will80sbyers · 11 hours
I have one more serious complaint than the others tho like Ruby saying "my real mum" was a bit shitty imo they could have made her say bio mum because it sounds really ugly towards Carla since yk she raised her 😶
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atzupdates · 2 days
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JH 🧸 [240620] Twitter Update "Let's leave, the two of us~ 😶"
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cumonstevie · 22 hours
Home Sweet Home
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sexual acts but not detailed
A/N: guys I'm really excited to post this frfr, I'll edit it later. I think there might be 4 parts to this, but we'll see. Also, this is like, 3.6k words and I tweaked the timeline a bit so don't worry about the logistics fr 😶 I hope you like it!
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“God, Nance…” Steve panted as he tried to catch his breath from above you.
The blissful haze suddenly bursts as his words registered in your head and you open your eyes with a frown. “What?”
“Huh?” He doesn’t even realize what he’s said and that upsets you even more.
“Get off me.”
“What?” Steve lifts his head from the crevice of your neck to look at you.
“I said get off of me.”
He’s confused. “Did I do something wrong?”
“I said get off!” You raise your voice, tears already threatening to spill from your eyes.
Still confused, Steve complies and moves beside you on his bed. You immediately sit up with his blanket covering your body as you search for your clothes while he covers himself with a pillow.
“Y/N,” he calls, “Y/N what happened?”
You ignore him and pull your shorts on before searching for the rest of your clothes. Steve hurries and puts his boxers on, carefully walking over to you.
“Did I hurt you?” He slowly and softly touches your shoulder after you had just put your bra back on.
“Don’t touch me!” You whip around to face him and he immediately retreats his hand like you burned him.
“What did I do!?” He raises his voice. “Tell me what I did! I-I thought we were having a good time-”
“Yeah, we were,” you start as you finally tug your shirt on over your head, “until you called me Nancy.”
The color drains from his face once those words leave your mouth and he seems deep in thought, probably trying to recall the moment he called you a different name.
“Y/N I- I don’t- She-”
He’s at a loss for words. What could he possibly say to make this better? He doesn’t even remember calling you Nancy but by the tears silently slipping from your eyes, he knows you’re telling the truth and it crushes him to see you like this.
You and Steve have known each other since sixth grade. The pair of you had to sit next to each other for a semester which brought you two very close. You stayed friends for the remainder of the year and continued to be friends since.
You didn’t start having feelings for Steve until freshman year. It had just stopped raining when the two of you exited the movie theater and on the walk back home, there was a massive puddle blocking your way. You told him you were fine walking through it, he disagreed saying you’d get the bottom of your skirt wet and dirty. You told him that it was fine and that you could just wash it when you got home, he said no and with a blink of an eye he had picked you up, bridal style, walking across the puddle and getting his shoes dirty.
You told him he didn’t have to do that but he just shrugged and continued to carry you. You took this time to study his features and suddenly a strange feeling erupted from the pit of your stomach. When did Steve get so cute? Was he always like this? How did you never notice it before?
He sets you down at your doorstep with a grin and you finally come back to. You thank him, not only for taking you to the movie theater but for carrying you as well. He says it’s no big deal and “what are friends for?”.
For the rest of the night, you replayed that moment in your head.
Sophomore year came around rather quickly and just one month into the school year, Steve was dating a freshman named Nancy Wheeler. She was really sweet and very kind and boy did you envy her. Because she had what you wanted. Steve. As her boyfriend.
They dated for a year and you really got to know her, even befriend her. You also befriended a peculiar boy named Jonathan and an even more peculiar boy named Eddie. Your junior year, to complete your little friend group, you befriended a talkative girl named Robin.
And maybe a couple of middle schoolers. But to be fair, you only became friends with them because two of them were your friends' little siblings.
Steve and Nancy broke up a few days after their one year anniversary. Steve was torn. You were there for him, like always.
Seven months after Steve and Nancy called it quits, you finally decide to tell him that you have feelings for him. You’re extremely nervous. He doesn’t say anything but he does pull you into a kiss which leads to the two of you being intimate which then leads to the moment at hand.
“You’re unbelievable.” You scoff, throwing your bag over your shoulder and shoving past Steve.
“Wait-” He takes your hand in his to stop you but you yank it away.
“No!” You shout, “God, I thought you felt the same way about me! You kissed me!”
“I do feel the same way!” He looks at you with panic-stricken eyes.
“No you don’t!” You take a step away from him. “You’re still hung up over Nancy. I’m so stupid. God, we- we had-” You trail off, pressing the palm of your hand to your head. “Shit. I need to go.”
“Y/N please wait. Let me explain-”
“Just leave me alone, Steve.” You interrupt him. “Please leave me alone.”
He stands at the doorway of his room, defeated, as he watches you walk down the hall and disappear down the stairs. When he hears the front door slam shut he closes his eyes and bangs his fist against the doorframe.
After that day, you did everything to avoid him. You didn’t talk to him in class, you were always one of the first people to leave, you didn’t answer his phone calls, you begged your mom and dad to tell Steve you weren’t home whenever he’d stop by, you even started having lunch in the library with Eddie just to avoid him.
You continued to do all of that for the remainder of the school year and when summer came around, you and your family ended up moving to Michigan. Not because of the Steve situation, your parents didn’t even know what happened between the two of you. The only one who knew was Eddie. Your dad got a job offer and decided to take it. At least avoiding Steve would be way easier now.
You told your friends about the move and although they were sad, they wished you well with whatever came next for you and you did the same for them.
With one last group hug, you bid farewell to your friends and farewell to Hawkins.
Starting your senior year of high school being four months pregnant was not ideal. You only found out after the move and when you told your parents they were deeply disappointed. Their 17 year old daughter falling pregnant was not what they had wanted for you and as reluctant as they were when you told them you wanted to keep it, they were supportive. They told you it would be tough but it was a risk you were willing to take.
You blurted it out to Eddie one night when the two of you were speaking on the phone. He was telling you about how Nancy and Jonathan had started dating and how Robin was in band now, also telling you that she looked absolutely ridiculous in her uniform and that he’d mail you photos of her in it so you could laugh as well. He caught you up with the kids drama and made sure to avoid the topic of Steve.
Eddie was telling you about some D&D campaign he created when it slipped.
“All I have to do is tell those little squirts that-”
“I'm pregnant.”
There's a moment of silence before you hear Eddie's voice again. “Nooo... Why would I tell them that?”
“Eds..." You sighed.
“Ace… You're not- Are you serious?”
Ace. A nickname he gifted you when you annihilated him in a game of cards once.
“As a heart attack.”
“Oh my god…” He whispered. “Who knows? Is it… Steve's?”
