#💌 : munson mutterings
hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
a twisted game of cat and mouse
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summary: in which the reader can’t help but feel attracted to thomas even when he’s about to kill them. pairing: thomas hewitt (leatherface) x gn!reader warnings: death, nsfw thoughts, slight gore?? , angst, twisted love (kind of?) word count: 1504
masterlist | ao3 
a/n: loosely set in ‘the beginning’.
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[Y/N] never thought that they’d be in this situation, running away from a killer who wore a mask that covered the bottom half of his face. Their heart pounded in their chest as they tried to stay as quiet as they could. Their back was pressed up against the wall of the house that belonged to the Hewitt’s. Not the best hiding spot but everywhere else was so open and would expose them so much more.
Even though [Y/N] knew that they should be way more scared than what they were currently feeling, they couldn’t help but find the chainsaw wielding killer… hot. Did he just kill all of their friends? Yes but the way he towered over [Y/N] made them whimper. Not in a way that meant that they feared him but in more of a turned on way. He seemed so bulky that how could they not feel so heavily attracted to him? Even with half of his face covered up, [Y/N] could still tell that he was very good looking.
The sound of a chainsaw became prominent again and a gasp left their lips. They weren’t as scared as they had been beforehand. But as mentioned before, they were turned on by him. A part of them wanted to get out from their very bad hiding place just so that they could see him again, despite the fact that they would of course come face to face with one another again. The other part of them wanted him to be the one to find them. [Y/N] began to bite their bottom lip at the thought.
All of a sudden, he appeared in front of [Y/N] again. Another gasp left their lips. They pushed themselves up against the wall of the house even more, almost wanting to become a part of it. He took another step forward. As if he was stalking his prey. Which in a way you could say that he was doing just that. [Y/N] looked up at him with wide eyes as he just stood there silently with his chainsaw in his hands. 
[Y/N] wondered how they had gotten this lucky. Well, luckier than their friends at least who now laid dead in various rooms of the Hewitt’s house. They had somehow managed to escape whilst their friends were meeting their demise. [Y/N] knew that they couldn’t get help. There wouldn’t be anywhere to go for miles. They were completely helpless and they couldn’t help but like it. Especially when someone as handsome as the man who stood before them was chasing them.
[Y/N] concluded that something was wrong with them for liking this.
“Wait.” They whimpered. 
He titled his head slightly in question.
“T-Thomas, right?” Their voice was shaky. They had heard the so-called sheriff call him that when [Y/N] and their friends were first brought into the house.
A nod.
[Y/N] suddenly felt brave and took a step forward. Though their hands still shook slightly. Thomas stayed right where he was but turned the chainsaw off. Almost like he was willing to give them a chance to talk. 
“I… I really liked being chased by you.” They admitted, their voice almost a whisper.
Thomas didn’t know how to react to this information. He was a little caught off guard. Someone liked being chased by him? That couldn’t be possible. He was so used to people being disgusted by him and being scared of him. They had to be lying just to try and get out of what was about to happen.
“It was really hot, you know?” [Y/N] continued. “Especially since you’re so big and handsome.”
They reached a hand out to touch his bicep. They had to really stretch to be able to reach him. They could feel the heat of his skin through the material of his shirt. Another whimper left their lips. Oh how they wished that they could fuck him right then and there.
Unbeknownst to [Y/N], Thomas was blushing underneath his mask. He couldn’t help but do so. A voice in his head nagged at him though. They were lying. They had to be. He had been conditioned to see himself as ugly and unlovable. Which is why he wore the mask that covered the bottom half of his face. 
He was a monster and no one was going to see him as anything else.
With a grunt, Thomas nodded his head over to the other direction and lifted up his chainsaw. [Y/N]’s eyes lit up as they instantly knew what he wanted them to do. They felt like they could jump up and down on the spot and excitedly clap.
They thought, in their twisted mind, that he was going to playfully chase them with his chainsaw before they would run off together in the sunset. Or rather sunrise since it was currently evening. [Y/N] had become quite delusional since their time at the Hewitt’s or maybe they had always been like this and it only came to the surface when they arrived here. Either way, they took off running in the direction that Thomas had pointed in with laughter escaping their lips.
Thomas shook his head very slightly with a silent sigh. He couldn’t believe that they had actually fallen for it. People could be so dumb. He gave them a big head start. He knew that he would be able to catch up to them with no problem. He revved-up his chainsaw before he hurriedly chased after them. 
The noise of the chainsaw reached [Y/N]’s ears as soon as it started up. The feeling of helplessness that they had quickly grown to love filled their body once more. Hopefully, when he let them go, they could continue having games like this. 
[Y/N] could hear the heavy thump thump thump of Thomas’ footsteps as he quickly got closer to them. Heavy breaths left his lips that were quickly muffled under his mask. They found themselves growing so much more attracted to him. A smile stayed plastered on their lips as the chase continued. [Y/N] could feel themselves quickly growing tired from running so far and fast. They suddenly stopped as soon as they felt his presence right behind him.
[Y/N] turned to him with a faux pout. “Aw! You caught me.”
Thomas stood there, his chainsaw still going. 
“You were going to let me go.” Their brow furrowed. “Right?”
Now why would they think that? Just because he “playfully” chased them with his chainsaw?
A small shake of his head was their answer. 
“But-!” [Y/N] hurriedly spoke. “You said you’d let me go!”
Another shake of his head. Thomas never said that. He just told them to run. 
“Please don’t kill me! I love you! You can’t do this to me!”
Thomas had had enough of their words. He knew that they didn’t actually mean it (they did in fact mean every word. Though maybe saying that they loved him was a bit too soon). He took a step forward and almost admired how tears trailed down their cheeks as they begged for their life. As if they had the ability to do so anyway.
Thomas moved his chainsaw and cut [Y/N] horizontally right across the middle of their body. Their begging came to a stop once the chainsaw separated the top and bottom of their body. Blood splattered everywhere and their begs no longer filled the air. They fell to the ground, in two parts, with a thud. By the time they had done so, the life had completely faded from their eyes.
Thomas crouched down and got a knife out after he turned off his chainsaw and put it down on the ground. He roughly grabbed their face in his hand and admired how their skin looked. He turned their face in very direction to look at every inch of their skin. He then began to slice away at their skin, completely cutting their face away from their body. He held it up in the sky afterwards and admired it once again. He stood up with a huff and with one hand he held the skin from their face. In the other, he held his chainsaw and their leg. He started to drag their body back towards the house.
He swallowed a lump in his throat. What if they really meant it? Did Thomas suddenly regret killing someone after doing so many times beforehand? He slowly walked back to the house as his thoughts ran wild in his head. Did he just mess up the only chance he had to be loved by someone?
With a heavy heart, Thomas decided that he wouldn’t keep their face to wear. He’d put it up on display in his room. That way they could still be with him, right? And then they couldn’t change their mind about being with him. It seemed like the perfect idea.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo ¡ 4 months
Somewhere Only We Know
Dustin wants to know why Eddie despises you over every other member of the dark side. You're just some cheerleader, right? What could you have possibly done to incur Eddie's wrath?
Starts off with Dusty Buns POV, then Eddie then yours.
Mentions of weed, Jason being a prick, Eddie pines but won't admit it... Mdni. Vecna? Who's Vecna.
Dustin truly thought Eddie Munson was one of the coolest people he had ever known, Steve of course was on that list of total badasses as well.
However for all, Dustin knew of Eddie and that was a lot (the guy made his feelings loud and clear on a variety of things, conformity, Jason Carver, why metal was the superior genre of music, Jason Carver.
But in the few short months since Dustin joined Hellfire and was taken under Eddie's wing, there was one topic he wasn't so clued up on, and that was you and the mystery of why Eddie seemed to despise you above everyone else in this school.
He had tried to casually bring the topic of you up, sure you were a cheerleader and on the dark side and Eddie hated conformity and shit but clearly you had done something painful to Eddie for him to hate you like this.
Dustin wasn't exaggerating either, anytime you and Eddie were in the same vicinity of each other it was like the temperature dropped in the room and Dustin was chilled to the bone at the icy glares between you and Eddie.
Literally, the mention of your name had Eddie's eyes filling with disdain. "She's a traitor and can't be trusted, don't ask about her again Henderson" Eddie snapped during one lunch break when Dustin brought you up out of curiosity.
"Uh meaning?" he asks confused but not wanting to piss Eddie off any further. His question is ignored until Gareth answers it quietly.
"She used to be in Hellfire, then she tried out for a spot on the cheerleading squad and got in. Refused to choose between the two, said she could do both and that Eddie was being an asshole, they had a big fight and she left Hellfire. It broke Eddie's heart even though he pretends otherwise"
Well, shit. "Don't tell him I told you that dude and don't bring her up again. Touchy subject" Dustin nods and expects that's the last he will hear about you.
It's not.
Eddie ignores the chatter around him while his gaze is solely focused on you. Jackson had been hanging around you constantly and for some reason, it pissed Eddie off. Couldn't he enjoy his pretzels and Yoohoo in peace without seeing such a sickening display?
If Eddie felt a twist in his gut every time Jackson got too close to you then that was his business.
"Can't they go to the bleachers and hash it out so I don't have to bring up my lunch every time Jackass decides to flirt" Eddie snaps and narrows his eyes at you, Gareth rolls his eyes and Jeff hides his snort behind a cough when Eddie's glare is aimed at him.
"Dude she's not even interested in him. He was an asshole when they dated and she got sick of him within two weeks" Jeff is apparently very informed on the matter and this annoys him even more.
"You're very informed on the dating lives of the dark side Jeff?" Jeff shrugs and mutters something under his breath, something suspiciously like he still talks to you from time to time.
