#🎫 // fuse
onlineviolence · 2 months
🎫 the fabled gmail
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not quite gamaliel centred, but something they created.
They had learned long ago not to go against any orders they were given, and obeyed for centuries up until the day when Gabriel had returned in shame to heaven, having been defeated by a mere machine.
They listened attentively to the Council’s discussion of what would be done to him, and the moment their name was mentioned, everything they had once kept buried - every retort that had been bitten back, every undone act of protest, every bitter thought and shred of concealed rage - rose to the surface in a bloody outburst. The mere notion of being made to harm the one angel they had been able to confide in and trust was their final breaking point.
The councilors that had been unfortunate enough to try and restrain them would find their limbs fusing and knitting together, flesh melding with fabric and congealing into an inextricable mass.
Gamaliel finally found a window of opportunity to escape for the first time in centuries, in the midst of discordant screams and red haze.
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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homemade-clones · 1 year
🎫 🎫 for charm and cake please? :)
Hii Blue! Here are some tidbits about them 🌟 CHARM 1. He really enjoys holding hands, be it platonically or not! It makes him feel connected to the other person in a way he can't quite explain, and when he gets that soft hand squeeze? It grounds him so much. Would hold hands for a whole day if possible/allowed to. 2. Charm would love to have a porg as a pet. He finds them absolutely adorable, and can be found wasting away his free time watching cute videos featuring them round birds. The only thing really stopping him from smuggling one in the barracks is that the massiffs would think of the new team member as a treat instead of a sibling 😔 CAKE 1. Back in his smol cadet days, Cake used to be the kid that bit others when upset. And he also had the shortest fuse of his batchmates. While both parts of his behavior improved greatly now that he's an adult, if the situation pushes for it, an enemy will be (unpleasantly) surprised to learn that the squad's massiffs are not the only ones who will resort to chomping during a fight :'D 2. Playing with his hair is a sacred privilege granted to few people other than his twins. It's a vulnerable moment for him because he relaxes to the point of falling asleep, and he doesn't enjoy feeling defenseless around people he doesn't trust 100%. But if the person unlocked the perk, he will low-key badger them to play with his hair as often as possible. He craves relaxing and letting down his walls for his loved ones, as often as humanely possible.
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Check out all our #NewReleases at #C0P3RN1CANR3C0RD5! Tons of new #EDM #music from #OKCopernicus #473x4ndr14 via #TheC0P3RN1CANDispatch across most streaming music and video providers!!!🎫🔊🕺🏻🫠🫶🏼
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aecho-again · 1 year
🎫 Artecust
It is one of three Starformers, planet-sized, mechanical beings similar to the First One who only became a planet because the pre-Luna-impact Cybertron's mass was not enough to form a star, so it continued orbiting an inanimate star of its own.
Artecust would be a black dwarf (in theory, because the universe hasn't existed long enough for us to observe a white dwarf cool down that much). It has curled up to recharge - over the years a crust has gathered around its body and now it resembles a planet. That's how Sparkattack finds it, he ventures deep into its core and sees the recharging Artecust.
Another starformer is Fidelitas while the third one doesn't have a name yet.
Here is an excerpt from my notes about them:
Starformers: once main-sequence stars, then red giants, then white dwarves, now black dwarves (prematurely cooled white dwarves), were built alongside the First One, they travel the universe to observe, their life-source of fusing helium cores was depleted faster than that of natural stars and they ceased to function, the surface temperature of their cooling-down frames is somewhere between 3900K and 0.5K, they emit very little radiation, they are detectable through their gravitational influence
Comparison to Sol (Earth's sun)-> G-type main-sequence star (G2V) “yellow dwarf”, 6K
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pairing: fuse x male reader
req: no | wc: 1k (on the dot)
summary: “I’m taken.” “By who?” -his bf
warnings: suggestive, very. two dirty jokes
a/n: wallusy
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Wally’s fanmail was always the same. There was the expected: admiration for his ability in battle and the fantastic, somewhat someway somehow artistic scenes he created with his ring of fire and explosions, and confessions of love.
They were sweet and all, albeit filled with way too much wishful thinking. Usually they came with a gift, though, so at the very least he was more than grateful.
He opens the first one of the day, he could tell with the little heart stamp on the envelope, and reads the first line out loud just like the rest of them, “Dear Fuse, I just gotta say I am in love with you.” He laughs, then speaks apologetically as though they’d be able to hear him, “Sorry, dear. I’m taken.”
“By who?”
Wally stares up from the envelope, confused look on his pretty face, furrowed eyebrows and all the shabang. “I’m sorry, what?”
You stare up from your book, an amused look on your face. “Did you hear me correctly?”
“Yeah, yeah, just-” Then he realizes it. You were only having a bit of fun. “oh.”
You laugh as he clears his throat. “Right, well. I am taken by a wonderful man. My boyfriend, he’s the best I could ask for.”
“Really?” You ask nonchalantly, taking a sip from your cup.
