blue-bird1967 · 2 months
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long time no see, rookie~
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robfinancialtip · 5 months
🎬🎥 Katrina Chiovon talks about her life and career in the entertainment industry. "The Glitch," a comedic science fiction short that Katrina produced and directed, was shown at the Chelsea Film Festival. She's a very talented person. Problems with sound quality and a sound guy contracting COVID during production weren't the only obstacles Katrina overcame; she showed remarkable perseverance and resolve to finish the project.
🛠️🔊Technical difficulties with the sound and the complete loss of all film progress because of an accident in the sound studio were among the many obstacles that the production of "The Glitch" had to overcome. Katrina had an unwavering commitment to her endeavor even though she had periods of frustration and wanted to quit. She stresses the significance of perseverance and creative problem-solving in hardship.
🏠💔As a young girl, Katrina dealt with a lot of upheaval and difficulty at home. Katrina was eventually placed in a foster home due to her family's situation. She loved her mother deeply, but their connection was strained because she couldn't understand her decisions in light of her life.
🎭🌆Katrina always felt a strong pull toward the arts, especially dancing and acting, even as a little girl. When Katrina recalls her love of acting from childhood, she remembers trying out for a role in a Brady Bunch movie. She arrived in New York City at seventeen and a half, seeking opportunities such as modeling for Ralph Lauren and Glamour magazine. Katrina overcame the dangers and difficulties of growing up street-smart and alone in the city.
🌟👼Despite Katrina’s many hardships and disturbing incidents while residing in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, she persevered and found solutions. Even though she was aware of the threats she faced, she attributes her survival to gut feelings and, maybe, a guardian angel. She exemplifies the strength and determination to follow one's passions despite challenges. Katrina also sought acting roles, landing parts in films including Vendetta Wounds and The City on the Edge. Her film debut was in Christopher Corulla's Old Secrets No Lies (2010). The picture had its world premiere that year at the Tribeca Film Festival, and it featured the late Vinnie Vella.
💪🙏 Katrina demonstrates the significance of self-belief and resilience in the face of adversity. Her unwavering dedication to filmmaking and the arts propelled her through challenges, culminating in a successful debut at the Chelsea Film Festival. Her inspiring message resonates with aspiring artists and entrepreneurs, urging them to embrace challenges as pathways to growth. Let your determination turn obstacles into stepping stones to realizing your dreams.
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the-witching-ash · 3 months
🌟 + Henry (sorry honey miss you)
(Sorry Henry love you)
1) He goes to NYU for Collage.
2) He’s a Tenor!
3) On a whim, having no experience with community theater, and before Will does with Bryan, he auditions for Les Miserables and ends up getting Marius.
4) Moulin Rouge is his favorite movie & go-to comfort film, it’s what got him interested in wanting to go into playwriting instead of acting.
5) Henry is lactose intolerant! (Between that, his nut/strawberry allergies, and everything with his parents, he’s sure the universe has a vendetta against him.)
6) Grandpa Henry (Will’s Dad) got him a record player for Christmas when he was 12 and gets him a couple new albums to add to the collection each year.
7) His favorite Kenny Ortega Movie (and second favorite over all) is Newsies.
8) He wear’s contacts, mostly only uses his glasses when driving.
9) He ends up being Will’s best man at his not-wedding instead of Finn.
10) He was born at midnight on March 1, 1995.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
This is going to sound so silly when I actually type it out; but my vendetta against SoulCycle is because I was staying at an AirBnB and the owner conveniently left out that it was RIGHT ABOVE a SoulCycle studio so I was woken up by Closer by the Chainsmokers blasting at full volume for days lmao
[[hey, I was doing just fine before I met you, drank too much and that's an issue, but I'm okay]]
(how triggering is that? lmao)
I hate SoulCycle on your behalf for this - I also hate stationary bikes anyway, so 🌟vibes🌟 thank you for sharing. this put a smile on my face.
also, side note: I have a spotify playlist full of chainsmokers and cheat codes songs, and I make myself guess which is which - it's actually VERY HARD because they sound exactly the same 💀
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gemkinetic · 2 years
((Skye and Shy are actually second cousins. They don't really know each other but they're facebook friends.
