計畫想從黃大仙啟程前往香港國際機場的旅客,是否好奇「黃大仙去機場要幾耐?」。如今,這段旅途變得更加輕鬆便捷,全新A29號線巴士現已投入運營,為您提供直達機場的便捷選擇。在這趟行程中,您無需換乘,只要在黃大仙中心搭乘A29號線巴士,即可在約60分鐘內直達香港國際機場。 可以參考 身體不好必拜的神明!保生大帝求平安、保健康祕訣大公開
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lacostemei · 1 year
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4/4 #Apr #0404 香港阿伯很親切 無私分享故事 彩虹邨我以為是高雄果貿社區 地鐵人員動作有夠慢.... 香港 @casetify_hk 都不用排隊🤣 上飛機前硬是吃了SHAKESHACK 差點趕不上飛機✈️ #黃大仙 #彩虹 #九龍城 #大窩口 #添財記粥粉麵咖啡 #好立克 #東涌 #SHAKESHACK #重慶大厦 #美麗都大廈 #casetify #hongkong (在 香港 Hongkong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrDNEvJukwe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qiqi33577 · 6 days
人都有正常生理需求黎搵我放鬆一下一天的疲憊吧,我屋企乾淨衛生,讓我黎搵你也OK路費來回報銷 開酒店也可以接受 我係台灣妹 講白話也會 加我WhatsApp:+852 7094 5147
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chris-florist · 1 year
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#海鮮 🐠】早前有 神話耀記 開業🦀 💁🏻‍♂️ Follow 佢哋 Facebook 🐙 地址: #黃大仙 下邨 #大成街 #街市 地下F2號舖 🦞 • • • • 🐡🦐 #seafood 🦪🦑 • • • • • #florist #花籃 #開業花籃 #flowershop #花店 #花 # flowers #flower #香港花店 #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 # 現成花束 # 求婚 #花牌 #grandopening # 99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 # 優惠花 # 99支玫瑰 # 優惠 # hkflowershop #開張 #開業 # 現成花 # 賞花 #일상 # 現成 # freelanceflorist # 訂花 #日常 # 新店開張 # 優惠花束 #網上花店 # 網上訂花 #hkflorist #HomeKong #hello(在 大成街街市) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpy6p2wyt1Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ptgf-dili · 5 hours
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人都有正常生理需求黎搵我放鬆一下一天的疲憊吧,我屋企乾淨衛生,讓我黎搵你也OK路費來回報銷 開酒店也可以接受 我係台灣妹 講白話也會 加我WhatsApp:+852 46943970
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ptgf-chenlili · 17 hours
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人都有正常生理需求黎搵我放鬆一下一天的疲憊吧,我屋企乾淨衛生,讓我黎搵你也OK路費來回報銷 開酒店也可以接受 我係台灣妹 講白話也會 加我WhatsApp:+852 46943970
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ptgf-zhongyi · 4 days
人都有正常生理需求黎搵我放鬆一下一天的疲憊吧,我屋企乾淨衛生,讓我黎搵你也OK路費來回報銷 開酒店也可以接受 我係台灣妹 講白話也會 加我WhatsApp:+852 6210 7851
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s888anet · 2 years
屯門黃大仙南區污水樣本陽性 政府派逾15萬個快測包
屯門黃大仙南區污水樣本陽性 政府派逾15萬個快測包
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bongsuvn · 6 months
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Art by Not A Starchild
(Tiếng Việt ở dưới)
Mediums weren’t the only ones who transcended gender binary; gods were as well. Deities within the Mother Goddess Worship could transform into men or women at will. In modern terminology, they were genderfluid. Since the holies could be either men or women, a person with both masculine and feminine characteristics would be considered more suitable for the mediumship ritual.
The Third Mother Goddess of Watery Palace (also known as Princess of Red Scales) was one of the four Holy Mothers of the Four Palaces, who governed the rivers, lakes, and all bodies of water.
