orions-garden · 6 months
Fantasy High Dashboard Simulator:
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⚙️steven-steelberg Follow
why did a high schooler just campaign for student body president at my union meeting
⚙️steven-steelberg Follow
she’s the only politician I respect btw
🎸bardyboysnorelation Follow
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12,543 notes
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🗡️pactofyourmom Follow
didn’t get a date to prom everyone manifest a dragon attack or smth
🗡️pactofyourmom Follow
by sol this can’t be happening
543 notes
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💼theycallmetheball Follow
“kinda gay to be a private investigator, whose privates are you investigating” NO ONE’S I’M AROACE LEAVE ME ALONE
398 notes
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👑nightmarekingluvr69 Follow
why the nightmare king kinda…… but I would never…. unless? 👀😏
👑nightmarekingluvr69 Follow
trapped in a hellscape
4,597 notes
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🥁battle-of-the-bands-bracket Follow
10,322 notes
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🍃420fireball Follow
one time i got so high on gorgenfern i learned the name of the only true god
📚all-spellbooked Follow
what was it
🍃420fireball Follow
89,475 notes
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🔮elvenoracleee Follow
“the best revenge is letting go and living well” WRONG. ADAINE’S FURIOUS FISTS. 👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥👊💥
769 notes
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🔥protector-of-elmville Follow
thank galicaea there’s not one of those evil versions of my blog 😅
❄️destroyer-of-elmville Follow
yeah that’d be crazy
🔥protector-of-elmville Follow
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6,880 notes
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arthomancy · 2 years
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Some spooky & magical spellbooks  🔮📚
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blazerwyvernmaster · 1 year
How Magic Works In Tathylia Chronicles
(And also possibly my other games, idk)
Alright, so I've been thinking about Tathylia Chronicles' magic system and lore, and I've finally decided to work on it and post it somewhere fully.
🕯Origins and Harnessing 🕯
Magic was created long ago when spirits guided the world as much as the gods did. Once they left, it was significantly harder to harness and use magic.
Nowadays, in order to use magic, you need to have some sort of magic potential inside you. About 35% of the population of the world can use magic to some degree.
Keyword being can. There are many who don't have the resources to learn magic or don't want to learn magic or don't even know they can use magic.
Either way, in order to actually use magic, you need some sort of magic conduit or focus.
This type of conduit is usually a tome or a staff, our next topic
🔮🪄📚Tomes,Staves, and Enchanted Items📚🪄🔮
In order to use magic, most spellcasters have to channel their magic into magic tomes and staves, along with any other enchanted weapon or item.
Tomes and spellbooks are created by magic who fill pages of a book with instructions, mystical runes, and information about the spell, bound by magic (and regular book bindings.) The user must study a magic tome in order to weave its magical contents around them.
Staves are made with a rod, usually made with metal or wood. Then, a magic crystal is placed on it, along with decorations. Another way is to just infuse the rod with magic. Using a magic staff is as simple as focusing magical energy into the staff and letting it expell that energy.
Enchanted items or weapons all have magic inside of them, either because they are enchanted, blessed, cursed, or otherwise infused with magic. It's also as simple as energy in magic out.
One thing you need to know is that the magic in these tomes is somewhat finite. Once a tome runs out of magic, you can still cast magic out of it, but it will not be nearly as potent, usually being useless for combat. Same goes for staves and enchanted items. After this, they usually get used for training and teaching, allowing budding mages to safely practice spells.
🍃🏔🌊Druidic Magic: The Magic of Wild Spirits🌊🏔🍃
Druidic Magic, also called Spirit or Nature Magic, is magic gained by studying and harnessing the power of the spirits that still live in the world. Practitioners are guided by the wind, water, and earth of the world, and use their guidance to expel magic.
Druidic Magic bests Holy Magic, but is withers by Arcane Magic
🔥⚡️❄️Arcane Magic: The Magic of Elemental Power❄️⚡️🔥
Arcane Magic, also known as Raw or Anima Magic, is magic derives from the study of nature. Only, instead, it draws magic from the raw energy of the world around them, rather than just being guided by the world. Wind becomes thunder,earth becomes fire, and water becomes ice. It's more commonly studied and practiced than druidic magic,but it loses some of its inate power.
Arcane Magic trumps Druidic Magic, but withers to Elder Magic
💀🌌🌑Elder Magic: The Magic of Dark Ages🌑🌌💀
Elder Magic, also known as Cursed or Dark Magic, is magic that gains power through the soul of the user and their foe. In times of old, this magic was discovered and molded from the darkness of the earth and night sky. It was/is immensely powerful, but its dark nature led to many problems. Its spells usually have negative effects on the user, like hexes. Using it too much may prove dangerous...
Elder Magic trumps Arcane Magic, but withers to Holy Magic.
☀️🌟✨️Holy Magic: The Magic of Divine Light✨️🌟☀️
Holy Magic, also known as Divne or Light Magic, is magic that is gained from the heavens and the sun. It requires the user to be deeply devoted to a cause, usually a religion. While it is not the strongest type of magic, its purifying and blessed light purges demonic essences from people, beasts, and places.
Holy Magic trumps Elder Magic, but withers to Druidic Magic
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bitchcraftx · 2 years
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Little spellbooks💕📚🧙🏼‍♀️🔮
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geekrenaissance · 2 years
#demolding my banish #anxiety charms 😌 When I saw this mold, I just HAD to have it. Decorating this lil #spellbook was so fun.. definitely banished my anxiety for a bit 😊
❤️ 📚 🔮
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squidarchon · 7 months
4. SPANISH !🌎 🪄
5. EVIL POTIONS ! 🧪 🧙‍♂️⚗️⚛️
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