hoopii-loopii · 4 months
J every day
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Drawing J every day until episode 8: Day 2 Time: 51 mins
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lesslie-sass · 1 month
Tw cry about it
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Anyway heres codegold kiss, because nerdy prudes must die :}
It's the corniest thing I ever drawed and I'm happy with it
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sjmdart · 4 months
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Just putting this here. Sea’re (in place of they/them/their) very much les4les transbians.
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undeadfvckgirl-base · 1 month
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sneakyboythingz · 5 months
Opinion on N x J? Ngl I think N likes it when J torments (sometimes even steps on) him
One of my favorites honestly, have been shipping them for a long while.
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luzi35 · 4 months
My+ MD confession is that I+ love CodeGold / J x N 🙏🏽 It’s a comfort ship for me+ 100%. Whatever happens in source? Tragic. Even more *if* source J becomes downright evil when there’s clearly some good in her. But I+ love the HCs and AUs and having two higher kins in a relationship together?? Hell yea!! Why would we+ not?
Rant incoming lol
People who hate it are overreacting and yall MD ship lovin ship hatin mfers need to calm the fuck down. I+ saw on twitter someone literally spend their whole time making a JxN toxic post like rlly? Just say you don’t like that instead of pointing out the obvious!!
Yall r always making up problems like non of yall rlly care about JxN yall just wanna be right about something bitches come out of nowhere hating. Like Boo!! You don’t like it. Ok. Movinv on!! Not SEVERAL of yall sending death threats to folks who like the ship!! (N just like…yall hatin the ship havin a good name?? yall don’t care about the name be honest!! 😁✨)
AND IMPORTANT…YALL…Enemy to Lovers HELLO?? Literally any…Cmon now?! Do yall not know of ANY of those shipping tropes? The tsundere shit?? Goofballs, cornheads, (playin but seriously) I’m+ tired of yall making us+ feel bad for a common shipping trope!! Not to mention how that makes our+ headmates feel and sea is fuckin awesome!! Sea loves each other and sea is absolutely adorable together!! Shout out to the both of sear!! Really Cuz sea Shouldn’t be feeling the way sea do time to time cause of yall!!!
And yea!! We+ gonna be making CodeGold art AND THEN…POST ABOUT IT AHH!!! Scary right!? Booo!!! Womp!! Cry about it!!
I+ hope I+ come back and look at this and laugh about it 😭 cause I’m+ tryna have fun with this I+ don’t wanna be like.. “don’t you EVER speak on my+ comfort ship again!! 😡” or anything like that where I+ seriously point out the flaws in their arguments. But I+ don’t want mfers coming at me+ for my+ trauma like that 😮 but on a serious note really. Don’t send folks death threats for shipping things you don’t like. You can’t take back things like that and it doesn’t make you the better person especially when you have no idea what someone’s going through to cause them to ship certain things like that. Agreeing to disagree is completely fine but like..That’s hard for many to do. 😭 I+ don’t mean this in a rude way but critical thinking is an important skill to have! A surface level analysis is *still* a surface level analysis!!
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noridoorman · 3 months
No way that chick hates Uzi but thinks n and j is a healthy pairing. Also uzi is the main character like if you can’t put up with Uzi then don’t watch the show!!
I don't know if they think J x N is healthy, but the fact that they make fanart for THAT ship (which is unhealthy), yet constantly complaing and cry about nuzi is hypocritical. Especially since their Jx N art is making the ship look all sweet and cute (I've got screenshots, but I'm too lazy to censor the name now aughhh)
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curesloaney · 18 hours
Me after promising I hate codegold (don’t look into my browsing history or camera roll)
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kittydragondraws · 3 months
I like toxic relationships because it's fun to see how the toxicity affects the people involved
toxic relationships where the toxicity is just brushed under the rug and ignored, or glorified and sexualized are just boring to me because they're sacrificing a fascinating story for the sake of... i don't even know
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red-mage28 · 3 months
I’ve seen Uzi slander for how she led the murder drones to the bunker and how she finds solace in N (how dare she apparently) but like
Y’all Doll murdered people, used her friend as bait, and endangered her entire school by letting in V, all for the chance to kill her
Everyone’s got flaws, it came free with your show called Murder Drones (except Thad I guess, his biggest flaw is lack of screen time and disappearing in ep4)
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ilovejoll · 4 months
Why all my moots got dni codegold in their intros or bios wtf is that should I be afraid is it the plague
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hoopii-loopii · 5 months
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Guess people are calling JxN code gold lol
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lesslie-sass · 16 days
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But seriously, that's art gift to myself for my b-day 🥰
I'm twenty btw, yeah I'm old 😓
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sjmdart · 4 months
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OK SO…I& had an idea for this one. It was gonna be like Pupien holding J’s face and smooching her but…I& MADE A MISTAKE..😭 and also the arms are a bit small for that so I& would of had to use both hands for the pose but that would of been difficult to do. 🥲 Plus I& wasn’t feeling too great taking the picture.
I& made another mistake while drawing and added Pupien’s hat which pup usually doesn’t wear so…I& didn’t want to go back and fix it! So I& just thought to myself& “hey! I& could use this drawing as a reference/outerworld drawing of Pupien with dog’s hat on!!” So I& did that! :D
Originally, after that mistake I& was going to make two versions but ended up hating the drawing and getting stressed out + started adding a ton of “effects” while trying to make it look better in my& eyes. :( I& do really love it now though!! :D Yet I& don’t think I’ll& be making that alternate version anytime soon, unfortunately.
I’ll& still be making more of these plushie draw-overs so if you wanna see more of these follow this page!! :] And uh. Please don’t make it weird. 😭 This is supposed to be a SFW thing..
- Ribbendale
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undeadfvckgirl-base · 4 months
Fuck you guys CodeGold headcannons time
They wouldn't have a romantic relationship at all they would be QPPs that like to do little romantic gestures with each other
N would compliment J on her work and J would try to act like she knows her work is good but like the compliments
N speaks fluent J and knows what she's really trying to say when others don't like saying she'll change the way she does something means she cares how they feel but she never says it
J would be very protective of N from other people but they would have a very twin sibling like bickering relationship in the "that's MY idiot" way
J likes to bump N on the head when he's doing something he's not supposed to like eating trash he found
N likes to instate conversations for J to infodump about but make her think she started them since she loves talking about herself but J likes when N infodumps as well and thinks she's subtle about it but N pretends not to notice
N is very ADHD and is hyperactive and J is a flat tone autistic (out dated term but Asperger specifically to get the exact picture I wanna express)
N likes to show J all the weird collectibles he's found and she always tells him to put them away because it's on company time but then in the morning she will look through his collectibles to see what new ones he brought because he'll be sleeping and doesn't wanna wake him up
N always likes to bring V on their "dates" and J never cares but V always feels awkward because it always feels like just a weird hangout because they don't do dates traditionally
J always tries to act like she has no interest in Ns things like a radio he found but she always ends up getting the songs stuck in her head and N teases her into singing with him to which V likes to butt in and make the laugh when they least expect it
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 month
NUzi: Biscuitbites
VUzi: Violetviolence
NUziV: Violentbitingbiscuits
eNVy: Oilcookie
JayVee: Oilrose
JUzi: Spaceink
JuziV: Evilwomeninc
eNJay: Codegold
NUziVJ: Fullcompany
[who named some of these-]
now plz suggest sum names for JeNVy- i love my manor babies 😔💕
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