#apex legends x male reader
kkarmiic · 1 year
F!Reader DNI!
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\\ synopsis: your relationship with crypto as a feminine presenting guy
‘+ genre: fluff
*# warnings: a little bit of misgendering at the start
requests open!
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This is assuming you’re also in the apex games, but he had most likely seen you around in the arena, he didn’t think much at first.
That was until you two were teamed up, you were pretty quiet at first, just looting until he called you over, flagging an item for you to take.
“Ven aquí chica!” He yelled towards you, gesturing you in with his hand.
And although you began running towards him, you still questioned his words. “Chica?”
And now, he was just confused as you were, I mean, he’s usually not one to assume, but you did look pretty feminine.
But your voice. That was certainly unexpected, it almost made him do a double-take to check for any enemies.
But it came from you. You in your feminine outfits with makeup, you who looked so pretty????
He was dumbfounded.
“Sorry, chico.” He corrected himself, which was oddly shocking, previous teammates hadn’t been so kind, even in the arena they had chosen to battle you over your own identity.
You nodded, simply continuing to loot, however, out of the corner of your eye, you could still see Octane staring at you.
Even though Octane wasn’t one to engage in a ‘boring convo’ as he puts it, he was still intrigued by you.
However, it was your fighting that really got him hooked on you, so graceful yet so merciless, he was hooked.
You took the risks with him, you didn’t care what others thought, and yet you still let him have most of the spotlight.
You had won that battle, along with him and Mirage, and so that night he ended up knocking on the room of your door in the drop ship.
You, tired and mildly wounded, opened the door with droopy eyes and a yawn.
“Mmm Octane?” You peered up at him, speaking through said yawn.
“Hey Y/N!” He spoke, leaning against your door frame. “Can I come in?”
And so you obliged, shutting the door behind him, allowing him to sit on your bed while you laid back on the pillow.
He took a deep breath before beginning to speak.
“Ehh…chico, I just came here to apologize. I’m not one to do things like this, but you were pretty good out there. You run in with me like there’s no tomorrow, I like that about you! So, sorry for calling you chica, chico.”
His voice was racing as if he was afraid it would go away any minute, and you could barely keep up with what he was saying, although it sounded somewhat like a compliment.
“Can I make it up to you?” He grinned.
To say that he was attracted to you would be an understatement, he enjoyed your company sure, but it was so much more than that. He just wanted to get to know you better.
"Mmm?" You gestured at him to continue.
"I'll take you on a date, hm?" Confidence ebbed in his voice, and you couldn't help but accept the daredevil's advances, after all, you wanted to go on a date too.
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Octane doesn't like to go out to restaurants, he prefers cheap takeaway and then spends his money on adrenaline-rushing activities.
Like for your first date, he took you to a theme park.
He definitely forced you to go on all the big rollercoasters and 'scary' rides with him.
While it didn't give him as much of a rush as the Apex games do, he was just glad to be spending time with you.
It was probably one of those theme parks by the sea, and so after, he took you into one of those fish and chips food places and got you ice cream and food.
And if it's one of those with the arcades, he will fight to get you a plushie from the claw machines, no matter how rigged they are, he will spend his entire savings fund to get you a stuffed toy.
If you have it in your bed and sleep with it, he'd be unbelievably happy.
He loves the way you dress, the way you present doesn't matter to him but he still enjoys what you'll come up with outfit-wise.
After all, he is bisexual.
When he's out, he will definitely see something that reminds him of you and get it, he just likes seeing the way you react to little gifts.
And when you fight, that's something that gets his heart racing, he is ridiculously attracted to you.
He will let that be known, when you shoot people and finish people, he will shower you with compliments, and your other teammate will probably be sick of you two, but he doesn't care.
You'd just spent time cuddling with him after games, and he'd love every second of it.
If you show him new outfits or skirts, he will tell you how amazing you look, probably jumping around the room in glee with you.
If anyone disrespects you, especially because of the way you dress, saying something like 'how are you a boy if you wear skirts?'.
He would go INSANE. On them.
He'd rip them to pieces telling them exactly how you can be a boy and wear skirts, how clothes aren't gendered, and how their view is so prehistoric they might as well go back to the stone age.
Afterwards, he would check if you're okay, letting you know that he loves how you dress and thinks you look great.
Octane really really loves you.
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pairing: fuse x male reader
req: no | wc: 1k (on the dot)
summary: “I’m taken.” “By who?” -his bf
warnings: suggestive, very. two dirty jokes
a/n: wallusy
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Wally’s fanmail was always the same. There was the expected: admiration for his ability in battle and the fantastic, somewhat someway somehow artistic scenes he created with his ring of fire and explosions, and confessions of love.
They were sweet and all, albeit filled with way too much wishful thinking. Usually they came with a gift, though, so at the very least he was more than grateful.
He opens the first one of the day, he could tell with the little heart stamp on the envelope, and reads the first line out loud just like the rest of them, “Dear Fuse, I just gotta say I am in love with you.” He laughs, then speaks apologetically as though they’d be able to hear him, “Sorry, dear. I’m taken.”
“By who?”
Wally stares up from the envelope, confused look on his pretty face, furrowed eyebrows and all the shabang. “I’m sorry, what?”
You stare up from your book, an amused look on your face. “Did you hear me correctly?”
“Yeah, yeah, just-” Then he realizes it. You were only having a bit of fun. “oh.”
You laugh as he clears his throat. “Right, well. I am taken by a wonderful man. My boyfriend, he’s the best I could ask for.”
“Really?” You ask nonchalantly, taking a sip from your cup.
“Fair dinkum. Do you want to know more?” He shrugs. “I mean, I’d gloat about him all day if I could, but I dunno if you’re willin’ to lend a stranger an ear just to talk about their boyfriend.” 
“Yeah, tell me more.” You snicker, “Perhaps I know him.”
“Yeah, preferably.” You sit up in your high chair by the kitchen, as if you’re beginning to pay more attention.
“Eh, dunno if you know the guy, he hardly comes out during the daytime. You’d think he’s a vampire o’ something.” You stick your tongue out at him but he decides to ignore it. “Are you sure you only want me to sing his praises? I can say other things, too.”
“Well, he’s a good man. Greatest man I know. He’s kind, very. Treats me well.”
“How well?”
“So well.”
He stands from his seat on the couch and makes his way to you, slowly, very slowly. “He’s smart, too. Awfully smart. Makes me feel like an idiot in comparison, frankly.” 
“Don’t put yourself down just to uplift someone else, dear.”
“You’re right.” He shakes his head at himself, “Okay, then. Puts in the hard yakka on everything he does. And then there’s his looks.”
You laugh at his face as he says that. He looks like he’s in a trance as he’s thinking about it. “Mesmerizing, is he?”
“Yeah. Like,” He stops in front of you, leaning against the counter, “one of those crystal balls at the fortune teller’s in festivals.”
“Reckon those aren’t the only balls that mesmerize you.”
He snorts, loud, and almost breaks character for a second. “Yeah, I reckon. You little ripper.” He mutters to himself. 
“Anyway, he’s uh, got eyes more beautiful than anything you’d see.”
“Mhm?” He hooks a finger in your belt loops, an act he pulls off like it’s nothing but one that definitely doesn’t go unnoticed either.
“Hair styled perfectly.” 
“Yeah?” With the belt loops, he pulls you off your seat and closer. Closer to him.
“Yeah.” He breathes out, finally feeling you against him. “Yeah. It’s amazing hair, really. I don’t think I’ll be able to achieve something like it with my aging hairline.”
You snicker, “Well I think you pull off your haircut well, considering what you’ve got.”
“Do I?” He asks, eyes trailing down your face.
“You do.”
He switches his fingers on your belt loops, from index to middle, and pulls his finger through up to the first knuckle against the loop. He’s got his hands around either side of your hips, now, and with that, he pulls you impossibly closer.
“What else?”
“Oh… lips softer than a baby’s bum.”
He pulls you forward again, as if tugging, with his hands; clearly frustrated when he realizes it fails to pull your upper half towards him.
“Weird comparison, mister..?”
“Walter, Wally, Fuse. Whatever you want to call me.” He replies breathlessly.
“Do you want to kiss me, mister Fuse?”
His tongue darts out between his lips, wetting them with saliva as if making them more presentable to you. “Yeah.” He admits. “I do, a lot.”
You lean in, finally, to satisfy him. “Let me tell you about my boyfriend.”
He loves the way those words slip out your mouth, especially after kissing you. ‘My boyfriend’, like he was yours, like he belonged to you.
