f-ngrl · 1 year
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way_ched 오랜만입니다 ! 내일모레 봬요💍❤️‍🩹 1. 뚝 (Feat. 릴러말즈 (Leellamarz), BIG Naughty) 2.가고있어 (Feat. jeebanoff (지바노프), 김효은) 4/19 6pm Way Ched <Come Away>
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gaogrotesque · 4 months
我對具昌謨好像沒什麼好講的(?)😂 奇怪的、我完全聽不出來問題在哪的設備問題頻頻打斷演出節奏,本來就已經很累的人(我)有種聚起來的一口氣散掉就會從追星模式回到現實的感覺… 😂 不要檢討別人為什麼不跟唱,情緒不到那真的不想唱 (雖然我也有點意外?合唱的聲音沒有想像中大XD 但也只是覺得台灣就是尹辰煐主場、韓國才是具昌謨主場,這樣而已 😂)
開場比1LLN sign營造的氣氛是真的帥XD 也是一手提著18天上台的人XDDD
喜歡〈널 지워야해〉~甚至曾經一度覺得具昌謨唱這首很讓人心動ㄋ
〈아름다워〉也很讓人心動 但為什麼覺得 他也唱得有點危 😂
上一次看到昌謨應該也是2018年底,中間好長一段時間不怎麼關注他XD 直到他當兵期間看了好多次Killing Verse,又重新慢慢累積起期待看到他回歸的心情 如果不是HPF第二天取消,我是會留下來看完他再走ㄉ 但台灣控好像沒有完全滿足我的期待,覺得有點可惜XD 有種我已經站在坑邊等著被推下去惹,但怎麼公演結束我還站在原地不在坑裡的感覺(?)
團體時間 後面七個人一起上台時真的覺得兩隻眼睛不夠用XDDD 想看的人太多ㄌ,有時候突然被撒一頭水還不知道是誰撒的XDD 在我們斜前方開張的Hash & Ash簽名工坊(X)可能是我這輩子距離得到尹辰煐的簽名最近的時候ㄌ(然而並沒有得到XD)
灰:(聽到我的歌!)(急急忙忙結束簽名工坊營業XDD) 灰:(我要去唱歌ㄌ!)
順毛狗狗 文仁燮真的有夠可愛…對著我們這方向比愛心我真的會燮(?)謝 🥹 當下和他比的心對上的時候突然有點羞恥(追星人又清醒ㄌ一瞬間)趕快收手(?)改成對他揮手XDD 快樂狗比ya吐舌頭真的很可愛…台灣控當之無愧的MVP 歌也都沒唱崩,他超棒(幹)
〈Valhalla〉的時候坐在中間台階上舞動(?)的仁燮XDD 我覺得他真的好適合跳舞XD 而且他在自己歌的時候很認真很帥,在別人歌的時候玩得很開心很可愛,那種盡興的感覺真的好有感染力
〈ITX〉的時候MALIK一直跳舞好可愛XDD 尹辰煐也跟著一起跳 🤣
扁嘴搖頭ㄉ尹辰煐在此有一次 😂
〈One More Rollie〉真的超嗨QQQQ 看他們在台上也整個玩開了,各種撒水、和台下互動、拿台下相機/手機自拍 真的比偶像還會飯撒,我真的會瘋謝謝 🤯🫨 被金孝恩的rap徹底殺死 😇
(幫朋友拍這段我真的不知道在拍什麼一激動起來完全沒在管鏡頭朝哪我好抱歉) 一個回神發現怎麼有狗(X)文仁燮坐在斜前方舞台邊XDDDD 眼睛亮晶晶的好好看 然後還跑去坐在圍欄上…這男人…真的…太會ㄌ 🫠
〈Paranoid Remix〉的時候具昌謨一直坐在我們前面簽名,還有誤拿到尹辰煐的專 😂 這也是我一直疑惑ㄉ:不會拿錯嗎XDD 果然是會發生ㄉ 看起來真的很親切XD 對staff和粉絲也都很和善又有禮貌的感覺 雖然我隔壁的昌謨飯到最後還是沒有被簽到…我們這一區是什麼簽名沙漠嗎(X) 後來尹辰煐在正面又簽一波,看別人的影片才知道 原來是昌謨哥叫他簽的…🤣 我心理平衡惹(ㄟ) 灰:(要唱歌才行啊!) 謨:(你給我過來簽!)
