#🐸ask saturn
noyasaur · 8 months
happy late birthday!! i'm glad to hear that you're doing well :)
i had a quick question about lucid dreaming, so i finally managed to become lucid in a dream intentionally, but i found that i'm really bad at staying lucid long enough to do something. is that something that comes with practice, or is there some kind of exercise i could do to help with that?
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hihiii again! it's good to hear from you and thank you so muchh :D
first of all, congrats on having your first lucid dream! that's so exciting to hear and i you've made so much progress already and i can tell you've been putting in lots of effort! i'm so proud :")
to be honest, remaining lucid when becoming lucid in a lucid dream (jeez, that was a handful of a sentence lmao) is something that you will better with practice. however, there are things you can do once you become lucid to help you stay lucid!
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relax: whenever you first become lucid in a lucid dream, it's best to try not to panic and try to ground yourself in the dream. sometimes, panicking can lead to unwanted circumstances to happen in your dream, or you losing lucidity too.
grounding: once you become lucid, one of the first things to do is to ground yourself! stay as calm as possible, and use your senses. look at your surroundings, go around and try to touch things and explore. or you can do other things like spinning around in a circle while looking down at your feet. also, not only is grounding good to do once you become lucid but also through the lucid dream to remind yourself that you're dreaming and lucid, and to not slip away from lucidity. once you feel grounded enough and the dream feels pretty stable, go ahead and try to do anything you want! take it slow at first and remember to remain calm; your emotions can affect your dream. also, when first starting out to control and manipulate your dream, try to just use and interact with objects you see in your dream before deciding to try and create objects out of thin air of fly around lol start small, practice, and work your way up!
confidence: remember to be as confident as possible when becoming lucid in your lucid dream! i find that sometimes, your emotions and confidence can affect how much control you have over your dream and the experience you have.
practice: eventually, the more you lucid dream and practice these things, the more control you'll have and eventually, the 'default' state of the dream when you become lucid, will be pretty stable. it's just something that comes with practice like any skill!
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The Spinning Technique: https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/s21zyp/wanna_stay_in_a_lucid_dream_longer_the_spinning/
How to Stay in a Lucid Dream Longer- 4 Simple Steps: https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/24wpt7/how_to_stay_in_a_lucid_dream_longer_4_simple_steps/
HOW TO STABILIZE/MAKE DREAM VIVID - https://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/pko84e/how_to_stabilizemake_dream_vivid/
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anyways, i hope this helped and again, congrats on having your first lucid dream! i hope your practice goes well and i wish you the best of luck!! ♡ (⇀ 3 ↼)
- saturn ♡
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teopatra · 1 year
✨ pick a number reading✨
Hola, me llamo es T’Asia I go by Teopatra. Grand water trine babe, lifepath 8 & Scorpio stellium. I’m a Leo sun and was sick for my bday so I wasn’t able to embody the Leo energy for my season sooooo, here I am now on the first day of Virgo season exercising my creative muscle lol
How do others feel about you?
(Can be platonic or romantic) feel free to pick more than one message
Enjoy xoxo 💋 teo ✨
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Group # 1 :
you make people nervous or you get nervous when you realize someone is staring at you or has a crush on you and when you get nervous, it turns people on LOL people love to see you sweat because everyone looks at your reactions to things to compare how they feel, but you’re pretty attractive to a lot of people & may not even realize it some people wish they could cuddle/sleep next to you literally not in an intimate type of way just a romantic type of way or people could want to know what you look like when you sleep lol you give Angel baby vibes.
Pay attention to angel numbers 123 12:34 and 1:23, 😵‍💫 emoji or 📲 emojis
If you’re going thru your Saturn return , take note of your half birthday, also go back in your camera roll 6 months or to any November if any year and check your notes from 2020.
Signs: Pisces, cancer, libra, Capricorn or you know someone from that sign or nah dislike these signs
Group # 3 :
you have a warm nature and a nice looking physique I’m getting you don’t have the typical body whatever that means like you’re not a BBL IG figure you have a frame that makes people want to hug you or be near you because your energy is comforting. Someone or there’s a few people who have crushes on you and a small group of people may talk about how you look good and they be may be super nice to you and you kind of find it weird then it dawned on you 😂 that they like you people always want to touch your hands or share a pencil is what 😆.
Pay attention to angel numbers 333 and 5:55, 6:56 and 1:27 or that could be your bday
Lifepath 8s, the 🐸 emoji or lots of butterflies
Aries , gemini, Taurus or lifepath 7’s check camera roll from January or February, Aquarius season is significant
Group # 8 :
Other, see you as they’re saving grace like just when I feel like giving up, you save the day and you make them realize there’s more to life than was keeping them down people want to know how to be confident like you and I want to learn from you, but they feel stupid for asking for help. You may be expressed expressive are open with your emotions. Why people may know you to cry and random situation even though you’re not sad and that makes them laugh or smile because you’re just so silly and funny and cute.
Emojis 🐄, ❤️‍🩹, and 📿🩸. Your school colors can be red or that’s your favorite color.
Lifepath 2 and 7. Signs can be Aquarius, Taurus, libra, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius or check where these are in your chart for more messages
Check camera roll for April, angel numbers 11:11 or double numbers and reflective numbers like 12:21, 22:10, 22:11, 21:12 or 636 / 636 can be your area code iykyk lol
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wrotelovelytears · 2 years
Cha cha CHIA!
Girl we going Islam-
🐸Neptune just has to rule over kpop. I mean think about all the use of illusions, talk about love/relationships and the way the fans act like... Fanatics.
🌹If not Neptune, then Uranus. The fans, even the industry itself, having really unpredictable behaviours is a key part of it. Also how it managed to (currently) revolutionize the view on East Asians(mainly Koreans) and the boost to technology due to rapid changes in the country and music.
🐸The Koreas are ruled by Leo. And in no way, shape, or form am I surprised. It's the way South Korea isn't known for idk Samsung (technology) but Kpop, Kdramas/film (arts). So yes Leo and the 5th house make sense as the country ruling because that's what made it truly famous/globally recognized. For the North, they stay in the news mainly due to technological changes and political happenings rather than any cultural/art based things like the South. Both very famous but for opposite reasons.
🐸I'm more convinced Venus rules over classical music over Saturn. Yes Saturn is related to time and strictness. Yet if you listen to classical music it's more about expressions of beauty or lack of.
🌹You could argue that Mars could even rule over it due to the tempos used in most classical songs. They were meant to express the ideas of the time and hence their popularity is mainly with those from the time period OR those looking to see what it was like. (And yes the 1700-1900s were a very.... Interesting time)
🐸Germany is ruled by Aries, again not surprised. Yes it became infamous after WW1, the aggressiveness (Martian) shown is what more people remember it for rather than the arts (Venusian traits). Many painters, composers and even scientists come from Germanic countries but war/aggression is somehow the only thing people remember.
🐸Dracula gives off Virgo vibes. Very critical. A clean freak. Only enjoys the finest things in life and not willing to give up, especially if someone else is the reason why. Very timey.
🐸As much as I'm on Aquarian heads, I feel like Aquarius celebrities show the most human like qualities. I mean they the type to get upset normally, talk as if they don't have large platforms and be generally very open with their lives/fans. They don't follow what it means to be a celebrity but what it means to be a human.
🐸Ever since Jupiter went direct I've been having the most vivid dreams. Like my intuition is a lot better and it's easier for me to explain things. Only issue is I'm more prone to lucid dreaming (especially since it's naturally in my 1st house)
🐸During Saturn retrograde I struggled with feelings of uselessness (more than usual). My natal Saturn is retrograde, however this time around it hit me really hard. It did ultimately push me to stop victimizing myself and get a job.