You shut your eyes and rub your left temple. “Yes, it's his and no one knows but my parents and now, you."
"Y/N/N... holy shit. Are you gonna tell him?"
The thought had crossed your mind on several occasions.
“No.” You reply.
“And you're not gonna say anything to anyone, Eddie. I mean it. Not the kids, not Nancy, not Jonathan, not Robin, and especially not Steve, you hear me?"
Eddie let's out a defeated sigh. “Loud and clear.” The two of you are quiet for a few seconds before he talks again. “Can I at least know why you're choosing not to tell him?”
“I just- I don't want to ruin whatever plans he has for the future. He's probably still hung up on Nancy anyway and besides, I doubt we'll ever see each other again.” You spill. “It's better this way.”
“Whatever you say, Ace.” You can tell he's not happy with your answer. “My lips are sealed.”
January 1985 is when you gave birth to a healthy baby girl who you named Penelope.
Penelope Eden Y/L/N.
You had sent pictures of her to Eddie with a note explaining that Eden was close to his name and that’s why you chose it while also saying he would be the best uncle to your little girl. He called you that same day, pretending like he wasn’t crying on the other end as he told you how happy he was.
Two and a half years later, you and your parents move back to Hawkins. You debated on whether or not you were going to stay in Michigan but ultimately decided on following your parents back home. Sure, you made a few friends here and there but nothing would beat your friends back in Hawkins.
Eddie was practically bouncing off the walls when you told him over the phone one night. You promised him the two of you would meet up the minute you were done settling in.
A week after moving back to Hawkins, Eddie came over to your place with a hug for you and about three toys for Penelope. You told him he didn’t have to get her three of them but he shrugged and said he didn’t know which one she would like so he just got them all.
You were about to protest when he held his hand up to your face and said, “Ace, as her favorite uncle, it's my job to get her anything and everything she ever wants.”
For the rest of the time he was there, he bonded with Penelope and the two of you talked about what has been going on for the past 3 years. He told you his band was booking small gigs here and there and you told him you’d go to a few of them when given the chance. Once the catching up died down and it got later in the day, he suggested a reunion with your former friends.
“Come on, Ace, it'll be fun. I’ll invite everyone to my place-” He had gotten an apartment recently. Nothing too big, but just enough for him and his things. “-I won't tell them you're here and when they all show up, BAM! Surprise!”
“Mmm… I don't know, Eds.”
He knows why you’re hesitant.
“Steve won't be there, I promise. He doesn't really hang with us that much anymore. The only one who sees him often is Robin and that's because they work together.” He holds your hand with both of his as he looks at you with pleading eyes. “Please, Ace? It'll only be me, Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Will, Mike, and El. Just us. They all miss you just as much as I do.”
He continues to beg and you think it over in your head.
“You promise Steve won't be there?”
“I pinky promise.”
“If he is, I’m breaking your guitar.”
“Deal.” He doesn't miss a beat.  “That's how confident I am that he won't be there.”
Eddie had picked you and Penelope up a couple of days later and you helped him set up a few things for the little reunion that was about to take place in less than an hour. Eddie made sure to tell them to all arrive at the same time and as confused as they were, they obliged.
Your hands began to get clammy as time got closer and closer to your friends arriving. You didn’t know why you were so nervous to see them. They were your friends for crying out loud!
Maybe it was the fact that in a couple of minutes they’d all be meeting your two-and-a-half-year-old daughter who they had no clue even existed yet, who also just so happens to look identical to your former best friend. Yeah, that’s exactly why you were so nervous.
“Eds, I’m nervous.” You voice to him as you eye the clock on the wall.
“It’ll be okay.” He rubs your shoulders in a soothing manner. “They’re gonna freak when they see you. In a good way, though. Maybe even pass out when they see Pen.”
Your eyes widen. “That’s not helping. I think I’m about to have a heart attack.”
“You’re fine. Relax, everything is going to be alright.”
He helps you regulate your breathing and when he finally has you calmed down, there’s a knock at the door.
“Oh my god.” You panic. There’s another knock on the door.
“Come on, Eddie, open the door! it’s hot as hell out here!” You recognize the voice as Mike’s and you cover your mouth, eyes wide as you look over at Eddie.
“I’m gonna throw up!”
“No you’re not! Not in my living room, at least.” He whisper-yells back to you. “Take Pen, go into my room, and shut the door. I’ll come and get you when everyone is inside.”
You nod, your stomach doing somersaults as you quickly walk over to Penelope and pick her up. As you shut Eddie’s room door, you tell your daughter to be quiet by putting your finger to your lips and going, “shhh.”
She does the same thing back to you, showing you that she understood.
You could hear a couple of voices from outside of the room and you nervously started tapping your foot against the floor as you waited for Eddie to come get you. About a minute goes by when you finally hear him tell everyone he has something to show them.
You hear Max groan and say, “You better not have gathered all of us here just to show us another one of your new guitars.”
He’s offended by the statement and defends himself, making you believe that he has gotten them all together just to show them one of his new instruments before. You stifle a laugh.
Eddie opens the door slowly so as to not scare you and motions behind him. “You ready?”
You take a deep breath and nod. Eddie guides you down the hall and you unintentionally hold onto Penelope a bit tighter.
“Surprise!” Your friend shouts just as you turn the corner into his living room.
Dustin was mid stuffing his face with chips when he saw you. Everyone’s movements were paused, eyes wide as they stared at you.
“Oh my gosh…” Jonathan managed to get out.
“Y/N!” Robin is the first to jump up off her seat and gather you in a hug.
It’s like her actions bursted through everyone's bubbles because one by one they all came up to you with tears threatening to spill.
“It’s been so long!”
“Are you back for good?”
“How have you been?”
“How long are you here for?”
“We missed you!”
“Wait!” Robin interrupted, “We’re all glad you’re back but uh, is this your baby sister or…?”
Everyone’s attention is now on Penelope and your heart starts beating faster. She’s oblivious to what’s happening at the moment and is even reaching over towards Dustin’s hair.
You clear your throat. “Guys, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Penelope. Penny, say hi!” you take her tiny hand and wave to your friends as she says a small “hi.”
There’s a beat of silence before they start speaking at once.
“What the f-”
“Watch your mouth, dingus, there’s a baby present.”
“I can’t believe you’re a mom.”
“Who’s the dad?”
“Mike! You can’t just ask that!”
“Why not?”
You feel yourself getting overwhelmed the more and more they ask questions. Eddie senses this quiets them down.
“Guys, guys! Let’s all settle down. I’m sure Y/N will answer all your questions in a bit and even so, she doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to. Let’s all just appreciate the fact that she’s back, alright?”
