#💎 Heiress's Glimmers And Glitz (Suzuha Headcanons)
universestreasures · 3 months
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Mokuba & Suzuha: The Miracle Friendship.
Note: This imporant post regarding Mokuba & YGO Suzuha's lore is written in the context of the manga, but this pretty much applies for the anime as well, bare minding timeframes and how Seto and Mokuba's relationship isn't nearly as strained growing up in the anime compared to the manga.
The world-famous Amanosuzu Group (also known as the Amanosuzu Konzern) is one of the largest conglomartes in the world. They are major players in multiple industries, including gaming, construction, mining, and more, meaning that having their seal of approval or collaboration on something is very sought after. One of the most sought-after resources the company has is its exclusive access to the Fuji Photon Metal Mine, a mine that exclusively harvests a rare type of metal called 'Photon Metal' that isn't found anywhere else on earth. This resource is very unique, powerful, and versatile, an ideal material for making all kinds of advanced technology such as the Amanosuzu Group's gaming divisions 'Core Deck Cases', personalized technology that allows anyone to play the game of Buddyfight anywhere in the world.
However, distributing this resource is one the group is very selective about, as they are with any sort of collaborations. One such example of this selectiveness is that they refused any notions of collaboration with the Kaiba Corporation under Gozaburo Kaiba. No matter how much they were offered or how much they persisted, they always refused, despite having a resource that would enhance the military technology Kaiba Corp was already developing if allowed to be sold to them.
However, an indirect connection between the two companies was formed at one evening event when two young children met: Mokuba Kaiba and Suzuha Amanosuzu.
Mokuba rarely was taken to any sort of event in high society when living under his stepfather's rule. The reason? Simple. He wasn't important enough to go. He wasn't the heir to Kaiba Corporation. He wasn't the person who had gone through intense training to navigate the world of business. To Gozaburo, he was seen as a distraction for Seto, meaning his presence was not wanted and a hindrance. However, there were a few times he was brought along, perhaps to diswade any rumors that something happened to the other of his two children.
It was at one of these rare party occurrences (he was 9 at the time) that he managed to sneak away from his stepfather's sides to go explore (and escape the boring business talk), and that led him outside to a balcony where a blonde girl with an intricate hairstyle and a princess gown was sitting accompanied by her butler, seemingly wanting a break from the activity inside. Following a formal introduction, she invited him to sit with her, much to his surprise. The two got to talking, sharing their hobbies, and they both hit it off rather quickly, mainly over their shared interest in gaming and arts and crafts.
Their small talk is eventualy noticed by Lord Amanosuzu, Suzuha's father, who hasn't seen his daughter so happy at a social event before. She invites Mokuba to come and visit her anytime at her castle estate or sky home, much to her father's delight since she hasn't shown interest in making many friends previously. This interaction is noticed by Gozaburo as well, who then crafted a little idea in his head. Lord Amonosuzu was well known to be a man who spoiled his daughter rotten and could rarely if ever refuse her, and she was known to start doing business ventures herself despite being only 11. He planned to use that to his advantage, using his own stepson as a pawn: seemingly finally having found a 'use' for him after all other than just as a motivator for Seto.
Much to Mokuba's surprise, his step father allowed him to go and visit the heiress and 'socialize' with her. At the time, he couldn't understand why he'd do such a thing. His stepfather rarely let him out of the house and never to socialize. However, considering Mokuba's desperation to escape this house and do something fun for once, he went along with it, not knowing doing so played into his stepfather's little plan.
And so Mokuba visited Suzuha often (more often than not on a weekly basis), the two forming a genuine bond of friendship. They did arts and crafts together (many of which Mokuba made and tried to give to his brother as gifts but either was not able to give them to him or were rejected by him all together, leaving them all in a locked-up chest in his bedroom), played chess together, and their two favorite games: Capsule Monsters Chess and Buddyfight. She also taught him about business strategy and terminology, things he did not get in his education unlike his brother. Mokuba enjoyed his times with Suzuha very much, always looking forward to their playdates, the one bright spot in his days of solitude and depression. They even exchanged phone numbers, with her being Mokuba's only form of contact outside the estate. He also during this time mentioned his brother's dream and his solid vision project to the heriess, things Suzuha was very interested in.