🐸Jupiter in the first house can also make someone hyper independent. Meaning the person could need help and not ask for it because the ego would rather struggle than be perceived as weak.
🐸Neptune retrograde shouldn't exist. That's it. No observation. Just a statement
🐸Scorpio Venus tend to have better relationships with those of a different age/age group than them. The house can hint to why that is
🐸Venus doms might like fashion from different time periods and/or more soft fashion styles from the current time. Bonus if Saturn and/or Neptune is touch it (regardless of aspects)
🌹I love roccoco dresses so much and Saturn does have a hard aspect with my Venus while Neptune has a soft.
🐸People dominated by more "positive" planets tend to be more egotistical than those with "malignant" planets as their doms.
🐸However people with "malignant" planets as their doms tend sit in negativity longer than those without them.
🪢All in all you either broody or an egomaniac.
🐸The fame degrees backfire more than they actually "help". Anyone with more than 2 had their fair number of struggles and more.
🐸I think the fame degrees are less about achieving fame and more about learning about how societies perceive and treat certain traits. You might be easily recognized for the planet(s) that hold your fame degree(s), yet you are also heavily shunned for actually displaying the planet(s) behavior.
🐸Because I crave stability I tend to favor cardinal signs the most. They represent active change (not begin like the mutables or ending like the fixed). That's mainly due to my chart either being mutable or fixed dom (tropical vs sidereal/Vedic). I want what isn't naturally present in my chart.
🐸Apparently I love Virgo, Scorpio and Aquarian artist. Aquarius for their uniqueness. Scorpio for their emotions. Virgo for their lyricism/word play.
🐸I love how my chart is a walking contradiction. I'm watery with fire houses OR airy with earth houses. No I can't make a decision without thinking on it for five months and just waking up to do it one random day.
🐸Your dominant house(s) can definitely show the people you go after/ the ones that approach you the most.
🌹I get approached by people of different backgrounds/older folks a lot. (10th and 9th house ruled)
🐸You know what's interesting... The fact we have entered the Age of Aquarius and the countries ruled by it are act like complete asses or being shown to the world in a different light. Iran is (just now) being talked about for its Islamist views (Side note Islamist and Muslims/Islam are not synonymous. One is a political ideology the other is a religion). Russia literally wants to fight the whole world. People discovered what Sri Lanka is (and no it's not "India but an Island"). Sweden and Finland both got exposed for being trash with transatlantic slavery and oil money. I could keep going but all the countries ruled by Aquarius are struggling in some way or form.
🐸We just left the age of Pisces. Of course that means I have to speak on the (recent)political happenings of it too. The issue over Jerusalem got highlighted. Egypt had about 5 revolutions in the 2010s alone. The rest of North Africa went through so much political upheaval, I'm pretty sure we won't recover for a hot minute. Scandinavia showed how many neonazis could exist on one part of the planet and how not to treat Indigenous people. The Portuguese Royal Family fell off and the government went broke(r).
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my masterlist. Kofi: nymphdreams🧸)
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Thank you for these music links! I needed some new music to listen to, and not binge green green grass anymore. I vibed with all them but damn Igwe Aka. 💃 I saw some other music below and I did not know Frank Ocean did a version of moon river. 
I’ll def check out that book, I do love learning / reading about music history. I have also been meaning to read The Lyrics by Paul McCartney. Have you read it? I heard its pretty good. 
But I wish had some new music share, but the last few weeks have been busy with work and today is the first quiet day in awhile. I need a vacation soon. 😭🐸
How have you been doing? How’s work? Any new projects? Also if you don’t mind me asking how’s everything going with your guy friend, I hope he’s treating you well and you’re having fun. 
Also have you been following the stuff happening in Astrology? I’m still learning astrology and spirituality. But I got an email from refinery29 line is about to change and the next few weeks are big.
I was reading March 7th was the virgo full moon and then Saturn enter Pisces on that same day as well. Something about Venus and Jupiter?
I’ll link the articles I was reading below if you or anybody are interested.
And I’m watching these videos below but I had to take some breaks because it’s a lot of info. 
https://youtu.be/j9uW4zBckII <— I like her for journal prompts and meditations. 
Hello my love! So good to hear from you. I’m so glad you enjoyed the songs.
🎶🎼🎵 🎶🎼🎵 🎶🎼🎵 🎶🎼🎵 🎶🎼🎵
You saying green green grass made me think of this song.
Which gives me these vibes
I have not read that book about Paul McCartney but he’s def my favorite Beatle, also a vegetarian and Gemini.
I’ve been busy! I was out of town for work and a little pleasure too which was cool. I went to one of the other islands. That was fun! We also did a food distribution yesterday! Which was successful and a little draining but always good to help people.
So I actually had this dramatic drinking wine and crying thing yesterday. Listening to Godspeed. I think I like this guy or at least have feelings and I don’t think he really cares about me. It really hurts me deeply. But more than anything it’s just a continuing pattern of men not really caring about me. I know bla blah they aren’t the right one. I wish I could explain how often men have mistreated me. I’m beginning to truly believe that I will not find anything different. I’m not sure men are capable of being safe. I’m sad about this guy but it’s culminated in multiple men over the past few months just treating me in this very disposable way. I have this hangup around men not wanting to actually love or care about me and only liking the idea of me. It deeply hurts me. So that’s why we walked around the beach drinking our favorite wine out of the bottle and found ourselves crying our eyes out. Still so much grief. Idk I blame the Virgo moon (both my exes have Virgo moons fun enough) but also there is some stuff that’s happened to me that I think might hurt me forever. It’s just that cruel. It’s almost unfathomable. But enough of me going on about how men continue to be incapable of caring about me.
Yes! I could actually see Venus and Jupiter and the sky which was cool which would indicate expansion around love, while also the Saturn moving to Pisces thing happened. Which is about bringing karmic change around the unconscious, delusions and spirituality.
Here’s some songs I’ve been boppin
^^ reminds me of Bon Iver
^^ this mofo song has ear wormed back into my head from the recesses I never asked for but it’s been on my mind a lot lol.
^^also annoyingly in my mind
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itscupidsaki · 3 years
Astrology Observations 111: Mother Nature theme
Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, this post is based off my own observations, experiences and research.
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🌿 Taurus placements are huge nature lovers and seem to be recharged when in calming/nature-like environments.
🐢 Aquarius placements are huge animal lovers. They’re the type to have a whole zoo in their home and/or adopt unusual pets such as parrots, fishes, lizards, hamsters, monkeys…
🧩The most intimidating placements I’ve met are Capricorn, Saturn 1st/dominants, chart ruler-Saturn. Compared to everyone else they tend to demand respect without needing to ask. People are also afraid of their presence and wouldn’t try messing with them. This is usually from tough upbringings and responsibilities being thrown into them from a young age. This causes them to place barriers everywhere to protect themselves and their energy.
🍏 Another honourable mention are Lilith individuals. Harsh/negative Lilith-Asc, Lilith-chart ruler, Lilith-MC, Lilith-personal planets. Regardless of what their planetary placements are, these people somehow come across as violent, dark and intimidating to others. These placements are very difficult to have. It’s usually portrayed as being ‘eye candy’ for others, when in reality these people faced alienation, blame and mistreatment. They were secluded and abandoned by society which caused them to become somewhat rebellious and confident by owning their prescence and body. This gains them a lot of admirers, but at the same time people are repulsed by them and their actions.