“Fair dinkum. Do you want to know more?” He shrugs. “I mean, I’d gloat about him all day if I could, but I dunno if you’re willin’ to lend a stranger an ear just to talk about their boyfriend.” 
“Yeah, tell me more.” You snicker, “Perhaps I know him.”
“Yeah, preferably.” You sit up in your high chair by the kitchen, as if you’re beginning to pay more attention.
“Eh, dunno if you know the guy, he hardly comes out during the daytime. You’d think he’s a vampire o’ something.” You stick your tongue out at him but he decides to ignore it. “Are you sure you only want me to sing his praises? I can say other things, too.”
“Well, he’s a good man. Greatest man I know. He’s kind, very. Treats me well.”
“How well?”
“So well.”
He stands from his seat on the couch and makes his way to you, slowly, very slowly. “He’s smart, too. Awfully smart. Makes me feel like an idiot in comparison, frankly.” 
“Don’t put yourself down just to uplift someone else, dear.”
“You’re right.” He shakes his head at himself, “Okay, then. Puts in the hard yakka on everything he does. And then there’s his looks.”
You laugh at his face as he says that. He looks like he’s in a trance as he’s thinking about it. “Mesmerizing, is he?”
“Yeah. Like,” He stops in front of you, leaning against the counter, “one of those crystal balls at the fortune teller’s in festivals.”
“Reckon those aren’t the only balls that mesmerize you.”
He snorts, loud, and almost breaks character for a second. “Yeah, I reckon. You little ripper.” He mutters to himself. 
“Anyway, he’s uh, got eyes more beautiful than anything you’d see.”
“Mhm?” He hooks a finger in your belt loops, an act he pulls off like it’s nothing but one that definitely doesn’t go unnoticed either.
“Hair styled perfectly.” 
“Yeah?” With the belt loops, he pulls you off your seat and closer. Closer to him.
“Yeah.” He breathes out, finally feeling you against him. “Yeah. It’s amazing hair, really. I don’t think I’ll be able to achieve something like it with my aging hairline.”
You snicker, “Well I think you pull off your haircut well, considering what you’ve got.”
“Do I?” He asks, eyes trailing down your face.
“You do.”
He switches his fingers on your belt loops, from index to middle, and pulls his finger through up to the first knuckle against the loop. He’s got his hands around either side of your hips, now, and with that, he pulls you impossibly closer.
“What else?”
“Oh… lips softer than a baby’s bum.”
He pulls you forward again, as if tugging, with his hands; clearly frustrated when he realizes it fails to pull your upper half towards him.
“Weird comparison, mister..?”
“Walter, Wally, Fuse. Whatever you want to call me.” He replies breathlessly.
“Do you want to kiss me, mister Fuse?”
His tongue darts out between his lips, wetting them with saliva as if making them more presentable to you. “Yeah.” He admits. “I do, a lot.”
You lean in, finally, to satisfy him. “Let me tell you about my boyfriend.”
He loves the way those words slip out your mouth, especially after kissing you. ‘My boyfriend’, like he was yours, like he belonged to you.
“He’s got the brightest smile I’ve ever seen and eyes a warm, sweetly chocolate brown. He’s kind, very kind, and,” Wally doesn’t resist pulling a kiss from your lips, but even then you continue like nothing. “a brilliant man. He’s a fighter, he is; could fight for anything and get it.”
Wally practically purrs as you trace a finger up his side. “Fought for me, even, and got me. Impossibly stubborn, can’t take ‘no’ for an answer, but I like that about him.”
“Do you? Like that about people?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Then I suppose you would like it if I asked for a kiss, then wouldn’t take your refusal for an answer?”
“I suppose so. But,” You chuckle, “I don’t think my boyfriend would like that.”
Wally laughs, too, and steals a sweet kiss from your lips. “On the contrary, actually, he really liked that.”
Your finger continues up his side, up his shoulder and slightly ticklish neck, until it reaches his cheek. Then, you cup it with your hand. “Did he, now?”
“Very.” His grin widens. “I think you can tell, can’t you? Feel a little something in the ol’ daks?”
You laugh, out loud, finally breaking character at his derpy oggling eyes and stupid words. “You bogan!”
Wally laughs, “Can’t help it when you’re so clearly tryna get me all riled up.”
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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Check out all our #NewReleases at #C0P3RN1CANR3C0RD5! Tons of new #EDM #music from #OKCopernicus #473x4ndr14 via #TheC0P3RN1CANDispatch across most streaming music and video providers!!!🎫🔊🕺🏻🫠🫶🏼
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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everythingbap · 3 months
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🎫 [III] in Los Angeles, California, USA | 📸 K Fuse
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pairing: fuse x male reader
req: no | wc: 1.04k
summary: Fuse only wants a kiss. Or does he?
warnings: swearing, little suggestive
a/n: i dont play apex mobile but i’m counting the mobile exclusive agents. Don’t be confused, the other agents aren’t here. just explaining the 24
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The next season of the Apex Games was coming soon.
“Hey, darling?”