Skye has a deep personal vendetta against Cabbage Patch Kids. Back in elementary school and junior high, people used to make unfavorable comparisons between her and the dolls, and ever since then she can't stand them. She hates the whole brand and would probably let a robbery of a shipment of Cabbage Patches slide if she could do so without looking negligent.))
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faith-in-democracy · 7 months
The Devastating Consequences of Unbridled Hatred: A Lesson from History
"Let us remember that indulging in hatred towards our political opponents only fuels division and undermines patriotism. True strength lies in embracing differing views, fostering dialogue, and working towards a united and prosperous nation. 🌟 #UnityNotHatred #OneNation" In the annals of history, we find countless examples of how the festering hatred towards opponents has led to dire consequences. As humans, we are no strangers to conflicts and disagreements, but when we allow our emotions to spiral out of control, the outcomes can be truly catastrophic. One such dark episode in history occurred during the tumultuous years of World War II. The rise of intense nationalism and deep-rooted hatred towards certain groups paved the way for a horrific genocide. Millions of lives were lost, extinguished in the name of unfounded prejudices and blind rage. But it is not just on the grand stage of global conflicts that we witness the destructive power of enmity. Throughout history, in smaller but no less significant ways, the seeds of hatred have sown discord and despair among societies. Take, for instance, the bitter rivalry between two prominent figures in ancient Greece – Pericles and Thucydides. These political adversaries harbored a profound abhorrence for each other, resulting in a fierce and ruthless power struggle. The outcome? A weakened society, crumbling under the weight of personal vendettas and misplaced priorities. While it is natural to have differences of opinion and engage in healthy debates, it is crucial to recognize the thin line between robust discourse and venomous hatred. We must remember that the true mark of patriotism lies not in demonizing our opponents, but in striving towards a greater unity. Hatred blinds us to reason and shackles us to a deplorable cycle of resentment and destruction. It deprives us of the ability to empathize and understand differing perspectives, impeding the progress of our society as a whole. Let us learn from the mistakes of the past and strive for a future built on empathy, respect, and open-mindedness. For it is in these virtues that the true strength of a nation resides. It is in the absence of hatred that we find the fertile ground for progress and unity. In conclusion, the dangers of harboring deep-seated hatred towards opponents cannot be understated. History has shown us time and again the devastating consequences that result from such animosity. As citizens, it is our duty to rise above the temptations of hatred and embrace a path of harmony and understanding. Let us be vigilant, lest we repeat the mistakes of the past and jeopardize the very essence of what it means to be patriotic.
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dipfearworld · 8 months
2009, Lars Von Trier nel rappresentare una parabola depressiva: ANTICHRIST ANNO 2009 GENERE 🤡PSYCO 🩸SPLATTER DURATA 1:44′ REGISTA lars von trier TRAMA Dopo che una giovane scrittrice viene brutalmente violentata e lasciata quasi morire da quattro uomini, li insegue sistematicamente uno per uno per ottenere una terribile vendetta. ANDIAMO AI VOTI 👏🏻FAMA: ⭐7.5/10🌟 🎬 TRAMA:…
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lestreghedifenix · 1 year
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Diversi colori attraggono diverse energie e stimolano certe vibrazioni nei chakra. Usare candele di colori specifici può aiutare ad amplificare le energie nel rituale o nell'operazione magica.
👍🏿Le candele NERE si usano nei rituali di distruzioni e servono per stimolare una distruzione più lenta del nemico. Il nero è anche un buon colore per portare discordia e confusione. Il nero si può usare per protezione, per immobilizzare forze negative, per rompere ostacoli o blocchi. Si può anche usare per invertire o distruggere forme di pensiero negative. Il nero assorbe, crea confusione, nasconde, è usato per nuovi inizi, e per ottenere conoscenza di cose nascoste. Il nero è il contenitore della luce, ad è uno dei colori più potenti. Il nero influenza la perseveranza e la pazienza. Gli incantesimi che usano energia nera sono più forti se fatti durante una Luna calante, o di Sabato.