🍀 Sun or moon in the first house are both self-focused placements. Especially conjunct the ascendant they both seek attention and recognition. Moon in the first tend to have round features (round face, eyes, nose tip), whereas sun in the first have strong squared features, like chiseled jawlines.
🌵I’ve noticed some Sagittarius placements want to be seen as ‘loud’ and will try their best to be the loudest person in the room. It’s like an honour to them.
👒 Libra, Cancer & Pisces placements are often written as frail and weak, just because they choose to be kind to others. The ones I’ve met will always treat everyone with the same respect they would want themselves. Though people underestimate their kindness as weakness. They’re also quite forgiving signs that will usually always give people the benefit of the doubt. These placements would have your back even in the worst of moments.
🔋Cancer and Scorpio placements collecting random junk, incase it’ll come in handy in the future.
🍃Air signs really are social butterfly’s no matter how anti social they may feel/seem. Aquarius’ tends to be more online popular, whereas libra’s and Gemini’s are social in real life. They seem to have multiple benefitial contacts and are able to be friendly with anyone.
🐸 We often hear about Cancer rising with moon resemblance, softer, rounder features, though the other half of them tend to resemble the carb, with sharp jaws, long but thin oval shaped heads.
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Admiration & Envy
There are various reasons people may admire you. By looking at your prominent placements we’re able to see what those qualities are and what traits may be easier for you to gain.
E.g Having placements such as sun aspecting Ascendant or MC will make it easier for you to emit traits such as confidence which then would = admiration/envy from others. Same with other placements and their qualities. Simply having sun-asc wouldn’t always give the native confidence especially if it’s negatively aspected, debilitated, etc. Just like how someone without Sun-Asc/MC could have extreme confidence within in themselves.
What qualities may be easier for you to obtain?
Sun-Asc/MC, Sun 1st/10th/dom, Sun as chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to be self-expressive, confident and likeable by other by just being yourself. Able to understand themselves and their ego easier than others.
Moon-Asc/MC, Moon 1st/10th/dom, Moon as chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to be in tune with your emotions, nurture and comfort masses of people and make people love you and your presence by being openly emotional.
Mercury-Asc/MC, Mercury 1st/10th/dom, Mercury as Chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to be talkative, communicate with various people, be expressive and likeable for your witty nature. Has the ability to charm people with their words.
Mars-Asc/MC, Mars 1st/10th/dom, Mars as Chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to express your passions, enthusiasm, determination and driven nature to others. Easier to be in touch with your sexual nature.
Venus-Asc/MC, Venus 1st/10th/Dom, Venus as chart ruler or aspecting: Easier to be in touch with beauty, arts and gain admirers through it. Easier for you to be loving and charming and be seen as delightful. Easier for you to be in touch with your sensual nature.
Saturn-Asc/MC, Saturn 1st/10th/Dom, Saturn as Chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to be structured, responsible and driven. Easier for you to work for and gain success while being viewed as kingly and respected by others.
Jupiter-Asc/MC, Jupiter 1st/10th/Dom, Jupiter as Chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to be optimistic, enthusiastic and abundant. Is seen as lucky and blessed by others and has the ability to be seen a teacher and expand the views/knowledge of many.
Neptune-Asc/MC, Neptune 1st/10th/Dom, Neptune as Chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to be intuitive, creative, imaginative and being able to captivate people with your dreamy nature.
Uranus-ASC/MC, Uranus 1st/10th/dom, Uranus as Chart ruler or aspecting: Easier for you to be unique, stand out from the crowd and be innovative. Easier for you to introduce people to new ways/styles/manners.
Pluto-Asc/MC, Pluto 1st/10th/dom, Pluto as Chart ruler or aspecting: Easier to find your inner power and be seen as powerful by others. Easier for you to be in control, be transformative and be able to transform those around you.
If you’re someone who doesn’t have a certain planet placement, that doesn’t mean you won’t have those qualities. Anyone can gain, or achieve those qualities. You can be very skilled with communication without having prominent Mercury. By teaching yourself matters of that planet, you will simply learn to embody it in your own way.
🪲There are two types of libras. The ones that are afflicted by what others think of them and the ones that simply don’t care.
🦚 Saturn-NN/Pluto… how are you holding up? Everything okay? (Pssst check up on your Saturn-pluto friends, they’d appreciate it). This placement has definitely dealt with it all. Hardship after pain after hardship. Well done on everything you’ve done so far. You deserve all the success you’ve worked for.
🌱 Saturn-Moon: Are you okay too? Hang in there buddy. No more restricted emotions. Let it all out baby.
🌲Whenever I meet pisces moons and risings the first thing I always notice about them are their eyes, they’re always very pretty. They stand out in some way, whether it’s the colours, the shape or the way they gaze.
🎍Whereas with Pisces suns, it’s more their presence and personality that stands out and is very alluring and dreamy.
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Retrograde Planets:
I always read about how retrograde planets will portray the opposites of it’s traits. Which is definitely true, though I’ve also noticed how for some people it can actually cause them to emit their qualities even more. Especially if the planet is heavily aspected. As the native feels as if they’re at a loss with these particular traits and it causes them to seek it out even more.
Mercury retrograde can signify issues with communication. I’ve noticed some may have or had speech impediments (lisps, stutters, stammers), anxiety, fear of speaking or expressing thoughts. Though as they grow this fear may slowly fade and often these natives can become more talkative than when Mercury is direct. They become extremely expressive, analytic and have exceptional communication skills.
Venus retrograde may have had issues with love and relationships. Feeling at a lack in that department, though I’ve noticed will be the ones more interested and obsessed with romance, beauty, arts and creativity. They seek venusarian qualities more than Venus direct individuals.
Mars retrograde individuals may have had issues with anger and expressing their passions. They may have had difficulties asserting themselves and placing boundaries. Though as they grow they reclaim their Martian qualities and might actually become more aggressive than mars direct. They will also want to come across as more bold, courageous and passionate.
Jupiter retrograde individuals may have always felt quite unlucky, misfortunate and pessimistic. Though as they grow, they may embody Jupiterian qualities strongly, choosing to become extremely positive people attracting abundance. They would also want to be able to learn, teach and expand their wisdom more so than Jupiter direct individuals.
Saturn retrograde individuals may have felt like they lacked and struggled with structure, boundaries and responsibility. As they grow they may start becoming quite strict with themselves and/or structuring their life out with diets, lists and routines more than Saturn direct individuals.
Neptune retrograde individuals may have had issues with their imagination, creativity and intuition. They would see the world in a grey lense and often lacked the abilities to enjoy dream-like moments. Though as they grow they may seek those qualities and would take if even further than Neptune direct individuals, by day-dreaming frequently, getting in touch with their intuition, creative and imaginative side.
Uranus retrograde individuals may have felt like they weren’t special, they may have felt like they’re just common and compliant. As they grow older, this might cause them to seek Uranus qualities more than Uranus direct individuals. They may end up being rebellious, refusing to follow social norms and find new ways to make themselves unique and stand out. Like dressing in a unique manner, dyeing their hair unconventional colours.
Pluto retrograde individuals may have grown up avoiding/fearing authoritative roles, power, transformation, death and sex. Though as they grow they may crave power even more than Pluto direct individuals, desire leadership roles or simply they are very accepting towards taboo topics such as death and sex.
🌳The biggest indicator I’ve found for ‘promiscuous people’ or individuals open about taboo topics are to do with your 8th house ruler. In western or Vedic, if you have 8th house ruler in the 10th house, conjunct MC or in the 1st house it can indicate this. 10th house is your reputation, public image, and any placement in there is viewed out in the open. 8th house: secrets, your sexual matters and it’s lord is placed plain as day in the 10th for everyone to see. With 8th lord in the 1st you openly exude 8th house matters and it’s a part of your persona and how you present yourself.