Everyone agrees and says sorry. You tell them it’s okay and offer to tell them what they want to know as you move to sit on the couch. Penelope wiggles out of your arms and walks over to Dustin who was sitting on the floor beside you with the rest of the kids.
“Oh,” he says, “hi.”
Penelope grabs a fistful of his hair pulling ever so slightly before letting his curls go and watching them spring back up. This makes her giggle and she does it again.
“Penny, no. We don’t pull people’s hair.” You tell her before fixing your gaze to Dustin. “Sorry Dusty, she likes to play with people’s hair. Especially people with curly hair.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles, “I don’t mind. Here,” he takes his hair and pulls it before letting it go, showing your daughter that he was okay with her doing it again. She giggles and tugs his hair again.
“Okay,” you sigh as you scan over everyone in the room, “What do you want to know?”
You had just finished updating them on everything that has happened since you left. You didn’t go into too much detail, just told them that the father of your baby was someone you met when you moved to Michigan and that when he found out you were pregnant, he bailed.
You didn’t mention anything about Steve and to your knowledge, no one even knew that you guys were involved at one point.
They didn’t ask any further questions about Penelope or her father. They either were done asking or they didn’t want to pry any further just yet. Instead, you moved on and told them about your time in Michigan and asked about what they had all been up to over the past 3 years.
Nancy and Jonathan were still together, Robin has a crush on a girl named Vickie and is too chicken-shit to ask her out, Dustin met some girl at a science camp he went to and now they’re dating, Mike and El were still together, same as Max and Lucas, Will was still playing third wheel (poor Will), and you found out that Joyce and Hopper had gotten together which threw you for a loop.
“Wait, wait, wait-” you shake your head, “your mom-” you point a finger between Will and Jonathan, “-is dating Hopper? Jim Hopper, like the guy who never cracks a smile? The guy who doesn’t enjoy like, anything?”
“That’s the one.”
“Well,” you start, “you find love in mysterious places with mysterious people, I guess. At least they’re happy.”
You turn your attention to your daughter who was in the middle of playing with Max, El, Dustin, and Lucas. They were helping her build a little tower. Well, they were doing most of the work, she was putting blocks on the tops of their heads saying, “stay!”
“Aww I wish I brought my camcorder, they’re so cute.” You pout.
“I brought my camera!” Jonathan says as he pulls it out of his bag, “I could snap a couple of photos for you.”
“Why’d you bring your camera?” Eddie questioned.
“I bring my camera everywhere.”
“Says the freak.”
You’re glad to see that not much has changed within your friend dynamic.
“I’d love it if you’d take photos of them playing with Penny.” You tell Jonathan. “I’ll even pay you!”
He scoffs as he snaps his first picture. “That’s not necessary Y/N. We’re friends. Plus, I just self-appointed as Penny’s uncle so if you want me to take photos of my niece, I will.”
“Oh, you self-appointed, huh?” You say with an amused smile.
“Let’s not let things get out of hand,” Eddie interrupted, “I’m still and always will be Pen’s favorite uncle.”
“We’ll see about that.” Dustin’s voice cut through the air.
“Stay outta this, Frodo.”
“Guys,” you interrupt them, “I’m sure she’ll love you all the same. Now-”
You were cut off when you heard the front door open then shut.
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice you hadn’t heard in a while dances around the room and you feel ill. “I’m assuming my invite got lost in the mail because I know my friends would never meet up and not tell me, right Eddie?”
He finally comes into view yet he hasn’t seen you and you feel like you’re about to throw up. You hadn’t spoken to him since he shattered your heart that fateful day in his bedroom. He looked older, a bit more mature. His hair was all the same, however. Maybe just a tad bit longer but nonetheless the same.
Your heart is pounding at this point. It feels like it’s about to pop out of your chest. Not a good feeling.
“So,” Steve starts, “what’s going-”
He finally sees you and his words fall off. It looks like he’s about to throw up too.
Eyes wide and jaw slacked, Steve manages to say one thing.
“Aw man…” you hear Eddie murmur.
You inhale deeply and slowly turn your head to the one person who promised you that he wouldn’t be here. Eddie is looking at you, utterly terrified, as he chokes out;
“Please don’t hurt my guitar…”
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minniesmutt · 3 days
I loved your pet play fic with seungmin, would you mind writing one with hyunjin? with kitten instead of puppy? and maybe soft dom hyunjin? 😶💖
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐱, 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: HYUNJIN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: SOFT DOM! HYUNJIN, KITTEN! READER, PET PLAY, FOOD MENTIONS, SOMNOPHILIA, CLIT PLAY, ORAL (F. REC), NIPPLE PLAY, PRAISE, UNPROTECTED SEX, CREAMPIE, HYUNJIN REFERRED TO AS DADDY, AFTER CARE ☾ ━━━ WC: 1.5K ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     Y/n was over it. Everyone at work was pissing her off and she was doing things far above her pay. It had been like this all week and she was at a tipping point. She was one moment away from crying. Her boyfriend was her only savior at the moment as his name popped up on her screen.
     “Hey babe,” Y/n said as she held the phone to her ear and packed up her bag
     “Hey. Everything alright?” Hyunjin’s voice came from the other line 
     “Yeah. Just packing up to leave.”
     “Rough day?”
     “Rough week. I might just go home and cry.” Y/n made her way out of the office and down to her car.
     “I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m stuck in the studio rehearsing a little longer than I thought I would be so I can’t comfort you.”
     “It’s okay Hyun. I understand, I wouldn't pull you away from work.”
     “Can I order dinner for you? Let me do something because I don’t know when I’m going to be home.”
     “It’s fine. I’m sure we have leftovers I can heat up.”
     “Let me rephrase, I’m ordering dinner for you. Go home and take a shower. I’ll order your comfort food, please eat, and then I’ll cuddle with you when I get home.” 
     Y/n got in her car and sighed as she sat, “Okay,” Y/n said
     “Hang on.” She heard some movement on his side as she started her car and connected her phone. “You in your car, kitten?”
     “Yeah,” Y/n, blushing a bit 
     “No more thinking, okay? Go home and shower then eat. I’ll call you when I’m off.”
     “Okay what, kitten?” 
     “Okay, daddy.”
     “Good girl. Daddy will take care of you when he comes home. No more thinking for the weekend. Just let me take care of you, alright?”
     “Alright Daddy.”
     “Drive safe kitten. Text me when you’re home.”
     “I will. I love you daddy.”
     “I love you too, Kitten. I’ll order your food for you.”
     “Thank you.”
     “You’re welcome. I’ll see you at home.”