This would be Eddie's next rant. Giving the time of days to traitors was not in the Hellfire handbook, just because they had pretty eyes and a sweet but deadly smile was not an excuse to break said rule.
Unfortunately, he has a deal to make, the rant would be adjourned to another time. "Gentlemen, I must leave you now to embark on a quest for gold in the deep dark woods" he bows then heads out to his spot in the woods.
Waits for ten minutes and thinks that whoever it is isn't coming. All he had to signify the meeting was a note in his locker and he's still unsure if he's walking into a trap by Carver.
Impatient and just about to give up, he gets up and then stills when he sees you walk into the clearing. What the shit... Since when did you smoke weed? He's never known you to do it in any of the time he's known you.
"Munson" you nod and he closes his gaping mouth as you join him on the table, he expects you to be tense but you close your eyes and enjoy the cool wind and the peace of just the birds singing and leaves rustling gently. He forgot how much you liked being out here.
He clears his throat refusing to get lost in memories and you sigh, open your eyes and he stares back impassively. "Surprised Jackass isn't hanging off you like a limpet" he snarks and you roll your eyes at his tone.
"Jackson' you emphasize ''needs to take a hint. Look, Megan asked me to pick up weed for the party this weekend, so we can cut to the chase" Eddie snorts, you never did have time for bullshit.
"How much do you want?" you shrug and place twenty-five bucks on the table.
"Carver is paying apparently" There is a glint of mischief in your eyes and you smile impishly. Eddie does not get lost in that smile, no way. He clears his throat and smirks.
"Well if it's Carver's money" he takes the full amount and is surprised when you unsuccessfully try to hide a smile. He sobers up and plays with his rings, looks at you briefly then speaks again.
"Uh, it's potent so just make sure that you don't get overboard" he spits it out quickly, like he doesn't care either way what you do. You pause before getting up and there's that soft smile again.
"Careful Munson, anyone would think you still care about me'' there's a sadness to your tone and Eddie watches you go. There's an ache in his chest that feels all too familiar.
You loved cheerleading, the closeness you felt with the rest of the team, learning routines together and having each other's backs. The close friendship you had with Chrissy and Tina. It was senior year and the cheer squad were on the precipice of winning a trophy for the school.
In that sense your life was perfect. In other ways not so much. You hated Jason but tolerated him for Chrissy. Jackson wouldn't stop bugging you to go back out with him, even though you had barely dated him for two weeks and grew tired of his jealous and demanding behaviour.
No way were you going down that road again. Then there was Eddie Munson, who hated you and made that feeling known, he was the bane of your existence and yet you were so tired of the animosity between you both.
Most of all you were sick of Jason and his stupid superiority, boy did he never let you forget that you didn't belong with the cheer squad. He all but cornered you after lunch to rant at you for laughing at one of Eddie's stupid jokes at Jason's expense.
It was a reflex. That's all and it was funny to see Jason brought down a peg or two.
"Don't think I forget where you came from freak, you can easily go back to obscurity playing Dungeons and Dwarves with Munson and his band of geeks" Jason snaps and you meet his gaze with unwavering intensity.
"Dragons", He looks confused and you smirk ''Its Dungeons and Dragons, dumbass" you tack on dumbass at the end just to piss him off even more, how dare he threaten you? Who did he think he was?
Sometimes you wished you could just go back and be a part of Hellfire Club again, a club that so easily accepted and looked after their own. Cheerleading was similar to that but the people in your friends circle sure liked to ruin any sense of security you felt. Mostly Jason and some of his Neanderthal friends.
Jason snorts and then he slams the locker beside you hard and it rattles you but you don't show it, when that doesn't work Jason knocks the books out of your hands and they go flying and he stomps on them before he leaves.
His laughter echoes down the hallway and you shout after him that he's an asshole, gather the books as best as you can and freeze as your well-loved copy of The Hobbit which already isn't in the best state falls apart completely.
Tears pool in your eyes and you hastily wipe them away, it's just a book, it's just a book you chant in your head but it doesn't work. It's been your constant companion since you were nine and it breaks your heart to see it tattered and broken.
Ringed hands help gather the rest of your work and you whimper. Shit, not him. Not now. Hastily you wipe your tears away and stand up, meet Eddie's gaze as he holds your books for you.
He looks begrudging in helping you but slowly his features soften at your tears, he looks at the tattered book in your hand, at the faint smudge of a shoe print.
"Who...Carver did this?" he growls and you nod still seething but the anger is ebbing away to sadness.
"I've had that book since I was nine and I know I can buy a new one but it's not the same, I hate him and I hate his stupid bullshit king title. He's an asshole and his group of Neanderthal friends and he can't even get the name of D&D right and I miss...'' you swallow and Eddie's anger melts away, his gaze intent on you.
"What do you miss?" he asks softly and you figure you've already spilled out some secrets so why not indulge one more.
"I miss Hellfire and I miss y...everyone" you hurriedly say and hope Eddie didn't notice the slip ''but everyone hates me now"
Eddie gently hands you back your books and you thank him. He's silent for a moment then speaks up.
"Everyone misses you too" he is about to walk away when you stop him. Your heart is racing but you have to be sure.
"Everyone?" you confirm and he knows what you're asking, if everyone includes him. He nods and reaffirms what he said.
"Everyone sweetheart and one more thing... no one hates you" he walks away at that point, runs to catch up with one of the freshmen in Hellfire and steals his hat. A laugh bursts out from you as you watch Dustin? as he chases Eddie around the hallway.
Yeah, you do miss Hellfire...and Eddie.
When you get to your locker on Monday morning there's something jammed in your locker so that it isn't fully closed. When you open the locker, a book falls out and you recognise the cover immediately.
A new copy of The Hobbit. You pick the book up and hug it to your chest, eyes sparkling with tears. You know exactly who left it in your locker but the little note of crumpled-up paper falls out.
It's clearly ripped from a Dungeon Masters notebook. All that's on it is a small message in a messy scrawl but it makes your heart skip several beats anyway.
Since Carver ruined the first copy, I thought you might want another.
E M 🖤
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heartbreak-sandwich ¡ 1 year
💌Red Letters to Nowhere💌
A/N: This is the first chapter of my Stepbrother! Billy Hargrove x Mayfield! Reader fic! There will be many, MANY more flashbacks and encounters with other characters (Steve Harrington x Reader, Nancy Wheeler x Reader, and Eddie Munson x Reader to name a few) and some other relationship mentions throughout (like Harringrove and Hellcheer!). I hope you enjoy reading as much as I have writing. 💕
Read on Ao3 ❤️‍🔥 Chapter 2 📖 Master List 🌈
💌CHAPTER ONE: Move-In Day💌
Hawkins, Indiana. You’d never heard of it. To make matters more nerve wracking, you, your mom, and your little sister, Max, were moving to the middle of nowhere to shack up with her new husband and his son. You had met Neil Hargrove a few times when he came to visit from California, and he seemed nice enough. That’s the keyword – seemed. There was something intense about him that made you uneasy, and Max agreed that even though your mom seemed to be head over heels for the mustached, steam pressed, ordinary tryhard of a man, the two of you would keep a calculated distance from him pending further review.
The car ride was excruciatingly long, and you and Max each had your own walkman to keep you company, trading tapes every so often and sharing whatever snacks you could snag at the last gas station you happened upon. Your mom didn’t seem to realize the two of you were immersed in your high-volume music as you watched her lips move, undoubtedly chattering away about all of the fun features of the new town you were doomed to spend the impending school year in. Max rolled her eyes and shifted in her seat, her gaze drifting out the window and eventually coming to a close for yet another nap after receiving the report from your mom of “Only two more hours until we’re there!”
Deciding the only thing more painful than dreading the uncertainty of where you were headed was actually hearing confirmations of the bleak outlook to be endured, you decided to follow Max’s lead, eyes closing, letting the sounds of Alice Cooper lull you into the last nap you would take on your way to your new home in Hawkins.
“And these are your new sisters,” Neil explained with no trace of enthusiasm to his son in the driveway of your new home. “Billy, don’t be rude. Shake hands,” he instructed sternly.
Billy held out his right hand for you to take, his jaw clenched, expression unchanging as he let out a flat, “Welcome home.” His handshake was firm, and he didn’t make eye contact with you or Max as he stood before you.
“Thanks,” you replied, testing a small smile. Again, his expression didn’t soften.
“Why don’t you go help Susan with some of the boxes,” Neil muttered to Billy, the stern coldness in his eyes revealing that this was more of a command than a suggestion.
“Yes, sir,” Billy responded, already stepping down the driveway toward your mom’s car.
Once Billy was out of earshot, Neil turned to you and your sister and put on his best impression of a smile. “I hope the drive wasn’t too long for you girls,” he offered.
“It was okay,” you answered him, attempting to mirror the almost smile. The three of you basked in the awkwardness before Max piped up with a question.
“Will we be sharing a room?” She already knew the answer because your mom wouldn’t shut up about how excited the two of you should be to get your own bedrooms for the first time in your lives.
“Not at all,” Neil answered almost cheerfully. “Why don’t I show you two around, and you can get settled while we bring in your things?” Neil held out an arm, gesturing toward the front door of your new home, and you and Max trudged forward with your backpacks and snacks in tow.
The house wasn’t large, but it was more than you were used to, coming from the two bedroom, one bathroom townhome you had shared with your mother and sister for the last six years. Four bedrooms, – one for you, Max, Billy, and your mom and Neil – two bathrooms, a fireplace, and a separate kitchen, living room, and dining area. You even had your own yard complete with a tire swing, and you knew that would be a big bonus for Max.