🥦 Aries placements will always stand up for others and what they believe is right. They also won’t bad mouth people unless they’ve done something to upset/annoy them.
🧃Gemini placements learning a new talent every 20 minutes.
🧤The reason why Leo placements are so loved by other is because of how open their hearts are. They’re literally the people to say ‘I love you’ a lot and hug everybody.
🐾 Leo parents will spoil you with affection and gifts, but at the same time will spend just as much on themselves. Have you heard of parents that would rather give it all to their child? Well Leo parents believe in 60-40, my kids gets some but I also deserve some too.
🪴Libra and Aquarius placements falling in love, when theyre introduced to a new fictional character.
🐛People always assume Libras seek out attractive partners, but in my experience they always end up obsessing over someone that’s plain average or both Ugly and attractive at the same time.
🌲The most publicly emotional person I’ve met, had moon conjunct jupiter in Leo. They would cry about everything. The most emotionally closed off person I’ve ever had moon conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. They would take their emotions to the grave, they would rather pass away than show people what they are feeling.
📚 9th house placements/stelliums being teachers pets. 🥕🐰 Teachers love these placements because of how studious, enthusiastic and eager they are to learn and expand their knowledge. If egotistical/malefic planets are in here, (Sun, Mars, Saturn..) there may also be conflict with authorities and teacher figures. Like sun in 9th would be the one correcting the teacher and calling them out if they believe they’re wrong. They would also have ego clashes with them.
🥗 6th house placements/stelliums know if you’ve been in their room or touched their things. They’ve precisely placed things everywhere and if they noticed something moved/is missing they’ll start plotting your funeral. NOTE: DON’T TOUCH THEIR THING
🦜Pisces/12th house placements/stelliums being partially in another dimension and questioning why they’re on earth and not in a Harry Potter FanFiction.
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Venus & enhancing your features
Which ever house and sign Venus is placed in, can show the body parts and features that people may find attractive on you. You can then enhance those features to gain more attention and appear more attractive.
Venus in 1st/Aries: Your face, head, eyes & overall appearance. You can enhance these features by wearing makeup, dressing in a fashionable manner; wearing headwear (hats, headbands, hair clips) & glasses/sunglasses.
Venus in 2nd/Taurus: Your voice, throat, neck, mouth. You can enhance these features by wearing necklaces/chokers; lip makeup/piercings.
Venus in 3rd/Gemini: Your Shoulders, arms & hands. You can enhance these features by wearing shoulderless tops; flattering clothing for the arms; wearing hand jewellery; nail varnish/false nails.
Venus in 4th/Cancer: Your chest, stomach & breasts. You can enhance these features by wearing clothing that flatter those areas.
Venus in 5th/Leo: Your back & upper back. You can enhance these feature by wearing clothing that show off your upper back or having marks such as tattoos there.
Venus in 6th/Virgo: Your Abdomen & anus… 💀. You can enhance these features by wearing clothing that flatters those areas, like crop tops, fitted shirts, etc. What you’re comfortable in.
Venus in 7th/Libra: Your Skin, buttocks & lower back. You can enhance those features by wearing clothing that make them stand out, such as backless tops, fitted clothing for the lower region; skincare/makeup/designs/tattoos.
Venus in 8th/Scorpio: Your Genitals & nose. You can enhance these features by using your sensual energy (in a way you’re comfortable); wearing nose jewellery/piercings.
Venus in 9th/Sagittarius: Your Hips & thighs. You can enhance those features by wearing clothing that make those areas stand out, like fitted trousers.
Venus in 10th/Capricorn: Your Knees, Bones & teeth. You can enhance these features by wearing clothing that shows off the knees and your bone structure; flashing teeth/taking care of teeth.
Venus in 11th/Aquarius: Your Calves, shins & ankles. You can enhance those features by showing off those areas; wearing ankle brackets; shoes/clothing that flatter the lower legs.
Venus in 12th/Pisces: Your Feet & toes. You can enhance these features by wearing shoes that’ll flatter your feet and stand out; pedicures and nail varnish.
🫑 Virgo placements cut people out their lives just like that. If you’re not compatible with their values, you’re out.
🐊 Earth signs really don’t like small talk, especially Capricorns. They want to get to the point and have it over with. Their emails and requests can come across as somewhat rude sometimes, due to the straightforwardness. But once you’re part of their life they’re sure to text you loads and send you a bunch of links to videos and articles they enjoy.
🪨 Air signs on the other hand, use small talk as a way of building connections. But once you’re a part of their life, be prepared to stay on read for weeks. These people’s closest family and friends usually don’t even get replies back. I believe that air signs mentally reply to messages.
📗 Water signs like deep talk. Doesn’t matter if they just met you, they wanna trauma dump together. Which is why creative work and the arts are something they enjoy, as it’s another way for them to express their sentiments into a piece of work.
🪀 Fire signs just enjoy conversations in general. I also noticed they prefer routine, such as greeting them every day or sending ‘goodnight’ messages, even if there might not have been a conversation that day.
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All images were taken from Pinterest
I wish you all the best blessing and abundance. Let your life be filled with positivity and Joy. Allow yourself to be at peace and feel serenity through yourself. Sending you all the love you desire.
Lots of Love & Luck
ItsCupidSaki 🕊
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holywizardheart · 2 years
💕Your future girlfriend and what is she like?💕
Please don't take it too seriously.😉 This is a common layout for everyone. You can choose one of four options and take what resonates.
Enjoy your reading 👀🐸
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🍷Pile 1🍷
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Hello, option 1, and let's see which girl came to us. Here the girl has a very dominant and assertive character. At first glance, she may seem arrogant and doesn't seem to notice anyone but herself. She really values her stability and will not allow anyone to destroy it. She is very attentive to the people around her and chooses her friends and partners very carefully. She may be afraid of big changes in her life, because, as already mentioned, she highly values her safety and comfort. She is also very worried about what may happen in the future and negatively perceives sudden changes. And also moves slowly but surely enough in steps. I think this girl is not very sociable, more like an introvert. It's a little harder for her to work in the company of people. Most likely, she will prefer to handle things alone and work efficiently. Perhaps, while communicating with people, she loses her inner energy, and it is extremely tough to restore it. I also noticed that it is very rare for her to open her heart. I asked why the cards said that she had some kind of hard experience in the past related to the relationship. After that, she will need a lot of time to build trust in her partner. It feels like there was some kind of betrayal or disloyalty. Okay, that's it. Goodbye.
Leo, capricorn, taurus, scorpio placements
Sun/Mars/Saturn dominant
"I trust you my little girl/boy"🍒
💸Pile 2💸
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Hi, option 2, let's get started. The queen of swords came here, maybe the girl could be an air sign. Or she's a very smart and educated girl. She knows what she's doing and is wise beyond her years. At work, she works tirelessly and reacts to everything a little aggressively. It is difficult for her to accept failure and in the future, she will not feel sorry for herself. Can be too critical of herself and will not tolerate a bad attitude. In her soul, it is not as peaceful and calm as she shows in public. She has a lot of worries and stress. I can also list fears and how people will accept them. I can also add that starting a new something is an absolutely huge act for her. Until she learns all the information, she won't start anything. She must be one hundred per cent sure of her decision. Besides she wishes for attention and praise from others very much. She sincerely expects support and understanding from others and loved ones. She also hopes for a better future. And it is also hard for her to break up with the past and with close people. Especially when it comes to relationships or friends. But despite this, she still has hope for the best. She is not afraid of transformations or changeable events. She would rather have a change than a feeling of lethargy and apathy.
