#𓆩✧𓆪 Lumio
Knight's Reprimand
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“The kingdom would falter under such weak rule. I, Knight Sam Taylor, challenge the prince’s guard to a duel for the title of the throne.”
The surprise was immense, the knight standing before them, helmet tucked under his arm, looked entirely too serious about his challenge. Vesper stared at him, green eyes narrowed back at xem. Xe couldn’t exactly turn down the challenge, even if xe knew how this would go for the wayward knight. 
“Very well. This time, tomorrow. The dueling grounds.” 
Vesper and their father watched the knight leave the grand hall, the prince shaking their head at his audacity. Lumio rolled his eyes from his position beside the king, they really had no words for what had transpired. A human challenging the Mixtio head guard? Unthinkable.
Alee stood nearby, red eyes watching the door shut behind the knight. It was only a few moments before the current king also left to attend other duties. “Sir D’Stella.” Alee stepped closer to the thrones, arms crossing over his chest.
“Yes, Advisor Destan?”
The advisor swallowed thickly, he was still watching the door. “I would like to take your place as the prince’s Champion tomorrow.” That earned the attention of both the knight and the prince, he could feel their eyes on him. He wasn’t a knight, wasn’t a guard. He wasn’t trained that way. They all knew that.
“Alee, are you-”
Alee looked back at them, his expression, it silenced the prince. There was something distant about the look in his eyes. He came from a powerful house himself, one often escorted by knights of the kingdom. It was a look that solidified his request.
“You have my sword.” Lumio nodded at him, they’d willingly trade places with him. They’d sparred before, he wasn’t to be underestimated, even if his skill didn’t compare to theirs. “We’ll get you suited up tomorrow. Should we practise tonight?” Alee nodded, uncrossing his arms. He’d be ready.
Lumio adjusted the helmet on Alee’s head, making sure it fit perfectly. “You don’t have to do this.” They let go of him, taking a step back as he adjusted his gauntlets. He had to borrow a suit from another guard, but at least it fit his body well enough. Alee held his hand out to Lumio, the head guard pulling their sword from the scabbard, they handed it to him.
“I need to do this.”
They nodded, leading him to the gateway of the dueling arena on the castle grounds. “I’ll be here, standing by.” The knight gave him a nod and he stepped out into the evening sun. Oranges, pinks, and reds painted the sky above him. The man was already in the middle of the grounds, his helmet no longer under his arm, but on his head.  
Alee flipped the sword easily in his hand as he approached. Duels were meant to incapacitate, other kingdoms may even execute the loser of said duel. But the advisor had little regard for the true rules of a duel. That was not why he was here. He had no honour of his own to uphold, and he cared little for honour in regards to House Mixtio.
But he wanted Sam Taylor dead.
Sam held his hand out, and Alee’s hand slid into his to shake it.
“Seems I won’t be facing the reputable Sir D’Stella.” 
“No, you will be facing me.”
In the small section of his visor, Alee could see his green eyes widen. But the advisor held little care for that too. He pulled his hand back, taking a few steps away from the knight. A man stood by, to watch the duel, to yell the commands. A man that Alee would soon be ignoring.
“You know the rules, knights. May the best one win.”
He adjusted his grip on Lumio’s sword. Sam flourished his weapon, a one handed arming sword. He just had to remember what he learned from watching the guard, the movements he’d practised when he was younger. They circled one another, watching each other’s moves with sharp eyes. 
Protecting the prince was one thing, making sure Lumio didn’t have to deal with him was another thing. But his reasons were so selfish, the blood boiled in his veins. He hated the man across from him with every fibre of his being.
Perhaps to the man’s surprise, Alee struck first. Fast and small, he was easily able to duck under strikes without need for parry. For a time, they seemed equally matched. Sam was a trained knight, but Alee was more determined. Their blades struck one another, Sam attempting to use his height and strength to crumble Alee to his knees.
To no avail, the man once more ducked under the blade, he maneuvered around it easily. Sam then attempted to slash at him, the sword’s blade coming in contact with the space of his shoulder plate. Alee could only grit his teeth as the blade cut through the clothing underneath, his arm stung.
Sam grabbed him from behind, doing his best to grapple the advisor’s much smaller frame. Alee was quick and strong, but not as strong as him, they both knew that. But what Sam didn’t know, was that Alee wasn’t here to incapacitate. He was here to kill. He flipped his sword in his hand, stabbing backwards with pure anger and adrenaline fueling his movements.
The knight stumbled off of him, hand coming to the area that connected his torso plates. The advisor turned quickly, using the guard’s blade to strike Sam’s wrist, causing him to lose his own blade. Each strike that came afterwards were ones filled with aggression, his heart raced in his ears, and he would be damned if he lost.
His arms were grabbed from behind, but he threw his head back, coming in contact with the guard that tried to stop him. The man cried out, grabbing his now bleeding nose. But he released Alee, who took two steps to sweep Sam’s legs out from under him. No weapon, no heart, no honour. 
The advisor stabbed downwards, imbedding Lumio’s blade into the man’s neck. A mercy kill. One that he did not deserve. His blood coated the armour he wore, his chest heaved underneath the plate. He ripped the sword from Sam’s skin, spewing more blood that he barely reacted to. He couldn’t even feel the various injuries to his arms. 
“You’ve lost this time.” He whispered to what little soul may have remained in the man on the ground beneath him.
It wasn’t long before both liege and knight came to him. 
“Take him away, Sir D’Stella.” 
“You can throw his corpse to the dogs.” Alee muttered as he watched Lumio hoist the dead knight’s body onto their shoulder. His tone was grim, rage still interlaced every word of his. “I apologise, Sir Reys, I didn’t mean to hit you so hard.” Alee apologised to the knight nearby, whose nose still bled. With a slight wave of his hand, the knight’s nose was repaired. 
“Come, Advisor Destan.”
“Yes, your highness.”
Alee followed Vesper back through to the knights’ quarters, barren beyond them. Each knight was already stationed at their respective duties. Vesper looked around them before he faced Alee, pulling the helmet off of him. His hair fell around his shoulders, sweaty from the heat of the battle.
Vesper held his face, looked into his eyes. They were still so full of anger, it was an emotion xe didn’t often see. Not on him at least. He was always calm, even in the face of grave danger. Vesper had experienced that, seen it. This was out of the ordinary to xem.
“Are you alright, my love?”
Alee brought his hands up, resting them on Vesper’s wrists. He inhaled and then exhaled, shaking his head slightly. “Y-Yes, I’m fine. He didn’t get me too badly.” He averted his eyes from Vesper’s mismatched ones. He then swallowed thickly, he felt like he was going to throw up.
“Not just physically, my dearest.. Look at me.” 
The advisor blinked up at xem, still trying to catch his breath. His chest hurt, squeezed and tightened.
"There was rage in your strikes... Anger in your eyes..." Vesper’s voice was quiet as xe spoke, resting their forehead against Alee’s. The man’s expression softened as he looked into Vesper’s eyes. “Is your heart alright, my lover?"
