#💍:ex-husband!Nanami Kento
bellabean24 · 2 months
Husband Nanami Kento loved to kiss you, he loved to place kisses on your forehead, shoulder, cheeks, neck and he especially loved to plant kisses on your lips.
But that all changed when you got a divorce 2 years ago now you only allow Nanami to kiss you anywhere but your lips, your lips are completely off limits.
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento who tries to sneak a kiss on your lips when you two are having sex like any other day.
Which cause you to turn your head to the side and make his lips land on your cheeks. “No kissing my lips Kento, you know that.” Your voice stern as you tell him for the hundredth time today.
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento who pouts and groans when you tell him no kissing your lips, “That’s not fair sweetheart.” “Why can I be balls deep in you but not kiss your lips?” He raises his eyebrow at you waiting for an answer.
“It’s to complicated Kento.” Your eyes don’t look at his cause who says such a thing when you're getting fucked by the person you refuse to kiss. Nanami looks at you his face looking at you with such care, “oh sweetheart you can’t make things more complicated then they already are.” He rubs his thumb along your lip his face moving closer to you.
“Let me kiss you love,” his voice barely above a whisper as his lips brush against yours. Your brain has gone completely blank as you stare at Nanami’s lips, the only thing that you can think about is what his lips feels like and when was the last time you kissed each other.
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento who patiently waits for your answer. “Kiss me Kento,” Nanami slams his lips against yours with no warning his soft lips molding with yours. Wishing he done this sooner Kento slowly rocks his hips against yours as he savors the kiss between you two. “Oh have I missed this.”
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bellabean24 · 6 months
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento coming over to your house (like he does everyday) to help you put your Christmas decorations up
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who watches you and your daughter look for the Christmas blow ups in the garage
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who you “force” to go on the roof and put the lights up
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who is a bit caution when you tell him to go up on the roof thinking you won’t be able to hold the ladder
“Sweetheart you sure you can hold this ladder up,” Nanami says as he fixes the ladder to lean on the roof lights already in his hand, “Yes I can hold it Kento I’ve done it before.” Rolling eyes at him you move to hold the ladder putting your weight on to hold it steady, “hurry Kento,” Nanami chuckles at your pushiness.
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who hears is daughter let out a loud gasp as she watches her daddy climb up the ladder,
“Oh no, daddy is gonna fall,” Lola says who brings her little hands to cover her face so she doesn’t have to watch, “Daddy is gonna be fine Princess,” both you and Nanami let out at the same time. Lola peaks through her fingers watching Nanami put the lights on the roof carefully so he doesn’t fall, “You sure?” Her little voice full of worry has both you and Nanami’s heart gushing, “Yes Lola he’s gonna be just fine.” Lola nods her head taking her hands off her face then running to the garage to grab more Christmas blow ups.
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who finishes the lights fairly quickly and gets down from the roof putting the ladder back where it belongs then he helps you and Lola with the blow ups and candy canes you found deep in the garage
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who ends up finishing the decoration after 2 hours
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who suggests that you should go get your Christmas tree now before there are no good ones left
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who drives to the nearest tree nursery to look for a good tree with you and Lola
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who has a small smile on his face as he watched both you and Lola look for the perfect tree
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who grabs the tree that you and Lola picked out it’s a perfect size and nice and full
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who stresses as he ties the tree to the roof of the car mumbling curses as the strings slip from his finger
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who finally gets the strings to stay put and hold the tree after many tries
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who opens the car door for you and Lola buckling Lola in her car seat
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who puts his hand on your thigh out of habit as you three drive back home
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who struggles even more to get the tree through the front does of your house
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who gets the tree through the door and now has to struggle with getting the tree in the tree stand but he can’t help but also be happy knowing that he will do this for you any damn day just to hear you and Lola giggle as he curses the tree out under his breath
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who gets the tree up with your help
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who admires the tree from the couch Lola and you tucked under his arms slowly falling asleep
Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento who smiles as he hold his two favorite girls in his arm and wouldn’t have it any other way
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bellabean24 · 11 months
hi i love ex-husband nanami, can i request lola asking nanami and y/n for a baby sister? tysm ❤️
Ex-Husband!Nanami x Ex-Wife!Reader
Word count: 603
Summary: Lola comes home from a playdate at her friends who just had a little sister, which the adorable baby plants a seed in her head that she needs a baby sister so why not ask her lovely mother and father.
