webdraw · 6 months
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ushans · 4 months
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star-shorts365 · 11 months
주장 손흥민 리더십, 토트넘 감독이 찬사 보내는 이유... [스타쇼츠 & 연예가소식 ] #스타쇼츠 #소상공인마켓 #포항비데랜드 #...
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cksaksen-blog · 1 year
정기 근로장려금 확정 지급액, 아직 홈택스에 표시 안돼
내일 지급되는 정기 근로장려금! 정기 지급액에대한 확정 지급액은 아직 홈택스 홈페이지나 손택스 앱에서 표시되지 않고 있습니다. 8월 28일 11시 기준, 일부 현금수급자는 확급액조회 가능 다만, 일부 현금 수령(방문 수령)을 신청한 이용자는 “손택스 앱> MY홈택스 > 세금신고, 환급, 고지, 체납, 압류재산 내역”에서 환급액이 조회되고 있습니ㅏㄷ. (단, 모든 현금 수령 신청자가 나오는 것이 아닙니다) 아직까지 확정 지급액이 표시되지 않는다고해서 장려금 수급에 문제가 되는것이 아니오니, 너무 걱정하지말고 하루만 더 기다려주시기 바랍니다. ▶ 정기 근로장려금 수령방법 신청인이 지급받을 계좌를 미리 신고한 경우에는 신고한 금융 계좌를 통해 8월 29일 입금될 예정입니다. 계좌를 신고하지 않은 경우,…
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neocatharsis · 11 months
NCT NATION : To the World in Cinemas | 12월 전 세계 개봉 확정 💚
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got7ent · 2 months
돌아왔구나 청소광이 (정규 편성 확정) ㅣ 청소광브라이언 티저
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galaxymagick · 8 months
VIXX’s Leo confirmed to appear in the musical ‘Great Comet’! The role of Anatole, a charming and devilish man!
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interview and translation under cut
VIXX’s Leo will appear on stage in a new role through the musical ‘Great Comet’. Leo was named to the lineup of the musical 'Great Comet' (planned and produced by Shownote Co., Ltd.), which was recreated by Dave Malloy, a composer and playwright who is attracting attention in the United States, based on the story of 'War and Peace', a masterpiece by the great Russian writer Tolstoy. The musical 'Great Comet' ' is set in Moscow, Russia ahead of Napoleon's invasion in 1812 and tells the story of Pierre, Natasha, and Anatole becoming entangled in a love triangle. Leo appears in the play as Anatole, a young soldier with an irresistible charm who seduces Natasha. The musical ‘Great Comet’ expressed expectations, saying, “Leo, who has proven his improved acting skills, will participate in the role of Anatole,” and “The character of Anatole, who will be portrayed with his natural movements and attractive voice, cannot be missed.” Meanwhile, Leo has appeared in the musicals 'Mata Hari', 'Monte Cristo', 'The Last Kiss', 'Elizabeth', 'Marie Antoinette', 'Frankenstein', 'Bungee Jumping', 'West Side Story', and the play 'Tebasland'. As he has shown solid acting skills and perfect character digestion through numerous works such as ' It received rave reviews and won two Tony Awards, four Drama Desk Awards, and two External Critics Awards. Attention is focused on the transformation of Leo, who will play the lead character after coming to Korea and being recognized for his work and popularity, including winning the Producer Award, Choreography Award, Stage Design Award, Lighting Design Award, and Ensemble Award at the 6th Korean Musical Awards. In particular, 'The Great Comet' is an audience-participatory musical in which the boundary between the stage and the audience is blurred, so Leo's passionate performance will be vividly conveyed to the audience. As it is a work that requires him to perform both acting and playing instruments at the same time, he is also considered a K-pop artist. Expectations are rising for Leo's active performance. Meanwhile, Leo's next musical 'The Great Comet' will open at the Universal Arts Center in Seoul on March 26.
빅스 레오, 뮤지컬 ‘그레이트 코멧’ 출연 확정! 매력의 마성남 아나톨 역!