Alee leaned forwards some, his nose rubbing against Vesper’s as he nuzzled xyr face. "Ah.. He.. I'll be okay. Now that he is no risk to you, my prince." There was more, of course there was more. But he couldn’t bear the thought of how one may look at him if he told that story to anybody. Even a lover.
"It didn't look like it was just about the threat to my safety..." Vesper’s lips gently brushed against his, a small soft peck. “Is it something else then?” It had to be. “Something you can’t tell me?” It was the only thing xe could think of.
Alee could only avert his gaze.
“Yes, it is. I’m sorry.”
Vesper smiled softly, their expression softening considerably. “It’s alright.” Xe promised, stroking his cheek with their thumb. “All in due time, sweetheart.” Vesper trusted him, trusted he might one day tell xem. And he hated that he was so afraid to.
“I love you.” Alee squeezed the hand on his cheek ever so lightly. “And I’d do anything to protect you.” That much was true, as their advisor, as their lover. His duty was their protection, now and always.
“I love you too, my dutiful guardian angel.”
Alee exhaled a chuckle, but it was dry and somewhat bitter. "You give me too much credit. You or Lumio would have dispatched of him much faster.."
“And? You stepped forward to protect us.” Their kiss was gentle, but more there than the last one.
“Always. I always will. I promise you that.”
“I love you.” 
“And I you.” Alee pulled away to look down at the armour and clothing he was wearing. “I should… Go change.. I’m not sure whose clothing Lumio even gave me..” Vesper snorted at that, releasing his face and shaking their head at him.
“Yes, yes. We’ll get you sorted, my handsome knight~”
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taglist: @cerasus--flores
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Whenever Alee is in fox mode, he's quite large. Like larger than the average silver fox, his tail is also immensely fluffy.
That being said, Lumio is a much larger wolf.
And yes, it is very cute to see a giant ass wolf with a fox curled up against their side, said wolf curled up around him, their paw over him, his tail over theirs.
Alee does also tend to groom Lumio even though he doesn't need to. You know how some wild canines will nip their fur? Yeah. This usually results in them licking him in return
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To Love
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Lumio was still learning.
They didn’t always quite understand, didn’t always quite get it.
Mieran had given them a heart. And every time he thought he learned something, he quickly realised there was more to understand. Nothing was as it seemed, or at least, it rarely was. A lesson they should have admittedly learned before. There’d be many opportunities but, it never crossed their mind to pay attention.
But now they had to pay attention.
Their hands rested on his hips, thumbs rubbing circles into his plush skin. They lifted their head from the back of the couch, staring at the man's flushed expression. He looked pleased, but there was always a sense of unease about him. One Lumio only recently learned to pick up on.
He lifted his head to look at them, tilting his head to the side. Lumio leaned up, feeling the way the man held onto him. A lifeline, a method to ground himself. They learned that too.
Lumio pressed his lips against the man's own warm ones. They had something to prove to him. And they knew he had something to prove too. He acted like it, they understood that.
But they needed him to understand something too.
Their reputation wasn't all that they were, and he was so much more than his own. He went to pull away and Lumio chased his lips, letting him only get a few breaths of air before they were kissing him again.
“Alee..” Lumio mumbled, their eyes opened to watch his open, a question in his expression. “This was nice.” They rubbed their nose against his.
Alee weakly returned the gesture, tired from their activity. Lumio's arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him flush against their chest.
He kept trying to be close to them, in every way he could. Their relationship was still fresh, and they could tell he was trying to make something up. A self imposed guilt for past behaviour they never even held against him.
But then, they had to prove they could love him just as Vesper did. Just as Mieran did. Gently, with understanding, with respect for his broken heart. He was not an easy lover, but a fiercely loyal one. Determined.
Lumio kissed him again, eyes closing as they felt his lips perfectly mold to theirs. And they kissed him again and again until he was giggling and breathless. The sound was like music to their ears. His joy. He'd do anything to prove he was worthy of his joy.
“Should I clean you up?”
“Can we stay like this for a few more minutes?”
Lumio answered by kissing him again, then his cheeks, nose, forehead..
Alee continued to giggle at the gentle ticklish kisses. They felt something momentarily stir in their chest, an odd sort of ache. Mieran had changed him, for the better, he figured. And he only continued to change, to evolve, as he learned to love.
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Dies Animarum
A celebration of death and life.
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“How long has he been up there for?”
Vesper looked up the stairs, arms crossing over their chest with a soft sigh. Lumio followed their gaze, the light at the top of the stairs was on, night having already fallen. “Coming up on two hours now.” Vesper reported quietly, there was some sound in the kitchen, Marilla calling for xem. “Could you..” Xe frowned but Lumio nodded in understanding.
The reaper headed up the stairs while Vesper went to the kitchen to help Marilla. As he stopped outside of a certain door, marked with hidden runes, the smell of myrrh reached his nose. The woody scent flitted out from beneath the dark door. They lifted their hand, rapping their knuckles against the door. 
Shuffling, but no answer. Candlelight flickered under the door and Lumio sighed softly. Today was a hard day, it’d been a hard day every year for several years. But this year, he wasn’t surprised Alee had taken it even harder. “I’m coming in.” Lumio announced, undeterred by the lock as he entered the room. 
November First. Dies Animarum. 
A celebration of death and a celebration of life. 
And the reaper knew the sorcerer had many to mourn.
Lumio shut the door behind them, locking it once more. Alee stayed kneeling in front of his altar, orange candlelight dancing over his pallid features. Smoke rose from the censer placed on the side of the altar as the gum resin within burned. The silvery star patterned table runner had been removed, leaving the altar bare.
He wore his official robes, the fabric stiff and bunched up as he continued to kneel. Wordlessly, he lifted the lid of the censer, uncaring of how it burnt his hand, and he placed another piece of myrrh within, closing the lid. Lumio drew closer, quietly kneeling down in front of the altar beside him.
“You have heard of the Day of the Dead, yes?” Lumio quietly nodded. “They celebrate their dead, build ofrendas so that the dead may find their way home. I find it charming.” Alee kept his head bowed as he spoke, words quiet, monotone. “Some cultures believe in a second death, of many varieties.” He continued but paused, lifting his head some to look at the altar.
Lumio also looked at the altar, a framed photo was on the altar, surrounded by various flowers including marigolds. Grief. “I find the saddest one to be the belief that once the dead are forgotten, they cease to exist altogether. A true death.” The leatherbound book that often remained at the centre of the altar was safely to the side. 
“But we know that the end is the end.” 
“Of course. But is it not still a societal death?” He countered quietly and Lumio hummed in response. As detached from humanity as they were, Lumio could see the very human nature in Alee’s words. “She has nobody but me.” He whispered suddenly, his voice quiet, like it hurt to say, like it burned his tongue. 
Alee bowed his head once more, eyes closing. It was just her photo on the altar, but memories of others littered the carved wood. If Lumio tried, they could probably piece an identity to each item. But it would do him no good. He could put names and faces to the dead, but the point remained, he didn’t know them. 