Truly, during the period under his stepfather, Suzuha became Mokuba's lifeline, a miracle that once seemed impossible. She helped keep him sane through his vast amounts of depression and suffering. However, one day his step father came to him and told him to bring up something during his next visit, something that revealed to him the full reasoning why he allowed such a thing to begin with. Gozaburo asked him to propose a business collaboration between the two companies to Suzuha, thinking that through her, she could finally convince her father to take Kaiba Corp's offers regarding Photon Metal. This meant two things: that he intended on using Suzuha to further his fortune and that he had been using Mokuba to try and do that this whole time, intending on making their 'friendship' into nothing but a bunch of lies.
Of course, Mokuba outright refused the notion, standing up to his step father for the first notable time in his life. He refused to do that to his friend, his only friend. Gozaboru expected such a response and decided to throw in an incentive, something that would definitely make Mokuba comply. He said if he did this and managed to get the collaboration, he not only would allow him to see his brother whenever he wanted (a privilege Mokuba had not been able to have since they moved into that prison called a house), that he would even allow Seto and him to take a vacation together, another thing Mokuba had wanted for years. He would finally be able to do something useful, hitting the boy's insecurities directly after years of the man reinforcing his negative notion he was worthless. These were all targeted moves meant to sway the boy to do as he wanted, and they left Mokuba lost for words, unable to give his stepfather an answer right then and there.
After going back to his room to contemplate his choices, he eventually came to the realization that there was no way his stepfather was going to honor his end of the deal. Seto was too important to him to let him go, or to have Mokuba in his life again. He had kept them apart for a reason, after all. More than that, he couldn't betray Suzuha. Suzuha was the only good thing in his life since coming to this place, and he wasn't about to let her become messed up with the twisted web of his stepfather's greed. And so, on their next meeting, Mokuba doesn't say anything to her, continuing to meet with her as if nothing was wrong.
Eventually, the lack of progress on a deal did cause Gozaburo to confront the boy (I imagine this is not too long before Seto's Kaiba Corp takeover), who admitted that he didn't do what he asked and that he would never become a pawn on his chessboard and neither would his brother. He was then subjected to not only his wrath and verbal abuse, but further isolation than before, only saying that the only reason he isn't thrown out of the house is because he's of 'value' to Seto, that he will never be worth anything on his own.
Despite the many nights of agony after his total lockdown and other forms of punishment, he felt it was worth it. He managed to do at least something, a bit of rebellion against the monster who broke his family apart. And for that, he was proud of himself.
After Gozaburo's death weeks later, Mokuba was free to contact Suzuha again, but after seeing what his brother had genuinely turned into, he decided to refuse to contact her. He needed to do what he could now to try and 'repair' his relationship with his brother, to gain his approval and love again. He knew such a road wouldn't be easy, one paved with darkness and despicable acts, so he didn't want to get her involved. He cared too much.
Following Death-T, he did reach back out to Suzuha, who was present for his creation of him and Seto's lockets along with Tasuku. They rekindeled their connection, and made it stronger than ever before. This led to true business relations between the two companies, now that Seto was in charge and the focus shifted to gaming, such as on the 'Core Deck Cases' combing the Solid Vision tech of Duel Monsters with the transforming personalized technology of the Amanousuzu Group and on promotional events for both Duel Monsters and Buddyfight. Suzuha also helped Mokuba often with his fashion sense, including his visual transformation in DSOD and his complete style change when he's older. He is also a member of her craft club and is mentored by her in business philosophy and a bunch of other areas once switching to Aibou Academy.
In the end, while their friendship may have initially planned as apart of a madman's plot, Suzuha and Mokuba have a very important bond that's lasted for years and years. And out of all of Mokuba's close friends (Gao, Tasuku, Akatsuki, Yugi and co.) Suzuha is arguably his most important one. For not only was she his first true friend since being adopted, she was his lifeline during one of the worst times in his life and continues to be there for him through it all.
Their friendship indeed was a miracle, a miracle desperately needed, that he is forever grateful to have been given.
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universestreasures · 6 months
Height Chart of my YGO DM Muses + Mobuka's Friend Squad
Note: Some of these heights are offical, some are headcanons. Older Akatsuki, Suzuha, Gao, and Tasuku heights I don't have HCS for yet.
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universestreasures · 3 years
@duelcafe​​ Sent: Some * Character Headcanons (Accepting!)
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♡ Concept of home and family
To Tasuku, home is not a location. It certainly isn’t the apartment he really only goes back to in order to eat and sleep. To him, home is where those he cherishes are. The Buddy Police is an example of one of his homes, a place filled with people who loves and cares for such as Takihara, Stella, Commander I, and Setsuna ( @senpujin​​ ). 