Libra, gemini, aquarius, aries, virgo placements
Sun/Mercury/Mars/Uranus dominant
"You are my universe in this life"🌌
🍉Pile 3🍉
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Hi, option 3, if you chose this picture, keep reading. Here the girl is very loving and affectionate, like a little kitty. She is ready to be active and creative in a relationship. But there are some concerns about the future here. In a difficult moment, she will support and help you. But she can be a little greedy when it comes to money. But in general, she knows how to make money, and knows the value of it. During a colossal loss, she may even lose herself. After that, she will need a lot of time to cope with the crisis. She likes to help and show her love to those who need her. Always on the move and does not lag behind her peers in success. She thinks a lot about her plans and goals. She is ready to do anything to protect herself and her family. Even if she has to sacrifice herself for it. In a relationship, she will also try to change her old attitudes or character. She is always ready for new relationships and connections with new people.
Cancer, taurus, libra, pisces placements
Moon/Venus/Neptune dominant
"Do you want me to hug you?"☁️
🌙Pile 4🌙
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Hello, option 4 is the last, and I wish you a pleasant reading. Oh, here's the Queen of Swords card again, possible zodiac signs are Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini. A person knows how to motivate herself and others, and she has many goals. Also here we have some kind of struggle or rivalry with men. She perceives them as an enemy or a rival in the game. And she will never be defeated by another. The girl here is extremely active and playful. Knows her worth and has normal self-esteem. Effective and patient when it comes to life goals and values. She will do everything possible to achieve the desired result. She is constantly ready for new amazements and surprises from fate. She can also wait and dream of a worthy partner in a relationship and even in friendship. In a relationship, she's so romantic and sentimental. Also, I wanna add that she's family-oriented and appreciate her loved ones. She is always for a strong and deep connection with her partner. She will try to make everything comfortable and pleasant for everyone.
Aquarius, gemini, libra, aries, saggitarius placements
Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter dominant
"You're the first person I want to be around"💫
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onp4012 · 3 years
About me
My name’s Bianca
I’m from Romania
My pronouns are the basic female ones (she/her) in case you’re wondering
I’m an INTP in MBTI/5w4 Enneagram
I’m a polyglot speaking: English, German, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Italian, a bit of Turkish, a bit of Chinese, a bit of Polish and Arabic
My birthday is on 30th October
Scorpio Sun(12H), Aqua Moon(3H), Scorpio Rising, Scorpio Venus(12H), Scorpio Mars(12H), Scorpio Mercury Я(1H), Scorpio Jupiter(1H), Leo Saturn(10H)
I love to learn new things everyday
I love history, psychology, biology and sciences in general
I do tarot, astrology and I’m a psychic medium (I hear/see dead people/I connect to energies/I get information from the universe(or from wherever I get the info))
I love music, I used to play piano, dance and paint when I was younger. Now I’m sticking to writing and I’m thinking of playing piano again—
I love reading psychological books, also books about history. I’ll give here a folder with books I read lately.
If you’re requesting a reading and don’t like what you hear don’t take your anger off on me because I don’t deserve this shit. Once you ask for a reading you have 50/50 chances that the reading will be favourable for you. Don’t send me idk what energetic attacks because I’m sick of them.
my views about spirituality and other stuff
This looks like a Tinder bio lolololol
Good day/night anyways🐸
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I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while, but can you make a playlist for vita that reflects her aesthetic and tastes? And could you include the other prefects as well, if you have time?
Oooh, this is a fun one Anon! Thank you for the ask! I'll try to stick to around three songs for each of the girls to make it balanced!
🕷 Vita Dies
you're so dark - arctic monkeys. thank god i'm pretty - emilie autumn. carmen - lana del rey.
Vita's playlist aesthetic could be summed up as "gothic revival of a degenerate beauty queen" with a heavy, sinking aesthetic to it and a very sultry and mature vibe. The major theme would be mourning the innocence one was forced to lose, melancholia and a persistent feeling of dissatisfaction. The highlight is perhaps the manner in which she lets others categorize her in a box from which she feels she cannot escape or evolve. Vita's goal is to live unencumbered by the expectations of others and be true to herself, no matter what, knowing that there are people who accept her for her.
🍓 Rosalia Morgainne
strawberry shortcake - melanie martinez. seventeen - ladytron. she - selena gomez.
If she had a playlist aesthetic it would be something along the lines of "baby, you're more than just a pretty face", with a sort of pop-rock feeling to it and a lot of modern sounds. The major theme would be insecurity, exploitation of women and the fear of losing one's agency. But it would be uplifted with a song of self-affirmation and self-love, as she finally decides to take charge of her own destiny and affirm her femininity on her own terms. The evolution towards a more sexy, mature image is not a downgrade, but a means of liberation.
🐇 Blanche Dion
prom dress - mxmtoon. toxic thoughts - faith marie. lost one's weeping - lizz robinett (cover).
If she had a playlist aesthetic it would be something along the lines of "the gifted kid who's the disappointment of the family", with a slow and almost melancholic feel to it. The major theme would be resentment, regret and the feeling of being trapped, culminating in a feeling of liberation when she finally lets go of others' expectations for her. She learns to value her own life and worth, even if others won't and then comes to the realization that despite her family's words there is love and acceptance in her future.
🧹 Marcia Pyroeis
the hand that feeds - the crane wives. i need a dollar - aloe blacc. i'm still standing - elton john.
Her playlist aesthetic would be described as "breaking your back and your code for just a dollar more", with a folk element to it that is tempered by an almost upbeat rhythm. The major theme would be optimism in the face of catastrophe, knowledge of the harshness that you need to endure and the condition of the human being. She focuses on survival against all odds and hopes to transform her tragedy into an opportunity for growth and success, no matter how low the odds might be.
🐸 June Himalia
blood in the cut - k.flay. brutal - olivia rodrigo. obey - bring me the horizon & yungblud.
If she had a playlist aesthetic it would be best summed up as "rage" with a lot of songs that have an aggressive tempo and also unpleasant energy to them. The major theme would be frustration accumulating and slowly coming to a head when she feels that she's reached a boiling point, and with no way out she manifests her sense of hopelessness in physical actions. It's not that she wants to be brutal but when she's backed into a corner as she always is, she sees no other solution but to attack in return.
🐊 Diana Arrow
oh raven - unlike pluto. don't forget to open your eyes - missio. saturn - sleeping at last.
Her playlist aesthetic would be best described as "the sky is full of stars tonight and it makes me whole" where the songs would be slow, almost hypnotic with a tinge of weight to them. The major theme would be balance and acceptance, one born not from blind optimism but from completely understanding the consequences of her actions and the harshness of reality. Diana's lightness comes from the fact that she is perfectly aware of the darkness in others and in the world around her, but she still chooses to completely and without reservation accept them as part of the natural.
🦋 Cassandra Delphinne
so small and so quiet - isabella fortuna. something to feel good about - will joseph cook. hate myself - dodie.
If she had a playlist aesthetic it would best be described as "i apologize for the wild thumping of my heart" where a lot of songs feel slow and dragging in order to capture that feeling of melancholia. The major themes would be trying to find oneself and feeling overwhelmed by the vastness of the world, fear that you will never find yourself be accepted by anybody and that you are never going to be good enough. Cass' anxiety is for the most part tightly connected with her low self-esteem and communication problems, and the knowledge that as a child who is part of two worlds, she'll never fully fit in either. Yet she keeps persevering, knowing that she must develop herself as a person.