     Hyunjin hung up the call and Y/n drove home. Trying not to cry in her way, not because of work but because of how grateful she was for her boyfriend. She barely beat the delivery man to her house. Her dinner was delivered right as she kicked her shoes off. She thanked him and took the food. 
     She let her boyfriend know she was home and was going to eat before taking a shower. She didn’t get a reply but she knew he was busy. She cleaned up and went into their room after she finished eating. Turning on the shower and going to grab some clothes. Noticing Hyunjin had left a couple of their kink things out from last night just as her phone rang with a text
hyunnie 🩵: alright baby. just relax until i get home, okay? y/n: you left my ears and collar from last night hyunnie 🩵: Oops! I’ll put them away when i get home. don’t worry about them  y/n: oooorrrr i can put them on and wait… hyunnie 🩵: are you sure baby? you don’t have to if you’re not feeling up for it y/n: please hyun🥺 it’ll make me feel better  hyunnie 🩵: okay. shower and get ready then. we’re almost done so i should be home soon then i’ll take care of my pretty kitty.  y/n: I love you 💚💚💚 hyunnie 🩵: i love you too kitten💚💚💚
     Y/n smiled at their little emoji code. Their way of giving the other consent when they were out of the house but had something planned. Y/n walked back into their bathroom after grabbing an oversized t-shirt. She stripped herself of her work clothes and got in the shower. Washing away the stress from the day under the warm water. 
     She dried off and put on the t-shirt. Walking back into their bedroom and grabbing the accessories he had left out. Putting on her cat ears and little collar before getting in their bed. Letting him know she was going to take a little nap while she waited and to wake her when he was home with a green heart. 
     Hyunjin didn’t see her last text till they finished their last run-through. Collapsing dramatically on the couch, took a breath then grabbed his phone. He smiled and texted her that he was coming home even though he knew she was asleep. He chugged the rest of his water and then gathered his things. Walking out with his friends before going their separate ways and confirming their time for practice tomorrow. 
     The dancer got in his car and made his way home to his sleepy girlfriend. Bouncing his free leg impatiently at every light he got stopped at. He all but ran into the house once he was home. Dropping his bag by the door and kicking his shoes off. He made his way up to their room. Finding the lights off and his precious girlfriend napping under their sheets. He smiled as he made his way to her. 
     Gently he pulled them off her body and kissed her head. She didn’t stir as he gently rolled her onto her back. Hyunjin kissed her forehead as he got on the bed. He spent his time gently peppering kisses on her face and neck as his thumbs rubbed circles into her thighs. Muttering a few words of affirmation he’d repeat when she was awake. 
     His hands roamed up her shirt, finding she had disregarded putting anything other than her shirt on. Hyunjin smiled and gently pushed her shirt up above her chest. Leaning down and continuing to pepper kisses on her breasts, moving her legs to the sides of his legs. 
     “Poor kitten’s been too overworked,” Hyunjin mumbled against her skin and ran two fingers through her folds. 
     His lips wrapped around her nipple as his fingers found her clit. Gently rubbing circles as she made a light moan. His tongue swirled around the bud in his mouth before he switched to the other one. Eventually leaving her nipples behind and moving down to her clit. Hyunjin gently put her legs over his shoulders as he lay on his stomach. He kissed her clit before licking a strip between her folds. Tongue dipping into her entrance and thrusting in and out of her. Lubing up her walls with his saliva and her own arousal. Moving the muscle in and out of her and switching to suck on her clit. Arms wrapped around her thighs to keep her still, even though she was sound asleep.
     Occasionally he could hear her sleepy moans as he prepped her. Looking up at her to check, only seeing she’d maybe turned her head from one side to the other. He pulled his tongue out of her and sat up on his knees. He pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it to their floor along with his pants. Stripping himself and pushing her legs apart.
     Slowly, Hyunjin pushed the tip of his cock into her. The intrusion made her whine a bit. He moved slowly, rubbing her clit with his thumb while he moved into her. “My precious kitten,” Hyunjin said.
     “Daddy…” Y/n mumbled, starting to stir
     “Mhm. Daddy’s here Kitten,” Hyunjin said as he started thrusting in and out.
     Y/n moaned as she opened her eyes a bit. “There’s my pretty girl,” Hyunjin smiled
     Y/n moaned as his tip brushed a certain spot inside her. “Daddy,” Y/n moaned
     “I’ve got you kitty. Tell me what you need,” Hyunjin cooed
     “Faster,” Y/n meekly asked
     Hyunjin picked up his pace and leaned over her. Planting his free hand next to her head as his hips bucked into her. Thumb almost matching his thrusting pace. Y/n reached up and wrapped her arms around him. She pulled him down to her as she moaned into his neck. Hyunjin smiled as she clenched around him. 
     Hyunjin smiled as he mumbled more praises into her ear till he had her creaming around him, almost sending him over too. “Fuck kitty,” Hyunjin groaned 
     “In me. Please Daddy,” Y/n whined 
     “Anything for you, kitten. Don’t have to ask.”
     Hyunjin thrusted into her a few more times before pushing in fully and unloading inside her. Holding himself up so as not to collapse on her before he finished. Once he was sure she had milked every last drop from him he pulled out and away from her. Y/n whined as he did, reaching out for him
     “Gotta clean you up kitten,” Hyunjin reminded her
     “More…” She mumbled     “Later pretty. You need some proper sleep.”     Hyunjin got her to the bathroom and cleaned her up, taking off their play accessories and setting them on the counter before taking her back to bed. Hyunjin tucked her in and properly cleaned up their room before getting in bed with her, pulling her onto his chest and letting her rest there till morning.
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@caravm @armystay89 @skzhoes @kiko-o-luck @cookiesandcreammy 
@alice-went-away @boldy-49 @chrizzztopherbang @rockstarkkami @wh0re4mingi
@rhonnie23 @hrskt @emollvvr-blog @tinys0ftie @soulphoenix1618 
@highkeyinlovewithhanjisung @nahitzstacyy @palindrome969 @thatgirlkay @borahae-reads
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yuujtadori · 2 days
padel my way - (oscar piastri x fem!reader)
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summary: a beautiful day to spend time together with the piastri's
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liked by oscarpiastri, user1, user2, user3 and others.
yournamepiastri no view can compete with my view 🤍
user1 im jealous of them
user2 OH WOW
user3 black shirt oscar is top tier
oscarpiastri i look quite dashing
you replied -> you look toooo good love
user5 never stop posting him
user6 wowie
user7 looking good
logansargeant i can hear you drooling posting this
you replied -> 😶😶
user9 where is your pic y/n.. i want to see u 😳
user10 it's giving rich money old money whatever tf vibes
user11 why is he kinda...
user12 -> welcome to the op81 club 😚
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liked by oscarpiastri, user1, lilymhe, user2 and others.