Excerpt from the Mother of Water prayer: “I wholeheartedly offer to the Grotto Court Water Lady of the First Dragon Palace and ask for her imperial grace, with her magnificent virtue, her numerous transformations, through my limited mortal eyes, whether she be man or woman, as she observes while dwelling under the living realm.”
Excerpt from the Mother of Water prayer recitation: “I sincerely give myself to Lady Immortal of the Watery Palace within the left Grotto Court, the fairy who resides under the Watery Kingdom, who doesn’t belong to the earthly realm, who has numerous transformations, either as a man or woman; to the elegantly holy, the the charmingly virtuous, the finely pure Madam of Yellow Dragon, to the dragon princess of red scales within Lake of White Jade, Her Majesty of mercy.”
Không chỉ các thanh đồng trong Đạo Mẫu 道母 có thể vượt khỏi hệ nhị phân giới, mà thậm chí các vị thánh thần cũng thế. Thần linh trong Đạo Mẫu đều vi nam vi nữ, tức có thể hoá nữ hoặc nam.
Mẫu đệ tam Thoải phủ 母第三水府 (còn gọi là Xích Lân công chúa 赤鱗公主) là vị Thánh mẫu cai quản miền sông nước, một trong bốn vị Tứ phủ Thánh mẫu 四府聖母.
Trích khoa cúng Mẫu Thoải 母水:
“Nhất tâm phụng thỉnh Động Đình thủy nữ đệ nhất long cung hiển hiện hoàng ân, khôi khôi đại đức, biến hình biến tướng, phàm trần nhãn nhục hạn chi, vi nữ vi nam, ngụ hạ dương gian vãng hiện.” (一心奉請洞庭水女第一龍宮顯現皇恩,恢恢大德,變形變相,凡塵眼肉限之,為女為男,寓下陽間往現。)
Trích bài khấn niệm thánh hiệu Mẫu Thoải:
“Chí tâm nương tựa tiên chúa thoải cung tả Động Đình, thuỷ quốc tiên phi phàm trần ngụ hạ biến hình biến tướng, vi nữ vi nam, Hoàng long tịnh hạnh đoan trang linh thiện thục diệu phu nhân, Bạch Ngọc hồ trung Xích Lân long nữ công chúa, Ngọc bệ hạ từ tôn.”
Tham khảo: dao-mau.fandom.com/vi/wiki/Mẫu_Đệ_Tam_Thuỷ_Tiên hatvanvn.blogspot.com/2010/11/cac-vi-than-trong-ao-mau.html
*Hệ nhị phân giới (gender binary): sự phân loại giới thành hai thái cực đối lập nhau, hoặc là nam, hoặc là nữ, thường theo hệ thống xã hội hoặc theo từng vùng văn hoá
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healingcrystalscc · 2 days
在香港,拜什麼神是一個有趣且耐人尋味的問題。香港是一個多元文化的城市,融合了儒教、佛教和道教的信仰,因此在這裡可以看到供奉黃大仙、觀音菩薩和孔子等神靈的廟宇。此外,香港的廟宇通常建築宏偉,香火鼎盛,是香港文化的重要組成部分。簡而言之,香港拜的神祇多元,具有濃厚的中華傳統文化魅力。 可以參考 孕娠期間前往著名廟注意事項
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the-monkey-ruler · 7 months
How many kingdoms and realms exist in JTTW, could you give us a short explanation of these please? I understand there are like three realms according to Chinese mythology
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How many kingdoms and realms exist in JTTW, could you give us a short explanation of these please?
There are many kingdoms that are visited in Xiyouji on their path, but I cannot say how many were during the Tang dynasty in general, you might wanna do some personal research for that case
The dragon prince was spared from death and banished to Yingchou Stream (鷹愁澗) in Shepan Mountain (蛇盤山), in the region that belongs to the Hamil Kingdom of the western barbarians.
Zhu Bajie found in Gao village and find that a daughter kidnapped in the the territory of the Kingdom of Qoco.