“He’s got the brightest smile I’ve ever seen and eyes a warm, sweetly chocolate brown. He’s kind, very kind, and,” Wally doesn’t resist pulling a kiss from your lips, but even then you continue like nothing. “a brilliant man. He’s a fighter, he is; could fight for anything and get it.”
Wally practically purrs as you trace a finger up his side. “Fought for me, even, and got me. Impossibly stubborn, can’t take ‘no’ for an answer, but I like that about him.”
“Do you? Like that about people?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Then I suppose you would like it if I asked for a kiss, then wouldn’t take your refusal for an answer?”
“I suppose so. But,” You chuckle, “I don’t think my boyfriend would like that.”
Wally laughs, too, and steals a sweet kiss from your lips. “On the contrary, actually, he really liked that.”
Your finger continues up his side, up his shoulder and slightly ticklish neck, until it reaches his cheek. Then, you cup it with your hand. “Did he, now?”
“Very.” His grin widens. “I think you can tell, can’t you? Feel a little something in the ol’ daks?”
You laugh, out loud, finally breaking character at his derpy oggling eyes and stupid words. “You bogan!”
Wally laughs, “Can’t help it when you’re so clearly tryna get me all riled up.”
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marksbear · 2 years
If your requests are open I was wondering if i could get headcanons or a oneshot for this. So Revenant (Apex), obviously hasnt liked music for a long time, probably even gets a bit ticked off when he hears Fuse or Lifeline playing music. But what if a genderfluid S/o Joins the games and plays a Lyre. Lyres are known for their beautiful music because most people love their music. So what If Revenant hears in and is actually called to it. Like S/o is on the roof of the Apex Facility outside of the games and Revenant hears it and just crawls up to the roof and hides to hear it. Normally people would be scared of him following them but S/o knows, smiles and just continues to play for him.
Okay! I got you! the reader's pronouns are gonna use he/him and they/them! But mostly gn reader
When y'all weren't together he'll be semi pissed with you and Fuse for playing music all the, and just overall having a chill vibe lmao.
BUT now since both of you are together he doesn't mind as much. Like now he would stop insulting (All the insults he said in the past he didn't mean he just wanted to look tough) your music and all of that.
One of the perks he doesn't like about you playing is that all the attention you get when you play like everyone wants to see you perform it and listen to the lyre. So he gets kinda jealous that your playing for people besides him.
When you first join the games he probably stalks you for a while looking for anything he could tease or use against you. But one time he caught you playing the lyre. At first he'll act annoyed but after only a couple minutes after he'll want to hear it more
He most definitely listens to your songs from afar when yall become a couple. He knows that you won't make fun of him for it, but still is kinda embarrassed because his image is supposed to be a ruthless, soulless killer who isn't supposed to have emotion
During games he always follows you around dating or not even dating he'll follow you around waiting for you to play your lyre.
if y'all come out as a couple to the public during the press conferences. He'll sit and follow you everywhere you go and just make sure it's safe.
Always ask you what pronouns you're using for today and make sure that you feel good about yourself. Even though he's bad at using words and actions his love language is acts of service so he'll do everything that you ask
During break days You take him to a hill to watch the sunset and play your lyre while watching the sunset. It's one of the only things that makes him feel human again
when y'all are having a chill day y'all are usually in yalls shared room and hes asleep (Power off ig) and you playing the lyre. Both bodies cuddled up with each other enjoying each other's company.
fuse walked in once in of yalls chill days and Revenant had woken up and saw Fuse just standing there looking at the both of you and about to ask something. It becomes a staring match until Revenant threatens Fuse that if he told anyone he'll be dead. Fuse just says never mind ask you later and speed walks out.
im done sorry if this is short im most likey gonna do a one-shot of this maybe and thanks for reading and please like. If you liked this you should check out my other work.
-Love Papa Bear
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motorcyclebucket · 2 years
please please please please send me some Apex Legends requests! been wanting to write some stuff now that I've played the game more!
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menace-writes · 2 years
So question before I start posting here what kind of content would you guys like to see of the adult variety
Is there anything you’d like me to give a try or just want my opinion on?
Questions, comments, concerns??
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ficmachine · 1 year
Bloodhound, Octane, and Pathfinder, reacting to a make reader who always hides his face? Like- always wears these pretty/badass looking masks, and one day it falls off (or maybe brakes, or they catch him without his mask) and he's the most prettiest boi they've met- and he just starts crying cuz he's afraid on how they'll react?
You don't have to reply to this if you don'twanna! Also I wanna say I love your work! Your really talented ^^
Please keep up the great work!!
I gotchu! Dw! And thank you! :0c
Bloodhound/Octane/Pathy x Masc Reader. (Mask-wearing self-conscious reader)
Style: Intro + Headcanons
Wordcount: 1.8k (1808 to be exact)
People get curious. People ask. Not everyone, of course, but those who ask about why you cover your face usually prod to the point it gets uncomfortable. The amount of people – Your “fans” as they call themselves - who blow it out of proportion, make you paranoid about someone pushing it too far.
They're terrifying, especially when they obsess over something. You'd think you would have more than enough shit to deal with as a legend but no, this is a whole different can you don't want to crack open.
Regardless, whether it's just for your own comfort or just because you like looking cool is nobody's damned business.
You have your own reasons. That should be enough.
But bad fortune was going to catch up to you at some point or other, you suppose.
The stray bullet that scraped the side of your face was close, way too close - fear washes over you like a bucket of ice cold water.
Ducking under cover with your heart leaping to your throat you touch your cheek with a hiss – red smeared over your glove – and curse under your breath. Shit. Not good but at least you're not out in the open. Taking a deep breath you grip your gun tighter, chest heaving up and down as your eyes lock with your teammate.
“I'm fine.” You dismiss their concern quickly, pressing the inside of your sleeve to your face to stop the bleeding as you peek out from behind the wall. You can't pinpoint the shooter, neither can you sense any movement out in the open. Sucking in a breath you take cover again, back against the cold concrete wall and gun clutched to your chest. “Can't see them.”
Looking back at your partner your brows furrow. They're staring. Is the wound that bad? You pull your sleeve away to see the bleeding eased up and heave a sigh, breath visible in the cold weather.
Your eyes catch the sight of your face-mask on the ground.
Quicker than you can process your free hand snaps to your face. Panic engulfs your form all over again – eyes shooting up to your teammate to find them still staring – they definitely saw. Your head spins, heart hammering as your throat goes dry.
This is probably the worst time to panic. And cry? Are you really going to cry over this? Right now? In the middle of the field?
Bloodhound -
If there's anyone out there who'd understand the panic you're experiencing now, it's them. They wouldn't want anyone to see their face, especially in the middle of the battlefield.
Bloodhound knows better than to stare. Even if they caught a glimpse of your face they respectfully avert their gaze, focusing on the incoming fight instead.
They've seen you come out of fights with much worse scrapes, but when you hesitate so do they.
Minding to keep their eyes off you, they grab your mask off the ground and hold it up to you without a word.
Thankfully there's nobody around, nor are there any cameras close enough to your cover.
They keep watch over you while you fix the mask back onto your face the best you possibly can, and only when you're done do they look at you.
Noticing your trembling form they try their best to soothe you, resting their hand on your arm and giving it a small squeeze. “Stay with me, félagi fighter. The fight is not over yet.”
As empathetic as they are, they can't do anything but bring your focus back to the battle.
It's hard to get a grip on your panic – eyes blurry and ears ringing, you're disorientated and zoned out - but you know you have to. It's either pushing your feelings to the side to deal with them later, or risking dying.
Bloodhound keeps a hand on your arm until you're calm enough to stand and move. Eyes locking with yours you give them a nod, a thanks, and their whole form relaxes some.
“Good. Let's move, myndarlegur. It is not safe here.”
Carefully they lead you out of the danger zone and towards somewhere quieter.
They keep an eye on you throughout the rest of the game, both out of concern and interest.
Whether or not the two of you win doesn't matter. As soon as the game's over and you're free to go Bloodhound checks up on you. They don't bring up whether or not they've seen your face, and with how they're acting you're not entirely sure they did, but if you need to they let you lean on their shoulder as the panic from the day's events catch up to you.
Octane -
Unlike Bloodhound, Octane's a bit too stunned to snap his gaze away from you in time. When your eyes lock he tenses, feeling like he was caught red handed over something he wasn't ever supposed to see.
How can he look away though? Have you seen your face? That's... A dumb question, but he's seen it now too! And MAN, he looked away more out of bashfulness than anything else.