最後最後大合照的時候,MALIK說要到中間拍,這樣才能讓觀眾全部都入鏡,這男人真的是so sweet 🥹
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雖然問了在台灣拍照要說什麼,但具昌謨:鼎泰豐!(還是小籠包?我忘ㄌXDD 這段沒有錄到 🤣)
最後ZILLA和MALIK都脫衣服送台下了 老實說想了一秒如果被汗水炸彈砸到會不會當場昏死(幹)但又想到MALIK衣品很好,拿他的衣服感覺很划(幹)(ZILLA好像後來換的是AMBITION黑T?) 還有!為什麼沒有唱〈요즘 같은 날〉😭 好可惜啊居然沒有這首
終於把影片全部看完一遍ㄌ!原本沒有想寫的(?)但一旦開始就停不下來( 現在我應該可以走出來了吧 🥺
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choojunho · 1 year
봄을 봄展(KZ 아트스페이스 갤러리)_20230420
부산 서구에 위치한 KZ 아트스페이스 갤러리에서는 '봄을 봄' 전시를 4월 30일까지 진행합니다. 이번 전시는 오랜 시간 미술 활동을 해온 8명의 작가들이 자신의 작업에 관한 질문과 고민을 나누며 더 나아가려는 갈망을 전시를 통해 점검하는 계기를 마련했는데요, 권영술, 김지효, 김효은, 오선옥, 이정희, 임경숙, 정예원, 조현서 등 8명의 작가들이 참여합니다. 많은 관람 바랍니다.^^(~4월 30일, KZ 아트스페이스 갤러리), http://www.artv.kr/?p=9468
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solplparty · 2 years
[온스테이지 2.0] 해파_모르겠어요 https://youtu.be/hQ9sqeVxsKs [아티스트 정보] ARTIST: 해파 TITLE: 모르겠어요 세션 : 드럼 한인집 베이스 정수민 기타 임대운 키보드 송하균 코러스 김훨, 홈타운버디, 김효은, 수수 [제작] NAVER 문화재단 온스테이지 인스��그램(ONSTAGE INSTAGRAM) www.instagram.com/official.onstage 온스테이지 페이스북(ONSTAGE FACEBOOK) www.facebook.com/naveronstage 뮤지션 공식 채널(MUSICIAN OFFICIAL CHANNEL) https://www.instagram.com/steadyhaepa/ 온스테이지ONSTAGE
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freyja-333 · 3 years
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Flow 2 Flow: The Renaissance 📷 "Ice Cold Wave" Remix 📷 2021.12.17(FRI) 6 PM KST ILLSON, 김효은, Son Simba, ILLINIT, Snacky Chan, 호미들, BORN KIM, MC Meta, BLACK NINE, 넋업샨, JUSTHIS, 디기리, MAN1AC, Bizzy, 행주, ChaMane, Dok2
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makeawave · 4 years
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Keem Hyoeun
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koreantunes · 5 years
창모 (CHANGMO), Hash Swan, ASH ISLAND, 김효은 - Band
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richrubies · 5 years
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khhstan-blog · 5 years
A Night Out
Person: Keem Hyoeun
Genre: Fluff
Warning: None
”Come on y/n.” Layla says while nagging me. ”You know I'm not into stuff like that. Let me stay home in peace and quiet.” My friend Layla had invited me to this party at Dok2’s new home in L.A so she could try to get boo’d up but she wanted to me to go with her an I was not feeling it. I'm a quiet girl who likes to stay to herself and have fun on her own. Going to wild parties with drunk people, horny women and men and groupies was not something I wanted to deal with at the moment but I'm not gonna lie, getting drunk would be nice right now.
”I don't even have anything cute to wear” I said. ”Girl, you know I have the perfect outfits so, I got you.” Layla says with a wink and runs to her closet. I also forgot to mention, Layla is my college roommate. She's the complete opposite of me. She's wild, crazy, and a hoe, but she's been there for me since day one. I get up to go follow her to see what crazy outfit she would pick out for me. I was in pure shock when I saw what she picked for me. ”Lay......You must have lost your damn mind!” I yell. Layla layed out a black and red mini dress with the craziest black hooker heels I have ever seen. The accessories were cute though. I gave her the harshest glare I could give her. ”Come on y/n. You know you would fye as hell in this. If it's that bad then trade outfits with me.” She pointed to her outfit. There was a silver crop top with black leather pants and a cute pair of silver and black pumps. ”Alright, let's trade.” I said. Layla cheers and hugs y/n tightly. ”Okay okay bitch.” I said while pushing Layla. ”Hurry up before I change my mind. ”Alright jeez.” Layla says while rolling her eyes and takes her outfit to go change.