💙Le candele BLU sono ottime da usare negli incantesimi pertinenti a spiritualità, meditazione, evocazione dei demoni, guarigione, sincerità, ottenere verità, influenzare fedeltà e lealtà, portare pace interiore, e per conoscenza e sapienza. Il blu si può anche usare per stabilire armonia in casa, per aumentare i poteri occulti, e per la protezione spirituale. Per i lavori di magia nera, il blu si può usare per incitare depressione, tristezza, e mancanza di speranza.
Le operazioni che usano energia blu si dovrebbero eseguire di Lunedì o di Giovedì.
🍂Le candele MARRONI possono essere usate per comunicare con gli spiriti della natura e per mantenersi con i piedi per terra e bilanciati. Si usa negli incantesimi per solidità, neutralità, praticità. Nei lavori di magia nera, il marrone si usa per incitare indecisione, esitazione, tristezza, nullità, incertezza.
💚Le candele VERDI si usano negli incantesimi per nuovi inizi, crescita, abbondanza, fertilità, guarigione, successo, buona fortuna generica, armonia, e per influenzare la generosità. Si può usare da solo o con il marrone per comunicare con gli spiriti della natura. Il verde si usa in incantesimi di amore, matrimonio, fare l’amore. Il verde influenza l’affezionarsi, al contrario del rosso che si usa per l’amore passionale, sensuale, influenza anche rinnovamento, fedeltà, riconciliazione, giustizia, bilanciamento, bellezza, gioventù, amicizia, attrazione, armonia, guadagno finanziario, aumenti delle rendite, funzioni sociali, possedimenti, ricchezza, indulgenza, e piacere. Il verde è ottimo per gli inizi e la crescita.
Nei lavori di magia nera, si usa per incitare gelosia, avidità, sospetto, risentimento, malattia, disturbi, disarmonia. Venere governa il colore verde. I lavori che usano l'energia verde si dovrebbero fare durante la luna crescente di Venerdì quando Venere è forte.
🌈Le candele GRIGIE si usano negli incantesimi per portare morte, malattia, e/o per provocare tristezza e dolore. Giorno propizio Sabato.
🍁Le candele ARANCIONI si usano per la creatività. L’arancione aiuta negli incantesimi per adattabilità, attrazione sessuale, stimolo sessuale, magia sessuale, entusiasmo, ed energia, aiuta con attrazione, cambiamenti repentini, stimoli energetici, prendere controllo, cambiare la fortuna ed incitare giustizia. Le operazioni che usano energia arancione sono migliori se eseguite di Domenica quando il Sole è in posizione forte.
❤Le candele ROSSE si usano per energia, vitalità, incitare passione, evocare rabbia, pura lussuria e per la gratificazione fisica. Il rosso è infiammatorio e si usa negli incantesimi di vendetta, rabbia, coraggio, determinazione, e confronto con i nemici. Il rosso si può usare come protezione contro attacchi psichici e per la fiducia in se stessi. Scatena incidenti, incendi, e ferite. Si usa in incantesimi per invocare potere ed intensità prima dei lavori di magia nera. Il rosso è fisico e conferisce energia, forza, dinamismo, amore passionale, desiderio sessuale, forza di volontà, e capacità atletiche (specialmente competitive).
Usato in magia nera, il rosso – al contrario del nero – apporta attacchi repentini, incidenti, spargimenti di sangue, violenza, e rabbia. I lavori che usano il colore rosso si dovrebbero eseguire il Martedì o il Giovedì quando Marte è in posizione forte e in luna calante.
💟Le candele VIOLA / VOLETTO si usano per esaltare le capacità psichiche, portare saggezza, per la divinazionee e per rimuovere maledizioni, per guarire, successo negli affari, e per influenzare le persone al potere.
In magia nera il viola si può usare per causare tirannia, abuso di potere, e per apportare tristezza e perfidia negli altri. Le operazioni che usano il colore viola si dovrebbero eseguire il Giovedì o il Lunedì quando la Luna è piena.
🌸Le candele GIALLE si usano per passare esami, e per aumentare la propria intelligenza o intelletto. Il giallo governa la coscienza logica del cervello, i computer, la comunicazione, l’audio, il video, TV, elettronica, libri, letteratura, e la volontà, si usa per migliorare la mente e per approfondire la concentrazione. Viene usato anche per esaltare la capacità di apprendimento, per discorsi, scrittura, e pubblicazioni. Il giallo governa i problemi di comunicazione. Si usa anche per superare dipendenze, e per interrompere abitudini. Il giallo è ottimo per l’amicizia.
