#💥「 ✦ Interactions ✦ 」 Starter Call
sav1ored · 2 months
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//. STARTER CALL FROM THE NICEST ASSHOLE Y'ALL KNOW !!! GIve some love to the asshole who wins hearts and bashes heads !!!
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definitelynotshouting · 2 months
Idk if this is Hunger AU canon or my own personal fanon but
one of the "calling cards" that the Watchers used in Evo was bedrock
bedrock is unbreakable by a player
perfect for trapping the player you're using as a Watcher incubator
and the texture looks rough af
when you get desperate you often try to do stuff to escape even if it's impossible, right
so what I'm saying is
probably one of the last things player!Grian did was tearing his hands to shreds trying to break bedrock out of sheer desperation
which makes all the passages in your fic where he's staring at his hands even more *gestures vaguely*
(idk why I typed this out in this format but it felt right so I'm going with it)
MAN OKAY THIS IS SUPER COOL i especially adore how youve connected it with the way i keep having Grian stare at his own hands???? which ftr is smth ive only just now realized i do all the time AKDBWKDJKSSJ this is JUST like the scarian jaw kisses thing HELPPPP 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but thats such a cool thought!!! And utterly angsty i love it >:]
Its also made me realize i dont think ive ever actually told yall what did happen during that interim where Grian was captive as a Player before he died and became a Watcher, so buckle in i guess as i try to explain this one to yall (obligatory cws for captivity, parasitism, violated autonomy, body horror, and major character death discussion)
Yknow the world borders the life series has?? It was like that, but tiny. Maybe a couple chunks' worth of space to move around in. He spawned into a savannah biome and the Watchers specifically in charge of keeping an eye on him (pun intended) penned him in with the borders, implanted the specially-coded larva, and then retreated back just outside the server's barrier code to, well. To Watch.
So post Evo dragon fight the Watchers convinced Grian to join them without telling him what that entailed. They then proceeded to whisk him away to the server cluster's dev crystal, which is where the remnants of this Watcher colony made their semi-permanent home. There, held together basically only by the Watchers' ability to manipulate code, they had Grian make a brand new server.... and immediately trapped him in it.
He spent a year there slowly dying, eaten from the inside out by a parasite that was collecting his memories, copying over his stats and personality, with very limited space and resources to get by with. I know he built a tiny house out of acacia, but it never got any bigger than a starter base. He lived off of mostly bread and the meat from a few animals that spawned in with him; he primarily used stone tools, because those were what was most readily available. It was a very terrifying and lonely year, where all access to the outside world was cut off, and he was meticulously watched over to keep from dying while the larva inside him continued to grow and destroy him.
The Watchers were mostly hands-off in terms of interaction, but they did do regular check-ins to ensure the larva was alive and that there was no danger present to its host. Hostile mobs were carefully warded off, and Grian spent most of his time alternating between begging them to let him go (they never responded), trying to figure out ways to escape (it never worked), and tending to baseless chores just to keep from going out of his mind as his body grew weaker and weaker and more unstable around him.
I have a lot of feelings about this tbh, bc its just such a bleak scenario to think about-- trapped in a tiny cage with something killing you from the inside out, and your captors wont even talk to you about it properly. Being left otherwise to your own devices, with the terrible, lingering knowledge that, even if it was under duress, you still agreed to this. The fact that, after a certain point, after your questions and pleas are summarily ignored and brushed aside, you finally realize: you aren't meant to survive this. You are going to die.
A juvenile Watcher's first meal are the emotions during their host's last few moments. Grian was no exception; he cracked his way out of his own ribcage, and, without meaning to, amplified and feasted on Player!Grian's agony and terror as he died. With their memory codes finally disconnected, Grian had to watch himself through the eyes of a stranger as his terrified consciousness dissolved and his body fell apart into nothing more than loose strings of code.
Only then, still weak and flailing and helpless, was he was brought into the colony proper, in order to teach him how to be a Watcher. It wouldnt be for another few years before Grian gained the strength, control, and insight required to make his desperate escape. In total, i wanna say he spent somewhere between.... 4-6 years??? with the colony against his will. It would take another 4 for him to finally scrape together the courage to contact Mumbo and finally ask him for an invite into the Hermitcraft proper
One of these days i do plan to write that reunion, actually, which i'll add to the series as another prequel just like all the words that i forgot to say, which takes place roughly 6-8 months after Grian finally joins Hermitcraft. And if yall want to read an absolutely fantastic fic that deals with the moment Watcher!Grian was born and Player!Grian died, you should absolutely check out my friend @raichett 's fic Divergency, which ive pretty much canonized bc it REALLY hits the nail on the head for that situation.
Okay this got a lot longer than i meant it to sidhskdjej also those timeframes are a little squiggly bc i havent fully settled on where they fall on the general timeline. I wanna say Grian had been a Watcher for abt a decade by the time Mumbo got him onto Hermitcraft, though, so thats the loose timeline im working off of when i talk abt this :] anyway thanks for giving me an excuse to write this all out!!! while your idea about the bedrock isnt necessarily canon, i absolutely ADORE it and can totally see Grian just tearing up his hands while scrabbling against the world border.... utterly heartbreaking we fucking LOVE to see it. Thanks for sending in your ask!!! I always love seeing what you have to say about hunger au!!! :DDD
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magnuficent76 · 5 months
Do you ever wonder how different characters would fair in a fight against each other? I do. Sometimes.