But, Alee did. 
Death did not bother the sorcerer, he’d made that clear to the reaper, a topic neither touched on since their last conversation. And they knew that death in other ways didn’t bother him either. He’d seen so much of it. And yet he bothered to remember their favourite treats, or the brand of cigarettes they liked, or the subway token someone clearly cherished, worn with time.
“All of these people. Nobody?”
“Nobody.” A ghost of a whisper. “Nobody wants kids from the street. The undesirables of the world.” The sorcerer sighed quietly, tilting his head back and exhaling deeply. “I pray they have found peace in death that they could only chase in life.” He stared at the ceiling. “I know from observing, that it is sad. And yet.”
“You only feel for one.”
Alee frowned, red eyes returning to the framed photograph. She was much happier then. A photograph of them when they were younger. She’d always make a point to climb him in photos, the silver haired girl in his arms and grinning at the camera. His own, smaller, younger face trained on her, smiling.
There was a crack in the glass of the frame, one that split them near in two. Lumio almost didn’t notice it, until the candles flickered and the crack became much more noticeable. How painful a metaphor. “New therapist says I need to get over my grief, that we all lose somebody eventually.” He reached forward, gloved fingers adjusting the frame.
“Sounds like you need a new therapist.”
The sorcerer tried to smile at their attempt at humour, but he couldn’t manage it, a shaky exhale escaping him. Only eight months ago he’d achieved the impossible. Only eight months ago his grief led him further down. A heavy shawl upon fragile shoulders made of glass. As he leaned back, leaving the photo alone, a hand found his.
Lumio’s fingers intertwined with his, the reaper squeezing his hand gently. “I don’t know… If I’m sad or if I’m angry. It all feels so..” Alee trailed off, trying desperately to keep his voice steady as he observed the dead. It felt like an avalanche. Soft and insulated, but crushing, numbing. A world experienced detached. 
Where even the strongest of emotions felt stunted. 
Where even the most painful of memories flickered between real and not.
It was not an unfamiliar sensation nor way of life.
Alee bit the inside of his cheek, nodding briefly. “I can merely hope, that in her moment of death, she knew how much I cared for her.” The tears that pricked his eyes burnt and he tried to blink them away but few escaped, sliding down pale cheeks. There was no way to know really. They both knew that. 
And still.
“I’m sure she did.”
It wasn’t that Lumio was lying just to make him feel better, it was a genuine belief they also wanted to hold, for his sake. The reaper lifted their intertwined hands, his lips pressing against Alee’s cold skin. “You have mourned your death long enough, love. Come celebrate life too.” His eyes watched the conflicted expression cross Alee’s face. 
And while Alee stood with Lumio’s help, he did not miss the way they had phrased their words. The death of who he was when he still had Sienna, the life he lost when she died. That bathroom saw the death of much. Some he was ready to talk about, after all this time. Others.. Alee’s lip quivered and he once more tried to blink back his tears with only limited success.
Lumio pulled the sorcerer into a hug, resting his chin between Alee’s flattened ears, arms wrapped around his waist. Shaky arms wrapped around the reaper, the sorcerer’s face all but buried against his chest. “I’m sorry I cry so much.” Alee whimpered, muffled by their shirt. Lumio raised one arm so that they could stroke his hair.
“You don’t have to apologise for that.” 
They shifted slightly, so that they could instead kiss the top of his head. “But listen, my love, to the sounds.” Lumio whispered against his hair. And they both grew silent, listening to the muffled sounds coming from downstairs. Barely audible, Vesper exclaimed loudly, followed by Marilla giggling only to yell in surprise. Mieran’s amused laugh and Fennel’s exclamation to leave him out of it. 
The house was filled with life.
And maybe not in the traditional sense, two of those lives were very much dead.
But it was still life nonetheless.
It was still worth celebrating, worth experiencing. Though muted, and sometimes so far away. There was something undeniable about experiencing the joys of life. “Tomorrow, Alee.. Will you tell me about her? The good things, the bad things, the mundane, I mean.” He asked, his fingers soothingly running through his long messy hair.
“...Okay.” “Okay. Come then. Our family is waiting.”
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im so sorry to mieran who has to be the reasonable partner out of the four
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"my love is your arm stuck in the claw machine. you were going to steal that prize for me?? oh my gosh. let me rescue you and also show you how to actually do this." for dead orbit !!
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Alee blinked when he came back to Lumio partially stuck in the claw machine, the reaper's expression almost made him laugh. "My love.. Is your arm stuck in the claw machine?" He inquired, already well aware of the answer as he sipped on the cola he'd left to fetch.
Lumio didn't even dignify him with a response, pulling on their arm in an attempt to free themself from the arcade machine. Albeit to no avail. "Aw were you going to steal a prize for me~?" The sorcerer was thoroughly amused by their quick glance away from him.
"Oh fates.." He chuckled, looking around before setting his cup down on the surface of another machine. "Let me rescue you..." He paused, "and show you how to actually do this." He then crouched down, eyeing how Lumio had gotten themself stuck in the machine. He then carefully unhooked the fabric of their sleeve from one of the inner mechanisms.
"Thanks.." Lumio didn't think twice about repairing the small cut, nobody was around to see anyways. They sat back on the ground of the arcade, various machines secluding them from any of the staff. They thought they could manage to steal the stuffed fox from within before he got back..
Alee hummed, looking around before he rolled up his sleeve. He then took his bracelet off, tossing it at Lumio who caught it wordlessly. Carefully, he angled himself against the machine, reaching up into it. "You can also use a magnet to maneuver the claw itself." He explained as his fingers brushed against some of the plushes. "Which one did you want?"
"The fox one."
"Of course." The sorcerer laughed, moving some of the other prizes aside. "That it?" He couldn't particularly see at this angle but when Lumio nodded, he gripped the plush and grabbed it. The plush tumbled onto the floor beside Lumio who picked it up, squishing the cheap toy. "Ta-da~"
Lumio watched Alee pull his arm from the machine, rolling down his sleeve once more. He took his bracelet back, too, slipping it around his wrist. "For you." The reaper snickered, handing the grey and white plush to him. Alee snorted, covering his mouth with his free hand to not draw attention from any attendants.
"Are you serious? You're ridiculous."
"But you adore me~"
Alee tossed the plush at their face, but Lumio caught it with ease, a smile on their face. "Yeah yeah. Come on, death." Alee waited for them to get up, holding his hands out to them with a grin. Lumio rolled their eyes, tucking the plush under their arm they reached out, grabbing his hands and pulling him up.
He grabbed his drink from the other machine, taking a sip before intertwining his free hand with Lumio's. All in all, a successful arcade date.
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alee managed to snag three of the hottest ad vitam boys (gn) cause he stole from one, stabbed another, and... watched movies with a third.
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good evening i'm here to talk about alee and vesper's children.
which is to say marilla makes a point of stealing lumio's cape when she's a little older because they so often swaddled her in it when she was a baby. they'll often find her asleep wrapped in it on the couch along with the lil stuffed bear her parents got her when she was a baby
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To be loved is to be changed, I say putting a lil charm bracelet on Lumio's wrist.