Warnings:,SFW, pet names( Sweetheart, princess, baby), talks about reader getting pregnant, baby talk, a bit rushed
💍:Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento Masterlist | Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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Today was one of the many days where Nanami would come over just to spend time with his two favorite girls, but Lola wasn't home. She was at a playdate at her friend's house and should be returning any minute. "Sweetheart, when is our daughter coming home?" Nanami asks, putting his book down and taking his reading glasses off to look at you, "Soon Kento, you can at least act like you wanna see me too." You playfully roll your eyes at him when the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it" he announces, getting up from his seat he answers the door to see Lola and her friends mother, "Daddy you're here" your daughter yells launching herself into her dads arms, "Thank you for bringing her home, Lola say thank you and bye, princess."
"Thank you and bye-bye" she waves her tiny hand at her friends mom, "Bye Lola and Nanami, have a nice evening." She waves off heading back to her car, Nanami walks back into the living room with Lola in his arms, "Hi mommy, I had so much fun with Lila'' Lola wiggles herself out of her fathers arms to run towards you, "Yeah, what did you two do, baby" you ask her giving her a small kiss on her forehead, Nanami comes to join you two on the couch and to listen to his daughters story.
"We played with dollys and her new baby sister, she's this big" She holds up her arms to show you how big the baby is, which seems quite big to you. "Really princess that sounds fun" Nanami adds a bright smile on his face. "Mommy, daddy can I have a baby sister, I promise I'll take care of her," you stare at your daughter as the words that left her mouth shocked you, but from the corner of your eye you see Nanami staring at you with a sly smile.
Lola stares at the both of you with her big eyes and a small pout on her lips, "We'll think about it baby, why don't you go play while me and daddy make dinner." You smile down at her before she jumps off your lap and towards her room. You get up from your spot on the couch to go cook dinner. Nanami follows right after you, "You know we should give Lola what she wants" He whispers to you as you grab the food you're about to make.
"Kento, just cut these up, we will talk about this later."
After about 30 minutes dinner is done and Lola is sitting at the table talking about her friend's new baby sister, "She's so cute mommy" she adds on before shoving more food into her mouth, "Lola. Do you really want a baby sister?" Nanami asks her, looking at you then at her, "Yes I really do, I want someone to play with."
You look at your daughter with a smile on your face knowing that no matter what you will give your daughter what she wants, "Lola, me and daddy can't control if you get a baby sister or not, are you ok if you get a baby brother?" You hope she says yes only because you know that you always wanted a boy and a girl.
"I don't care I just want someone to play with me" she pouts at you and her father. "Ok, baby. Will make sure you have someone to play with." Nanami tells her.
It's done now you and Nanami will be giving your precious daughter a little sibling, and Nanami is going to make sure it's a girl.
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bellabean24 · 1 year
Thinking about Ex-Husband Nanami Kento always showing up to your old share home to see your daughter but that’s just an excuse for him to see you.
Thinking about how ex-husband Nanami Kento stays the night saying he would sleep on the couch but somehow ends up in the bed you two used to share 2 years ago.
Thinking about how you and ex-husband Nanami Kento end up having sex like you did two days before. Telling him he is like a drug and your addict to him. How you both end up showing how much you miss each other but refuse to get back together.
Thinking about how ex-husband Nanami Kento try’s to knock you up again so he has more of a reason to come by and sleep over.
Just thinking about Ex-Husband Nanami Kento 😍
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento Masterlist
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© Bella 2023
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bellabean24 · 1 year
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
Word count: 948
Summary: You and Nanami are at your daughters Lola’s soccer game. And when you leave for a drink you see one of the single mothers come up to Nanami and asks him out and shames you.
Warnings: Slight jealously, reader being insecure, Someone talking bad about reader, tiny tiny bit of angst, pet names (sweetheart, dear), kisses
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist | Ex-Husband Nanami Kento Masterlist
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You and ex-husband Nanami Kento have your moments when you’re both calm and don’t fuck like horny teenagers. Like right now the both of you are at your daughter's soccer game.
Little Lola is running around with her friends occasionally looking at you two with a big smile and a wave. She ends up knocking into a kid and taking the ball from him earning a cheer from her team and the teammates parents and you and Nanami of course. "She's a lot like you, you know" Nanami whispers into your ear with his arm around waist.
"How is she like me," raising your eyebrow with a confused look on your face. "Because both of you are very aggressive when it comes to winning."  Faking an offense gasps you let out a small laugh looking at Nanami with a smile. "I do not get aggressive when it comes to winning." rolling your eyes at him you see a small but noticeable smile creep up to his face.
You both stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you hear loud cheers in the stands, looking up you see that your daughter scored a point, you and Nanami stand from your seats shouting Lola's name. She looks at the two of you giving you a thumbs up before running back with her team.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?" You ask Nanami as you reach inside your purse for your wallet. "Can you get me some water, dear?" Nodding your head you turn to leave for the concession stand, when walking you walk past a woman who gives you a stank face. Which is odd because your daughter plays on the same team and is in the same class as her son. Choosing to ignore it and complain about it when you get back to Nanami.