Me and Layla called an Uber to the party. Once we arrived, I got really nervous. We arrived to a huge penthouse full of Korean celebs, groupies, and drunk people. I knew instantly that this was out of my element but it was too late to leave. ”Come on y/n.” Layla yells while dragging me. ”Lets show them how we party.” Once we get inside, I'm in pure shock. The place was gorgeous. There was a huge turquoise indoor pool, a huge bar and a beautiful chandelier in the living room. I even saw a few rappers I had heard of. ”Beautiful huh?” I turn around to see the man of the house, Dok2. I was in pure shock while Layla was planning how to snatch Dok2 up. ”You're home is beautiful.” Y/n says. ”Thank you. All my hard work paid off and now I'm living life. Make sure to enjoy yourself while you're here.” Dok2 says while smirking. ”We most definitely will.” Layla says in her seductive voice while pushing me to the side. I could have popped her upside her head for that but that's her. I decided to walk off to the bar and go get a drink to chill my nerves.
There were so many people around including some of my favorites like The Quiett, Jay Park, Tiger Jk, and more. They were all throwing drinks back, chatting and hollering at a few groupies that were there. While sitting at the bar, Layla comes and tries to drag me off the bar stool. ”Come on y/n. They're playing our song girl.” I didn't even realize our song Mommae was playing since I was so out of it paying attention to everyone else. ”Excuse me. Can we get a few shots of tequila.” Layla says. ”Are you crazy!? I don't want to get crazy drunk!” I said to Layla. ”Girl, bye. You need to get lit. You look scared as hell for no reason. Live in the moment for a while.” Layla says while giving me 4 shots. She smirked at me and I instantly knew she was right. It was time for me to have fun. I downed all 4 shots and dragged her to the dance floor. We screamed for the DJ to start the song over so we could get it popping. As soon as it started, we both took over the dance floor. Later on in the song, while dancing I noticed a guy with bright fire red hair was staring right at me. He had really dark brown eyes that pulled me in instantly.
One moment we were staring at each other and the next he started walking towards me. The attention on the dance floor soon went all to Layla so it was just me and this mysterious but fine ass guy. All I could hear was my heart racing. Everything started going in slow motion. I tried to blame it on the alcohol but I knew it wasn’t that. The mysterious guy came closer and I realized he looked familiar but I couldn’t figure out a name. “You’re a really good dancer. You should teach me.” The guy says. I tried to speak but everything came out like a stutter. “Th..Th..Thank you.” I said. As soon as he smirked, I wanted to drop to my knees from shyness. “My name is Hyoeun. Keem Hyoeun.” Keem Hyoeun!? Now I knew who he was. He was on season 5 and 7 of Show Me The Money and was the first artist to be signed to Ambition Musik created by Dok2 and The Quiett. I felt so dumb for forgetting his name.
He looked so young back then so I see why I forgot. “My name is y/n. Nice to meet you.” I say and slowly put my hand out for him to shake. When he grabs my hand, I wanted to melt. His hands were twice the size of mine and they were extremely soft. He was pretty close too so I could see his face more closely. He was fairly tall, had a cute but manly face and pink plum lips, and a long but slim body. He was wearing a short sleeved black adidas shirt with black adida jogger pants and a pair of red and black adidas. I also noticed his huge Rollie on his right hand. “Your Rollie is nice.” I stupidly said. “Thanks.” He says while laughing. “I got it as a gift from Dok2 and The Quiett.” He starts to step a little closer and I get a whiff of his cologne. It was strong but had a sweet balance to it. He started liking his lips and opened his mouth to talk. “You know you’re...” Before he could finish, a tall but cute looking guy comes and grabs Hyoeun. “Aye, we’re all about to go racing in all of Dok2’s cars. Wanna come?” The guy says then looks at me and smiles a huge smile. “Waddup I’m Changmo!” He says in his broken english and puts out his fist for me to dab. “Hello I’m y/n.” I say while dabbing him back with a huge smile on my first. In the corner of my eyes, I notice Hyoeun glaring at Changmo like he wanted him to go away. Changmo soon noticed and said “You wanna go or... Y/n is welcome to come.” Before Hyoeun could answer, I spoke. “I think I’m gonna get going. My friend is really drunk off her ass right now.” I turned to the right and so did the guys. We all saw a girl dancing crazily with her dressed pulled up high on the bar. I was instantly embarrassed by Layla’s dumb ass. I silently cussed her out in my head.