His heart leaps to his throat when he forces out a laugh to dismiss the situation, clicking his tongue. “Ai, amigo, you gotta be more careful. Custom masks like that are a bitch to replace.”
Shaking his head he hands you the mask, frowning when he notices how badly its broken. There's no way you can put it back on.
The realisation draws over you the same second and suddenly it's much harder to breathe than before.
With your vision spinning you lean back on the wall heavily, knees almost buckling under you while the gun slips out of your hand and falls to the ground with a clatter. A vague wave of pain passes through you when you grip your face too hard but you're too zoned out to care.
One moment your vision is spinning, the other you feel fingers prying your hand away from your face. Then, you're staring at maskless Octane grinning his stupid grin at you while he makes sure his own mask sits comfortably on your lower face.
He dismisses you when you ask why, waving his hand in the air as if it was nothing.
“What are friends for, huh? Besides, we have a game to win. Can't have you distracted while we kick ass!”
And kick ass you do.
Sure, he looks kinda dumb with just his goggles and head covered, but with the air filter built in this mask it's much more comfortable to breathe than in your own.
After the game is over Octavio sticks to you like glue, both to check in on you and to let you know you can keep the mask until you can replace yours.
Like hell you're gonna give it back. You're keeping it and he's more than okay with that.
Pathfinder -
Pathfinder, sweet, helpful Pathfinder, notices your mask is gone quicker than you notice your bleeding. Fortunately, he's also the quickest one to jump into action.
“Careful, friend! Faces aren't meant to be shot through.”
You're panicked and shaking, covering your face, and the last thing on his mind is your face. He's focusing on double-checking nobody's near before looking back to you and holding out a medkit to you.
He enjoys looking at your face, of course, so he doesn't look away until you turn away and it finally clicks in his head that you're probably uncomfortable. After all, some people like having their face covered and you happen to be one of those people.
Looking around he pinpoints your mask and dusts it off, holding it up to you.
Noticing you're not moving and your eyes are leaking he tilts his head to the side, only realising you're having a panic attack when his thumb feels the pulse in your wrist.
“Oh no, this isn't good. Don't worry, I've got you.” Immediately his attitude changes from cheerful to deeply worried, and he's wriggling the medkit out of your hand to grab you and get the two of you out of the open.
Thankfully, he holds you close to his chest while he grapples to the safety of the indoors – locking the doors and setting you down in the corner – to make sure no cameras can catch a glimpse of you.
Once inside he rummages through the kit to patch you up, giving you a heads up at the incoming sting loud enough to get through your brain haze so you can brace yourself for it.
With that done he gets to work on fixing your mask up the best he can – he's not great at it but he can get a few strong stitches in quick enough before you need to get moving again.
“There, just like new – only slightly torn.” He beams at you.
By the time he's done you're staring at him openly, eyes dried, mind still foggy but you're grounded enough to bring yourself back into the present. You've been staring at him all throughout and if he noticed he didn't say anything. You're grateful for it.
Pathfinder hands you the mask and you shakily put it on, gasping when he ruffles your head to ground you further.
“Do you need another minute or are you feeling well enough to keep going? We always can outrun the ring with my zip-line, so don't worry about that.”
You let him know you need another minute, and he nods before walking off to double-check if it's still safe in the building. Once he's back he looks at you, head tilting to the left while a question mark pops up on his chest monitor.
“I do have a question for you, friend.”
Your mouth runs dry. There it is-
“Are you alright?” You blink up at him, genuinely expecting him to ask about your mask or why you wear it. Instead, he continues, “I'm sure we can forfeit if you need to leave. Your well-being matters more to me than winning.”
Your heart swells, both with anxiety and appreciation, but you ultimately shake your head from side to side, letting him know you just need another moment.
You might not win, but with a friend like Pathfinder, who's willing to give up winning just to make sure you're okay? You're gonna have to make sure he knows how much he means to you.
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theres-a-body-here · 8 months
Scumtober- Day 27 (Breathe Play)
Alexander Nox x Male!reader
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Alexander couldn't help but feel irritated by how needy you seemed today. Yet, despite his frustration, your constant teasing had managed to arouse him — something he hadn't expected to feel in the middle of a game.
Now, here you both stood in one of the buildings at World's Edge; him pinning you against a wall while trying to hide his obvious erection beneath his pants. You could tell he was irritated behind his gas mask as he held his gloved hand to your throat.
"Aww, come on, Gas Daddy. I was just messing with you," you cooed playfully, referring to that little incident involving a cheeky slap on his rear earlier. Hearing those words sent chills down Alexander's spine – not because they were endearing, but rather due to sheer annoyance. His grip tightened around your neck as he let out a low growl.
A soft moan escaped your lips as you felt his hold on your neck increase. Watching your reaction brought forth a mix of discomfort and pleasure within Alexander – causing him to grit his teeth while simultaneously feeling his member twitch inside his pants.
Noticing his conflicted demeanor, you smirked before whispering softly, "You like treating me like this..." Pausing for effect, you added, "...Alexander?"
At the sound of his name spoken so intimately, he reacted instinctively by slamming you harder against the wall, eliciting yet another moan from deep within your throat.
Frustrated beyond belief, Alexander muttered a series of profanities underneath his breath while roughly tearing away the clothing that hung past his pelvis using his free hand. With the other still firmly grasping your neck, he quickly undid his buckle and pulled open his pants.
Alexander reveals his hardened member, its pale color standing out starkly against the dim light filtering through the windows.
Unable to resist taunting him further, you manage to choke out a sarcastically flirtatious comment, "Oh, what a pretty white cock!" This only fuels his frustration even more, resulting in another violent slam against the wall.
Alexander snaps back at you, "Keep it shut!" His voice sounds menacing even through the muffled filter of his gas mask. Complying with his order, you remain silent as he continues to apply pressure on your windpipe. Meanwhile, he presses his head against the wall beside yours, letting out quiet grunts of pleasure as he starts stroking his erection in earnest.
Determined to take control of the situation, you beg him, "Come on, let me help!" However, Alexander refuses to relinquish any power over the scenario – instead choosing to keep his grip firmly on your neck as he continues furiously stroking himself.
Through ragged breaths, Alexander informs you, "Consider this punishment for being such a pest throughout our entire game." His tone leaves no room for argument, making it clear that he won't tolerate any further interference from you.
Ignoring his warning, you continue to squirm and buck your hips into the air, desperate for some relief from the building sexual tension. But Alexander remains unfazed, focusing solely on achieving his release while maintaining his vice grip on your vulnerable throat.
In the silence of the abandoned building, the only audible sounds are your strained, moaning breaths and the wet, squelching noises emanating from Alexander's rapidly moving hand upon his swollen cock.
Unable to resist touching him, you gently caress the hand wrapped around your neck. This small gesture sends shivers down Alexander's spine, causing him to groan deeply and pick up the pace of his already frenzied strokes.
Summoning every last bit of strength left within you, you call out his name. "Alexander....". You sounded both strained and intimate.
Without hesitation, he lifts his head from the wall and presses his body flush against yours – ensuring every curve and contour align perfectly together. Then, he leans in closer, pressing his gas mask against your face.
Finally allowed some reprieve, you let out a whimper of relief and immediately start to buck your hips against the solid warmth of his body. Alexander obligingly adjusts his position, turning slightly to the side so he can continue stroking himself while gazing upon your beautiful, struggling expression.
Granting you a brief respite, Alexander releases his hold on your neck just enough for you to catch your breath. "Breathe," he orders, his voice low and commanding. Obeying without question, you suck in several deep breaths before feeling his hand constrict around your throat once more.
With renewed vigor, you resume thrusting yourself against Alexander's body while simultaneously battling for air as his hand tightens its grip on your throat. All the while, you fixate your gaze on the erotic sight of his slick, pulsing cock gliding across your trembling, clothed thigh.
Reaching the peak of his arousal, Alexander releases a guttural groan as he ejaculates onto your clothes, his gas mask remaining firmly pressed against your now teary face. As he reaches his climax, his grip on your throat tightens almost unbearably, threatening to cut off all oxygen supply completely. Just when you think you might pass out, he finally relaxes his hold, allowing you to regain consciousness and draw much needed air into your lungs.
Silence descends upon the two of you as you both recover from the intense experience. Still panting heavily, you lock eyes with Alexander, unable to look away from the intensity burning within his cold gaze. Suddenly, he reaches down and cups your swollen erection through the fabric of your pants.
Before anything can happen, the sound of footsteps echoes through the building from somewhere below. Startled, Alexander quickly withdraws his hand and begins tucking his spent penis back into his pants.