As for family, family to Tasuku means more than just blood relation. Family are people Tasuku has bonded with the strongest, whether that bond is platonic, romantic, or familial in nature. The first person other than his blood family he considered as part of it (and the only member of his ‘family; for a long time) was Jack. However, over time his family has slowly grown (Mainly after Season 1 and Tasuku saw first hand just how many people cared for and cherished him even after his mistakes)  to include others such as his Gao Mikado, Setsuna Taisho, his Buddy Police Family, and all his friends at Aibo Academy. 
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Talk about your muse’s most prized possession(s)
Suzuha, being a rich heiress to a large financial empire, has quite a lot of possessions. Though, if I was to list the most prized things she has, it would have to be two main things. The first is her fan, an item that was passed down to her by her late mother who passed away when she was very young. Suzuha admired her mother and continues to strive to live up to her legacy, her being a huge part why the Amanosuzu Group is as famous and successful as it is. She was also the one who taught her the proper ways to be a lady, and after attending her first successful business party, Suzuha was gifted her mother’s fan. She continues to use it, even into adulthood. 
As for the second thing, it would definitely be the people in her life and the experiences she’s had because of them. She wasn’t the most social child when she was younger, her really only having her butler, Mary Sue, and maids to talk to. This does start to change after her loss to Gao Mikado, Suzuha starting to interact with and become friends with his friends. It was through that fight and Gao’s friendly smile that got her to start to socialize a bit more, and if it wasn’t for that, I don’t think she would have been able to bond with her eventual future BFF for life Setsuna as much as she did. 
Every memory, every person in her life, all of them are treasures to Suzuha, worth more than any of her material wealth.
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How your muse responds to anger 
Gao responses to anger can change depending on the context and who is showing him anger, but what is consistent is that he isn’t one to back down. He is a stubborn, headstrong, and determined individual, after all. If he is getting anger from a friend, he will usually try his best to try and calm things down. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind back if that doesn’t work though, even if no doubt other’s words can hurt him. A good example of this is when he talks to Tasuku as Purgatory Knight, where Gao tries to get Tasuku to see what he’s doing is wrong because seeing his best friend be like that hurts him. However, he continues on fighting and never stops, even if again it can be hard too. 
If it’s anger from an enemy, he tries to not pay it any mind. Though, again it honestly depends on who it is. Gao has had to fight a lot of enemies that he thought were friends, or friends who had become enemies. It makes things complicated, not to mention Gao’s own temper and righteous anger being a factor. 
If someone is mad at him because he honestly did something wrong though, Gao will take it without complaint. He is a good hearted kid and doesn’t like to hurt or do anything bad to others, and he takes his screws up pretty hard. This can be seen when he goes a little too hard in that Aikijujitsu competition flashback as seen in Episode 6 of Season 1, and he feels so bad for it. He takes his mother’s anger full on without trying to fight back or argue, as he knows he did bad by using that dangerous technique. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent: 👫for four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship! (Accepting!)
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Suzuha actually has met Setsuna’s father, Sesshomaru Taisho, at a party hosted by the Amaonosuzu group way before she met Setsuna in 100. This, along with only seeing her in tournaments and around school, caused Suzuha to have an impression of Setsuna prior to their meeting. She thought she’d be sort of cold like her father, and while that may be true to an extent, she was shocked at just how kind and sweet she could be underneath it all. After they had their first tea together, Suzuha just knew they’d be good friends.
Suzuha will always take the chance to go shopping with Setsuna, especially for any events that are coming up or any dates she would have with Tasuku. No doubt the two girls could spend hours in all the stores, Suzuha like a true lady of course paying for it all. She always wants her best friend to have the best clothes, after all.
Like a proper lady, Suzuha prefers hand written and verbal communication over things such as text messages. No doubt when Setsuna travels overseas, she will video call her and send her written letters to ask how she is doing and with little gifts tucked inside like a tea packet of a new brew, or a Buddyfight card she thought she could use in her deck, or even some sheet music for a song Setsuna might enjoy learning how to play.
One of Suzuha’s pet peeves is being waken up from her beauty sleep. Normally, she will be quite angry and yell at someone if they do without good reason. However, Setsuna doing so is exception. If her bff calls her late at night to talk about something or even out of the blue, Suzuha is there for her no questions asked.
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universestreasures · 4 years
New Muse!
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Lady Suzuha Amanosuzu from Future Card Buddyfight has been added to the muse roster! 
Interest checker, muse page, and the muse listing on the theme have all been updated with her information! Below are her tags! <3
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