yournamepiastri our little helper for today @/oscarpiastri
user1 AWWWW
user2 those pink balls is a need
user4 pink is her colourrrr
oscarpiastri and by help is stealing the balls and not letting us play 😒
you replied -> i see nothing wrong!!!
user6 i believe in alicia's wrongs
user7 the only thing alicia is stealing is the peoples heart
lilymhe she's adorable
you replied -> 🙈🙈
user8 i love alicia
user9 😍😍
logansargeant i miss aliciaa
you replied -> we will see each other soon 😗
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liked by yournamepiastri, mclaren, user1, user2 and others.
oscarpiastri padel out with the family @/yournamepiastri
user1 y/n is a lucky woman 😫
user2 FINEE
user4 that polite smile ☺
user5 🙊🙊
user44 no words
yournamepiastri he's mineeee 😋
user6 y/n....
user7 LMAOO
yournamepiastri you did so well today ❤
user33 i enter the who's the biggest oscar fan and y/n shows up... we can't beat her i fear
yournamepiastri my husband 🙈
user8 to call oscar as ur husband is such a dream
user9 -> to call y/n as your wife is a dream as welll 😣
user81 yo oscar tell ur wife to post herself next 😔
user10 -> ikr!! hoping to see her in barcelona..
you replied -> 😉
user10 -> OMGG
user11 -> wooo that means more piastri family content 😆
check out my other post <3 masterlist
author note: i love them
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percervall · 14 hours
slipping through my fingers all the time — smau
Summary: A peek into the lives of girlypop and her gaggle of husbands Pairing: Kevin Magnussen x fem!reader, Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: none
images are all from pinterest, tumblr and instagram
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kevinmagnussen and others liked this
girlypop take all the time you need, peanut
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susie_wolff congratulations! you're gonna be the best mama ↳ girlypop thanks Susie!
jasmiine so happy for you guys! can't wait to be the best auntie for peanut! ↳ girlypop peanut is lucky to have you!
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girlypop, lewishamilton and others liked this
kevinmagnussen welcome to the world Agnes. Your mummy and dads love you so much already
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oscarpiastri welcome little roo
carmenmundt congratulations!
mickshumacher laila and I will come visit soon! congrats sis 😉 liked by girlypop
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susie_wolff, jasmiine, and others liked this
girlypop Agnes wanted to look at every single flower before picking her favourites for her dads. Happy father's day my loves
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jasmiine your husbands are the luckiest men ↳ lewishamilton oh, we know liked by aussiegrit and kevinmagnussen
landonorris glad to see the bucket hat is appreciated ✌🏼 liked by girlypop
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girlypop, aussiegrit and others liked this
lewishamilton words cannot express how happy we are. welcome Margot, you are so loved already
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georgerussell63 congrats mate!
charles_lecerc congratulations! 👶🏼
sebastianvettel congratulations!
susie_wolff Agnes can't wait to meet her little sister! congrats you four, she's perfect
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susie_wolff, lilyzneimer, and others liked this
girlypop getting so big already!
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sebastianvettel look at my goddaughter getting so strong! liked by girlypop
lailahasanovic 🏃🏼‍♀️ omw for some baby snuggles ↳mickshumacher 🏃🏼‍♂️ wait for me!
aussiegrit posted a new story!
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↳ oscarpiastri good to know I am not the only one she's got wrapped around her finger ↳ fernandoalo_ofical she's got better moves than him! 😂 ↳ jasmiine i'd say sorry for turning my niece into a swifty but you're welcome feels more appropriate 😘
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aussiegrit, kevinmagnussen and others liked this
girlypop whoever said it was a good idea to have a baby with a 6ft giant obviously has never been pregnant before
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jasmiine if you need me to 🧹 lmk ↳aussiegrit do I even want to know what this means? ↳jasmiine no✨
susie_wolff oh I know, it's the absolute worst! but, also worth it in the end liked by girlypop
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lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and others liked this
aussiegrit Our family felt incomplete without you. Welcome Luke
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jensonbutton congratulations man. fatherhood looks good on you liked by girlypop
fernandoalo_oficial congratulations!
oscarpiastri congrats old man! liked by girlypop and aussiegrit
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fernandoalo_oficial, oscarpiastri and others liked this
girlypop @.brittnyward is this yours?
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brittnyward ah, so that's where he went. pls remind him to pick up dishwasher tablets liked by girlypop ↳girlypop will do babe!
lilyzneimer can't blame him! baby luke is the cuddliest baby ever! liked by girlypop
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landonorris, mickshumacher and others liked this
girlypop this is what happens when Oscar and uncle LaLa look after Luke for the weekend 🤦🏼‍♀️
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oscarpiastri cheers mum 😶 this was all Lando ↳landonorris whats that supposed to mean? he looks like the coolest toddler on the grid! ↳jensonbutton he looks ready to take over quadrant liked by landonorris
lilyzneimer how did Agnes' race go? ↳aussiegrit she did so well! roo came third and was disappointed she didn't get to spray the champagne. pretty sure I saw nano cry ↳fernandoalo_oficial so did you cabrón liked by jensonbutton
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the next time I decide to do a smau, I'd appreciate it if someone would remind me of just how long this took me
please let me know what you think. your comments, likes, and tags mean the absolute world to me 💜
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gojuo · 3 days
omg i didnt hv the captions on for the first watch and I thought Aegon said “the queen is an ever endearing mystery” and i thought it was kinda cute?? lol
do NOT think about how aegon as the oldest child of a house haunted by ghosts and rotted by inherited curses with a mother offered on the altar of duty and sacrifice and a father wilfully letting himself choke on ancient history kind of had to be both father and mother to his younger siblings since no one else could do it for them but then his marriage at age 15 to his first sibling irreparably destroyed any and all chance of deliverance so now they're stuck like this ... two ships passing in the night ... never to be family again ... idk i dont wanna think about it or else i'll go crazy
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gwenfr · 1 day
I think Tim (and Oliver and Lou too) can have a little treat and be extra funny for a little scene :
Buck rents a giant hamster wheel for a day of fun after the team see one during a rescue. He and Eddie decide to play with it and are waiting for Tommy and the rest of the team to arrive.
Eddie put Buck in it.... and because they're both idiots, they're going way too fast
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Buck falls in it at the exact moment Tommy arrives.