Frustrated by the abrupt interruption, you emit a frustrated whine, still desperate for release. Hearing your disappointment, Alexander grunts in annoyance before gruffly speaking, "I'll deal with you after the game is over."
Accepting his words as a promise, you allow yourself a triumphant smirk as you retrieve your Alternator. "So, it's a date then?" you teasingly ask, relishing in the slight blush that creeps onto Alexander's cheeks from behind his gas mask.
Briefly thrown off by your bold declaration, Alexander regains his composure and scoffs dismissively. "Insect," he mutters, though this time his usual derogatory term seems laced with something akin to affection.
Seizing the opportunity to escape the awkwardness, he snatches up his Nemesis and storms out the door before you can respond.
You shake your head and laugh before following him to face who's downstairs. You wonder what he'll do to your in his bedroom. No point in imagining now. Its time to win this game even if you have a rager the whole time.
Scumtober 2023 Masterlist
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Being Bloodhounds Younger Sibling pt. 2
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Reader: Gender Netural | "you" | Platonic
Notes: the gif makes me smile, bloodhound smiling 🥺
Warnings: none really? Fighting?
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To be honest, when you seen Bloodhound ontop of Fuse like that you were tramatized.
Just immediately closing the door.
"I understand your pain now Arthur."
Finally someone gets his pain.
So in traumtization buddies, you feed him instead, along with giving Bear a snack because he ate already
You best be sure when Fuse and you get placed on a team he's like:
"So. Eh..heh...hows your day going."
"Good. I suppose. But your face reminds me of the time my sibling was ontop of you."
"Ah...eh...houndy likes to feel poweful."
"My sibling is powerful. You cannot handle them. They go soft on you."
Fuse figures out soon that you dont exactly know what your talking about....
But that kinda makes Fuse think. Is bloodhound easy on him?
Fuse tries to get to know you the best you'll let him. Your standoffish, keep to yourself, Pathfinder is someone thats only really gotten close to you, both physically and mentally.
Its true you've stuck yourself to Pathy while out and about, he showed you kindess and was simply pure of heart
So he was allowed to hug you, allowed to get in your personal space
He just has a vibe that makes him want to be around.
Despite you not suppose to be as he's technology
You see alot of Vantage, Fuse and Bloodhound together.
You figured Vantage is there daughter but wonder why you hadnt been introduced yet.
But before you could bring any of that up your older sibling comes knocking at your door.
"Come in."
Bloodhound walks in taking off the mask and helmet, setting it down, "Come. Sit."
Y/n and Bloodhound take a seat on the floor, "i have something for you."
Y/n watched as a box was handed towards them.
"They will aid you."
Y/n was silent as Bloodhound opened the box, "They will help you hear again. Better, easier."
Y/n looked at the book and shook there head.
"Y/n please."
"That is against our ways."
"Y/n." Bloodhound spoke grabbing there hand, "We cannot keep ignoring our future. Rayma has made them for you. They blend in with your hair and skin, they will be hard to see."
Y/n was silent as they watched Bloodhound take them out the box. They trusted Bloodhound with there full heart and mind, and allowed there sibling to fit them to there ears.
A loud ringing came with the word as Y/n quickly pulled them out tossing them away holding there ears in pain.
"Sorry! I'm sorry-"
Bloodhound was quick to grab them from the floor, "too strong I suppose. I will turn them down."
Y/n watched as Bloodhound fixed they twisted a little nib, "Lets do one for now."
With time, Bloodhound adjusted them perfectly to your ears
But they couldnt help the look they were given, you looked lost
Maybe this was the final straw? There really was no going back to the old ways
Bloodhounds thankful to Rayma/Rampart,
And like always they help you adjust
And its werid being able to hear everyone so clearly now.
Pathfinder's excited for you, like holding your hands jumping around excited and Wattson joins in
You dont exactly know whats going on
But to thank Rampart you carve something nice,
You stick with a Prowler, the type that stalk the snowy mountains.
While your carving Pathfinder comes over to talk to you on the drop ship.
"So thats bloodhounds sibling?" Vatnage asked.
"Yeah. That the's rumour goin around!" Rampart smiled, "To be honest though mate, we'll never know by looks. No ones ever seen ol' houndy's face."
"Im gonna go say Hi!"
Vantage happily marched her way over, Y/n silent despite Pathfinder's constant talking.
"Hello! Im Mara!"
Y/n looked up then back down at there carving.
"Ooo you carve too? Im a carver myself." Vantage cheered watching Echo relocated infront of Bear.
"Bloodhound is with Fuse. I believe they are the upper deck." Y/n spoke, "Do not eat the bat."
Bear backed up and pouted, Y/n going back to work.
"Wow. You knew before he even opened his mouth! Thats pretty keen!" Vantage cheered, "But I heard your Bloodhound's sibling. You're a hunter too then?"
Vantage was answered with Silence, "You're name's Y/n right? What was your village like?"
Silence again, "Silence is fun too! I'll sit with you and carve with you!"
Y/n was quiet, they always were, after all they had no social skills outside there sibling relationship.
But with this Y/n couldn't help but feel....replaced.
Bloodhound had Fuse, and Vatnage.
They an odd little makeshift family
You didnt wanna ruin anything bloodhound had made for themselves, but the idea of them kinda just going off and leaving to make a new family kinda hurt
You'd never admit that though.
"Hey! Mara!" Mirage cheered making his way over.
"Mr. Witt!" She smiled, "Mr.Witt! This is Y/n! They're bloodhound's sibling! Well. I think they are atleast. Y/n! This is Mr.Witt! He's super cool!"
"I just came to introduce myself to the g-gor-to the pretty new person." Mirage flirted.
"Do you think you are pretty?" Y/n questioned.
"A little yeah." Mirage smiled, leaning on the nearby crates just to slip and fall, Y/n watching him scramble to his feet.
"So! Me? You!? Pork chops?" He smiled, "I have booze! Wait- that sounds wrong- I'm a bar tender! A good one at that!"
"If you're asking me for a partnership you must ask the eldest of my house."
"Oh! Yeah! Parent consent's...cool. even at our age...anyway-"
"Bloodhound is on the upper deck." Y/n responded.
"Bloodhound is eldest." Y/n informed, "It is bloodhounds word."
Wait....he's....gott ask...
He'll admit. Bloodhound, sweet, nice, but in situations like the games, and serious moments they're pretty uh....spoopy
Bloodhound looked at the man, "ah you have met my sibling. I do hope they did not stab you, social skills are not there strong suit."
"No! No! No!"
"I wanted to take them to the bar. Ya know. Hang out with them."
"The bar is not there strong suit i assure you. If you wish to hang out with them truly. Ask to go on a hunt."
"Aye! Witt ya ol' fella!" Fuse cheered coming up with two bottles in his hand, handing one to bloodhound, "if I'da known ya were gonna be here I'da brought you a bottle."
"Im not staying long. Just askin about Y/n."
"Yeah? What's up with the kiddo anyway? Stab anyone new?"
"Witt was hoping to go on....a hangout as he called it." Bloodhound commented.
"Ya wanna take Y/n out on a date?" Fuse commented, "Good Luck."
"What is that ment to mean?" Bloodhound spoke.
"What? Nothin. Y/n...the kid's...just uh." Fuse told, "Diffrent....ya know?"
"No. That is why I inquired."
"The kids....hard to be friendly with. Kids...off putting, rough around the edges."
"You are saying my sibling is rude-"
"Then what?" Bloodhound asked standing up.
"I told ya! Y/n's rough around the edges!" Fuse spoke in defense, "Hey! Maybe witt will smooth em out, huh?-"
"Y/n does not need smoothing out. None the less a man nor woman to do so." Bloodhound argued, "here."
The bottle was shoved in Witt's chest, he catching it quickly, "Goodbye. I need to check on Arthur."
"Houndy! I didn-"
But bloodhound was already gone.
You were confused as Bloodhound came back upset though No one could tell but seemingly you
You chased them down worried.
"No need. I am alright." Bloodhound reassured, "I will be back-"
Y/n grabbed Bloodhound by the shoulder stopping them, "Last time you said you'd be back you left....for a long time."
Bloodhound sighed, "I. I am sorry."
"You have apologized enough. I just want to you to tell me whats going on. I can not stop you if you wish to leave."
"A small tussel with Fitzroy is all." Bloodhound responded, "I supoose I am a little defensive as of recent."
So you go to sit with your sibling. Its nice to be in each others presence even in silence.