빅스(VIXX) 레오가 뮤지컬 ‘그레이트 코멧’을 통해 새로운 역할로 무대에 선다. 레오는 미국에서 주목 받는 작곡가 겸 극작가 데이브 말로이가 러시아 대문호 톨스토이 대표작 ‘전쟁과 평화’ 스토리를 기반으로 재창작한 뮤지컬 ‘그레이트 코멧’(기획·제작 ㈜쇼노트) 라인업에 이름을 올렸다.뮤지컬 ‘그레이트 코멧’은 1812년 나폴레옹의 침공을 앞둔 러시아 모스크바를 배경으로 피에르, 나타샤, 아나톨이 삼각관계로 얽히는 이야기를 그린다. 레오는 극중에서 거부할 수 없는 매력을 가진 젊은 군인이자 나타샤를 유혹하는 아나톨 역으로 나온다. 뮤지컬 ‘그레이트 코멧’ 측은 “한층 더 업그레이드된 연기력을 입증한 레오가 아나톨 역으로 참여한다”라며 “타고난 움직임과 매력적인 보이스로 그려낼 아나톨 캐릭터도 놓칠 수 없다”라고 기대감을 드러냈다. 그동안 레오는 뮤지컬 '마타하리', ‘몬테크리스토’, ‘더 라스트 키스’, ‘엘리자벳’, ‘마리 앙투아네트’, ‘프랑켄슈타인’, ‘번지점프를 하다’, ‘웨스트 사이드 스토리’, 연극 ‘테베랜드’ 등 수많은 작품을 통해 탄탄한 연기력과 완벽한 캐릭터 소화력을 보여준 만큼 이번 작품에서도 남다른 무대 내공을 드러낼 예정이다.레오의 차기 뮤지컬인 ‘그레이트 코멧’은 지난 2012년 오프브로드웨이에서 첫 선을 보인 이래 끊임없는 호평을 받으며 토니 어워즈 2관왕, 드라마 데스크 어워즈 4관왕, 외부 비평가상 2관왕을 달성했다. 국내로 넘어와 제6회 한국 뮤지컬 어워즈에서 프로듀서상, 안무상, 무대 디자인상, 조명 디자인상, 앙상블상을 수상하는 등 작품성과 대중성을 인정받아 주연 캐릭터로 활약할 레오의 변신에도 시선이 집중되고 있다.특히 ‘그레이트 코멧’은 관객 참여형 뮤지컬로 무대와 객석의 경계가 허물어져 있어서 레오의 열연이 관객에게 생생하게 전달될 예정이며, 연기와 함께 악기 연주를 동시에 소화해내야 하는 작품인 만큼 케이팝 아티스트로도 활약 중인 레오의 활약에 기대감이 높아지고 있다.한편, 레오의 차기 뮤지컬 ‘그레이트 코멧’은 오는 3월 26일 서울 유니버설 아트센터에서 막을 올린다.
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blu2alpaca · 9 months
한눈에 보는 2023
1월: aileenXneelia 둘이서 짧은 한국 여행
2월: 암스테르담에서 프로코피예프 심포니 5번 들음
3월: 타운홀에서 캘거리 루트 줄이는 거에 대한 항의
4월: 드디어 윈터 타이어 뗌. 드디어 차고에 렉 설치
5월: 뮤닉에 가서 바바리안 위용에 놀람. 동네 스모크 너무 심해 피닉스 갔다가 웨젯 파일럿 파업땜에 급히 링스타고 집에 돌아옴.
6월: 위니펙 에이첵 리오픈. 2주간 셋업함.
7월: 여름 성수기 바쁨바쁨.
8월: 카나나스키에서 첫 캠핑.
9월: 피앗 바퀴빠짐. 게으름땜에 돈낭비 제대로 함.
10월: 베이스 이동 확정. 내 피앗 제조이후 처음으로 하루에 1,000키로 달림. 장하다!! 🚗
11월: 벤쿠버 커뮤팅 시작.
12월: 바쁨바쁨. 집에 언제 갈 수 있을까…
이렇게 적고보니 2023년 역시 평온한 한 해였구나 싶다. 2024년도 평온하길!
모두들 새해 복 많이 받으세요🎉🙂
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koo-life-path · 2 months
나의 인생 시계가 빠르게 돌아간다는 것은 내 삶이 행복하게 제대로 흐르고 있다는 것을 의미한다.
근래의 나는 내 개인 연구 research firm에 대한 준비에 열중하고 있다.
특히, Research Firm에 대해서 5W1H의 형식으로 정의를 하면서 왜 이 회사를 설립해야하는 지를 타당성과 당위성을 찾고 있다. Research Firm을 설립하는 가장 큰 목적은 초대형의 AI를 만들어서 그것을 이용하기 위함이다. 이것은 내 개인 자금으로는 한계가 있다.
즉 외부의 자본으로 지금 내가 심어서 수확한 연구 열매를 바탕으로 대규모 농사를 해야한다. 마치 이제 텃밭에서 농사를 경험했으니 규모를 키워서 더 큰 규모의 농사를 시작하려는 것이다.
더 큰 규모의 농사를 하면 예상하지 못한 문제가 많이 발생할 것이다. 이것 또한 내가 도전해서 얻는 귀중한 경험이 되고 나의 다음 미래에 유용하게 사용될 것이다.