Tommy sees the fall and goes to rescue Evan and takes him in his arm bridal style
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And then Buck says to Tommy : "Ooooh 😊 I knew you would be there to take me off the hamster wheel 😘"
I just think it would be funny you know and not petty at all 😶
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konigsblog · 2 days
I just came back to Tumblr after a couple of weeks and then sees the big ass complicated drama…. WHAT IS HAPPENING, GENUINELY 😭
well, @/391780/@/fulltacs have both uploaded posts and provided reasons to believe that myka (@codslut) and hannah (@sheheal) are lying about a death.
honestly, after reading all the posts about this situation, @sheheal seems weirdly suspicious about this entire thing, and their story isn't very clear, imo. there's not enough details, information, and evidence to back up their claim that myka has passed away.
hannah explained that they'd provide information to anyone who asked for it, but when someone actually DID ask for the information, they became ridiculously defensive and completely refused to explain how they'd found out about myka's death, before blocking them.
there are even screenshots of myka (@codslut) blocking someone after they had supposedly passed away... 😶
some people believe that "hannah" and myka are the same person, others believe that myka is deceased, and some believe that this is nothing but a sick and twisted lie. 😬
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ofthebrownajah · 3 days
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wintfleur · 3 hours
₊˚ෆ the start to a chaotic summer !
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this ideas suddenly just came to me , I’ve been having sm fun working on smau posts since I’ve been having a hard time writing lately , I hope you guys enjoy it !! . . pls don’t mind the few mentions of the challengers I’m obsessed with that movie rn )
𐙚 summary ( a few posts showing what Stella has been up to as of lately now that her summer has started ! )
au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
stellahughes added to their story !
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[caption: smiling at me like that as if he didn’t just take my ability to walk ]
jackhughes replied to your story ‘ESTELLA WTF’
jackhughes reacted with 🤮
_quinnhughes replied to your story ‘some things you just gotta keep to yourself stink 😐’
lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘Stella please stop this I’m disgusted, and it’s not even 1pm’
lhughes_06 reacted with 🍅
luca.fantilli reacted with 🤤
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘Princess the wording umm 🧐 ’
markestapa replied to your story ‘in public?? Pookie I was unfamiliar with your game 😮‍💨’
_alexturcotte replied to your story ‘have some decorum hughes goodness’
rutgermcgroarty replied to your story ‘babe I don’t think you worded this the best…’
stellahughes oh really ?? I couldn’t tell 😲
Lilybaileys replied to your story ‘STELLA YOU FREAKY GAL 🤭’
carmenbarlowe replied to your story ‘bestie I can’t keep defending you 😶’
ryan.leno_4 replied to your story ‘IVE BEEN A NASTY GIRL NASTY. IS SOMEBODY GONNA MATCH MY FREAK ??? 😌’
stellahughes RYAN PLEASE 😭
nicolassturniolo replied to your story GIRL 😭
stellahughes I meant from the workout we did 😭 the gym workout 😭 you know with weights and treadmills 😭
edwards.73 replied with ‘😟’
stellahughes i didn’t mean it like that 😣
pshoon2002 replied to your story ‘count your days mcgroarty. count your fucking days 😑’
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liked by bboeser, arberxhekaj_, simjaeyunn and others
🎵 HOT TO GO! - Chappell Roan
stellahughes: it’s training season, let’s get back to winning 😽
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username she’s coming back for her crown!!!
username please she never lost it.
username the ice princess is back!!!!
username pls I can’t wait for the edits
username i’m still not over the breakin dishes one 🤭
markestapa training stella is scary
edwards.73 and mean
stellahughes I’m not mean I’m just determined 😐 @/edwards.73
rutgermcgroarty it’s sexy dw baby 😮‍💨 @/stellahughes
stellahughes oh is it? 🤭 @/rutgermcgroarty
markestapa you guys disgust me.
nicohischier I will be cheering you on Estella!!
stellahughes you want me so bad omg 🤭
jackhughes omfg stella go away @/stellahughes
nicohischier guys please calm down.
stellahughes yes sir 😌
amberglenniceskater let’s go Stella!!!
stellahughes AMBERRR ML 🫶🏻
isabeau.levito USA USA USA ‼️
stellahughes THEY ARE NOT READY FOR US 🤭
_willsmith2 STELLAAA ‼️
stellahughes WILLL ‼️
_quinnhughes i definitely have the coolest sister
stellahughes nooo I have the coolest brother 🫶🏻
jackhughes brothers !! PLURAL you have the coolest BROTHERS @/stellahughes
stellahughes I know what I said @/jackhughes
rutgermcgroarty pretty girl 😍
rutgermcgroarty blessing my feed fr 😍 god slide six 😮‍💨
rutgermcgroarty have I told you I love you today??
rutgermcgroarty I LOVE YOU 🩷
rutgermcgroarty sometimes it still blows my mind how lucky I am 😻 like me ?? Dating an Olympic silver medalist. Fuck I’m so lucky I love love love you 🩷
stellahughes babe 😭 please come over so we can make out.
username pls can the 2026 Winter Olympics come any sooner 😭
username pls shes so aesthetically pleasing 🤭
simjaeyunn you already won the number one spot in my heart 😻
rutgermcgroarty IM SORRY???
pshoon2002 Jake I beg you put the phone down.
ahndaesee chat he’s getting bold 😭😭
stellahughes oh! Thanks Jake? 🫶🏻
ahndaesee bless your oblivious sweet soul @/stellahughes
stellahughes my child 🫶🏻
rutgermcgroarty since when did we have a child 🧍‍♂️@/stellahughes
stellahughes surprise 🥳 @/rutgermcgroarty
notriki hi dad! @/rutgermcgroarty
lhughes_06 I still haven’t recovered from that god awful green drink
stellahughes it’s not for the week lukey
lhughes_06 calling me lukey and then basically saying I’m week, in the same sentence is crazyyy 👎🏻
ahndaesee my superstar 🫶🏻
stellaughes my pretty dahee 🫶🏻
ryan.leno_4 my body still hasn’t recovered since you took us to that pilates class
stellahughes we have to go again so your body can get used to it!
gabeperreault44 NO NO NO ❌
_willsmith2 please no.
umichhockey our Olympic silver medalist 🫶🏻
stellahughes I love you admin 🫶🏻
christophersturniolo so when are you teaching me??
stellahughes when are you coming to visit hmm?
nicolassturniolo *US you mean
matthew.sturniolo YouTube vid idea ???
stellahughes I’m not going to go easy on you guys 😼
christophersturniolo LETS GOOOO
_connorbedard good luck Stella 🔥
stellahughes thank you con !! 🫶🏻
masonmctavish23 let’s go Stella !! 🔥
_quinnhughes lets go stink, so so proud of you! ❤️
stellahughes I love you quinny :(
trevorzegras STINK
jackhughes STINK STINK
colecaufield STINKKKKK
_alexturcotte STINK ‼️
stellahughes I hate you guys, please it’s not funny anymore 😭
lhughes_06 no no it’s still funny
williamnylander can’t wait to watch you win Estella! Miss you!
