witchcoochie · 26 days
I saw a tiktok today that said it was so much more devastating if Sirius’s mother did love him, even if it was horrible and flawed. So I used that idea to create this little excerpt. Let me know what you think!
The idea for this one is that Sirius is supposed to take the dark mark and is refusing, Walburga tries to get him to “see sense” as Voldemort will likely kill him for refusing to join the cause. This is also the night that Sirius would have escaped to the Potter’s house.
TW: mentions of torture/child abuse, implied domestic violence.
As usual, none of these characters belong to me:)
“You insolent child!” Walburga screeched as soon as the door to Orions study closed behind her, “Do you understand what you have just done?!”
Sirius ripped his arm out of his mothers tight grasp, her nails leaving behind red indents in his skin.
“I understand that I refuse to be a soldier for a mad man! It’s horrific the way he talks! He’s going to get us all—“
The sharp sting of a backhand cut off his ranting.
“You are going to get us killed!” His mother heaved, her voiced tinged with a hint of desperation he had never heard before.
Sirius ignored it.
“Me?!” He bellowed, cradling his jaw, “You have put your faith in a fool!”
“I am trying to save you!” His mother screamed back, “You brash, idiotic— you are my son!”
Sirius stared at her with his eyes wide, his mouth parted in shock.
“You are my son.” Walburga repeated desperately, a hint of his mother— his Maman— peaked through her usual icy mask. “Can’t you see that this is the only way to ensure our kind survives?”
“He’s talking about genocide!” Sirius croaked back, “People I care about are being hunted like animals!”
“Those little blood traitors and mudbloods you surround yourself with are filling your head with nonsense, Sirius!” Walburga yelled again, practically begging Sirius to listen. “This is how we survive!”
“Thousands of innocent people will die!” Sirius yelled back, matching his mother’s intensity.
“I don’t care!” Walburga was back to screeching now. “We will be safe! You and Regulus will be safe! You will take the mark and you will have the Dark Lord’s protection!”
“Do you honestly believe that?” Sirius scoffed, “He’s marching purebloods off into battle like cows to slaughter!”
“Silence!” Walburga screamed, brandishing her wand. “I have had enough of your obstinance! The Dark Lord asked for you by name!” Her voice wobbled. “You will get the mark because you are the Black heir and it is your duty to protect your family!”
“He is who we need protecting from!” Sirius yelled again, throwing his hands up in frustration. “I will not be another one of his mindless followers!”
The small glimpse of his Mother behind the mask disappeared as Walburga’s face grew dark. “Fine, then, I will just have to convince you.”
Sirius swallowed and stepped backwards and his mother raised her wand. “Maman—“
“Crucio.” He barely heard her say the spell. It was hardly loud enough to even be a whisper, then he could hear nothing but his own screaming.
Why his mother had cast the spell like it hurt her too was a question that faded away into the red hot agony, then into blackness as the pain pulled Sirius into unconsciousness.
Sirius woke up to a painful hum throughout his entire body, and whimpered.
His face was streaked with tears and snot, pressed into the extravagant rug that laid across the floor of his Father’s study.
He laid with his eyes shut, trying to remember the events leading to him face down on the floor in this room.
“Are you ready to be reasonable now?”
His Mother’s voice cut through the fog in his head and all he could remember was the pain pain pain pain.
Maman,” he croaked, “please, Maman—“
“Say yes, Sirius.” She almost sounded like she was begging, a thought Sirius quickly pushed aside as a post-torture delusion.
Walburga Black did not beg.
She demanded and took and apparently she also tortured her children with unforgivable curses—that was a fun new one—but she would never stoop so low as to beg.
“I won’t.” Sirius’s voice cracked.
“You must.” She whispered back. “Crucio.”
Pain engulfed Sirius like fire to kindling, until he felt like it was all he was. Blissfully, after what felt like an eternity, unconsciousness took him back again.
Walburga swallowed harshly, eyes darting around the face of her first born, her son, the brightest star in the sky, memorizing him. She knew after he fell into unconsciousness for a second time that he couldn’t take any more.
The Dark Lord would have his life for this, she knew. Her first son, her baby, her star.
Walburga smoothed down her skirt, an anxious tick she had developed, and breathed in deeply. Regulus wasn’t so stubborn. She could save him. It wasn’t both of them, but she could save one. One son.
Then, with elegance fitting a witch of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Walburga looked at her eldest son one last time before she straightened her back and turned out the door; leaving Sirius laying unconscious on the floor of Orion’s study.
Walburga dropped her head to her hands as soon as the door closed behind her, taking in a shaky breath.
Sirius’s pleading words rung in her head.
“Maman, please, Maman.”
Her eyes stung.
“What the hell is wrong with you, woman,” Orions barking voice snapped her out of her head.
Walburga whipped her head up to look at her husband, standing before her, his face twisted in disgust.
“Get yourself together before somebody sees you,” He hissed, before walking back towards the lounge, where the Dark Lord’s Death Eaters waited.