“I hope you won’t mind sharing a bathroom with Billy,” Neil sighed almost apologetically. “He keeps things clean, so you won’t have to worry about that. But if you have any trouble at all with him, you just let me know.” Neil’s eyes were icy and cold as he spoke, his teeth gritting together at the end of his sentence. You were a bit taken aback at how he talked about his own son.
“What…kind of trouble?” His expression softened immediately, and he tried again at his smile.
“Well, you know, boys will be boys. He’s a good kid, but sometimes his attitude needs some…adjusting,” he explained.  “I’ll be outside helping your mother. If you need anything, don’t be shy.” Neil rapped a couple of times on the doorframe and exited your new room. You felt all tension dissipate the moment he was gone, and you took the time to glance around your new space. You had enough room for all of your posters. A queen size bed rested in one corner with shelves above it, a full size closet at the end of the bed, and a window with a desk underneath it on the wall opposite the sleeping corner - perfect for studying after school. You could get used to this.
You were pulled from your thoughts with the muffled clatter of a box being set on the wooden floor beside your bed. Turning around, your eyes met his for the first time. You couldn’t help but notice he looked almost…scared?
“Sorry. I’ll be more careful with the next one.” Billy’s hands turned to fists at his sides, thumbs fidgeting over his knuckles, his jaw clenching at the close of his words. His appearance was unlike any guy you’d ever seen in person before.
He looked like something out of the cover art of one of your mom’s romance novels she always had tucked away in a spot she thought you and your sister wouldn’t think to look. His blonde, shoulder length curls were carefully coiffed into one of those trendy mullet styles, plush pink lips outlined a perfectly white smile, his skin still golden from the California sun, and his eyes sparkled cerulean like the surface of the ocean with a depth you couldn’t quite reach. You could tell he was stacked and muscular through his clothes, and his jawline was sharp enough to cut glass. Still, there was something about him that seemed on edge.
“Don’t worry about it,” you reassured. “I don’t think there’s anything breakable in there.” He nodded in acknowledgement and turned to exit your room. “So,” you called after him, “what’s the high school like?” You just wanted him to know you were approachable and that you had no intention of making his life Hell, especially since you were all forced to exist in the same house from now on.
“Probably worse than you’re imagining,” Billy scoffed, turning slightly back towards you. When he noticed your nerves amping up at his comment, he sighed. “It’s not that bad. Small, easy to find your way around, and everyone is…nice enough, I guess.”
“Oh, that’s good. I’ve never gone to a new school before, so I’m probably just overthinking it,” you admitted, finally slipping your backpack off and letting it plop down on the bed. Billy turned to fully face you again, his hands in his pockets, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine. Plus, you’ll know at least one person. And if anyone tries to give you shit, tell them they can answer to me.” You weren’t sure what that meant, but it did make you feel a bit more confident about your upcoming first day at Hawkins High.
“Uh, okay. Well, thanks for that.” You breathed out a small laugh, and Billy’s smirk bloomed into a smile.
“Don’t mention it,” he drawled before giving you a wink and disappearing back into the hallway to fetch another load of boxes. You didn’t have time to process the fact that you’re pretty sure your new step brother just winked at you before Max poked her head around the corner of your doorframe.
“Hey,” she whispered, catching your attention. “What did he want?” She looked back toward the hallway where Billy had just retreated, and you motioned for her to come in.
“He was just bringing some stuff in, so I asked him about the school.” Max was invested now, also having expressed her worry of starting in a new class already a month into the school year.
“What did he say?”
“Mixed review, really,” you answered, both of your expressions changing to that of confusion.
“Okay…well, do you know what to expect at all?”
“Not really. But he did say if anyone messed with me to tell them they could answer to him.” Max’s eyes widened.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She sat down on your bed, shuffling the toes of her shoes on the floor below.
“No idea,” you answered, meeting her gaze.
“Great.” Max sighed and stood up once more. “I guess I’ll start unpacking my new room.” She fluttered her eyelashes, hands waving in mock excitement. You laughed, knowing she was doing her best sarcastic impression of your mom gushing about your new home. You both rolled your eyes before she giggled and made her way back down the hallway to her own space.
Your first dinner was awkward, to say the least. Neil had ordered a pizza for everyone since your bandwagon arrived close to mid afternoon, and your mom didn’t have time to cook a full meal even though she insisted she didn’t mind. You rushed to the door to help Billy bring in the boxes from the delivery boy who he happened to know from school.
“Troy, this is my …” he hesitated, breaking eye contact with the boy on the doorstep and looking down at the ground with a sigh, “new sister, Y/N.” You smiled tentatively, and offered a half wave, taking a couple of boxes off the top of the stack from Troy.
“Troy Holstad. Nice to meet you,” he obliged before giving Billy a perplexed look. Billy nodded once curtly and took the remainder of the boxes from Troy before waving him off with a “see you at school,” and closing the door. He nudged your arm to get your attention and spoke softly.
“There you go. Now you know two people,” he reasoned, beaming at you before shuffling back toward the dining room and adjusting his expression back to that of a sullen teenager. Billy carefully set the boxes down in the middle of the dining table, and you did the same. Everyone thumbed through the different boxtops to find the flavors they wanted, your mom and Neil opting for supreme while Max grabbed two slices of pepperoni, and you and Billy each took a slice of Hawaiian.
“So, Y/N, your mother tells me this is the start of your senior year,” Neil declared, his voice resonating in the silence of the dining room.
“Yeah, it is,” you replied around a mouthful of melted cheese and pineapple topping. You felt uneasy in your stomach when Neil glared daggers at you, looking up from his plate where he was using a knife and fork to cut his pizza. He sighed audibly as his nostrils flared and started again.
“Y/N, I know this is new for you, and we haven’t had much of a chance to talk about rules and expectations. In my house, we operate on a system that upholds the home and the image of the people in it appropriately. What is that system, Billy?” Billy sat up straighter in his chair, not looking up from his plate as his father addressed him..
“Respect and responsibility,” he recited, his voice almost shaking as his jaw tightened once more.
“That’s right,” Neil agreed. “Now that you’re a part of our family, you’ll learn to respect your elders and develop a keen sense of responsibility, just like the good, caring, all-American kids I know you can be.” Neil’s hard smile appeared below his mustache as he continued. “First of all, we address our elders with courtesy. When I ask you a question, you respond accordingly. Isn’t that right, Billy?”
“Yes, sir,” he muttered, his eyes still glued to his plate.
“I’m sorry,” Neil hissed. “I couldn’t hear you.” He leaned closer to the table, eyes searing into Billy as he awaited his response. Billy straightened up even more, his eyes snapping up to meet his father’s.
“Yes, sir,” his voice ricocheted in the dining room this time, his face flushing as everyone soaked in the awkward silence. You caught Max’s eye and noticed she looked afraid and perplexed as your mother kept her gaze on Neil, trying to seem like she was listening intently to him.
“See, girls, Billy knows the drill. If you have any questions, I’m sure he can straighten them out for you. I know you’re not used to this whole thing, having a man of the house, but you’ll adjust.” Neil gestured to the pizza on the table, his smile still active as he announced, “Let’s eat!” Max looked up at you from the corner of her eye, and you shook your head slightly, signaling for her not to say anything as you took another bite of your pizza. You side eyed Billy whose gaze seemed far away as he quickly finished his dinner.
“May I be excused,” Billy asked with perfect posture, taking the napkin from his lap and piling his used utensils on his plate.
“Yes you may.” Neil waved Billy off as he stood up, pushed in his chair, and took his plate to the kitchen to be washed.
You felt anxious as you saw Neil eyeing Max while she ate, and you held your breath as he spoke again.
“Tomorrow, we’ll practice using a fork, young lady,” he said sternly as Max’s cheeks burned, embarrassed to be holding her pizza at that exact moment. Neil paused and tilted an ear in her direction, hinting that he was expecting a reply.
“Y – yes, sir,” she choked out quickly, setting her pizza back down on her plate. Your mother cleared her throat and started asking Neil more about the school, the town, and how his new job was going. You let the two of them chat away as you gave Max a worried look, seeing her pick up her knife and fork to cut out a bite of her pizza. You stood up and grabbed your plate and jumped, the sound of a fist pounding on the dining table startling you off your feet. Your mom and Max gasped simultaneously as you met Neil’s eyes.
“Where do you think you’re going, Y/N?” You caught your breath and stuttered in response.
“I – I’m sorry. May I be excused?” You looked at your mom in panic, but she averted her eyes, looking at anything but the situation before her.
“That’s better.” Neil smiled again. “Of course. Don’t forget to clean your plate.”
“Thank you…sir.” You glanced at Max once more, hoping she would follow suit so she wouldn’t be yelled at. You hurried to the kitchen, rinsing your plate in the sink and setting it out on the dish rack to dry. You steadied your breathing as the tension melted away now that you weren’t in a close proximity to Neil. 
After the awkward and almost frightening dinner, all you wanted to do was talk to your sister. You knew she would be looking for an escape after enduring Neil’s intensity, so you put on your coat and grabbed your paperback copy of The Outsiders, leaving the house through the front door.
You shuffled through the dried leaves across the lawn to the only tree in the yard and perched yourself on the tire swing, propping your feet up and opening your book to your marked page. A few lines in, you heard a clanging sound followed by a sigh, and your eyes followed the noise over to a blue Camaro with the hood up. Billy was standing over the engine, using the back of his hand to swipe stray curls out of his eyes, a dirty rag draped over his shoulder.
He didn’t seem to notice you were there as he worked, tinkering with a wrench, grunting and sighing every so often. You pretended to carry on reading while you watched him work. After all, looking wasn’t a crime, and he was quite the sight to see. After a few more minutes, he set his wrench on the edge of the Camaro’s hood and grasped the hem of his sweat-speckled t-shirt with both hands, lifting it up and over his head, tossing it on the roof of his car. Your cheeks turned scarlet at the sight of his toned chest and chiseled abs sparkling with a sheen of sweat in the crisp October air.