왜냐하면, 내가 소규모 텃밭에서 규모를 더 키운 텃밭으로 연구를 확정 시켜도 내가 생각하지 못했던 여러가��� 즐거움과 어려움이 발생했기 때문이다.
이제는 나의 인생 시계는 다음 단계의 연구로 빠르게 흐르고 있다.
연구의 열매를 위해서 인내하고 기다리기 보다는 이 열매을 sample로 팔아서 더 큰 규모의 농업으로 가려고 하고 있다.
두려움과 셀레임, 약 1년 6개월 준비한 결과를 바탕으로 다음 단계의 도전을 준비하고 있다.
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swagreecrow · 3 months
Leonardo x Stefany
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rangga973 · 4 months
극초기 단가 높은 앱테크, 50만원 확정 수익 재택부업 (바로 시작 가능)
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star-shorts365 · 1 year
[스타쇼츠 & 연예가소식 ]장도연, '라디오스타' 새 MC 확정 #스타쇼츠 #소상공인마켓 #비데랜드 #쇼츠라인 #shorts
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ricky-stefan · 4 months
극초기 단가 높은 앱테크, 50만원 확정 수익 재택부업 (바로 시작 가능)
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fikridude92 · 4 months
극초기 단가 높은 앱테크, 50만원 확정 수익 재택부업 (바로 시작 가능)
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hamkke-korean · 1 year
'확인' '확정' 다른 점?
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galaxymagick · 3 months
240625 OfficialJTW_LEO✖️
[#JUNGTAEKWOON NEWS] 전소민·지승현, '베란다' 출연 확정…정택운 스크린 데뷔 📌 https://naver.me/GBF9dlvH 📌 https://m.joynews24.com/v/1734207 #정택운 #레오 #LEO #영화 #베란다 #아덴
Jeon Somin and Ji Seunghyun confirmed to appear in ‘Veranda’… Jung Taekwoon's screen debut
#JungTaekwoon #Leo #Movie #Veranda #Aden
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Korean journalists, often use this expression "crank-in" when filmmakers start to shoot a movie.
Movie ‘Veranda’ Jeon Somin, Ji Seunghyun, Ha Suho casting, crank in
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The casting date for the romantic thriller film ‘Veranda’ (directed by Cho Sung-won) has been confirmed.
Director Cho Sung-won's romantic thriller film 'Veranda' selected Jeon So-min, Ji Seung-hyun, and Ha Soo-ho as the lead actors and recently began filming, distribution company Santa Claus Entertainment announced on the 25th.
The movie 'Veranda' is a story about people's secrets and truths projected in a space called an apartment, a communal home. 26 Company Co., Ltd. named this work, which has a narrative that relieves the burden of drama from the existing genre of 'erotic thriller' and highlights a more sophisticated and sensuous mise-en-scène, as a genre of 'romantic thriller', providing unique fun and entertainment. He expressed his aspirations for the production, saying that he wanted to create emotion.
Actress Jeon So-min plays the role of Jeong Ha-yeon, who is threatened by a mysterious person claiming to know the secret about her husband's death. Actress Jeon So-min, like a chameleon, plays roles in a variety of genres, including a love story in the drama 'Show Window: The Queen's House' and a life-style role in 'Cleaning Up'. In this work, she plays Jeong Ha-yeon, who senses that someone stalking her house is related to her husband's death and sets out to find her. She is able to establish herself as a thriller queen with strong maternal love for her son Aram. I plan to go through a transformation in my acting.
Actor Ji Seung-hyun played the role of ‘Hyun-woo’, who lost his beloved wife and child. He clearly made a mark on viewers with his role as Yang Gyu in the drama 'Khitan War of Goryeo', and has recently become a popular actor, even holding a fan meeting for the first time since his debut, and is actively engaged in activities. In this movie, the main character Hayeon's son 'Aram' follows Hyunwoo, and attention is being paid to how 'Hyeonwoo', who begins to dream big in new hope with Hayeon, will be portrayed.
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Here, the role of Hayeon's husband 'Woojae' is played by actor Ha Soo-ho. Since his debut, actor Ha Soo-ho has expanded his scope of activities to include screens, TVs, and OTT series, and is showing impressive acting across genres. In particular, he left a strong impression on viewers with his impactful acting as a vicious villain in Netflix's 'The Hounds' last year and in Disney+'s 'Han River'. Ha Soo-ho is solidifying his position as an actor. This work raises expectations about how the heavy and ugly truth hidden behind death will be expressed in detail.