To be loved is to be changed, I say knowing Alee wears the same choker Vesper bought him in the early 2020s.
To be loved is to be changed, I say as Heath dyes Cirino's thick strands of hair the same silver as their own.
Ect ect
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The Chronicles of a Romantic Florist (3)
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A loud crash sounded throughout the store, Mieran’s expression of surprise towards Lumio was only momentary before they both raced into the flower storage room behind the counter.
Alee knelt on the ground, clutching his hand to his chest as he glared at the shattered remains of a flower vase. The bouquet was strewn about the floor, his knees wet from the water in the vase now everywhere beneath him.
“Alee..” Mieran grabbed one of the folded cloths on a nearby table, he bent down and wrapped Alee’s bleeding hand. “What happened? Are you okay?” The artist questioned as Lumio helped Alee to his feet.
“I'm fine.. I think. I don't know what happened.” Alee shook his head, looking down at the shattered vase, he frowned. His flowers.. Mieran unfurled the cloth to look at the wound, grimacing quietly as he pressed the cloth back against the injury.
“It's really deep, he might need stitches.” He informed Lumio who nodded, bending down to pick up the shattered glass. “Come on, babe, let's go wash this, okay?” Mieran helped the florist out of the backroom while the mortician cleaned everything up.
Mieran ran Alee's hand under water so he could get a better look at the injury. He bit the inside of his cheek as blood continued to gush around his hand. “Okay we have to go to the hospital, this is bad.” Mieran grabbed another cloth, turning the tap off and once more wrapping Alee's hand.
“I can stitch it-”
“You're not stitching it yourself, Alee.”
Lumio dropped the glass and flowers in the trash can beside them. Alee huffed at them, but nodded, looking at the already blood soaked cloth. Mieran grabbed the florist's keys from under the counter with his free hand. But the keys were swiftly taken by Lumio.
“You drive too slow.” 
“I drive the speed limit!”
“I feel woozy…”
Mieran quickly picked the man up, groom style, rounding the counter to get into the front of the shop. Lumio followed, locking the store door behind them. Mieran led the way to Alee's car in the nearby parking lot, letting Lumio open the back door so he could lay Alee down on the seats.
Lumio got into the driver's seat, starting the car as Mieran shut the back door and then slid into the passenger seat. Mieran buckled himself in as Lumio peeled out of the parking lot with a screech.
“Don't fuck my car, Death.”
“At least he still has a sense of humour.”
“I'm bleeding, not dead.”
Alee held his hand to his chest, his vision was blurry and he was tired. “Don't worry, we'll get you patched up. Then we'll go on that date.” Mieran turned in his seat, squeezing Alee's knee reassuringly. They looked pale too, the artist frowned at them.
Alee rested his free hand on Mieran's hand, giving him a small squeeze in return. “You're going fifteen over the speed limit!” Mieran pointed out after a minute. Alee laughed, leaning his head against the window. He liked listening to them talk, he liked just being around them.
“And we'll get there fifteen minutes faster.” 
“That is not how time works, Lumio.”
“For the living maybe.”
Mieran made a face, turning his head to look at Alee again. “Hey, sleeping beauty.” They opened their eyes at his words, raising a dark brow. “Just testing.” Not like he’d die, he can’t. But still, Alee’s body didn’t need the shock to his system. Alee rubbed the artist’s hand, reassuring him as best as they could.
The hospital was some ways away near the highway out of town. The fact the small town even had a hospital was lucky, but from the downtown store, it wasn’t exactly a short drive. Lumio’s penchant for speed surely cut that time down, but he also risked cops. A risk the mortician was more than happy to take.
“Cops usually hide in the next bend, you should slow down before we hit that.” Alee warned, unfolding the cloth to look at the injury. It hadn’t stopped bleeding yet. He sighed and pressed the cloth back down on it. Lumio heeded his advice and slowed just before the bend, driving just under the speed limit. “He can drive the limit, good to know.”
Mieran snickered when they rolled their eyes at the two of them. “You feeling okay?” He inquired, leaning his chin on the headrest. Alee gave him a small shrug, a pout on his face. They were missing their scheduled date because he was too clumsy and dropped a vase. 
“Fine, I guess.. I wonder if that hot new doctor is working tonight?” 
“Oh yeah, didn't they move here a few months ago?” 
Mieran nodded, if he recalled correctly it had been a whole thing. A fancy new doctor from Ireland moving to their small town. He hadn't had the chance to meet them yet, then from what he heard at the cafe, they pretty much kept to themself, so that wasn't particularly surprising.
Lumio pulled into the hospital drive, following the curved path towards the emergency room doors. “You get him checked in, I'll park then join you.” Mieran nodded at them and unbuckled himself, opening the passenger side door, and he got out. Alee used his free hand to open the door, Mieran bending down to help him stand up.
Once the door shut, Lumio drove away towards the parking lot. “My wallet has my health card, can you..” Alee flushed a little, his neck getting red. Mieran slid his hand into their back pocket, pulling their wallet out. He also gave their ass a little smack for good measure. “Perv!” As if they weren't into it.
Mieran led him inside, the sliding doors opening for him. Alee smiled sheepishly at the nurse tending the station as they approached her. “How can I help- oh my.” She stood to inspect his injury, a frown gracing her features as he unfolded the cloth to show her the gaping wound. “Can I see your health card?” He struggled with his wallet. Mieran gently took it, opening it and pulling the man's card out to hand to her. “Thank you, dear.”
She typed something onto her computer before handing the card back to Mieran who put it away. “Just have a seat, I'll page Doctor Wolnes right away.” She smiled at them and Mieran turned, leading Alee back to the chairs. Her voice rang out over the pa system just as they sat down, Alee's head falling against Mieran's shoulder. He still felt lightheaded and woozy, black dots spotted his vision.  
“Mister Destan?” 
Mieran corrected a nurse who'd approached them. “Apologies, come with me Doctor Destan. We'll take you to a back room to get that looked at.” He nodded at the nurse and stood up on shaky legs. Mieran was quick to stand to support him, the two following the nurse through a set of marked double doors. He'd text Lumio once he got Alee situated, go back out to meet them.
“Doctor Wolnes will be in shortly, alright?” 
Alee nodded as he sat on the hospital bed, watching the nurse leave the room. “That's the new doctor.” Mieran noted as he pulled the sheet over Alee's trembling legs. He'd lost a lot of blood. “Okay.” He leaned forward and kissed the florist’s temple. “I'm going to go update Lumio, but I'll be back, okay?” Alee nodded, watching the artist also leave the room.
He waited for the doctor, opting to just stare at his bleeding hand with red hued eyes. The cloth had completely soaked through with blood. He barely felt the pain anymore, just felt cold. He could heal Mieran as much as he wanted, but he couldn't heal himself. No matter how much he tried, his energy could never transfer to his injuries. It was unfortunate, that way.
