#🎶to make them love me and make it seem effortless🎶
marsneedstherapy · 10 months
so it goes and mastermind are the philas anthems if you care
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yelenabemylova · 2 years
🎶 no one wanted to play with me as a little kid
so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
to make them love me and make it seem effortless 🎶
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nena-is-enchanting · 2 years
🎶 ✨ No one wanted to play with me as a little kid
So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
To make them love me and make it seem effortless
This is the first time I've felt the need to confess
And I swear
I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian
'Cause I care
So I told you none of it was accidental
And the first night that you saw me
Nothing was gonna stop me
I laid the groundwork, and then
Saw a wide smirk on your face
You knew the entire time
You knew that I'm a mastermind
And now you're mine
Yeah, all you did was smile
'Cause I'm a mastermind 🎶 ✨
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🎶 Listen on YouTube 🎶
An untitled Teiko angst playlist because I have a lot of feelings about Kuroko + the GoM in middle school, okay? You can find all these songs on whatever you use to listen to music.
Deep dive + song analysis (with screen caps) below cut.
Harmony Hall | Vampire Weekend
And the stone walls of Harmony Hall bear witness Anybody with a worried mind could never forgive the sight Of wicked snakes inside a place you thought was dignified I don't wanna live like this, but I don't wanna die
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I loved the juxaposition of Teiko being this really prestigious school that everyone envies but it churns out just absolutely fucked up children lmao. ‘We always win’. You fucked up a perfectly good kid is what you did. Look at them! They have depression. Also, the first line about the “vow” is very fitting for Ogiwara + Kuroko, and Kuroko’s feelings of inadequacy when it comes to being stuck in the third string.
Houdini | Foster The People
You never knew what I could find What could come when we realize I don't want to compromise
Yeah, I'm scared but I'll disappear Running around before it corners you Like he's someone who lost his way
I know that you want me 'Cause it's simple to see of my ability
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This song’s about wanting to escape from your present situation and feeling trapped, but ultimately overcoming those feelings and making a future for yourself; Kuroko to a T. But especially Kuroko prior to joining the Teiko team, imo. He feels very helpless in his efforts to climb the ranks of the team, but keeps at it anyway. Then he gets a little tease from Akashi + Aomine about what Kuroko can potentially become… ‘Rise up to your ability,’ indeed.
What You Know | Two Door Cinema Club
In a few weeks, I will get time To realize it's right before my eyes And I can take it if it's what I want to do I am leaving and this is starting To feel like it's right before my eyes And I can taste it, it's my sweet beginning
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Being swept up in the moment and blinded by the promise of success…yeah, I think that happens to our poor baby. But this is definitely one of the more positive songs on the playlist. I could see this being like Aomine and/or Akashi making the promise to Kuroko that he can do much more and Kuroko being the one to jump at the chance for companionship and notoriety.
Hard Times | Paramore
Where do I go? Gimme some sort of sign You hit me with lightning! Maybe I'll come alive
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This song’s deceptively peppy beat can almost distract from the bleak lyrics, which I think is very fitting for the Miracles. I think this is a fitting theme for when Kuroko is “coming down” from the high of being on a team that always wins. He’s among the first to realize there’s a problem with the team’s methods and attitudes. Not to mention notice how unhappy everyone seems suddenly.
Over My Head (Cable Car) | The Fray
And suddenly, I've become a part of your past I'm becoming the part that don't last I'm losing you and it's effortless
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For when Kuroko’s feeling outnumbered by the Miracles’ change in attitudes and unsuccessful in breaking them out of their haze. I also imagine the “she” the singer speaks of is Momoi. Kuroko worries about keeping the Miracles together but struggles with the responsibility. The thought of disappointing Momoi - who spoke of wanting to “always be together” - along with the reality of losing all of the Miracles, is crushing and overwhelming to Kuroko.
Jumper | Third Eye Blind
And your friends have left you, you've been dismissed I never thought it would come to this And I, I want you to know Everyone's got to face down the demons Maybe today, you could put the past away
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Remember the aokuro playlist? This is the song I cut from it. I think it’s just such a good fit for the aokuro dynamic - with the “jumper”/”the angry boy a bit too insane” being Aomine and Kuroko being the friend who is pleading with them. Aomine kinda dives off the deep end (metaphorically) and we see Kuroko struggling to bring him back to himself (unsuccessfully, during their Teiko days). It’s one of my favorite songs and I think it just so happens to work with aokuro really well. And the singer sounding so angry and sad and desperate is a plus, because that’s definitely Kuroko in this situation. But it could be taken as more platonic than it is “romantic”, which is why I decided to save it for this playlist.