She nodded silently, quickly wiping under her eyes, ensuring no tears had escaped. Walburga smoothed down her skirt once more with shaking hands and raised up the occulmency walls in her head before following dutifully behind her husband.
Silent, but alive.
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witchcoochie · 1 month
Queer as in an "identity is fluid and descriptors can be imprecise so I prefer a more general term" sort of way but also queer in a "What are you, a cop?" sort of way.
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witchcoochie · 2 months
I’m gonna start an ice cream shop specifically for all of the people who say gender is binary or make that “but nonbinary and binary is still a binary lol” joke
This ice cream shop will sell two flavors: vanilla and not vanilla
“What’s not vanilla?” I’m glad you asked, because I can assure you, it’s not vanilla
“But not vanilla could be a lot of things” oh you mean like how nonbinary could be a lot of things?
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witchcoochie · 2 months
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Andrea Gibson, The Madness Vase
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witchcoochie · 2 months
i am finally working on the fic i started planning last year (and then didn’t touch for like 10 months) ahhhhhhh
its a totally self indulgent fic based on beauty and the beast with a trans sirius and a self deprecating (shocker) remus. im almost done the first chapter which is remus’s backstory/how he became “the beast” and about half way through the second chapter where we meet Sirius. I don’t think im going to publish it for a while just because i am my own worst enemy with writing and will have to edit it a million times before im ready for other people to see it lol
BUT if that sounds like something you’d be interesting in reading i will post the link on here once it’s up!
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witchcoochie · 2 months
anyone have any fics recs for harry potter being raised by his grandparents after james & lily die?
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witchcoochie · 2 months
desperately need to recommend a marauders fic to u all:
please i beg of u read Burning and Buried With the Rest of It by kalegreeneyes (aka what happens when Remus is bitten the summer before 5th instead of when he was 5). its sooooo fucking good, its a wip, wolfstar (duh), platonic moonwater, and is very quickly becoming one of my fav fics so go show it some love<3
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witchcoochie · 2 months
it's hilarious being self aware. i'm watching a clown performance, for real.
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witchcoochie · 2 months
oh you watched a movie I recommended????? you listened to a song I told you about ?????? you read one of my favourite books ?????? do you know that I would literally kill for you ????? let's drink each others blood
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witchcoochie · 3 months
I like to headcanon that buck has never had a best friend before and that's why he thinks he and eddie are just Normal. eddie's excuse? well, he is gay and insane.
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witchcoochie · 3 months
whenever i see the moon it’s like ok i want six blurry pictures of that on my phone so bad
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witchcoochie · 3 months
it’s actually one of my biggest wishes that prices go down and everything becomes reasonably affordable again btw
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witchcoochie · 3 months
For people with nutritional deficiencies, it is important to do what a doctor, ideally a nutritionist, recommends for them. When you talk to your doctor about your low iron, just say that you would like vegan suggestions, and if you are told to take a supplement, do what is recommended for you (and vegan iron supplements do exist if you need to take a supplement). Doing what is best for your health is more important than what other people think, because they aren't the ones living your life, and no matter what your family says, being vegan can absolutely be healthy, and people aren't necessarily going to be missing nutrients just because they aren't consuming animal products, and sometimes people can have nutritional deficiencies simply because their body doesn't absorb nutrients properly which may have nothing to do with how a person eats.
As for foods that are high in iron, I like vegan chili with kidney beans, dishes made with Soy Curls, and I eat a lot of kale. For some other ideas of ingredients high in iron, look up "Viva! The Vegan Charity" and check the "A-Z Nutrients" for a chart with foods and how much iron is in those foods. Also, having foods high in Vitamin C at the same time as foods high in iron helps iron absorption. Avoiding coffee at the same time as meals is also a good idea, because coffee inhibits iron absorption. To track how much iron you are actually getting each day from food, maybe try making an account on Cronometer. The site has an option to make a free account which works really well for having a clearer idea of what your nutrition is like.
ughhh i know you’re right, i see my doctor for my annual next month so we will see what she says. i just feel like its not my body having issues and its maybe just my diet since the last time i got my iron checked it was okay, and that was also after i stopped eating meat, so i think my diet over the past year or so has just not been enough high iron foods and i wanna try to fix it that way before going on supplements. BUT thank u for the tips i will try to track my iron intake and include more of those high iron foods and see if there is any improvement over the next while, i appreciate your advice! <33
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witchcoochie · 3 months
wow i would not say this in front of anyone i know publically or even in a private chat let me post it on tumblr where the same friends and also thousands of strangers will see it
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witchcoochie · 3 months
any vegans/vegetarians wanna share their go to high iron meals with me? apparently my iron is low and thats why im tired all the time:(
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witchcoochie · 3 months
trailers are nothing to me anymore like ohhh dramatic music big title card whatever. if it's worth watching then the gay people in my phone will tell me
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witchcoochie · 3 months
you’d think with how many times covid was called “unprecedented” people would connect the dots that someone had to actually SET a precedent???
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They don't want a scientist who makes educated guesses. They want someone who sounds authoritative to confirm the assumptions that they already have.
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