Alee sighed, leaning back against the pillows. Thankfully, he only had to wait a few minutes. The door opened, and in entered a tan skinned, amber eyed doctor in dark scrubs. “Good afternoon…” They looked at their clipboard. “Alee Destan. I'm Doctor Heath Wolnes.” They shut the door behind them, sitting on a stool and wheeling themself to his bedside. They placed the clipboard into the holder at the end of the bed.
Their hair was pulled back, a pen tucked behind their ear. They were really pretty, Cirino hadn't been kidding. They pulled gloves over their hands before gently holding their hand out to him. “May I?” Heath inquired and he nodded, placing his hand in theirs palm face up to show them the injury. They hummed quietly, turning his hand side to side. “There's still some glass…”
Heath set his hand on the bed beside him, wheeling over to the counter and cabinet in the room. The doctor stood up, grabbing some items before returning to Alee's side on the stool. “I'll have to suture it after getting the glass out.” Heath set the tray down on a rolling table. Alee nodded, once more holding his hand out to them. Heath picked up the tweezers, holding his hand in theirs, he carefully began to pick the small shards of glass from his hand.
They flushed the injury, taking care of the wound quietly. He barely made a sound, didn't even hiss as they dug the tweezers into his skin. “I noticed your eyes.” They spoke after a few minutes. Alee hesitated, he'd gotten so lightheaded he forgot to keep up the smallest detail of his disguise. Heath looked up at him, a small smile on their face. Their once amber eyes were now a bright shade of orange that faded to amber, glitter scattered throughout. Oh. He grinned back at them, vulpine canines on display. Their eyes were enchanting..
“Nice to meet another sorcerer.” 
“Yeah it is.. This town has a few, seems to attract us.” He joked as Heath began to suture the wound. They nodded, focusing on their work stitching him closed. Watching them work and listening to them talk, he could feel his neck getting warm. They really were pretty. But as far as he was aware, Cirino had already successfully wooed them. If his flower orders were anything to go off of at least. 
“Maybe I should get your number.”
Heath blinked, looking up at him momentarily before back down at his hand. “That's very bold, Doctor Destan.” They pulled the needle through his pale skin, watching as the injury was pulled closed by their stitching. Alee exhaled a small laugh, tilting his head back, he looked up at the white ceiling of the examination room.
“I'm just being friendly, I'm on good terms with Cirino Agosti.” 
His explanation was satisfactory, Heath decided as they finished the sutures. They tied it off, putting their tools away on the tray. And took a moment to inspect his face while he looked at his phone. Cirino hadn't lied, he was pretty. They were still holding his hand, cold in theirs. But from what they understood, the florist was hard to crack, and had already given away his heart... Not to mention, they'd given away theirs too, to a certain Italian they adored. 
His beauty was purely aesthetically pleasing to them. Nothing comparable to their feelings for Cirino. Still, they could use the friendship. They were still new in town, with very little friends to speak of. Most stayed away from the newcomer, something they had expected from a small town but one that still didn't feel great.
“Very well.”
Their voice caught his attention, surprised to see their bright eyes on him. He tilted his head to the side, a soft smile on his face. The doctor rattled off their number in a quiet voice, heavy accent only somewhat masked. He nodded and entered the number into his phone, the smile never leaving his face. After a moment or two, they felt their phone vibrate in their pocket. They were still holding his hand. They let him go. 
“Thank you doctor.”
Ale slid off of the exam bed, cradling his still injured hand to his chest. “Any time, I recommend using ibuprofen for the pain.” He nodded at them. “Oh.. One more thing, may I ask what you're a doctor of?” Heath tilted their head at him, watching as he rounded the bed towards the door. Alee seemed to hesitate for a moment, averting his gaze.
“Biochemistry. My thesis was on heredity in living organisms. However, I preferred plants to people. And now I work with plants.” He smiled at them, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. Heath seemed momentarily surprised, but their neutral expression quickly returned to their face.
“Interesting. Well, you're clear to go. Have a good afternoon.”
“You too, Doctor Wolnes.”
Alee pushed himself up, running a hand through his long messy hair. He grabbed his phone off the bedside table, blanket falling around his bare waist. He squinted against the light of his phone, mouthing the time. It was late. Three am. Mieran would be asleep and Lumio was usually embalming at this hour. He sighed quietly, rolling onto his back.
Espresso whined in his sleep, small legs kicking as he dreamed. Alee brought his free arm around the puppy, holding him as he scrolled through his phone. Heath was on night rotation which meant they were probably awake. He could text them? He chewed the inside of his cheek as he thought about his options.
A.D.: hey
Alee waited, scrolling through his various social media accounts to pass the time. Until his vision blurred and he was forced to grab his glasses, putting them on his face. He blinked a few times as the dark room came into focus, no longer blurred. Espresso whined again and he looked down at the overexcited puppy. The florist smiled gently, petting his ears.
H.W.: Good evening. You're up late.
A.D.: couldn't sleep. thought i'd see what my favourite doctor is up to.
H.W.: I'm the only doctor you talk to.
H.W.: I'm eating dinner.
A.D.: your life sounds fun
H.W.: Yes if you call listening to six different people explain common cold symptoms they could treat at home.
A.D.: ahh so i was your most interesting patient this month?
H.W.: You and the man who got a tree branch in his leg, somehow.
Alee giggled, freezing when Espresso moved in his sleep, stirred by the man's quiet laughter. He pet him back to sleep, waiting until he was soundly chasing squirrels in his doggy dreams before Alee snuck a peek at his phone again.
H.W.: What do you do when you can't sleep?
A.D.: i look at my plants, or play video games, i don't know i don't do much.
H.W.: I've heard you keep an impressive greenhouse. I'll have to come see it sometime.
A.D.: when are you off?
H.W.: Tomorrow then I work the weekend shift.
A.D.: well you know my address ^^
H.W.: That I do.
H.W.: Break is over. Sleep well when you do.
Alee looked forward to seeing the kind doctor, setting his phone and glasses back on the bedside table. He'd have to try and get some sleep for work the next say. The florist sighed, pulling the blanket over his shoulder as he laid on his side. He'd do his best to sleep. At the very least, rest, should the insomnia strike him again.
And they had stopped by, his usual order for iced coffee sweetened in their hand. Though they were there far earlier than he usually opened. He rubbed his eyes, groggy as he took the coffee from their hand and let them into his shop so he could show them the greenhouse he kept in the store. Flowers, vegetables, herbs. Anything he wanted, he learned how to grow. 
And this was something that became a regular routine between the two. Coffee and plants. Alee's idea of a perfect morning. Though, despite his insistence on it only ever being friendship. Mieran and Lumio had their fun teasing him about the pretty doctor. Always asking when he'd snag them for the two of them the same way he'd caught Lumio. 
“You two are insatiable! Threes a crowd as is.” Alee huffed, running his fingers through Lumio's hair as the mortician laid on his chest, face buried in his chest. “Oh, unless of course we're thinking about jumping on Mieran's hot barista friend~ You know Vesper has the hots for you, Mier.” Alee winked at his boyfriend, smirk on his lips as Lumio chuckled at his accusation.