🌟Le Candela ORO è il colore del Sole per cui incarna tutte le divinità maschili e la virilità. Si usano e collegano alla ricchezza, agli onori e alla vittoria.
Ideale per gli incantesimi per attirare la prosperità, il denaro, il successo, il fascino personale e per rivitalizzare attività stagnanti.
💗Le Candela ROSA, una delle tonalità più spirituali, è sacro alla dea Venere e, in quanto tale, si usano per favorire l’amore, l’altruismo e la generosità. Queste candele si usano quando si vuol ottenere il Vero Amore, il romanticismo e la completezza psicofisica (e quindi il matrimonio) tra un uomo e una donna.
Il colore è indicato anche per invocare una guarigione spirituale e per ottenere gioia, stabilità emotiva, pace e serenità.
🌼Nei lavori di magia nera, il giallo incita infedeltà, codardia, ammalarsi, morire, carie, follia, e inconsistenza negli altri. L’energia gialla è migliore se viene usata il Mercoledì e la Domenica. Per ogni cosa che è pertinente ad intelletto e comunicazione, eseguite l’operazione al Mercoledì. Per i lavori che usano la forza di volontà, è meglio la Domenica.
��Le candele BIANCHE rappresentano pulizia, purezza, innocenza. La Luna dovrebbe essere forte.
In magia nera il bianco si può usare per causare corruzione, impotenza, e per distruggere il desiderio sessuale. Si può usare per creare debolezza, nevrosi e paura. La Luna governa il bianco. Le operazioni che usano il bianco dovrebbero essere fatte di Lunedì.
🌟Nei rituali si può usare più di un colore. Le candele dovrebbero essere consacrate con essenze appropriate e con degli oli, prima dei rituali.
L’olio si dovrebbe applicare con entrambe le mani sfregandole.
Le candele rappresentano l’elemento fuoco nei rituali e si usano anche per concentrazione e focalizzazione.
Attraggono Demoni e spiriti per questo l'aggiunta del sale grosso ...
#lestreghedifenixtarot #lestreghedifenixwitchtcraft
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daydreamingjester · 2 years
{ OOC } still feeling really horrible so just drops full body comparison of rag n bet before I no clip lol
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mobtism · 2 years
earthbound: the game where ness never leaves his house for more than 10mins without somehow winding up back in his bed
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teyvat-writer · 2 years
Dendro anon🌷, 🌙 anon, Tik tok anon, 🦊 anon, 🥚 anon, 👀 anon, 🍵anon, 🌟 anon, 🔮✨ anon, 🍷 anon, 🍙 anonl, 🕹 anon, simp anon, j. (@i-x4o ), 🎶 anon, 🌘 anon, 🥛 anon, Tartaglia anon, rat anon, 🦇 anon, s anon, 💥 anon, 🎲 anon, lucky anon
@hellsoysauce, @vashfantasy, @smalldicklorax, @noirkkat, @kanattac, @case-electris, @99-nct, @dilucslittleangel, @starrconch, @satoruin, @pulpbeing, @bluexiao, @shibagorou, @partyinthemysterymachine (not Genshin but good lord, I live for their Silent Hill content), @wooodlanddream, @finlikefish, @opalesense, @resurrectedlaughter , @starberrymilk-vendetta (not Genshin but their SH and RE art got me WEAK), @jojayke (not Genshin, but puts out bangers), @that-foul-legacy-lover , @resileon (not genshin but their shit is still so fuckin' banging) , @secretivemessenger , @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess (not Genshin, I live for their RE works tho omfg I can't even begin to elaborate h-), @weskin-time (not Genshin but I am feral over them putting out RE content and MWII Ghost content), @vikeii, @fuhuaaaa, @baizhvs, @esthxio , @dabisbratz (not genshin but eating his work eating his work e,, the way he writes the JJK men,,,, barkbRkbarkwoofbarkwooofwoof) , @flurrina , @sooniebby , @sinfuldxlight , @tobiduncan , @k4vehrtz , @sensivs , @lwustyz , @nomercyanywhere , @sludgge , @s3thwrit3sstuff
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naptoons · 3 years
Hey girl, I was wondering can I request a nick imagine where you guys are dating and you go on live reacting to their new song Stars 😭😭🌟🌟
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☆.。.:* Stars ~ Nick Mara .。.:*☆
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⦿ Synopsis: You go on live and react to prettymuch’s new song called “stars”
⦿ Theme: Fluff
⦿ Warnings: fluff / crackhead.