Your gaze snapped to your book quickly, and you glued your eyes to the words on the page, determined not to look up again. Your heart hammered in your chest, and you swore you could hear the blood flowing in your ears when a voice startled you.
“Hey, are you okay?” You jolted upright at Max’s question.
“Jesus, you scared the shit out of me,” you breathed.
“Sorry. Are you okay?” She repeated her question, concern behind her bright blue eyes. “You look really flushed.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” you answered, forcing yourself to keep your eyes far away from where Billy was working on his car. “What about you?” Max used the ropes of the swing to lift herself up, and you moved aside to make room for her on the tire.
“I’m fine. What the hell is up with him?” Max looked almost afraid while the two of you recounted Neil’s strange behavior at dinner, coming to the conclusion that this move might not have been for the best like your mom kept insisting.
“All we can do is follow the rules and stay out of his way, I guess,” you sigh, feeling defeated. “I don’t know how far he’ll go, but Billy seems to be pretty scared of him,” you almost whisper, leaning in closer to Max. She glanced over at Billy who was still fixated on his car.
“A guy that big scared of his dad? I don’t even want to think about why,” she shuddered, her eyes dropping to the ground.
“Hey.” You touched her shoulder, and she looked up at you. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Got it?” She gave you a small smile, nodding her understanding, but you could see the anxiety behind her eyes. “We’re going to be okay.”
“I know,” she assured you. You smiled at her and grabbed the ropes of the swing to climb out of the tire. Tossing your book onto a pile of leaves next to the tree, you stood behind Max and gripped the ropes as you walked the tire backwards before giving it a hard push. Max giggled as she swung back and forth, spinning slow circles and crying out, “You’re going to make me dizzy!”
The two of you laughed together as the sun started to set on the town of Hawkins, Indiana, and even though you weren’t sure what the coming days would hold, you knew you had each other to ease the burdensome future in your new home with your new family.
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hellotherekenobi ¡ 2 years
💌 blurb prompt 22 with eddie munson pretty please!
22. falling asleep on the other’s shoulder [x]
Movie nights are a weekly thing for you and Eddie, alternating between your home and his. Tonight, sitting on his bed, you had told him you were too tired for a film, so you asked if he could read to you instead.
The way he lit up, you’d swear the bulbs would have blown out.
He’s halfway through Frodo waking up in Rivendell when he feels a weight against his shoulder and about freezes in his spot, shutting up instantly. Very slowly and carefully, he turns his head to see that you’ve dozed off and on him of all places.
Eddie has never considered himself a very courageous person. Sure, he’s outlandish and extroverted, but he gets nervous over even the smallest things.
It just so happens to be that tonight, his heart is currently racing over the fact that you’re asleep on his shoulder, warming him up from the inside out that he’s sure his cheeks are pink.
“I guess it’s just me and the wise Elrond, huh?” He mutters, swaying the book in his hand.
Even still, he can’t help but smile at your sleeping figure or the fact that you feel comfortable enough around him to fall asleep in the first place. And he’ll be the quietest metalhead in the world so that he doesn’t wake you.
He already knows it, though he’ll never admit it aloud, that the beating in his chest is not out of nerves but because if there’s one thing he loves more than The Lord of The Rings, it’s you.
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
eddie tying his hair up so he can do some skincare with the reader
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
like uncle, like nephew: chapter three
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summary: eddie and the reader go on their first date. pairing: single dad!eddie munson x gn!reader word count: 1533 warnings: none, just fluff here!
series masterlist | prev . next 
a/n: the date feels a little rushed </3
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Eddie never pictured himself going on a potential date with anyone. He had Frankie to take care of so it’s not like he could go off and go on several dates. If he was going to date someone, he’d want it to be serious. He couldn’t have Frankie getting hurt if he got attached to someone and then they just got up and left. Wayne kept encouraging him to get out into the dating scene. But he could never bring himself to. Until he met [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N]. He thought dreamily. He already felt enamoured with them. Which felt crazy to him. And he had Frankie to thank. If he hadn’t wandered off, then Eddie might not have met them.
They had conversed with one another over the phone for the past few weeks. Eddie wanted to get to know them a bit more before he made the move to ask them on a date. His approach was completely different to what he would have done if he didn’t have a son. He of course, loved Frankie so him going about it this way is something he did not mind at all.
“So… I was thinking…” Eddie was preparing himself for the long awaited question. "Do you want to-”
“Dad.” Frankie interrupted. He had wandered over to Eddie and reached out for his hand that wasn't holding the phone.
“What’s up, buddy?” He let his son hold his hand in his as he gave his full attention to him. He made a quick note to himself to apologise to [Y/N].
Frankie started to play with the rings on Eddie’s left hand before he spoke again. “‘M hungry.”
“I’ll go and fix you something, okay? Let me just wrap up this call first, buddy.”
The child nodded his head before he went off to wash his hands. It amazed Eddie at how he could be so independent at times. He was growing up so fast.
“Sorry about that.” Eddie spoke back into the phone.
“It’s fine, honestly.” [Y/N] couldn’t help but smile.
“I’ll call you again later?”
“Sounds perfect. Say hi to Frankie for me?”
“Will do. Bye, sweetheart.”
“Talk to you soon.” Their heart skipped a beat at the pet name.
Eddie knew that he should have asked the question then and there but he still felt like he had to gather up the courage a little and he had no idea how long it would take him to utter those words. The 27 year old walked into the kitchen intent on making his son his current lunch obsession. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Eddie would ask [Y/N] out on a date soon. They had been taking things slow so far.
“Did you cut off the crusts?” Frankie asked as if he didn’t get his crusts cut off every single time.
“Of course I did.” Eddie answered. He showed off the plate with a flourish which drew a giggle out from Frankie.
“Thank you, dad.”
Eddie ruffled Frankie’s hair in response, he loved little moments like this. It made him love being a dad even more each time.
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A few days had passed and Eddie had finally asked [Y/N] on a date. So far everything had gone perfectly, he had a table booked for them at Enzo’s, Wayne was able to babysit Frankie for him and [Y/N] had said yes to the date. But that of course didn’t last. He had Wayne apologising that he couldn’t babysit Frankie any more, he got called into work at the last minute and there was no one else to cover. Eddie wasn’t mad of course. He just hoped that [Y/N] didn’t mind that Frankie was joining their date. Especially since he couldn’t find anyone to babysit at the last minute.
“Dad.” Frankie started. “Can I dress nice? We’re going to a nice restaurant, right?”
Eddie looked at the clock and saw that if Frankie did change, then they would end up being late. He couldn’t bring himself to refuse those puppy dog eyes though. Whenever he finds himself falling victim to those eyes, he realises that this is how Wayne must have felt when Eddie was younger and did the exact same thing.
“Come on then, buddy.”
Meanwhile, [Y/N] waited outside of Enzo’s for Eddie. He was running a little late which worried them a little. They didn’t think that he was one for ditching on a date though. Unless of course there was something related to Frankie that had come up. They wouldn’t blame him if that was the case. Eddie ran up to them suddenly with a laughing Frankie dangled from his arms.
“Sorry. Wayne got called in at the last minute and no one else was able to babysit Frankie.” Eddie explained, each word fell out of his lips faster than the last. “And then he wanted to get changed into something nice.”
“I’m not a baby.” Frankie quietly said.
“I know you’re not, buddy.” Eddie lightly poked him in the stomach as he spoke. “But you’re too young to stay by yourself.”
“It’s okay, Eddie,” [Y/N] assured him with a smile. “How could I refuse to have dinner with two handsome gentlemen?”
Eddie and Frankie beamed at their words. They looked completely identical to one another at that moment. 
“Shall we go in?” Eddie asked. Which was answered with a nod by [Y/N].
When they were all seated, Eddie took in [Y/N]’s appearance for the first time. They looked so stunning. He found his mouth opening and closing a few times before he finally found the words he wanted to say.
“You look so breath taking.” He whispered.
“Thank you.” They smiled. “You don’t look too bad yourself, Eddie.”
He was dressed in a black button up, no tie of course. The first few buttons were undone, exposing a chain necklace, there was something hanging from it but they couldn’t see it clearly enough. He was also wearing a black pair of trousers. His signature rings were also donning his fingers. His curls were pulled back into a loose ponytail, a few strands of hair at the front hung loosely. [Y/N] had no idea whether it was done intentionally or not. His chin, jaw and upper lip was covered in stubble, meaning that he hadn’t shaved in a few days. To [Y/N], he looked so fucking hot.
“What can I get for you?” A waiter asked, having appeared from nowhere.
“I’ll have the chicken alfredo, please.” Eddie answered.
“Spaghetti bolognaise… Please.” Frankie ordered.
Eddie felt so proud of him for ordering. Usually he would get a little shy and whisper his order to Eddie who would then relay it to the waiter. Finally, [Y/N] gave their order to the waiter, and everyone decided on what drinks they wanted to have with their meal.
Whilst they waited for their meal, Eddie moved his hand so it lightly held [Y/N]’s under the table. It felt natural to do so. He only hoped that they didn’t… His trail of thought got cut off when they squeezed his hand. Eddie looked down at the table with a smile. They stayed like that until the waiter returned.
“Careful, buddy.” Eddie softly said when they had finally dug into their food. “You’re getting sauce everywhere.”
Without thinking, [Y/N] leaned over with a napkin and began to gently wipe away at his face. Frankie giggled and tried to turn his head away. Eddie came to the rescue, well not to save Frankie, and started to wipe his son’s face as well. Laughs and smiles escaped the group. People from other tables watched in awe at what they thought was a little family.