“Xe does not! I think xe likes you actually.” Mieran rolled his eyes, tugging on the toy Espresso was currently trying to wrestle out of his hand. Alee made a face, he didn't think the barista liked him, he figured he would have noticed that. The way he'd noticed xem. Lumio lifted their head slightly, looking up at Alee with their blue diamond eyes. They heard his heart race. But to his joy, they didn't mention it, laying their head back against his chest.
“Still! You should ask them out to lunch. Cook for them!”
“And compete against well known mafia chef Cirino Agosti? No thanks! That's a death and lack of skill wish.”
Alee sighed, leaning his head back against the couch, fingers absently carding through Lumio’s soft hair. “Mm.. You could always send them a bouquet.” They suggested, growing tired from the comfortable hair petting.
“Too forward..”
“Huh? That's what you did for me.”
“We were already close.. I don't know, maybe I'll invite them to the cinema. That way neither of us have to talk and we can eat bad fast food instead.”
“Cute! Bring them to a horror, maybe they'll cling to you.”
Alee made another face.
He was honestly surprised when they had agreed to hang out with him at the cinema. Alee had expected them to decline, they didn't go out much, why would it change for him? 
But still they sat beside him in the dark theatre, absently talking about the horror movie they were going to watch before the previews even started. He tossed a piece of popcorn up into the air, tilting his head back to catch it.
Heath reached out, catching the popcorn piece before he did. “Hey!” The doctor laughed at Alee's bewildered expression, tossing the piece of popcorn into their mouth instead. Alee rolled his eyes, doing the same action again, but this time he caught it in his mouth.
They sat at the back corner, allowing them to whisper to one another about the plot of the movie. “I think Alice is behind it.” Heath whispered in Alee's ear, breath warm against his cold skin. The florist hummed, acknowledging the doctor's statement. He agreed.
The rest of the movie went relatively quietly, Heath had been right. A shared look between the two at the reveal. It was entertaining, Heath's mind worked similarly to his own. An enjoyable dissection of the facts. 
Heath even offered to drop him off at home, though he definitely could have walked. He still appreciated their offer, accepting it. Alee wished the movie had lasted longer, or that their evening could have continued. But he didn't want to overstep too much.
The doctor pulled their car up to the sidewalk, putting the vehicle in park. They unbuckled themself, stepped out of the car, and rounded it to open the door for the florist. “Thank you..” Alee took their hand, letting them help him out of the car. They closed the door behind him, releasing his hand.
“Thank you for tonight.” Alee started as they walked to the door leading to his apartment. He pulled his keyring out of his pocket, holding it in one hand as he turned to face them. Heath offered a smile at him, their eyes captivating him as per usual. He couldn't help but get lost in them. They were beautiful. Their jaw, their lips, their eyes, their skin.
“I had a lovely evening. We should do this again some-”
Heath was cut off by Alee's lips against theirs. The kiss was gentle, his lips cold but soft, he tasted faintly of cherry cola. They stared at him, eyes wide, arms limp at their side. Alee pulled away quickly upon realising they didn't respond to his affection. The florist took a half step back, quickly averting his eyes from their shocked expression.
“I'm sorry-”
“No I'm.. I apologise, Alee, I didn't mean to lead you on in that matter.”
Alee cleared his throat and nodded, his hands shook. “I thought.. I'm sorry for misunderstanding.” He turned, quickly unlocking the door despite the way his shaky hands made it difficult. “Have a good night, Doctor Wolnes.” He pushed open the door, quickly entering and shutting it behind him. He felt embarrassed. He locked the door.
Heath stared at the door, watching the man run up the steps before disappearing somewhere upstairs. They took a step away from his door, hand running through their silver hair. He kissed well, he tasted good, his lips felt nice against theirs. They knew Cirino wouldn't care, or rather, would be supportive. But they hadn't exactly expected that, especially not from Alee. They weren't sure how they felt about him.
They touched their lips, they could feel the faint trace of his lipgloss. Their phone vibrated in their pocket and they used their free hand to pull it out. Heath squinted at the message, another apology from the florist in question. The doctor swallowed thickly, pocketing their phone and turning back to their car.
Heath would have to think about it, think about him. They felt a wave of nausea wash over them, an anxiety rising in their stomach. It wasn't often they felt like this, so uneasy. But he had a way of getting under their skin, not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way they couldn't deny. Heath slid into the driver's seat, pulling the car door shut. 
They almost wanted him to dare try again. It was cute, in a way. Cirino was always forward and flirty, they liked that, part of why they liked him. But Alee played it differently, in another way they liked. Still forward, but with a level of determination that sparked something in their heart. Maybe they'd have to talk to Cirino about it. Maybe he would know what to do, because they certainly weren't sure.
But until they got the chance to.. Their cheeks darkened as they thought about how nice it would be to kiss Alee again. To pull him closer, he wasn't much shorter than them, but enough they could tilt his head up to them. A soft sigh escaped the doctor, now wasn't the time for fantasies about a man they hadn't even thought about in this way until that kiss.
Could they really so easily fall due to a kiss? Heath wanted to laugh. What was he? A siren? How ridiculous it was to be thinking like this. And yet. They could almost still feel his lips. He even kissed differently than Cirino. Cirino was sure, confident, he knew what he wanted with every kiss he gave and took. Alee was more shy, hesitant and soft. It was sweet, almost sickeningly so. They kept one hand on the wheel, touching their fingers to their lips again with their free hand.
Heath sighed, lowering their other hand back to the steering wheel. Overthinking their feelings would drive them crazy. Cirino already had the success of doing that once, driving them crazy with need for him. Heath wasn't even sure about Alee's own relationships. They had never really asked for more detail about them. They wondered what sort of situation it was. Wondered if they even got to make a move if it was something allowed or open or.. 
Too much thinking for one evening.
0 notes
The Chronicles of a Romantic Florist (2)
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Alee pulled into the circular driveway, following the path to stop directly in front of the menacing manor. Mieran leaned slightly to look up at the house through the passenger side window, it was a lot more imposing up close than from the bottom of the hill it sat on.
“The family is unconventional but they're nice all things considered.” Alee commented as he put his car in park. He could tell from Mieran's quick glance that the artist didn't quite believe him. Alee flashed the man a quick smile before undoing his seat belt and exiting the car.
Mieran followed suit, closing the door behind him. Alee headed to the small trailer attached to the car, unlocking the bolts while Mieran waited, leaning against the sleek black door of the vehicle. A crow cared above, wind blew a decent breeze that rustled the nearby trees. He felt like he was in one of Alee's horror films.
“Good afternoon.”
The artist jumped, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a man in a suit. Parts of his brown and white hair tied back, a calm, almost.. Mieran wanted to say a smug, but not quite, expression on his face. The man stepped closer, and beside him, Mieran felt even his clothes were perhaps too… Lax.