A/N: hello darling! Sorry that this took so long college is really draining every ounce of me. I hope you like it!
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Laying on your bed getting ready to take a nap your phone vibrated against the nightstand, almost sliding off the surface onto the floor if you didn’t catch it. Your Instagram and Twitter blowing up with mentions, begging you to react to prettymuchs new song. The boys completely left you in the dark about their music purposely to get your raw reactions, you haven’t been seeing the promo for it or heard a snippet as they usually let you, this time around they wanted you to be watching from a distance. Turning on your computer you wait for it to load. As it’s doing that you turn on the lights to fix your hair before you’re live on Instagram.
“Hi, everyone how are you?” You ask seeing all the comments asking about you. “I’m good, I’m kinda excited y’all, this time they didn’t show me anything I even tried to give Nick the puppy eyes it failed completely” you giggle, you turned to the computer typing in youtube.
“How’d you guys liked the new song? What was your favorite part?” You moved a piece of hair from your cheek and placed it behind your ear. When you looked back to your phone you saw Nick's comment ‘damn you looking beautiful 🥵’ “nick! calm yourself, but thank you, baby, I was just about to fall asleep until I saw a notification about your new song, you're a terrible boyfriend” you joke to him.
For a few seconds you read other comments laughing at one in particular ‘how dare he that heathen do this to Queen y/n off with his head!’ , you cover your mouth as you laugh your laugh increases by the followed comment ‘y’all Nick is only 5’8-5’9 if y’all don’t just chop them ankles with a scooter’ you wipe your eyes from crying of laughter.
“Bro beanz, y’all are funny as hell. Do y’all got a vendetta against Nick?” Pausing the video you read some more comments ‘this is why he barely come online, we bully him like he owe us money’ , giggling you place your head on your stomach “right! Y’all bullying him like he stole something from you, give my baby a break” you joke, “alright let’s get my raw reaction of ‘stars’ by pretty much, I already know it’s going to be good, they’re talented individuals”
Nick comments ‘don’t compliment me after you just let me get dragged on national tv, I know this gonna be on Twitter 😒’ leaning close to the camera you smile “don't worry I'll retweet it as a memoir” looking at your laptop you place your fingers on the spacebar “okay ready? In three...two...one...” pressing the spacebar.
Zion appears first and you comment “look at the long-legged human” going into Zion's verse you're mesmerized by the transitions “the transitions are so smooth and clean, y'all look good in y'all outfits” you watch Austin slide into Zions shot and start his verse “aww Austin looks so cute, it's still strange seeing him without the long blonde” looking back for a second at your phone you see nicks comment ‘i know damn well you saw me in the music video where my compliment mamas😒’ pausing the music video you lean back on the headboard “I only saw you for two seconds! What can I compliment you on? Your lighting speed?” you joke, he comments back immediately
‘I'm very much hurt. I'm in my feelings’ you laugh before telling him you love him, getting into pre-chorus you watch the three of the dance hyping then up you pause the video again “the part where Edwin said ‘girl you're an angel’” you try to mimic his hand gesture before laughing “that shit was clever, Nick teach me this dance?” you ask him
‘What's your favorite scene so far?’ , “I liked the scene with Brandon in the plants, and the beginning with Brandon, Austin, and Edwin when they had the glasses on” looking back your head slowly starts moving to the rhythm of the melody.
Finally nicks part comes up and you start giggling “baby you're so handsome you know that? Like you are, I want them glasses” you stare at the screen with puppy eyes, waiting for his comment to appear. You click his name and add him to the live.
