xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
reblog this so when larry comes out we’ll know who the true larries are
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
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Want to win a free copy of the album?
We are giving away EIGHT copies of Liam’s exclusive cover of Made In The A.M., as well as TWO copies of the Made In The A.M. hard copy. The albums will all be bought during the first week of sales to hopefully help boost the numbers. You should receive them shortly after.
This is for our followers only so you must be following us.
You must reblog this, likes do not count.
Submissions will end November 14 at 12 PST.
Unfortunately, we can only open this competition up to North American fans due to shipping limitations. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Winners will be chosen on November 15 and will have 24 hours to claim their prize or we’ll pick another. We need to make sure we have all 10 selected and accepted before the end of the week, so that the sales count.
Any questions, send us an ask.
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
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In honour of Liam winning Attitude’s Sexiest Man of The Year, The Daily Payne is giving away Liam’s Attitude covers to two of our lucky followers. Since the awards are on Wednesday, October 14, we figured it would be a perfect time for this giveaway! We have BOTH of Liam’s collectable covers available - so we will be giving away the magazines to two winners.
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To be entered in the giveaway: • Reblog this post! • Likes will NOT count. • Follow @thedailypayne on Tumblr. • Winners will have 5 days to contact us to claim their prize. The giveaway will end Sunday, October 18 at 11:59PM BST - winners will be chosen Monday, October 19! Good luck! And while on the topic of Liam’s sexiness - don’t forget to vote for Liam for Glamour UK’s Sexiest Man of the Year! ;) - Liam HQ 😘
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
Does anybody else see Liam watching behind the cameras as if they're going to give him a cue to hit Louis?
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
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I see no difference. Except Niall is cuter.
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
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It is so lovely...😉
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
You don't know how much chocolate you can truly consume until you start your period the day after Easter 🙊🐰
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
this is the larry talking audio file part 3, maybe the last part who knows. if you guys want i can put all parts together in one long audio tho. i hope you like it. enjoy.
larry part 1, part 2 / my other audio files
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
But none of them mentioned Zayn or supporting him or being on good terms with him in the Sun.........
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
this is larry talking audio part two. some of you wanted me to make it so here it is. part three will be up soon aswell, if you want it (i already made it). i really hop you like it. enjoy. 
larry talking 1 / all my other audio posts of the boys
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
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Can someone tell me what the hell caused Louis to say this besides the obvious part about him kidnapping Zayn??? Naughty Boy tweeted “natural born hustlers” 8 minutes before Louis said this but I don’t really understand that.
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xxprinceniallxx · 9 years
*Zayn leaving for mental health reasons and to be with family*
Me: 😭😣
*Zayn leaving boy band of best friends to produce songs with a walking meatball*
Me: 😡👿
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xxprinceniallxx · 10 years
"That band has never broke her heart" I wish that was still true 😭
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"Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes the band her favorite. It’s the guys. It’st he fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music"
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xxprinceniallxx · 10 years
Seeing all these posts about Zayn is killing me. I want him to be honoured and remembered and loved forever but at the same time I just want to delete all pictures with him in it and start over with 4 boys. 4 boys in photo shoots and albums and award shows and concerts. I want everything to be normal with 4 boys and I want it to be normal right now. It would be easier to handle for me. He says he wants to be normal but he should know that we will never forget him. I hope he gets treated normally like he wants and doesn't end up being mobbed everywhere he goes. I hope he gets his happy normal life with kids and a wife. I will remember and love him forever even if it hurts but I'm also going to try to embrace the 4 boys and help them as much as I can behind this damn screen. It's going to be the hardest thing we have ever done as a fandom but if we can stop hating each other we have the power to overcome this.
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xxprinceniallxx · 10 years
Does anyone else just want to know what in the actual hell really caused this????? Like the real truth not the sugar coated bubblegum shit reason that we are told. Maybe we did get the truth and he just wants to be normal... It does make sense. But there's still a chance that we never saw the real emotions of Zayn and he was never truly happy anyway and that scares the bejesus out of me. I want to know if they will change the name of the band. I want to know what will happen with Zayn's solos. I want to know if he will be featured in the next album. I want to know how much longer we have before the rest of them quit. But most of all I want to know how the rest of the boys really truly feel right now and what they really truly want to do next.
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