That saidddd I wanna hear deets on
Lucio vs Luis
Baltazar vs Mephisto
Just for funsies. Hashtag oc crossover momence🤟🤟🤟💥💥💥💥
OH I ABSOLUTELY DO !!! Inter-story interactions always sound fascinating to me because all my protagonists would either immediately start fistfighting each other or sit quietly on the floor smoking weed, so this definetly scratches a part of my brain !!!! LET'S SEE...
[ -> Luis vs Lucio
- Luis would fucking kill him this old man has NO CHANCE. Lucio may have the Cyclops curse but Luis has literally seen God multiple times and told it to fuck off everytime. This is a man who fears neither death nor oblivion and with basically nothing to lose, while Lucio try as he might is still a human who can die even if it takes some extra effort.
- Lucio doesn't have nearly as much experience fighting hand to hand as he does with a weapon, and Luis is extremely versatile + unpredictable, turning the entire arena into an extension for the fight just so he can beat up his opponent even more. Lucio would probably get ahead in the fight and get too cocky, and Luis would take that so personally he would beat him to a pulp with his bare hands. It's like if you put an alleyway fighter against a chimpanzee who takes steroids– one of them is competent and a good enough fighter on their own, maybe even dangerous in some scenarios, but the other one is like. Completely and utterly deranged. No longer unhinged so much as he's just ripping himself off the doorframe
- Also Luis is like a 7 foot voidreborne who's been alive for 3 million years with a kill count of well over five digits. And Lucio is just A Human Man who mostly uses guns and sometimes goes apeshit. I don't think he has much of a fair fight ahead of him unfortunately. Luis would have fun ripping him apart for being a shitass dad though
[ -> Baltazar vs M3PH1ST0
- Now Baltazar isn't much of a fighter for starters. Sure, they have experience and they can defend themselves fine in a situation where they need to, but in an actual hand to hand fight they're mostly letting instinct dictate their next move. Even with the advantage of being as big as they are, strong from all the physical labour around the farm and, well, being Literally Immortal, they just don't have it in them to actually fight unless they're in horrid mortal danger. Meanwhile Mephisto is just rabid as hell. It has way more experience fighting 1v1, and enough rage in its body to play Shadow Of Colossus with Baltazar's tall ass. It would start running after Baltazar and activate his Prey Animal Fear <33
- ...Unless Mephisto makes the mistake of insulting or egging Baltazar on. To which it will incite the rage of a thousand suns onto itself and then it'll have a Very Fucking Large Problem. Baltazar may be a complete softie with no desire to fight, but by every star above you, do NOT fucking test how competitive he can get because it happens in the flip of a dime. This is a man who would cheat at Monopoly by calling in favours with Actual Gods to help him. He does NOT care and he WILL start going way too hard on purpose. Thankfully Mephisto isn't A Big Stupid Dumbass so that's not likely to happen.
- Mephisto would win based on just how vicious he is during combat + since he has more experience, and Baltazar would be a bit of a sore loser about it but they'd get over it immediately because Mephisto would suggest a victory barbecue and now they're just grilling dad style <33
Super fun question to think about !! Thank youuuu <33333
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reiignonme · 11 months
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FANDOM: Marvel / MCU. CROSSOVERS: possible. PRE ESTABLISHED CONNECTIONS: likely. SHIPPING:   open / bisexual. MOST WANTED CONNECTIONS:   Vision, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers.
do not reblog my starter calls. personals do not interact.
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symbolsought · 1 year
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Hello  and  welcome  to  my  independent  and  selective  rp  blog  for  Toshinori  Yagi,  aka  "ALL  MIGHT"  from  My  Hero  Academia. This  blog  is  mostly  English  anime  based,  but  I  don't  mind  spoilers  in  the  least.  Symbolized  by  Ire,  Please  make  sure  to  read  my  carrd  before  interaction. This  blog  uses  the  Beta  Editor !  👊🏻
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𝘾 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝘿 ! 💥
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Extra  links:  Starter  Call  ●  Memes  ●  Promo ● Dabi's blog.
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sav1ored · 2 months
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💥「 ✦ Interactions ✦ 」 Starter Call, 💥「 ✦ Interactions ✦ 」 Main Verse, 💥「 ✦ Interactions ✦ 」 Au Verse, 💥「 ✦ Interactions ✦ 」 Short Threads, 💥「 ✦ Interactions ✦ 」 Long Threads, 💥「 ✦ Interactions ✦ 」 Starter
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reiignonme · 1 year
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FANDOM: Marvel / MCU / WandaVision. CROSSOVERS: open. PRE ESTABLISHED CONNECTIONS: likely. SHIPPING: selective / gay. MOST WANTED CONNECTIONS: Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Teddy Altman.
do not reblog my starter calls. personals do not interact.
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