“You're beautiful mamas,” nick says looking directly into your eyes “stop, you give me butterflies, but who told you to look so handsome? Those glasses I need them” you look at him as your smile slowly creeps up on you
“Why are you smiling?” you ask him
“Because you're smiling” rolling your eyes you look back at your laptop “baby this song is so good, reminds me of early 2000s I don't know why” clicking the space bar you countined watching the video. “WHY IS EDWIN SHIRTLESS?!” you scream while laughing at the same time “that caught me off-guard, Edwin really said ‘imma flex real quick’” nick laughs in the background as you finish the video.
“Oh my God, why are you so cute? Did y'all see his smile at the end? He's so precious” you look at the screen reading more comments.
‘Nick has such a supportive girlfriend🥺’ “always, but I just really love this song! It's finished and I wanna listen to it again, ugh I wish the song was longer” nick smiles looking at you with loving eyes “what would you rate the song baby?” looking at him you pretend to be thinking hard.
“Hmm, if I have to rate it. It would be a ten out of ten, I like it. It feels so much like the early 2000s but still pretty much, y'all really going into y'all r&bmuch stage”
“That's the plan baby”, sighing you close your laptop before smiling “I'm so proud of y'all, you guys get to put out music a bit more freely and you get to experiment ugh I'm excited for yall”
“You're so cute mamas, come open the door I'm outside,” he asks, leaving your phone in the room for a second to answer the door you see nick with yellow flowers in his hand and a gift bag. “For you mamas” grabbing the Items from his hand, he places his hand on the small of your back as he locks the door. Looking in the bag you see the glasses along with constellation-covered self-care items.
“Our manager and I went out to find some things for you, I wanted to fit the theme of the song” walking with him into your bedroom he waves at the camera “hey everyone”
“You didn't have to get me anything, thank you baby” nick leans over and kisses you delicately “thank you so much, guys, what was your favorite part?” you ask everyone. Nick wraps his arm around your shoulder leaning your head on his chest. He kisses your temple making you smiling at him.
“Oh yeah! Brandon with the fire around his feet was cool! I liked that too” you chatted with beanz for a while before you felt your body getting tired. “Okay guys, I'm going to bed I'm really sleepy, so good night or morning wherever you are, I'll talk to you all soon bye” ending the live you lay on top of nick smiling.
“You make me so happy” nick comments moving the flyaway hairs from your face. “You make ms happy too” nuzzling your nose in his neck he holds you tight wrapping you guys in a blanket. “I'm taking you out on a date today, because I've missed you so much, work has been stressful but knowing that you and beanz loved it, makes it all worthwhile”
Kissing his chest you snuggle closer to him “i love you” “i love you more”
* 。·:*:·゚★,。·:*:·゚☆ *·゚゚·*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿
Have a galactic night, you beautiful supernova🌙🖤
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ambrenoir · 2 years
Alchimista, astrologo , filosofo, rivoluzionario, medico dell'anima.
1- La prima è quella di migliorare la salute.
Questo richiede una respirazione il più spesso possibile profonda e ritmica, riempiendo bene i polmoni, all'aperto o davanti a una finestra aperta. Bere ogni giorno, a piccoli sorsi, circa due litri di acqua; mangiare tanta frutta; masticare i cibi il più perfettamente possibile; evitare alcool, tabacco e medicine, a meno che, per qualche motivo grave, non siate sottoposti a trattamento medico. Fare il bagno giornalmente dovrebbe essere un’abitudine che dovete alla vostra dignità.
2- Bandite assolutamente dalla vostra mente, per qualsiasi ragione, tutti i pensieri di pessimismo, rabbia, rancore, odio, noia, tristezza, vendetta e povertà.
Fuggire come la peste ogni occasione di trattare con persone maldicenti,viziose, vili, mormoratori, pigre, pettegole, vanitose o volgari e inferiori per naturali limiti di comprensione o per argomenti sensuali che costituiscono la base dei loro discorsi o occupazioni.
L’osservanza di questa regola è di decisiva importanza: si tratta di cambiare la trama spirituale della vostra anima; è l’unico modo per cambiare il vostro destino, perché questo dipende dalle nostre azioni e dai nostri pensieri. Il caso non esiste.