“Did I scare you? Sorry.” His chuckle was light. “I didn't realise Doctor Destan hired more staff. Lumio D’Stella, co-owner.” Lumio introduced himself with a slight flourish. A man who knew who he was, what he was. 
“I'm not-”
“Lumio, stop flirting with my- friend. Mieran can you help me with these please?”
Alee’s voice came from the trailer, he already sounded exasperated. He didn't want the man to wait. 
“Mieran Atrum.”
He nodded his head and quickly stepped away from the director, rounding the back of the trailer. “How did you-” Mieran reached into the trailer, tugging on Alee’s waist to get him unstuck from between the vases of flowers.
“I forgot about last night! My hip still hurts.” Alee complained with a huff, taking some of the vases of funerary flowers and placing them in Mieran’s arms. One for each arm tucked secure against his torso. Mieran, however, felt his cheeks heating up. Last night had been.. Physically intensive..
The two rounded the car, stopping in front of Lumio once more. Alee balanced two vases whilst holding a clipboard out to the brunet. Lumio took it and the pen attached, signing their name at the bottom for the delivery before handing the clipboard back to him.
“Always a pleasure to work with you, Mister D’Stella.” 
“And you, Doctor.”
Mieran didn't miss the way Lumio pivoted to watch Alee hop up the steps of the manor, expression unreadable if he himself didn't specifically understand it. The door creaked open for him and he quietly slipped inside, leaving Lumio to turn their attention back to him.
“Need help?”
“No, no. I got it.” Mieran answered relatively quietly as he opted to instead follow the man. He wasn't sure how he felt about Alee calling him their friend instead of their boyfriend. But then, he couldn't get mad, they hadn't yet clarified the label attached to their relationship. Knowing Alee, Mieran figured he was nervous about upsetting him with the wrong choice of word rather than any malicious intent.
Easy to go from friendship to dating, much harder to go back. 
The door opened for him too and he stepped inside the old large house, immediately taking in the beautiful grand entrance. Alee was stood speaking to someone that towered over him, it's form wasn't exactly.. Right. But then, Alee sometimes had a fox tail. Who was he to judge? The woman who opened the door smiled at him before disappearing through a small archway.
“Ah my helper for the day, Mieran come here.” Alee beckoned him over and he went to stand by his lover's side. “This is Mieran, the tattoo artist I told you about last week. Mieran, this is Umbrastella. The other half of D'Stella and D'Stella Funeral Home. And Lumio's parent.”
It tilted its head at him curiously, as if examining him before it nodded at Alee. The florist seemed pleased by this reaction Mieran didn't quite understand. Alee bumped his shoulder against his, as if to reassure him. An appreciated gesture while he was so out of his own element.
It gestured with a lanky limb towards a large arch and Alee nodded. The artist quickly followed him into the room, vases clutched close to his chest.
“Don't worry it doesn't bite. I've known Umbra for years.” Alee set the vases on a wooden table, and Mieran followed suit, looking around at the beautiful chapel. It really was like an american gothic film. 
Alee began to take old vases void of flowers off the various pedestals in the room. “Do you mind putting the new vases up? I have to load these into the car and.. Get the other ones for the rest of the home.” Alee grabbed the last ornate vase, flashing a small smile at Mieran who quickly nodded.
The florist kissed his cheek on their way out the door and he couldn't help his smile. Most of the flowers he used were white, with the exception of small primroses scattered throughout the bouquet as filler. Eternal love.. Mieran's expression softened as he put the bouquet on the pedestal in front of him. 
Meanwhile Alee sped out of the room, hell bent on getting his vases back. He stopped short of running into Lumio's chest, the mortician steading him and the vases so nothing or nobody would fall. Their hands were warm on his shoulders. 
“Careful, fox.”
Lumio's hands slid down his arms before letting him go. “Thanks, Lumio. In a bit of a situation right now, two weddings and a funeral. Just my luck, right?” The florist smiled and shook his head at them. Busy, he was very busy.
“I get it. I do have a question though~” The mortician smirked when Alee raised an eyebrow, waiting for their question. “You and your… Friend.” Lumio did quotations around the word. They didn't need to actually ask their question, Alee perfectly understood their insinuation.
“Too bad, he really caught my eye.”
And as if on cue, their eyes glinted slightly, differently. The crisp blue colour remained but the rest of their eyes twisted and changed, diamondlike. But only for a moment.
But it wasn't their eyes he was focused on. It was something else entirely. An ugly feeling in the pit of his stomach, rising up and leaving a bad taste in his mouth. His heart clenched, almost uncomfortably so. Why did that upset him? He couldn't tell, he hated that he couldn't tell.
“He's in the chapel, feel free to talk to him.”
Alee didn't stay to wait and hear anything else from them. His heart pounded in his ears, and it hurt, like it was being squeezed and crushed. In the crisp autumn air he felt slightly better, but not enough. He hated the feeling in his chest, tried to ignore it as he put the vases in the trailer. If he ignored it, it'd go away, that was all he could tell himself.
He ran a hand through his messy hair, strands of black and early white falling over his fingers. With the vases situated, he grabbed more of the remaining new ones, pulling them out of the trailer. He had work to do, he couldn't think about it. The uncomfortable feeling.
A soft click behind him and he turned quickly. “Umbra.” Alee exhaled. It gestured to the vases in his hand and he held them out to it. Umbrastella took the vases in its arms, pivoting towards the building. But it stopped before moving around, turning its head to curiously look at the florist. 
“Don't give me that look, he's your son.” 
Umbrastella tilted its head the other way, blinking slowly. Alee leaned into the trailer, grabbing the last of the new vases. And when he turned back towards the house, the older mortician was gone. The florist sighed for what seemed like the tenth time in five minutes. He was almost done, at least. Almost finished.
Alee headed back inside, noting Umbrastella had placed the vases on the entrance pedestals. That just left the hallway and family room. He quietly moved through the home, hearing the nearby chatter, but he ignored it. He wanted to get back to his shop really. 
He finished with the vases and returned to the entrance of the chapel, poking his head into the room. For a moment his disguise faltered, the magic weakened, his eyes a reddish hue. Lumio stood near the raised bier, a hand on Mieran's forearm as they spoke to one another. Mieran seemed invested in the conversation, Alee assumed by his body language.
That feeling again. He hated that, the jealousy. But, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he focused once more on the illusory magic hiding his features. He wasn't sure who he was jealous of. Was he jealous that someone liked Mieran? Was he jealous that Lumio didn't like him? He couldn't tell, he couldn't differentiate. He wet his lips, sucked in some air, exhaled.
“Mieran. I have to return to the store. Ready?”
“Yeah! Just a second, Alee.”
“I'll be in the car.” 
Alee quickly left the room, his chest squeezed, it hurt. Was it truly the latter? Was he truly so selfish as to want both their attention? Was he truly so selfish? He had Mieran, Mieran loved him. Well, he assumed so.. They hadn't gotten there yet. The trailer closed with a slam and he wondered when he managed to get outside and back to his car. He locked the trailer and entered his car to wait.