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“Well thanks for coming. Hyoeun lets go.” Changmo says while walking away and laughing at Layla. “Hold on. I’ll be out in a minute.” Hyoeun says. Hyoeun turns and taps me on my shoulder softly. I turn around and meet his eyes and instantly go back to being shy. “Since your going, I’ll help you get your friend home.” He says. I was shocked. I didn’t want him to keep his friends waiting so he could help me with drunk ass Layla but I did need the help. It was gonna be hard getting her off that bar top and out the door, so I accepted his help. We both walked over and Layla started acting a fool. “Heyyyyyyy y/n.” Layla says while sluring. This shit was so embarrassing I didn’t even respond. I started grabbing her legs to pull her off but she started throwing a fit. “If you don’t get the fuck off the bar, I’m gonna kill you on this bar.” I silently said to her. She proceeded to do what she was doing. Out of nowhere, Hyoeun grabbed her off the bar and motioned me to hurry out the door with him. While walking, I called an Uber that came just in time. Hyoeun put Layla in the back seat so she could lay down and chill till we get home. “Thank you. You really helped me. I’m sorry you had to see how she acted.” I said while sneaking a glare at Layla. “ No problem.” He laughed and said shyly. We stood there for a few seconds just staring at each other. “Well....I should get going. Please tell Dok2 that I enjoyed the party.” I smiled and starting walking to the front seat till Hyoeun yelled. “Hey wait!” He ran over to me quickly. “I really wanted to talk to you more and get to know you but it seems plans have changed. Sooooo....I was thinking maybe we could go out sometime.” He said “OMG YES!!! I mean... sure.” I screamed like an excited kid and fixed my composure fast after realizing what I did. He laughed the cutest laugh and took my phone out my hand. I was confused at first but realized he was putting his number in. “Text me when you get home okay?” He says while handing me my phone back. “I will.” I said while shyly smiling. He opened the front door to the car and let me get in. “It was nice meeting you. I’m really glad you came” He says while closing the door and leaning on the car. “Hyoeun! Hurry up and quit flirting!” I looked to see Changmo screaming while standing on top of a black and silver Ferrari. Hyoeun sent him a glare and Changmo backed off. I couldn’t help but laugh. “You should hurry and go. I’ll text you when I get home and deal with her. I’ll pay you back for helping me.” I said “Don’t worry about it. You can pay me back by going on a date with me.” He says while smirking. My smile faded and my mouth was wide open. “So cute.” He said busting out laughing and walking away.
I was in shock the whole ride home. The Uber driver helped me put a knocked out Layla in my house and went on his way. I cleaned Layla up and put her to bed. I made sure to leave some water and ibuprofen by her bed knowing she was gonna be hung over the next day. As I put on my pajamas and went to bed, I remembered to text Hyoeun. I sent him a text saying we got home safely and made sure to tell him to get home safely as well. He soon replied with a heart emoji saying that he was glad and he will make sure that he does so. I was kinda glad I went to the party. I may have went through hell with Layla but I met a really great and fine ass guy. I went to sleep happily.