stellahughes thank you Willy! I miss you tons 🫶🏻
tatemcrae my girl my girl 😻
stellahughes mine mine mine 😻
usfigureskating our girl is back !!
stellahughes back n better 😽
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liked by _slafkovsky_ , dixiedamelio , barzal97 and others
🏷️ jackhughes colecaufield trevorzegras
🎵Maneater - Nelly Furtado
stellahughes: rip cole n jack , me and trev totally dominated their asses 💋
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jackhughes please never say you dominated my ass again you freak
jackhughes besides it’s Cole’s fault, he can’t hit a racket to save his life…or mine!
colecaufield yeah well you were shit at golf and you act like I would want to save your life anyway 🖕🏻
trevorzegras we really did a number on them @/stellahughes they are still arguing 🤣
stellahughes @/jackhughes @/colecaufield it’s okay, we will go easy on you in darts 💋
Lilybaileys I am channeling my inner tashi this summer
rutgermcgroarty babe what🧍‍♂️@/stellahughes
carmenbarlowe okay but Patrick tho…. 🤭
rutgermcgroarty sighs
username Please Stella being in love with art and Patrick is so real 😭
username her outfits always eat goddd 😫
username Stella + art and Patrick fanfic is not a want, it’s a need.
rutgermcgroarty please don’t, she’s already up all night reading them and watching edits 😭
tarayummyy ur so hot babes imyyy
stellahughes i miss you moreee 💋
_alexturcotte can’t believe you went without me.
luca.fantilli lookin good Stella 👀
stellahughes come back pls :(
username she’s so pretty sobs 💔
username can Rutger fight??
rutgermcgroarty you wouldn’t even know how to handle her bud
username no one will understand how much I love Stella’s relationship with Cole and Trevor 😭
colecaufield good games or whatever 🙄
stellahughes don’t be upset Cole! It’s not your fault Jack dragged you down 🫶🏻
jackhughes don’t be afraid to come downstairs, it’s on sight you brat.
_quinnhughes I’ll make sure to come next time!
stellahughes pls pls pls we missed you (mostly me because I missed actual good competition)
jackhughes I am actually going to fight you.
_quinnhughes she would win that as well 🤣
lhughes_06 thanks for the invite 🙄
stellahughes you were to busy sucking face with Ethan and Daisy to see that I texted you 10 times.
rutgermcgroarty Stella the skirts are driving me crazy 😵‍💫
stellahughes why do you think I wear them? 🤭
jackhughes I can’t stand you guys.
simjaeyunn what are you not good at 😻
pshoon2002 driving, playing hide and seek, swimming, writing in cursive…the list is quite long actually.
simjaeyunn Stella is this guy bothering you 😾
ahndaesee my superstar is always on top 🫶🏻
stellahughes my number one supporter 🫶🏻
rutgermcgroarty ‼️ LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER ‼️
ahndaesee gtfo rut don’t ruin this for me 😾
stellahughes pls guys don’t fight, their is enough of me to go around 🤭
rutgermcgroarty I DONT LIKE TO SHARE
pshoon2002 Stella doesn’t like selfish guys
username pls why is Stella’s comment sections always so chaotic
username Daisy and ruts beef is hilarious
username Stella, daisy and sunghoon best childhood friends ‼️
markestapa I’d let her fuck me with a racket 🏓
lhughes_06 MARK?!?!
markestapa POOKIE PLS HELP ME @/stellahughes
edwards.73 pls I can’t breathe 😭
username like I said chaotic 😭
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liked by _alexturcotte , _eliaspettersson , g.brindley4 and others
🎵 coming home - Beabadoobee
stellahughes: the prettiest views + jack n trev
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jackhughes there is way to much kissing going on here 😾
jackhughes what’s that’s supposed to mean ??
jackhughes for your information, I’m by far more prettier than you
stellahughes plss 😭 jack when did you get so funny??
trevorzegras are you saying me and Jack not pretty?
stellahughes 🤐
dylanduke25 I’m still recovering from that dinner 🤒
tyler__duke5 wdym I’m a great cook?
nick_moldenhauer great is a strong work bud
stellahughes you almost lit my kitchen AND Nick on fire 😰
tyler__duke5 ‘almost’ being the key word okay 👍🏻
Lilybaileys mark almost falling in the fire out was the best part of my night ☺️
markestapa just say you want me okay 😏
luca.fantilli miss you Stella :(
stellahughes I miss you more !! You and Adam get your asses here asap !!
adamfantilli yes ma’am 🫡
edwards.73 I’m still in shock from that criminal minds ep
LiamBarlowe I don’t think we will ever be the same 😖
stellahughes you guys are so dramatic omg 😭
trevorzegras Luke face planting into the water five seconds after you took that pic was the highlight of my day
stellahughes I thought we lost him ngl
jackhughes the Hughes do summer the best!
jackhughes would be a perfect summer if I don’t have to see you and rut kiss and touch each other all the time 😒
username everyone say thank you Stella for feeding us this summer!
username the iconic faceless pictures are back!
username love them but I miss her face 😭
lhughes_06 I’m pretty sure I still have water in my nose and ears
lhughes_06 also can we all vote that Tyler is never in charge of cooking again
stellahughes LEAVE TYLER ALONE YOU PUNK only I can bully him
colecaufield you always make the summers better stells! ❤️
stellahughes I love you coley ☹️ (let’s go get breakfast)
colecaufield I’m getting the keys rn
mackie.samo I’m still sick from all the s’mores stell
stellahughes please I haven’t left my bed 😭
stellahughes hmm it’s so comfy on my throne 😇
lhughes_06 someone please humble her
edwards.73 that’s no way to talk to your queen lukey
lhughes_06 omfg
markestapa MY BEAUTIFUL QUEEN 🙇‍♂️
_alexturcotte the way I witnessed you pushing rut into the lake after he took that first picture of you 😟
stellahughes I wanted him to take off his shirt 🤷🏻‍♀️
username Stella and rut are actually the cutest ever
username I love Stella’s relationship with all the guys!
username that’s their little sister !!
ahndaesee your ass looks great in that picture
edwards.73 BABE ??
lhughes_06 Baby pls stop looking at my sisters ass 😐
stellahughes look @/ahndaesee men trying to tell us woman, what to do 🙄
ahndaesee disgusting you two.
edwards.73 PRETTY I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING @/ahndaesee
_quinnhughes I’m never letting you drive the boat again.
stellahughes it was an accident, no one got hurt ☹️
trevorzegras i literally fell out of the boat Stella
stellahughes but it was funny! @/trevorzegras
_quinnhughes okay yeah ur right it was funny
trevorzegras wtf Quinn 😐
username pls Quinn and Trevor are so funny 😂
username boat Stella is the best Stella
rutgermcgroarty ur so cute baby, I can’t wait for more summers with you 🩷
stellahughes you make my summers (life) better rut 🩷
username awe Daisy and Stella cuddled up on the couch watching criminal minds 😭
carmenbarlowe I will never be able to look at that hot tub the same Stella 😐
rutgermcgroarty we weren’t even doing anything crazy 🙄
stellahughes omfg we were just kissing
stellahughes added to their story !