🧪 Agatha Voisin
jealousy, jealousy - olivia rodrigo. hey kids - molina ft. late verlane. running away - vano 3000.
Her playlist aesthetic would be best described as "i'm making my self-loathing everybody else's problem" where a lot of the songs have this experimental vibe to them which makes them feel rather odd and out of place. The major themes would be this resurgence feeling of being unable to fit within the standards of society and the resentment that comes with that, as well as the frustration that often follows after. Agatha's problems are punctuated by a constant wave of negative backlash regarding her appearance and nature. She feels that no matter what she'll do or how she'll change herself, she'll be rejected and then asks herself if it's even worth the effort to do so.
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noyasaur · 7 months
hii! it's been a while, but i found something that really helped me on my shifting journey and i wanted to share it with you :D
also i might be getting rescinded from my dream college pls send prayers 😭🙏
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hihi!! it's good to hear from you again and i hope you've been doing well :D
and YESS i love that book! i've checked it out before awhile ago but thank you for sharing this with me again because i definitely need to check it again since it's heavily been updated since i last read it lmao 😭
and AAAA I'LL PRAY FOR YOU 🙏🙏 fear not i'm sure everything will work out okay and that doesn't happen!! 😭💖
i hope you're taking care of yourself and again, i hope you've been doing well!
- saturn ♡
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noyasaur · 8 months
hi again!! on top of lucid dreaming, i really want to get into manifesting but i don't know where to start or how to know if it's working? i've watched a couple of videos but it's still kinda confusing?? i don't know how to know when my manifestations are working or which methods to use, i really struggle with trusting the process which has also probably lead to this, so do you have any tips?
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i've been into the manifestation community for awhile. i discovered subliminals at the age of 12, and ever since then, i've actively been manifesting and using manifestation methods. after being in the community for so long and have personally gone through my own struggles, i do have some tips for you!
i would like to note though, i am not an expert or anything! so please take whatever resonates with you :D
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if you're looking into getting into manifesting, i think it's best to keep things simple and find a method/technique that you think will work best for you.
you said you were feeling confused, so i recommend to just start over from fresh again. literally just find out what manifesting is and a simple method on how to do it. then work from there.
the thing with manifesting, is that it is completely subjective. that's why there are so many methods and techniques, because they each suit a different person's strengths and needs.
and with many methods and techniques out there, it's understanding that it can get quite confusing and overwhelming. i would say find a law or technique that you believe fits you best: law of assumption or law of attraction? do you prefer visualising, affirming, scripting, or using states (e.g. sats or void state).
at it's core, manifestation is just bringing yourself in alignment with the frequency of your desires (personally, i think it also relates to shifting but that's a story for another day).
all you got to do is set your intention -> decide you have it -> persist in that assumption through whatever you feel like will make you fulfilled (e.g. visualising, affirming, scripting, writing, journaling, imagination, void state, sats, etc. -> letting go and trusting the process -> you receive your desire.
for further explanation, you could just start out by deciding on what to manifest first. do you want to manifest money from a positive source? or do you want to get a pet puppy? do you want to manifest your dream career? outline your intentions or what you want to manifest. you can start out with something small and then always work your way up to bigger things, or go all out and manifest everything at once! the world is your oyster and the choice is yours.
next, like what i said before, find out what manifesting technique/law/method you think will work best for you, and try it out.
for example, if you were to follow the law of assumption, you would have to know that the law states that our assumptions and dominant thoughts create our reality. our reality is a reflection of our internal states, so if we internally accept or assume that we already have our desire, then it has no choice but to reflect in the 3D reality. then, you would continue to persist in this assumption! you could also use affirmations or visualisations to aid in your manifestation.
so if you wanted to manifest a puppy using the law of assumption, you would simply assume that you would already have a puppy. you would go about your usual life, assuming and persisting in the fact that you have a puppy. you could visualise yourself with your puppy every now and then, think thoughts you would have if you were to own a puppy, etc.
or if i decided i wanted a brand new phone and just wanted to script as my manifestation method, i could accept that i already had a new phone and then write down affirmations on a piece of paper everyday: "I have a brand new phone. I love my brand new phone," etc.
right now, i like to use the law of assumption because its what i resonate with the most and what aligns with my current beliefs the most. however, if you asked me how i would've liked to manifest four years ago, i would've said law of attraction while writing down "i am" affirmations of what i have on a piece of paper. even though sometimes i would use loassumption without even knowing what is was at that point.
i would just find a technique/method that you feel resonates with you the most, go with it, and keep it simple. if you find yourself confused with something then go ahead and do your research on it.
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when it comes to manifesting your desires or goals, you have to realise that time is exist and your manifestations can be instant. you don't need to worry when your manifestations are working. you have to realise that YOU create your reality and YOU decide when to manifest your desires. you are THAT PERSON who can manifest anything with a blink of an eye. time is only a construct, and everything exists in the now.
however, sometimes we have to deal with our stubborn human brains and subconscious beliefs.
jumping over this hurdle and trusting the process can be difficult sometimes, but it also starts with trusting yourself.
you cater to yourself and find a method that you think that'll work best for you: not what works best for everyone or what the most popular way of manifesting is right now.
and as soon as you decide that you want this thing or you already have this thing; as long as you assume it, you got it. you just have to trust yourself and it's only a matter of time until it is seen in your 3D, physical reality. try to practice letting go of the thought and worry of when your desire is going to come, and shift your focus to feeling fulfilled that you already have your desire. focus on the state of having your desire. focus on the state of being that person instead of worrying where it is in the 3D or when it's going to come. it can be hard to get used to, but the more you practice, the easier it gets for you to naturally accept this. don't stress about time, or whenever your manifestations are going to come. just focus on the fact that you already have them, and that's all that matters. or you could even just let yourself detach completely from your desires and just trust that it will come to fruition. but whenever you accept that you have your desires or decide that you have a goal and you have achieved that goal, you already have what you want.
if you find it hard to trust yourself and the process, the easiest way to get yourself to, is to practice! literally, just pick something small or something random for you to apply that manifestation technique into your daily life and go from there.
for example, i'm the kind of person who also has a hard time trusting myself when using the law of assumption. however, something i like to do everyday, is implementing loassumption into my life! something i often manifest is for my shifts at work to go fast and be super quiet (and not busy at all).
i practice fulfilling myself in my imagination and trusting that my work will go how i assume it will be, because that's what my assumptions are.
learn that it's okay to trust in yourself. even if it can be scary, especially having faith in something that you've never done before. sometimes, learning and growing involves putting ourselves through uncomfortable situations or stepping outside of our comfort zone. it makes us challenge ourselves for sure, but we learn and grow through these experiences.
it's also okay to have doubts as long as we pay no attention to them and give them no power. doubts only have power until we give them to ourselves, so you can acknowledge them and let them pass on like it's nothing- because it is nothing.
it's also probably worth to look into how to improve your self-concept! your self-concept is basically everything that makes up you and how you see yourself as a person, your capabilities, your abilities, etc. improving your self-concept is not only beneficial for manifesting, but also for reality shifting or lucid dreaming and anything else you want to achieve in life.
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anyways, i hope this was able to help you a little! i'm not too confident on my manifesting knowledge in general (i feel like this is an area i need to learn a bit more about despite consciously manifesting for so long). so i would like to apologise if my answers weren't too great, as learning to trust myself and the process is still something i'm working through and currently trying to improve on!
i understand it can be overwhelming sometimes, so just keep it simple and to the bare bones of things and the start and when you feel like you need to know more, gradually branch out and start researching for things to help you 💕
and if you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask away~
good luck on your journey and happy manifesting!