Seeing it as a big occasion, Fusey, being the kind and rowdy man he was, decided to organize a little party. He had prepared much for it already: entertainment, a DJ, a dance floor for the DJ, booze, coolers for the booze, everything he could possibly think of had basically been checked off his mental list.
All except catering, that is.
Seeing as the venue was, well, his own home, as the host he couldn’t have some regular old Joe (as professional as he may be) cater his guests; not when he was able to guarantee a good meal himself.
The man was a lovely cook when it came down to food he loved. And what he loved most was a great–no, amazing barbie. He had made it his mission to make that barbie happen.
“There’s more meat coming off than peel.”
“Oh, shut up. It's not my fault you don't own a bloody veggie peeler!”
"Don't need one when the knife is just as good."
So here you were, just a couple hours before the party, leaning over a sink and peeling vegetables. It was just the two of you—the two of you making food for twenty-four people. 
There was sauce to make, salads to mix, veggies to cut. Man, the menu was large.
You might as well be demanding a chef’s salary from him.
Your fingers felt as wrinkled as a grandma’s. With all the veggies you had run under the faucet and the water that still clung to their skin, your hands stayed wet and wrinkly. You reckon they wouldn’t be as fucked if you were faster at peeling them. See, whilst Fuse was a great cook, you were far from it.
Your time in the kitchen had been spent somehow burning water, setting things on fire (the non-professional way) and spilling shit all over the place. 
As much as Fuse loved a thermite grenade, the arson of his own kitchen was far from enjoyable, which is why you were delegated the task of peeling.
While you could probably use a knife for violent ways, you could definitely not use it for the delicate work of peeling nonuniform veggies. But you wouldn’t admit that. Not that you needed to, anyway. The peel filled sink was enough evidence.
“What are you even doing over there, anyway?” You scoff, “I don’t see shit on the stove.”
“Keep your eyes on your own work, bludger.” He replies in a snarky tone that matches yours. “There’s more veggies a-waitin’ and they ain’t gonna peel themselves.”
You turn to him, blank look on your face, “Weren’t you just commenting on my work?”
“That’s different!” He proclaims.
You huff, “As if!”
“Look, I’ll be right back with something, and then I’ll get to work.” He gives you a pointed look, “Will that satisfy you?”
“Depends on what you’re coming back with.”
“Oh, trust me,” He chuckles, “You’ll like it."
"Better not just be breaking out the budgie smugglers."
He promptly takes his leave. Now alone, without him to entertain you, you focus back on your boring old work. Speaking of, it was a damn miracle that your fingers weren’t littered with cuts. Whatever guardian angel was watching over you today must’ve been the same one that picked Wally out for you, as much of a prick he was right now.
You were tired of standing still and straight for minutes on end. So, you hunch over, leaning your elbows against the edge of the counter.
You only realize how suggestive the pose is when Wally comes back.
In truth, you have only been thinking in your comfort's best interests.
“Woah, love, today is not the day!” His voice turns into a near whisper, “Or well, at least right now is not the time.”
You turn to him curiously, brow raised. “What d'ya mean?”
Instead of answering outright, Wally struts over with one of those stupid, charming smirks of his you've grown to love. Oftentimes it meant he was smug about something, and while you knew he was smug, you could tell he wanted to do something mischievous too.
You just couldn't tell what.
Though, if you had only an inkling of awareness, you'd have known.
"Oh, no, nothing." He says, even though you know he's absolutely bluffing. He leans with his waist against the counter, eyes already half-lidded. 
"Fair dinkum?" You mirror his stance, far from convinced.
"O'course! Could never lie to ya, love." He snickers, knowing his accent is rubbing off on you. Then, he pulls you in for a kiss. 
Needless to say, your current vegetable and knife are abandoned by the sink, and so are most of your curious thoughts.
It's only a short kiss, but far far from chaste.
"Not that I'm complaining, but," Wally seductively bats his eyelashes at you, which makes you laugh, "you're kissing me be-?"
"Because I love you, and," He draws back from you, flourishing his apron with a quick bow and the meaningless waving of his hands. "because of this."
The phrase Kiss the cook is plastered with big, bold letters on his white apron and accentuated with an eye-catching red kiss mark. You hardly remember buying it for him.
"Oh," You snicker. "well then, come here for another."
Wally doesn't protest. How could he? You kiss again. He relishes in the feeling of your lips, hooking his arms around your waist to pull you even closer. The contact is sweet and makes him feel warm; a toasty, cozy warm. 
As much as Wally wanted to stay, there was a party coming and sides just waiting to be cooked. Even though at the end of the day he could call you a better meal than his own barbecue.
When you part, Wally gives you a knowing look.
"Do we have to?" You whine.
"Unfortunately." He declares in a sing-song voice. "Maybe I should've let Mirage host again." He mutters.
As he'd hoped, you settle back into your precious position and pick up your work.
So, he finally takes his opportunity.
He could never let such a good booty left without a tender, loving smacking.
"Ow, you ass!"
"Your ass, actually."
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