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whyoseob · 6 years
A vida é uma aposta
김효은 (Kim Hyo Eun), Chaboom & EK – 패 (Feat. 넉살 (Nucksal), 딥플로우 (Deepflow)) Pae
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khhsh-t · 7 years
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Gang Gang
(I want someone to smile at me the way dok2 smiles at changmo)
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gaogrotesque · 4 months
DON MALIK 一出場第一首歌就是〈K'UP〉這首我沒聽200次也有100次(?)真的好喜歡
回看影片才注意到 文仁燮他用的帶子好像是完全沒有墊人聲的???真的超強…!!剛上台的時候真的好跩好帥,不知道為什麼後來變成快樂狗(欸)
행진, 문인섭의 열정과 패기 前進 文仁燮的熱情和氣魄
가슴 안엔 열정과 패기 充滿胸膛的熱情和氣魄
這兩句真的好中二但好帥…!聽音源的時候就很喜歡,看LIVE更有感覺 他調節&帶動強度和整體氛圍也都做得好好,就真的超帥
也唱了前陣子發的新歌〈Ladidadi!〉那個語氣的變化和自由自在調節速度的flow真的超有趣XDDD 覺得MALIK真的是超會運用自己聲音的人
金孝恩一出來那個聲音的重量感就是 XXL(好) 2019年看到他最深刻的印象就是本人好帥XD 是真的會覺得長得很端正的那種帥(好難形容?)這次看到還是覺得很帥XDD 感覺成熟了不少 畢竟也年過30ㄌ(幹) 比較可惜的是沒有唱自己的歌,都是唱和MALIK一起做的《49》這張專輯的歌、還有他幾乎都在主舞台(甚至是DJ台 😂)附近徘徊XD
孝恩:你好,很高興見到你,我是金孝恩,多謝(全中文) 仁燮:Damn~你怎麼會??? 孝恩:(高冷)當然是要用功啊 仁燮:Damn~金孝恩為了各位用功學習了啊!!! (Holiship槍聲連發 🤣 救命真的太會抓timing、還有文仁燮那個激動的語氣我真的要笑死XDDD)
文仁燮看到有人舉「MALIK啊把衣服脫了吧」的牌子XDD 故意掀衣服&作勢要脫又穿回去 真的是 太會ㄌ(緩緩拍手) 搗蛋狗從這一刻起應該已經成為現場很多人ㄉbias wrecker(例如我)
原本想叫大家教他講「很熱」的中文,結果發現學不來之後馬上欸嘿嘿蒙混過去的狗狗XDDD 可愛XD 一直比心一直飯撒,真的比偶像還會(沒啦)
〈빡〉的前奏一下真的就脫ㄌ 🫣 哇 真的是哇。(說話!)充滿了生猛的魅力XDD
以為是快樂狗 搗蛋狗,想不到還是性感狗…文仁燮這天晚上真的給台灣粉絲們太多ㄌ 😳 雖然一直背對我們這邊但他背上的「食口」好好看,親眼看到的時候又覺得好感動(?) 跟朋認真(X)想了AMB男團出道企劃,文仁燮就是19禁純真性感可愛狗狗包手包脖擔當ㄌ(太多XD)
而且居然會唱〈MY WAY〉我也是沒想到居然有幸得到金孝恩doubling的〈MY WAY〉現場
邊聽〈MY WAY〉又覺得好不可思議,2022年因為修咪11而開始關注的這位歌手,居然就這樣來到我的國家、站在我面前唱這首當初帶給我很多觸動的歌 好像也只有在看完MALIK的時候忍不住一直大喊멋있다!! 真的太帥氣了文仁燮
Paul Blanco 是我在AMB演唱會前惡補(X)歌單的人之一XDD 雖然從很久以前就因為各種featuring作品而記得這個名字,但認真聽他的discography這是第一次 而且因為他的作品各種視覺設計都很哈扣,本人也是非主流美少女(?)那掛的外表,還有一些看到他在AMB同僚們發瘋的時候皺眉罵西八的印象(?)就覺得保羅好像有點兇兇ㄉ(?) 殊不知本人完全扭轉以上印象,好溫柔啊XDDD 不同於其他人的英語聲道也很親切XD 唱完第一首歌就問大家有拿到水嗎?會不會渴?然後要發水下去、請大家也幫忙傳給需要的人 (作為因為站了7小時心很累的人,真的覺得藝人們有意識到這點並有心關照、做出體貼的舉動超加分的) 說會遮住眼睛丟下去、完全random的,這也超貼心XD 真的很懂粉絲心理ㄋ
保羅英文:I see you man、you know what I'm sayin' 保羅中文:我吃得太多了所以很飽 ??? 😂😂😂 是吃完鼎泰豐的感想嗎
我平常會聽的保羅歌都是他feat別人的作品,這次現場聽他自己的歌,突然很有感的是其實保羅rap也很好啊XD 以前對AMBITION有陣子冷掉就是覺得怎麼都開始唱歌(?)😂 但可能我自己也慢慢地改變了吧XD 接受、喜歡的風格也漸漸地擴張ㄌ 不是只唱歌、更不是因為不想/不會做rap才唱歌,是因為都做得很好,所以想做什麼就做什麼
但對Coogie實在太無感ㄌ…難怪這首歌出來時我沒有注意過XD 只覺得副歌好耳熟 & 怎麼會有忽略歌曲主人只喜歡客席的這種尷尬狀況~😂
〈Summer〉應該列為本次AMB台灣控的主題曲吧!但我現在聽這首都會想到具昌謨那魔性的舞動 🤣
高音和不同聲部的合音都唱得好華麗好穩定 聽得好過癮!👍
也有走過來我們這邊揮手打招呼比愛心,這些KHH人到底為什麼這麼可愛這麼會飯撒XD (朋:KHH是可以說飯撒的嗎? / 我:反正我們說是就是。)
〈Siren Remix〉也是我回來之後馬上找音源 ㄅ歉SUPERBEE他整家公司都不在我的視線裡XD