- saturn ♡
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noyasaur · 9 months
hii! since i was planning on restarting my shifting journey, i went through and redid all my research. from what i've seen, it looks like the shifting community has been placing a lot of emphasis on meditating being helpful? so i think i'm gonna start that!
also, i think that i'm gonna take a break from shifting entirely to see if i can figure out lucid dreaming first, because i think i've only lucid dreamt once in my entire life and if i can figure that out i can use the lucid dreaming method to shift, which is the method that has always made the most sense to me! do you think trying to learn to lucid dream would be worth it?
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hellooo again!! i saw your other ask that you sent in and i'll put my response here also, but i'm so glad to hear i was able to help!
and yesss meditation! of course, meditation isn't necessary to shift but it does help a lot (in my case too). andd it can also help you in many other areas of life (e.g. self-awareness, relaxation, clear mind, etc.)
in my opinion, i definitely think lucid dreaming is worth to try! it isn't too hard to do and not only can you use it to shift but it's also just really cool in general; being lucid in your dreams and all and being able to control them! it's very cool to experience it and it's so exciting!! i actual LOVEE having lucid dreams so much (except when i get too excited and i lose lucidity or i end up in another dream 🙁 of course with practice and practice you can end up having more and more control but i don't really intentionally try to lucid dream anyways so :p) and shifting from a lucid dream is instant and you're basically guaranteed to shift when using lucid dream for shifting!
of course, like any method, always remember to have confidence and trust in yourself and your intentions! when you become lucid and you want to shift, of course remember to ground yourself before heading into trying to shift, and when you want to shift, give it your all and don't hesitate. do it with full confidence and remember to trust in yourself! having trust and belief in yourself goes such a long way.
good luck with trying to lucid dream and for your shifting journey! lucid dreaming is such a cool thing to do and moral of the story: defs worth it!!! i believe in you and YOU GOT THISSS \(^▽^)/
- saturn ♡
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noyasaur · 9 months
hi! i'm the anon with the svt dr and i really appreciate your response :)) it made me feel a lot better about the way i scripted things (although i did edit a few minor details)
i also noticed that you didn't have any claimed anons yet so could i possibly claim 🐸? (this is my first time being an anon so pls help me through it lol 😭)
also, i also joined the shifting community just a little over three years ago and haven't shifted yet, and after a long time of constantly taking breaks i decided that i wanted to completely restart my shifting journey! go back and do the research from the bottom and go through the meditations, everything. do you have any tips?
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ahh hihi again!! and i'm so glad i was able to help and made you feel better that is super great to hear :D
and yesss ofcc!! (erm tbh i haven't been on tumblr long so i'm just taking a guess on how taken anons work LOL) but basicallyy every time you send in an ask in my inbox, just put 🐸 down somewhere so i know its you! it's basically for me to be able to recognise who you are if you're frequently sending in asks and you want to be identified but still be anonymous.
i do have some tips for restarting your shifting journey and i hope they'll be able to help!
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so, you want to restart your shifting journey from the bottom. my first tip for you, is to not overcomplicate things and even try shifting from the get-go.
#O1 TIP: keep it simple.
find out what reality shifting is for you and how you to shift. for example, if i were to restart my journey, i would just find a simple definition of what reality shifting is for me, and how to do it. i actually restarted my shifting journey pretty recently and from the start, all shifting was to me is that shifting was moving your awareness to another reality and that all i needed to shift was myself and intention.
once you've figured out a good, simple, definition of what the heck reality shifting is and how to do it, it doesn't hurt to try! go off of what you just learnt and found out, and try to shift.
however, if you're going along you're journey and feeling stuck and having many doubts, then is the time to get to the root of the problem and fix it. why are you having doubts? what are you not understanding about shifting? then is the time to go and do some research to find out answers for your doubts, or any questions you have about shifting.
#O2 TIP: do a deep dive on shifting.
if you want to take a different approach to your journey rather than gradually gaining more and more knowledge, then you could always just do one, big, deep dive on shifting. write down all the questions or things you want to know about shifting, and then find answers to them. however, go into it with the goal of proving what reality shifting is to you and find out what makes sense for you.
#O3 TIP: avoid overconsumption of shifting content/external validation.
while i agree that reading success stories about shifting can be super motivating, i am not a big fan of overconsumption. while it can work for some people, overconsumption can lead to an information overload, which can lead to confusion and indecisiveness on what reality shifting is and how exactly to do it at times. you've crammed in all your information about shifting that you don't know what is best for you or you don't know what to do!
social media and other resources for reality can be very good in learning more about the subject! but also remember, that your reality shifting journey is personal. don't compare yourselves to others and don't go constantly searching for information. focus on yourself and your journey. try not to rely on other people's success stories or methods/tips too much for external validation on if shifting is real or what works best. focus on yourself and find your strengths, weaknesses, and what works best for you. gain that validation from yourself.
#O4 TIP: other tips and reminders!
make shifting fun for you and have fun! shifting is something that should be an enjoyable and exciting process. it you're feeling stressed out or drained with shifting, then it's okay to take a break.
meditation helps immensely with focus and calming your mind for shifting.
focus on your destination and not the process. remember, it's all about your destination here. don't put too much focus on the actual action/process of shifting.
reality shifting is a natural process.
take your time and take it at your own pace! reality shifting and your desired realities will always be around, so don't feel pressured or be under the impression you need to shift immediately!
when you're trying to work out what's best for you or when trying to improve on yourself, try to think from an objective, non-biased stand-point.
#O5 TIP: helpful resources!
if you're looking for some reality shifting resources (on the science behind it) or just a basic 'definition' on how to shift, i've explained it before in some of my other asks which i will link below! you can just scroll and read the parts that you need. you don't need to take a look at them now or even at all. these are just suggestions. go at your own pace :)
✧ can you prove reality shifting + scripting character's personalities/appearances + how to stay motivated to shift ✧ is shifting real + do i have to shift to a specific reality every time i shift + what are the essential steps to shift
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i hope this helped and good luck with this! you soo got this and i'm excited to hear more about your journey! definitely don't be afraid to update me on how things are going, i would love to hear all about it (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ ♡
- saturn ♡
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noyasaur · 9 months
hi!! so i’m shifting to a seventeen dr as a producer but one of the main plot points i set was that we would be an anonymous kpop group, without a management company (like a doing it for fun kinda thing) mainly cause of how brutal the industry was and how much the ode to you concert affected them. but i felt so guilty for doing that cause i felt like they wouldn’t live up to the same potential that they did here even if i scripted that they did
for a long while i was convincing myself that it was ok because no matter what i did to my script, that reality would exist anyway, but that mentality is kinda failing me now 😞
i really don’t want to shift with that mindset cause i feel like it would affect my relationship with them and i’m shifting there for friendship more than anything else. what should i do :(
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hihi anon! i'll try my best to answer your questions and give you adequate advice. however, i don't know too much about seventeen so i hope my advice will be up to par with what you need😭 and i apologise if it doesn't :(
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i completely understand where you're coming from. i understand your guilt and your feelings are totally valid. however, i think it's important to let some things sink in and realise that there's no need for you to feel guilty and it's completely okay to do this!
for one thing, realise that this reality isn't the 'original' reality of all realities. i feel that sometimes these feelings of guilt or wrong that come from 'changing' things that have happened in this reality and shifting to experience otherwise in other realities can feel uncomfortable. it can sometimes stem from subconsciously feeling like this reality is the only 'real' or 'original' reality. that whatever happens in this reality, since for many, it's the reality they first remember being aware of, is the 'canon' (yes, i am using this term) of all realities. and of course, along with not wanting to discredit their hard work and success.
