#šŸŽ€Ribbendaleā€™s Posts
sjmdart Ā· 4 months
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Just putting this here. Seaā€™re (in place of they/them/their) very much les4les transbians.
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sjmdart Ā· 4 months
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OK SOā€¦I& had an idea for this one. It was gonna be like Pupien holding Jā€™s face and smooching her butā€¦I& MADE A MISTAKE..šŸ˜­ and also the arms are a bit small for that so I& would of had to use both hands for the pose but that would of been difficult to do. šŸ„² Plus I& wasnā€™t feeling too great taking the picture.
I& made another mistake while drawing and added Pupienā€™s hat which pup usually doesnā€™t wear soā€¦I& didnā€™t want to go back and fix it! So I& just thought to myself& ā€œhey! I& could use this drawing as a reference/outerworld drawing of Pupien with dogā€™s hat on!!ā€ So I& did that! :D
Originally, after that mistake I& was going to make two versions but ended up hating the drawing and getting stressed out + started adding a ton of ā€œeffectsā€ while trying to make it look better in my& eyes. :( I& do really love it now though!! :D Yet I& donā€™t think Iā€™ll& be making that alternate version anytime soon, unfortunately.
Iā€™ll& still be making more of these plushie draw-overs so if you wanna see more of these follow this page!! :] And uh. Please donā€™t make it weird. šŸ˜­ This is supposed to be a SFW thing..
- Ribbendale
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sjmdart Ā· 4 months
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HI OK Iā€™M& LATE IN OUR++ TIMEZONE BUT SHUSH šŸ˜­ I& was supposed to post something yesterday but enjoyed Summer for the day and then the AuDHD turned me& away šŸ„² BUT itā€™s all good cuz Iā€™m& posting this now!!
Originally, I& was gonna do a sketch to figure out what drawing I& was gonna do of these two together and then I& was like ā€œhey, this sketch is looking pretty good!!ā€ and justā€¦went with that as the drawing even more so cause of my& AuDHD trying to race against the clock (still failed anyways but..I& donā€™t wanna hear about it!!/hsrs/pf). šŸ˜­ I& was feeling pretty inspired when I& made this cause seaā€™re so cute together and sea did like the drawing when I& showed sear so !! Good positive energy!
I& was trying to go for a bit of an anime style midway cuz I& was tryna make it kinda silly anyways with Pupien pulling her close. And yeaa, the hairstyle is different cause itā€™s a different J but theyā€™re still a headmate of the J in previous posts before this one.
- Ribbendale
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