Yellow Robe Demon (黃袍怪) is based in Moon Waves Cave (波月洞) on Bowl Mountain (碗子山) in the Kingdom of Baoxiang (寶象國)
The Lion-Lynx Demon (獅猁怪) is actually the Azure Lion (青毛獅子), the steed of the bodhisattva Manjusri. He drowns the king of Wuji Kingdom (烏雞國) and took his position.
The Immortal of Tiger Power (虎力大仙), Immortal of Elk Power (鹿力大仙), and Immortal of Antelope Power (羊力大仙) are three demons who disguise themselves as Taoist magicians to deceive the ruler of the Kingdom of Chechi (車遲國).
The Ruler of Women's Country (女兒國國王) is the ruler of a nation in Xiliang (西梁) in Western Liang Kingdom with an all-female population in Women's Country (女兒國).
The Wansheng Dragon King (萬聖龍王) is based in Emerald Waves Lake (碧波潭), Rocky Mountain (亂石山), Kingdom of Jisai (祭賽國). He marries his daughter, Wansheng Princess, to the Nine-Headed Beast.
Sai Tai Sui (賽太歲; literally "Equivalent to Tai Sui") is a demon king based on Qilin Mountain (麒麟山) in the Kingdom of Zhuzi (朱紫國). He is actually the Golden Haired Hou (金毛犼), the steed of Guanyin.
The White Deer Spirit (白鹿精) is actually the mount of the deity Old Man of the South Pole (南極老人). He stole his master's staff and escaped into the human world. He accepts the White-Faced Vixen Spirit (白面狐狸精), a female Fox spirit, as an adopted-daughter, disguises her as a beautiful maiden, and presents her to the ruler of the Kingdom of Biqiu (比丘國).
The Ruler of the Kingdom of Miefa (滅法國; "Miefa" literally means "destroy dharma") hates Buddhists and once made an oath to slaughter 10,000 Buddhist monks. He realizes that he has done wrong in persecuting Buddhist monks so he repents and renames his domain "Kingdom of Qinfa" (欽法國; "Qinfa" literally means "respect for dharma").
The Grand Saint of Nine Spirits (九靈元聖) is actually the Nine-Headed Lion that Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun rides on. The lion seizes the opportunity to escape. He builds his base at the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave (九曲盤桓洞) at Bamboo Links Mountain (竹節山) near the Kingdom of Yuhua (玉華國).
The Jade Rabbit Spirit (玉兔精) is actually the moon rabbit that pounds a mortar and pestle in Guanghan Palace (廣寒宮) on the Moon. The fairy Su'e (素娥) once hit her and she bore a grudge against her. Su'e was later reincarnated as a princess of a Great Kingdom of India (天竺).
Su'e hid in the Monastery of the Anathapindika Garden in the Kingdom of Sravasti.
Honorary mention: Surya Kingdom is the place where the sun sets, and that's why its popular name is 'The Edge of Heaven.' During the time of late afternoon each day, the king will send people up to the battlements to beat the drums and blow the bugles, in order to dilute and weaken the sound of the sea boiling. (mentioned by Bajie)
Honorary mention: In years past, barbaric tribes of all four quarters came to pay us tribute: to the south, the Yuetuo Kingdom, to the north, the Qoco Kingdom; to the east, the State of Western Liang; and to the west, the Benbo Kingdom. (mention by Kingdom of Jisai).
Honorary mention: The state, Flowing Sand, was my ancestral home. My father was Flowing Sand Kingdom's king. Illness plagued me at the time of youth, A victim of a baleful natal star. (mentioned by Yellow Brows Demon).
Honorary mention: The spot releasing black vapors over there is the Lion-Camel Kingdom. (only called kingdom once by Sun Wukong).
Honorary mention: Master, my home is located in the Bimbana Kingdom, some two hundred miles from here. (mentioned by Lady Earth Flow.)