The rest of the evening was spent in smiles and laughs. This had been the best date [Y/N] had ever been on. Eddie genuinely seemed like a nice guy and they were glad that they met him. They hoped that he wanted to go on more dates with them in the future.
They stood outside Enzo’s, feeling like two teenagers as they awkwardly tried to find the right words to say. Both of their hearts felt like they were going to burst out of their chest. Frankie sleepily stood next to Eddie and rested his head against his body. His dad moved his hand to gently play with his hair.
“I had a great time tonight. Thank you.” [Y/N] finally said, breaking the silence between them. They gathered up the courage and leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to Eddie’s cheek. They then ruffled Frankie’s hair.
“So you wouldn’t mind… going on another one?” Eddie nervously asked.
“I would love to go on another one, Eddie.”
“Great!” He resisted the urge to dance around in celebration. “I’ll call you!”
They all said their goodbyes to one another and walked over to their own cars. Smiles stayed plastered on both Eddie’s and [Y/N]’s faces. They still couldn’t believe that they actually went on a date with one another.
“Come on. Let’s get you home, buddy.” He whispered to the sleepy four year old.
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
you shouldn't have done that [smut]
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summary: the reader disobeys eddie and faces the consequences. [requested by @edzmunsonswife ] pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 1073 warnings: minors dni !!!!! smut, dom!eddie, sub!reader, unprotected sex (wrap it up !!), mean!eddie, brat!reader, spanking, choking, degrading, sir kink, eddie slaps readers cheek once.
masterlist | ao3
Eddie was furious. He couldn’t believe that [Y/N] had the audacity to not listen to him. He specifically told her not to go to that party. He didn’t want her around those vultures who called themselves men. Eddie wasn’t going to be there to keep an eye on [Y/N] at the party so he didn’t want her to go. It was that simple.
But did she listen? No. She fucking snuck out.
Eddie had a tight, almost bruising, grip on [Y/N]’s wrist as he dragged her to his van. He was originally going to punish her in the back of the van once he got to their usual secluded location. One that they used for sexual activities of course. But [Y/N] just couldn’t keep her hands to herself. She tried to jerk him off whilst he was driving. She even battered those pretty lashes of hers. He refused to give in.
Now, she was laying across his lap completely naked in his room. Eddie rubbed his ring decorated hand against [Y/N]’s ass. He brought his hand back and harshly spanked her behind. The metal of his rings added to the pain and pleasure. [Y/N] couldn’t help but moan.
“You’re such a bitch.” Eddie said. “I told you not to go to that party. And what did you do? Go to that party parading yourself about like a little slut in that tiny dress of yours. You may as well have been naked!” 
[Y/N] received a second spank. Then a third. Then a fourth and so on until both of her ass cheeks were decorated with a deep shade of red. [Y/N] moaned each time she received a slap. She couldn’t help it! It just turned her on so bad. Especially when Eddie’s rings added to the pleasure.
“Look at you, getting all soaked from a little spanking. Fucking slut.” Eddie spat out as he brought his hand down for another spank.
“Eddie! Please! Need you so bad!” [Y/N] stuttered out with tears running down her cheeks.
“No. You don’t get to make demands.” Eddie brought his hand down to [Y/N]’s pussy and gave it a harsh spank. “And you don’t get to call me Eddie. Understand? It’s sir to you.”
“Yes, sir!”
“Fucking get up.” Eddie pushed [Y/N] off of his lap and onto the floor.
[Y/N] scrambled to get up on her feet. And then she just stood there, looking at Eddie dumbly. He scoffed at the sight.
“Do I have to do everything here?” Eddie growled out. He was beginning to lose the last remaining shred of patience he had. “Get on the bed. On your back.”
Once she had laid on Eddie’s bed, [Y/N] spread her legs and Eddie just stared as he finally began to undress himself. [Y/N] couldn’t wait any longer and she brought the fingers down to her pussy, wanting to continue the pleasure.
“Stop.” Eddie commanded as he ripped her hand away from her pussy. “I can’t believe you. Can you not even wait a few seconds for me to fuck you? Fucking whore. Do you think your fingers can satisfy you better than my dick?”
“N..No! I only need your dick, sir! Please!” [Y/N] rambled. “Need your big dick to fuck me!”
Eddie stayed silent as he slammed his dick into [Y/N]’s pussy. Garbled nonsense left [Y/N]’s mouth as Eddie thrust his hips back and forth. His dick felt so fucking good and [Y/N] couldn’t help but let out a series of loud moans, accompanied by her earlier garbed nonsense, that filled the room along with the slaps of skin against skin.
Eddie decided to tease [Y/N] and completely stopped moving. It kind of gave him a power trip seeing her face fall when his thrusts had ceased. He loved how she tried to move her own hips to get back the pleasure she had just lost.
“Ed- Sir! Please move! Need you so bad!” [Y/N] begged.
“Do you really deserve it though?” Eddie asked. “You’ve been a bad girl, baby. That kind of behaviour doesn’t go unpunished.”
“But you already spanked me!” [Y/N] pouted.
Eddie brought a hand around [Y/N]’s neck and began to choke her. “With what you’ve been doing tonight, you need a lot more than a couple of spanks.”
[Y/N] gasped out loud once her airway was cut off. Eddie began his thrusts again. He relished in how her pussy felt so tight and warm around his dick. How it occasionally clenched around him wherever she felt particularly good. Eddie loosened the hand he had around [Y/N]’s neck once she looked like she was going to pass out and moved it so he gripped her jaw.
“Open your mouth.” Eddie commanded. 
[Y/N] opened her mouth, slightly delirious from her previous lack of air. Eddie spat into her mouth and she swallowed his spit with little to no hesitation. Eddie released his grip on her jaw and gently patted her cheek.
“Good girl.” Eddie praised. “But I don’t think I told you to swallow it, hm?” 
“‘M sorry, sir.” [Y/N] pathetically apologised.
“I’ll forgive you.” Eddie decided to play nice. Only for a few seconds though. “Just this once.”
Eddie moved his grip back on to [Y/N]’s jaw as his thrusts became more frantic. He focused on bringing himself to his own release rather than making [Y/N] cum. She didn’t deserve to. She was lucky enough that Eddie was cumming inside of her. Eddie groaned loudly as he came. His cum dripped out from [Y/N]’s pussy and onto Eddie’s bed sheet once he pulled out.
“What about me, sir?” [Y/N] wondered. “I haven’t cum yet!”
“You don’t get to cum, slut.” Eddie harshly spoke.
“Please! Eddie!” [Y/N] begged with tears in her eyes.
Eddie lightly slapped [Y/N]’s cheek. “What did I say, hm? I told you to call me sir, didn’t I? How am I meant to let you cum if you can’t follow simple commands?”
“But sir-”
“No buts. You’re not cumming. End of discussion.”
This might have been cruel of Eddie. But it’s what [Y/N] deserved. Maybe this will make her think twice about sneaking out to a party Eddie told her not to go to.
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
like uncle, like nephew: chapter one
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summary: frankie, eddie’s son, runs off in search for his favourite flavour of ice cream. pairing: single dad!eddie munson x gn!reader word count: 949
series masterlist | next part
a/n: had to get roped into the single dad!eddie trope - 
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Eddie swears he was paying attention to little Frankie whilst they were out on their weekly grocery trip. He even had his hand holding his incredibly smaller hand as well. And yet the four year old still managed to slip away. He must have walked away when he let his hand go. But that was only for a second!
“Shit. I mean- Fuck!” Eddie whispered loudly. He tried so hard not to swear. He had gotten into the habit of substituting the words when he had taken Frankie in but in his panic, he couldn’t help but swear.
How could he have not noticed? He’s a good dad. He swears it! He began to panic. What if he never saw Frankie again? What if everyone points and whispers about how much of a bad dad he is? They’ve been waiting for him to mess up and now it’s happened! And he swore he would never be like his dad but here he was! With a missing child.
“Frankie?” Eddie calls out as he looks down each aisle, completely abandoning his cart. So far all of them were Frankie-less.
This was not good.
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Meanwhile, [Y/N] was in the freezer aisle, debating on what flavour of ice cream they should get this time round. They were so deep in thought that they almost didn’t feel the tiny hand that tugged at their trouser leg. They looked down confused.
“Are you okay?” [Y/N] asked.
“I like the rocky road.” The boy said. Their question was completely ignored. “It’s my favourite.”
“Is it now?”  They tried not to laugh at his bluntness. “Where are your parents, kiddo?”
“Dad’s in another aisle.”
“And you left him?”
“I wanted ice cream.”
“Right…” Their words dragged out. How else were they supposed to respond? “What if we go and find-”
“Frankie!” A man’s voice cut in.
The owner of the voice, [Y/N] presumed that this was the child's dad, ran down to the end of the aisle and swooped Frankie up into his arms. A breath of relief left his lips as he hugged him.
“You scared me, buddy.” He placed Frankie on the floor again and crouched down with his hands on his tiny shoulders. “Where did you go? Did someone take you?”
“No.” Frankie answered quietly. “I wanted to get some ice cream…”
“Let me know next time, yeah?” He says seriously, though a smile made its way onto his face. He couldn’t bring himself to be that mad. Especially when he looked so adorable.
He gave his son’s hair a ruffle before he stood up again. He then finally noticed someone else was standing near Frankie. His mouth opened and closed a few times. He felt a little embarrassed all of a sudden.
“Sorry.” He licked his lips, finally able to get his words out. “I hope he didn’t bother you?”
“He didn’t.” They said with a smile. “He was just telling me about his favourite ice cream flavour-”
“Rocky road.” They both said at the same time.