You're for sure targeting Fuse next match.
So it helps that next match you get put with Revenant and Mad Maggie.
"I want Fitzroy's head."
"I like you already skinsuit."
Talk about trail following. Dude your like ontop there team.
Fuse, Loba and Bloodhound all on one team
So you'd for sure have to take out Fuse secluded.
Luckily your able to single him out, throwing him against a wall.
"Woah now! Houndy wouldn't like you killin' me eh?" Fuse tried to persuade, a joke in the tone of his voice.
"You upset them."
"Ah. That. We talked that out I swear!"
"Hm." Y/n hummed in thought, "Oh well, better luck next time."
finisher for the kill? absolutely
But then Maggie's shouting she's down, and Revenant follows quickly after.
"One last egg! Callin it your family!"
Oh...Is Bloodhound the last one standing?
you can be sure there's an epic standoff.
"May the all father guide my victory."
"And may the Ragnarok falling be as brutal as yours shall be this day."
Bloodhound chuckled, "You were always one for the fall."
"The fall is just as important as the rise." Y/n spoke in defense, "you taught me that."
"You listened well for having been impaired," Bloodhound praised, let us see if your tongue is as swift as your knife."
"Verbalailty is something you reached me not to lean on as well." Y/n spoke, both taking a step forward, "I do hope your age has not impaired you much."
With the last words, they charged at one another, cargo bots that also acted as cameras in the games focused in on the two.
"Hey! Hey! wait!" Wattson called, "Look!"
The two teams stopped the firing, and they all looked at one of the larger screens that were usually meant to show legends, playing the battle out.
"You never bring a knife to a gunfight," Bangalore spoke.
"I don't think it's the gun Y/n's worried about," Wraith told in defense.
"An interesting fighter indeed," Ash praised, "but stupid, very, stupid."
Y/n was knocked on their side, groaning, knife and axe were knocked away.
"You fought well little one." Bloodhound praised, "But I must finish what I have started."
Bloodhound was quick to grab their own axe, Y/n getting to their feet as they stood ready to defend.
Cue the epic battle music
You werent giving up easy, and neither was your older sibling
Think about the Kratos verus Thor fight from the beginning of the game, and...just...thats you guys
But when weapons get knocked away, slidding off the side of the platform is when you both finally realize your just above lava
You got pinned to the railing but managed to fill bloodhound over you barely catching there hand before they fell into the lava below.
"What are you doing!?" Bloodhound argued, "let me go!"
Y/n looked down at them, they'd kill Bloodhound for victory? For Slatra...
"I. I can't!" Y/n argued.
"Y/n! Let me go you've won!" Bloodhound defended.
"I cant! I can't!"
"Why not!?"
"I can't loose you!"
Its like morality had struck you, you were killing your sibling.
"Y/n. Let me go." Bloodhound ordered, "I will be alright. Remember. It is just a game. I will see you back on the ship."
Y/n looked down, loosinging there grip, "You promise?"
"I promise."
So, you dropped Bloodhound, winning the smaller battle, and picked up both teammates.
"Ya crack an egg, good on you kid."
"yeah. Thanks..."
Okay everybody going back to fighting now
Sure enough, you did
You didn't win, placed in the top three though.
You could care less though and ran straight to Bloodhound hugging them tightly.
They congratulate you on your success, you were doing quite well for being new
no matter how old you get praise from your older sibling is always reassuring
Mad Maggie out of all people consoles you, sitting beside you
"You took a big step eh?" She spoke, "It gets easier kids, don't cha worry! Take it from me."
"You're people."
She looked at Y/n and chuckled, "Eh, Salvo's one hell of a dog's arse if I say so at the moment."
"You're people are lucky to have a warrior such as yourself."
"Suppose I'm a bit of a fuck up. Especially when it come to the family."
Y/n looked at her as she handed over a bottle, "One for the top three."
Y/n nodded taking the bottle, "I suppose, I am a fuck up as well."
"Don't let it get ya down-"
Maggie went silent as she watched Y/n chug the liquid from the bottle, "ugh!" Y/n gaged pulling it away "Burns-"
She only laughed as their gagging self.
Here comes Mirage asking you out again,
"On a hunt."
"You hunt here?"
"yeah sure why not."
It's been a while since you went on a hunt, and so you invited Bloodhound excitedly.
Vantage wants to go and even cuts in asking.
You are still iffy about Vantage: you can't help it, just human nature you suppose, being jealous.
But here comes octane wanting to join too,
"A group hunter sounds refreshing. Y/n?"
You nodded and said you were inviting one more person too then.
So when you're all dropped off and given a few days rest, you all gather at a ship, and there you come dragging Revenant
Mirage wishes he just invited you to read in his room at this point.
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urfavenarrator · 1 year
This is an NWLNW blog, and I will not write Fem reader
CxR and CxC
Note: it can takes me about 2-4 days to write fanfic because of work and it can be longer if I already have other requests. Also any minors I have on my commission page will be aged up to +18, I do write for female charecter but I do not write X Fem reader
Note 2: if it's not on here feel free to ask and please feel free to add every detail you want; it's your request I won't judge but I will publicly kink shame you
Will do's:
Dirty talk
Wax play
Knife Play
Degradation kink
Praise kink
Impact play
Body worship
Oral fixation
Muscle worship
Pillow princess/prince
Face fucking
Brat taming
Forecd in to submission
Comfort sex
Monster fucking/loving
Age gap (both parties must be adults)
Age ups
Charecter x reader
Charecter x Charecter
Mental age regression
Won't do's:
Certain kinks
People from ohio
Daryl Dixion
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Negan Smith
Ron Anderson
TlOU(game + HBO)
Joel Miller
Tess Servopoulos
Ellie Williams
Tommy Miller
Apex legends
Everyone (except pathfinder)
Everyone (except Hammon???, and winston)
Rainbow six
A way out
All survivors
All killers(except Victor and Pinhead)
The thing
Bubba sawyer
Nubbins sawyer
Johnny sawyer(slaughter?)
L.G McPeters
Sissy sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Michael myers
Billy Loomis
Stu matcher
Mortal kombat
Johnny cage
Subzero(kuai liang)
Scorpion(kuai liang)
Resident evil
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time-to-run · 2 years
(Apex Legends) Mirage x Male Reader (part 2)
Summary: I only really did smut and fluff headcanons/imagines so here's some angst ones.
Tw/Cw: angst,
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-Imagine you walk in on mirage just balling his eyes out crying, and no matter how much you try to talk to him or comfort him, he just keeps on crying,
-Imagine Mirage got the both of you badly hurt during a match and he thinks your mad at him which your not. So he just kinda tries to avoid you the whole day cause of that,
-Imagine Mirage becoming very emotional when you do something nice for him early in your relationship. Like full on happy sobbing,
-Imagine you get so badly hurt that you have to stay in bed all day and Mirage just won't leave your side for anything. And he gets so upset when your condition gets worse, so now he just sleeps in your room with you to make sure your okay,
-Imagine you got so busy with work you managed to forget the date Mirage had asked you out on, and when you ran there full speed it was too late. When Mirage sees you he just gives you that angry side glare and walks right past you,
-Imagine something happens and you think Mirage did it and your so angry because of it you ignore him for almost a whole week. Until he comes knocking on your door with tears in his eyes asking what he's done wrong. Basically begging you to tell him,
-Imagine you forgetting to do something you normally do on a daily basis and instantly Mirage thinks its because he's done something. Like it could be something so simple as to not kiss him before you leave and he's overthinkng it,
-Imagine Mirage getting so mad he's in tears and he just can't stop screaming. He's weak and he just falls to his knees, and tries to reach out to you,
-Imagine you and Mirage getting into an argument and in the heat of the moment you shout "God i hate you". Suddenly everything goes quiet and you regret what you said the moment you saw his hurt expression,
-Imagine something goes wrong and now your being held by Mirage, literally dying in his arms. He's cover in your blood, completely in tear screaming "Please! God no! Just stay with me please!"
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kkarmiic · 1 year
mirage anon here! naming myself how quaint today has been kinda shitty so could I get some good ol Mirage comfort after a really, really bad day? I'm talking the worst day possible-- outfit ruined, bad hair day, just EVERYTHING going wrong?? thank you if you end up doing this <33
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\\ synopsis: everything that can go wrong, goes wrong, mirage is there to help
+* genre: fluff/comfort
‘# warnings: eye pulling, self doubt, he calls you love
// authors note: hey mirage anon! I’m sorry to hear about your shitty day, I understand how those feels, I hope this helps at least a little.