3- Fate tutto il bene che vi è possibile.
Aiutate ogni infelice ogni volta che potete, ma non nutrite mai un debole per qualsiasi persona. Dovete tenere sotto controllo le vostre forze e fuggire da ogni forma di sentimentalismo.
4- Dobbiamo dimenticare ogni offesa, anzi, sforzatevi di pensare bene del vostro più grande nemico. La vostra anima è un tempio che non dovrebbe mai essere profanato dall’odio. Tutti i grandi uomini si sono lasciati guidare da quella soave Voce Interiore, ma questa non vi parlerà immediatamente, ci si deve preparare per un certo tempo, distruggendo la sovrapposizione di strati di vecchie abitudini, pensieri ed errori che pesano sul vostro spirito, che è divino e perfetto nella sua essenza, ma impotente per la imperfezione del veicolo che gli si offre oggi per manifestarsi, la debole carne.
5- Dovete raccogliervi ogni giorno, dove nessuno può disturbarvi, anche per mezz'ora, seduti più comodamente possibile, con gli occhi socchiusi e non pensare a niente. Questo rafforza fortemente il cervello e lo Spirito e vi metterà in contatto con influenze benefiche. In questo stato di meditazione e di silenzio arrivano spesso le idee più brillanti, che a volte possono cambiare un’intera esistenza. Con il tempo tutti i problemi che sorgono saranno risolti vittoriosamente da una Voce Interiore che vi guiderà in questi momenti di silenzio, da soli con la vostra coscienza. Questo è il demone di cui parlava Socrate.
6- È necessario mantenere il silenzio assoluto su tutti i vostri affari personali.
Astenersi, come se si fosse fatto un giuramento solenne, dal riferire agli altri, anche al vostro più intimo, di tutto quello che pensate, ascoltate, conoscete, imparate, sospettate o scoprite; per lungo tempo almeno, si dovrebbe essere come una casa murata o un giardino recintato. È una regola della massima importanza.
7- Non temete gli uomini e non abbiate paura del domani.
Mantenete il vostro cuore forte e puro e ogni cosa andrà bene. Non pensate mai di essere soli o deboli, perché ci sono dietro di voi potenti eserciti, che non potete concepire nemmeno nei sogni.
Se vi elevate nello spirito, nessun male potrà toccarvi. Il solo nemico che dovete temere siete voi stessi. La paura e la sfiducia nel futuro sono le madri funeste di tutti i fallimenti e attraggono le cattive influenze e con esse il disastro. Se studiate con attenzione le persone di buona fortuna, vedrete che, intuitivamente, esse osservano gran parte delle regole sopra enunciate
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call-me-apple · 3 years
Masterpost of Posts
Dream Dream wasn't made the villain, he utilized the image that was given to him Dream fears that being seen as fallible will make his allies abandon himAn analysis of the "Vassal" conversation between Dream and Wilbur Dream's "god complex" was an attempt to assure his survival Dream's motivation behind ExileDream never cut his attachmentWhy Dream felt the need to declare war on L'Manburg Why Dream didn't go against the Badlands Dream went on strike because of Ranboo "c!Dream is a fraud" Wilbur Wilbur and his connection to Dream in Season 3Wilbur hates himself for creating L'Manburg Wilbur doesn't think he can be loved without putting up a facade What Wilbur's "Eternal Limbo" is Why I am sceptical of Wilbur's attempts at redemption I don't hate c!Wilbur as much as I am TERRIFIED of him Wilbur viewed L'Manburg as his property The Syndicate Philza wasn't an outsider to New L'Manburg Philza is blinded by his love for Wilbur Ranboo won't hold the Red Festival execution against Techno Random Dream & Sam: two flawed moral frameworks clashing An analysis of George cc!Ranboo aims to rebrand c!Dream character through his own storyline The L'Manburg revolutionary war is kind of ridiculous The fandom approaches the story incorrectly
The Community House is a perfect example of where c!Dream is wrong What c!Dream is fighting for The narrative frames the Syndicate as the ones in the right On why Exile Arc is my least favorite arc The c!rivaldsuo dynamic Why I like c!Dream Why I like c!Technoblade Violence is the only way c!Techno can make himself heard c!Wilbur is c!Philza's only son just accept it already I love "This Kingdom is Mine"
You are not immune (L'Manburg critical):