They both began to laugh at the same time. Frankie stood closer to Eddie and rested his head on his side. He immediately brought a hand to his son’s head and started to rub the top of it.
“Yeah, the little rascal practically begs for it every time we come to the store.” He teased.
“It’s good.” Frankie chimed in.
“Well, I'll have to get it then.” They said with a smile, immediately searching for a carton to put in their cart.
Frankie’s eyes lit up at their words. He started to jump up and down on the spot with a smile. [Y/N] couldn’t help but smile wider at his actions. Eddie’s eyes softened at their interaction. Not many people, specifically adults, paid any mind to Frankie. Deeming him as the “freak’s unnatural offspring”. Which was absurd. Those words stung Eddie. Sure they can make fun of him all they want. But being mean to his son? That was too far. There were some adults that were kind to Frankie but it was still refreshing to see this complete stranger treat him normally without any malice behind their words.
“I’m Eddie… Eddie Munson.” He began. “And this is Frankie.”
They introduced themselves to the father and son duo. Then, the two adults just stood there smiling at one another. Eddie found himself being drawn to them. Which he didn’t think was possible. Especially since they had only just met.
“Well, I’ll leave you both to it. It was nice to meet you.”
[Y/N] was just about to walk away when Eddie called out to them.
“Hey, could I… Could I maybe get your number?” 
He surprised himself at his words. He knows he should be careful. Especially since he had to think about Frankie whenever he wanted to potentially ask someone on a date. He didn’t want him to get too attached to anyone who might not end up sticking around. Well, it’s not like he had a huge line of people waiting to date him. No. That line was non-existent. But there was something different about [Y/N]. He felt like he could trust them.
“Sure.” [Y/N] said with a shy smile. They quickly tore off a bit of their shopping list and wrote down their number.
Eddie felt like he couldn’t close his mouth when he got handed the piece of paper. He didn’t even register them walking away, or him dumbly waving to them. Frankie huffed before he repeatedly hit his dad’s arm.
“Dad! Can we get rocky road ice cream now?” 
“Hm? Oh yeah sure. I’ll get you all the rocky road you desire, hm?”
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
like uncle, like nephew: chapter two
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summary: in which eddie finds frankie abandoned one evening. pairing: single dad!eddie munson x gn!reader word count: 1572 warnings: angst, child abandonment, child neglect, slight fluff
series masterlist | prev . next .
At age 22, Eddie felt like he was ready for anything to be thrown his way in life. It had been three years since he had finally walked across that stage to snatch his diploma from Principal Higgins. It had been a long time coming and he felt so relieved when he had found out that he would be graduating in the year of 1986. He now had one year left till he could leave Hawkins Community College, he decided to stay in Hawkins so he could stay close to his uncle. Then, he could pursue his dream of being a rock star. He couldn’t wait. He of course, would be doing this with Corroded Coffin, his band from middle and high school.
He wasn’t ready for this next particular event to be thrown his way though.
A cry broke him out of his thoughts. It was late at night and he was just coming back from hosting a campaign at Dustin Henderson’s house. At first, Eddie wanted to ignore the cry. Surely the baby’s parents would calm them down? The crying continued, the baby’s vocal cords sounded sore. It stabbed Eddie in the heart. It sounded so painful. He couldn’t just walk away. He followed the cry that seemed to be coming from an alley. He stood near a dumpster and there was the baby who shivered and cried with all of their might. Eddie himself wanted to cry. Who could have just left a defenceless baby tossed aside like some trash near the dumpster? He crouched down and his heart broke even more. The baby couldn’t have been older than a few weeks and they looked so thin. He started to notice a foul smell coming from them. He was pretty sure it was shit. His heart shattered.
“Jesus H Christ.” Eddie whispered as he rubbed his eyes.
He took off his jacket without any hesitation. He picked the baby up, their arms waving wildly as they continued to cry. Eddie gently wrapped them up in his jacket and stood up again.
“It’s okay, buddy.” He quietly soothed them. “I’m here.”
Eddie stood up again and gently rocked the baby. He wanted to fight whoever had abandoned them. But right now, his first priority was to take care of them. He hadn’t brought his van with him, wanting to walk to Dustin’s rather than drive tonight. Not like he’d be able to drive it back with a baby. Especially since he hasn’t got a car seat for them. He had no need for one after all.
Walking as fast as he could, Eddie rushed back home. Hopefully he’d be able to catch Wayne before he left. He would know how to take care of a baby right? He wasn’t going to dump the baby in Wayne’s arms though and call it a day. He wasn’t like his dad. No, he was going to care for them. He just needed to look to his uncle for a few pointers.
The baby had started to calm down. They then snuggled up against his chest and began to coo. Eddie felt his heart swell up with love. Especially when their eyes began to open.
“Hey, buddy. Feeling better?” He asked.
The baby then sneezed cutely and a bit of snot dripped down their nose. Eddie didn’t know that a baby could be this cute. He didn’t have a tissue with him, so with the sleeve of his shirt, he carefully wiped their nose with a smile. And with that, he continued to rush home.
Wayne’s brow furrowed when he saw Eddie walk into their trailer. He was just about to leave for work but stopped in his tracks when he saw the bundle in his arms.
“What have you got there?” He asked his nephew.
“A baby.” Eddie answered like it was the most simple thing in the world.
“A baby?”
“I found them near a dumpster.” His voice was small. He knew Wayne wouldn’t refuse shelter to the baby. He just suddenly realised how serious what he had done was.
“Right.” Wayne found himself rubbing his eyes just like Eddie had done so earlier.
He wasn’t mad at his nephew. No. He was proud of him. How could he not? He had done the exact same thing he had done when Eddie was younger. Though, he hadn’t found him abandoned by a dumpster but rather left behind in a trailer. Wayne knew that his brother was a piece of shit but he didn’t think he’d ever leave Eddie abandoned in their trailer. The boy’s hair was matted and he was all skin and bones. Wayne didn’t know why it took him so long to go and visit his brother and Eddie. He should have known that something was up when his brother went radio silent. He only wishes that he had done so sooner.
“I’ll call in sick and get some supplies.” Wayne said.
Eddie nodded in response, no words came out of his mouth. He turned his attention back to the baby in his arms. He decided that he should wash them up as best as he could. He wouldn’t be able to use his shampoo or body wash. It wouldn’t do well on the baby’s skin.
With Wayne gone, he got an unused tub. It was big enough to fit them in with no trouble. He continued to hold the baby as he ran them a makeshift bath. When it was done, he began to get them undressed. He felt tears coming to his eyes when he saw how bad the situation was. There was so much shit in the nappy. He still couldn’t believe that there were people out there who would just abandon their child.
“A boy, hm?” Eddie thought for a moment before he whispered. “I’m going to call you Frankie. And don’t worry, I’ll do everything to take care of you.”
When Wayne had returned, Eddie washed and bathed Frankie. He had already gotten the shit off of him but he still needed to be washed with body soap and shampoo meant for a baby. He did so with such care and gentleness he didn’t think was possible in a tub filled with fresh water. With Frankie washed and dressed, the baby began to smile. He felt a lot more comfortable now. He even reached his hands out for Eddie when he laid him down for a quick moment.
“Already attached to me, huh?” He teased with a smile as he held him again with a bottle of milk now in his hands. “That’s okay, I’ve gotten attached to you too.”
Wayne had shown his nephew how to make a bottle for Frankie. He watched with eager eyes, wanting to commit this all to memory on the first go so he didn’t have to rely on Wayne too much. He rubbed the nipple of the bottle against Frankie’s lips encouraging him to eat. Without any hesitation, he immediately started to suck the bottle. Eddie watched in awe as he did so. After a few moments, Frankie moved to grip at one of Eddie’s fingers.
Eddie felt so proud at that moment. He felt accepted by him. Which was strange seeing as he was the one who took Frankie in. He knew right in that moment that he would never abandon him. He wasn’t going to be like his father. Though, he still worried that he would eventually turn out like him.
Frankie almost slept through the whole night. He only woke up once, which surprised Eddie since he thought that he would end up waking up a lot more. Perhaps he finally felt like he was safe.
“What are you going to do about the kid?” Wayne asked that following morning.
Eddie sat on the couch and Wayne got to work on making breakfast and coffee. Frankie slept soundly in the young adult’s arms.
“Frankie.” Eddie whispered, being careful to not wake the baby in his arms. “His name is Frankie… Munson.”
Wayne knew that Eddie wouldn’t change his mind. He was stubborn after all.
“It will be hard, kid.” He spoke from experience. Though Frankie is a lot younger than what Eddie was when he took him in. “I’ll be here though and I’ll guide you.”
Wayne admired Eddie for taking Frankie in. Not many people would if they were in his shoes. But these two Munsons are different from everyone else. They thrive on taking in outcasts and those who got abandoned by others. First it was Wayne taking in Eddie and then Eddie with the members of The Hellfire Club and now little Frankie.
“What… What if I’m like my dad?” Eddie asked.
“You won’t be.” Wayne answered with no lie behind his words. “You know why? You took in Frankie. That’s more than he would have ever done.”
Eddie nodded, his words got stuck in his throat as he started to cry. Wayne walked over and brought him in for a side hug. The baby awoke, almost as if he had sensed his adoptive father crying. He cooed and smiled like he was trying to cheer him up. Eddie looked down at Frankie and began to smile, he wiped away his tears before he leaned down to kiss his son’s forehead.
From that day on, Eddie Munson became a father and it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
can u write smth where reader wakes eddie up by covering his face up with kisses and caressing his face? i miss my wife and he deserves the affection🧍
morning kisses
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summary: reader wakes eddie up with kisses and teasing ensues.  pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader word count: 947 warnings: none. just fluff here !!
masterlist | ao3
It was just about 7am on a Saturday when [Y/N] woke up. They hardly ever got up at that time on the weekend. And yet here they were, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes as soon as the sun started to rise.