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Your day had been downright awful, down to every single detail. From the moment you opened your eyes, everything was already horrific. You had seemingly slept in a weird position that night, evident by the dull ache in your shoulder and neck.
To make matters worse, you were already twenty minutes behind schedule, you had slept through your alarm. Fuck. Stomping over to your mirror, rolling your shoulder in a feeble attempt for the pain to disappear, you realized how obvious your dark circles were and how your hair stuck out in directions you didn't even know were possible.
Of course, you tried to push it aside, telling yourself it could be fixed with a little concealer and styling. That, however, did so little to help with your situation. The concealer had run out the day prior and your hair would just not lay how you wanted it.
Just your luck.
Tonight was supposed to be your date with Mirage, it was quaint, sure, he was going to make you a homecooked meal and you two were planning on watching the stars, but still, what would he think of you if he saw you like this?
It was only early days in your relationship, about a month in, and you weren't prepared for his perception of you to change, for him to see you as lazy, or a slob.
You were far too stressed out for ten in the morning, pulling your eyes down and just... Staring. Staring at yourself in the mirror, criticizing your appearance.
You know what they say, when things are at their lowest they can only go up.
Wrong. You were on a Ferris wheel, locked into your seat with no way of escaping, on a constant round of low, and high and low and high, with seemingly no end. It was exhausting, and you just wanted to get off.
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So there you were, wearing your favourite outfit, hoping it would lift your spirits a little, and hopefully distract Mirage, at least a small amount. And it did, only for a mere moment though, you were halfway to Mirage's when the rain began pouring down, and this happened to be the one day where you didn't bring your umbrella, too focused on being late, and the way you looked, to even worry about checking the weather forecast.
Hands trembling as you walked, you reached for your phone in your pocket, before realising, that wasn't there either.
Panic. That was the only word to describe what you felt at that moment, pure panic. Had you dropped it somewhere? Maybe on the way to his? You were too late to turn back now, someone probably would've picked it up by now, and maybe it was already stolen. Maybe-
You left it on your bedside table, next to your umbrella.
Nonetheless, you kept walking, and you couldn't tell what was rain and what was tears after a certain point. They were so perfectly blended, heart aching as you walked.
Mirage, no, Elliot, you reminded yourself, always looked so perfect, with his neatly formed curls, and clear skin, you'd never seen him with one blemish, or eyebags like you, or with his hair askew. What would he think of you?
You had half a mind to turn back now, go home, and text him, faking that you were sick. But he'd probably turn up at your door instead, that was the kind of man he is, a gentleman.
Elliot couldn't worry about you, it wouldn't be fair to put him through that, and that's how you ended up on his doorstep, even despite all your worries. Placing three tentative knocks before it was quickly swung open, it seemed like he'd been waiting for you.
However, his smile quickly faded to a frown, of concern or disappointment, you couldn't tell.
"You're going to get s- uh- soa-" He paused, readjusting, instead of correcting his sentence, he ushered you in, he knew you knew him well enough to understand what he meant.
"Are you okay?!" He asked, shutting and locking the door behind you, hand placed gently on your bicep, feeling the soaked fabric of your shirt.
You wanted to tell him no, about how awful your day was, about how everything seemed to be going wrong, about how the whole world was against you, but you didn't. "Yeah... Just forgot my umbrella." You muttered, offering him a shrug of your shoulders, but that didn't seem to convince him, not one bit.
"How about you go upstairs? Get a hoodie and some sweats. You left some here last time. Or you could get changed into mind. I- Uhm- I don't... I don't mind." He took a shuddery breath, covering the pink tint on his cheeks.
"Anyways! I'll have a warm drink down here when you're done, okay?" He offered a soft smile towards you, already beginning to make your drink of choice.
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When you returned downstairs, your drink was sat in your usual seat, the smell of food wafting from the oven making your mouth water.
"Want to talk?" He asked, cocking his head, waiting on your answer, and when you didn't respond he continued. "I can see something's buggin' ya. If you need to talk I'm always in your corner."
The compassion he was showing you was too much, he was too nice, and that was too much. You cried for the second time today, choking on your sobs as you tried to tell him about how shitty your day was, but nothing was coming out.
Mirage's eyes widened in shock, rushing round to your side before taking the seat next to you, a firm hand resting on your back, rubbing slow circles. "Take your time, love." He was ever so patient with you, you could never ask for more.
"I've just- I've just had the worst day today." You choked, covering your face with your hands. "I woke up and I obviously slept in a funny position, my whole body hurts." You began recounting your day. "I even left my fucking phone at home, like an idiot!"
There was a moment's silence before he moved his body to be facing yours, pulling your stool closer to his, and grasping your hands. "Darling. You're not an idiot. We all have bad days and that's fine. Sometimes you need a few days, to recover or... For it to just pass." He rested his forehead against yours, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose.
"No matter what, I'm right by your side. Tomorrow will be better. Swear on it."
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pairing: fuse x male reader
req: no | wc: 1.04k
summary: Fuse only wants a kiss. Or does he?
warnings: swearing, little suggestive
a/n: i dont play apex mobile but i’m counting the mobile exclusive agents. Don’t be confused, the other agents aren’t here. just explaining the 24
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The next season of the Apex Games was coming soon.
“Hey, darling?”
Seeing it as a big occasion, Fusey, being the kind and rowdy man he was, decided to organize a little party. He had prepared much for it already: entertainment, a DJ, a dance floor for the DJ, booze, coolers for the booze, everything he could possibly think of had basically been checked off his mental list.
All except catering, that is.
Seeing as the venue was, well, his own home, as the host he couldn’t have some regular old Joe (as professional as he may be) cater his guests; not when he was able to guarantee a good meal himself.
The man was a lovely cook when it came down to food he loved. And what he loved most was a great–no, amazing barbie. He had made it his mission to make that barbie happen.
“There’s more meat coming off than peel.”
“Oh, shut up. It's not my fault you don't own a bloody veggie peeler!”
"Don't need one when the knife is just as good."
So here you were, just a couple hours before the party, leaning over a sink and peeling vegetables. It was just the two of you—the two of you making food for twenty-four people. 
There was sauce to make, salads to mix, veggies to cut. Man, the menu was large.
You might as well be demanding a chef’s salary from him.
Your fingers felt as wrinkled as a grandma’s. With all the veggies you had run under the faucet and the water that still clung to their skin, your hands stayed wet and wrinkly. You reckon they wouldn’t be as fucked if you were faster at peeling them. See, whilst Fuse was a great cook, you were far from it.
Your time in the kitchen had been spent somehow burning water, setting things on fire (the non-professional way) and spilling shit all over the place. 
As much as Fuse loved a thermite grenade, the arson of his own kitchen was far from enjoyable, which is why you were delegated the task of peeling.
While you could probably use a knife for violent ways, you could definitely not use it for the delicate work of peeling nonuniform veggies. But you wouldn’t admit that. Not that you needed to, anyway. The peel filled sink was enough evidence.
“What are you even doing over there, anyway?” You scoff, “I don’t see shit on the stove.”
“Keep your eyes on your own work, bludger.” He replies in a snarky tone that matches yours. “There’s more veggies a-waitin’ and they ain’t gonna peel themselves.”
You turn to him, blank look on your face, “Weren’t you just commenting on my work?”
“That’s different!” He proclaims.
You huff, “As if!”
“Look, I’ll be right back with something, and then I’ll get to work.” He gives you a pointed look, “Will that satisfy you?”
“Depends on what you’re coming back with.”
“Oh, trust me,” He chuckles, “You’ll like it."
"Better not just be breaking out the budgie smugglers."
He promptly takes his leave. Now alone, without him to entertain you, you focus back on your boring old work. Speaking of, it was a damn miracle that your fingers weren’t littered with cuts. Whatever guardian angel was watching over you today must’ve been the same one that picked Wally out for you, as much of a prick he was right now.
You were tired of standing still and straight for minutes on end. So, you hunch over, leaning your elbows against the edge of the counter.
You only realize how suggestive the pose is when Wally comes back.
In truth, you have only been thinking in your comfort's best interests.
“Woah, love, today is not the day!” His voice turns into a near whisper, “Or well, at least right now is not the time.”
You turn to him curiously, brow raised. “What d'ya mean?”
Instead of answering outright, Wally struts over with one of those stupid, charming smirks of his you've grown to love. Oftentimes it meant he was smug about something, and while you knew he was smug, you could tell he wanted to do something mischievous too.
You just couldn't tell what.
Though, if you had only an inkling of awareness, you'd have known.