The passenger side opened and Mieran slid into the seat. “Well they were very nice.” He shut the door behind him, then he pulled his seat belt on. Alee bit the inside of his cheek as he turned the key in the ignition. “Are you alright, babe?” Mieran's hand slid over his on the clutch, touching his white knuckles, prompting him to loosen his grip.
“Huh?” He pulled his hand away out of instinct. “Yeah, sorry. I'm fine. Just lost in thought.” Alee pulled off, following the curved driveway.
“You're sure?”
“Mhm. What did you two get to talking about?”
“Your forearm tattoo, actually. I told him I designed and inked it.”
Alee listened to Mieran talk about his conversation with Lumio, the art of tattooing, art in general. He kept his eyes on the road, hands on the wheel. 
“He said he liked you.”
Alee nodded.
“Oh.. Well..” Mieran seemed a little bashful. “I actually thought he was into you.”
“Yeah I mean he talked you up a lot even though he knew we're already together. Seemed very…” Mieran exhaled a small laugh. “Puppy lovelike? It was pretty cute.”
Mieran turned his head, looking at Alee as he drove, the soft sounds on the radio he didn't pay attention to. He recognized the way Alee's brow furrowed, his jaw clenched. His expression softened at theirs.
“You like them.”
“I've just known them a long time.”
“You can like them, you know. I don't mind.”
Alee's eyes flicked to the side, to look at Mieran. Brown eyes flickered red, he turned his attention back to the road. They didn't respond to him, and he reached out hand resting on Alee's knee, reassuring.
“I love you.”
The car stuttered as his foot lightened on the gas, his head snapping to Mieran's pleased expression. “Don't crash over it..” He squeezed their knee, gently butting his head against Alee's shoulder.
“I- sorry.. I love you too.”
Mieran smiled and sat up straight once more. “Then I don't mind. I already told him to go for it anyways.” The car stuttered again. “Wow, you're predictable.”
“Shut it!” 
Mieran snickered at him.
The rest of the afternoon went without a hitch, Alee felt far more reassured. But also nervous, he didn't know if what Mieran thought was actually the truth, or if that was how the conversation had actually happened. He could only overthink it as he crouched down, watching the herbs he grew in the greenhouse within his store. He understood plants much better than people. Especially extraordinary people like Mieran and Lumio.
His fingers brushed against the perky green leaves. He sighed, sitting on the ground beside the plants. Another soft exhale. His phone vibrated in his jacket pocket and he groaned, falling back and laying on the paving stones that lined the room. The florist pulled his phone from his pocket, squinting against the overhead lights.
Alee sat up when he noticed who had sent the text, eyes wide, his ears twitched. Lumio. Coffee? It occurred to him he didn't even know if the mortician liked coffee. But he agreed, if they were offering, coffee sounded nice. He suggested the coffee shop nearby, though began to reconsider when he realised how that might look to the staff there.. He always brought Mieran.
No, no he'd bring Lumio somewhere else. Tomorrow, according to the next text from them. Tomorrow. He laid back against the floor. His heart raced in his chest, he was excited. Giddy. He felt the same way he felt whenever he asked Mieran out for a date. Was this a date? He didn't know, he had to tell Mieran though. He'd snag the mortician for both of them! Oh, he felt so embarrassing.
He paced in front of the small restaurant, checking his phone for the seventh time in just as many minutes. Lumio was late, but then Alee had also been early. He chewed the inside of his cheek.
“I'm late..  Jumpy in the presence of death are we?”
Alee turned around, sliding his phone into his pocket as his eyes landed on Lumio. More casually dressed than they usually were, white blouse with flowy sleeves, a corset, jeans. Lumio smiled at him and he quickly averted his gaze.
“Don't worry about it. Lunch?”
Lumio stepped past him, moving to the door and pulling it open for him. “Thank you.” Alee bowed his head politely and quickly moved into the restaurant, Lumio following closely behind him. Alee quietly spoke to the waiter who nodded and grabbed two menus, leading them further into the restaurant.
“I didn't know you liked Italian.”
“There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Lumio.”
Lumio sat down, thanking the waiter as they took the menu. “That's true.” They conceded. Alee slid into the booth across from them, taking the menu as well. Only to pause, Lumio raised an eyebrow at him.
“Shit- I forgot something.” He stood with a sigh, placing the menu on the table. “Spiced maple manhattan please, he'll know what it means.” The waiter nodded and penned something down. “I'll be right back, I'm so sorry.”
Lumio could only watch as the man rushed out of the restaurant. He shrugged slightly, smiling at the waiter and placing his own drink order. He opened the menu as the man walked away with his notepad, but he instead leaned back, looking around the small restaurant. It was surprisingly quiet for a Friday afternoon. Only a few patrons. They furrowed their brow, that was strange.
But they couldn't give it much more thought, Alee returned, setting a dark red vase on the table in front of him. A black bow wrapped around the pretty glass. Several flowers were tucked into it, neatly arranged. It was so.. Vibrant. Unlike the ones he often brought to the funeral home. Their eyes lit up, pulling the bouquet closer to him.
“Do you know what it means?” He asked as he sat back down.
“You used ambrosia as the filler. That means love is reciprocated.” Lumio looked up at him. “That was as far as I got on the plant symbolism list before I got bored. I don't know how you remember all those.” 
Alee laughed, covering his mouth when some patrons turned to look at them. “You always were so honest..” He dropped his hand. “These ones are solid purple carnations. In general carnations mean fascination, but these ones represent whimsy. Being solid, they're also affirmative.” He then pointed at another flower.
“And these are purple orchids, respect and admiration. Then pink orchids for happiness. And lastly these ones are pansies. They mean you occupy my thoughts.” Alee couldn't help his cheeks getting pink as he explained the floral meanings. His eyes briefly met Lumio's.
Lumio reached across the table, resting their hand on top of his. “Thank you.” His hand was warm against Alee's much colder skin. “You've occupied my thoughts for a while now.” They smirked as they watched his face light up bright red. “I really thought I missed out on you when you told me about Mieran accepting your crush..”
“And yet he was the one who told you to ask me out.”
“Thankfully. He is cute though, you have good taste.”
Alee rolled his eyes, interlacing his fingers with theirs. “Yeah well I'm wooing you for the both of us.”
“Oh?” Lumio raised a brow, thumb rubbing Alee’s knuckles. “Aw you two want to share me? What an honour~” Their tone was teasing but Alee’s cheeks only got redder. 
Alee opened the menu with his free hand, eyes gazing at the menu even though he knew what he wanted. “We'll let you consider it, but if you're interested.. It's something we're willing to try out.” Alee all but mumbled.
“Let me wine and dine you first and then we'll talk about it.”
Before Lumio could respond, somebody that wasn't their waiter approached the table, setting their drinks down. Alee seemed to light up when he saw the man in question.
“Ah, hi, Cirino. Cirino Agosti, owner of this lovely place. Lumio D’Stella.”
“Oh the mortician! Nice to meet you. Alee is my highest paying customer. What can I get you two today?”
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