While you're at the stand getting the drinks you didn't think the lady you walked past would go up to Nanami.
Nanami is watching your daughter on the field and would sometimes sneak a look at you to make sure you're doing ok, as Nanami is looking at you the same lady from before comes to him. "Hi, Nanami. Can I sit here" she lets out with a flirtatious smile on her face, pointing to your spot next to him, before he can respond she takes your seat.
Nanami looks her up and down with a stoic face wondering why the hell is she here and what her name was. "Hi, miss" choosing to call her miss Nanami turns his head and looks at you once more to see you walking back.
'Don't be silly, you can call me Jen." she winks at him and scoots a bit closer to him. "Do you need something, Jen? If not you can leave me be please" malice dripping in his voice as he speaks to her. Jen is a bit taken aback by his tone and chooses to just keep talking, "I was wondering since you are now finally divorced from that crappy wife you had, I wanted to know if you wanted to go out."
Nanami is so confused since you and him have been divorced for 2 years, so what the hell does she mean finally? What the fuck does she mean crappy wife, you were and still are the best wife a man can ask for, you only got the divorce cause his overtime was messing up with your relationship and it was harder with your child always asking were her dad was.
"I don't know what you mean by 'Crappy wife' cause Y/N was the best wife I can ask for." He snaps at her before scooting away from her, "I was just saying that since you guys are divorced you must have realized what a shit wife she was, no man would divorce their wife if they weren't shit." She pushes getting a bit snappy with Nanami.
You hear the words she says to Nanami, you would be lying if you said it didn't hurt a little. Especially since you thought that about yourself too. Choosing to push down those feelings and deal with it later you walk towards them without them noticing. 
"Is that why your husband divorced you?" You speak, handing Nanami his bottle of water, Nanami looks up at you with a small smile on his face. "No, but that's why yours divorced you. All the moms know it." she adds getting up from her (your) spot next to Nanami.
"Thank you, sweetheart" Nanami says to you, kissing the side of your head, "Yeah, whatever. You won't actually go out with her right?" You look at him eyebrows raised and a worried smile on your face. He smiles at you rubbing his thumb on the side of your neck, "No, why would it make you jealous."
"Ha, what do I need to be jealous about? Hm?" Your body is tense and Nanami can feel it, you start pulling at your fingers a habit you do when you're nervous or upset. Nanami reaches for your hand gripping it in his. "Oh sweetheart I was just teasing, I'm not going anywhere. You kind of have me wrapped around your finger," he lets out a small chuckle as he plants a kiss on your cheek then forehead.
Smiling at his words you lean your head on his shoulders letting out a little sigh. "You hear me Y/N, I'm not leaving your side anymore, I'm going to be here for you and Lola." Nodding your head you lift your head off his shoulder to leave a kiss on his lips, "I know Kento."
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bellabean24 · 1 year
Imagine coming home from dropping your daughter off at school to ex-husband Nanami Kento sitting on your couch in nothing but his boxers. “Your finally home, I missed you sweetheart. Let me show you how much I did”
Imagine taking ex-husband Nanami Kento cock deep in your tight cunt as he has you bent over the couch whispering praises into your ear, telling you he’s gonna knock you up again cause he can’t pull out of you sweet pussy.
Imagine ex-husband Nanami Kento finishing inside of you and making you lay down on the couch so he can hold your legs up so none of his cum drips out, and when some does he shoves it back in with his thick fingers.
Ex-husband Nanami Kento rot again
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento Masterlist
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bellabean24 · 1 year
Ex-Husband Nanami Masterlist
You can also search for Ex-Husband Nanami on my page under 💍:Ex-Husband!Nanami Kento
You can request things about Ex-Husband Nanami
My other Jujutsu Kaisen workJujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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Thinking about Ex-Husband Nanami
Imagine with Ex-Husband Nanami
Ex-Wife!Reader gets jealous
Lola asks for a little sister
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento vs. Christmas Decorations
No kissing?
Ex-Wife!Reader finds out she’s pregnant(coming soon)
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©Bella 2023
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bellabean24 · 2 years
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Key:✩NSFW | 𖨆𖨆Angst | ♡Fluff
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Short stories
You Taste So Sweet✩
What they are like in bed ✩
What they are like jealous ♡
Nanami Kento
💍:Ex-Husband Nanami Kento M.list
Short Stories
Overtime ♡
You owe me 𖨆𖨆
Don’t Be Mad 𖨆𖨆♡
Nanami taking his stress out on you ✩
What they are like in bed ✩
What they are like jealous ♡
What he is like after an argument 𖨆𖨆 ♡
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Don’t play with knives ✩
Geto watching you push his load out ✩
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