"Oh, no, nothing." He says, even though you know he's absolutely bluffing. He leans with his waist against the counter, eyes already half-lidded. 
"Fair dinkum?" You mirror his stance, far from convinced.
"O'course! Could never lie to ya, love." He snickers, knowing his accent is rubbing off on you. Then, he pulls you in for a kiss. 
Needless to say, your current vegetable and knife are abandoned by the sink, and so are most of your curious thoughts.
It's only a short kiss, but far far from chaste.
"Not that I'm complaining, but," Wally seductively bats his eyelashes at you, which makes you laugh, "you're kissing me be-?"
"Because I love you, and," He draws back from you, flourishing his apron with a quick bow and the meaningless waving of his hands. "because of this."
The phrase Kiss the cook is plastered with big, bold letters on his white apron and accentuated with an eye-catching red kiss mark. You hardly remember buying it for him.
"Oh," You snicker. "well then, come here for another."
Wally doesn't protest. How could he? You kiss again. He relishes in the feeling of your lips, hooking his arms around your waist to pull you even closer. The contact is sweet and makes him feel warm; a toasty, cozy warm. 
As much as Wally wanted to stay, there was a party coming and sides just waiting to be cooked. Even though at the end of the day he could call you a better meal than his own barbecue.
When you part, Wally gives you a knowing look.
"Do we have to?" You whine.
"Unfortunately." He declares in a sing-song voice. "Maybe I should've let Mirage host again." He mutters.
As he'd hoped, you settle back into your precious position and pick up your work.
So, he finally takes his opportunity.
He could never let such a good booty left without a tender, loving smacking.
"Ow, you ass!"
"Your ass, actually."
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plant-guy-writes · 1 year
Hayo names Plant !
I write stuff for fandoms that I’m in and like, including :
Device inc
Dead island
Apex legends
PayDay 2
Rainbow six siege
Resident evil
Things I will write:
Male/GN reader
Platonic ships
Mild smut
One shots
AU content
I won’t write:
Female reader
Underage characters (excluding platonic)
Dark Smut
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qtipcottonbuds · 1 year
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a submitted request from a03 <33 think this could’ve been better really. my take on it 🕴🏼
warnings ;; angst, possible mild language, mentions of gore and injury, pre-relationship, technically assisted murder/suicide, not too sure etc.
by qtipcottonbuds 2023. do not repost.
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Revenant can be gentle, is what he tells himself. He is more than capable of being gentle. Yet, the hiss he lets out over the comms is anything but - a harsh dismissal, that he’ll deal with it. The majority of the time, regardless of his randomised teammates within the games, take the bait immediately. He is more than capable (and he hates it). Ash more often than not looks at him blankly, milky white receptors unfaltering, but it's a look of concern, pity. He hates that too; he’s glad he’s not stuck with her this time. Too little questions and too much noise. 
He knows you're staring at him, up from where you’re slumped into his chest. The reddish HUD infographic is ever present in the corner of his eye, picking up your heart rate, erratic and jerky. It used to unsettle him, the automated monitoring of a steady heartbeat, only to be snuffed out within seconds. It wasn’t so much of the visuals that bothered him, but the soft, rhythmic beeping - not loud, but audible enough if you took the time to focus and tune into it.
He isn’t sure though, when this started to happen. To become a habit. You’d never admitted openly that you feared death - you didn’t relish in it either. It was something to be done, a natural stage of the life cycle; but the Apex Games would force your hand. Kill or be killed. But, he found himself actively seeking you out, observant on who had been eliminated. Most Legends would draw out the kill, often tapping into repressed parts of themselves. And Revenant understood that, more than anyone. If emotion was fueling the motive, it made it all the more satisfactory. This was a blood sport for money, though. Not grudges. 
A hand curls around his wrist (receptors whirring at the sensation, because he is not used to kindness, not then, and not now, even as-) carelessly, no real regard and too soft for the given situation, yet you’re staring up at him, smiling weakly, bloody teeth and all.
“...You’ll be quick, right? Like, like last time…?” The words are forced, rattling around and out with harsh wheezes.
You’d probably caught onto his gaze occasionally flickering over to your watch, the expiration timer decreasing by the second.
He doesn’t answer immediately. He doesn’t have to, there’s no obligation - and there’s a weight on the tip of his synthetic tongue, uncomfortably heavy; he’ll do it anyway. You deserve that.
So he settles for a short nod. 
You beam at him, weakly rubbing a thumb, albeit coated in drying blood, over his wrist. A silent thank you.
Lanky fingers, metallic and cylindrical, graze across your wrinkled shirt, matted with fresh blood. He then places his palm flat against your ribcage, just short of where your heart is, waiting. Alive - even if it’s for a little bit longer. The thrum of the muscle is there, muted, struggling to supply blood to where it was needed most. Revenant found something about that awfully endearing, and at times, times like this, he wishes he were human. Flesh against flesh.
You don't stop him either, even as you wince against the slight pressure. Instead you smile warmly, sometimes unknowingly, as you watch on. Watch him. You’d mentioned in passing, that he made death a little easier to handle, especially if it was that quick. 
He prefers not to look at you during your final moments.
Even as cradling your jaw, staring at you with milky white receptors, blinking, before harshly jerking your jaw to the side - the weight of your head crumpling in his grasp
His hand trails up towards your jaw, cradling it with limited tenderness given his capacity, vacant eyes glancing at the weak rising and falling of your ribcage before harshly jerking your head to the side - everything else reducing to static - the weight of your head crumpling in his grasp.
A part of him questions if it’s fitting to punish himself like this.
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menace-writes · 2 years
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Hello, I’m Menace this is my account for being EVIL and VILE.
Please proceed with caution and heed any and all tags before reading my writing because some content here may make some people uncomfortable
I write for whatever the fuck I want
It’s nice to have you here let’s sink into depravity together <3
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{All links are google docs}
Masterlist {Last updated: 9/21/22} <- All of my works so far — {Last post: Enji Sitting On Your Lap}
If you have any questions about anything please let me know
[Last edited: 2/28/23]
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hyperfixationhopper · 2 years
Dissonant - II (Revenant x Male Reader)
CHAPTER NAV - First Chapter - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Synopsis: Reader is severely hungover, downside to being a lightweight. Revenant helps him out, in his own weird ways. Reader has lots of self deprecating thoughts, and Revenant is oddly nice again, also in his own weird ways.
big tw for the whole series, LOTS of potentially triggering content. honestly, rev is the trigger warning LMAO
thinking about putting this (and some other stuff) up on AO3 too, since tumblr isnt really built for books like this. just would be easier to navigate through and find everything. also im just more familiar with ao3 lol
also sorry for being so absent lol, im still working on requests, i just havent been feeling so hot recently lol
"Fuck.." You could barely even breathe the words out due to what feels like jackhammers pounding into your skull. What happened last night? Something to do with alcohol, clearly. A hot shower might remedy the slight amnesia, and if you're lucky, it'll ease the hangover too. Your stomach rumbled suddenly. 'Nope. Not happening.' Was the first thought in response to your stomach's demands. Not worth the effort.
Great thing about alcohol? Great at distracting you and masking manic episodes. Bad thing? Even better at sending you into a depressive spiral the morning after.
You'll just have to settle for distractions, letting yourself fall down that spiral is a dangerous road, even if you weren't all too opposed to the most probable outcome of it. You gotta get this shit properly diagnosed, diagnosis' supposedly help you feel better, as you've been told. Though you know damn well about your bipolarity, how much could it really help? Though medication might be nice. Hard to get a proper diagnosis these days anyways, always shady people looking for your cash. Not worth the effort. Not that you didn't have the street smarts for it, of course, living poor taught you many things, you just weren't worth the time-
"Fuck..." You need to stop letting your thoughts run rampant, easy way to fall down the spiral.
Fuck was clearly the word of the day.