Drown | Seafret
What doesn't destroy you Leaves you broken instead Got a hole in my soul growing deeper and deeper And I can't take
One more moment of this silence The loneliness is haunting me And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up Hold up, hold up
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Haha. Oof. Pretty self explanatory, this one.
Broken Crown | Mumford & Sons
I will not speak of your sin There was a way out for him The mirror shows not Your values are all shot
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Angry Kuroko. That is all. JK. Yeah, Kuroko, despite how dejected he seems in canon, I just know is pissed over what happened to Ogiwara. This song I think is perfect for Kuroko officially rejecting the Miracles values - namely Akashi’s. I imagine the “other” Akashi is the one Kuroko is addressing in this song.
Shadow of the Day | Linkin Park
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple Sometimes goodbye's the only way
And the sun will set for you The sun will set for you
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Despite the obvious choice of this song having “shadow” in the title, I think it’s a good fit for Kuroko post-Teiko. He accepts the Miracles’ decision to all go to different high schools, but only because he knows that beating them all at their own game, one-by-one, is his only way of getting through to them.
The First Days of Spring | Noah And The Whale
But I'll come back to you In a year or so And rebuild, ready to become The person you believed in The person that you used to love
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KnB begins in the spring so I was thrilled to have a song that reflected the series’ theme of new beginnings in new school years. The song “Blue Skies” by this same band was also a contender for this playlist, but I decided to cut it since I think this song is a better ending point (bc of those themes I mentioned).
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Another “supposed to be a song fanfic but ended up being an explanation”. Red is Ming, Purple is Kit, Green is Both, translation from LyricsTranslate.com
MingKit as Magic Power’s “Photosynthesis”
🎵Green leaves need tenderness, sunlight gives it helping hand🎶
Ming knew that while usually, being confident was a good way to attract people, Kit responded better when he toned it down a little. However, he still needed to be confident if he wanted to help Kit come out of his shell.
🎵You warm me up, do not see loneliness at daytime🎶
With Ming, Kit could drop his “cool” act and know that Ming would love him no matter what.
🎵Use my breath as rhythm, join your sparkling beat🎶
Ming noticed the more he was with Kit, the more Kit smiled and laughed.
🎵We, born as one, photosynthesis🎶
The two of them were starting to have a routine: go to class, hang out in the library, go to the gym, hang out with their friends...
🎵Accidentally fall in love with you, addicted in the accident🎶
Ming couldn’t believe he had forgotten his crush on Kit from high school. Girls had caught his attention, he supposed, but none of them felt as right as Kit did.
🎵Accidentally fall in love with you, addicted to be one🎶
Even though Ming annoyed him at first, Kit found he couldn’t live without him the longer Ming pursued him.
🎵Accidentally fall in love with you, addicted in one year, four seasons🎶
One year, four seasons, twelve moons...Kit couldn’t believe how fast time seemed to pass when he was with Ming. Usually a year seemed long, but with Ming...time flew.
🎵Accidentally fall in love with you, addicted to act willfully🎶
Ming loved showing his affection for his boyfriend by buying him cakes, winning contests, and dragging him out to look at the moon.
🎵Baby you’re amazing; so bright that makes everyone enchanted🎶
Sometimes Kit wondered where Ming had learned to be so charismatic, but loved it, as it was part of Ming’s charm.
🎵Baby you’re amazing; evaporate all my misery🎶
Ming just had to look at Kit to instantly be in a better mood. Even a grumpy Kit made Ming happy.
🎵Oh baby just take my love, let us have the photosynthesis🎶
Kit was learning how to accept unconditional love, as well how to love unrestrained.
🎵Take my love, let us enjoy the nature. Take my love, let us have the photosynthesis🎶
As the two grew closer, they loved taking walks in the countryside, not always being at the university.
🎵Take my love, let us love until exhaustion🎶
No matter how annoying Ming got, or how exasperated Kit would get, the two kept getting closer and fell more and more in love.
🎵We are born to meet, love each other so much that it’s natural🎶
It might have felt a little weird at first, but the two meant they were meant to be with each other.
🎵We live together, both romantic and naive🎶
Despite all the hardships, the two knew they could make it.
🎵Falling in love is like party, once fall in love, there’s no taboos🎶
Falling in love with Ming was actually very easy for Kit, even if he tried to deny it. Everyone knew it was effortless for Ming, as he showed his affection so easily and naturally.
🎵Once find the right person, we can recycle the air of crazy love🎶
Every kiss felt like the first one, every glance felt like the first rush of a crush staring, and every day was magical.
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marsneedstherapy · 10 months
🎶no one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so I've been scheme like a criminal ever since, to make them love me and make it seem effortless🎶 — phoebe hong, probably
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