[Y/N] carefully turned in Eddie’s arms. Even though they had woken up early, they wanted to try and let him sleep for a moment longer. He looked so pretty, laying there as the sun hit his back. The curtains weren’t closed last night. The couple was too tired to even think about doing so. That’s probably why [Y/N] had awoken so early.
His curls were messier than usual from sleep. His pretty pink lips were parted ever so slightly. His lashes were fanned against his cheeks. Light stubble coated his lower jaw. And a few moles here and there dotted his face. In [Y/N]’s eyes, Eddie laying there fast asleep was the picture of beauty. He was still the picture of beauty when he was awake though.
[Y/N] couldn’t help themselves and reached a hand over to gently touch his face. They wondered how they got so lucky to be able to lay there in his arms and to admire his beauty whilst he slept. Their fingers gently traced along his moles. Then along his jaw. Eddie shifted slightly in his sleep, though he wasn’t completely disturbed at this point.
Even though [Y/N] was keen on letting Eddie sleep for a while longer, they had to pepper his face in kisses. Especially since he tended to wake them up that way. So it only seemed right to do so back to him. Plus, [Y/N] didn’t know how long they could go without seeing those pretty brown eyes of his.
On his nose. Kiss. His cheek. Kiss. His other cheek. Kiss. His forehead. Kiss. The corner of his mouth. Kiss. His chin. Kiss. Just above his eye. Kiss. Just above his other eye. Kiss.
“You going to kiss my lips or leave me waiting?” Eddie sleepily mumbled, his voice deep with sleep and his eyes were still closed.
“I’ll think about it.” [Y/N] teased with a grin.
“Can’t believe I’m being deprived of your love.” 
Eddie opened one eye to look at them. Their heart instantly skipped a beat at the sight of one of his brown doe eyes.
“Maybe if somebody didn’t interrupt me.”
“Too bad. Kiss me.” He demanded.
[Y/N] shook their head jokingly. Without waiting any longer, they kissed Eddie right on his lips. He gripped their waist and deepened the kiss. He even tried to sneak his tongue into their mouth.
“It’s way too early, you know.” Eddie commented once they had pulled away.
“I know.” [Y/N] replied. “We forgot to close the curtains last night. So I woke up earlier than usual.”
“And you decided to torture me with waking up early too?”
“Oh? You getting covered in kisses was torture?”
“The worst torture I’ve ever experienced.”
“So you’ve had a lot of experience with torture?”
“Poor you.”
Eddie pushed [Y/N] onto their back and hovered over them. He immediately began to nip at their neck. A few light bite marks were scattered across their neck.
“I can’t even get any real sympathy from my partner?” He asked in faux shock.
“Well do tell me what other torture you’ve experienced.”
“Let’s see… You denied me my kiss this morning, us being apart at any moment in time, you being absolutely mean to me, you not letting me be the one to wake you up with kisses. See how they all involve you?”
“So terrible.” A faux pout made its way onto [Y/N]’s lips. “What are you going to do about it?”
“I think I’ll have to cut you out of my life.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“You wouldn’t” A gasp left [Y/N]. 
“It’s my only choice.”
“There’s no other way?” [Y/N] looked up at him and tried their best to replicate the puppy eyes he always threw at them when he wanted to get his way.
“I could be persuaded with a few more kisses.”
“Oh? And I thought those kisses earlier were torture for you?”
“I didn’t say that, did I?” He asked with a grin.
[Y/N] jokingly rolled their eyes and pulled Eddie down for a kiss. He was insufferable at times. Though they still found themselves loving him. They pulled away after a few moments.
“That was only one.” 
“So needy.”
“Love me!” Eddie mumbled against their neck as he gripped their waist.
[Y/N] moved his head away from their neck. Then, the kisses began again. One on his nose, one on his cheek, can’t forget about his other cheek, one on his forehead, one on the corner of his mouth, one on his chin, one above his eye, and can’t forget about his other eye.
“Wasn’t so hard was it?” Eddie teased.
“You love me really.”
“I do.” [Y/N] blissfully sighed.
Eddie leaned down and kissed them on the lips. His own moved slowly against theirs, almost teasing them. Even though his words were teasing and poking fun at [Y/N], he meant them all in good faith. And he was glad that they were able to see that and play along.
“And I love you.” He whispered, his forehead rested against theirs.
Eddie often felt like he was the luckiest man alive when he woke up next to [Y/N]. What did he do to deserve their love and affection? Oh and can’t forget their teasing too. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
eddie giving the reader a stick and poke tattoo. his tongue sticking out in concentration 😭
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
eddie's calloused hands cupping the reader's face as he softly gazes at them before he slowly kisses them.
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
reader making them and eddie matching bracelets <3
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jadeylovesmarvelxo ¡ 4 months
Eddie Munson X Henderson! Reader
Part one
Part two
Things between you and Eddie reach boiling point.
My requests are open. Read my pinned post for what I do and don't write 💌💞
After a long day at school all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and zone out for a while, do something relaxing and fun.
That thought excited you until you saw a familiar van parked outside your house. A feeling of dread creeps over you and your suspicions are confirmed when you head inside and there he is Eddie Munson is sitting on your couch and charming your mother.
Dustin is hanging on every word he says, Eddie looks up and smirks when you clear your throat.
"What's going on... Why are you here Munson?" His shit eating grin does nothing to quell your irritation.
"Hey princess, thought I'd stop by to see baby Henderson after school. He invited me to dinner and I just had to accept" oh of course he did. Your eyes narrow at him, you're sure he's plotting a way to get you back after your encounter with him at the party last week.
"Isn't he wonderful honey" your mother beams and you bite your tongue. It wouldn't do any good getting yourself grounded over Munson.
"Oh he's amazing" you flutter your eyes sarcastically at Eddie who's full lips break into a huge smile.
"I knew you loved me secretly sweetheart" he pretends to swoon and it almost makes you laugh. Idiot. You could see how Dustin liked him, well just like a tiny bit.
"You lot have fun while I go out okay? And be good Dustybun" your mother coos to Dustin and you grin delighted at his flushed face and wait til she leaves before bursting into laughter.
"Aww Dustybun we will have lots of fun won't we?" You throw your arm around him and gently pinch his cheek, teasing him. Eddie snickers in the background.
"Why was I not informed of your nickname Henderson?" He asks all serious but the glint of mischief in his eyes says different.
"His girlfriend calls him that" you add and Dustin mutters under his breath about how annoying you are.
Eddie has rented Labyrinth for him and Dustin to watch and the two of them are enraptured by it. The movie is pretty good and you know, David Bowie in eyeliner, that's always a good thing.
The doorbell rings and you assume it's the pizza you ordered. Your stomach falls when you see it's Jacob. Great.
He's all puppy dog eyes and sweetness. You're wary because that can change in the blink of an eye.
"What do you want?" He scowls and the sweetness is gone and replaced with his usual sneer.
"Charming, here I am hoping we might be able to get back together and you act like a bitch as per usual" you shake your head and question what you ever saw in him.
"Yeah that's not going to happen, goodbye" you attempt to close the door but he blocks it, you're hearts racing with nerves but you refuse to show it.
"Remove your foot asshole, go home" he ignores you but then his eyes widen and he gapes.
"Munson?" Eddie is beside you, glaring at Jacob and he towers over him. There's a menacing look on his face and he looks between you and Jacob his eyes flashing.
"You heard the lady, leave now" Eddie snaps and Jason holds his hands up though he still has that stupid smirk on his face.
"didn't realise you and Munson... He waggles his eyebrow and you slam the door in his face. Asshole.
"You seriously dated that guy?" Eddie asks disgusted and you wince at his look.
"He's an asshole and yeah I did and it was a temporary lack of judgement" you tug him by his jacket and lead him into the room to talk in private.
"Look thanks for that. Jacob is a dick but I can handle myself. I don't need rescuing" you assure him and he raises his eyebrows and folds his arms across his chest.
"I don't doubt that sweetheart but somebody needed to tell the asshole to fuck off. Good thing I'm here'' he shrugs and you sigh.
"You're everywhere I look Munson, you never leave me alone. Now you've infiltrated my home! I can't escape you and your stupid dimples and pretty eyes" you say the last part and your eyes widen, Eddie turns serious and his big brown eyes burn with an intensity that you've never seen.
"Pretty eyes hmm?" he moves closer to you and you find that you really don't mind. Your heart is beating like crazy and warmness spreads in your lower stomach, it's intoxicating.
Jacob never made you feel like this. Ever.
"Don't act so surprised. You must know how hot you are, even if you're an ass" you're pressed against your door and the ache in your stomach is out of control now.
"Hmm well you might be upright and bitchy but you're so fucking beautiful" his hand caresses your cheek and the air is thick with tension and before you know it the two of you are kissing.
You both kiss for what feels like hours but it's only a minute or so and it's perfect, you never want it to end. Eddie pulls you closer and you nibble on his bottom lip, Eddie stifles a moan and white hot pleasure pulses through you.
Fuck, you want to hear him moan again. Eddie pulls away for a second and you whimper missing the contact of his lips on yours. Then they press to your lips again and it's amazing.
"Pizza's here" Dustin yells and you and Eddie jerk apart both breathing heavily and Eddie is gazing at you in wide eyed wonder.
"Fuck" he whispers and you nod feeling stunned yourself. Dustin stomps through and looks between you and Eddie.
"What happened to you two? You went so quiet I thought you might have killed each other" he looks between you and Eddie suspiciously.