In addition, actor Jeong Hee-tae will play the role of 'Nam Kyung-jang', who begins to investigate the surroundings while suspecting 'Woo-jae's' accident, and 'Kim Kyung-jang' will be played by newcomer Jeon Young-chan. Actor Jeong Hee-tae, who showed outstanding acting in the dramas 'Wedding Impossible', 'House with a Yard', and the movies 'My Neighbor' and 'Cheer Up, Mr. Lee', takes on the role of Detective Nam Kyung-jang, who is investigating the case in detail. It will add weight to the play. Meanwhile, actor Jeon Young-chan is recognized for his acting skills in short films such as 'Daejeon, 1960' and 'Lighthouse', and recently, he is a rookie with infinite possibilities and potential with his passionate passion in dramas such as the drama 'Cheer Up' and the OTT series 'Dominant Bell' and 'Deal'. am. Expectations are high for the diverse charms he will show through ‘Chief Inspector Kim’.
Jung Taekwoon, who plays the role of 'Arden', who is about to make his screen debut through 'Veranda', debuted as the main vocalist of the group VIXX in 2012 and received a lot of love for his unique voice and eye-catching charm, and has appeared in the musical 'Full House' since 2014. , 'Mata Hari', 'Monte Cristo', 'Elisabeth', 'Marie Antoinette', 'Frankenstein', 'The Great Comet', as well as the play 'Tebesland', and has been praised for her passionate performances regardless of genre, becoming an all-rounder with acting skills. It came out. In this 'Veranda', he plans to further expand his range of acting by playing the role of a mysterious character who spies on Hayeon's house and learns her secret.
In addition, this film 'Veranda' won the Grand Bell Award for Art Director with the film 'Moss', and he served as art director and set manager for leading works representing Korea such as 'Battleship Island', 'Sabaha', 'Korean Peninsula', and 'Bat'. Since this is the first work directed by director Seong-won Cho, it is attracting particular interest and expectations.
The movie 'Veranda', which is raising expectations with the appearance of many actors with solid acting skills such as Jeon So-min, Ji Seunghyun, and Ha Suho, as well as excellent supporting roles, is scheduled to be released in 2025.
Jeon So-min and Ji Seunghyun confirmed to appear in ‘Veranda’… Jung Taekwoon's screen debut
Actors Jeon So-min, Ji Seung-hyun, and Ha Soo-ho are coming together for 'Veranda'.
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26 Company Co., Ltd. said, "This work, which relieves the burden of drama from the existing genre of 'erotic thriller' and has a narrative that highlights a more sophisticated and sensuous mise-en-scène, is named as a genre 'romantic thriller', and provides a unique and fun experience." “I wanted to create an emotion,” he said, expressing his production aspirations.
Jeon So-min takes on the role of Jeong Ha-yeon, who is threatened by a mysterious person claiming to know the secret about her husband's death. Jeon So-min plays Jeong Ha-yeon, who senses that someone stalking her house is related to her husband's death and sets out to find her. She is able to establish herself as a thriller queen with her strong maternal love for her son A-ram. I plan to go through another acting transformation.
Ji Seung-hyeon plays the role of Hyun-woo, who lost his beloved wife and child. As Hayeon's son Aram follows Hyunwoo, attention is focused on how Ji Seung-hyun will portray Hyunwoo, who begins to dream big in new hope with Hayeon.
Hayeon's husband Woojae is played by Ha Soo-ho. After his debut, Ha Soo-ho, who expanded his scope of activities to the screen, TV, and OTT series, and showed impressive acting across genres, raises expectations about how he will densely express the heavy and ugly truth hidden behind death.
In addition, actor Jeong Hee-tae plays the role of Nam Kyung-jang, who begins to investigate the surroundings while suspecting Woo-jae's accident, and newcomer Jeon Young-chan plays the role of Kim Kyung-jang.
Jung Taekwoon (Leo), who plays the role of Arden, who is about to make his screen debut through 'Veranda', debuted as the main vocalist of VIXX in 2012 and received a lot of love for his unique voice and eye-catching charm. Since 2014, he has been well received for his passionate performances across genres in musicals such as ‘Full House’, ‘Mata Hari’, ‘Monte Cristo’, ‘Elisabeth’, ‘Marie Antoinette’, ‘Frankenstein’, and ‘The Great Comet’ as well as the play ‘Tebesland’. He was reborn as an all-rounder with acting skills. In this 'Veranda', she plans to further expand her range of acting by playing the role of a mysterious person who spies on Hayeon's house and learns her secret.
'Veranda' won the Grand Bell Award for Art Director for the movie 'Moss', and director Seong-won Cho, who was in charge of art direction and set responsibility for leading representative works of Korea such as 'The Battleship Island', 'Sabaha', 'Korean Peninsula', and 'Bat', etc. This is the first work that took on a megaphone. It is targeted for release in 2025.
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