L'Manburg was never a democracy L'Manburg was created for power, as said by cc!Wilbur c!Wilbur was xenophobic, said by the character himself "Words not weapons" was a way to get people's guards down and then stab them in the back L'Manburg weren't pacifist "L'Manburg made its occupants better people" Well, actually... (not my post) Wilbur lied to get people on his side
c!Dream on Wilbur's D&D alignment chart c!Dream is a c!George simp What necromancy does to a mf If Wilbur Soot knew of my vendetta against his character he'd only appreciate it c!Ranboo would write banger character analysis The duality of Wilbur Soot How the Dream Team break-up on the SMP happened c!Wilbur is a c!Dream stan Everyone in MCYTblr is constantly pointing guns at each other Parallel universe cc!Wilbur would've written c!Quackbur shipfic
What It Means to Be Redeemed (c!Dream centric) My Way (c!Dream web weaving)
That one time c!Ranboo fans mischaracterized their own fave c!Wilbur's worship of c!Dream isn't all that sudden Sad c!Dream edit Compilation of Revivedbur contradicting himself Dream is the villain in this story (old clip)
Favorite meta from others:
No, the Syndicate aren't tyrants Banger c!George analysis Ranboo was Dream's clock Evidence of endersmile being a positive relationship No, Dream didn't hurt every person on the server The Syndicate HAS lost An analysis of Season 1 c!Technoblade c!beeduo is 🌟unhealthy🌟 c!Tommy isn't a good person
Random posts:
The symbolism behind the L'Manburg flag (Wilbur's Reddit post) That one time I got 2 CC notices on Tumblr Wilbur talking about the Dream SMP (recap)
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tina-aumont · 2 years
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I posted 254 times in 2021
182 posts created (72%)
72 posts reblogged (28%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 616 tags in 2021
#tina aumont - 244 posts
#actress - 128 posts
#model - 73 posts
#collaboration - 35 posts
#my screencaps - 26 posts
#submission - 25 posts
#1980 la bande du rex - 23 posts
#la bande du rex - 23 posts
#jean henri meunier - 22 posts
#jacques higelin - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#1969 infanzia vocazione e prime esperienze di giacomo casanova veneziano
My Top Posts in 2021
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Tina pictured by Angelo Frontoni in 1968.
Photo from a Mexican LP.
From: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTFZWFbgPl7/
51 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 21:37:55 GMT
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Beautiful Tina Aumont in 1968.
🌟Muchas gracias Andrea por esta foto tan bonita!🌟
97 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 20:46:50 GMT
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Tina Aumont pictured by Giancarlo Botti in Summer 1967 while she was filming "L'Uomo, L'Orgoglio, La Vendetta".
148 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 21:15:11 GMT
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Very beautiful portrait of Tina Aumont taken in 1968 by Chiara Samugheo.
153 notes • Posted 2021-04-06 20:51:16 GMT
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Beautiful portrait of Tina taken by Roger Viollet in August 1965 to promote Modesty Blaise (Joseph Losey, 1966).
164 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 15:38:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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aaronstveit · 4 years
what fandoms do you have a personal vendetta against and why 😳😳😳 also i hope you feel better soon jamie!!!
fkjdslklfds there’s only a couple of them i promise!!!!! thirteen reasons why is the fandom i have the most intense hatred for, i swear i have every possible variation of the title blacklisted so i don’t have to see content from it ever!!! sometimes i see a treasured mutual rb content from that show and i have to take a deep breath and scroll away before i work myself up about it 😭😭 i also am extremely anti cmbyn for obvious reasons and basically all sjm/cc books!!!!! and there are a few ships that i hate enough to blacklist but i’d rather not get into that fdlksfjds anyway i think i’ve only been tagged in one of these fandoms once so it isn’t a big problem and i don’t unfollow people for posting them, i just personally won’t reblog them if they’re in my tag!!!!! thank you and i hope you have/had an amazing day!!!!! 💛✨🌙🌟⭐🌻
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