Dustin scoffs, "We were just talking butthead, come on let's get pizza" he looks back at you for a moment and you know that you want that kiss to happen again.
You're screwed.
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
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I posted 1,888 times in 2022
That's 1,888 more posts than 2021!
843 posts created (45%)
1,045 posts reblogged (55%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,860 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 1,197 posts
#eddie munson - 1,128 posts
#joseph quinn - 442 posts
#❣️ - 405 posts
#photoshoot - 62 posts
#steve harrington - 58 posts
#timewasters - 45 posts
#ralph - 43 posts
#💌 : munson mutterings - 40 posts
#tom grant - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#havent witnessed another character die yet but i know its coming cause its in the manga and that will break me too .... nanami kento ...
My Top Posts in 2022:
Reader hits Jason with a lunch tray and Eddie falls in love with reader because violent women😍
love at first swing
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summary: reader ends up being badass so how can eddie not fall in love ??
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 1060
warnings: jason. 
part two. part three. masterlist
With Eddie Munson being present in the cafeteria one can always assume that his theartics will ensue. [Y/N] never really interacted with Eddie. Not because she saw him as a freak. Oh no. She could never see him as one. [Y/N] harboured a little crush on Eddie since they had both been introduced to one another back when they started middle school together. Sometimes [Y/N] wondered if her peers were blind or stupid or maybe even both. To [Y/N], Eddie was everything. She adored his smile, those big brown eyes of his, the way he got excited to talk about Dungeons and Dragons and his favourite songs by heavy metal bands he was a fan of.
Though she had a crush on him [Y/N] felt nervous to interact with him. Usually she has this confident aura surrounding her. But when it comes to Eddie? That was wiped away in an instant.
[Y/N]’s hands gripped her lunch tray as she made her way over to the table that was knowingly claimed by her friends. Which also happened to be one table away from the Hellfire clubs table.
“That’s what’s killing the kids!” Eddie exclaimed loudly as he ran off the table and up to [Y/N] just as she was about to walk past his table.
[Y/N] shyly smiled at his usual antics. Eddie stopped for a second before he swiftly moved aside with a bow and one arm outstretched. 
“Sorry.” He apologised as he quickly scratched the side of his neck.
“No worries.”
[Y/N]’s friends watched as she quickly joined them at their table. All of them have knowing smiles on their faces. [Y/N] knew that they would end up teasing her.
“You are so smitten, [Y/N].” One commented. “He literally sucks out all of your confidence.”
“I’m surprised that no one else has caught on!” Another noted.
“Guys come on!” [Y/N] exclaimed, whilst being unable to wipe the smile off of her face.
“Okay okay! We’ll stop.” One says in defeat before speaking again. “For now!” 
The whole table bursts into laughter and [Y/N] can’t help but join in. She was glad that they were accepting of this crush. [Y/N] was sure that if it was anyone else they would look at her with disgust. Conversation soon filled the table and plans for the weekend were being made. 
“He’s such a fucking freak.” Jason said to his basketball team.
[Y/N]’s head snaps over to his table. She wasn’t sure if that comment was meant for the table only or if he had intended on other people hearing it.
“That freak has got to go. Along with his little Satan club. We have got to stop him from dragging unsuspecting people into that cult.” The last word was said with disgust.
Insults continued to spew from the jocks mouth. Each word gets louder and louder. [Y/N] could tell that Eddie was hearing these things by the way his shoulders slightly stiffened. Hands quickly moved to clear her lunch tray. [Y/N]’s friends looked over at her curiously before putting two and two together. Protests left their mouths as she approached Jason with an empty lunch tray in hand.
“Hi Jason. Can I talk to you for a second?” [Y/N] asked with fake politeness, along with a faux smile on her face.
“Sure?” Jason agreed in confusion and promptly moved them a few steps away from his table.
“I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re a piece of shit.”
Before Jason had a chance to react, [Y/N] harshly swung her lunch tray at his head. The collision caused him to stumble slightly on his feet. [Y/N] dropped the tray on the ground, noticing that there was now a little crack on it and Jason would most likely be sporting a bruise soon.
“It was nice talking to you. And maybe think twice about what words decide to leave your mouth. You wouldn’t want to see what else I can do if you keep talking like that about Eddie, right?” [Y/N] said before turning on her heel and walking back to her friends.
See the full post
1,138 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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i need him
1,167 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
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that look ...
1,169 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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fingers in my mouth now
1,750 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
1,878 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
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hawkinsbanishedhero ¡ 2 years
Reader hits Jason with a lunch tray and Eddie falls in love with reader because violent women😍
love at first swing
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summary: reader ends up being badass so how can eddie not fall in love ??
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 1060
warnings: jason. 
part two. part three. masterlist
With Eddie Munson being present in the cafeteria one can always assume that his theartics will ensue. [Y/N] never really interacted with Eddie. Not because she saw him as a freak. Oh no. She could never see him as one. [Y/N] harboured a little crush on Eddie since they had both been introduced to one another back when they started middle school together. Sometimes [Y/N] wondered if her peers were blind or stupid or maybe even both. To [Y/N], Eddie was everything. She adored his smile, those big brown eyes of his, the way he got excited to talk about Dungeons and Dragons and his favourite songs by heavy metal bands he was a fan of.
Though she had a crush on him [Y/N] felt nervous to interact with him. Usually she has this confident aura surrounding her. But when it comes to Eddie? That was wiped away in an instant.
[Y/N]’s hands gripped her lunch tray as she made her way over to the table that was knowingly claimed by her friends. Which also happened to be one table away from the Hellfire clubs table.
“That’s what’s killing the kids!” Eddie exclaimed loudly as he ran off the table and up to [Y/N] just as she was about to walk past his table.
[Y/N] shyly smiled at his usual antics. Eddie stopped for a second before he swiftly moved aside with a bow and one arm outstretched. 
“Sorry.” He apologised as he quickly scratched the side of his neck.
“No worries.”
[Y/N]’s friends watched as she quickly joined them at their table. All of them have knowing smiles on their faces. [Y/N] knew that they would end up teasing her.
“You are so smitten, [Y/N].” One commented. “He literally sucks out all of your confidence.”
“I’m surprised that no one else has caught on!” Another noted.
“Guys come on!” [Y/N] exclaimed, whilst being unable to wipe the smile off of her face.
“Okay okay! We’ll stop.” One says in defeat before speaking again. “For now!” 
The whole table bursts into laughter and [Y/N] can’t help but join in. She was glad that they were accepting of this crush. [Y/N] was sure that if it was anyone else they would look at her with disgust. Conversation soon filled the table and plans for the weekend were being made. 
“He’s such a fucking freak.” Jason said to his basketball team.
[Y/N]’s head snaps over to his table. She wasn’t sure if that comment was meant for the table only or if he had intended on other people hearing it.
“That freak has got to go. Along with his little Satan club. We have got to stop him from dragging unsuspecting people into that cult.” The last word was said with disgust.
Insults continued to spew from the jocks mouth. Each word gets louder and louder. [Y/N] could tell that Eddie was hearing these things by the way his shoulders slightly stiffened. Hands quickly moved to clear her lunch tray. [Y/N]’s friends looked over at her curiously before putting two and two together. Protests left their mouths as she approached Jason with an empty lunch tray in hand.
“Hi Jason. Can I talk to you for a second?” [Y/N] asked with fake politeness, along with a faux smile on her face.
“Sure?” Jason agreed in confusion and promptly moved them a few steps away from his table.
“I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re a piece of shit.”
Before Jason had a chance to react, [Y/N] harshly swung her lunch tray at his head. The collision caused him to stumble slightly on his feet. [Y/N] dropped the tray on the ground, noticing that there was now a little crack on it and Jason would most likely be sporting a bruise soon.
“It was nice talking to you. And maybe think twice about what words decide to leave your mouth. You wouldn’t want to see what else I can do if you keep talking like that about Eddie, right?” [Y/N] said before turning on her heel and walking back to her friends.
“I can’t believe you did that [Y/N]!” One of her friends exclaimed once [Y/N] sat back down.
“What? Jason’s a dick and needed some sense knocked into him!” [Y/N] retorted.
“Can’t argue with you there.”
Eddie had witnessed the whole thing of course. As did the rest of the cafeteria. Whereas most of the students were discussing what happened with hate on their faces. Eddie was sure that the hate was directed towards [Y/N]. After all she did just hit the most loved student at Hawkins High and defended the freak of Hawkins.
Now Eddie looked over at [Y/N], frozen in his seat. He never thought that someone would defend him. And look hot whilst doing so. God how hadn’t he noticed how attractive she was before? The way [Y/N] smiled and laughed with her friends after what had happened. How the light seemed to make her seem so angelic. Her eyes th-
“Eddie? Earth to Eddie?” Gareth tried to get Eddie's attention.
“Anyone home?” Mike asked.
Eddie took a deep breath before looking away from [Y/N]. His heart suddenly felt empty at the action. The members of the Hellfire club all made eye contact with one another before a look of realisation fell on everyone's face.
Mumbles of: “He’s done for.”, “We’ve lost him.”, “Someone’s in love!”. Filled the table.
“Shut up!” Eddie exclaimed, as he threw his hands up in the air. “Now I might suddenly harbour some interest in her. Now I never thought I’d be one for “love at first sight”. Or I guess it would be “love at first swing” in this case. But I guess there’s a first time for everything.”
“They grow up so fast…” Dustin wiped a non-existent tear from his eyes as Jeff patted his shoulder.
Eddie rolled his eyes before he continued his little speech.
“I do know one thing though.” Eddie rested his chin on his hand with a smile and glanced over at [Y/N] who smiled at him for the second time since lunch had started. “I’m going to make her mine.”
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