笑著對台下揮手的樣子看起來真的好好喔 🥺 黑長直看起來也好飄好順,但一直黏在脖子上害他一直撥,讓我莫名的對台灣這鬼天氣感到抱歉 😂🥲
回看影片保羅朝我們這方向走來時我跟朋友馬上緊張地一直說no no no 🤣 因為我們自己都有帶水,想說讓給後面的人,但很怕被砸到、也怕被後面想接水的人伸手打到(。)所以後來我們就乾脆雙手抱頭整個趴低在桿上 😂 保羅:no fear no fear! 我真的是 笑出來XDDDD 謝謝保羅 好可愛好溫柔的加拿大人 👍
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mmrmorning · 3 years
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딘딘 새 싱글 불 발매! @dindinem 딘딘 (DINDIN) - 불 (FIRE) (Feat. 김효은, The Quiett, Don Mills) Out now ✅ “이 노래를 듣는 모두가 올해 다들 본인의 삶 속에서 불을 찾을 수 있기를…!🔥” 🎨 by MOMO KIM @illustjee 2022. 01. 13. THU. 6PM (KST) 🔥 @dindinem #딘딘 #DINDIN @thequiett #THEQUIETT #더콰이엇 #KEEMHYOEUN #김효은 @donmills1988 #DONMIILS #던밀스 #불 #Fire #🔥 🔥 Composed by 딘딘 (DINDIN),COUP D’ETAT,Coe Written by 딘딘 (DINDIN),COUP D’ETAT,Coe,김효은,Don Mills,The Quiett Arranged by 딘딘 (DINDIN),COUP D’ETAT @yoonmyounggg Guitars 임민기 @imminking Mixed by Stay Tuned at Stay Tuned Studio @xstaytunedx Mastered by 권남우 at 821Sound @kwonnamwoo https://www.instagram.com/mmrmorning/p/CYq0aPIFNXr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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giny-us · 3 years
[AMBITION MUSIK ART PIECE ADDITION ] PEER Creative Room R339 IN MY SPIRIT! AMBITION MUSIK ART PIECE ADDITION  Pop-up store [Offline Sales: UPLEX Sinchon Branch B2 PEER] 21. 10. 27 (Wed) ~ 11. 09. (Tue) *Main pop-up store UPLEX Sinchon Branch : 02-3145-1785 The new collaboration between Ambition Musik and Peer is amazing if you have any possibility to go and visit the pop up store don't hesitate! #PEER #피어 #현대백화점 #더현대 #앰비션뮤직 #AMBITIONMUSIK #TheQuiett #keemhyoeun #CHANGMO #HASHSWAN #ASHISLAND #wayched #LEELLAMARZ #ZENETHEZILLA #더콰이엇 #김효은 #창모 #해쉬스완 #애쉬아일랜드 #웨이체드 #릴러말즈 #제네더질라 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CVh7skKDZsr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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solplparty · 2 years
[온스테이지 2.0] 해파_I'm Finally a Ghost https://youtu.be/5IrjmzMfr3k [아티스트 정보] ARTIST: 해파 TITLE: I'm Finally a Ghost 세션 : 드럼 한인집 베이스 정수민 기타 임대운 키보드 송하균 코러스 김훨, 홈타운버디, 김효은, 수수 [제작] NAVER 문화재단 온스테이지 인스타그램(ONSTAGE INSTAGRAM) www.instagram.com/official.onstage 온스테이지 페이스북(ONSTAGE FACEBOOK) www.facebook.com/naveronstage 뮤지션 공식 채널(MUSICIAN OFFICIAL CHANNEL) https://www.instagram.com/steadyhaepa/ 온스테이지ONSTAGE
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freyja-333 · 5 years
So, I just found out that Band is nominated for mama 2019... GANG!
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