Warlock's game after a moment more of thinking it over. "Oh, but who will you be protecting me from?"
"Uhm-" Warlock looked around, not batting an eye at the other housemaids or butlers that were stationed all over the place, and instead took Crowley by the wrist and pulled him over to where Aziraphale was tending to a garden.
Crowley's glasses nearly fell off his face.
"Brother Francis will be the... the dragon! He's dangerous and- and he'll eat you! So I'll have to rescue you." Warlock seemed quite pleased with his game plan, even if it was the first time Aziraphale had heard of it.
Aziraphale looked at Crowley, who was collecting himself rather quickly, in hopes that no one had noticed him lose composure. "You heard the hellspawn, Francis. Time to dragon up."
Crowley winked back at Aziraphale, earning a flustered pink shade to cross his face, then disappear into the sun when he laughed and stepped towards the toddler and nanny.
"Well, I suppose I'll have to eat the knight first. If he's the one protecting such a beautiful princess." Aziraphale smiled playfully, and Warlock- who was supposed to be the brave knight- booked it back to Crowley, and hid behind his skirt with a loud squeal.
There was a chuckle from Aziraphale and a contempt sigh from Crowley before he picked Warlock up and draped him over his shoulders. "I say we both get him. Lock this dragon up for good."
Laughter echoed across the yard as both Crowley and Warlock chased down Aziraphale back and forth.
Oh, how much fun it would be if the world wasn't going to end.
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soft-cryptids · 1 year
screeching noises i wanna see a wip!!!!
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Of course Nonnie. Behold the forearm.
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wishfulsketching · 8 months
OOO I’m so happy to see some new doodles of Long Min and Lu Zhen TT^TT
Smth about them just makes me wanna giggle and kick my feet
dslkofdjfolkj Anon ;______; ANOOOOON....!! You have single-handedly boosted our confidence in our work like 200% ifudhdioguh
Thank you ;____;ojndoidfnoimfndosd here's a doodle
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Hello there!!! I'm Sage, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Unfortunately, I have come across evidence of a mistreated shark in your presence, and I'm going to need you to free him before things get...messy.
If you are unable to free the shark, I suppose the revolution will have to be called off, but if you can, evidence of its freedom will be necessary as soon as possible.
Ah, Sage, a pleasure to meet you.
There seems to have been a misunderstanding. That photo was taken last weekend, when my friends and I were at IKEA for a few hours. An unknown employee had imprisoned the innocent shark in a case and had him put cruelly on display in the store. Unfortunately, my comrades and I were unable to free him from his prison, and I posted that image to raise awareness for the cruel manner in which these creatures are being treated.
I apologize for the misunderstanding. Please refrain from attacking me and instead focus your rage towards the employee who had committed this heinous crime. I would be glad to join you, if you’d like :)
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megaawkwardhuman · 2 days
all you have to do is go to the tumblrmart, got to badges, and claim it!
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it's free too btw and (as you can tell by the 50 magnify glasses) you can get more than one (tho you do have to go back and click claim over and over for it)
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kald-dal-write · 14 days
do you have any headcannons on the queen Cecelia ✨✨??
of course I have, she is one of my fave side Victors haha
Won the 58th game at age 17
She is 34 during the third quell
Her arena was an old subway system, where the gamemakers would like send trains unto the tracks to get people moving around the place
(If anyone who is more familiar with subway systems you can find in the US that is mostly underground, that would be super neat to know so I can use it as a base for that arena haha)
Was in an alliance with some other girls from some of the "lesser District"
Her children are named after her allies from the games
Has 2 girls and 1 boy, the boy being the middle child
For my own sanity they all survive the events of MJ
However the two youngest don't really remember her after MJ
Her husband was a her boyfriend before the games and one of the more memorable moments of the reaping was when he gave her one last kiss before she was taken away :')
Originally had her victors talent be writing, but then I learned that Saint Cecelia is the patron saint of music, so now I like the idea that her talent is related to music because of that
Very close to Woof and he is basically like a grandfather to her children because her parents died when she was young
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fff777 · 5 months
hiii, could you rec some active got7 stan accounts? or people who post them often? i jst joined and its hard to find still active ones ): also loved your commentary on their jeju trip <3 i'm in the middle of watching it again too so it was fun to read!!
Hello Anon,
I am so sorry but I don't have a lot of recommendations because I don't follow a lot of got7 blogs myself. A lot of the ones I used to follow aren't very active right now so you're not alone :<
But here are some blogs that I do know of: - @got7ent - Update blog - @princeofjinhae - @dalkyum - @pynvenus - Art blog
Otherwise, I often look for got7 posts and blogs by searching through explore tags.
If anyone sees this and runs an active got7 blog, please leave a reply/reblog so that Anon can find you! :3
(I'm glad you found entertainment in my commentary on the Jeju trip! XD I'm so pleased whenever I come across a got7 video that I haven't watched yet :') I appreciate their solo activities but I do miss them together!)
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silvergolddraco28 · 4 months
ur fics make me go crazy /pos
Thank you! Glad you like them. Wish I had more people giving me verbal comments on them.
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waffleshark · 2 years
dante and vergilius get divorced and then they kiss and remarry then divorce then kiss then remarry then divorce th
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mysticarts · 3 months
Cn we get some fun facts about Tai Yang? Love your art and ocs! :D
Of course!
Tai Yang will not hesitate to troll others If he has a chance. He's a chaotic little sh!t and I love him (he's more on chaotic natural)
Tai loves animals! He helps work at the local animal shelter in Yújìn's kingdom
When it comes to weapons, Tai is the best at bow and arrows. Give him one of those and Tai turns into a sniper at that point
Tai is actually pretty fond of music, listening to different kinds. However Tai mostly listens to classical music or rap. Makes him calm down
Tai is Hui Ying's older brother by two years.
By Celestial age, Tai is around 450, in human years, Tai is around 24.
Several people have a crush on Tai, but Tai mostly notices when people like him immediately and decides how to deal with it. However when it comes to friends he's close to who like him, Tai goes into denial about it.
Feel free to ask more questions about Tai or any of my other ocs!
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