At least you got out of bed, up and moving. You made your way to the small kitchen in the small apartment you occupied. The Apex Games facility was pretty generous with the provided housing, they wanted all the legends in one place, and safe during a season. In the downtime between seasons they're free to live wherever, or stay, which was exactly what you did every time. You grab a glass and fill it with cold water. No decent family to go back to, so what was the point in leaving? You lifted the glass to your lips. Even friends were few and far between. The only people even a little close to you were Renee and Bloodhound, and Wattson was something of an acquaintance, you were both always nice to each other when you interacted, though there was nothing outside of that. Mirage... he's too friendly, too loud, too social, almost narcissistic. Pathfinder, well, he loves everyone, even Caustic is awesome to him. You've talked to Kairi a few times, and though you being on team Revenant and her being on team Loba kinda fucks things up, you still get along great, and if the given circumstances weren't present, you two would've been great friends. You took a sip, the cool liquid making it's way down your throat, eesing the ache. And.. Then there's Revenant. You had always been fond of him, despite his.. standoffish behavior and homicidal tendencies, he was pretty cool. He was.. kind to you. And by kind you mean he wasn't threatening you at all, and even saved you when you were paired together in the games. Though you'd never interacted much outside of that prior to last night- oh right! That happened, didn't it? He was.. oddly nice? In his own way, and if you recall right, quite flirty. He was probably just drunk as fuck, yeah, definitely. You couldn't possibly mean much to anyone, right?
The loud knock at your door violently dragged you out of your thoughts, so much so that the glass you were holding fell from your hand, shattering immediately on contact with the tile flooring.
"Shit, uh.. one second!" You scrambled to the floor, attempting to pick up the glass as fast as possible, cutting yourself in the process, your hands becoming bloody. This was not going to look good for whoever was there. Hopefully it wasn't Bloodhound, they'd panic so much seeing you like this. Now you were really anxious, and your head was beginning to pound harder.
Your question would soon be answered as the front door swung open violently. The kitchen was right next to the front door, whoever it was would only have to look a little to their right and you'd be right there, and that they did. Also, what the fuck?
"I uh- Revenant?" You were surprised, to say the least. What was he doing here? "Oh fuck," He looked... Worried? He rushed over to you and knelt down, gripping your wrists and analyzed your hands. "What did you do, skinsuit!?" He sounded angry, his voice almost booming. You flinched a bit as his eyes burned holes into yours. "I'm sorry- I uh, I dropped my glass cup when you knocked." He sighed, was somewhat relieved, but still concerned. "Ugh, you're too jumpy, where's the bathroom." It sounded more like a demand than a question. You pointed to it, it wasn't far. "I... Sorry-" He cut you off, "Don't waste your breath, skinbag." The sternness from the previous night returned. He took a moment, dodging your stare. "Just.. come on." He said the last part quiet and almost soft. If you weren't so close to him, you wouldn't have heard him. He stood up, gripping your wrist tight as he dragged you to your bathroom with haste. "You uh.. aren't as nice as you were last night," You tried to joke, and even completed it with a fake laugh to lighten the mood. He only huffed, almost embarrassed? "Shut it. I was drunk, skinbag. And now I'm hungover, so, I'd prefer you keep quiet, unless you want me to gut you." He laughed, though it didn't really sound like a joke. He must enjoy scaring people, of course it didn't really phase you. You chuckled, genuinely this time. "Go ahead, dude, I don't care." He was quiet after that, and your head hurts too much to even think of trying to figure out what he's thinking.
Revenant opened the door to your bathroom, wasting no time rushing inside. "Sit." He commanded, pointing to the toilet. You shut the lid, and did what you were told, suddenly very aware of what you were wearing, very short shorts and a long sleeved shirt, the feeling of cold ceramic on your thighs was uncomfortable, but the feeling faded as quick as it came. He violently searched the cabinets, presumably looking for medical supplies, grumbling about something. He clearly was not pleased. Not really what you were concerned about at the moment, though. Why was he doing this... this "nice" thing? Very out of character for a guy like him, considering the name he's made for himself and the ego he's got. Does he?- No. Not possible, he's a murderous simulacrum, he couldn't possibly feel something even akin to that, and even if he was capable of it, he'd have to drop the ego and embrace it, which is another improbable feat in itself. And even then, it's you. You weren't able to be loved, you knew that already. Hopefully he's just... toying with you before he kills you? Yeah, definitely.
You took the small amount of time he gave you by searching to evaluate your wounds, and upon closer inspection, they genuinely weren't much, and only needed maybe a few bandages to prevent them from bleeding more. There were a handful of cuts on the palms of both hands, the right being a bit more mangled than the left, but that was about it, the amount of blood felt like an exaggeration, almost. Like those bad movies with absurd amounts of fake blood.
"Y'know, it really isn't that bad-" "Quiet, I know what I'm doing." Okay so he was definitely not going to be coerced out of this. Shame.
God this was embarrassing, being taken care of, letting your walls down (albeit forcefully). At least he made quick work of disinfecting and bandaging your injuries, for a guy who specializes in inflicting pain, he was damn good at relieving it. Ugh, this is so weird. He avoided any and all eye contact, not wishing to meet your inquiring gaze.
"So, uh.. You come here often??" You cringe immediately at the sorry excuse for a joke. Revenant grumbles, eyeing you. "Excuse me?" He crossed his arms, more confused than anything. "I... I have no fucking clue." He rolled his eyes, like he was saying "Of course you don't, idiot.". He was probably thinking that, too. Shockingly enough, he seemed amused, and chuckled.
"I'm just gonna.." You squeeze past him, through the cramped space and exit the bathroom. Do you have a broom? Hopefully. Probably in the closet by the kitchen with cleaning supplies. Admittedly, you don't clean much, there isn't really anything to clean, you mostly stay in bed all day, draw on your PC with the graphics tablet Hound got you a while back, or "train", which mostly consists of you shooting some dummies for 20 minutes with strangely pinpoint accuracy even you couldn't describe, then getting your ass kicked by Hound, or whoever may have decided to humor you and spar in hand-to-hand, which you for some goddamn reason couldn't get the hang of.
You beeline for for the closet, low and behold, the tried and true cleaning tool stood before you, cobwebs, dust and all. You grab it and shake it a bit, relieving it of its dust issue. You turn back to see Revenant just standing outside of your bathroom, leaning against the wall, looking around, examining your sad little living space. What exactly does he want from you? His eyes finally land on you, and the broom. "Oh, put that back. I'll call someone in to clean the mess, no questions asked." Oh. He can do that? It feels weird to have someone clean up after you, almost rude. You'd deny, but it's Revenant, he would shut you down before you even say anything. "Alright, uh, thanks..?" You do as he said, and put the holy broom back in it's place, probably to never see the light of day for a long time.
"So, uh. Did you need something?" Finally, the question burning in your mind came to be. Why was he here? He seemed to put back on a cocky attitude. "Figured you'd want to see me after last night." It seemed to fail almost immediately. "Also you're uh.. not terrible company." He looked away grumbling about something.. was he embarrassed? Seems like it. Were you really about to do this? Absolutely.
"Oh, so the all-powerful Revenant is lonely, is that it?" Your sudden confidence boost surprised you. He was clearly taken aback, he made a very disgruntled sound. "I- fuck you! Do you even know who you're speaking to!?" He walked up to you, clearly angry. You couldn't help but chuckle. Was this granting you a death sentence? Probably, but you couldn't care less, this was fucking amazing. "Ugh! You are insufferable." He groaned, turning away and crossing his arms. "Weren't you just saying I was good company?" God you are playing this situation so risky.
Revenant grumbled, frustrated. You could hear the mechanisms in his body going off. At this rate, you might make him explode. "So. Anything in particular you'd like to do?" You'll spare him of your teasing for now, lest he massacres you in your own home. "Well I'd like to get this hangover gone. But otherwise I.. didn't come with a plan." Ah, this was your cue to be like the one character in those movies with the perfect hangover cure you obtained from your father. Unfortunately, you basically have neither of those things. "I'm sorry. I don't think I can fix the hangover, but if it's any consolation, mine's raging pretty bad too." Now that you thought of it, ow, yeah it does hurt like a bitch. You look around you, both of you standing in the kitchen now, a little ways away from the glass, an idea struck you. "As for activities, we could go eat..?" You trailed off, a bit embarrassed. "Uh, if you can eat, that is." Great save. I mean, he can drink right? What's stopping him from getting a burger or something?
He chuckled. God his voice was deep, and a bit attractive, now that you think about it- what the fuck?? Whatever, you'll deal with that later. "I can, but I don't need to and food doesn't do much for me, the flavor isn't nearly as strong as, say alcohol, for me to actually taste it." He paused. "But, if you're hungry, I'll put up with you for s bit. Only because I need a distraction from this damn headache." He regained his confident and fierce attitude once more. He crossed his arms and stared at you again. "So?" He seemed to be getting impatient. Suddenly you feel less confident. Are you bothering him? Well, probably. Why would he want to be around you? You aren't worth the time. Oh well. "I, uh, sure? Anywhere you want to go?" He scoffed. "This is about you, not me, idiot. You get to pick."
"Alright, then." Now, where to eat?
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