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[caption: not rut trying to erase our love @/ahndaesee 😐]
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘rutger mcgroarty count your fucking days’
stellahughes he’s sleeping on the couch tn 🙄
rutgermcgroarty replied to your story ‘you’re mine 😾’
stellahughes I love when you are possessive. But know your place 🩷 (I love you, but I love my wife)
lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘let’s go rut! Taking one for the team 💪🏻’
stellahughes 🙄👎🏻
simjaeyunn replied to your story ‘how dare he…you should break up with him 😌’
stellahughes don’t be silly Jake, I’m just being dramatic 🫶🏻
dylanduke25 replied to your story ‘oh, the d isn’t for me?”
stellahughes DYLAN PLS 😭
Lilybaileys replied to your story ‘that’s our sacred tree that mf 😠’
carmenbarlowe reacted with 😱
LiamBarlowe replied to your story ‘not him messing with the sacred tree’
stellahughes RIGHT ?! 😾 (miss you come back to Michigan pls)
markestapa replied to your story ‘oh he can mess with the tree but I can’t 🙄’
stellahughes don’t be jealous pookie 😽
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liked by adamfantilli , mollyannmcg , _willsmith2 and others
🏷️ ahndaesee
🎵How Sweet - NewJeans
stellahughes: my pretty wife took me out on a date today 😻
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📍 ahndaesee happy wife happy life 🥰
stellahughes happy WIVES happy LIVES 😻
rutgermcgroarty @/ahndaesee she’s literally laying right next to me rn in my shirt btw.
ahndaesee ya don’t you know how sweet it tastes ?? 🍭
rutgermcgroarty you DON’T know how sweet it tastes 😾
stellahughes RUT PLS ENOUGH 😭
username this is so pretty stop
username Stella and Daisy are the best duo mhm ‼️
username Prettiest best friends 💕
Lilybaileys about to get in my homewrecker era 😻
stellahughes we don’t live together
Lilybaileys stella pls you gotta stop quoting the challengers 😓
markestapa please ethan is a pouting mess rn he’s having Daisy withdrawals
stellahughes it’s deserved. now he knows how I feel 😾
lhughes_06 stop stealing my gf :/
stellahughes it’s not stealing if she willingly came 😼
lhughes_06 why is reading that making me so uncomfortable.
elblue6 you girls are so pretty 💕
stellahughes I love you mom 😽🩷
ahndaesee thank you Ellen 😭🫶🏻
pshoon2002 without me 😓
stellahughes stop being dramatic and come visit 🫶🏻 (PLEASE)
edwards.73 😐
stellahughes 👰🏻‍♀️ 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻 👰🏻‍♀️
edwards.73 I HATE YOU
stellahughes ur gf doesn’t 😮‍💨
username I love how close they are!!
username pls Luke and Ethan’s comments are taking me out 😭
username the nails are so pretty 🥰
rutgermcgroarty wow I am so lucky to have STELLA as MY GIRLFRIEND 🥰
ahndaesee 🙄
rutgermcgroarty I’m seeking for a promotion in our relationship 😌
rutgermcgroarty my eyes have been blessed 😍
stellahughes baby stop flirting with me in the comments and flirt with me in person pls
rutgermcgroarty bet 😏
username Stella please I am not your strongest soldier 😍
username cutest couple ever 🩷
rutgermcgroarty @/ahndaesee it’s on sight.
ahndaesee you heard the people 😇
lhughes_06 how do I dislike this post.
rutgermcgroarty ur asking the right questions.
mackie.samo LETS GO GIRLS ‼️
tyler__duke5 bring me some of those strawberries I’ll make us some pancakes
stellahughes if it’s in Daisy’s aprentment I’m down!
ahndaesee last time you cooked in my kitchen my apartment almost burned down @/tyler__duke5
tyler__duke5 okay but it was an accident ☹️
stellahughes yeah Daisy , it was an accident ☹️
carmenbarlowe I’m in love 🥰
ahndaesee you want us sooo bad 🤭
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this took me way to long omg 😭 I rlly hope you guys enjoyed it — please let me know what you guys think !! This genuinely took me forever . . . I also have another smau in the work !! )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( ahndaesee/daisy is an oc created by my bestie @qoqurt and everyone should go check her out pls !! So a few people in the smau might be a little confusing . . . So pshoon2002/sunghoon is Stella and Daisy’s childhood friend and is also in the kpop group enhypen !!! simjaeyunn/ jake and notriki/niki are also part of the group , just wanted to clear any confusion !! )
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lovings4turn @bunbunbl0gs @petite-potato4 @winterbarnesblog @yoontwin @iceflwers )
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roseofstardust · 2 hours
Armand apologists and defenders how are we feeling tonight 😶
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Jungkook: “let’s go!!!”
Jungkook: “let’s go!!!😣”
Jungkook: “let’s go please!🥺”
Jimin: “is that how you talk to Jin hyung??? 😠”
Jungkook: “let’s go”
Jungkook: “I was talking to you😏😌”
Jimin: “😶 oh really?😅☺️”
💜💛 never ending saga of 🐥🐰banmal & scolding🤭💜💛
credit: busanbaes
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Their smiles 🥹
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Jimin roaring about JK treating him like a baby and JK admitting it’s likely never gonna change 😂
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toxicanonymity · 2 days
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Thank you for EVERY INCH 4, Toxy!! I fucking LOVED it!! And I love you!🫂😘💕❤️
It’s my first ever collage so I’m sorry🫣
Oh my god? It's PERFECT 😍😍😍😍😍
The the name tag, the Mike's hard lemonade, the fruit 😶, the gun, the paranoia! So much here. I've been smiling at this for a good five minutes. Kate, you are an artist. Everything you touch is gold. And I'm really excited you liked this part that much!! THANK YOU 🫶 I LOVE YOU 🤟
Every Inch 4
straight to the masterlist you go 🖤
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abigaelinropes · 1 day
Was this not what you meant by cleaning the house? 😶🖤✨
✧ My Site <3 ✧
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re-decorate · 2 days
i would like to formally apologize to tyler about this early june business 😶
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