accept that this reality isn't any different from other realities. not does it hold any importance over other realities, nor is it a 'canon' reality. the events that happen here, are not any more real or un-real, then what happens in other realities too. every single reality is the same. additionally, there are infinite realities, so of course there is a reality where they would still live up to their potential (and possibly even bigger) without going through all those hardships. yes, you're right, those realities would exist anyway, but let yourself accept that it's okay. accept this fact.
all realities are held at the same importance of each other. and try to think of the positives: in your dr, it is most definitely possible for them to reach up to their potential like they have in this reality, and even be bigger and more successful without them going through all those hardships. you would be able to grow with the members and see them in much happier states and selves than they are here, without having to deal with the brutality of the industry and all the hardships they've faced. just because they haven't faced any of these same hardships, doesn't mean they won't be as successful nor will it discredit their hard-work.
often, a downside of being in this reality is that we equate hardship and suffering with success and realism. that to be successful, we have to suffer. for realities to be 'realistic', we have to add in suffering and hardships. but the reality is, realism does not equal any of that. groups can be reach success without suffering. groups can grow up to their potential without needing to go through many hardships and troubles. realities already exist out there where groups have reached the same success, or to be even bigger, without certain events happening, because there are infinite realities.
and think of what a beautiful experience it would be in your dr, without any of that. just a group of people with an amazing connection and bond, making music together and doing what they love, while reaching great fame, success and heights! all together.
in the multiverse and speaking of other infinite realities, since everything exists, there is no 'canon.' there is nothing that states or says what a straight definition of 'realistic' should be.
so please let yourself accept that with infinite realities, anything is possible. nothing in any reality is any more 'real' than any other reality. everything is real. everything isn't real. everything is held of equal importance, and there is no reality that is any more real or original than any other reality. every reality IS real.
and try to think of the positives! try and think of how you will be spending your journey to success with such amazing people, think of the great and deep bond you will all have! i know it can be hard, but try and make a list of all the positive things about your dr, and how you won't have to se any of the members suffer because of the industry and their company. think of the members and how the difference in these events will impact them positive :) try and see things from a positive light!
since you think that having this current mindset will affect your relationship with them, try and work on these things and come to a moment of acceptance. accept these things and don't put this reality on a pedestal. realise that this reality isn't any more 'real' than any other realities, and it does NOT determine what is real and what isn't. try affirming these things to yourself and normalise this fact. and of course, focus on the positives! rather than focusing on the negatives, think of all the positive things that will come of a result! (and remember, your doubts and worries will only affect things if you let them and give them any power!) and this time when trying to make a change in your mindset, don't just try and convince yourself of these things; accept them.
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i truly wish you all the best luck and you got this! your members are going to be very lucky to have you as a member alongside them, and i wish you guys all the best and more! good luck on your shifting journey and you got this! (♡˙︶˙♡)
- saturn ♡
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noyasaur · 9 months
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★ . WELCOME , to saturn's list of answered asks! below is a masterlist of all my answered asks! 💗 please don't ever hesitate to ask me anything about reality shifting, manifestation, or loa. i will try to answer to the best of my abilities. before sending in an ask, please read my rules here -> 🍵
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⇢ reality shifting asks
✧ using images to visualise you in your dr
✧ can you prove reality shifting + scripting character's personalities/appearances + how to stay motivated to shift
✧ method recommendations for people with difficulties concentrating, visualisation, falling asleep often + body twitches and shifting symptoms
✧ is shifting real + do i have to shift to a specific reality every time i shift + what are the essential steps to shift
✧ how to fully believe in reality shifting?
✧ do you have to script?
✧ when i shift, will i be in control of what i do like i am here?
✧ anon's personal advice about shifting, assumptions and the 3D, and intention!
✧ the idea of infinite realities
✧ time ratios: is 6 hours CR = 6 month in DR a good time ratio?
✧ reality shifting: indecisive-ness on scripting and what to do?
✧ 🐸: dealing and overcoming guilt with scripting things/events in and out that happened in this reality
✧ how to avoid visualising scary images/intrusive thoughts when shifting
✧ being too logical with shifting + angel numbers and intuitive message
✧ self-sabotage and reality shifting
✧ 🐸: restarting your shifting journey + some helpful tips!
✧ is struggling to believe you'll wake up in a different reality, just like how some people can't imagine themselves at a different time the next day?
✧ constantly trying to shift but not waking up in my dr. two or three hours later and i'm starting to lose track of time and i'm getting confused. what is this?
✧ 🐸: about restarting journey and meditating + is the lucid dreaming method worth it?
✧ advice on manifesting original appearance + 3d circumstances hard to ignore
✧ just learnt about kpop shifting: how to shift + reality shifting tips + kpop shifting tips!
✧ can we shift to animated universes or universes where the show is set in space?
✧ where do i put my script when i'm done writing it?
✧ advice on how to not accidentally make myself snap out of it when i'm close to shifting/making my body fall asleep + how to get into meditation?
✧ how to deal with anti-shifters? + tips!
✧ is it okay to script/make different cultures for my dr?
✧ aligning with your desired reality + not feeling worthy (advice)
✧ can you manifest not bringing back trauma from shifting after coming back from your dr?
✧ how to view my reality as real life and not as a 'dream' + how to strengthen intention + assumption of waking up in dr?
✧ acting/using imagination and can it be used for shifting?
✧ can i script trauma in my dr that i already have in my cr?
✧ how will i know that i have shifted if i script that i don't want to remember that i'm shifting?
✧ aphantasia (cannot visualise) and if it will affect ability to shift
✧ kpop dr: shifting to 2020 but i've written out my discography from 2020 to 2024. wondering how my future albums will come to be or do i have to script so?
✧ are shifting symptoms real?
✧ 🐸: how to stay in lucid dreams longer?
✧ if i shift and my mum comes to wake me up while i was shifting, would that make me come back from my dr?
✧ do i support respawning?
✧ indecisiveness with choosing where to shift: every time i want to shift to a dr, i suddenly want to change drs and script for it. how to stop this?
✧ mini-shifting: how to stay in your dr longer than a few seconds + grounding
✧ reality shifting to a waiting room: learning skills and bringing them back to your cr + getting diagnosed in your wr of something you may have in your cr
✧ reality shifting doubts: lucid dreaming vs reality shifting + grounding (why reality shifting isn't lucid dreaming and helpful links!!)
✧ how to incorporate scripting into a shifting method?
✧ is it weird if i were to have a person as an s/o in one reality, and them as my sibling in another reality?
✧ reality shifting: the power of our subconscious and connections to our dr-selves + how are we able to shift so easily?
✧ hyperventilating when trying to shift?
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⇢ manifestation/law of assumption asks
✧ what is loa?
✧ anon asks: why i believe in loa + how i built my beliefs + doubts and how i overcome them
✧ anon asks: what loa research i've done + my fav resources
✧🐸: how to start manifesting + learning to trust the process and to stop worrying when my manifestations are coming
✧ law of assumption: the external, having a 'perfect' mental diet and 'deadlines'
✧ if you assume you will manifest something in 5 seconds, will it manifest in 5 seconds? + what is imagination? + does it have to take a month to manifest your desires?
✧ do i need to be specific when manifesting?
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⇢ other
✧ do you need to believe in affirmations for them to work?
✧ manifesting appearance changes + void state tips
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⇢ taken anons: 🐸 ,,
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