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I understand there are like three realms according to Chinese mythology
There are three domains in the cosmos — Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld — and each domain is populated by a host of important gods and goddesses. The Heavenly Domain is ruled by the Jade Emperor, who presides over a court of important deities who are worshipped throughout China. Three Realms (三曹) – the belief that Heaven, the living and the deceased exist side by side; heaven is a place for saints or rested souls, the Underworld for the criminous deceased. Three wun seven pak (三魂七魄) explains a person's existence. The three realms is where a person exists, and the seven states are what makes a person exist.
Also suggest reading JTTW's article with just how Xioyuji uses these domains in regard to the 36 heavens and the 18 hells as well.
accompanied by my realms question, are the six realms something canon in JTTW or are the six realms something completely separate from JTTW and considered a different religion than the three realms mentioned in JTTW?
The Six Realms in Buddhist cosmology are the six worlds where sentient beings are reincarnated based on their karma, which is linked to their actions in previous lives. These paths are depicted in the Bhavacakra ("wheel of existence"). The six paths are
Hell (地獄道)
The Hungry Ghosts or pretas (餓鬼道)
The Beasts (畜生道)
Humans (人道)
The Titans or Asuras (修羅道)
Heaven, or the realm of the gods (天道).
Above these lie the four holy states: the Śrāvaka (声聞), the Pratyekabuddha (縁覚), the bodhisattva (菩薩) and finally completely enlightened Buddhahood.
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We know that the wheel of reincarnation is very much real in Xiyouji and that the novel has Hindu and Buddhist mythology it wouldn't be out of the question that they have this specific cosmology, even if most of the time the novel is within more Easten heaven and dealing with Taoist gods.
There is a more modern take that is seen more fantasy novels where these 6 relams but that is far more used for the sake of fantasy where they are Gods (神界), Immortals (仙界), Spirits (妖界), Demon (魔界) Mortal (人界) and Ghosts 冥界(鬼界). Again this are more used for a fantasy setting in modern terms so this is a far more modern idea.
(heaven, mortal realm and diyu), like, the Demon realm and spirit realm are a thing in JTTW?
Demons and yao do not have their own realm. Demons are rather animals, plants, or other spirits that they to escape Hell (地獄道), The Hungry Ghosts or pretas (餓鬼道), or The Beasts (畜生道) and move on the human form. Or even celestials that abandon their posts and turn into demons as well. It is because they don't have their own realm that they are considered unnatural and going against the laws of nature.
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chris-florist · 1 year
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#海鮮 🐠】早前有 神話耀記 開業🦀 💁🏻‍♂️ Follow 佢哋 Facebook 🐙 地址: #黃大仙 下邨 #大成街 #街市 地下F2號舖 🦞 • • • • 🐡🦐 #seafood 🦪🦑 • • • • • #florist #花籃 #開業花籃 #flowershop #花店 #花 # flowers #flower #香港花店 #天水圍花店 #元朗花店 #屯門花店 #開張花籃 #開張花牌 #花束 # 現成花束 # 求婚 #花牌 #grandopening # 99枝玫瑰 #開業花牌 # 優惠花 # 99支玫瑰 # 優惠 # hkflowershop #開張 #開業 # 現成花 # 賞花 #일상 # 現成 # freelanceflorist # 訂花 #日常 # 新店開張 # 優惠花束 #網上花店 # 網上訂花 #hkflorist #HomeKong #hello(在 大成街街市) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpy6i6qy8Ih/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nam-0000 · 7 months
黃大仙 16cm
#香港約炮 #約炮
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ptgf-dili · 3 days
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人都有正常生理需求黎搵我放鬆一下一天的疲憊吧,我屋企乾淨衛生,讓我黎搵你也OK路費來回報銷 開酒店也可以接受 我係台灣妹 講白話也會 加我WhatsApp:+852
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katuo1130 · 6 months
蔡英文秘史 家史
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s888anet · 2 years
黃大仙瓊軒苑完成強檢 有14宗陽性及1宗不確定個案
黃大仙瓊軒苑完成強檢 有14宗陽性及1宗不確定個案
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